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tv   Headline News  RT  July 16, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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we. submit to requests for temporary asylum in russia. seven people were killed and two hundred injured during the overnight in egypt because of the alstad president morsi clashed with police and. protests across the u.s. reach but for neighborhood watch volunteer is clear despite shooting. story.
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live from studio center in moscow this is with international news and comment twenty four hours a day. the cia leaker edward snowden is officially requested temporary asylum in russia the whistle blowers been stranded in a moscow airport for over three weeks now. he's following his quest for refuge. well it does appear that his three week ordeal in the transit area of moscow sheremetyevo airport will soon come to an end and that is because the russian migration service has said it has now received an official application from him for temporary asylum in russia and although that will take three months to process in the meantime we think within probably five days he will be issued documents which will allow him to leave that transit area to pass through passport control and effectively walk on russian soil a free man we do know
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a couple of things about his application firstly a lawyer that has been consulting with him has said that on that application mr snowden has made it very clear that he feels that he would be tortured if he returned to the u.s. we also know that mr snowden has agreed russia's precondition of giving him asylum and that was that he should no longer damage the u.s. as to snowden has said that he will not harm the u.s. while he is on russian territory this is probably part of a much wider plan for edward snowden even though if he was granted asylum he would be allowed to live and work in russia for up to one year he has said in a press conference on friday that his wider plan is to travel to latin america where he has been granted asylum in principle by three countries those being venezuela nicaragua and bolivia in the meantime president putin has said that russia should not be blamed for this ongoing saga and said if anything it's been
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compounded by america's actions in ship i'm not sure but if we didn't invite edward snowden and russia was in his final destination anyway he was in transit but as soon as he began his journey is route was revealed and our u.s. partners effectively blocked you taking any further flights they even made other countries are afraid of taking him in no one wants to. we ended up blocked on our territory and it's fair to say this story is far from coming to an end at the moment but today's news that he has officially applied for temporary asylum in russia is one small step towards that and in effect that he will now be able to leave we understand the transit area of moscow's sheremetyevo airport within five days that after being stuck there for over three weeks and reform reporting there so snowden is now waiting for his request to be reviewed by russian officials
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called the unit chevelle of i discussed this with artie's news editor of across the earlier and he says moscow's playing it smoothly our understanding is that the. initial request is additional submission that's been been confirmed by the federal migration service can be reviewed for up to three months so what we're hearing is that snowden will be given some form of temporary refuge or temporary asylum status this interesting really i think moved him from. a normal state status. status into something a little bit more concrete that after the u.s. revoked his passport when he left hong kong so i think snowden then finds himself with some paper and some paper as any reader of russian literature will tell you some paper is better than no paper and i think snowden is probably in a better position and may well be allowed to exit the transit area from. for for the last three weeks and if he is allowed get out from there well then that gives
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him an opportunity to visit the other embassies or for example is on the bench in venezuela nicaragua and bolivia. in moscow and perhaps establish formal asylum request procedures there and basically shore up his options so russia is giving him asylum and temporary asylum but if you want him to stay for good well does that mean in my opinion i think they're playing this snowden situation very well it's very clear that this was not is a situation of their making not an entirely welcome situation either as far as the kremlin. would be concerned but i think they've i think they've done a very well on the one hand prints made it very clear that snowden would not be allowed to continue to damage the famous our u.s. partners while moscow's jurisdiction absolutely unacceptable and as we all know a lot of our putin's word is putin's work that's not going to happen on the other
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hand the involvement of anatoly who has a has a background in human rights work. has probably help shore up the human rights aspect of it and they seem to be playing the human rights aspect of snowden's asylum request by the book so i think the kremlin seems to be coming out of this new really strong position. so russia will most likely prove to be just a stopover for snowden before he heads elsewhere that america's the most likely destination for the whistleblower so let's see where exactly he could end up well glenn greenwald the journalist the man who's released much of what snowden leaked thinks that venezuela is the best option and bolivia is also among the front runners especially after the grounding of its president's plane in europe causing so much anger because regular says it's willing to grant asylum after receiving a request from snowden and then there is ecuador that's another option despite the u.s. urging it not to help snowden like it did with wiki leaks founder julian assange so
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so far snowden has pledged to stick to russia's conditions to stop harming the u.s. but jim killick from the open rights group hopes he'll continue the leaks says soon as he can hope it doesn't mean that he has to not talk about what the united states have been up to in broad policy terms i mean he's been very careful not to threaten individual peroration is not to expose particular agents or to make claims which would result in people safety being compromised rather he's been talking about the broad programs that the united states and u.k. have been dealing with he says he's got a lot of material and i certainly hope he has more to tell us it does seem that way to completely change the debate right now it is very important that debate keeps happening i think a lot of things are happening in the wake of that there were at least two legal actions being launched in the u.k.
