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tv   Headline News  RT  July 16, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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it was. breaking news on all c. i was three weeks off the touching down and mosco n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden finally submits ever quest for temporary asylum in russia. seven people are killed and over two hundred eight hundred during the last violence overnight in egypt passed by because of the ousted president morsy clash with police. and he denies claims israeli's the one of its military bases to launch a strike on syria or the pool based on analyses swords.
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international news and comments live from moscow this is all see with me. and welcome to the program. cia leaker edward snowden has officially requests a temporary asylum in russia that whistleblowers been stranded in a moscow airport for over three weeks now and let's now get all the details live from our she is andrew farmer andrea hello that's what do we know about edward snowden status right now we know that mr snowden's three record deal in the transit area of moscow's sheremetyevo airport could soon be over that's because the russian migration service has confirmed it has received an application from mr snowden for temporary asylum within russia and although that. will take three months to process in the meantime they will issue mr snowden with documents within the next five days we believe which will allow him to leave the transit zone and walk on russian soil so that's good news for him it's worth noting that on friday when he held that
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press conference at the airport he did stress he was prepared to accept a pre-condition from russia in order to gain asylum that was he would no longer damage the u.s. i.e. he would not release further documents that could damage the u.s. government is also worth pointing out that he believes that gaining temporary asylum in russia is part of a wider plan he hopes he said to eventually travel to latin america where he has been offered in principle asylum there from three countries venezuela. bolivia as for president putin he has also stressed that russia should not be blamed for mr snowden's extended stay in the transit zone sheremetyevo airport and stressed that it was actually america's actions that have compounded the saga. we didn't invite edward snowden and russia was in his final destination anyway he was in transit but as soon as he began his journey is route was revealed and our
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u.s. partners effectively blocked him from taking any further flights they even made other countries afraid of taking him in no one wants to so he ended up blocked on our territory. so today's news that he has actually officially applied for temporary asylum is one small step i think in the edward snowden if it is granted to him it would allow him to live and work within russia over the next year or so but as we heard this is part of a much bigger plan we feel for edward snowden who hopes to eventually end up in latin america but no doubt he will be very relieved to eventually leave sheremetyevo airport after his three week stay. he's andrew from a live from central moscow andrea thank you very much indeed for that update and for more on snowden's asylum affair and his mission to expose the n.s.a.
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secret operations let's now talk to an e.p. and millionaire under stop so from the pirate party ms and a daughter thank you very much indeed for joining us here at r.t. so it looks like edward snowden is likely to stay here in russia for some time what kind of international reaction can we expect now. i'm assuming that the americans continue to be upset that somebody finds the courage to remove from a bomb at the nobel peace prize and i also hope that we in europe will know eventually get around to actually talk about how we can create stronger data protection rules for our territory. snowden said that he is planning to move to latin america when he has the right travel documents why not just ask for permanent asylum here in moscow or do you think. probably because the russian government has a reputation also for surveillance not always being very kind to leaks. to american
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governments on the other hand you've had a political process there for the last ten years that they've strived for autonomy and also to some extent human rights so. with those governments welcoming him with open arms it's no. wonder really that he's trying to go there. actually before snowden got stuck in the transit zone in moscow apple before that we can leave that he was on return democratic country does that only include latin america. i mean the democracy is a form of governance but i think what you can tell from mr snowden's. is that it's not just the election process as trade but he also believes it values stake human rights the dignity and sanctity of like a person's private lives and the importance of granting people a private life in order to usefully participate in a democratic process so premisses one of the preconditions for us being able to.
