tv Headline News RT July 9, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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you know for your media. free media gargi dot com. coming up on r t with all the buzz about n.s.a. surveillance how exactly is the u.s. able to track movements around the globe we'll take a trip through the tubes coming up. and it's now day sixteen of the bradley manning trial the defense team today focus is on guantanamo bay and what was leaked about the facility more on the case and the testimony from the expert witness that took the stand today coming up and in egypt supporters of the muslim brotherhood fill the streets even with the military announcing plans for a transition government the stability of the nation remains chaotic latest on the unrest in tonight's show. it's tuesday july ninth eight pm in washington d.c.
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i'm maggie lopez and you are watching r.t. well starting off this hour russia's u.n. envoy vitally vitaly churkin announced today that samples have been collected from the site and were chemical weapons were used in syria those samples have been analyzed and are now being handed over to the u.n. in an attempt to prove that rebels and not the syrian government were the ones using chemical weapons. and reports. the u.n. investigation into the use of chemical weapons near aleppo never materialized the syrian government requested such investigation but some you want officials demanded access into all theory and facilities which syria denied insisting on the investigation of that particular incident anyway that u.n. investigation never happened but nonetheless the u.s. came forward and said it had evidence that the syrian government used chemical weapons but there were lots of questions as to the sources through which they got the evidence washington brushed off always ports that rebels could have been behind the attack the syrian government wanted the incident clarified and requested
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russian experts to look into what happened in qana sol near aleppo which they did and based on that analysis russia says there is every reason to believe that it was armed opposition fighters who used chemical weapons in khan all of us all take a listen to the results of the analysis clearly indicate that the ordinance used in qana so was not industrially manufacturers' and was filled with certain of the certain technical specifications prove that it was not investigated manufacturers' either the projectile involved is not a standard once again it will use therefore there is evidence using to believe that it was the armed opposition fighters who used the chemical weapons so russia has just submitted this analysis of on site samples russia's u.n. envoy envoy also underscored that unlike other reports provided to the secretary general russia samples were taken at the projectile impact point by russian experts in first and he said they were not handed over to russia through third parties
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which was apparently the case with us now with the samples were analyzed that an internationally recognized and certified russian the board three russia also says it has information that so-called bashi are all nuts or brigade affiliated with the free syrian army begin to production of bashir three unguided projectiles in two thousand and thirteen and they were used in the in the march attack and asked about the evidence that russia submitted to the u.s. . president obama's press secretary yet again brushed off the report saying we seriously doubt anybody blood the syrian government could use chemical weapons in syria the fact of the matter is that the u.s. has already decided to arm the syrian rebels under the pretext that the syrian government has used chemical weapons although the evidence that the u.s. supposedly has was not verified by the u.n. so you have a huge gap of trust with the u.s. on the one hand insisting that the syrian government has used couple chemical weapons and russia on the other hand saying that you have to look at all evidence before you take such
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a dramatic action as as flooding the region with more weapons that was artie's guy anschutz you can reporting. well by now and just about everybody knows in the u.s. that the government has the ability to collect data on your phone conversations we know that the government has collected to meditate on millions of phones and we know that this was authorized by a secret court and has been going on for years but have you ever wondered how it all happens exactly how the government goes about physically tapping phones or the internet will get ready for a trip down the wire political commentator sam fax takes us there. theory is something i just feel something i think i could see it's a series of the late senator ted stevens from alaska and his the mortal description of what the internet really is despite sounding bizarre and spawning several viral parodies. so senator stevens description of what exactly the
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internet is so wasn't really that far off at all from. the internet is really a series of tubes or at least cables hundreds of them that stretch for over five hundred thousand miles underwater connecting all the major condensate to the web and to each other so this is what the internet physically looks like so how does the n.s.a. go about physically tapping into it rewind back to two thousand and one the wall street journal reports in early one nine hundred eighty nine the agency assembled a team of researchers in a small warren of labs had its headquarters in fort meade maryland their mission according to one former n.s.a. researcher who worked on it was to find a way to get inside fiber optic cables and secretly siphon off the data moving through them this included a fleet of specially equipped submarines deployed to dive to the sea floor and cut into the fiber optic cables the wall street journal adds in an interview air force lieutenant general michael hayden the n.s.a.'s director laughed when asked whether
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the n.s.a. had tapped undersea cables i'm not going to sit here and dissuade you from your views he said but he suggested that access isn't the problem rather he said the sheer volume and variety of today's communications means there's simply too much out there and it's too hard to understand again that was twelve years ago then the a.p. reports after nine eleven president george w. bush secretly authorized the n.s.a. to plug into the fiber optic cables that enter and leave the united states knowing it would give the government unprecedented warrantless access to americans private conversations not only. ad but also access to much of the world's conversations since huge swaths of global internet traffic pass through cables coming in and out of the united states in two thousand and six and eight hundred eighty whistleblower exposes the existence of n.s.a. monitoring hardware installed at a key internet hub right here in san francisco but then the n.s.a.
