tv Breaking the Set RT July 20, 2013 2:29am-3:01am EDT
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you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so. i mean. i know that i've seen really messed up. in the all three so. it's. worse for the little. white house to have a. regular guy for a minute. what. did you ever seen anything like that i'm telling. you guys i'm having martin and this is breaking the set so in light of the leaks from edward snowden and developments around and it's
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a spine it's inspired many current and former government officials to come out and save their pizza why they think snowden is a traitor a law breaker and the like amidst all the insane rhetoric a former u.s. president has come out and shattered the regurgitated talking points shedding some sanity on the issue finally few weeks ago former president jimmy carter told c.n.n. that while snowden didn't break the law a real crime here is the actions of the n.s.a. . i think the invasion of human. rights in american privacy has gone to fall and i think that the secrecy that has been surrounding this invasion of privacy has been excessive so i think the bringing of it to the public notice has probably been in the long term beneficial. well thankfully we have one american president who believes that the government agency has a fish really overstepped its bounds but it's not the current one. but that's not
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all carter went one step further in a closed door conference in atlanta not only into the reaffirm the n.s.a. spying practices are damaging the principles that this country was founded on but he went on to say that america does not have a functioning democracy at this point in time wow former president issuing an important warning for us all and he would know he's been in the position he's seen where it's gone insane overreach in a post nine eleven world knows that the warrantless surveillance and human rights violations have reached such a peak that america is no longer a functioning democracy speaking my language to me after all co worst consent in secret is not democratic by any means speaking of domestic surveillance and violation of the rights of american there is good news coming out of new jersey state supreme court ruled unanimously yesterday that police want to track suspects using their cell phones they'll need a warrant court of the court's decision all law enforcement must get a search warrant based on probable cause to gain access to your phone wow what
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a concept probable cause instead of blanket indiscretion finally state who is making things right and i hope that other states will follow their lead and tell the federal government no to warrantless spying spying in the meantime let's go break the set. looking for a never seen anything like that. in the wake of the not guilty zimmerman verdict last saturday protests erupted across the country and brought thousands of the streets over the past week emotional crowds been demanding justice for trayvon carrying signs that like in the struggle of the slain teen to that of the civil rights movement it's a struggle my next guest knows a lot about has been at the forefront of this issue and many others that cone the question of how this country perceives african-americans both on the streets and in the courts so to talk about the recent verdict on the status of racial profiling and the racism in this country i spoke earlier with carl. founder of the
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revolutionary communist party and national leader of the stop mass incarceration network i first asked him for his response of the not guilty verdict and here's what he had to say. trial of george zimmerman was solidly in the legacy of slavery of jim crow segregation includes laws planning terror and the reality to current day reality of the new jim crow it was america saying again that black people have no rights that white people are bound to respect the verdict was outrageous illegitimates no good what's your response to people who say race isn't an issue because in this case sentiments of spanish. i say that those people have no idea what they're talking about the question was and zimmerman's race but trayvon some race zimmerman said as soon as he saw trayvon knowing nothing other than he was looking at a black you miss that trayvon was up to no good he must be on drugs or something
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. called him all kinds of names and the only thing he knew was that he was black so race had everything to do with it the defense was able to bring on witnesses who added nothing to the trial other them that they had been victimized by black tell me that race had nothing to do with it and see the thing is we are in a white supremacist society and everybody is trained in the outlook of white privilege and white supremacy so it doesn't matter whether they're the perpetrator was y. latino or even black i mean the cops who murdered show and well in new york city were all black but they all felt that they had a license to kill a black you black young man for nothing and that's because that's what this is some race and everything to do with this case. good points there i mean but oddly enough
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i mean last year when there was a rather bizarre case even more crazy because the white male shot and killed a black male in a car on a new standard ground as a defense because the guy's audio was who i was yes right and so why did we not hear anything about that i mean i just feel like why are we hearing so much about the trayvon martin case in the george zimmerman case all across the country the media is hyping up so much i mean we don't really hear anything about that case bradley manning or the n.b.a. is an element of due process this week i mean does their case really warrant the attention it's being given. it definitely warrants it which doesn't mean those other cases don't also warrant it but let's be clear when trayvon martin was killed by george zimmerman we didn't hear much about it either the only reason a lot was heard about it was erroneous issued a passionate we for justice that was heard by other people around the country black people latino people and also
