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tv   Headline News  RT  July 20, 2013 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the. clashes between supporters of the ousted egyptian president and his opponents leaves three dead as the army puts on a show of force during a night of mass nationwide protests. life under the lens privacy groups rail against the runaway surveillance culture in britain where it is thought there is up to one camera for every eleven people. who smoked too much and drank strong coffee bradley manning's army boss testifies she suspected he was a spy from the start after the judge ruled aiding the enemy were manes among the whistleblowers charges. and business is buzzing in moscow top financial ministers and leading bankers agreed to find a local unemployment and increase growth in a key meeting ahead of the g twenty summit right here in russia.
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thanks for tuning in this hour i'm lucy catherine album we've got live news and analysis for you right here on our t.v. well moving on to our top story now in egypt at least three people were killed overnight to the north of cairo in clashes between the supporters and opponents of the ousted president this is after the village military had warned those backing morsi is muslim brotherhood against stoking further on rest and disrupting the transition to a new government the capital was the stage for most of the large scale protests thousands of probe morsi demonstrators broke off from a mass sit in outside of a mosque in eastern cairo to march on the republican guard barracks were but were blocked by the army now it is thought that this is where the former president is currently being detained meanwhile on tougher square crowds gathered to voice their support for what they see as a revolution and to rally behind the new interim government while eskandar is
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a journalist in cairo and joins me live now sir the army of course came out in a massive show force last night as that did the muslim brotherhood supporters and neither side seems to be willing to budge on this issue is there any way forward to sort of bridge and get out of this divide. unfortunately there the options are very very small slim right now the real problem that we are facing right now is from the time of president morsi taking over it's been a is there some politics game it's all or none and that is mainly the reason he's been pushed out of power because he would not share it with it with anyone else who would not succumb to opposition and now that he's been pushed out of power the same attitude prevails that they're not willing to take a compromise at all and i and the reason is because this or the organization is bent on dominating and pushing their way of of politics and so it's actually
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quite difficult to see a way out of this without. any side to compromising at the moment it's up to the brotherhood who rejected most of the talks and negotiations so it's a standoff that continues unfortunately and of course you're very on the ground you sort of have a much better perspective of how high the emotions are running how do you see this playing out i mean could these tensions escalate into a civil war perhaps or do you think that some sort of political political solution is possible here. i don't think it can escalate into civil war is actually the military stepping in was sort of a protective measure for the muslim brotherhood in a way because that people were very angry at the brotherhood and the violent tensions the sort of civilian tensions were very very high back where you know in places where the muslim brotherhood were dominating and people were fighting back
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really strongly and right now the military has taken matters into their hands in a way from a security perspective at least so the idea of a civil war is far fetched because it's unlikely that the military will split over the muslim brotherhood because they face a lot of rich rejection from the people on the ground and from within the military institution due to the way they've handled things as for political situation solution it's it's up to the muslim brotherhood leaders at the moment and they don't seem to be budging and you know the muslim brotherhood have been underground for a very very long time and so it's it's they're very used to being on the opposing and not you know opposing from afar and so i don't i don't see how it's it can move forward really without the muslim brotherhood leaders actually taking a decision to actually try and work something out but i'm curious if this support for for the military which is just brought up is really justified for the anti more senior folks who are out in the street there considering that the military has
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essentially supported not held to the rule of mr mubarak's authoritarian government for years. yes this is the real problem is that the military is the only solid institution that has not been affected by all the events or not affected greatly by all the events that have happened the military not only supported mubarak but they also had a hand. in creating that deal to get muslim brotherhood in power there were actually the muslim brotherhood where their strongest allies during the transition period despite the military strength is quite ironic that now the muslim brotherhood are against the military despite the fact that they commended them so much and they've like complimented them on how great a job they were doing despite a lot of times that we've witnessed so so the people but the people right now they're so this and chatted with the muslim brotherhood so disenchanted that they're willing to accept anything but the muslim brotherhood which is a sign of how polarized things are at the moment and how bad the muslim brotherhood
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and morsi have made matters inside. as indeed unfortunately we're out of time a while while eskandar cairo based are less thank you for weighing in with your point of use or thank you all right well moving on coming up in the program the children caught in the crosshairs israel's military arms to the teeth and perfectly trained and it's assorting to using cold wanted posters to intimidate palestinian youngsters who throw stones in protest at the settlements. britain's addiction to surveillance is shattering records that estimated that there is now one camera for every eleven people now privacy groups are furious they're saying that george orwell's one thousand eighty four was never intended to be an instruction manual artists are still yet takes a look. if you ever feel like you're being watched perhaps even feel singled out no matter how huge the crowd. chances are it may not just be paranoia. the british
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security industry association estimates that there are between four point one and five point nine million a close circuit television or c.c.t.v. cameras in the u.k. one in every fifteen or one in every eleven people whether you're going to the shopping mall or what are called sensitive locations like schools and hospitals they're likely to be electronic now in recent years much criticism has been thrown out what is seen as the u.k. government's growing surveillance state but in the most recent report it shows that in fact majority of c.c.t.v. cameras are not government funded but rather privately owned and mostly used for security reasons another b s are you stressed the c.c.t.v. schemes are invaluable for crime detection and evidence for the police however one of the main problems highlighted by watchdogs is the fact that there are not still not enough regulations governing public c.c.t.v. surveillance much less those that are privately owned we discussed this issue with
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the big brother watch price of private c.c.t.v. cameras far those installed by the police and local authorities so it does challenge. it is the government that's acting as big brother doesn't it i think it's a hole in the u.k. at the moment i think the private sector seen the. public sector and this kind of attention that c.c.t.v. prevents crime from happening and so it's only a matter of time in the private sector. private c.c.t.v. footage but we're seeing some incredibly sophisticated pieces of technology appearing via the internet so things to do with facial recognition and things that can send people miles away so i think it's only correct that the law catches up with the technology and states how and when these cameras can be used at the end of the the day. very sophisticated we can form a very intricate picture of everybody all right thank you very much for that.
