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tv   Headline News  RT  July 7, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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more. on the run edward snowden could be heading to latin america with the leaders of three countries there saying they're ready to grant him political asylum this after his latest leaks reveal that brazil and russia have been targeted by the u.s. snooping program. and more top stories most of the week egypt rocked by more deadly clashes between backers and opponents of the ousted leader mohamed morsi as russia's president putin wants against escalation into an all out civil war. and no sign of a letter from the guantanamo bay hunger strike now if you had six months prison guards are resorting to new harsh techniques to end the standoff.
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is joined is kevin owen here at r.t. tonight this is the weekly right at the top stories of the last seven days first latin american countries have said that they're ready to grant asylum to edward snowden the leaders of bolivia venezuela and nicaragua are all offering a helping hand to the man who's exposed the u.s. government's global surveillance web washington's aggressive pursuit of the whistleblowers prompted those leaders to rally around the former n.s.a. contractor he's innocent now reports i think snowden tsonga spice is out with a latin american twist a glimmer of hope after living in limbo for weeks then as well nicaragua and bolivia offered the n.s.a. leaker asylum after and european countries rejected his official request for most of the week if snowden himself didn't know where his future would be taking him then we certainly didn't and this really it was thought ecuador might be a possibility but president caray is sentiment. toward snowden shifted suddenly
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thing there help with initial transport documents was a mistake then as well as my dural made his country's stance clear this weekend saying snowden can come and live in the land of chavez quote away from the persecution of american imperialism but only after bolivia's ever morale us was detained and denied airspace over europe for some fourteen hours while his presidential plane was searched for snowden in an exclusive interview with our team around reacted to what bolivia called a kidnapping is huge and they think they can humiliate and subdue us by blackmailing us and dictate their own terms like they did before making us change our policies they're wrong would make our own decisions and they can't pressure us into doing what they want. latin america united with their condemnation social media rock did with claims the u.s.
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was behind the move and europe a puppet washington remains silent they have made a serious mistake because this is just one more example of the way things are going to be not only throughout latin america but throughout the world already where you have powerful hegemonic totally disrespectful towards the national sovereignty of all countries even their allies snowden's leaks help reveal how the u.s. was cold war style tapping their closest e.u. partners even when you expose the truth in even when you give it this truth to the people who are being spied on they won't step up and support troops so yeah it is a bit frustrating to see these european nations just kind of ignore this outright spying that's out of the last searching for snowden at all cost and he's there now i r t moscow want to correct you in medias no published or said to be an official request from snowden a letter that apparently was written last sunday and the government hasn't
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confirmed whether this letter is authentic or not but let's take a look at what it says it's a long drive to pick up the salient point you. apparently says that he fears u.s. prosecution after exposing his government's violations of the constitution and the u.n. treaties goes on to say the whistleblower doesn't think he's going to get a fair trial and he worries that he's going to face life in prison or the death penalty if he returns home. snow just published a statement accusing obama of using his citizenship as a weapon and a war activist norman solomon agrees with this washington's trampling on snowden's basic human rights. the conduct of the u.s. government including statements made publicly by president obama and vice president biden from the very beginning several weeks ago intended to decry as edward snowden of basic rights innocent until proven guilty first amendment are and the freedom of speech that he had isn't tailored to you as are all american citizens so i think the statement by we're snowden is quite reasonable quite
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accurate and the united states from a tactical standpoint as the government has attempted to use the calling of stones as court as a weapon and that's just wrong. more spying revelations are coming out this time brazil is in the spotlight snowden's leaks documents show that the country was a major target for u.s. intelligence russia china iran and pakistan are also all highlighted as key data gathering targets this after some latin american leaders lashed out their washington during a summit in bolivia you accuse washington of quote political terrorism and quote while better as well as leaders said the united states actions show the extent of its control over european governments argentina's president meantime said that the grounding of that bolivian presidential plane awareness there was a human rights violation committed by e.u. countries which usually promote the meantime ecuador's leader ruffo korea criticize washington for its colonial approach to latin america and the leader of the host
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nation over morales also had plenty to say as r.t. spanish correspondent go via reports now. said this all for is a protest against the u.s. and some european nations speech has always been mostly anti american but now the u.s. is not alone since france portugal italy and spain closed their ers they used to believe u.s. presidential blame europe has become the new way to be the i also mentioned that now is it time for latino american countries to impose their own politics of course he was referring to the u.s. now we have clearly seen here on the streets in the past this new anti european feeling people are angry and their minds are going back to colonial times now if you put together colonial memories and this skyjack episode the combination can be a ball movement meaning that relations between a latin america and these four european countries might be meeting a new story and it may not be that bright so show by