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a large number of whites and they began to mobilize demanding justice in this case and it was only after that happened and it spread on social media that we heard about this case so let's not. let's be clear about this case was also being ignored until it became the new normal because of what people say. and sometimes it takes here there are some issues that really break through the mainstream and this was definitely one of them that showed a some light on a lot of deeper issues in the country karl undoubtedly the stand your ground laws and thirty one states are the source of a lot of outrage right now as the eye statistics show white people who kill black people in the center ground states are three hundred fifty four percent more likely to be cleared of murder carl what is the statistics say about our justice system goes back to what i said a beginning verdict in this case was
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a restatement of the dred scott decision to black people have no rights to white people and down to respect stand your ground isn't about self-defense it is about keeping white supremacy in effect that's why george zimmerman can get off when he murders a young black man trayvon martin when a black woman morris alexander fires a warning shot to keep her eyes or. order which action against him beating her she goes to jail for twenty years this is a case that is about this is laws that are part of the whole right wing fascist of what you're seeing the white legacy of white supremacy that has been in effect in this country from what we are very beginning and frankly will remain in effect unless and until the masses in their millions rise up make revolution and get rid of america as we know it find it very interesting what zimmerman's defense attorney had to say about the role of race in the case of charity had to say i think things
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would have been different. for this reason he never would have been charged with a crime so basically there is scent of zimmerman were black he would never have been arrested and charged with a crime what's your response to that. my response is that that's turning reality upside down the criminal injustice system in america is in gear towards targeting blacks and latinos that's who ends up in jail we could look at things like drug statistics and drug arrests and even though whites and blacks and latinos all use drugs in relation to their percentages of the population who ends up in jail for drug charges including just simple possession is only blacks and latinos so what they were trying to do is turning reality upside down trying to make it appear that zimmerman was the victim and this one who was being victimized was trayvon and what
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the case concentrated was the way in which america has his store and he victimized black people and continues to do so down to today. and the prison system in general and the incarceration rate of african-americans is now six times higher than the national average why is it getting worse and worse and why does america have a quarter of the world's prisoners. well what we have here is a program of work question and punishment that is a combination of the way the system operates and conscious policies on the part of the people running the operation of the system is that opportunities have been sucked out of the inner cities across the u.s. eliseo been flooded in the laws are written and enforced in such a way to target inner city residents that's why you wind up with mostly blacks and latinos were housed in prison and it flows from the fact that there is hatred and
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fear on the part of those who run this side who want america what response will blacks and latinos especially young black and latino people have to be an equal and miserable conditions that are being for him forced on them they remember the one nine hundred sixty s. the way in which people in iraq the whole system back and they are moving in advance of that that's what's coming down around this that's why it's happening and like i said earlier unless and until people rise up make revolution and end america as we know it we will continue to face these farmers more trayvon martin's. more lows will marty grams and others murdered by the police more us grants more people warehoused in prison all of these horrors will continue to go on unless and until people rise up and make. well you're saying that nothing less than revolution is
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the answer karl why is the system unable to be saved. because it's a system that basically is organized robbery in ri that's the way in which power and wealth is a mast in the hands of the pockets of a minority of the capital's class in this society and they maintain that monopoly by ruthlessly exploiting and you should be oppressing the majority of people in this country and all around the world and there is no way short of revolution out of this i mean people are talking now about a department of justice investigation into the murder of trayvon martin well that's going to mass murderers people who do drone strikes that take out a whole villages in pakistan people who presided over a torture in prisons here in the u.s. and i'm talking about barack obama and eric holder let's get real specific about it it's going to be people and asking them to investigate
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a murder that's like malcolm x. used to say that's like going to the wolves to complain about the fox raiding the chicken revolution and nothing less is the real way to get out of this we don't need department of justice investigations we don't need conversations about race we need revolution thank you karl dex founder of the revolutionary communist party a national leader of the stop mass incarceration network pleasure to talk to you thank you for having me on. coming up after the break i'll weigh in on the latest cover of rolling stone magazine. music is our job the army our destiny these soldiers don't know what real arms look like but it didn't take them a single shots to conquer the world. china
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and korea try to imitate them america and europe cry bravo absolutely amazing amazing. live meanwhile back in russia military artists are losing their grip on the audiences. the young people especially soldiers they seem to me to differently from. the russian musical army has been fighting for eighty five years now will it stay in tune with the times and win over the younger audience is up to date or has the time come to give up the fight to speak. out on our t.v. . interview.
