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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  July 18, 2013 7:29am-8:01am EDT

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products directly to consumers but those stores will be won't be reopened either so it's not really great news for hundreds of former hostess employees that might have been hopeful if that was in bad enough hostess union workers are also officially a thing of the past since the company basically declared bankruptcy last year in the midst of an ongoing conflict between unions and c.e.o.'s that the company plans on having zero unions this time around as you can imagine that affects salaries pensions and overall working conditions to me it sounds like hostess is following in the typical footsteps of american corporations outsource jobs replace employees with machines and kill worker unions but that's a side of the story you're not likely to hear in the corporate media which is exactly why we're breaking the set. i. so guys i'm sure you've heard by now that secretary of homeland security janet napolitano has decided to resign to that end now that would be appropriate to reflect on some of the legacies she
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leaves behind first on the list drones the pulitzer has been one of the biggest proponents of drones most notably she's been instrumental in the program's expansion by piloting a platform to use drones as a means of patrolling the american canadian border and under her direction the d.h.s.s. actually considered mounting quote non-lethal weapons porter patrol drones but it's not just drones you can also think to pull a ton of was streamlining data collecting through fusion centers for homeland security and their partner of justice can share what they learned from the perpetual monitoring of our communications see back in two thousand and nine the d.h.s.s. released reports detailing the criteria for surveillance target says quote extremists the only problem being that the new definition of extremist is any person or group that's anti-government that's right any activist or dissident in this country anyone who is the least bit critical of u.s. policies is an extremist this is exactly why the occupy wall. movement had that you
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know disproportionate scrutiny with protesters being investigated as terrorist yes folks under janet a pulitzer for this is the new face of extremism no seriously though what's perhaps most important to point out about his legacy is actually the outright denial that all of this is even going on you see following the revelations of the n.s.a. spying program pull a ton of defended the n.s.a. saying that quote i think people have gotten the idea that there's an orwellian state that's out there that somehow we're operating in that's far from the case no one should believe that we're simply going willy nilly and using any kind of data we can gather. well unfortunately that's exactly what the government is doing it seems to me that going willy nilly and spying on everyone is just standard operating procedure these days but even as we bid farewell to secretary napolitano the future still looks bleak considering that president obama president obama recently hinted that someone that the administration is considering as for replacement to say that it is none other than mr ray kelly turn and white police
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commissioner and head of the largest counterterrorism force in the country kelly is also the guy behind the n.y.p.d. infamous stop and frisk program policy that allowed the police to stop and just about anyone they find suspicious keep in mind there are hundreds of thousands that were stopped each year the vast majority are black and latino but this trepidation toward minorities seems to be a hallmark of kelly's career case in point in my piece massive surveillance of muslim communities in new york and other parts of the country for six years then that after nine eleven the n.y.p.d. infiltrated muslim student groups put informants in mosques and catalog countless muslims without suspicion. here's the best part after all that spying and monitoring and invasion of privacy the program led to zero leads in terror cases and still mr kelly defends this program as a means to national security so there you have it a brief rundown of the man who may be. our next secretary of homeland security
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guess we have a lot to look forward to i still think drones will soon be king of the skies over america well news reports in florida have confirmed the drone crash confirmed a drone crash along florida highway today the second such crash in a week's time now it's no secret that spy drones keep a constant eye over the u.s. southern border but their use here domestically is really starting to grow just last month f.b.i. director robert mueller acknowledged before a senate hearing that domestic drones are being used for surveillance by local law enforcement once again raising concerns over the implications this has on the privacy of american citizens at the here in california senator dianne feinstein added that quote the greatest threat to the privacy of americans is the drone and the use of the drone and the very few regulations that are now opening their eyes
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i'm sorry it's a threat that many americans are now opening their eyes to some creating their own defense to the expansion of such surveillance and now some people mainly my next guest has created something called the drone shield a device that alerts you when one of these unmanned flying robots is overhead so joining me now to talk about this innovation and the effect of drones on your privacy is john franklin founder of the drone shield program john thank you so much for coming on the show and they may think you're having i haven't so i really want to get started here and ask you what made you want to create this product like what me how did the drone shield idea come to be well. drove didn't start off trying to detect them in fact i first want to use this guy right here to take a look at my roof and in the process of unpacking it by the way it's cheaper than a ladder and in the process of trying it out in a depression in my neighbor's yard so this is something that people can just perch it's. you told me earlier that these are very affordable just about anybody can do
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this this is less expensive than the latter would be and it comes with a high definition camera so you know i thought this might be a lot more fun fun way to get to see my roof and a lot easier to store than a sixty foot ladder so. you brought you brought the actual device this is the drone shield right here can you and you brought the drone how does it how does it all work well so sort of to wrap up that story in a crash in my neighbor's yard and you know it was a big incident and you know combine that with the kind of ambient you know discussion the media of drones and privacy concerns and dawned on me that nobody was addressing drones from a technological perspective and we thought you know with cheap bottom processing power this is a raspberry pi right here for thirty five dollars you know when it's computer basically as powerful as your i phone and you know other cheap components we can actually detect the audio signature of a drone so i actually have a demo set up here you can by the way this is the feed from the so that's watching
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me right there and you know you're seeing myself right here you see the camera go so if you're flying this in your neighbor's yard you're able to see this through yeah right there is pretty cool so how does the device work does it listens in to see what the we've got is a signature database we have to train it to work on different types of drones and we have to also inform about false alarms generators and basically once everything's calibrated correctly it should be able to alert the user by sending a text message or an e-mail to their smartphone now got a quick question for you i want to play you this this this sound bite that i found earlier from general dynamics at the rate the technology is going right now it looks like this is really the future of drones i wonder if we have that clip. and maybe these will be integrated into future real force layered sensing systems these systems may be airdropped for hand launched depending on the mission requirements.