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ran into a problem more and more of these under seas internet cables and hubs were being own didn't manage not by u.s. companies but by foreign companies and so as the washington post reported this weekend the u.s. government made agreements with these foreign companies to ensure that when u.s. government agencies seek access to the massive amounts of data flowing through their networks the companies have systems in place to provide it securely one particular agreement with an asian company called global crossing requires the company to have a network operations center on u.s. soil that could be visited by government officials within thirty minutes of warning that the point was clear to keep an eye on the tubes and all the stuff coming out of the tubes the phone conversations the e-mails everything and edward snowden's leaks reveal the extent to which the n.s.a. has done just that now the latest leak exposes have the n.s.a. tapped into brazil's communications network to intercept in-store e-mail and phone records belonging to millions of brazilians
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a job that's made easier since eighty six percent of latin america's internet traffic is routed through the united states meanwhile the rest of the world in particular in the middle east and africa relies on europe to be its main hub for internet traffic eighty seven percent of all outgoing middle east internet traffic goes through europe and the n.s.a. is heavily invested in that continent as well edward snowden revealed british intelligence is ability to tap into in-store huge volumes of data drawn from fiber optic cables by may last year three hundred analysts from g.c. . h.q. and two hundred fifty from the n.s.a. had been assigned to sift through the flood of data a total of eight hundred fifty thousand and i say employees and u.s. private contractors with top secret clearance had access to g c h q databases the documents reveal that by last year g.c. h.q. was handling six hundred million telephone events each day had tapped more than two
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hundred fiber optic cables and was able to process data from at least forty six of them at a time plus snowden's leaks obtained by dare spiegel revealed that the n.s.a. is collecting from germany up to twenty million telephone calls and ten million internet data exchanges daily and the n.s.a. is more active in germany than in any other of the u.s twenty seven member states usa is primarily interested in important internet hubs in southern and western germany frankfurt for example plays an important role in the global internet infrastructure again it's all about keeping an eye on the tubes ninety nine percent of the world's intercontinental phone internet communications travel through this network but just how many tubes has the n.s.a. tapped that's a question that's still unanswered but given what we've learned so far about the n.s.a. is obsession with data do you think they believe any of these tubes unchecked in
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washington same sex party and update now to the edward snowden diplomatic standoff that has captured public attention around the world yesterday we told you that bolivia nicaragua and venezuela had offered the n.s.a. secret spiller asylum in their countries and just today there was a tweet sent out by a russian lawmaker that sparked speculation that edward snowden might have accepted venezuela's asylum bid however no source was named meanwhile other news reports are surfacing saying that the government of venezuela itself confirmed that snowden had accepted asylum but again no so. says were named so now that you're caught up let's move on to the next big dilemma how snowden is going to get to wherever country he chooses to end up in if he flies the plane will most likely have to travel through american airspace or that of our allies we could see the plane diverted to bolivia like evo morales this plane was but then again cuban president raul castro said
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that he would allow the plane that snowden is traveling on to land and refuel on that island nation but again the question is whether or not he will have to fly into american airspace in order to get there so it looks like this game of diplomatic hot potato isn't over yet. well as day sixteen of the trial for private first class bradley manning and it's his defense team second day of arguments today lower lawyer david coombs question retired colonel morris davis about guantanamo bay detainees policies and information used in their detention no this is important because manning leaked the assessments to numerous guantanamo bay detainees and wiki leaks to. liz wahl has joined me earlier from fort meade and she discussed all of this and the importance of cornel morris davis's testimony that's right he is a frequent guest on our t.v. was also a key witness in the court martial against private first class bradley manning