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on the back of what he's revealed i expect will be more in the usa the tech companies are challenging on the basis of their own free speech and also to clear their names of i was been going on so there is a lot to happen whether or not he's got more material to give but i really would like to see whether he has got more to say and i hope he does. if you've missed a key development over the past few days or just want to know the latest on snowden had to r.t. dot com for the timeline of everything that has happened so far while you're there you can read about why he could receive a nobel peace prize for his leaks. stability remains elusive in egypt's with at least seven people killed and over two hundred sixty injured in overnight clashes between police and supporters of the deposed president mohamed morsi this is the interim president has sworn in the country's new cabinet after hosting a senior u.s. official for talks are to build true as the latest from current. once again the
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egyptian streets erupted into these very violent and chaotic street battles between supporters of the ousted brotherhood leaned on the security forces which actually continued into the early hours of this morning and we have heard that people have died hundreds have been injured in the latest is that over four hundred people have been arrested in connection with this sort of all to cations what's actually happened was that it took place in tutor cations across the capital one very close to i'm standing here in tahrir square and ramses. supports of mohamed morsi have left the city and in the city basically confronted security forces responded with tear gas the protesters threw back the rocks this spread into the side streets burning whole neighborhoods to a standstill meanwhile in another city in support of more see. which is across the river from where i am right now so against the backdrop to this very violent situation here in egypt's top official as the deputy secretary of state has
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visited egypt he is the first major fishel from america to come post the toppling of mohamed morsi he reportedly was here to meet meeting officials including the president interim president of the month and also civil society leaders and business leaders now washington said the purpose of his visit was to underscore u.s. support for egypt and also in pushing for the end of violence and a transition towards sort of civilian democracy what we are seeing at the moment here in egypt is possibly a movement to the north towards the west from this interim government as the latest appointments have been mohammed about a day of eating opposition figure with very good relations with the u.s. he's now vice president for an f. as in addition the foreign minister is the egyptian imo the former egyptian ambassador to the u.s. he of course is very well regarded in the u.s. the u.s. for their part are making very cautious in the way that labeling what's happened in the last few weeks from the beginning with expressed concern. really motivated the
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tensions including a president morsi can you say that i think i just said it man i think when you say the name you use his name please the question was do we agree with the call of the germans and i said yes i listen is the same but why why can you not matt i'm not playing this game and it's not. well as you can hear that you know she's refusing to say the word mohamed morsi even though there are people here who actually against the ousted leader who believe that he is being held as a political prisoner the u.s. have also been very careful about the use of the words military which is something that other nations. the military here for doing this would be because of course this would affect u.s. assistance to egypt that their one point five billion dollars assistance they give to the army if this is able to king so you could be having a very cautious movement from the u.s. who are reaching out to the interim government refusing so far to meet with any.
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supporters of the ousted leader and at the same time maintaining kind of course this reaction to the military behavior in the last few weeks. true in cairo lawyers for guantanamo bay detainees say that the u.s. military isn't reporting the true number of prisoners on hunger strike camp authorities claim that twenty five inmates have ended their food protest but attorneys believe that only breaking the fast as part of the muslim paula day of ramadan well clive stafford smith is a human rights lawyer who represents some of the inmates and he's on hunger strike too and joins me live here on r.t. clive well the military is saying that the number of hunger strike has got low but can we expect that number then to shoot back up again after ramadan is over next month. the first thing to says it doesn't really matter how many people are on strike because the real principle here is that fifty two percent. for release should just be released as the president. so they just. do it now in terms of the
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ones who are on hunger strike the u.s. military is fitting about it and they've done this a lot over the years and some of the prisoners are in the taking a little bit to eat because that sort of that's what one does during ramadan to break your fast but they're not giving up and indeed there is so solid support among the prisoners for the ongoing strike you're in hunger strike yourself what do you hope to achieve by that and just how far will you go well i've gone without food for seven days which is a truly are compared to what the prison is going through and indeed you know i plan to stop it tomorrow because what we're doing is a rolling process the british comedian frankie boyle is taking over for me i'm very proud and i just had an email from julie christie the actress who is going to do it for a week. this is simply supportive of the prisoners are going to snorkel stuff. and
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a federal judge today has said that she has no jurisdiction over the force feeding of three of the inmates there said that really imply that even the likes of you lawyers and indeed federal judges have absolutely no power over the way the military handling the situation well i think the lower is only one aspect of power is in public opinion is far more important sometimes the course of public opinion can be much more important than the court of law and if you look at the look at the number prisoners who been released from grant on a move day the number released by a court order is very very small amount released because we've proven publicly they had wrong person or it's an injustice is very large hoping that just as any are. you saying that yourself and other celebrities are on hunger strike all people in the u.k. and around the world generally concerned about what goes on in guantanamo do you think well first i mean if you go public as
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a celebrity. well look see if we just lost the connection there by the looks of things sorry about that that's clive stafford smith there in london talking to us a little about the human rights situation in guantanamo well after the break this is the life here in moscow after the break a court verdict which divided america will look at what's happening off the george zimmerman was found not guilty of murdering a black teenager trayvon martin. the official. stream quality enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television. now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere.