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the small size of them maybe allows them to be plain sight once in place and then they get into romo powered extended surveillance mode for missions lasting weeks all right can your device watch out for the terminator pigeon perched outside my house. it's fantastic. it seems to me that that's where technology is going right now so i guess my question for you is in the future as more technology continues to develop drones become more sophisticated will devices like what you created here that's monitoring for for for drones be as ubiquitous as like a radar detector is right now do you think well yes even those little miniaturize devices would have to communicate with their sensing to someone who's interested in seeing that and you might be able pick up on that conceivably i can't say for sure i don't know how they work but you know that's the american thing going on so so
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this you had a campaign this is this is a start up company what kind of uses are people fighting for right now what kind of for those of you know folks out there that are kind of interested in what you're doing what kind of calls are you getting well during the campaign i was amazed by the level of interest we got from just citizens all over the country and citizens of other countries you know we have preorders from germany japan poland israel all over the place and in fact i got an e-mail from a woman who was concerned her ex-husband was you know using a drone to monitor her children you know so i think there's that was the interest we got during the campaign and i was starting to see people who were interested in . you know maybe the campaign got some legitimacy and maybe we can target anti proper us the you know applications there are people commercial interests that want to know if they're being surveilled you can think of you have a you know prototype brand new car you know you don't want someone to get a look at the brand new corvette or. you could but that's far down the road right
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now we're focused on the community aspect to make this a real success we're going to have to replicate the success of the academics have had in the machine learning realm that means hosting a database that anybody can contribute to anybody can try their hand in developing algorithms or so you're hoping to build something larger something more community based where people can can jump in absolutely do you think that these will be more readily available in the future in the same way that drones are well this is going to be. imminently available anybody can buy the components for this and if amazon build themselves and the software that we're going to ship in september is going to be available as well now i do want to ask a little bit more about this thing right here how much how much does does a drone one of these like personal commercially sold drones go for this is three hundred dollars at least last when i bought it was the real that there is so the relatively inexpensive what i'm getting is that these you know you can go to sharper image or you can buy it on amazon or something like that do you see this type of drone technology being even more invasive than what the government's
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capable of the more commercial the private use of drones do you see that being a bigger problem in the future well just from a practical standpoint these one thing these can do that a predator reaper can do is get a horizontal perspective they're flying very low very close to your windows and you know they can actually see inside your house if it's you know it's night time. so potentially yeah i mean so john i want to ask you real quick for someone that's that's concerned about privacy right now someone that you know may have spotted a drone earlier today and wanted to know exactly what type of drone where can they go to find out a little bit more about about this product this is a drone shield or we're going to host all the database and the code on that website and i started were. all right john franklin founder of drone shield thank you so much for coming on the show thank you. still ahead on the show we'll look at the use of drones abroad and discuss how people in yemen have to. protesting american
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drones with code pink spam bailey stay to. answer me a simple question who is behind nine eleven i gave you the courtesy of being on your show you should give me the courtesy of answering one simple question the question is whether the death of those people are justified hundreds of thousands of. people were killed after war i don't think the goals that were set out before the war were actually achieved during the biggest moment. please be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the c.o.r.p. interviews intriguing stories for you. in trying.
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with mike's cancer or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into a report on. the to. do their job or she's going to be like. a court of the bureau investigative journalists as many as two hundred eighty five civilians have been killed by covert u.s. military actions in yemen this number includes the sixty nine civilians who've been killed this year alone. keep in mind these statistics speak to the civilian casualty count just in yemen and a country that's rarely if ever spoken about in the corporate media yet the details that are given about the country paint a picture of a lawless landscape ruled by militants and terrorists he said on harming america a country so dangerous that the u.s.
