tv Headline News RT July 19, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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i mean like. a life sentence looms for u.s. army private bradley manning after a military judge upholds a charge that he ate of the enemy in leaking classified documents but washington faces an uphill struggle in its war on whistleblowers. russian anti-corruption blogger only seen avali is sentenced to five years in jail for embezzlement but could walk free pending appeal after prosecutors asked for his temporary release and a surprise move. that. damned there on israel's settlement expansion plans new cooperation guidelines make the occupied territories an eligible for future funding.
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is certainly coming to light from the russian capital eight am here on marina joshie welcome to the program prospects are looking bleak for the u.s. army was a lower bradley manning a military judge has refused to drop the charge against him of aiding the enemy that means the army private who turned over thousands of classified documents to wiki leaks could spend the rest of his live behind bars with no chance of parole his wall has been following the case. today did not dismiss that charge that charge of aiding in the enemy that is the most serious charge that bradley manning faces and so as of now the possibility of life without parole is a very real possibility for bradley manning the court examined all the evidence all the testimony that we've heard so far in this trial and what the judge found at least right now is that there is enough evidence to move forward with that charge
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the other charge today that the judge did not dismiss is the computer fraud charge despite the defense has been insisting that manning did not hack into any database did not hack into any computers the prosecution however is saying that no matter how you cut it this is an unauthorized use so as of today these charges are standard that offense of course has has as many as a whistle blower that the reason he did all this was for a noble cause as he put lives in danger and that that was his intent and that is that at least is what the prosecution is going to try to prove it during this phase . and attorney and member of the bradley manning support network believes washington is cracking down only on whistleblowers but also on press freedom. this is a very abusive charge inappropriate charge and it's very unusual a really raises the stakes are for whistleblowers especially in the national security arena because even the enemy in the past has meant that you have to have
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the intent to the end of the not just the knowledge that you could be in the it's a very big difference normally this kind of aiding the enemy would mean someone really becoming a traitor and and working with the enemy of the united states not somebody releasing material to the media and it's not just a risk to whistleblowers it's a risk to the media to journalists reporters are now reporting writes a story. criticize the media or point points out of the military or points out some faults in the military some mistakes of their making in this in the enemy and so i think it's a really raises lots of questions not just for whistleblowers but for journalists in the twenty first century when we're also connected by the internet anything that's written on a blog can be perceived as in the enemy so isn't this a great risk for freedom of speech and freedom of press one for the future and
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bradley manning is not the only whistleblower feeling the pressure from washington the latest as of course former n.s.a. contractor edward snowden who blew the lid on america's secret surveillance activities and is currently stranded in the transit zone of the moscow airport as artie's got it down there are reports the two cases are part of a wider movement for transparency that it may be impossible for the u.s. government to stop. the u.s. government's relentless crackdown on whistleblowers is sort of designed to scare the whistleblowers of the future but we see that bradley manning's fate as not scared edward snowden for example so despite the crackdown whistleblowers keep coming forward with revelations about the government's wrongdoings as they see them so the us government decided that punishment is perhaps not enough in the wake of bradley manning's lease the government came up with the so-called inside us like program under which government employees with clearances are basically instructed to snitch on each other so employees have to judge their colleagues each and behavior and determine whether they might might become
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a whistleblower you can imagine how many baseless and discriminatory investigations the program could trigger critics argue that the obama administration is using mccarthy methods to go after whistleblowers on top of that you have journalists who sources in the government have dried up the justice department has shown that to track down and on all the rice stores they can see quickly seized during this communications records as was the case with a.p. germany's so about this new era of whistleblowers we spoke with them for nix who's been writing extensively on the bradley manning case take a listen you know again i was brutally to proceed to walk out of the record parisian with our school documents all over and. seventy two hours and. hours of documents on a lot of bradley manning underground and. here. you know presumably did something so we were just wanting to go to the documents and we were the editor of a president of secrecy and
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a person who in this these two sources are bound to collide it's interesting poll show that the majority of americans think of edward snowden as a whistle blower not a traitor whereas the majority of americans think bradley manning is a traitor to a certain extent the public support for this or that whistleblower depends on the subject of their revelations bradley manning revealed the us governments were crimes abroad. aps not surprisingly many generates more seen because the broadband at home but one can argue that americans are more sympathetic to snowden because his revelations are about their rights their civil liberties so they care more when it's iraqis rights they apparently care less. and still have for you this hour authorities in belfast block a loyalist march a week after a celebration for a turned into days long violent clashes with police. plus as muslims across the world marked the holy month of ramadan and celebrations in iraq marred