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some of these traditional chilly lines. passed down from generation. this is a total destruction of the culture of mexico i tell him i mean this is not going to mexico whatever happens here. in the world you know. why do you think this country is full of obese and sick people because we have a crappy food system. it continues here in r.t. three days of violent protests that's how thousands across the u.s. are responded to the controversial acquittal of
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a neighborhood watch volunteer george zimmerman shot dead on and a black teenager trayvon martin last year but the jury decided it wasn't second degree murder and set him free report was at a rally in new york. the yorkers are now back on the streets to take justice for trayvon bally's protest and it was even says they're outraged with anger for the view of the george zimmerman we all know that more than eight hundred thousand people have signed their name position that was put forth by you and. call on you for the u.s. justice department to open it up for prosecution against george zimmerman on civil rights charges. as as we see the anger and the outrage is still boiling up from coast to coast it seems like now that that this verdict has been rendered it feels like it's open season like we all have
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a target on our back not just from the police so we're not just worried about the police now have to worry about some crazy races person killing us and claiming self-defense you know what i think it strikes home because here in new york even though it's such a diverse city we still you know see that kind of racism and discrimination on a day to day basis there's a heavy police presence right now so. the reality is. so far demonstrators have spilled out of the union square park and are walking through . manhattan below the park and of course they are surrounded by police officers on the street let's pan over there to show us a police officers on motorcycles and police officers on foot clearly the crowd is very aggravated an incredible injustice to only you can let everyone around like a black man. do you think you actually got to free the way to a date i think just kind of voice their opinion or just the black and white thing
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it's not just because. it's it's it's you know the sickness here in america you know which you know it gets to decide who it's dangerous and who's not following three hours in the believing heat demonstrators were still walking through new york city demanding justice and dozens of police officers by their side a sporting reporting from new york marino. trains cancelled flights disrupted and hospitals left with just emergency staff in greece workers across the country and walked out in the fresh general strike against the sturdy thousands of taking to the streets in athens unhappy at severe job cuts and international lenders want even more well under a bill expected to be passed this week around four thousand state employees will lose their jobs by the end of this year up to a thousand workers are being fired in greece every day we send surveys by the hellenic statistical authority is showing this since two thousand and nine
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unemployment has skyrocketed from a little over nine percent to almost twenty seven percent increases g.d.p. has plunged by almost one hundred billion euros a lot easier to reports from protest hit athens where people's anger has spilled on to the streets again. protected by law since the nineteenth century public workers are still considered to be the foundation of the greek economy but its creditors have demanded that the government cuts up to twenty five thousand public jobs before the end of this year otherwise greece is not going to get its latest financial aid package worth over six billion euros so doctors teachers security guards and when you're supposed police public transport drivers and others got on strike and gathered at the country's parliament in athens to fight for their jobs for the past six years been weak economy has been in recession unemployment is at twenty seven percent but there are many of those who do work officially but haven't seen their salaries in months i don't three graduates are able to find a job there is a rise of drug addicts and one was including those with
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a fired patient and decades worth of work experience but the general feeling on the street is not only the government which is to blame for the situation i know what happens next labor unions like you organizations say it's not going to back down until the troika and russell actually realizes it's not only about adding or subtracting numbers but about the real lives for real people you've got to stop r t . three. for for not running sectarian violence has returned to the streets of northern not in so far over seventy policemen to many protesters have been injured it all started when the annual protestant orange parade was redirected away from a possible flashpoint in rage rock has many of them young said call it a night in hell petrol bombs at police officers who responded with water cannons in belfast well for an in-depth look i'm not joined by political writer john white he's in the units unionists and republicans they've but they were sworn enemies for
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decades eventually they've developed a working relationship so just how dangerous of these events now could they undermine that improvement in relationship. well i think it would be folly to be complacent and let the fact that we have a peace process in the convent that named the. number you know but there are certainly a problem in terms of the situation on the ground and the seems to be a disconnect especially in unionists where it was community to none people and their leadership and i settle into the address for the fourth this is another example of an ideology which is seems intent on proving to the world it's incompatible not only peeps and democracy but increasingly with the twenty first century. but this trouble started because of one area being excluded from the the pro british the orange moggi is that just an excuse to start trouble maybe perhaps greater underlying tensions there is possibly what you're essentially there's