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. been watching the corporate media this week perhaps you've noticed this latest scandal about a certain magazine cover that recently hit the newsstands rolling stone is running scared tonight from the controversy sparked by the cover of the new issue now i'm not going to show you that cover because i don't like it and alleged killer as a cover boy what i'm about to show you is the object of condemnation and calls for a boycott today look at this this is the august third issue of rolling stone magazine and they really need to retitle this magazine because it's now tiger beat for terrorists and criminals and sociopath. leave it to michelle malkin to really stick it to rolling stone there and here it is this is what everyone's so up in arms about this is a magazine that so many stories are refusing to carry however it's especially ironic to hear corporate news anchors accusing other people of sensationalizing tragedies because you know they would never do such
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a thing for ratings but it's still the coverage probably the height of the hypocrisy came from m s n b c's joe scarborough. i think like most americans. i wish that people that committed these heinous acts never would be written about would never see their pictures they would never be profiled they would never be elevated at all that they would remain basically locked away for for the rest of time but we don't live in mr snowden's russia what joe how the hell did you tie in snowden and russia this cover i guess any chance to demonize snowden is just the expected jerk reaction these days but i digress. yes you know what i find particularly interesting about joe scarborough his moment of clarity is that this critique was conveniently absent and b c's twenty four seven coverage of the brothers in the weeks following the boston bombings showing their photos and exploring every avenue of their lives at every opportunity but only adding to the
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absurdity was a statement issued by former national security council spokesperson tommy vietor who said to c.n.n. quote there's the potential that the cover could make kids feel that terrorism is cool and get that rock star treatment by murdering people oh you mean the kind of rock star treatment that notoriety that comes with the corporate media is sick obsession with giving coverage to terrorists you know like the sandy hook shooter who gunned down dozens of helpless children and the lunatic who shot at the batman movie oh that's right the media doesn't consider it terrorism when a white guy goes on a shooting spree however the media gives them the same infamy it claims to condemn it you don't see anyone calling to boycott the mainstream media but let's look on the bright side of this provocative photo on the cover of rolling stone not only is it revealing the sheer ignorance of many but it's actually stirring up a much needed dialogue in this country time magazine tweeted that we can't wipe out terror by removing magazines that might offend us from our shelves indeed that is
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absolutely true however all of this debate over rolling stone's cover is still just one giant distraction from the bigger issue at hand the fact that most of this information about the case is still being completely shielded from the public and dozens of questions remain unanswered dzhokhar sarnia faced sixteen hours of interrogation before being read his miranda rights for the more god knows how many drugs he allegedly confessed from the hospital which was then big to the press you know i thought that america the standard was innocent until proven guilty but the truth is that it was deemed guilty in the court of public opinion from the onset. and keep in mind that the only words he's been recorded as saying during his first court appearance was not guilty to all thirty counts let's go back in time before he was even captured and the mit officer that was mysteriously killed that night why was there no follow up with how or why that happened also why did the police
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claim that the perpetrator were wearing suicide vests to justify their overreach pictures clearly reveal that it was about the case and in fact as a result of rolling stone's cover boston police decided to release these photographs dzhokhar leaving the boat covered in blood and that this is the real face of terror really really the real face of tears an unarmed teenager riddled with bullets from a one sided gunfight and hey more on the subject of our men but that other guy name . who was executed by the f.b.i. will be in question about the bombings why was he killed and why is the f.b.i. refusing to release his autopsy report perhaps the most important question of all is why have we never seen the video that links these two brothers to the bombing the f.b.i. claims that there is video evidence of the brothers dropping the backpack bombs the raise that has its inexplicably decided to not release the footage to the public as anyone else but that's strange why not close the circle for us and stop the
