tv Headline News RT July 18, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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nine pm mayor of moscow top story tonight from r.t.e. crowds filled streets in the center of the city to protest against a five year jail sentence for russian anti corruption blogger alexina valmy has been found guilty of embezzlement blood coming back coming up. also aiding the enemy still says a military judge sifts through whistleblower bradley manning's charges which could potentially condemn the private to life behind bars with no parole. exploiting the conflict chaos al qaeda reportedly announces plans to create its own state in syria using land captured by the opposition and seizing its money and weapons. and seems there's money to be made by getting britain out of the e.u. a report coming up this hour on how one think tank plans a road map reward ahead of
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a proposed referendum. very good evening chief just joined us as i say just after nine pm now my name's kevin i mean this is. well our main story tonight russian anti corruption blogger alexina vollies been one hundred five years in jail today for embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from a state enterprise he was immediately arrested after the verdict and led from the dock in handcuffs he got his can office in central moscow with reaction to the ruling are really in the city of killed off which is about one hundred fifty kilometers from moscow when of on this case was heard if you guys come to you first if i may you updated this last hour i can see the crowds behind you rush hour is subsiding now in moscow still plenty of traffic still plenty of police and a lot of crowds too what's the big. picture there. while the rush of
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a rush hour may be subsiding but to this rally improvised protest rally against diverted to opposition. is still very much going teeny wing just a few minutes ago additional trucks with a lots of riot police came in here you could see these crowds of people leave get out gathered on the corners around the crossing of. the streets one of the two main streets off the city earlier the authorities blocked mine yours in a square that's where over ten thousand of these supporters said in various social networks that they were going to gather the gather there so in an attempt to prevent that they have to block the square but as a as a result all these people gathered here around this crossing opposition figures say that from five to seven thousand people gathered here for me personally it's difficult to confirm the numbers since well like i said they are divided into
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several groups but what the police has been doing so far and there are there are great amounts of various types of police both ordinary officers a riot police even interior troops there have been some arrests were reported that around ten of them but compared to the numbers of the people who took to the streets tonight and this is a non authorized rally this is quite a small amount and what the police have been mostly focusing on is they've been blocking the crowds from getting on the street and blocking traffic so so far this rally even though it's been on authorized clashes with the stories and it's been going on peacefully ok we'll come back to the second they go i'm going to go to you're in kirov real drama in the courthouse there to tell us a bit more about this case and how the blog on the blog is on the blogosphere lit up afterwards. well now finally along with his accomplice efforts have been convicted. on account of the bezel ment from the state owned care of list company
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in two thousand and nine they were convicted of inflicting damages in the amount of sixteen million rubles that's roughly half a million dollars but after the verdict was read and the judge more than three hours to read the entire document which was more than one hundred pages long it was handcuffed and taken into preliminary confinement but. the state prosecutor's office in the cure of region has appealed to the court asking them to release from the pretrial detention on condition that he does not leave the country until his verdict comes into effect it hasn't done so yet. the lawyers have ten days to appeal to make their appeal the have stated before hand that if going to get a guilty verdict they are going to do that and this appeal is successful that nobody still stands a chance to run for the moscow mayor supposed he intended to do just after the
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verdict was read of course there were plenty of people here are supporting the filing outside of the courthouse when the verdict was read the old stormed to the courthouse gates were waiting for the violent to be taken to the preliminary confinement place here in tear of literally followed him on foot yelling slogans in support of. a couple of them have been detained but other than that there is seriously not have been that much protest movement here in care of in fact i would say life is back to normal here at the moment we're ready for the go back to you the scene around you we're hearing there that was pretty much go back to normal after the early show of support for him but we could see the people out in force supporting the early tonight the picture of moscow what's the picture throughout the rest of russia. tell you a bit about why the. how he gained his first supporters he initially became well
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known because of his online anti corruption project before the. two years ago that's when he gained a more severe supporters and became one of the leaders of the opposition movement even though there's still no opposition in russia as a whole now he's also a controversial figure partially because of his sympathy to the russian nationalists and perhaps that's why theoretically he could have even more support or if you look at the nationwide wide scale but according to a recent poll conducted by water center one in. roughly one hundred forty million citizens then his support is much lower compared to those followers throughout the online community since only around ten percent off for the respawn and softly voter center said that they were. monitoring the. case. so
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this is quite a small percent compared to the whole population but still there's a big amount of goals who are following him online clearly there are those who are ready to take to the streets even for an offer on the authorized rally and this isn't only taking place in moscow but in over twenty other cities across russia but while concerning his political career that is still in the big question and it depends really on how the defense will it be able to appeal against the verdict ok well we're watching this very carefully thank you guys for your help tonight. social research from moscow state university who says the foreign press really mentions mr novell these nationalist possed. i think that russia are actually paying attention to some of the particulars of the case and they are