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a lot of american states after the growing rise is plain in europe that a nerve then across the region as part of dr francisco domingo's he's head of latin american studies at middlesex university it's all with diplomatic fallout could have serious consequences for the us sounds like you know the united states seems to be hey pretty bad actually. to the latin american nations to such a way it's a pity that the european nations do not have an independent point foreign policy of the united states who's going to lose much more out of these in the united states country after country latin america and distancing themselves of comically politically and even militarily from the united states in geopolitical great rearrangement that has taken place as we speak a lot. of stability was asia particularly china and in that sense the united states should be more careful let's go into conflict literally every single time it doesn't look good and it doesn't do the united states any favor in
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the silence from obama speaks volumes. well for looking for the latest updates and edward snowden or indeed mr key development over the past couple of days we've got it all for you on our website we invite you to check out the whole time on r.t. dot com complete with fresh updates opinions and plenty more to. reuters saying here the latest from tahrir square he gypsy it back into political deadlock this last week must celebrations after the country deposed its first democratically elected leader turning into those deadly clashes between supporters and opponents of mahmoud morsi of the say these are the latest pictures coming through tonight fireworks going up. hardly any room to spare there we see the tents in the center was different couple of days of course ago when all that was cleared out but they're back again tonight thousands of anti morsy protesters have gathered there while a new interim government slowly being formed at the same time but millions nonetheless are fearful over what lies next of the country as paul asli reports. egypt's back
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in the headlines but for all the wrong reasons a week of street battles mass crowds a divided country on the brink of civil war this is the street where the worst violence in cairo happened even thirty five people killed more than a thousand injured the mood is extremely tense friends family and supporters shouting crying a lot of emotion at the country's bracing itself for more u.s. issued military combat boots stand guard the newly installed army is not taking any chances with no clear government action to change as well the status quo in egypt is on the brink of disaster terms in upper egypt tonight it's going to enact a real policy and real change is on the one side the millions who rallied for the ouster of the muslim brotherhood president mohamed morsi they got what they wanted when on wednesday the army took over across the bridge those who want him reinstated both sides are talking wall i want to say to the american statesman to
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the wall into the wall and to the west to europe be careful. if you joined that out of me there gyptian out of me or the head of the egyptian army to destroy the islamists that means that you turn in this country to up plays that will produce a lot of islamists there's a strong feeling of deja vu after just a year in office the muslim brotherhood leaders have joined the a p to say so imprisoned president hosni mubarak both now sit in the same jail for an annular america's betting on a losing horse by selling out to the islamists where is the america that calls for freedom why have they allowed this to happen does freedom mean shutting down islamic t.v. channels does it mean shutting down news papers mean i'm a hare watches events unfold from his balcony this cup question lives in an apartment overlooking tahrir square he says it's now each option against egypt this is something that completes the first evolution. official position was incomplete
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but i have been. the military taking control of the country for more than a year and then. using a democracy in a very bad way by giving. the country to the muslim brotherhood which was the worst people to control the country this is as much of the and i would like you to join me in a journey through time travel back in time travel to unravel discoveries discover evolution that made egypt and the element that made egypt revolution able to take is one of the few taking advantage of the constant turmoil he offers foreign tourists of the r.p. with illusionary to it includes a quick look at a few well the mostly through the cars window now m m so was spoken thanks to that evolution i used to stammer and stutter and flounder now you see my speech flows like a mighty stream momos like british people but most tourists are staying away while
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the country plummets unemployment's up and the egyptian pound is foster. using its already weakened value as supporters on both sides brace for more confrontations many fear the situation will only go from bad to worse policy r.t. khyber. or russia's president's war the situation in egypt could escalate into a much more severe conflict in syria which are fortunately syria is already in the gulf in a civil war however sad it seems and egypt is moving in the same direction we wish the egyptian people can avoid this fate. well for more on the situation in egypt listen across to my good read about trust he's a political science professor to hell with university in cairo mr boutros hi there you live on r.t. i think you may have a few problems hearing our sound but we thought we'd come to you anyway just in case there were some problems cleared up always seeing egypt following syria's path here is that the way it's headed
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up by. you know syria is a totally different case than egypt syria there is a civil war because there is an oppression by the army. and it's not following the human rights code in egypt there was an uprising this uprising was supported by the army to fulfill the demands of people so this uprising was. according to google earth and other international estimates between twenty to thirty three million people went out demanded to change the or press of the regime so the army did respond to it the legitimacy of that regime was eroded several times by the actions the conspiracy against the state with the communications with
