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tv   Headline News  RT  July 5, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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five months of desperation gone tunneled way the hunger strike drags on with prisoners failing to win changes to their plight as jail staff press on with force feeding. bracing itself for more on brightest stars backers of the ousted president mohamed morsy gathered for a massive rally against fuld they call a military coup. and south american leaders united support and
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condemnation lashing out at european countries for grounding they believe in leaders played with president morales claiming the u.s. pressured them to do so. news from russia and around the world the says he was me. thanks for joining us. five months and counting that's how long the inmates of the grand time of a prison have been refusing food to stop what they call inhumane treatment despite international outrage over the situation the hunger strike is showing no signs of ending today we're taking a closer look at why. so
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nearly two thirds of the mayors have now joined the protest against their indefinite detention without trial forty five of those prisoners are being strapped to a chair and having new trends falls down their nose twice a day the government says the procedure is done in the most humane way possible and it's trying to prevent death by using it to get their share count looks now at how the controversial practice is actually carried out and what the prisoners say about it. the u. one cost to the u.s. to stop force feeding guantanamo hunger strikers the practice is against international law and is seen by many as a form of torture and here is one first the guards strap the detainee down to a chair like this one then they put a mask over his face so that the detainee can't move bite or spit and the nurse snakes the feeding tube into nasal cavity the feeding tube which is roughly the size of a pens in cartridge or this or this is not an actual feeding tube but it gives you
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an idea and this area is very rich in endings and patients report extreme pain during the procedure and the nurse pushes the tube further down the throat creating a tightness that makes breathing difficult at that point patients typically feel pressure on their chest along some say it feels like they were drowning then the staff tapes the troop to the detainees knows so that they can bite or swallow it and then two cans of nutritional substances are being funneled through the tube now we wrote to guantanamo and asked whether they use an anesthetic for this seemingly painful procedure here's the response typically not however it is available if the detainees requests that most attorneys prefer to use standard all of oral to lubricate the two you asked of for szell's are trying to make it sound like it's not as bad but here is how one of the detainees
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a yemeni man somewhere nadji all house on the bell describes what force feeding actually feels like i will never forget the first time they passed a feeding tube up my nose i can't describe how painful it is to be force fed this way as it was thrust it made me feel like throwing up i wanted to vomit but i couldn't there was getting in my chest throat and stomach i had never experienced such pain before i would not wish this cruel punishment upon anyone we also asked the kuantan official how many detainees resist the procedure and how many give their consent to it and he won't be. saying the majority of the detainees report compliantly and do not resist detainees are given a choice to eat a hot meal drink the liquid new trend or be and troll fed the detainees see the choice differently take a listen to. when they come to force me into the chair if i refuse to be tied up they call the team so i have no choice either i can exercise my right to protest my detention and be beaten up or i can submit to pay in full force feeding for most
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people these detainees are out of sight out of mind as sudden as it is they say physical suffering is the only way to draw the world's attention to their plight we can't hear their voices but here's what they write i'm doing this because i want to know my destiny i cannot abide not knowing anymore i just hope that because of the pain we are suffering the eyes of the world will once again look to guantanamo before it is too indefinite detention is the worst form of torture respect us or kill us it's your choice the u.s. must take off its mask and kill us the obama administration doesn't want inmates to die but neither is it in a rush to give the detainees their lives back in washington i'm going to check on. the united states is running up quite a bill by keeping gone tunnel opened in other words it's very expensive to say the least one hundred and fifty million dollars per share that's how much the pentagon
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is spending on the facility that's roughly a million per person per prisoner compare it to the cost of regular inmates house within the u.s. and you're seeing it right here and to put that into perspective the average american citizen makes nearly eighteen times less than what the government pays for each gone time a prisoner and. one thing to note is an investigative journalist who's written extensively about gone ton of a bay prison and let's now join him live from london mr worthington thank you very much indeed for your time is it really difficult to. put some of those prisoners inmates on trial or release them instead of paying millions and millions of dollars to keep them in the prison inside the prison. mazing lee it's proving very difficult for president obama to do anything about it he has all of the one hundred
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sixty six prisoners there he has eighty six men who were told that the united states didn't want to carry on holding them three and a half years ago by an interagency task force that he established and as you mentioned it's costing nearly a million dollars a year to keep men that the u.s. doesn't even want to hold so the president's had obstruction in congress he's been unwilling to spend the political capital to release men and he still needs to do something about that we've had a fine speech from him which was back on may the twenty third when he said he was going to resume releasing prisoners from guantanamo and since then not a single prisoner has been released so you know for us to have had the american day of independence yesterday and people to be celebrating their freedom from tyranny i think it's very ironic that what's happening in tyler is that this horrendous force feeding is still happening for these men who are subject to the new tyranny of the united states and we're all just waiting for president obama to do the right thing
