tv Headline News RT July 16, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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for your media. free media. we didn't invite edward snowden and russia wasn't his final destination anyway. saying the future has been left. in america after the killer of a black teenager walks free with the race heating up amid continuing protests nationwide. over the highly sensitive. turkish military base during a recent strike on neighboring syria. live
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from moscow this is the with me it's a pleasure to have you with us today the former n.s.a. and cia contractor edward snowden will leave moscow as soon as he can that's according to russia's president vladimir putin snowden has been holed up in the transit. just outside of the capital more than three weeks. earlier in the program i did speak to. it was clear from his tone in the still no end in sight really to this snowden saga and he also said that a large large part of the responsibility for that should be laid at america's door just three days ago edward snowden did say he was going to apply for political asylum from russia but he's still not made an official application of mr putin said he was still unclear about his situation but what was very clear in his words was the fact that russia should not be blamed is snowden now enters his fourth week in
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limbo in the transit zone of moscow's sheremetyevo airport. because i'm not sure but it will be less we didn't invite edward snowden and russia wasn't his final destination anyway he was in transit soon as he began his journey his route was revealed and our u.s. partners effectively blocked his further flight they've made of the country's afraid of taking him but no one wants to so he ended up blocked on our territory so our snowden remains are locked in legal limbo as you were saying a moment ago but what about further leaks of classified data any more to come well if you go by what he said in his press conference on friday at sheremetyevo airport there in principle he said that he had agreed to back track and except russia's precondition for asylum and that was it was not going to damage the u.s. but we do know that he has plenty of information up his sleeve which could do that and that was explained by the journalist who broke this story on the guardian newspaper he's in possession of literally thousands of documents that contain very
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specific blueprints that would allow somebody who. to know exactly how the n.s.a. does what it does which would in turn oil thereby there to evade that surveillance or to replicate it. that's what i was talking about that he has basically the instruction manual for how the n.s.a. is built so we can hear from that response the u.s. should perhaps still be worried although they will be keeping their fingers crossed that he does keep his played. to this asylum from russia it's also worth noting that of course russia does not have an extradition treaty with the u.s. so mr snowden will remain here while that is the case and also we should point out that when mr putin is asked what will happen next he said how should i know this is his fate in other words the ball is in edward snowden's court and he's up to him to make the next move and make this official application for asylum or i do let's put the story of mr starting to the side just for a moment of the russian president embarking on yet another level adventure what can
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you tell us about that well that's right he made these comments about snowden just after resurfacing from being. in a submarine at the bottom of the baltic sea it's actually looking at the remnants of the frigate called all leg which sank in eight hundred sixty nine after being hit by another vessel if you remember mr putin has already been at the bottom of lake by cal he's already been scuba diving in the black sea this time he didn't find any treasure but he did come back to report that all leg was in good condition . are just a few minutes away here an hour to the grim reality of a life of addiction and we report from pakistan a country where our correspondent discovered people are injecting drugs openly in the streets and feel they have little else to live for. another here on the program civil rights leaders in america are vowing more protests over the acquittal of neighborhood watch guard george zimmerman who shot dead an unarmed black
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teenager last year issues of racial hatred once again at the forefront people have been left out raged across the country police trying to calm viagra on the streets in new york with this report were an important. the new yorkers are now back on the streets for a second day to take justice for trayvon rallies to protest in english even says they're outraged with anger of course you have all of the george zimmerman we all know that more than eight hundred thousand people have signed their names put session that was put forth by the w.c. the league calling you for the u.s. justice department opening a prosecution against george zimmerman on civil rights charges. as as we see the the anger and the outrage is still boiling from coast to coast seems like now that that this verdict has been rendered it feels like it's open
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season like we all have a target on our back not just from the police we're not just worried about the police now have to worry about some crazy races person killing us and claiming self-defense you know i think it strikes home because here in new york even though it's such a diverse city we still you know see that kind of racism and discrimination on a day to day basis there's a heavy police presence right now so. the rally is. so far demonstrators have spilled out of the union square park and are walking through . manhattan below the park and of course they are surrounded by police officers on the street let's pan over there to show us a police officers on motorcycles and police officers on foot clearly the crowd is very aggravated an incredible injustice to only you can let everyone around us like a black man thank you thank you actually got a free the wait a day you know i think that i just kind of voice their opinion or just the black
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and white thing it's not just because i was a little black boy it's it's it's you know the sickness here in america you know which you know it gets to decide who it's dangerous and who's not following three hours in the blazing heat demonstrators who are still walking through new york city demanding justice and dozens of police officers by their side a sporting reporting from new york marino. and earlier here on r.t. we talked to elisa albrecht social activist and professor from the university of minnesota and she thinks the entire american legal system is racially biased or from the top to the bottom all the data shows the justice system in this country is racialized from the moment of impact police arrest more people polar and white people. are convicted in greater numbers they serve sentences that are longer and there are greater numbers of people color in prisons
