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tv   Headline News  RT  July 12, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch ati anytime anywhere. edward snowden wants to remain in russia he told human rights activists during a meeting in a moscow airport transit zone that he is applying for temporary asylum. the former n.s.a. contractor promises to stop leaking documents that the u.s. which is the president's condition for giving snowden refuge plus. fears that snowden could be subjected to ill treatment in the u.s. . we talked to the activists who met snowden about his current predicament and whether they think russia will offer him a way out of his transit lounge limbo. live
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from our studio center here in moscow where it's just turned nine pm this is r.t. with the twenty four hours a day and we start with our breaking news story the n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden says that he wants temporary political asylum in russia and promised to stop releasing leaks that harm washington to security he told russian and international human rights activists that moscow's airport where he's been stuck in a transit area for more than two weeks. is following the developments out. and discussed snowden's request for asylum with a russian politician who was at that meeting. well it seems pretty clear cut at least the announcement edward snowden will apply and is going to request political
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asylum in the russian federation a couple of weeks ago president putin laid out conditions on which he might be welcome to stay in the country the top one being that he would have to stop doing his work that quote harms russia's u.s. partners it seems in the past two weeks he's decided that he's ready to do that although it still could be debated what exactly harming the u.s. means he made it clear that he thinks his work is helping the u.s. he sees himself as a patriot he met in the airport in the transit zone possibly we'll find out more we have a guest for you within that meeting but he met with human rights activists to my deputy with prominent lawyers and made this announcement and. we'll hear a little bit more about what exactly you have to say but it seems clear that he's going to ask for this is tie them and now the question is how is russia going to look at this what will be the process of looking into this will he be able to get asylum will that mean that he'll continue to travel on to latin america or perhaps will he see russia as the safest place to say so far joining me to speak more about
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what exactly edward snowden had to say is such that he could not he is on the dumas head of the duma's education committee and you were personally invited as far as i understand to join actually i was personally invited by snowden. and i actually asked the question you raised just a minute ago about what his condition and highest. order whether he was prepared to comply. and he said yes it's easy because one you've. heard the united states' interest that was in the past. and if there is a scandal now it's something which has to do with journalist rather than with snowden. second if he is not prepared to occur to the
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united states as a country why do you think then a couple of weeks ago he withdrew. asking for political asylum and what is the next step then all of my feeling is that a couple of weeks ago he had a real intention to leave for election america probably he would love to do that actually he said that his intention was to accept the asylum from as many countries as they can provide but of course they were legal arguments but. whether anyone can have more than one asylum in one country and he said there at this point he doesn't see any other option since the u.s. government will not let him leave freely to let in america will do whatever they can to prevent him from traveling freely because no passports were and he is on the no fly list. at their request so the u.s.
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go. what are the chances of him getting russian citizenship well i think there are such chances of course at least that there is such a balls a bill or conditional on snowden now says that conditions are acceptable he can get it on the other hand i think he really. said as far as the requirements for a political refugee because. i'm not an expert on the issue but human rights activists and lawyers who were there. who were at the end were agreeing that he was prosecuted for political reasons rather than on legal grounds because he no excuses the u.s. government over while aiding fourth and fifth amendments. to the u.s. constitution. and he considers himself to a person which helps rather than hurts the united states and represents the majority of the american public which is supportive of peace because he said
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that probably those governments which provided he will. political asylum. more representative of the will of the american people down the u.s. government since fifty five percent of americans consider him to be. freedom fighter rather than the criminal taking into account. in international law. the death penalty in the united states the. will of the majority of the russian people the public opinion polls what they show put in a statement the russians are not extraditing anybody. taking into account that he came out with. snowden all came out with recognition of those conditions that he is not going to hurt the united states probably easiest realistically to sue we can realistically snowden can get political asylum you could love was in fact in that
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meeting with edward snowden here at sheremetyevo airport thank you so much for your insights and really kind of details of what happened today will be here throughout the evening bringing you the latest analysis on edward snowden saying he will be asking for political asylum in the russian federation. president vladimir putin's press secretary has reacted to snowden's potential asylum bid and he. said that snowden could stay in russia if he stops all activities causing damage to russia's american partners he also added that if this condition is fulfilled there should be no hindrance to him getting a refugee if he asks for it himself well he's i mean it was in the transit zone of the airport and you can share some of the details of the meeting with us now you have something to tell us more about what was said at that meeting today. there were thirteen people total in total present at that meeting of course we have