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information on the vast number of privately owned surveillance cameras will add to the debate of the so-called surveillance society you know this is just coming on the back of after one year of the protection of freedoms act was passed in the u.k. where the government was forced to trim down its database of d.n.a. and fingerprints records and it's just coming days after the code of regulation was imposed on public surveillance cameras and forced it out of the debate created by the revelations of edward snowden already ongoing reporting from london. while britain looks to rein in its surveillance addiction washington it seems has no such qualms about its own on our web site you can find out how through a secret court president obama has removed the n.s.a.'s power to harvest the phone records of millions of americans also on our website incorporated having amassed the strongest force of any rebel group serious is limits on foreign oil funded emirates stretching from the mediterranean to the persian gulf that's home.
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listing growth and combat in currency wars are what key financier's from the world's twenty leading economies have agreed to on here right here in moscow their gathering is certainly seen as a precursor to september's g twenty summit in russia and. has been across the talks about what are the measures being outlined as being key for the world's financial recovery. sounds and some really hard subjects and really challenging economic issues were discussed at this meeting. that strengthening growth and creating jobs remains the top priority for the g twenty member states now the global economy remains to fragile as. was sat here at this meeting and its recovery is still fragile an uneven n.-s. the recession in the eurozone continues now ways how to recover from this really
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ongoing economic slowdown were really largely discussed at this meeting monetary policy it was also raised on the edge on xi'an the member states of the domestic price stability is the priority for the central banks and of course a lot of attention was thrown to the taxation transparency especially when it comes to taxing multinational companies now the leading economies has backed an action plan to make of the taxation process more transparent so as you can see a very fruitful and john down this meeting here in moscow fruitful and gentleman did but what role i'm curious has this meeting played in terms of setting up the g twenty meeting that's going to be held in st petersburg in september. right while this meeting is a part of some major proper aeration for the upcoming g twenty summit that will take place in st petersburg this september and actually it is the last official
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meeting between the members of the g. twenty stays before the summit kicks off in awesome and that meeting really outlined the jondo for this summit but on the other hand still it really seems that the summit is increasingly being used as a bargaining chip in international politics now there were some rumors and speculations they had u.s. president barack obama will not be able to meet with president putin and moscow though early add that such a meeting was announced to take place around the time of the annual g twenty summit in st petersburg now white house press secretary jay carney declined repeatedly to comment on president barack obama's plans to visit russia however later he outlined the president intends to travel to russia for the g. twenty summits but refused to comment further and he also acknowledged that he's being deliberately vague on that issue and there were also other reports that two u.s.
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republican lawmakers hobbes's just to cheese the location of the g twenty summit and not to hold it in russia basically an order to press russia to oxford ice at risk no down but meanwhile those economists who have gathered here for this g. twenty finance ministers meeting really seems to be hot put politics aside and they work really discussing some challenging economic subjects all right thank you for that update to our teams medina coaching our reporting live there. and while the world's richest nations work on what they can get from one another it's a whole different story for those at the sharp end that's desperation for the people at this point once america's mighty engine room but now crumbling under the weight of deep debt we report on whether this is the end or a new beginning. to meet the girls keeping wall street shoes shining as the ones humble trade goes beyond that and many more stories for you after the break to stay
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with us. when the great spade blind to what is happening in their country. the american dream is disappearing. the houses with gardens are. the poor are left hopeless the streets are full of angry crowns fighting against. heist who stole the american dream. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard look at the big picture.