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in the united states are given in terms of their population so we already have all that data and that this we see as a continuation of the trend this man has been acquitted so now is the time for our government to hear our voices that's why i live in minneapolis in the state of minnesota we will have thousands of people in downtown minnesota in front of a court to share our concerns about these issues. and you can always look on the website for more details and i'm of course on the live updates of the protests now sweeping america all of this over the death of trayvon martin all of this and much more at azzi dot com. in the meantime on the program turkey has slammed oxys report based on information from a reliable source claiming israel used a turkish military base to launch a recent s. strike on syria has also condemned the media for even mentioning the report is the
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latest middle east correspondent paula. the turkish foreign minister is saying to quote him it is absolutely wrong and he's accused of spreading the story of an act of betrayal he said that turkey will never be a partner nor a part of such attacks and that the ones who claim this one to damage turkey's power and reputation he slammed the turkish media for even mentioning the report now we approached the israeli defense forces for a second time asking them to comment their reply was that the response has not changed since their earlier on so and that is that they refused to comment on the issue we never got a reply from the prime minister's office there we just received an e-mail response to our request saying that they will not be participating in our broadcast we also never got a reply from the foreign affairs ministry a reminder of what we actually know at this stage a reliable source told r.t.
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that israel use a turkish military base to help stage the recent air strike on the syrian city of latakia now what we know is that it was a pre-dawn attack it happened in early july latakia is a key syrian ports not far from a russian base they were several syrian troops who were reportedly killed and wounded in that attack the r.t. sources tell us that israeli planes left that military base in turkey and approached latakia from the sea and this was to make sure that they were not inside syrian airspace and so that they could not become a legitimate target of the syrian air force what is important is that the attack originated on the turkish side of the border and revelations that turkey may in fact be copulating with israel against an arab country would indeed be for lack of a better word highly inconvenient for turkey itself and for its nato allies including the united states you need to remember that turkey positions itself as
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a key power player and a regional why of all of israel. now if proven true turkish cooperation with israel would land right in the middle of the crossfire between its people and its arab neighbors the cost of damage control could prove too high for the turkish government as well as all his party boy reports the turkish foreign minister has been quick to dismiss the reports saying that they have no basis in reality critics disagree and say the government may need to get ready for some damage control turkey in israel work together a lot and it's entirely plausible that they would work together turkey didn't even retaliate after nine civilians were killed by israeli commandos and if you look at her the ones track record with the usa it's even more believable he's a puppet of the usa but this is a scandal for the turkish people so of course the government is denying everything
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. turkey's worries are still rule from two thousand and ten when an aid flotilla heading for gaza was stormed by israeli commandos they boarded a humanitarian aid ship and killed nine turkish civilians and with the past two weeks marks by anti-government protests here in. these latest alleged revelations about cooperation between israel and turkey could present even more problems for the government. see a stumble. so he has a long running history of cooperation with israel and both countries are united in their opposition to war start of the syrian government that's according to middle east affairs analyst. we have an underlying strategic alliance that then you'll still exercise affect and five turkey was the first islamic state to recognize israel and one thing for the night and nineteen ninety six there
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was a free trade agreement and throughout the last few decades there was very heavy involvement and perms of military security and political cooperation the fact that this witness somewhat of our victories in the last two or three years should not overshadow the fact that corporation continues between the two countries over the last few months when all four of both. the turks have been supporting the free syrian army against the syrian regime so as far as that goes we can see what this is coming from. and still to come on the program there were not new disturbing surveillance revelations u.k. police use counter-terrorism laws to come to skate mobile phones from trouble of trying to cross the border or the details are just ahead for you here in the program. plus greece's place to sell for a third standstill this year we talk to
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a member of one of the general strikes organizing labor unions on the other world's top stories after the break. wealthy british style some time to. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global finance. headlines tune in to cause a report. but i will only react to situations i haven't read the reports so i'm not in a position to the know i will leave that to the state department to comment on your
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latter part of the monthly so it's secure a car is on the docket. no more weasel words. when you have a direct question be prepared for a chase when you throw a punch be ready for a. pretty speech and down the street into question. like joining us here on our overseas show decades of war in afghanistan have brought many consequences including the onset of the world's biggest heroin industry now with the opium cultivation always on the rise it's also affecting neighboring pakistan where it's now sometimes easier to get high and get fed may find some of the images and lucy cough an office report disturbing. an