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today colonel morris davis testified as an expert an expert on these one ton of obey detainee assessment of the seven hundred thousand documents that bradley manning admitted to handing over to wiki leaks are these profiles these assessments of guantanamo bay detainee is now essentially the defense compared to these briefs to baseball cards they contain all types of information on detainees everything from their names a date of birth aliases they may have had biographical information organizations they may have been affiliated with. all of this information. contained in these detainee assessment briefs now when manning's attorney david coombs questioned colonel morris davis he was trying to find out if these assessment briefs were closely held u.s. secrets and how damaging they may have been to national security now colonel morris
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davis his response was interesting he said much of the information that was found in these detainee assessment briefs could be found on open source is people like you or me or anybody out there that really wanted to get ahold of this information they could do it on their own they could do it by doing internet searches they could do it by reading news articles by reading books that profiled these detainees you also mentioned this movie this movie called road to guantanamo and i believe we do have a clip of it if we could show it. three. hundred two with. regard . to the response you know. so yeah that was a clip of the documentary that was a clip of that documentary road to guantanamo should mention that it's considered part drama part documentary either way colonel davis said that some of the
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information he found in these groups could be found in that very movie why is this is significant because he is saying you know what if we could find this information out there on public sources on movies like the one that you the one the one that you just saw a clip of that maybe these briefs didn't contain these held information this closely held information that the prosecution is alleging that was our to correspondent liz wahl and that expert witness that you just heard liz talking about who took the stand to talk about guantanamo bay detainee policies is retired colonel morris davis and he actually joined me in the studio earlier i first asked him what his testimony did to either help or hinder the defense's case. private manning is alleged to have leaked over seven hundred detainees assessment briefs to wiki leaks the government chose five specific briefs for five different detainees
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that they charged him as part of the charges and so my what i did was take those five briefs and then go to open source documents particularly the department offense in two thousand and six released the combatant status review tribunals the administrative review board so you can go on the pentagon's own website and find the documents on the detainees and if you match them up in the public domain you can find most of the information this in these briefs that he's alleged to have committed espionage by making available to wiki leaks and we're going to hear testimony and dig into the nitty gritty details in just a second but i did want to bring up a point that the judge was unless you're testifying as a specialist on national security but correct me if i'm wrong wasn't your title weren't you a senior specialist of national security for congress in the past thirty senior specialist work for congress and i was the only one in national security but apparently that's not good enough for a court martial why is that i don't know it's good enough for congress got good enough for a court martial very interesting so according to your testimony the detainee files
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that bradley manning passed on to wiki leaks had no value to any group i think you're quite of them to baseball cards can you tell us what is in them and why you argue that no harm was actually done to u.s. national security baseball card was a slang term we used to refer to these documents because it gave you the the name the height the weight the date of birth you know the kind of information used to see on the back of a baseball card and then just a narrative description of who the individual was and what they were alleged to have done but it didn't get into the sources and methods and others intelligence or law enforcement or signals intercepts or other governments that provided information didn't get into the sources and methods you know are legitimately classified so the information this out there is it was mentioned if you watch the road to guantanamo you probably know as much about the three individuals as you do . from reading their detaining assessment breeze so essentially is the who what when where but not necessarily the why are the how now prosecution and prosecutor jim morrow went on to say that the baseball card analogy is