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the terrorists of hamas and the assassination of sixteen. jews and officers till now after one year there is no news about them as soon as the regime was overthrown now we know who killed them there are thirty three named people from how mass and how mass now and other militants are. attacking sinai to have an independent state now there is a coup truly accusing the next president morsi and the muslim brotherhood leaders that they were freed by hamas militants this is a court ruling in june two thousand and three last month so we're talking about conspiracy against the state ok but mostly go on the military but this is the very
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thing that egyptians were campaigning against not that long ago where is it going to go from here let's just focus on this simple point is this a long grab or is it as they say simply a transitional period. we hope that we don't witness such a division in among egyptians however. this is what if you if you look at the numbers of people now on the streets supporting the new regime you will see that more than twenty twenty five million people in the streets now when you are talking about twenty five million people in the streets you know that this is a real revolution this is not a coup d'etat so now let's see what's going on we are we are seeing
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a divided country. when we see a divided country the only way is negotiations biol so we have some islam the. forty's are supporting like noor party the sellafield forty. supporting the coalition government to save the country so we have islamists. trying to solve our trying to negotiate but we are talking about one faction which is political islam. the radical part of it trying to take over without. allowing any other factions to share power and this is not true we left them for one year and this year with catastrophic to egypt now that catastrophic to egypt made
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the egyptian nation that's always been homogeneous and united now it's divided after one year of of the muslim brotherhood rule we were not revolved thing against a president we would revolt. again this is the muslim brotherhood that made the egyptian. economic social and political situation but often on this way it's going to end the civil war that's why the all to me responded to the people so i'm going to leave it there thank you for your time tonight sir about the few sound problems we had but i'm glad you can hear is eventually took a moment professor of political silence and political science professor to say my good read about how universe the current think. more stories for you ahead including a passenger train derails in south russia over seventy people injured evidently oh
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say several carriages of it off the tracks some of them overturned if you catch the details right after the break. the civilized world produces more food than it needs. well people die of hunger in other countries. millions of victims every. where a meal is the most treasured. is flood or drought to blame. it was a bad year without a train. we couldn't plant anything. there was great hunger. but was it that help comes too late and without good intentions.
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charity diplomacy and business want to take. going turnover by prisons one hundred six months with no sign of a resolution gobs of u.s. military jail in cuba resorting to new harsh tactics to force them into the process to the protests reportedly slamming cell doors now up to three hundred times a night to keep prisoners awake sleep deprivation diligently linked to the upcoming ramadan fast when force feeding will be conducted at night the detainees lawyers will know that in view of the inmates we condition keeping them awake at night
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could now be highly dangerous of the one hundred six prisoners that are now refusing food forty five being subjected to force feeding the u.s. government's defended the practice in the face of criticism from human rights groups he's going to shoot you can investigate the you one cost to the u.s. to stop force feeding guantanamo hunger strikers that practice is against international law and is seen by many as a form of torture and here is one first the guards strap the detainee down to a chair like this one then they put a mask over his face so that the detainee can't move bite or spit then the nurse snakes the feeding tube into a nasal cavity the feeding tube which is roughly the size of a pens incorporates or this or this is not an actual feeding tube but it gives you an idea here and this area is very rich in nerve endings in patients report extreme pain during the procedure and the nurse pushes the tube further down the throat
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creating a tightness that makes breathing difficult at that point patients typically feel pressure on their chest and long some say it feels like they were drowning then the staff tapes their troop to the detainees know so that they can bite or swallow it and then two cans of nutritional substances are being funneled through the tube now we rode to guantanamo and asked whether they use an anesthetic for this seemingly painful procedure. here's the response typically not however it is available if the detainees request that most attorneys prefer to use standard all of oral to lubricate the two us of us are trying to make it sound like it's not as bad but here is how one of the detainees a yemeni man somewhere not jail house on the bell describes what force feeding actually feels like i will never forget the first time they passed a feeding tube up my nose i can't describe how painful it is to be force fed this way as it was thrust it made me feel like throwing up i wanted to vomit but i