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theories from breeding that call into question their guilt. look guys i'm not saying that these brothers are not guilty but these points aren't questioned or even explored by the corporate media instead all we get is people pissed off over a picture on a magazine where's the outrage over tactics of the police in the wake of the tragedy or the secrecy and lack of accountability and its aftermath this is exactly what's wrong with the american psyche and the media's thought process in the wake of tragedies just like these it's so much easier to demonize and minimize the uncomfortable facts than it is to confront them but the easy way is never the right way. well guys if you've been watching the show lately i'm sure you're tired of being depressed with all the horrible goo is going on between the george zimmerman verdict the get my hunger strike bradley manning facing life in prison and the
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n.b.a. ruling god this week has really shaped up to be kind of a bummer hasn't well luckily today i'm joined by my good friend leave camp comedian actress host of the moment of clarity web series to give us a little bit of a light hearted perspective on what else is going on what is going on manning's for show in my rolling stone cover. hey kind of looks like you. and your heart throb you welcome to d.c. you made it just in time for this insane heat wave but you know what climate change isn't really an issue oh no not really happening according to obama he finally gave that speech a few ways ago where he basically said the answer is fracking just endless fracking and i agree because we've got mother nature on the ropes all right she is tapping out you don't give up then we're winning you're winning the fight against mother nature this is a stand your ground issue all right we got a frack the hell out of her we are definitely true from within restroom in. the whole day and on our way but you don't give up no but obama is really on the right
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side of things like i mean you know here he is golfing with oil and gas executives instrumental in building the keystone pipeline at the same time tens of thousands of people are marching at his doorstep demanding for him to listen to halt the keystone pipeline is on our side is going to do the right thing that lee horris there as long as his researchers don't have the keystone pipeline won't cause any problems i will tell you that they have they've already said a few times yeah as long as they don't do that then we'll find what i think it's kind of amazing how and it's not just obama but it's a lot of people we could ignore climate change no matter how close you know now that the reports are like people on fire in california and people are going to spontaneously combusted probably live in a fiery area right there probably storing dry stuff in their homes like goldman. disease and elderly people you know don't come knocking at our door every time some little crap goes down under water we'll tell them to move to alderney they're just don't have brassica we're going to be busted and the following you know we're going this battle every believe peter king congressman peter king probably one of the
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biggest islamophobia in the congress right now but you know what he might be running for president two thousand and sixteen perfect candidate don't you think i think so he is the anti-terrorism guy and good for him he is standing up against something that every year kills literally tens of americans all right this is the only thing better i'm actually holding out for the anti bathtub guy because more people die from bathtubs and i think someone has to stand up against his bad talk genocide that's been going on because no one's even talking about it you're going to hear about it don't hear about it we need a warm bath and you know we sleep in the shower really yes but you know that should be peter king's new motto and i'm actually i'm going to his new campaign manager and that's going to be my main talking point as another big move the whole tano former head of the department of homeland security's and that's such a useful agency she's moving over to somehow head the entire school district in california the university's school district have no idea why she's qualified to do that at all well you'd see you know these people they have to take dramamine just to deal with the motion sickness of running the revolving door between you know
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private sector and head and master of education organizations and the government you know they just keep running around the system but you know they. go to a place where right is where we're going to talk about that break homilies are right there like the n.y.p.d. commissioner the something first guy but i actually think that's a good idea because we now have with the surveillance infrastructure one of the largest most powerful weapons in the world like the largest infrastructure surveillance instruction that's ever existed and just like with the death star you need an evil villain behind a powerful weapon you don't you put darth vader behind it right so you need this guy you need you want like rambo on a coke binge with being there on that bond. to use this thing you can't have janet napolitano you need someone you need someone vicious yeah man i am actually terrified with him running up and first you know what's going to be awkward when he stops and frisk obama when he was going to have to be awkward it's going to be awkward because it is going to win races program four point seven percent of new