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by the wave of bloodshed will be taking a look at the reasons for that later in the program. now the high profile trial of alex seen yvonne a russian anti-corruption blogger has been convicted for embezzlement a stake in an unexpected twist prosecutors earlier succeeded in having him sentenced to five years in jail are now asking that vonnie be released pending appeal that move came as crowds of his supporters gathered in the capital and other major russian cities to demonstrate against the verdict largess and reform and joins me now live for more on this and andrew tell us a bit more about the protests how big they were and what was the reaction from the authorities yes well they happened just a few hours after the conviction and several thousand of these protestors and supporters turned out on the streets of moscow they claim that the trial was politically motivated organizers say the up to seven thousand people police say the
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figure was nearer three thousand they had originally intended to demonstrate on the national square but they did not have official permission to do this so the police prevented them from doing so and as a result crowds did gather on its perimeter of the kremlin and also need to state duma there were about one hundred arrests although the police do say the bulk of those were because people were obstructing the highway during the busy rush hour period now these scenes were also repeated in simply but it is wrong to say this was a picture that was painted across russia it is fair to say he does have huge support on social networking sites this is where he gained his fame as an anti corruption blogger and indeed gained a big name during the mass protests that took place two years ago after the parliamentary elections but a poll does show that only ten percent of russians were actually following this
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case and it's also worth noting that although he's a figurehead for the opposition he's not actually an official leader of any party and in fact he was banned from the your block of party because it is extreme. nationalistic having said all that the rule so demonstrations in the small town of kid all of that is about a thousand kilometers northwest of moscow and that's where his trial was heard and that will also be the scene and focus of attention this morning because as you mentioned it was actually handcuffed and detained after his conviction but his defense now say that itself was against the law because he should be allowed to be free and so very pale against his conviction which is heard within the next ten days so we're hearing will be held we believe in about two hours time to decide whether he should be released at least temporarily ok and we're also hearing his conviction is put in and as mayor. what more can you tell us about this yes what we
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had heard before his trial that if he was convicted in the valley would pull out of the race to although. i have said that they have not been told officially that would be the case so we do expect more information on this and probably in the valley himself later today. all right andrea thanks very much indeed for this update and for keeping us up to date on this and now vali is conviction has drawn instant criticism from western governments washington can down the ruling as suppression of civil society in russia with that opinion largely at code by e.u. officials however british legal expert and blogger alexander america who's been following that of all the trial told us that outsiders are jumping to conclusions without looking at the details of the case. as far as i could see. the charges made out the facts were set out clearly and it's going to probably just given an
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opportunity to cross-examine witnesses to respond to the evidence and i think if you look at the evidence and i think a lot of people who question the fairness of the trial have not yet but i think if you do look at the area you would decide that he was probably convicted well that's exactly what one gets with the theme the people who have already made up their minds before the case even started and before the trial it started simply following their own opinions which they formed in advance of the crown prosecution service here takes the view that in the case of theft which is what this basically is of. property worth more than one hundred twenty five thousand pounds the first time offender who pleads guilty it's between three and six years five years is exactly in line with that and while london based russia alice marginal cawley says that for many in the west and a volley trial is just
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a pretax to criticize kremlin if something like this comes up it's very easy then to take a stick to the russian state or the russian government and say that they're behaving like the communists they haven't really improved they haven't removed to democracy the rule of law a liberal market economy and so on so therefore there's a there's a prejudice there's a lovely lovers in the west we turn to russia to the only way that russia can overcome this is presumably by showing that the law is not a paper that the contract is really a contract law and that you purchased with birth the democracy is in fact practice and so this is a long long hard road. all got more analysis and opinion on the issue on our website r.t. dot com also their dates on the case and the best pictures from the protest against the verdict and from inside the courtroom of course don't forget to check out our correspondents twitter feeds as well for all the latest on this and the other
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stories that we cover. right from the scene. of the first street. and i think that you're. on our reporters twitter. and instagram. to be in the old little. they all told you my language or what i will only react to situations i have read the reports so unlike the pollution in the no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point of the month to say please or carry out a car is on the docket. there they go no more weasel words
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when you made a direct question and he prepared for a change when you run should be ready for a. printout of speech and a little bit on the freedoms of caution. when the greats stayed blind to what is happening in their country. d. american dream is disappearing. the houses with gardens are laid. the poor are left hopeless the streets are full of angry crowd it's better to fighting against. the storm the american dream. welcome back this is our team the european union has cut off funding to disputed israeli occupied territories in west bank and is jerusalem that's part of e.u.