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develop as democratic human beings and participate meaningfully in such a process and saw countries where previously it's not best preserved always run the risk of not may be holding up to the democratic values very well. in the riots and the media. from the power of policy a media thank you very much indeed. so snowden is now waiting for his request to be reviewed by russian officials unless this conversation with r.c. is news and so i have a cross he here with me in the studio that nice to see you so what can we expect next. well our understanding is that the. initial request is additional submission that's been been confirmed by the federal migration service can be reviewed for up to three months so what we're hearing is that snowden will be given some form of temporary refuge or temporary asylum status this interesting really i think moved
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him from. a normal state status. status into something a little bit more concrete after the u.s. revoked his passport when he left hong kong so i think snowden then finds himself with some paper and some paper as any reader of russian literature will tell you some paper is better than no paper and i think snowden is probably in a better position and may well be allowed to exit the transit area from airport where he's been holed up for for the last three weeks and if you get out from there well then that gives him an opportunity to visit the other bases or for example is on the bench in venezuela nicaragua and bolivia. in moscow and perhaps establish formal asylum request procedures there and basically shore up his options so russia is giving him asylum and temporary asylum but if you want him to stay well does that mean yeah. so would suggest that there's mixed messages coming coming coming
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from russia on this in my opinion i think they're playing this snowden situation very well it's very clear that this was not is a situation of their making not an entirely welcome situation either as far as the kremlin. would be concerned it's summertime probably want to you know they want their holidays they don't want to have to be manning the snowden poems and dealing with this one of the. they basis but i think they're i think they've done a very well on the one hand made it very clear that snowden would not be allowed to continue to damage the famous our u.s. partners while moscow's jurisdiction absolutely unacceptable and as we all know a lot of reporters were disallowed weapons putin's work that's not going to happen on the other hand the involvement of the nataly who has a has a background in human rights work and has probably help shore up the human
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rights aspect of it and they seem to be playing the human rights aspect of snowden's asylum requests by the book so i think the kremlin seems to be coming out of this new really strong position. news editor i'm across he talking to us about the edward snowden saga i would thank you very much in the sunlight. stability remains elusive in egypt or that at least seven people killed and over two hundred sixty injured in overnight clashes between police and supporters of the deposed president mohamed morsy these tree battles happened as a senior u.s. official visited egypt for the first time since the military took over about truth has the latest now from cairo. once again the egyptian streets erupted into these very violent and chaotic street battles between supporters of the ousted brotherhood leaned on the security forces which actually continued into the early hours of this morning and we have heard that people have died hundreds have been
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injured in the latest is that over four hundred people have been arrested in connection with this sort of all to cations what's actually happened was that it took place in tudor cations across the capital one very close to i'm standing here in tahrir square ramses. supporter of mohamed morsi has left the city and in the city basically confronted security forces responded with tear gas the protesters threw back the rocks this spread into the side streets burning whole neighborhoods to a standstill meanwhile in another state in support of more see. which is across the river from where i am right now so against the backdrop to this very violent situation here in egypt's top official as the deputy secretary of state has visited egypt he is the first major fishel from america to come post the top billing of mohamed morsi he reportedly was here to meet meeting officials including the president interim president of the month and also civil society leaders and
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business leaders now washington said the purpose of his visit was to underscore u.s. support for egypt and also pushing for the end of violence and a transition towards sort of civilian democracy what we are seeing at the moment here in egypt is possibly a movement to the north towards the west from this interim government as the latest appointments have been mohamed about a day of eating opposition figures with very good relations with the u.s. he's now vice president for an f. as in addition the foreign minister is the egyptian imo the former egyptian ambassador to the u.s. he of course is very well regarded in the u.s. the u.s. for their part are making very cautious in the way they're labeling what's happened in the last few weeks from the beginning with express concern. it's about it's a religiously motivated detentions including a president morsi can you say that i think i just said it man i think when you say the name you used his name. the question louis was do we agree with the call of the germans and i said yes our decision is the same but why why can you not i'm not
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playing this game and it's not. well as you can hear you know she's refusing to say the word mohamed morsy even though there are people here who actually against the ousted leader who believe that he is being held as a political prisoner in the u.s. have also been very careful about the use of the words military coup which is something that other nations. the military here for doing this would be because of course this would affect u.s. assistance to egypt that one point five billion dollars assistance they give to the army if this is able to carry so you could be having a very cautious movement from the u.s. who are you know reaching out to the interim government refusing so far to meet with any. supporters of the ousted leader and at the same time maintaining kind of course this reaction to the military behavior the last few weeks. and all see is reported based on information from a reliable source claiming