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yorkers are black males between fourteen and twenty four black or latino and that's like fifty percent of all the friends burglaries in the area just like trayvon i mean come on you have to solve it first of all the black people because you know well it's yes you know that's how you get it that's how you keep us secure us being white. drones i want to play a clip from this local news story that i think should be getting more attention let's hear. the small colorado town considering a bold move putting a bounty on drones even issuing hunting licenses to shoot them down to look steal drafted a town ordinance providing unmanned aerial vehicle hunting licenses. we need the federal funds i'm going to shoot it down ordinance or no have you ever seen a drone flying over your channel no this is this is there a very symbolic or in the. first shooting down drones good idea or great mazing reality show this is the reality show down of the century you've got the
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orwellian west world minority report you know a corporate evil machine going up against the good old boy dukes of hazzard love in budweiser beer bong and shotgun wielding cowboys that is the that is a reality show that i would tune in to this could be like a game show there could be awards wherever shoots down more drones i mean it for good like these vermin hunter shows i mean this is where that and who says we're a country at war with ourselves right where you literally are at war with ourselves that's you know we get along like two peas in a pod we're not trying to shoot our own aircraft and here's probably the best news of the month the vatican the pope is just a cleric it's going to be much harder to report on crime. sexual crimes against children. are we specially living in the twilight zone here what i find shocking because vatican has been so good on these issues until now and it's just such a weird thing for them to do but i feel that i mean do you just go i just kind of want to run up to him go look we get it you're horny all right but this is not
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going to go through billy's shoe there is no oh let's do a little bit of this isn't ordering a pizza where you want to made those and i wanted mushrooms i would get a little bit of both you know one side or you just like pro bowl doing and be legal and there's no negotiation here. they keep really well what about a little bit of mushrooms you know you know you're like no no no rapes no raping children at all this is the type of thing where you can't even believe there needs to be laws against it because we all agree i think even going better there is like earlier too much for him this is like you kids don't thirty one states are laws against it's the same idea laws against having sex with animals and you're like really was if you put it away and that like that were the way they were to stop this plague of people having sex with animals like it's. parent would still as the media and the moment of clarity was there is always a pleasure to have you on that act. all right guys have a great night thanks for joining us to break the set we'll see you right back here next week.
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i've seen the perception of the cross many times it doesn't matter if there's snow a heat wave or hail storms for people keep on going i didn't expect anything just one i told myself i keep on going as long as my heart told me to that's all i wanted to the moment. hanson so mind she see i'm carrying these sayings on my shoulder. do you want me to put a bandage here. no that's fine but a lot of people were so exhausted they could barely walk their feet hurt and some of them fainted who the evacuee three two wanted to keep going i don't know what tomorrow will bring.
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egyptian army shows it's in no mood to compromise bringing up mass rallies of pro islam this calling for their reinstatement of the ousted leader mohamed morsi and warning of a wider crackdown. around six million surveillance cameras are keeping watch on u.k. citizens twenty four seven and that's according to a new report that's alarmed privacy campaigners and prompted the coals for greater transparency. and us financial movers and shakers from the world's leading economies me to moscow ahead of the g. twenty summit in st petersburg we'll look at how the upcoming event is being overshadowed by the russian u.s. dispute over at work snowden.
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