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familiar with and of all the as a political figure in quite a different way than he has conceived of in the west and the west and of all the is is presented as a poster boy for a liberal opposition and he's commonly referred to as the most popular leader of the liberal opposition and a potential threat to president putin the facts on the ground really don't lay this out russians really aren't that interested in in the the brand of politics that he's selling them and that's because what is often un presented in the west is vali holds what could be considered in the west as quite extreme ethnic nationalist racist zina phobic views of what is could be considered an extreme right including gun rights advocacy and the like. well reaction has been coming in for the sentencing it's been global near instantaneous indeed the e.u. seems to think the prosecution did a poor job with a block spokesman questioning the validity of the evidence against the valmy the
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u.s. ambassador for instance to russia went further saying he sees politics driving the conviction here let's get some more thoughts on the worldwide reaction but i would first appear to have it she's director for the center for governance and public management in canada thank you very much for being with us is the verdict being condemned because it's unfair all because novelli is an opposition figure what do you think. i belief that you have to separate the two feelings from the stuff well and is the question whether or not he did something. and no food in his commission or between the second widow don't know about it this sentence east tennessee for can be perceived as they have put it to you motivated so the answer to my answer to the two defers question is i would no doubt the divine the veto of the sentence i would no doubt develop the to do off of the evidence on ticker lawdy
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that who said i it's a sentence and. just for the whole sentence evidence from courts should be vetted vetted can food eat wallace eat eat eat what eat dust in such a case it's knowing that it will be that much or not and then national no need to call it a question of that and the second partial of this is so yes really it's too hot a sentence why this sentence was not send it in the condition not a way as to deny that q why why timing and so on is a force of this they had a big party to come out and buff does this process as well is it going to go as far professor to harm international relations who had strong reaction from some members of the e.u. and from america today i guess as you would expect but it's going to go as far as palm international nations between them and russia i don't feel so this is de
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internal russian myth does it's not going to have national crime this is their low cut crime and they don't think that you know it was. anything except except that it would look at it the nations are definitely you could put to russia again on day quite difficult sport in the international media and among several international enjoy. those human rights act if you send someone as a forward this will be the second. that will trigger. for action for all elements of the civil society in the west he's got close ties with the west mr novell name and friendly ties given that other some elements of the west that just wouldn't be prepared anyway to have seen that he could have been involved in anything wrong any wrongdoing. i think so and there's the issue for the for the russian media to show more evidence this every day as you said not
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available in the western media you can read it only if your if you reach russia so deaths one of the image you see you hear it as well because it seems to me that this story snook covered it in one day in the media for own the balance perspective it's very when they mention on perspective here he's very harsh critic of the kremlin and then clearly in punisher scheme for a bit for something that he hasn't done so dense the image problem that to russian media should fix a big ok thank you time professor peter de cabbage there a directive from the center for government public management on the line thank you thank you very much will be more pay you more analysis throughout the evening on novell me and there's also more on the developments on the website as well will stream the twenty four seven dot com out of course as well our twitter feed.
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right to see the. first strike. and i think you're. on our reporters. on the. next night big developments the bradley manning case a military judge has refused to drop the most serious charge facing we will see that of aiding the enemy so if found guilty the former private accused of leaking classified information to wiki leaks could face life in jail without parole blake has the latest on the road. bening as you know is charged with around twenty different counts and aiding the enemy is the most significant of these if convicted he would receive a maximum of life in prison it's actually a conviction that could come with capital punishment but the government has already
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elected to pursue that charge anyways manning could still be convicted under aiding the enemy after today because the presiding military judge said that the government actually did provide enough evidence so that they can actually go on and properly proceed with the case now david croom is the civilian defense attorney representing private manning he had argued after the prosecution rested earlier this month that the government could not provide adequate enough evidence that would necessitate to the judge having to rule either that private manning did or did not aid the enemy now government prosecutors on the other hand they insist that when manning leaked intelligence the website wiki leaks that material because it was eventually ending up in the hands of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula the indirectly aided al qaeda and therefore should go to jail forever so the significance of today is that while manning earlier faced a maximum of only twenty years in prison if the judge wanted to drop this charge going back to facing a possible life sentence if convicted of aiding the enemy purchase of and here for
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three years already it was over one thousand one hundred days before private manning's court martial officially restarted back in early june and at this point there is there is demonstrators holding vigils outside of fort meade at the military base in maryland where the court martial is being held every single week there is a vigil held outside the gate and there's demonstrations being planned all over the world on a weekly basis i know there's one going to be in d.c. this week and more around the globe as the trial. continues and it's scheduled to wrap up next month and for. a large cash prize is a way to go when you can come up with a winning blueprint for britain from the european union the u.k. think beyond the office plans on pitching at the end of the government should. go that story. picture of the scene is the year twenty seventeen and britons have just voted in favor of exiting the beleaguered european union so the government now needs to implement a road map for how to leave that's what the u.k.'s institute for economic affairs