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couldn't there was getting in my chest throat and stomach i had never experienced such pain before i would not wish this cruel punishment upon anyone we also asked the kuantan official how many detainees resist the procedure and how many give their consent to it and he went back saying the majority of the detainees report compliantly and do not resist detainees are given a choice to eat a hot meal drink the liquid new trend or be enthralled fed by the detainee see the choice differently take a listen. when they come to force me into the chair if i refuse to be tied up they call the team so i have no choice either i can exercise my right to protest my detention and be beaten up or i can submit to painful force feeding for most people these detainees are out of sight out of mind as sudden as it is they say physical suffering is the only way to draw the world's attention to their plight we can't hear their voices but here's what they write i'm doing this because i want to know
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my destiny i cannot abide not knowing anymore i just hope that because of the pain we are suffering the eyes of the world will once again look to guantanamo before it is too indefinite detention is the worst form of torture. respect us or kill us it's your choice the u.s. must take off its mask and kill us the obama administration doesn't want one hundred inmates to die but neither is it in a rush to give the detainees their lives back in washington i'm going to check on tony camerino so to the u.s. air force for nearly two decades and conducted more than a thousand and tara geishas he told us the growing tide of a detainee's have become our main recruitment targets. i still work in the middle east and i still hear time in time out from people there on the street that guantanamo bay represents the idea that america is at war against muslims it's not at war against criminals who commit terrorist acts and we cannot erase what's
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happened in the past regardless of how well you know hard we try. to obey as i learned in iraq when we debriefed foreign fighters was al qaeda is number one recruitment tool along with abu ghraib and it will continue to be so this is you know the indefinite detention of n.s.a. people is a great selling point for al qaeda to recruit new fighters that america is not the country that it says it is. a couple stories online that online team of picked up a few today to bring your attention snail mail spying if you thought that you could be rather bored even played with additional letters think it did you for disappointment new reports show the u.s. postal service has been working alongside the intelligence services for decades with mail workers photographs and letters and packages before they've been delivered properly is nothing new. for the full story there and discovery of
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a different kind of life here soon antarctica's lake vostok we got reports that scientists are getting very excited over a new discovery that found thousands of life forms in the isolated will be able to this be cut off from the sun for millions of years it's good news they want to share it with your. story broke earlier on this evening a passenger trains veered off the tracks in southern russia a few hours ago leaving at least seventy people injured fifteen of being rushed to hospital with five children among them. has been following the story. this accident happened just south of a town called rostov on don in southern russia we understand that eleven of the train's nineteen carriages we derailed and some of those overturned after the train driver decided to perform an emergency stop he has since told officials he did this because he saw that the tracks in front of him were actually called now we don't know the reason why that was but some people have speculated it might have been
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down to the heat wave that that part of russia has been experiencing over the last week with temperatures in excess of thirty degrees other people are speculating that parts of the track may have been stolen but no doubt this will form part of any investigation although i can say that the russian ministry has ruled out a terrorist attack just six hundred people were on board this train luckily there were no fatalities it was coming from novosibirsk in siberia all the way down to a town called in southern russia before this accident happened about four hundred kilometers north of its final destination deficient say that over seventy people have been injured cover the world news stories and canadian officials say five people have been killed by a freight train explosion in quebec dozens more are said to be missing after the blast that caused devastation the turn of luck mcgann to the runaway train was loaded with fuel be derailed then it blew up because of the disaster still not
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clear tonight firefighters are still battling the blaze there are fears of another explosion that. jordan has charged radical muslim cleric abu qatada with terrorism after he was deported from the u.k. qatar the pleaded not guilty after being immediately handed over to prosecutors after he landed on sunday britain for a costly ten year legal battle directed by to his home country he's known as a key figure in all qaeda linked activities and was viewed by the u.k. deed as a national security threat. thanks for being with us tonight coming up after the break a look at efforts to tackle must starvation in the horn of africa kevin i know about with more news in just about half an hour's time.
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as a personal lives in russia i get asked very often why automatic console fat well are americans actually fat or is this just a myth from some hater countries the centers for disease control have declared obesity to be a disease that's a twenty eight point nine percent of adult americans are obese and that is an all time high people blame the sedentary lifestyle as the cause yes if you were out all day at work and then all evening after driving home sure doesn't help your waistline but problems can have multiple causes and the authors of the book rich food poor food believe it could be tied to eat foods that are allowed in america but are banned in many other countries across the globe some of these chemicals and techniques and foods that are banned by some other countries are a less strong which is in many snack products which lower scale worries but kills your body's ability to absorb minerals brought me to flour which saves tons of time for the baker but beats up your internal organs and of course our good old friend
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