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tv   Headline News  RT  July 15, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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straight to our breaking news this hour here on out sea our sources say that israel used turkey's army bases to launch one of its attacks on syria that's despite the shop straining relations telaprevir had been experiencing in recent years. meanwhile the syria's military reportedly finds a rebel laboratory used to produce and store chemical substances the claims coming straight from syrian state television. but i guess spreads across the u.s. with police firing rubber bullets at crowds protesting the controversial acquittal of george zimmerman he shot dead an unarmed black teenager.
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good morning from moscow worse now it just after nine am on monday this is r t with me will receive straight to our breaking news for you this hour for the first time since the outbreak of the syrian conflict israel has used turkish military bases for its strikes against syria that's according to our sources a moment ago i spoke to our middle east correspondent paula for the latest on this breaking news. sources tell us that is really used turkish military bases to norms attacks inside syria now these allegations refer to one of the israeli attacks we're not sure exactly which one but the latest attack was carried out in early july when there was a pretoria strike on the syrian city of latakia that allegedly targeted russian made anti ship missiles u.s. officials speaking on condition of anonymity say that this attack on this weapons of this pope was in or likelihood and the israeli airstrike it happened not far
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from a russian base and there is suspicion. from many quarters that israeli fighter jets were responsible a number of syrian troops were killed and wounded in those explosions no one has officially come to say it was in came the sponsibility for the attack r.t. requested a reaction from the israeli government about the government declined to comment there is confusion as to what exactly happened we were also hearing reports that the attack was carried out by long range missiles what is important is that the attack from the reports we have from our sources here in r.t. originated on the turkish side of the border our sources telling us that is really playing to lift a military base inside turkey and approach the taqiyya from the sea to make sure that they stayed out of the syrian estate so that they could not become a legitimate target for the syrian air force this if true is yet another graze an
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israeli attack on a foreign country without any declaration of war as well in turkey have not been the best of friends in recent years we had the fuel tell incident back in two thousand and ten in which nine people were killed that was condemned internationally and although there were conflicting reports as to exactly what happened israel never stepped forward with an apology and told march and when israel did apologize turkey accepted the apology there was a lot of fanfare and international coverage made over that but it was really surprising because the two countries were really at odds at the time turkey recorded some bassa to it suspended ties with israel and what we see now is a sudden change of heart in turkey towards israel this is a very unusual regional development because you have both regional powers who looked at odds with each other and then we have this recent information about cooperation of an attack inside syria now it might be a real surprise for many of our viewers how deeply embedded israel and turkey at
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one stage were the two countries had very close relations in the one nine hundred ninety. particularly military cooperation all of that deteriorated after the flotilla incident they can now be legitimate questions asked about the sincere motivation for the apology that israel gave over that flotilla incident questions need to be asked how and why an islamic country like turkey is allowing its arch enemy israel to use turkish bases to bomb a nother muslim nation and no doubt there is going to be a massive fall out for turkey because of this compilation with as well. reporting so if this month's latakia strike proves to be an israeli defense forces operation as paula was saying it could become the country's the fourth attack against syria in six months let's take a look back now at some of the previous air raids joinery thirty first twenty thirty in a military compound just outside damascus bombed from the air then we come to
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a second similar operation reportedly happened on may the third and that's when a rocket struck a warehouse at damascus international airport allegedly can turning surface to air missiles just two days later a massive set of blasts were described as earthquake like shook the same military base that was targeted in january and all occasions the attacks were justified as operations to wipe out iranian missiles bound for hezbollah but middle east expert on historian tariq ali he says israel is looking to get square with hezbollah by ultimately putting a choke hold on the syrian regime. it's rose motivation as always to show the arabs both inside israel an outside look this is how tough we are we can hit any get in the middle east that we want to no one can do anything about it this is a country which is above the law considers itself about the law and it's united states musters and its european friends will do nothing to stop i have very little
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doubt that these release informed the united states that we are going to attack latakia at his will is like a red bull to the israelis and the israelis haven't been able to wipe it out though they've tried many a try they're now hoping that they can do it by completely weakening all destroying the syrian regime the syrian state could break up or be completely destroyed so they are not unaware of of what is happening in that country in in directly i would say yes they are providing help to the rebels now turkey and israel have been at loggerheads since the twenty ten commando raid on a turkish humanitarian aid flotilla which sparked fury from ankara at the time the turkish prime minister of the one he accused israel of carrying out a massacre saying tell of eve would not be able to wash the blood off its hands