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why is force feeding such a problem the military is doing it to prevent the prisoners from die i mean if it's right to save their lives right. well you know medical professionals all agree that it is that it is wrong to force feed a mentally competent prisoner and force feeding is a form of torture but obviously it would be a terrible p.r. disaster for any country that was force feeding prisoners to have them die if force feeding them would keep them alive so you know i can see why they're doing it what the problem that gets me is that we always need to look at the political issue behind these men. endangering their lives starving themselves in this way to demonstrate to the world that a terrible injustice is taking place in tournaments and the solution to that is not whatever the army has to do it the solution to that is the political president obama and the united states congress they're responsible for keeping people in prison they're going to animo i the man they said they wanted to release all men
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that they say they want to put on trial and we need to see action and we need to constantly look and ask the president and the congress what's happening why they're not acting whenever we're talking about guantanamo yes now we have clifford slow now who's in new and who are responsible for closing guantanamo if the prison is closed where will all the inmates end up. well you know first of all we have to get these eighty six cleared men out of guantanamo and back to their home countries or to other countries if that needs to be arranged now two thirds of these men are from yemen and we're still waiting for an arrangement that says look if you clear prisoners and say they're going to leave you can't then turn around and say oh but we think yemen is not safe send these people home then we are left with eighty prisoners now the united states has said that forty six of those people it wants to hold indefinitely because it believes they're dangerous but it doesn't have evidence that it says it can use in a court of law that makes that evidence very suspicious to any rational person i
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believe but they need to initiate reviews of these men's cases to look again at what they claim is the evidence and they've a handful of people there they say they're going to put on trial they need to get on with those trials first the story really according to the authorities there are only twelve people in total who are going to go on trial so as far as i can see everyone else needs to be released it's nearly twelve years that this prison has been opened it will be twelve years in january it's always been an abomination morally ethically legally. harmful to america's so interest it really is in a time that the place is closed oh all right investigative journalist and author of the gone time of files and the washington thank you very much indeed for your time . stating to r.t. because we'll be covering all things gone time outs rob the day and all the talking to former prisoners their lawyers and x. military personnel about the situation at the facility to stay that.
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this is not a surprise to me that we've got problems and one time during a time of budget cuts we spend one hundred fifty billion dollars each year to imprison one hundred sixty six people get more become a symbol around the world for america that the rule of law. let's move on now the muslim brotherhood supporters in egypt are promising months prior to the crew that deposed president morsi the military has been arresting top islamists big figures while other faction members claim they're being hunted the country's authorities have started morse's ousting was they have stated rather more says ousting alls the will of the egyptian people while the army says it won't take any action against peaceful protests but as are true polls there are fears of more violence you had the interim president adly mansour who is the head of the constitutional court sworn in yesterday he made some reassuring sounds the nation
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that he would have been as a technocratic. council to be the country he even extended a hand out to mr brotherhood saying they would be included in the map which will roadmap of the future however really we are seeing a seriously divided country with the supporters of the president to a largely spearheaded by his islamist group that mr brotherhood and their political parties are saying that he is the legitimate president he must be reinstated and they will not move from that position they are still holding a sittin in a mosque in the center of the capital that's currently surrounded by the military vehicles the main stage of this is and yesterday one of the speakers and now it's a march from the mosque to the defense ministry and this is where people fearing there's going to be violence because the supporters of the now ousted president will have to battle through several lines of soldiers past armored vehicles including tanks and then marched to the main headquarters of the army which is
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a very difficult place to protest in front of and i've seen you know several clashes and deaths in the past clashes still continuing between supporters and opponents of the former president we don't know where the president is we've got all these arrests happening every day with t.v. channels being shut down the big bro brotherhoods so really we're seeing quite a lot of tension here in egypt with expected clashes today. and let's now get more on the situation in egypt from daniel pipes president of the middle east forum a think tank mr pipes thank you very much indeed for joining us here at all to see how well most is out the military is in does a change look good from your point. mr pipes mr daniel pipes can you hear us. well. it's like he doesn't tell you right of course we're trying to bring you mr
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pipes later but more stories ahead for you of course including outrage in south america triggered by the grounding of they believe in presidential play with president murat is saying he is ready to close the u.s. embassy in his country blaming washington for pressuring europe to block his chat. and also at the at this hour restored force rallies cry out across the u.s. what americans taking to the streets angered at the government keeping on the personal lives and data that's just around the corner. but all the talk about language is what i will only react to situations i have read the reports for. the police to know i will be back to stay partly to comment on your latter point to save. your k.l.a. colleagues on the job killing health i. think you know more weasely.