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a turkish military base to launch a recent ass strike on syria entourage also condemns the media for even mentioning the report our middle east correspondent. the turkish foreign minister is saying to quote him it is absolutely wrong and he's accused of spreading the story of an act of betrayal he said that turkey will never be a partner nor a part of such attacks and that the ones who claim this one to damage turkey's power and reputation he slammed the turkish media for even mentioning the report now we approached the israeli defense forces for a second time asking them to comment their reply was that the response has not changed since the earlier on so and that is that they refused to comment on the issue we never got a reply from the prime minister's office there we just received an e-mail response to our request saying that they will not be participating in our broadcast we also never got a reply from the foreign affairs ministry
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a reminder of what we actually know at this stage a reliable source told r.t. that israel use a turkish military base to help stage the recent air strike on the syrian city of latakia now what we know is that it was a pre-dawn attack it happened in early july latakia is a key syrian ports not far from a russian base they were several syrian troops who were reportedly killed and wounded in that attack the ati sources tell us that israeli planes left that military base in turkey and approached latakia from the sea and this was to make sure that they were not inside syrian airspace and so that they could not become a legitimate target of the syrian air force what is important is that the attack originated on the turkish side of the border and revelations that turkey may in fact be copulating with israel against an arab country would indeed be for lack of
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a better word highly inconvenient for turkey itself and for its nato allies including the united states you need to remember that turkey positions itself as a key power player and a regional why of all of israel. and political analyst chris bambery says displayed unfriendly rhetoric in the past and israel are still close. talk here is a key nato front line state with a massive military given to it by united states so there is a historic alliance between israel and took you fueled by dislike of many of the arab states aboard perceived as being enemies but. agreed to the use of a turkish military base for an attack on syria this is going to fuel the discontent which is already facing with the demonstrations born elsewhere in tact and square some countries in the arab world so do reappear guitar elsewhere really could not kill who is carrying out attacks on the outside regime he wouldn't care of israel
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was doing its own elves but i think across the arab world it will be seen as bad news and if the turkish military have supported this attack in any way the new it's going to open up a whole can of worms inside inside the region because we know as well that israel would wait to use as a staging post for an attack on iran i don't think the use of bases for attacks in syria will be used to seem basis for an attack on iran it shows just how far things have come down the road in their determination of various things to unseat the outside regime and how prepared they are to go all in pursuit of that of that goal more news is coming your way after the break. lists brightness team spirit. first recipient lists and i think you're.
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on a reporter's twitter. and instantly. live in the limit on the odd. little. language or. react to situations i have read the reports and let you know when the no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your letter play like a monthly. lizard a car is on the docket no. joke no more weasel words when you have a direct question be prepared for a change when you run should be ready for a battle freedom of speech and little down the freedoms of costs.
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oh this is r.c. cars who live for moscow welcome bach now three days a dance house thousands across the u.s. have responded to the controversial acquittal of may be a good watch gone to george zimmerman who died on a black teenager trayvon martin last year but the jury decided it wasn't second degree murder and set him free was his marina partner aisles with iran in new york for us. new yorkers are now back on the streets for a second day to take in the justice for trayvon was rallies to protest in english there even says their alley for the view of the george zimmerman we all know that more than eight hundred thousand people have signed their names while put session that was put forth by detainment the a.c.l.u. league calling for the u.s. justice department to open it up to him an old prosecution against george zimmerman
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on civil rights charges. as as we see the the anger and the outrage is still boiling up from coast to coast it seems like now that that this verdict has been rendered it feels like it's open season like we all have a target on our back not just from the police so we're not just worried about the police now have to worry about some crazy races person killing us and claiming self-defense you know what i think it strikes on because here in new york even though it's such a diverse city we still you know see that kind of racism and discrimination on a day to day basis there's a how deep was her presence right now so how do you not spike the rally is say so far demonstrators have spilled out of union square park and are walking through. manhattan below the park and of course they are surrounded by police officers on the street let's pan over there to show us the police officers on motorcycles and.
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police officers on foot clearly the crowd is very aggravated an incredible injustice. and everyone around us like a black man thank you thank you actually got me the way they. just kind of voice their opinion or just a black or white it's not just because it was a little boy it's it's it's the sickness here in america you know which you know it gets to decide who looks dangerous and who's not following three hours in the believing heat demonstrators were still walking through new york city demanding justice and dozens of police officers by their side a sporting reporting from new york marina. the state of california has something some of the west violent crimes has go to also have come to see what's been happening that all the details on the best pictures from the sundress and oakland are waiting for you right now.