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has to continuously conduct targeted assassinations using drones even if it means civilian casualties in the process now while some of you watching this program may object to the united states policy of extrajudicial assassinations recent polling shows that that a staggering sixty six percent of americans still support the use of unmanned drones to kill alleged terrorists. but when it comes to drones or america's other controversial issue on top perhaps no one has felt the hardships more than the people of yemen recently a delegation of american activists with code pink traveled to yemen as a good as goodwill ambassadors hoping to raise awareness the here in the united states about the need to end the policies that perpetuate both civilian deaths in yemen and the indefinite detention of yemeni citizens at guantanamo many of whom were cleared for release years ago so joining me now to talk about what is being done to reverse these policies i'm joined by writer and code pink activists pam bailey how are you going on the show thank you for having me so you recently
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returned from yemen you were staying in the southern part of the country this is a this is an area of the country that's kind of. little is talked about in the mainstream media it's painted as this very hostile place as a hub for terrorist activity but this is not the case now i've actually stated both ana and then we also went to them and it is very telling before i left most americans do think that you're taking your life in your hands if you even step foot in it which of course is not the case it's got a deep culture very welcoming people which is surprising given the disastrous impact u.s. foreign policy has had in their country and while you were there you were interviewing several people. remember reading your article where you interviewed people in a neighborhood that was routinely targeted for drone strikes how exactly do you know what's the criteria for you know who is going to get struck because. the civilian death toll is so high that i have to ask you know essentially how do you
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spot the terrorist you know no one knows when you when you said how do you know what areas would be targeted if it became very clear to all the stories no one had any idea you know they didn't know when to what to expect when who was behind it why they were targeted. i think it was sort of clear is that. very often. the people who are harmed you know is what we call collateral damage one pattern that is sort of common to almost all the stories we've heard is often called double tap strikes when basically but that involves the first drone had and then when all the community members will go out and try to rescue the people who are hurt is a second line and. so the people were hurt or people were just trying to rescue their their neighbors and we heard we heard a number of stories like that it was very calm and you have to ask what's the what's the philosophy for that but let's look at the possible rationale be right and i was just talking about the subdued civilian death tolls this year so far as
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many as sixty nine when the united states is touting the drone strikes are accurate and precise and that they have such a high success rate why do we still see such a high civilian death toll is it because of the doubles double tap strategy or is it just indiscriminate bombing well it's a number of factors the fact of the matter is is it very often. that the people there may be targets but if there are very low level. people the al qaeda there is like joining a gang here and so one thing you start to realize right away is that a lot of times the drone strikes are not precise like we're hearing as most americans do believe it's a very precise technology and very often the intelligence is bad so we may think that we're targeting terrorists but we're not and then there's also collateral damage no matter how precise it is you're still have situations where civilians are just in the area and they're getting killed as well and if they are so you know
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with al qaeda it's very often very low level people you know people maybe joining because they needed a job and one very telling comment i heard from one person there is that if you're really trying to stabilize the country you can do it the easy way which means easy for us to be at this killing people but you're going to do it again. and again and again because you're not getting at the root causes which is poverty for instance or you do it the hard way which means you really try to invest in the country and get at the reasons why somebody might might join. some of the people that you talked to in the neighborhood said that some of these folks that are that are getting good down by drones or by by aircraft could have just as easily been apprehended if that's the case and why is that not not the policy because it's not easy because actually from an american point of view it's much easier for us to sit in some control room and push a little lever you know and in
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a way that's best that's from the u.s. is that right but then you also see that the yemeni government is complicit in these drone strikes how does that work is it that they just allow one of the also conducting some of these strikes well. currently that's actually not really a noun i mean from the people's perspective it's very confusing they never really quite sure it is clear that when president saleh was in power he played it both ways sometimes he cooperated with the u.s. sometimes they didn't it all depended he played a game to try to get more aid but then when hardy took power who is the return current interim president he is clearly authorized in giving giving permission for their own strike because he's afraid but that the people the vast majority are against the drone strikes in fact there's something going on right now called the national dialogue conference that you may have heard about it's a real experiment in democracy but i'm trying to get all sides of the table to talk and they actually just passed by a wide margin resolution that said no more expeditious just more killings including