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turkish outrage was echoed by a un human rights council report slamming israeli troops for breaching international law and using quote an unacceptable level of brutality it was in twenty twelve a trial in absentia began of four former israeli commandos on charges of inciting murder through cruelty and torture however on march twenty second this year all legal action came to an unexpected and abrupt halt after benjamin netanyahu and out of the one spoke on the phone with the israeli prime minister expressing his regret for the loss of turkish life now a turkey's. of course been a key player in the syrian conflict over the past two years once strong allies ankara and damascus fell out when the syrian unrest began as turkey sided with the opposition and called on president assad to step down maintains what's been described as an open door policy towards its arab neighbor. now around four hundred thousand refugees have fled across the border into turkey most of them settling
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down in what's become known as a buffer zone meanwhile ankara's been facilitating the transfer of weapons and equipment to the syrian rebels with arms allegedly coming in from u.s. allies all across the region a rebel fighters and mercenaries have also been granted safe passage both ways across the border in turkey has given key syrian political and military figures a platform for plotting their strategy against the syrian government and the cross border tension has seen several exchanges of mortar and artillery fire and one of the sharpest escalations came when syria shot down a turkish reconnaissance plane a year ago i do stay with us here on r t for more updates on this breaking news story throughout the day. in the meantime here on the program syrian state t.v. has announced the army has discovered a rebel operated chemical laboratory packed with toxic substances and the military claims they were destined to be packed into mortars and used to attack government
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forces in damascus it comes a week after the army found over two hundred eighty barrels of hazardous chemicals that a rebel hideout in a different city a syrian u.n. ambassador claimed it was potentially enough to destroy a whole city if not the whole country allegations of chemical weapons being used by both sides have been a crucial issue in the international dispute on how to handle the conflict in syria and defense consultant moeen growth said it's vitally important to find out exactly where the rebels a getting the chemicals from. the. well. the military that syrian military. kill they should not do. that then we should know what you are rooted in the time we have to come. or to feed you all you are you lebanese. and. oh well you know like iraq it will be it going up to one
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man and destroying the whole nation like the old will be a meat reaction and security council will not react to each riot it when. it rocks so i'm sure we want. it. still to come here see they gave it away now they want it back presidents in the london bar a fight legal battles with your thora thieves who are trying to take back their social housing because they desperately need the money that's coming your way shortly here on the program. ten minutes past the hour moscow time this is r.t. as several u.s. cities have been gripped by protests against the controversial acquittal of george zimmerman he was cleared of murder charges after a shooting dead an unarmed black teenager a demonstrations turned violent in los angeles where police fired rubber bullets at
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the crowds in new york several protesters were arrested as thousands blocked the streets in the city center and the latest here from artie's arena portnoy. in los angeles now the rally has gotten some would say quite violent violent because some of the protesters participating in the in the justice for trayvon rally were shot at by rubber bill bullets those bullets fired by the soccer stars in los angeles the arrogant receiving reports that some protesters have been transferred to local hospitals to be treated for their injuries we don't know how the stream the injuries our streets are clearly still full with lots of protesters that are have been walking hour by hour all through the streets of manhattan it started out in union square and the procession of people interest groups larger and louder i caught up with the crowd out it was probably a thousand one hundred third street at that point the crowd was so large that cars
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could not pass through the street boarding to what we know there have been at least five arrests that number is you know we're being more cautious but that number according to reports that number is quite quite higher now what has brought all these people on the streets of new york city in los angeles and boston elsewhere is clearly there for a stray should not grieve ation that millions of americans how with the verdict that came down for george zimmerman george zimmerman as you mentioned was found not guilty in acquitted on the charges a second degree murder zimmerman a neighborhood watch volunteer shot and killed seventeen year old trayvon martin he was in self defense now with this claim and that's what the jury are pals but millions of americans believe that this is not just a matter of stand your stand your ground or or self-defense is a matter of a man that was a community watch person that was armed with a gun and we spoke with some of those participating in the in the rallies here's what they had to say this verdict makes it very clear and gives
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a green light to anyone that wants to shoot and kill a youth of color you know and you can get off the rock and go on and live your life and it's ok. i do have a daughter and it's terrifying that i now have to go and have this conversation with her. and keeping her saying and helping her what she has to do to keep herself safe against other people and the police department. now overnight protests from saturday to sunday did get quite heated particularly in oakland california where we saw video of the windows of police cars in the windows of buildings being smashed by some of those that were participating in the meantime the u.s. justice department has announced that it will be investigating and looking into whether or not a civil rights prosecution should be raised against george
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zimmerman we're going to have the latest updates on the verdict protests in america you can always log on to our web site. the story that includes a dramatic images from the scenes of the demonstrations are still ahead for you here want to see this morning as edward snowden remains holed up in moscow. and we take a closer look at the scope of his revelations in just a couple of. days to egypt which is forming a new government amid a freeze on islamists and continuing protests demanding the reinstatement of the ousted president. oh oh music is our job the army our destiny these soldiers don't look life but it didn't take them a single shot to conquer the world.