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trains counseled flies disrupted and hospitals left was just emergences starve in greece workers across the country who worked out in a fresh general strike against austerity thousands have taken to the streets in athens unhappy at severe job cuts on the international lenders want even more under a bill expected to be paul's this week around four thousand state employees will lose their jobs by the end of this year up to a thousand workers are being fired in greece every day recent surveys by the hello nic this is to go of sorties show since two thousand and nine unemployment has skyrocketed from a little over nine percent to almost twenty seven percent greece's g.d.p. has plunged by almost one hundred billion euro. reports now from protest hate athens where people's anger has spilled on to the streets again. well public workers are still considered to be the foundation of the greek economy and as the troika its creditors demand that the government cuts up to twenty five thousand
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jobs before the end of this year otherwise they say greece isn't going to get its latest financial aid package of over six billion euro teachers doctors bus drivers municipal police airport workers and many others have taken to the streets of athens and have gone on a general strike gathered in front of the parliament building demanding that. they do not take these measures and swell has been in recession for the past six years unemployment is at twenty seven percent many do work officially but don't get paid two out of three graduates can't find a decent job sol the situation here is very bad despite all this financial aid from of the e.u. and earlier i spoke to one of the organizers of the strike was said it's not only the problem with the government itself the whole system has to be changed in order for things to improve we are for three years now on the street trying to explain to
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everybody to the government or to do to the lender. that it is not an effective policy we are facing all these musicians but at the same time we can see the economy. more poverty more and more dramatic you rising up for. people and at the same time when the people and the society needs more welfare state we're losing need to day by day we have to change this policy and the government it's time now to say stop with all these measures and we hope that. that they will not vote today a look parliament about a new package which leads to more austerity labor unions and youth organizations saying no matter what happens next they're not going to back down until the troika or brussels specifically understand that this isn't only about subtracting or adding figure. but about the real lives of real people. under now website for you right now scandal hate acts on i've had trials come comes out of the shadows to
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work for rush and bind is beginning his comeback in the world of finance joining the board of an institution owned by stage owned company was snapped all the details are called. and russia's president blunders into the depths led to employees who braved the waters of the baltic sea in a tiny submarine to inspect a russian frigate which is sunk over one hundred fifty years ago check out the video now emotion page at all. to the u.k. now where inspection and border control might now go further than interest x. raying your luggage police now have the power to simply confiscate travelers mobiles and check all the data on the test on scene explains. oh this is one of the most visited countries in the world and right behind me one of the busiest airports but one many travelers may not know one till they actually get to where you can
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airport or any other port of entry is the fact the police can actually use anti a counterterrorism laws to take more vile phones from anybody they want to and go through the private data download and store them now this kind of information would include a call history contacts photos who the person may have been communicating with through texts or e-mails although not the actual content of the messages now there doesn't even have to be any reasonable suspicion for a police officer to take a mobile phone and keep the information for quote unquote as long as necessary at the u.k. telegraph reports that up to sixty thousand people a year are stopped and examined as they enter or return to the u.k. though we did get in touch with the scotland yard and they sent us this statement and they said that under the terrorism act of two thousand a person may be detained and questioned for up to nine hours to determine if that individual is a person concerned in the commission preparation or instigation of acts of
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terrorism they also refuted that the use of such powers are proportional and appropriate and that they are if they have oversight by independent reviewers of case anti terror laws whoever reviews that are being conducted have highlighted the broader nature of such powers and there have been calls for more safeguards to prevent any abuse of power now we spoke with the freedom association to discuss more on the issue in a democracy the starting line really should be that a private individual has a right to privacy is that right is being sued by the state it must be because there's a good reason to do it say is it true for sure is it's in public interest. is it is it being done through. the entry oversight these questions have to be asked and that's why that is the. that we took out four suggest to say we're going to glean information from anybody and hold it for as long as the police still
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necessary really isn't acceptable. up next a look at the us government spending and this is haitian big banking facts about some prime interest. or remember those old wacky communist countries who constantly boost their numbers to make themselves feel better or who cares if stores are empty and this piece of paper a one hundred thousand tons of potatoes that is good enough for me well now we're in a new age of technology but the same lying to make yourself feel good is still going strong it just moved over to the capitals world the u.s. state department's bureau of international information programs has spent six hundred thirty thousand dollars on facebook advertising campaigns to get fans a sense of the government is out there to buy likes oh what a fantastic use of tax dollars but wait maybe i'm being too pessimistic perhaps it
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worked and really helped spread the message of the us state department effectively well inspector general's report says that since the advertising campaign started twenty eleven there has been a dramatic increase in users liking state department sites but the problem is that only two percent of them actually use the sites so you get what you pay for a big bag of likes but few hard core fans probably the most shocking example is a vision of america group in farsi made for a rainy and which has gotten over four hundred twenty thousand members but only one percent of them is actually in iran where facebook advertising doesn't even exist that's effective getting lots of likes doesn't mean you are actually reaching people instead of paying for them why not you know get them naturally bar by providing interesting honest content on a regular basis oh wait that takes effort and honesty yeah you know what just keep wasting our tax dollars but that's just my opinion.
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good afternoon and welcome the prime interest i'm hearing boring and i'm bubbling good here's the headline that we're tracking today and. more next signal a key in new york manufacturing the poor and beat expectations but the latest retail sales report this morning and disappointed the headline number increases zero point four percent expectations were for double about it and when you dig into the nuts and bolts of the report it gets worse excluding the auto and gasoline components sales actually dipped below zero with the.


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