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and. quote them back while army witnesses are being called to testify against a whistleblower bradley manning his former boss says that she always suspected he was a spy among her argue. manning's heavy smoking at that he drank strong coffee now the man faces life in prison for leaking classified documents to wiki leaks after the judge confirmed the most serious charge of aiding the enemy in artie's breaking the set abby martin discussed the developments with producer andrew blake. what happened was so you know this case is three and a half years at the making at this point almost and you know the government's long been saying ok manning you aided the enemy because you want to wiki leaks you gave them files those files got the internet and then osama bin ladin dialed up his
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modem and got those papers and because of that we can send you away to prison and you see for the rest your life and you left because a lot people think that's kind of funny that by using the internet and sharing documentation that has actually been proven to cause any harm not really aiding the enemy right so that was that was the defense's argument and they said you know this is a bit preposterous and when you know this trial has been going on actually only happening for a couple of weeks now when the prosecution actually had to present their case and they had to call witnesses and they actually had to try to make an effort to say bradley manning the enemy afterwards the defense said we don't think so we don't think you even you we don't think you even gave enough evidence that the judge can actually make this decision so they filed a couple of motions a few weeks back and just today colonel denise lynn the military judge presiding over the case she finally responded and said no there's enough evidence that i can actually go ahead and i can make a decision not to make the decision now the court case is going to wrap up sometime next month most likely but she is not dismissing the charges by not dismissing the
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charge bradley manning will now face a maximum of life plus one hundred fifty four years in prison i believe life plus one hundred fifty four years and has to be at least a hell of a guy who might live to and yeah you know you know aiding the enemy or not your life span how is the prosecution going to prove this i mean i guess we don't know but based on what they've already said it seems pretty flimsy elder we already know that manning did all this stuff aid the enemy but we know he's played with the leaks of hundreds of thousands of classified documents that sets that's out there he admitted that the prosecutions tried saying that these documents caused harm to national security and they had people come in and testify about all of these documents separately released iraq war logs afghan war logs collateral murder video that went on will be a detainee assessment briefs all these information and that's what the last couple of weeks of bend witnesses being called by the process. by the defense trying to say well either you know he did it knowing that this could happen or you know he was a naive twenty something guy who wanted to help the world but that's going to be ultimately
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up to the judge to decide that. staying in the u.s. it's a small cya of relief for pensioners and people with disabilities in detroit with the bankruptcy saying their benefits are safe at least for the next six months the city was once the jewel of american industry but it is now eighteen point five billion dollars in debt with little prospect of actually paying that back but as. david explains it could be a chance for a new beginning rather than painful and something that i think a lot of people in detroit aren't incredibly surprised to hear the city has been in decline for many many years all of my life since i've been born at least but i think what you're seeing really is just this sort of vicious cycle that the city has not really been able to get out of you know you have high unemployment because you have high unemployment you have thousands of people that are just leaving the city in droves to find economic opportunities elsewhere when you have people leaving the city you're obviously producing less tax revenue you have to tighten the budget and not to mention that when you have more unemployment you have more
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issues like crime and then that's just one inevitability of having high unemployment so that puts a further strain on resources from the police department the fire department etc so it's not all that surprising that a system like that that's frankly unsustainable would would collapse aside from that i would say that the traders are pretty optimistic detroiters and metro detroit are pretty optimistic about this they're not looking at as hitting rock bottom they feel like we hit rock bottom a long long time ago this is the thing that had to happen to move forward to turn the page and really sort of you know kind of the beginning of the end of the pain. shining shoes on wall street is back in style this time with a bit of sex appeal run these days by a financial high fliers is certainly a long way from the rags and desperation usually associated with busting up brogues and as. you discovered the money is not something to scoff at either. wall street it's not just a location it is
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a culture synonymous with big bonuses bailouts risk and the one percent following the financial meltdown of two thousand and eight most americans criticize bankers right now shining their shoes has turned into a high end business. welcome to starshine and why see it's just different from everything else there's. their sheer size up the block and they don't offer the same things that we are or the store offers large leather chairs flat screen t.v.'s and oh a women only staff uniformed in teeny black shorts and did it take tops for the first week we had about one hundred people a day no coincidence that nearly all of those people happen to be financier's bankers or other wall street employees when you start a business like this it makes sense to fish with official if you're going to put a business where you're going to shine people. you're in the heart of the financial
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district you have to make it somewhat resonate with the type of people in the type of demographic that you're actually pertaining to. while the so-called wall street demographic has bounced back exceptionally well following the great recession economic recovery has been extremely difficult for young americans latest figures suggest ten million u.s. workers under the age of twenty five can't find full time work idea this to help out with the bells and everything to get by a part time. how much extra we're not sure twenty five year old college graduate leah prefers not to specify that. very tough this summer special on five minute shoe shiners is four dollars down from seven i love the service. i was very walling comfortable. come watch a game with. for you where there's less screen t.v.