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china and korea try to imitate them america and europe cry brown slit your legs it amazing. live meanwhile back in russia military artists are losing their grip on the audience. of young people especially soldiers they seem to me to differently from live russian musical army has been fighting for eighty five years now stay with the times and win over the younger audience is up to date as the time comes to give up the fight and defeat live on r t i live.
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thank you for joining us who are not here today on real research i edward snowden's fate could finally see some clarity as the whistleblower has reportedly reapplied for refuge from moscow i mean while glenn greenwald the guardian journalist who are said to hold all of snowden's future revelations and claims the next leak could be the american government's worst nightmare all these polls scott now taking a closer look at just what's being revealed today. well not only are civilians from all over the world being monitored but so are governments that are closely allied to the united states according to newspaper reports thirty eight separate missions and embassies have been surveilled the countries believed to have been spied on are in green that starts in the asia pacific region south korean authorities to reinforce anti bugging measures after their missions were allegedly spied upon japan also fell foul to u.s. surveillance now moving it to the middle east iran's nuclear facilities of course a long time cause of contention were apparently targeted by
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a computer virus created by the u.s. and israel in two thousand and nine it's claimed the n.s.a. got their hands on top secret communications between russian president dmitri medvedev and his delegation during the g. twenty in london if we move to europe french president francois hollande said negotiations over a huge pending trade deal between the u.s. and the shouldn't go ahead until washington halted any surveillance activity on a new allies moving to latin america where oil and military purchases were monitored in venezuela there were also telephone and e-mail intercepts in colombia a close military ally of washington while brazil has expressed its deep concern about revelations that its citizens were spied on in an industrial scale now these are just some examples of the thirty eight countries missions and embassies the u.s. thought to have spied on a many of these nations remember a friendly to washington one such country is germany which was particularly stung by snowden's revelations europe's strongest economy is it seems being closely
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watched by the united states with around five hundred million data intercepts month these include mehta data on emails telephone calls s.m.s. text instant messages meanwhile in china of course the country that allowed snowden to slip through the net when he fled hong kong leaks revealed that of every chinese computer that is hacked thirty three percent of these attacks originate from in america. can i pay addressed and it's not just civilians being monitored hospitals and universities are also being targeted when you look at the scale and the scope of america's global surveillance program and the fact that allied governments have also been bugged in recent is it makes it increasingly difficult for washington to get continue using national security as a justification for simply appears to be a mass espionage or at a much more news online right now including this hour staging its largest military drills since soviet times but one hundred sixty thousand servicemen
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a thousand times one hundred thirty planes all taking part in the war games and the full story right now at r.t. dot com have a look at the great video. of taking skies a canadian engineer has created the world's first human powered helicopter you can head over to the website to watch the video of this revolutionary machine a fuel only by the pilots pedaling. for now here on the egypt's new government is slowly taking shape amid continuing protests by supporters of the deposed president mohamed morsi and with the muslim brotherhood's top figures arrested and investigated the islamists are steadfast in rejecting the army that toppled their leader belcher was in cairo with more. egypt's prosecuted general this is from judicial sources has actually frozen the assets of fourteen leading is the most figures who are behind mohamed morsi this comes after of course the reports all the rest so many of that lead is of course
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off to these recent reports all of the charges laid against the former president himself meanwhile the most a brotherhood for their part maintains they will steadfast they want president the former president morsi to come back and they will not move from the city in a mosque in central cairo and that the universities to cairo until he is reinstated meanwhile with things in the can developments here in the interim government we have a lot of appointments and i don't want to make significant ones is the vice president of foreign affairs and mohamed but a he is a leading opposition figure and once had or what was the largest coalition of opposition forces the national salvation front another leading opponent we've had is that the foreign head of this. former egyptian ambassador to the u.s. the bill for me he was a barack era ambassador and it is very well regarded in washington in america to these two appointments mohamed el baradei and the bill for me could be seen to be a nod towards the west as they both have very good relations with america meanwhile
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america for their part have announced that they will have an envoy coming to you. to egypt the first to come from america to egypt since the ouster of mohamed morsi this is a leading member of the state department bill burns america is looking cautiously egypt at the moment they haven't announced the last two weeks as a coup neither have they confirmed that it neither confirm that it isn't it's obviously very important that definition because that would affect u.s. assistance to egypt you know america paid to be extending a hand out to the new interim government so we have yet to see what's going to happen with the people who are determined to support the deposed leader whether that involves clashes in the future and also to see how this interim government to continue. yes in the next few months aussies bell true there in cairo meanwhile the muslim brotherhood has called for one million people to march on monday a middle east journalist barry lando he believes if the group isn't included in the