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think tank is also economists who imagine in order to come up with the best blueprint for britain's potential exit from the european union it's a competition and the winner who comes up with the best proposal will be awarded one hundred thousand euros want to talk about the challenge i'm joined by dr richard wellings from the institute for economic affairs dr weddings why i don't want to the competition now it's four years until the referendum and even so britain's might vote to stay in the european union at that point that's true but i mean it is such an important issue that is important that economists start thinking about the consequences of britain potentially leaving the given that there's such a large amount of your skepticism of most british public it is quite plausible that in a few years time britain will be leaving so i mean is absolutely essential that we have some idea of where britain is going to go with the winning strategy be put forward to the government to use in case of a euro exit yes i mean where we're going to publish the winning strategy along with
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some of the other better entries as well said to be plenty of ideas there for the government and hopefully come out with a very very sound plan now the prize is aimed at looking at the least disruptive way to leave the euro but there are those that say that leaving the euro zone will be detrimental to the case economy no matter how you do it obviously i mean there were major upside potentially because the u.k. can then get rid of all this very burdensome e.u. regulation on jobs and climate change and so on all the red tape is suffocating business but obviously key to this is whether we retain very strong free trade links with the rest of europe that's absolutely essential they have great free trade links with europe and the rest of the world will be the key to success in the future dr welling's thank you very. thanks for telling us about the competition now the prize is going to be judged by a panel that includes former chancellor nigel lawson who recently claimed that the british economy would be better off if britain were outside the european union
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playboy. london will promise to cameron's motives for proposing a referendum tied his political success of drawing questions from the outset on a website so what do you we will know what you think of the tories to recall the exit vote thanks for voting if you have done this is what you're telling us just over forty percent again last hour believe britain is trying to get out before the e.u. caves in itself so if you're referendums just being used to distract the public from more important issues just over a tenth of you say it's an issue of sovereignty london's tired of brussels pressure the minority there of you the rest of you think it's for the benefit of the british economy plenty of time to have your say doxie dot com. stay with a small world news from r.t. in moscow right after the break. answer me a simple question who is behind nine eleven i give you the courtesy of being on your show you should give me the courtesy of answering one simple question is
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whether the death of those people are justified hundreds of thousands of. people go to war and i don't believe goals that were set out before the war were actually achieved during that war and that's the biggest problem. download the. application. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere.
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it's technology innovation. developments around russia. and syria could be facing the prospect of becoming a terrorist state within a state sources in the free syrian army which is the major western backed rebel group claimed that al qaeda plans to declare islamic rule over territory near the border with turkey until recently the opposition was believed to be cooperating with extremist groups in its fight against president sad but now there are signs that relationship is souring he's got if you can. you imagine all kinds hiding in some caves in remote mountains not anymore they want their own country they found the land for that it's the part of syria which is under the rebels control we're talking about the northern part of the country that borders turkey according to an influential arabic newspaper off charcol outside which cites
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a source in the free syrian army a kind of feel weighted militants intent to accidently assert their control over the territory immediately after ramadan ramadan ends around the ninth of august according to the source of a kind is about to announce an islamic state in syria they want full control over the weapons coming from turkey and the money coming from oil smuggling in syria's eastern province of their olives or for example a network of tribes and smugglers has exploited the chaos of war to create an illicit oil trade with the reports that the al qaeda link has reached an understanding with the tribes over the division of spoils the all nusra front has of course used this profits to buy more weapons and pay its fighters now apparently they want more they feel powerful enough to want more it makes some of the rebels nervous of course many rebels gordon ate their efforts with the all move but those who refuse to do that risked their lives recently the all nusra have killed several members of the free syrian army including one member of the western backed supreme
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military council the territory is controlled by the rebels now have all the signs of becoming the land and in this new all the land you have things like checkpoints where the militants check whether people are fasting more or no locals from near aleppo say they check their songs to see if they're fasting and if they are not the militants beat them many syrians are of course deeply saddened by what's becoming of their country. to free syrian army spokesman for musri he believes al qaeda is not part of a plot to we couldn't separate the country. dividing syria into parts is now being spoken about a lot lately by many sides and there's a hezbollah presence in croisset and homs which is also trying to separate syria as the announcement of the islamic state in the middle of syria to be established after ramadan will only help the syrian regime to divide the country and take attention away from the killing of people by damascus and the other fact is that
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these islamist terrorists or whatever are supported by some regional states and major nations in the world and we are asking why military and financial support is reaching those extremists and the free syrian army doesn't get the arms there's an international will to make syria weak syria's unity is under threat. well the first journalist and award winning blogger neil clark told me he believes the syrian opposition will use the al qaeda threat to desperately try to secure western intervention that. it's interesting isn't it when president assad was warning about al-qaeda in syria from twenty eleven or was he was dismissed by the west it was scaremongering etc he was saying that al qaeda was coming to her in syria and now we're hearing this from the f.s.a. so it's interesting isn't it that those of those who didn't want this would have were dismissed as the apologist for a sad ologist the syrian government now the west has got to wake up to what's really going on and that i think having said that it's very important to understand the f.s.a.