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and lovely ladies as well. it's a hard it's a magnet so you know attract better tension starshine also offers services at corporate events and treat shows the store meanwhile will soon be serving beer and wine. the business is owned by kevin white jr and his father who both work in finance neither were available for an on camera interview but how archie that business is booming so maybe those who argue that wall street creech jobs were right. new york time for a brief check on the world's international headlines and we begin in china where an explosion and beijing's international airports arrival hall has injured one person a man in a wheelchair detonated a small amount of black gunpowder used to make fireworks near the exit he was then taken to a hospital now the man was reportedly angry at previously being bitten beaten up by security guards in southern china. a police station west of paris has come under
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attack from a mob protesting against officers and forcing france's ban on the islamic full face veil is now five people were injured six detained in the assault the current wave of outrage was sparked by the arrest of a man who tried to strangle a police officer who had find his wife for a very wearing a veil. one hundred cities across the u.s. are bracing for protests a week after a florida court acquitted george zimmerman of murder now he shot dead on armed black teenager toy trayvon martin claiming that it was self-defense his acquittal has sparked days of rage with civil rights activists accusing the court of racial bias. israel is to release several longtime palestinian prisoners as part of a deal to start peace talks brokered by the u.s. secretary of state john kerry who said that the two sides are ready for negotiations which are expected to start in washington within two weeks kerry met
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the leaders of both states on his sixth visit to the region in just as many months . while the politicians try to revive the peace process the outrage over israel's settlements refuses to die down among some polish damien's what's more the military crackdown on protesters is seeing children end up on the idea of want to lists our middle east correspondent paul us leader has a story. armed to the teeth that's one of the most sophisticated armies in the world state of the art weapons high tech defense and world class combat training but when it comes to dealing with an unconventional enemy children it resorts to those posters threatening to find them wherever they are like a sheriff in a small town with a bounty on outlaws hid every night in the only victim and drop the bombs and sound bombs the words the houses before i've been to live the children live in very bad so critical situation and it's working as sufis one of the children whose faces was
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plastered around village in the northern west bank the warning reads we are the army be careful we will catch you if we see you. we were very afraid when they put our pictures up there threatening us that they will arrest us and they will come and take us from our home. the posters went up one afternoon after another demonstration ended in tear gas and rubber coated bullets every friday villagers take to the streets to protest against the wall israel is building between them and a nearby city home and on the frontline and in the line of fire children the idea to publish these posters was probably the initiative of a local army commander they were placed on the walls of a mosque and nearby houses and stuff says he wasn't throwing stones but the army and settlers have a different version but so is the head of a nearby city home and each day he drives on this road which connects his settlement and the thirty five thousand jews who live in the area with the rest of his role. of this what would usually happen is they would come and stand on the
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road pick up a brick or a large stone and throw it directly and from a short range because many of our residents were hurt three months ago a baby got hit and she's now in a vegetative state stones kill and that's why we expect the military to do what it takes in order for it to stop. israeli figures say rock throwing incidents are up by a hundred ten percent in the last few months but the army's track record for dealing with palestinian children is dismal at best a recent un report found that the i.d.f. we teenie abuses and tortures youngsters in the occupied west bank the community has hit back by putting up posters of its own the message that their year long good . luck. as for his sons he has exams but khan concentrate way we have soldiers that are on the prowl looking for him and his cast mates.
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could do him spend. well what's really behind the global economic crisis a detailed investigation is coming up next right here on our team to stay with us. if you want to or something truly baffling the u.s. supreme court has ruled that generic drug makers cannot be sued for bad reactions to their products only the original branded creators of the drugs can the court's decision was five to four overturning a multimillion dollar award for a woman who was horribly wounded by taking a medication which gave her toxic epidermal necrosis which is basically the equivalent of getting third degree burns all over her body and of course after winning the case mutual pharmaceutical company is demanding their millions of
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dollars back from the woman who they naturally blame for having side effects from the medicine they made themselves remember this is not just a ruling about one drug but a ruling about all generic drugs which are eighty percent of the u.s. market all of them will not have any accountability i cannot wrap my head around the logic of only punishing the creator of a product and granting immunity to anyone that later reproduces said product i mean would any sane person say that if you shoot a person with a colt forty five pistol that is a crime but if you use a copycat call made in mexico to blow your neighbors off well that's ok because it's a generic copy no no sane person would allow generic drug producers to have no liability for their product but that's just my opinion. the interview.
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