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pressure on israel to keep inside its original borders tel aviv has reacted angrily to the move but europe says it's merely formalized a position that had been state of man in times before our disposal your reports. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is furious with this new european union directive and a number of leading israeli officials have called it an earthquake what it states is that in any future agreements between israel and the european union the needs to be an exclusion clause referring to settlements in the west bank and east jerusalem now i'm standing in the israeli settlement of aureole behind me is the university that was founded thirty one years ago and which today has a student population of fourteen thousand degrees that awarded here are recognized by the israeli higher council for education but this latest move by the european union is bad news not only for settlements like this one but also for universities like the one you see behind me what it states is that they need to be
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a pretty big on all grants scholarships prizes and money that is awarded and less there is this exclusion cause now it is estimated that this will affect some forty percent of the israeli institutions including large corporations and banks that have been direct ties with the settlements palestinians and their allies have congratulated and welcomed this move saying that it is an important political and cultural boycott on the settlement movement but these raids are angry particularly the right wing elements in the town yahoos government who say that they're now going to step up their cause to end any kind of gestures for resumption of peace talks with the palestinians policy r.t. in the ariel settlement west bank a peace activist yariv oppenheimer believes this is the first step in an effort to pressure israel to give up its expansion ambitions i hope the words were just so coming from europe will be another way to pressure the israeli government to make
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it very clear to the very public that their world is supporting israel but their world will not so called israeli occupation in their worst burn and israel has to find their way to stop the occupation in their. otherwise we will find ourselves right the mood more sanction and even maybe a boycott about the against israel that i'm against but this is maybe the next step so i think that today moyes israelis understand the need. to restart the negotiation and to find a solution to the conflict i hope to together with american pressure and european pressure there will be some kind of result and we will see the restart of the negotiations in the next couple of days. not only on air but also online we have plenty more stories for you on our website including spying by law the british parliament is to hold an inquiry into legislation on state snooping had to r.t. dot com to read more on the u.k.'s spy agencies and or responding laws. gas
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fields in the disputed area of the east china sea brace tangents between china and japan we have all the details on the new cause of discord between the two countries online. iraq spiraling violence has continued unabated during the first week of the holy month of ramadan leaving almost one hundred seventy people dead in a string of attacks suicide bombings and shootings have bay the first week of ram it down the deadliest since two thousand and seven no one has claimed responsibility for maddie of the attacks but sunni insurgents often supported by the are believed to be behind the assaults that targeted mostly shia areas across the country rampant six terror in violence throughout iraq claimed over three hundred lives in july alone mideast expert michael o'brien believes the insurgency is just a consequence of the u.s.
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occupation. we created the civil war that really were up to six zero seven and now we've got a shiite government the shiites want to run the show the show and the sunni's are going. well not so fast you know we were in charge all these years we like being in charge but they're outnumbered so it's it's a mix of religion. and. religious religious parties in power in iraq right now and it's a it's a it's a terrible situation but we had a very big role in creating it by totally dismantling all of the security infrastructure of the country and then essentially walk away and when saddam was in power he kept the. luda on everything. else now take a look at some of the stories from around the world egypt's capital has seen yet another mass rally by supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsi denouncing the newly formed government the rally in cairo followed
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a televised speech given by interim president adly mansour or who said that reese now with the muslim brotherhood cannot be reversed but pledged to seek reconciliation and stability more protests are expected to sweep the country with egypt's military already issuing a stern warning against islamist factions seeking to stir up the rest. same's largest cities have been hit by a wave of overnight protests in madrid police clashed with protesters and several were injured on both sides tensions also flared up in barcelona angry crowds demanded the prime minister mariano avoid step down following accusations that he received secret cash payments from a slush fund in two thousand and eleven allegations come at a time of public frustration over soaring unemployment and severe austerity cuts. more than six hundred people many of them pensioners have died in the u.k.