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ambulance rushes to kolaches largest more than other body is brought in to be identified there's no shortage of ways to die in the city target killings bomb blasts and drugs abdullah was hoping not to find his father here has been searching karachi for more than two weeks as a last resort he checked this morning but amid the portraits of the dead a grim discovery and a familiar face abilities father was addicted to heroin for almost a decade now he's another one of the drugs casualties. but i don't know where they are going to be hard to break the news to my mother but this is what happened and we have to face it there will be tears at home tonight the tears that abdullah believes could have been prevented he says his father tried to quit several times but in pakistan there are few treatment centers and plenty of temptation by just i mean that i could stand has been flooded with heroin it's easy to get that it's even sold out in the open the police do nothing because they're also involved and
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just a few blocks away a dark underworld in broad daylight these heroin addicts don't even bother hiding their habit it's thought that pakistan has more than four million drug addicts but fewer than eighty dedicated we have clinics. health care these young people may be in short supply there is no shortage of heroin and. they may be a problem the problem they share one thing in common with you there is that a lot of them are moscow and the heroin. that deadly day in. afghanistan is the world's largest producer of opium heroine's main ingredient and it accounts for ninety percent of the global supply roughly forty percent of it as smuggled through pakistan it's a multi-billion dollar industry fueled by years of war and instability opium production is up for the third year in a row and is predicted to grow even further and once nato leaves in twenty fourteen there are fears that the floodgates will open for the spread of the deadly harvest you are going to get rid of this wall of their school i suppose but you would
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be inviting end of the war between to be very difficult. to wind up and decorated with a wall of drugs pakistani security experts want nato forces to take heed they have gone drug trade is the elephant in the room the biggest challenge which fox on has faced is that in all honesty and twenty fourteen post for troll strategy drugs has been left out by the united states nato and other european partners as an issue which is not to be considered. the port of karachi a key drug smuggling exit point the city is flooded with cheap heroin which addicts here say is easier to buy than a healthy meal and near a busy highway this hole in the wall serves as a makeshift heroin takeout window money goes in and drugs are pushed out into eager waiting hands. i tell myself that i'll stop using this drug for the sake of my children that's what i'm thinking about but i can't help myself because my body
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needs it and the heroine's easy to get. to easy it seems pakistanis get through an estimated one point two billion dollars worth of heroin each year but ross excess just a dollar fifty is enough to get him high. if it's spreading now it's gone to my heart . straight to the heart from the heroin heartland of ghana stan a casualty of the poison spreading from the war zone next door. of karachi. called iraq now. jailed in germany for passing on top secret data to russia for more than twenty years where there may be exchanged for another age and you can read all the details of this cold war style spy swap between moscow and right now online. plus captain america iron man and. of a regular controversial billboard with a former nazi leader surrounded by superheroes get the details about the.
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troubles on their way to britain that might want to leave their phones at home it's been revealed now they could be seized and browse through by the police and amazingly enough it's totally legal. so there are reports this is one of the most visited countries in the world right behind me one of the busiest airports but one many travelers may not know one till they actually get to where you airport or any other port of entry is the fact that police can actually use anti counterterrorism malls to take more phones from anybody they want to and go through that private data download and store that this kind of information would include a call history contacts photos who the person may have been communicating with through texts or e-mails although not the actual content of the messages now that doesn't even have to be any reasonable suspicion for a police officer to take a mobile phone and keep the information for quote unquote as long as necessary at
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the u.k. telegraph reports that up to sixty thousand people a year are stopped and examined as they enter or return to the u.k. now we did get in touch with the scotland yard and they sent us this statement and they said that under the terrorism act of two thousand. a person may be detained and questioned for up to nine hours to determine if that individual is the person concerned of the commission preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism they also richer a hint that the use of such powers are proportional and appropriate and that they are if they have oversight by independent reviewers case anti terror laws whatever reviews that are being conducted have highlighted the broader nature of such powers and there have been calls for more safeguards to prevent any abuse of power now we spoke with the freedom association to discuss more on the issue in a democracy the starting line really should be about a private individual has a right to privacy is that right is being treated by the state it must be because
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there's a good reason to do it so is it proportional is it in public interest. is aids is it being done through proper condom entry oversight these questions have to be asked and that's why that is the line that we need to look out for so just to say we're going to glean information from anybody and hold it for as long as the police deem necessary really isn't acceptable. parts of the world updated sware police of fired tear gas and bird shot at crowds of supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsy and dozens were hit in the clashes that are said to have broken out after pro morsi demonstrators bore traffic to a standstill while blocking a key downtown bridge a protests demanding a return to power for the former elected president intensified across the country on monday. a north korean registered vessel sailing from cuba has been seized in the panama canal amid claims it was carrying sophisticated missile equipment.