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a very bad analogy with their response that well it's old at number one i didn't make up the term it was one that was in existence when i came on board it was certainly one that i adopted but it was just i think a term that was a flippant shorthand term to refer to these documents that for us were were worthless they had no bearing whatsoever on the military commissions they were never documents so we attempted to get the classified because they had no use to us again the information in there is you know just kind of a narrative description of who this individual is and you can go on the internet now and probably get a more accurate description than you get from reading these detainees very very interesting now you're a former prosecutor chief prosecutor of guantanamo bay talk about the prosecution in your opinion how are they doing how is the case stacking up well i'll give him credit they were extraordinarily professional and polite in you know i was proud of the way that they're representing the military justice system so i give him great
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credit for that i think this case is a case of overcharging i think many of us that side with private manning have testified for him agree that what he did was wrong in disclosing classified information but the government is alleging this is espionage that he intentionally intended to aid the enemy specifically al qaida there has been no evidence of that the testimony yesterday from from his former colleagues officers and in ceo's that spent time with him in iraq said he was an outstanding performer the go to guy the opposite picture the way the government is tried to betray him as a malcontent a poor performer as a writer and that is what they are. former military man talk about the difference between a whistle blower and a trade our well traitor is clearly someone that is out to harm their country and again here the government is a legend of this espionage charge that intended to aid al-qaeda all of the testimonies so far including from prosecution witnesses is that he was a young man that was interested in world events and politics and issues and that in
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all the discussions with him it was his concern about the policies in iraq and afghanistan never want to see the ever mention any ill will towards the united states or desire to help the enemy that was retired colonel morris davis a professor of law at howard university. well it has been two years one month and one week since president obama announced to the world that a special team of navy seals had conducted an operation that killed the leader of al qaeda osama bin ladin but a new report coming out this week shows that that goal could have been achieved in years ago if it weren't for the mistakes of both the u.s. and pakistan something the report called collective incompetence and negligence are to correspondent aaron a the explains. i. salute. we've all seen zero dark thirty and while it was an entertaining flick we must remember it was fiction not facts those were actors radio some of the
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lawn and compound not real navy seals the guns and helicopters were props and the script was written by screenwriters in hollywood not by journalists and while the u.s. government might have done a very good p.r. job at tricking you into thinking you know everything about the raid and capture of osama bin laden the reality is you don't what you know is hollywood's fictional account and that is probably all you're ever going to know this is because of tactics used by the cia to transfer the military files about the raid thus ensuring the likelihood of them never ever seen the light of day now yesterday we learned via the associated press that the nation's top special operations commander william a grad an order of military files on the raid to be purged from all defense department computers by removing them from the defense department and sending them over to the cia they can be more easily shielded from ever having to be made public now mcgrath and order since the only copies of the military's records about the seals been lot of mission to the cia that's because the raid was actually run by
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the covert agency and legally the cia has special authority to prevent the release of operational files the defense department can also prevent the release of its own military files that can be contested in court and a judge can then compel the pentagon to turn over non-sensitive portions of records that isn't true for the cia now the true troubling thing about all this is that by secretly moving the records it allows the pentagon to tell the media that it just can't find the documents inside the defense department and will make ravin allegedly said it was done to protect the names of personnel involved in the raid this covert play could represent a new strategy for the u.s. government when it comes to shielding sensitive activities from the public now this clandestine move was described only briefly and a report by the pentagon's and. dr gen and set off no alarms within the obama administration ministration this despite having to sidestep federal rules and perhaps even the freedom of information act now president obama has pledged to make his administration the most transparent in u.s.
