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tv   Headline News  RT  July 21, 2013 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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well you might get very lucky. the boiling pot racial emotions run high across america with massive protests in dozens of cities after the killer of a black teenager walks free. convicted bales but on bowed russian opposition activists all explain a volley awaits his appeal against a five year prison term for stealing half a million dollars. egypt's begins reworking its constitution after another week of deadly strife between the bankers and the opponents of deposed islamist president mohamed morsi. and turkey let's israel use one of its military bases for a recent attack against syria that's according to an r.t. source but ankara firmly denies that claim.
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thanks for tuning in this hour i'm lucy cough and open of course you're watching the weekly right here on r.t. . thousands have been gathering all week in cities across the united states to protest the acquittal of george zimmerman and that this is after a court found him not guilty of murder when he shot dead of the unarmed black teenager trayvon martin the ruling had set off a nationwide debate on racial hatred as our washington correspondent reports we've seen protests in dozens of cities in the u.s. throughout the week following the verdict in the doors remembering people took to the streets demonstrating at courthouses and police stations throughout the country demanding justice for trayvon martin the seventeen year old black man who was struck there by a neighborhood watch volunteer dozens of people were arrested most of the arrests were made on charges of on law and with sampling in some places like in samara. and
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you know protests turned violent demonstrators the rocks the passing cars so many many americans were following the zimmerman trial it's obvious that racial disparities in the application of criminal laws in america remain all these people think had trayvon martin being white he would have been alive trayvon martin could have been me. thirty five years ago there are very few african-american men in this country who have near the experience of being followed when they were shopping in department store that includes me. and there are very very few african-american men who have the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. that happens to me at least before the sun the fact of the matter is that under florida's stand your ground law the defense doesn't even have to prove that their client is an angel you cannot prove reasonable doubt that the defendant acted in self-defense and they are free to go so in this case
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you have a question re civil rights vigilantes guns and self-defense laws these people see a clash between the law and just a very recent example also in the state of florida black woman a mother of the week was sentenced to twenty years in jail because she fired a bullet at a wall to scare off her abusive husband nobody was injured and the woman is in jail for twenty years while george zimmerman walks free but you see the basis of the people outrage. the demonstrators are not willing to back down a stray bonds parents are joined by celebrities and leading the movement now that high profile backing has given added momentum to rallies like this one that you see right here in new york the u.s. attorney general is urging a review of self-defense laws while the justice department has relaunched a probe into the murder to see if civil rights charges can be filed against mr zimmerman or to even spoken to martin luther king jr's daughter bernice told us that the case exemplifies the rampant racial discrimination in the u.s.
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. the fact that had this been a white american a white young man i doubt very seriously george zimmerman would have reacted so so swiftly in this situation i think he probably would have thought about it twice a lot of things have changed in america so we can't say nothing has changed i just think we're still contending with just laws and more importantly laws that disproportionately affect african-americans and african-american males. more than any other. group of people in america and so you know these kind of issues were very prevalent in my father's time oftentimes you would have all white juries in most times when there's a black victim in this case and when i'm a victim is the one who did. nine times out of ten back in the sixty's or should i say ten times out of ten. that person would have walked just as george zimmerman
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zimmerman walked in this particular situation despite the mass rallies legal expert charles rose from stetson university in florida believes the chances of actually prosecuting george zimmerman are relatively low. if they're going to get him back in court again it's going to be difficult to do because the civil rights law requires that he be a state actor and there's no indication that he was an employee of the state government during that time frame the other option would be to charge it has a crime under the shepards act the problem there is that we just don't have evidence that it was hate crime motivated if there had been that evidence it would have been presented in the state trial that just concluded the families have that ability to bring a wrongful death claim against mr zimmerman they could force him to testify but the problem will be that mr zimmerman probably doesn't have much in the way of assets so they would wind up spending a great deal of money for very little result the road to ease with which you can