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strategy of the free syrian army is very keen to get western intervention i think they're now change their strategy look al qaeda going to take over unless we do the and help us the f.s.a. have lost all bases and i think now they're lost and say look you've got to help us and to try to put the trends of the good guys the moderate rebels but i'm not talking committed some terrible crimes and terrible terrorist atrocities so it's i think it's a kind of faux division to say that there are bad rebels and good rebels the fact is elections are due in syria next year twenty four thousand in this new teach for anybody to be using violence now to achieve political change in syria democratic elections are available to people so i think the f.s.a. this is a sort of desperate last chance for them really. top story that she was becoming a central moscow of the last couple of supporters of anti corruption blogger alexina valmy gathered to protest his five year jail sentence police sources in moscow suggest only three thousand people are rallying opposition put the number meantime it's seven thousand there's a heavy police presence in the area it's needed red square was the bigger russia
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a bit earlier on because that protest hasn't been authorized around a dozen people have been arrested these live shots by the way you saying the election of ellen he was convicted on thursday of embezzling around half a million dollars from a state of timber and surprising given five years custody vanny was handcuffed in the courtroom immediately after the verdict but the prosecutor's office has appealed against his detention asking the court to put the opposition leader under house arrest instead we're following that story closely he pressed it to calm wedding towards a break twenty five past nine at night here in moscow now after the break the worlds apart looks at whether future cutting edge science will bring us happiness or horror. you want or something truly baffling the u.s.
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supreme court has ruled that generic drug makers cannot be sued for bad reactions to their products only the original branded creators of the drugs can the court's decision was five to four overturning a multimillion dollar award for a woman who was horribly wounded by taking a medication which gave her toxic epidermal necrosis which is basically the equivalent of getting third degree burns all over her body and of course after winning the case of mutual pharmaceutical company is demanding there are millions of dollars back from the woman who they naturally blame for having side effects from the medicine they made themselves remember this is not just a ruling about one drug but a ruling about all generic drugs which are eighty percent of the u. . s. market all of them will not have any accountability i cannot wrap my head around the logic of only punishing the creator of a product and greed to community to anyone that later reproduces a product i mean would any sane person see that if you shoot a person with a corpse forty five pistol that is a crime but if you use a copycat call made in mexico to blow your neighbors are awful that's ok because
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it's a generic copy no no sane person would allow drug producers to have no liability for their product but that's just my opinion. alone while some two worlds apart they're worth intelligence and english casts increasingly divergent meanings and then restraint capacity for learning which is supposed to bring to manage the freedom and empowerment and secretive in for gathering has altered the gall to command and control what kind of intelligence will shape our future and how can science and they both digital freedom and digital
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to arrange well to discuss that i'm now i'm joined by mitchell cockles world renowned physicist and popularizer of science mr cochrane this is a great honor for me you and many other visionaries have long spoken about the internet becoming the new equalizer connecting to walt. bringing equality intellectual equality to humanity and i think. many of the afghans. really see that happening around and around us in our daily lives we can communicate people from other parts of the world we can do business we can get education. and until a couple of weeks ago i think many of us thought that we were protected by our own privacy settings but with this recent intelligence scandal. while some have doubts about that i wonder if you would agree that the more knowledge humanity acquires the more intelligence and snooping it produces i think every revolution has winners
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and losers take a look at the winners thank you look at the life of our grandparents in one thousand nine hundred long distance communication in one thousand nine hundred was yelling out the window high speed travel was getting stuck in the mud with your way can people only live to be the age of forty nine in the year one thousand nine hundred and who are the losers in this great revolution called the information revolution dictatorships dictatorships fear the internet because with the internet people realize that hey i don't have to live like this anymore i don't have to be poor i don't have to keep my mouth shut look at what other people are doing but there's a downside not big brother but little brother that is nosy busybody this scam artist and governments which try to gain access to your personal files everywhere pollution has its downside but other really a little brothers because the extent of spying that is now going on.
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