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transitional government egypt will only face the chaos power will they really have the civilians i mean it's really the it's really the military are running he just they run the country since one thousand nine hundred thirty two and to say that they are now somehow going to let the muslim brotherhood back in to the political game i think that's that's the big question morsi being much more all than he was to the opposition not trying to get a monopoly on power as he did i mean morsi played a very stupid game and in effect shot himself down and. shot his own party down at the same time and he's he's as much response was only one crew creating the mess that egypt is in right now if the muslim brotherhood now is frozen out the future political system in egypt there's nothing but trouble ahead ok to the u.k. now where residents of
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a district of london could soon be out on the streets of already say people living in lambeth social housing blocks need to be relocated because the council cannot afford to keep them. spin gauging reaction. i think it is said to be his castle but nowadays living in social housing here in the london borough of lumber of fighting a fierce legal battle to save their homes if you. have a cease fire an old negotiate a treaty which. sort of recognize julian and his neighbors live in what's been dubbed short life housing they used to be thousands of such chains in lamberth now there are just seventy five short life housing came about some thirty years ago when the councils who couldn't afford to maintain these properties gave people who needed than the opportunity to live here for little or no rent on the basis that they maintained now though with house prices having skyrocketed the council wants
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them back those who took part in the short life of arrangement invested large amounts of time and often money to bring the properties up to a habitable stand. by me so. i can't. a flooring that needs replacing now or maybe but this one flooring with all. on today's property market in these times you know what a substantial sum and with council budgets being cut to the bone. it needs the money in a statement to see they said the coalition government has instigated a wanted program of cuts financial constraints in local government and as a result extremely short of the capital necessary to upgrade its social housing stock needs to raise capital to fund works resolving the short life properties
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offers a way for generating part of the capital we require i feel very strongly that we need to keep affordable housing in the long run we need to keep houses and that it's wrong to be selling them off for short term profit when actually these people could be given tendencies and pay rent to lambaste but the home should stay in affordable social housing for people who can't afford to buy land that has offered to be how's the residence but often the opposite the house is far from the community many have spent the past few decades and the homes they've invested in and love the two pound signs in their eyes they're just interested in steam rolling it through they're not looking at the social values of a human costs it's whole by looking at the bottom line and i understand michael forces have to look at the bottom line but you know this is no way to be raising funds off the back of people's lives the move by the council is being protested all across the borough there is a vent including
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a flash mob at the state agency folks. but as those who live in short life housing anxiously await the outcome of their legal cases many feel the land labor council that dubs itself the cooperative council is in fact shutting them out so. and there we are commuter live from moscow let's do a recap now of our breaking news story for you this hour here on r.t. getting information from sources that claim israel used turkish military bases to launch one of its attacks on syria and the latest alleged israeli strike on the water own country hit the key port of latakia earlier this month and its claim to have targeted a stockpile of russian made missiles if indeed the attack proves to be an israeli defense forces operation it could become tel aviv's fourth attack against syria in six months we'll bring you more on that in the next bulletin in just over half an
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hour's time the breaking news will continue if you can stay with us into it and here on our city. the meantime though a fascinating documentary coming up here on out you can get a chance to meet a very special part of russia's military just. or remember those old wacky communist countries who constantly boost their numbers to make themselves feel better or who cares if stores are indians piece of paper a one hundred thousand tons of potatoes that is good enough for me well now we are in a new age of technology but the same lying to make yourself feel good is still going strong it just moved over to the capitals world the u.s. state department's bureau of international information programs has spent six
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hundred thirty thousand dollars on facebook advertising campaigns to get fans a sense of the government is out there to buy likes oh what a fantastic use of tax dollars but wait maybe i'm being too pessimistic perhaps it worked and really helped spread the message of the u.s. state department effectively when the specter general's report says that since the advertising campaign started twenty eleven there has been a dramatic increase in users liking state department sites but the problem is that only two percent of them actually use the sites so you get what you pay for a big bag of likes but if you hard core fans probably the most shocking example is a vision of america group in farsi made for a rainy and which has gotten over four hundred twenty thousand members but only one percent of them is actually in iran where facebook advertising doesn't even exist that's effective getting lots of likes doesn't mean you are actually reaching people instead of paying for them why not you know get them naturally bar by providing interesting honest content on a regular basis oh wait that takes effort and honesty yeah you know what just keep
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wasting our tax dollars but that's just my opinion. music is our job the army our destiny. yes of a group i always say that we are on the front line that. runs through our weapons our instruments our voices our choreography. jen. said.


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