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history just barely that doesn't apply to things like osama bin laden and the navy seals furthermore moving data from the defense department to the cia and then deleting it is an example of the government's attempt to hide information from its own people and i don't mean the general public i literally mean the people it employs and potential whistleblowers alike in washington i marinate r.t. let's turn now to egypt where the military led interim government has laid out a five month plan to restore order to the country they also chose. a prominent economic consultant as the country's new prime minister but both of those decisions were denounced by the muslim brotherhood and the protests continue. as of last night we have not heard of any clashes or deaths that have occurred today as a protest as a result of these protests however it should be noted that the military is limiting
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how many are allowed to enter tough where square and other plaza around the country to protest for the latest i was joined earlier by our team middle east bureau chief policy player in cairo and i first asked about the military's plan that's been laid out in egypt. well yes what we did here is a five month roadmap plan that's been put forward by the interim president adly mansour and in this plan what it calls for is a review in an amendment of the current draft constitution it then says if there will be a referendum to ratify the constitution following this come december they will be parliamentary elections and then in february next year there will be a presidential poll the muslim brotherhood has rejected this outright it says that the whole process is illegal and in fact i spent the better part of today talking to muslim brotherhood supporters and they were insistent that they are not going off the street and to morsi as we had stated and we're talking here of hundreds of thousands of people there was a call on cheese day for nationwide protests for an uprising to deal with this
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legal action to quote the muslim brotherhood leadership and also to address their cause for some kind of revenge some kind of action to be taken in light of the fifty one morsi supporters that were killed on monday morning and as i understand it paula the liberal economist has them. has been a newly elected as the new prime minister how are people responding to that i know the al nourse the office party has backed him. yes i mean you he is certainly a more popular figure then you had for mohamed el baradei which was the previous candidate that was put forward for that position but let me underscore again that you have groups like the muslim brotherhood who refused to come to the party for them it really doesn't matter whether you have a finance minister coming from this group all from that group or a prime minister coming from here so you do have a very very divided society where
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a huge chunk of people obviously seem to come forward but it is significant that he has more support than our baradei our baradei is very much seen as a puppet of the waste there it created for the divisions in fact in this country once his appointment was announced the idea adly mansour the interim president is at pains to try and name some kind of interim government as quickly as possible it doesn't really matter to some extent he lames. it is this that this interim government but he is under pressure to try and get something established politically as quickly as possible and city this is a step in the right direction in the sense that you do have this former finance minister who's now being named as the new prime minister and he is receiving support from some sectors of the community so in that's a speak perhaps it's the base case in a situation like you have now in egypt where the street is so divided that was our team middle east bureau chief paul a slayer. well since as only
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a few days after the fourth of july you might have been thinking about the nation's founding fathers as of late although they started a revolutionary form of democracy and it mustn't be forgotten that they were still men and that means they were also flawed the residents laurie harshness has more on that. it is that seventy one percent of americans think the signers of the declaration of independence would be disappointed by the way the us turned out we weren't so many stories about how corrupt the us they're spying on us all and they're giving all of our money to rich bankers and themselves but no wonder the word disappointed comes
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to mind that theory. now with this founding fathers crap because you know what our founding fathers were not exactly a bunch of puritanical benevolent. in nineteen seventy three historian richard morris identified seven men as our official founding fathers first george washington among other things he was a super wealthy whiskey producer he instituted a whiskey tax that put mom and pop stores out of business he used the law to systematically wipe out his competition his fellow americans so he could get richer humanitarian ben franklin owned many slaves as did most of our founding fathers thomas jefferson actually wrote that quote the blacks are inferior to the
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whites in both body and mind john j. tried to write a law prohibiting catholics from holding office john adams believes in hereditary monarchy than aristocracy when others call his opinion in a democratic he flip flopped just like our politicians today. alexander hamilton was a straight up elitist socialist who firmly supported government intervention that would be in favor of big business. james madison was supposedly super compassionate towards native american indians he wanted to teach them all how to farm and become civilized under his presidency those indians were largely pushed off their remaining tribal lands but i'm not saying our founding fathers weren't a tom pushed men with great philosophical ideas they just weren't that awesome at putting those ideas into practice in that they were very much like our politicians
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today rich privileged just men who talked a lot of stuff but walked a very different walk if they were freedom fighters than the freedom they fought for was their old not to do whatever they wanted to whomever they wanted to get as rich as they could and screw the rest so would they be disappointed in the america of today or with they see exactly the america they helped create tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the rest of it. so there you have it that's going to do it for me for it's nice before the stories we cover and go to youtube dot com slash r t america or check out our web site r c dot com slash usa and don't forget to follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez and also tune in for larry king now at nine o'clock with
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