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just heard from the just make enough blood to r.t. also managed to speak to representative office and. rights watch the town election off was one of the one of the central figures in this entire in this entire if there. was some of the details of the things that she has heard from edward snowden during the meeting. here is that snowden could be subjected to ill treatment in the u.s. are legitimate he says he feels he's living conditions refining the airport he feels safe there but he knows that he cannot stay forever snowden is intended to apply for asylum in russia and then in latin america. and of course snowden has been has been at this airport for a month for more than two weeks at this point and he has to hand spics to the thirteen people who were at that meeting and airport officials have assisted him in organizing this the secure bent course there were hundreds of journalists at the airports all of them anxious to find out what's going to happen. during the day we
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have been getting a first we've got we got our hands on the letter that edward snowden had sent to civil rights activist and lawyer and then he issued a statement which was publicized and spread by weeks and weeks and in that statement edward snowden has expressed praise for russia and sarah latin american countries that has been as well in the garage door for standing up to the united states in their defense off him essentially this is a this will be groundbreaking day in the entire story of edward snowden and these adventures you can say because until now there have been all numerous peculations about what exactly is going to happen to the former and this is a contract he has been staying pretty mama on the whole issue this is the first time that he has officially spoken to anyone and i regarding his plans for the future. as far as the conditions in which he was a this far as the conditions on which are russian authorities may grant him asylum
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well edward snowden has already weak links and edwards no. have essentially said that at this point they're done with their leaks that all the information that he had to give is already in the hands of the media outlets which he has contacted earlier in may so really it's up to the newspapers now to divulge that information and snowden as it is right now doesn't have anything else to say has already said everything so it does look like there's at least some definition in edward snowden . this is a very close eye on what's going to transpire from here on out there and the ball. at this point is in the hands of government again as soon as we get the new and soon as we get new information about edward snowden and the situation we'll bring it to you and even thanks very much indeed for that. and discuss the implications of snowden's request for temporary asylum here in russia
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joined from the u.s. by philip giraldi he's a former cia agent and executive director for the national council for national interest. of course he's confirmed his whereabouts is no speculation as to where he is now could the cia still get its hands on him. i don't think so i think he's relatively safe in russia i think there were some other possible deaths destinations that he he probably considered that didn't provide the same level of security and i'm thinking specifically of nations in latin america that probably from a political point of view would have been a better first choice he certainly has had an offer from venezuela and he's saying if he gets these papers in order he's going to go there but presumably and he's clearly worried about this safe passage is the cia could still into set if they knew exactly how he's going to try and get out of moscow.
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i'm not so sure that that's true i think that if i was reading up today on the legislation the international legislation surrounding civil aviation and if if snowden were just to get on a normal airliner and fly to venezuela there would be very little the united states could do to either intercept the plane or force it to land or anything like that the united states would be in violation of whole lot of international law legislation dealing with civil aviation nevertheless they still try to stop the bolivian president's plane they force landed in vienna talking about intelligence here that was a mighty blunt that was not very embarrassing for authorities to get that wrong suspect he's on board i would intelligence agencies get it wrong. well it's easy for intelligence agencies to get things wrong because normally they have ten different pieces of information all of which might be contradictory so
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they they frequently make these kinds of mistakes and i would point out that the the bolivian plane was an executive jet was not governed by the same international regulations as a normal commercial carrier so that plane would have have would have the capability of being forced to the ground by any country that passes over. what about the diplomatic fallout now between washington even moscow politicians have described snowden as a hot potato in a difficult position is it not all is it going to cause more tensions now between it and washington. i think it certainly will will ratchet up some of the tension that that has always been the case even since the end of the cold war but i don't think it's a critical issue i think on the other hand i i would think that what the russian government is thinking is that it doesn't want to see
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a tit for tat situation where the united states will produce a defector from russia who will appear on television and b b allegedly describing secrets so i think that's where russia would like to avoid that's why the there is this agreement that snowden will not reveal any more secrets now that's that's a stupid agreement because basically he's already revealed everything that he has and it's just kind of a way of dancing around the issue i think. just briefly all we're looking at a clever man here snowden the way it's handled is so fall or is he a desperate man saying that he's facing the death penalty. well i think he was a clever man in the beginning but he wasn't clever enough he didn't really figure out his escape from this situation very well and i think now he is somewhat afraid of what the possible consequences are and the consequences are real i think there's
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a real concern that something might be arranged to kill him in some fashion or another and if somehow we have or winds up back in the u.s. he's going to be subject to the same sort of trial that bradley manning has been subject to which means in incarcerated for a long long time and then a show trial. thanks so much for that great to talk to you on this philip giraldi former cia agent and executive director of the council for the national interest live really appreciate your time thank you. well more news for you in just a minute including a look at the annual orange order parade in all the non and then the chances of it turning violent that's another story for the break. i'm not used to the tundra to freedom i am my dear. oh.