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when you made a direct question are you prepared for a change when you know you should be ready for a. critical stage in little doubt the freedom to watch. my right to see my first strike. and i think that your. i. see welcome
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back latin american leaders have been and feel in fewer ated by the recent grounding of the believe in a presidential plane condemning it as a slap in the face for the region they have been rallying in support of their colleague admiral maraniss whose plane was rerouted over suspicions the n.s.a. leaker edward snowden also on board that are demanding an apology from france italy portugal and spain you are glad i slammed their actions as political terrorism to the international right of asylum a harsh condemnation and hard harsh comment from venezuela here as well the u.s. lead roles europe they say the president of argentina said it was serious it was actually curious morale explain was grounded by those who used to talk about protecting international rights while the ecuadorian president said it felt they are being treated like a colony and they believe in present him so sad he's even ready to show the american mission to his country. a little bit but you know is that when you're in
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a we will clearly examine it and if it's necessary we will close the u.s. embassy in bolivia we do not need the american embassy we don't need their cooperation or diplomatic relations with them while they conspire against us from within our country and from the outside my hand won't shake to close the u.s. embassy we've got dignity we've got sovereignty without the us we're better politically and democratically without the i.m.f. and world bank we're better economically so we do not need them. spain says it and other countries were told snowden was on board the believe in plane but it's refused to say whether information came from despite south american leaders claiming washington's hand was behind the diversion of president marlice his plane has remained quiet policy and development specialist power a foreigner says the you as has build a global power system where sovereignty is in question the rules of international
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law have been totally. shaken. i did say since nine hundred eighty nine on. a level that even among the western powers now there is a situation where someone is more equal than others. realty or the sovereign state to adopt a decision. of a certain individual. completely. to favor the major interest of the center of the imperial system which is washington in this case. the grounding of the believe in presidential plane in europe comes hot on the heels of revelations about the vile snooping activities of the us one targeted e.u. officials and citizens moved by europe's of origin is that for certainly raised eyebrows according to investigative reporter dave lindorff. it's quite astonishing to me to see how the leaders in europe germany and france and
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several other countries spoke out angrily at finding out that they were being spied on that their embassies were being spied on in washington that the e.u. off system cells in europe were being spied on and then all of a sudden they all flat out said first of all they would not grant asylum to snowden who led them to know all that and then they keep denying this flight that they thought was carrying snowden i think what was happening was the u.s. probably told them about a plane that had snowden on it and didn't bother to tell them that it was a presidential flight. meanwhile the man who blew the whistle on sweeping global banking toppling the substring is still stranded in a moscow airport had to have called to follow the unfolding snowden saga iceland's past he wants the whistleblower to be given citizenship to save him from legal limbo in
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a transit lounge. and another click away on r.t. dot com california police arrested a man for playing loud music and video taping them before they then shot his dog after the had jumped out an officer. also on line scientists get excited about a new out of this world discovery the existence of space wind had to r.t. dot com to learn more about that phenomenon. of discontent over the and i say the whipping surveillance program is now rocking the u.s. itself as more than one hundred cities across america marks independence day with a massive rally against spying they were stolen false campaign initially kicked off on social networks and has rapidly gained support calling for respect for the fourth amendment of the bill of rights which were tight fit isn't as against
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illegal searches and seizures are she's caught up with a protest in new york for us. on the birthday of america's independence hundreds are taking to the streets in new york city and throughout the country to take part in the restore the force rally this is a campaign not launched last month in the aftermath of edward snowden's revelations about america's spying program a program that has shocked those living in the united states and those living around the world another story the war aims to offer to restore the fourth bill of rights which protects us citizens the not lawful search and seizures the purpose of this rally organizers say is to spread awareness and spur political action against unconstitutional spying by the us government press freedom out advocates that we spoke with say that these protests are crucial because mainstream media is not adequately covering the n.s.a.