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marginalization within some of these communities people born leader who did she do any benefits from the peace but on the other hand why should the nationalist catholic community be forced to endure this and your progeny three old and recent for just what it is me home state so yes while there are social economic problems there's been huge communities certainly no justification for trying to form a violence and lawlessness as we've seen. move on it's been relatively rare there in recent years isn't it so have the troubles gone away all perhaps could they just be on hold. well i think it would be difficult in the mid vast majority of people both within the nationalist and the communities support the peace process or certainly don't want to go by to have it war but it's just an absence of conflict is a precondition for peace they're not they're not the same thing necessarily so well if there's an absence of conflict there is certainly the communities of stone are
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very good more peaceful and not of the nowhere at the height of the troubles which is where the whole first came in on us and so you know there needs to be more positive indeed but on the ground the suit seems to be a clue. leadership within the unionist community and not certain has to address this talk about another aspect here many of course in the u.k. want to leave the e.u. will there in edinburgh scotland many want to leave britain do you think perhaps this mood of independence affects people in northern ireland at the moment. well not only not unionist community you know they are committed to your meeting part of the british state but sound international community to be there will be there ireland there are six countries are occupied and then the british. i mean the underlying contradiction in the world is partition the great. revolutionary jim's coralie trajectory that the only part of the twentieth century that partition would lead to in his words a carnival of the action and sadly he's been proven right but as we know partition
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is about the child over to school in your zone and it's responsible for a military conflicts and straight for that it's an island or palestine or kashmir. thank you very much indeed for joining us. writer and commentator live in admirable naughty thanks very much thank you. where and online of course and. what you can find on the web site of the moment i don't comment on line all the time scandal hit x. head strauss he comes out of the shadows to work for a russian bank he's been getting his comeback in the world of finance by joining the board of an institution owned by state oil company all the details at r.t. dot com of the moment and. russia's president plunges into the depths of putin braved the waters of the baltic sea in a tiny submarine to inspect a russian frigate which sank over one hundred fifty years ago you can check out
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that video in motion page. dot com. twenty six minutes past the hour now in the russian capital we're leaving you for now as he goes on up. and technical break but not for long we'll be back at six g.m.t. tomorrow morning but for now the bang because bain is back it's the kaiser report after the break on. or remember those old wacky communist countries who constantly boost their numbers to make themselves feel better or who cares if stores are in the end this piece of paper a one hundred thousand tons of potatoes that is good enough for me well now we are in a new age of technology but the same lying to make yourself feel good is still going
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strong it just moved over to the capitals world the u.s. state department's bureau of international information programs has spent six hundred thirty thousand dollars on facebook advertising campaigns to get fans a sense of the government is out there to buy likes oh what a fantastic use of tax dollars but wait maybe i'm being too pessimistic perhaps it worked and really helped spread the message of the us state department effectively wellness factor general's report says that since the advertising campaign started twenty eleven there has been a dramatic increase in users liking state department sites but the problem is that only two percent of them actually use the sites so you get what you pay. a few hardcore fans probably the most shocking example is a vision of america group in farsi made for a new us which has gotten over four hundred twenty thousand members but only one percent of them is actually in iran where facebook advertising doesn't even exist that's effective getting lots of likes doesn't mean you are actually reaching people instead of paying for them why not you know get them naturally bar by
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providing interesting honest content on a regular basis oh wait that takes effort and honesty yeah you know what just keep wasting the tax dollars but that's just my opinion. as a report. as are you know before the two thousand and four indian ocean tsunami all
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creatures of the basic instinct or a sixth sense able to read the environment in which they lived and long fled elephants screamed and ran for high ground monkeys hollerin climb to trees dogs refused to join their owners for the morning swim humans on the other hand ran out into the receding sea to take photographs of the unusual event having no fricken common sense whatsoever about what was about to happen to them. today we have the same sorry tale to tell the interest rate time it is receding and the tsunami of bad debt is about to fall upon us and yet most market creatures appear to have no instinct for survival only a few will survive the debt tsunami we need states.


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