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in second grade i ran away from the boarding school with two of my friends will be around to the tundra. of the tundra is just a new skete owes practically i don't know how people can live there to get in there no t.v.'s in the tenth how can i send my child to boarding school that i won't be able to sleep at night after that. they enter a life without knowledge of how to do basic things they don't get out of the school .
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continues here in r.t. egypt is braced for more rival demonstrations with the muslim brotherhood veyron to reverse the else think of president morsi and the army unwilling to let them the protests come amid a crackdown on the islamist movement which has led to bloodshed and arrests well these are the latest pictures from nasr city of district of the capital cairo where supporters of president morsi have gathered to demand he returns to office another rally by opponents is being held in tahrir square where those backing the revolution showing support for the army but as artie's bill true reports egypt could once again be owned by the military if no alternative is found. this is the moment that egypt found that the muslim brotherhood president mohamed morsi had been ousted. her square erupted in the chant of the army and the people of one hand chief of the armed forces defense minister sisi became the hero of the moment however after clashes between morsi supporters and the army left over fifty people
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dead just days after a new interim president had been sworn in some began to fear the army would wrestle power from civilians and rule with a heavy hand why is the army in disguise making a hard stand interfering in politics but they're not really helping civilians on the ground and then you see something like the massacre by the presidential guard club and what happened even if it was a muslim brotherhood was started this at the end of the day there is a human rights violation which is massive and severe because if you are going to shoot people who are trying to get into a building of that importance you don't actually shoot to kill chips in n.g.o.s maintaining the military had a terrible human rights record during their last period of rule after the ouster of hosni mubarak they were involved in killing protesters that was the accountability for any of the military crimes they torture protesters there they also try to restrict freedom of expression and most of all they really monopolize decision
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making power i mean they wrote the roadmap at the time the military for their part promised in a number of televised press conferences that they were not interested in politics or reeling and instead are assisting the country's movement towards a civilian democracy. armed forces have issued more than one statement saying we want a real democracy in the country. the new president doesn't have enough experience with the political situation in egypt so the military is merely supporting him in the way the muslim brotherhood attacked the military which was defending itself its offices and the institution. as the chance of. the square behind me indicates people turn to the army in moments of on rest the military is the real power base here in egypt every one of the country's presidents has hailed from the armed forces except for mohamed morsi was ousted after just one year in office but apart from military money and political clout they also have significant economic
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interests owning several business monopolies and factories as one of the only functioning state institutions at the moment and with little civilian alternative to morsi and his music brotherhood many people fear that the army whether it wants to or not will once again run the country. r.t. higher and divisions between islam is in syria and the rest of the opposition have reached a critical level a key free syrian army commander has been killed by al-qaeda linked militants and the group responsible also threatened all of the commanders of western backed forces the situation in the water on countries for some nations to rethink supplying the rebels with weapons even the u.s. has put the plan on hold concerned they will end up in the wrong hands and the free syrian army has been trying to distance itself from radical groups fueling dissent within the anti assad opposition i'm now joined by british m.p. george galloway to discuss this issue further what do you think has sparked this infighting between the free syrian army and the jihadists. well the wheels are
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coming off this whole project international conspiracy to destroy syria and as you rightly say countries that were in the vanguard of trying to arm these maniacs as the london mayor boris johnson described them are now having to think again it's not just the wheels that are coming off heads are coming off heads of bishops and priests and people are being murdered by these maniacs including the commanders of the so-called free syrian army which is the quote unquote moderate part of the syrian opposition that western countries have been plowing hundreds of millions of dollars into i suspect it's partly about money control of the stolen syrian oil reserves that are being harvested in rebel held territory it's partly about ideology the notion that these people want to bring democracy to syria is laughable
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the kind of democracy they have in mind is the democracy of al-qaeda al-qaeda brought to parts of afghanistan and the vast majority of syrian people absolutely reject that kind of future in the british parliament yesterday the prime minister suffered a humiliating rebuff when with just one vote against the parliament voted against supplying lethal weapons to these people without a vote substantive being held of calm and does no substantive would i don't trust the house of commons no that means that britain has to drop out of the ranks of those who are seeking to up the military ante in syria saw the tide has really turned both militarily and politically and despite what you say happened in parliament yesterday do you think though the british government has a very different view would rather ignore what's happened in parliament what's its