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drone strikes no i want to see something that you mentioned earlier what it what it means like to be affiliated with al qaida and you kind of make the comparison that it's a lot like joining a gang of united states and when we're talking about guantanamo fifty six of the eighty six prisoners that have been cleared for release a quantum of our yemeni why is that why is that why. so many of them from yemen well you know there's a number of factors there too but like in most cases what we heard from a lot of the people they were they were happened to be in afghanistan or pakistan and they would go there for employment or try to in try to find a job teaching and they would just get picked up off the streets it could be that they did have some low level involvement or oftentimes this poor intelligence there's a lot of situations where somebody would turn in some of these names to either settle in old school or to get a bounty you know there's a lot of stories like that and you talk to their families you talk to to the families a lot of several of these detainees what did he tell you about the sort of the
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tactics of how they were captured or how they came to find out that they were that they were going on and that's the thing that was most disturbing to me no matter what the story was behind that particular individual the one common thread i ever remember thinking to myself that this is because i could be listening to stories about pinochet or some third world despot instead of as the us these people were disappeared you know they've gone to another country to look for a job in most cases or to go to school and they just disappeared one day off the streets and the families had no idea what happen to them in most cases for over a year until they got a call usually from the red cross and then if they found out where their their loved one was no no trace they just disappeared no no no trial the families do nothing and that to me is the hallmark of one of these countries that we consider you know the countries of that we label as sort of road test but this this is a good state and my understanding is you look at the people who are cleared for
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release they fall in a couple different categories there's one group i think around twenty two we have no evidence for we basically have made a huge mistake as another group that we just had suspicions evidence again nothing nothing strong enough to even take the trial other group maybe has been kind of at their very low level like i said these are these are people who maybe affiliated with them for a job they were they were masterminds. they weren't planning anything and so this is why they've been clear probably since two thousand and eight so we're going to lose what happens to them when they when they do get if they do get released right that's the operative term is if even before president obama set up the moratorium there were twenty two detainees yemeni detainees that were released before the moratorium what happened to those detainees i don't have and most the majority of them. integrated back into their communities there are a couple i don't it's right now who may be ended ended up. with a group that we consider a terrorist group and i guess i would also have to question that and there are three and why by the way obama then stopped releasing the damage because he
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considered the country too unstable and what happened that he used to be sucked back into terrorism now of course you know in his speech in may he left that oratory him but he said there has to be a rehabilitation center and we're going to go to him is that actually going to happen well the u.s. seems very reluctant to pour any money into that program i mean yemen is very committed they want their people back they are looking for money to establish rehabilitation center in my mind the u.s. should fund it completely because they basically would have ruined these people's lives you know all these people have been cleared for release which means we do not have enough evidence on them to justify holding them they've been there for twelve years they've been tortured and expat speaking of torture guantanamo does this latest hunger strike the people it's the month of ramadan a lot of them are protesting the four speeding's that are going on during the day there is some kind of light being about right now do you think that that might be a game changer in putting pressure on the obama absolutely i think that the hunger
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strike was very effective at refocusing public attention on the i think it's a shame that that's what is required because you know obama talked about closing guantanamo when he when he was first you know when he was when he was elected and then you know that's what happens when the tension gets pulled away from it never happens so you need something like this where you have people going through terrible pain and force feeding is is. considered. torture takes a back to get his attention back to what he should have done. but there's still a lot of support for drones a lot of support for one time what's going to take to change hearts and minds of american people it takes a lot of education that's why we went to yemen the first place because americans we need to put a human face on the other end of our foreign policy of constant activism. to see a big change before it was before i went to them and they want to. thank you didn't see it in the news at all and now you do now there's a lot of debate so let's hope the debate keeps going. and freelance writer thank
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you so much for coming in they really appreciate it. that's it for today's show if you like which is what you see check it out or who page it breaking the set that you can watch the latest episode of breaking the set like friday's show which featured an interview with doug kaufman about the upcoming police brutality march scheduled for july twenty first in anaheim california you can also scroll through and watch every show since the middle of december so favored us and comment on what we're doing at hulu dot com breaking the set well guys that's it for tonight's show have a great evening we'll see you right back here tomorrow. when the great spade blind to what is happening in their country. the american dream is disappearing. the houses with gardens are. the poor are left hopeless the streets are full of angry ground. fighting against.
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the american dream. more news today. games flared up. these are the images grope world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to look for a shelter today. hold it. hold it. real i live.
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8:00 am
half a million dollars worth of fraud and embezzlement sees russian anti-corruption blogger alexei navalny gets five years behind bars but an appeal is expected imminently. exploiting the conflict chaos al qaeda reportedly announces plans to create its own state in syria using land captured by the opposition seizing its money and weapons . and the seems to be money to be made by getting britain out of the e.u. report on how one thing tank plans a roadmap award and i had a full ahead pardon me of a proposed referendum. things .


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