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president ricardo posted on his twitter account a photo of a suspicious object found behind sugar containers in the ship's cargo hold or u.n. sanctions by north korea from both exporting and importing all but small arms. greece is bracing itself for its third general strike this year mass rallies planned in the capital athens and the standstill comes as greek lawmakers are set to start a two day long debate over new cuts demanded of course by the international creditors . going off reports from just outside the greek parliament public sector still. a major part of this economy these jobs are protected by the constitution since the end of the nineteenth century and now greece is creditors detroit guard demanding from the government to cut them they're talking about up to twenty five thousand jobs which have to be reduced before the end of this year and if they see that if
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the government doesn't do that today is not going to get the latest financial package what around six point one billion euros throughout this four week have been various protests rallies taking place in athens with all types of civil workers taking to the streets from teachers to municipal police but now we're talking about a general strike and for more on this i'm joined by. police from the civil service configuration one of the organizations which organized this strike so mr singh arcus thank you very much for joining me how big of a strike should we expect today where you live today to a journalist strike that means that both private sector and public sector but dissipated in this reaction against all these new measures since you were talking now about a new another new package during the three years this is not the first strike to
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take ways and far from the first demonstration either but so far in general nothing's changed much so do you think there may be may be other ways to improve the situation and what's the tactic of the labor unions going to have to say first of all that we all are for three years now on the street trying to explain. if you have to budget to the government to do it due to the lenders that it does not then affect the policy we have facing all these nice misses but at the same time we can see the economy. more and more in rising up unemployment people and that the same time when the people and the society needs more welfare state we're losing it's day by day we have to change this policy and the government it's time to say stop with all these measures and we hope that this is that they will not vote today in the parliament about a new package which leads to more austerity six and i just thank you very much for
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your time this was. from the civil servants confederation of greece one of the two main unions organizing this general strike today in greece are just around the corner and the man who makes the blood of the big bankers run cold max kaiser the kaiser report in just a sec thank you for watching. or remember those old wacky communist countries who constantly boost their numbers to make themselves feel better or who cares if stores are in the end this piece of paper a one hundred thousand tons of potatoes that is good enough for me well now we are in a new age of technology but the same lying to make yourself feel good is still going strong it just moved over to the capital swirled the u.s. state department's bureau of international information programs has spent six
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hundred thirty thousand dollars on facebook advertising campaigns to get fans a sense of the government is out there to buy likes oh what a fantastic use tax dollars but wait maybe i'm being too pessimistic perhaps it worked and really helped spread the message of the us state department effectively wellness victor general's report says that since the ads. in campaign started twenty eleven there has been a dramatic increase in users liking state department sites but the problem is that only two percent of them actually use the sites so you get what you pay for a big bag of likes but few hardcore fans probably the most shocking example is a vision of america group in farsi made for a rainy and which has gotten over four hundred twenty thousand members but only one percent of them is actually in iran where facebook advertising doesn't even exist that's effective getting lots of likes doesn't mean you are actually reaching people instead of paying for them why not you know get the naturally bar by providing interesting honest content on a regular basis oh wait that takes effort and honesty yeah you know what just keep
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wasting our tax dollars but that's just my opinion. oh. music is our job the army our destiny these soldiers don't know what really comes look like but it didn't take them a single shots to conquer the world. china and korea try to imitate them america and europe cry bravo absolutely amazing amazing. meanwhile back in russia military artists are losing their grip on the audiences. young people especially soldiers they seem to me to differently from. the russian musical army
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has been fighting for eighty five years now stained teamed with the times and win over the younger audience is up to date or has the time come to give up the fight and defeat. find out on r t. welcome to the is the report i'm max kaiser you know before the two thousand and four indian ocean tsunami all creatures with a basic instinct or a sixth sense able to read the environment in which they lived had long fled elephants screamed and ran for high ground monkeys holleran climbed the trees dog.
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