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stance. it does have a very different view but it can't ignore what happened in parliament yesterday because as the numbers suggest one hundred fourteen votes to one it is substantially a conservative party you ruling governing conservative party rebellion on this martin largely led by conservative christians who know that the fate of christians in syria which is by the way the most hospitable place to be a christian in the world would be dire and the christians would be massacred their churches and monasteries and nunneries destroyed and defiled saw the government could not get it through the house of commons to supply this lethal weapon resort now will not happen my difference with the motion the us that is this i argue that we have already been supplying these people with lethal weapons in the sense that we're giving them very large amounts of cash in this cash strapped almost bankrupt
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country that can't pay its electricity bills we've been handing over millions hand-over fist on to the free syrian army and we don't have any idea of what they're buying with it and where what they're buying with the ends up just one final thought you said the wheels are coming off and some are saying this is a civil war now within a civil war is they just one person there to deal with the situation is it a sad do you believe that he should actually stay and he could ride this through. well i think he will have to steer until the end of his presidential term it will be up to him and the syrian people to decide whether he continues as president thereafter personally and for his sake as well as for syria's i hope that he calls it a day after the end of his presidential term because i think syria needs to turn the new page and i think that he personally has endured a very difficult time over the last two and a half years nearly and probably deserve some kind of
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a break from this assad represents a section of the syrian people i think the majority if there was an election tomorrow i think you'd probably win it but i think that syria needs a transition to democratic rule which doesn't involve the current heads of the continuing indefinitely in office british m.p. george galloway live in london thanks so much for a time here and hearty welcome now for some international news in briefly this hour at least seven people have been killed in a plane crash near france's capital the train with three hundred fifty passengers was moving at high speed when it reached the station and rand into a crowded platform parts of the train flipped over some passengers remain trapped inside rescue teams at the scene searching the wreckage. london's heathrow airport earlier shut both its runways after an empty boeing dreamliner caught fire they have since been reopened ethiopian airlines jet had no
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passengers on board at the time of the plane's poor cruise assisted by london's firefighters brought the fire under control the dreamliner fleet was grounded earlier this year due to overheating battery. and back to our main story edward snowden saying he wants temporary asylum in russia well we've had the first reaction from washington the white house has said that snowden must be returned to the u.s. and just to remind you n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden has reportedly promised to stop releasing leaks that hold washington in return for the temperature show that same condition prompted the former cia contracted to withdraw his previous application for russian asylum he gathered thirteen human rights activists and lawyers in the transit zone of moscow's airport and asked them to help him get refuge in russia. as well of course we'll keep you up to date with all those developments in the next
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hour when i'll be back with a news team in just over half an hour from now in the meantime we have the latest episode of prime interest from our washington studios after the break. many in latin america are furious with the forced grounding of bolivia's president evo morales is playing in austria and even twelve nations in latin america are coming together to discuss the consequences of the event the plane was forced to the ground while flying over the e.u. because it was believed that that sneaky snowden was hiding on board trying to get to asylum in bolivia and beyond some might say that this is no big deal so president of some contra since he had a delayed flight for a few hours things happen man plus you've got to get that still got all costs right
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well one may have delayed flight is another man's imperial skyjacking you see the countries of latin america have a common history as being on the bad end of brutal western european imperialism and when the president of a former colony could just be abducted at the will of the you would have his plane search it sure makes you feel like you're still under the lash of foreign control doesn't it to any of you think for a moment that any e.u. officials who are so willing to groan morality would dare to do the same thing air force one i don't think so morose clearly was treated like some sort of second class president and despite this insult they didn't even catch oden this is what i call a double fail but that's just my opinion. what is the future of democracy in the arab middle east in the wake of the coup d'etat in egypt is this weekend condemned to a vicious cycle of uprisings and brutal suppression what about the claimed islamic
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democracy when compatible and does the west really have an interest in seeing the people of the middle east free to decide their own destinies. good afternoon welcome to prime interest i'm bob english in washington d.c. here are the stories we're telling today well so much for the summer doldrums after the markets closed yesterday then told the markets begin to move in gold he said the easy money spigot will remain open wax on wax off well talk we'll talk market manipulation with the gadget next and there is a chill blowing through tech land that's because after apple's gamble to go to trial well the judge came down hard she rolled the antitrust suit that apple was guilty of price fixing e-books now the tech giant will likely be regulated by the feds finally an eighty year old ban that was a pillar of the securities industry is about to be lifted it will be easier for small businesses to raise.


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