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leaks and their importance to everyday citizens i believe that the fourth amendment is being breached by only the government but by the police with search and seizure with the n.s.a. leaks and everything that's been coming out even though they say that there's laws that make everything they do legal it seems like legal gymnastics to me i voted for obama twice i donated twice but i'm tired of the expansion of these programs that seem to violate our rights it really frightens me that the director of national intelligence lied to congress and i haven't really been any repercussions we're living in the midst of the of the largest. you know on unreasonable search and seizure system we've ever seen in the history of mankind is completely suspiciousness search and seizure of our information and that people should be infuriated that this crowd has marched more than kilometers down manhattan with andy here at federal hall the first congress cost the bill of rights in addition to this event more than five hundred thousand people have signed an online petition
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stop watching daughter demanding full disclosure of all. and i say programs now although this rally may be over those participating in it say that their campaign is just getting ready from new york marina port not artsy. and tom corral and organize all the running new york some of the funds the u.s. government has been spying on electronic communications without ronit warrants makes of bangerz and precedented little for it is necessary for surveillance to occur however the problem with the way that it's being done now is that it is wholly unconstitutional and i would say that many people feel that way but the fourth amendment says the government can search and seize any information without a warrant and although warrants can be issued through the act they're usually done after the fact after the search has been done and they've had
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a almost one hundred percent approval rate of these firings after the fact we hope to be able to make the those programs constitutional by explicitly prohibiting surveillance of americans without warrants fact by probable probable cause. news just in egyptian troops have reportedly opened fire at mohammed morsi as bikers marched on the headquarters of the republican guard at least three people are said to have been killed and several injured the deposed is the misleaders currently believed h.q. and of course we'll bring you more on this as soon as we get it. other news making headlines around the world police in peru clashed with protesting civil servants in lima using water cannons and tear gas to break up the crowds at the rally against new laws forcing annual assessments on government workers this is the most recent
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of a string of protests against multiple reforms that have been taking part in cities nationwide critics say job losses are on the horizon also as state students demonstrated against changes to education. pakistan's new government has led the country's been on the delft penalty expire london's on this international has condemned the decision as shocking and retrograde the moratorium was introduced by that than government in two thousand and eight that expired last month around four hundred fifty people are currently on death row in prisons across the country . desmond tutu has intervened to ask nelson mandela's relatives to stop fighting this family is currently embroiled in a very public dispute over the political dry and final place of resting the ninety four year old is in a critical but stable condition and approach henri hospital where masses of well wishers have gathered outside.
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russia and china are beginning joint nabl trails in the sea of japan beijing says the exercises which will run for a week are the largest ever held with a foreign partner destroyers warships airplanes head of. his and submarines are all taking ponce china as a major constant for russian arms and won't close a time he's basing has territorial disputes with several neighbors and is concerned about washington's in clintons and the region. and up next with venture even deeper into what cools they will street crash and the great depression that's a heist to hang on and see.
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as a person who lives in russia i get asked very often why automated console fiat's well are americans actually fat or is this just a myth from some hater countries the centers for disease control have declared obesity to be a disease as if twenty point nine percent of adult americans are obese and that is an all time high people blame the sedentary lifestyle as the cause yes if you were out all day at work and then all evening after driving the home of sure doesn't help your waistline but problems can have multiple causes and the authors of the book rich food poor food believe it could be tied to eight foods that are allowed in america but are banned in many other countries across the globe some of these chemicals and techniques and foods that are banned by some other countries are a less strong which is in many snack products which lower scale worries but kills your body's ability to absorb minerals brought native flour which saves tons of time for the baker but beats up your internal organs and of course our good old
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friend synthetic growth hormones which are in livestock which have been linked to cancer big problems really have simple solutions you could run around and exercise as much as you like but if you're being pumped full of these chemicals that are illegal in much of the world well your chances of fitting into that big. are ironically slim but that's just my opinion. an infinite number of people coming who are taking jobs that pay over one hundred thousand a year you know they're going to pay taxes we create lots of other jobs around those people in my my basic view is that the country should welcome as many of
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those people as we can get and what the corporations are doing to the tell congress all there's a shortage of engineers is a shortage of scientists we can't find any this is all an absolute total lie with the sure many corporations will go to any lengths including these legal but deceptive practices to hire cheaper foreign labor look at this video clip recorded at a seminar conducted by an american law firm for human resources professionals and our goal is clearly not to find a qualified interested u.s. worker and you know that in the sense that sounds funny but it's what we're trying to do here i get fifty resumes my god this is the last thing i want to do is interview these fifty people does the law require that i actually interview each and every candidate you know everything if it gets to the point where there's somebody is the letter very well.


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