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due to a heat wave over the last nine days officials issued a level three alert after scorching temperatures on wednesday reaching a record high of thirty two degrees celsius and two thousand and three extreme heat led to the deaths of two thousand british citizens. washington is considering whether to use military force in syria that was revealed by u.s. army general during a senate testimony as the options for a military intervention are already on the table that syria faces the prospect of terrorist forces gaining overwhelming control over the country's north terrorist network of al qaida reportedly plans to create its own state near the border with turkey ousting the other rebel groups out world affairs journalist neil clark believes the syrian opposition would use al qaida threats to desperately try to secure western intervention. it's interesting when president assad was warning about al-qaeda in syria from twenty eleven all of which he was dismissed by the
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west you scaremongering etc he was saying that al-qaeda was coming to her in syria and now we're hearing this from the f.s.a. it was interesting isn't it that those of those who did want these were half were dismissed as the book ologist gross out of all of us the syrian government now the west has got to wake up to what's really going on and that i think having said that it's very important journalist on the f.s.a. strategy free syrian army is very keen to get western intervention there now change their strategy they're saying look al qaeda going to take over unless we do need and help out the f.s.a. to last and i think now they're lost and say look you've got to help us out and to try to put the training so who could go out the moderate rebels but not too late because terrible crimes and terrible terrorist atrocities so it's i think it's a kind of faux division to say that there are bad rebels the fact is elections are due in syria next year twenty four you know there's no excuse for anybody to be using violence now to achieve beautiful change in syria to get across to elections are available to people so i think the experts say this is a desperate last chance. and the situation in syria and the possibility of
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a peaceful resolution to the civil war has been discussed by people of l. and as guests in crosstalk and can watch the full show later today at seven thirty g.m.t. here's a preview. if you are a science group. on the other side the russians the iranians it would be. better to get this to a bargaining table stop arming the rebels so that side would continue maybe getting that momentum on the battlefield and feel as though he is in control enough to come to the talks if he is in control of those talks and there are no perfect preconditions for him to go. that is you know that would be there the best scenario on that side but the united states wants to see him go so i mean it is a huge mess you know it's all from your point of view should have to be all about just one. that's ridiculous let's go to london yeah that's one way to look at this
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peter perhaps one way to look at this perhaps one way to look at this is not to look at syrians as assad's people of the opposition's people as outsiders it is just for a moment look at all syrians if the stalemate continues what we call the stalemate of this war is frozen between two sides what happens as more syrians die so to place the emphasis on assad's exist is to prolong this war. you. see. you know the island authorities have denied permission for a unionist parade to be held in belfast to do the recent rioting the orange order was to march along the route separating the rival loyalist and nationalist communities r.t. sara first has the details but first there's a city of glass going in to pay its bill so long as it's then very much divided
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along sectarian lines with loyalist and republican communities living right next to each other and in times of tension is the violence to break out as we've seen in recent days but away from that night time writing and it's a completely. different story so we've come to gain a different perspective on what's happening in belfast. the titanic's and the odyssey arena and the waterfront welcome to moe's in belfast but as well as taking in the sights along the more glamorous was a front regeneration area because it is a rule say given a guided tour through northern ireland's past troubles at the tool to avoid certain parts of the normal to rate bringing us sharply back to the here and now to the belfast that in the days following the twelfth of july or in july to unionise
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parade has once again been plagued by scenes of violence these tourists they for now remain unafraid i first came here in one thousand nine hundred one another time it was a very difficult period to because i remember it was the time of a hunger strikers so we used to going to town and we were checked so now to see that there is this peace process in northern ireland and there things have changed so much and belfast has become such an attractive place to be seen i think it is i must be the elected you know it was the right thing might be highly later like the impact is far reaching it was estimated to last year's rioting eva the issue is how many days the union flag can fly coast businesses in belfast millions in lost trade this time around the riots sparked by a decision not to let loyalists break past the nationalist area with the arrival of the former us government peace envoy richard haass to chair all party talks here
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it's take that a new route can be stated to keep the peace process progressing every year that we had the time of year. to crisis mode. you know very welcome development the dredger tossers agreed to. all party talks are looking at some of the very thorny issues that the league. the peace battling here for a number of years saturday looks like belfast next week past nothing controversial ruling by the parades commission and not that great yet move the potential for another outbreak of serious crisis south the us to hell. and i'll be back with news headlines in about half an hour but stay with us for breaking the sad that's after a short break. i've
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seen the perception of the cross many times it doesn't matter if there's snow a heat wave or hail stones people keep on going but i didn't expect anything just one i told myself i keep on going as long as my heart told me to watch that's all i want to at the moment mickey i have sinned so my choose cd i'm carrying these sayings on my shoulder. do you want me to put a man that shared no that's fine a lot of people were so exhausted they could barely walk their feet hurt and some of them fainted who evacuated three two wanted to keep going i don't know what tomorrow will bring.
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