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not only purchase a weapon but then use that weapon to defend yourself in the state of florida in approximately twenty other states is really what led to this tragedy plenty more for you on our to dot com recut regarding the justice for trayvon campaign we have some of the best pictures of the nationwide rallies video footage as well as social media reaction lined up for you. it was a fast moving week for russian opposition activist and anti-corruption blogger alex a not only sentenced to five years in prison for embezzlement on thursday then bailed out just a few hours later to the cheers of thousands of protesters denouncing the verdicts are his arena has been following what's been called one of russia's most controversial trials in years for. five and four years in prison alexina vining to that if it's ever spent all day for setting up a dummy corporation and defrauding a state owned timber company to the tune of half a million dollars the judge insisted the verdict was not politically motivated but
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foreign media the blogger supporters and opposition activists declared otherwise critical and a convert to the conviction means that he won't be able to stand for mayor of moscow vali says the embezzlement charges brought against him politically motivated an outspoken critic of the russian president vladimir putin has been sentenced to five years in prison one gets the feeling that people have already made up their minds before the case even started and before the trial even started and they're not actually looking at the facts of the case or the way the trial was actually conducted but are simply following their own opinions which they formed in advance what kind of comments is that someone like mr valma should not be prosecuted on this going to charge because he is a famous opposition personality now that seems to me to put things completely the wrong way round thousands of people in moscow's main years in a square a stone's throw from the kremlin indignant at the verdict calling it unfair and
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immense police presence and if east of panic on social media for awhile it looked like the situation could escalate. but there was a curveball from the prosecutor's office a request to free novotny in a surf until their verdict comes into effect in their immediate arrest and preliminary detention to stick to measure. said there was nothing unusual about the trial or the prosecutor's appeal stressing that the president can not and does not influence the court decisions and that those convicted should carry out their punishment as prescribed by the judge in his blog novelis said that he was ready for a long term preliminary confines and ordering books from the library and battling mosquitoes and his self but this spent less than twenty four hours in detention before being released from this courthouse straight into the arms of his supporters eager for his campaign to continue so who is the self appointed opposition figurehead who's running for mayor of moscow a lawyer by profession now where you spent the better part of the last few years
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flirting with nationalistic movements as well as leading a popular blog exposing like scale corruption and trying to make a forum into politics his trial the verdict and the surrounding media frenzy may have been closer to that goal he can according to your earlier report run from moscow city mayor he can give us many interviews as he likes it's an absolute public city godsend for him it doesn't remove him from politics at all it's the absolute ideal solution for him in a sense it's been referred to a broad as russia's mandela moment perhaps too bold a claim the b.b.c. has the state run where british broadcasting corporation calls it russia's mandela and they've been running stories all day just previously you know bill keller the executive editor of the new york times used to lord this man you know novell me you already outlined his nationalist views here in this country we have laws against incitement to have you semitism incitement to near knox ism which of course this
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man has flirted with repeatedly although he may not be major household name in russia yet alexina valley seems to have some serious support abroad he is paid by or has been paid by the united states of america when he set up a democratic alternative party a year or two ago it received money from the ne d. the n.e.t.'s the national endowment for democracy funded by the. the us congress that was the main organization funding the orange revolution in ukraine back in two thousand and four novell nice party received money then from the american state as we can leaks showed not so long ago it even goes quite central russian. we've got more on the whistleblowing waiting game in just a few moments right now he's the most wanted man and edward snowden is holding out for russia's verdict on his temporary asylum plea and update is coming up for you just ahead. well work is due to begin on amending egypt's constitution which was suspended by the military when the islamist president mohamed morsi was
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overthrown the past week has seen ongoing violence and amid nationwide street protests by the supporters of the ousted leader at least ten people have died in the unrest by tuesday the country's interim president sworn in a new cabinet which excluded members of morsy is muslim brotherhood he is the most movement rejected the new ministers and its supporters are vowing to go ahead with mass protests egyptian journalist shahira amin says that excluding the group won't do much to improve the country's political climate. i think is a fatal mistake excluding any political faction from the transitional political process is a fatal mistake people will complaining the morsi was in one izing the state and now they doing exactly the same keeping the islamists sidelined hoping to push them back underground just a short while ago there was a very brutal crackdown on pro morsi protest is outside the
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parliament we're already hearing you. say they will launch. a holy war to defend islam and this will have very serious implications. coming up the ox swings again on jobs in greece after the break we reveal how the government just planning to appease its trickle lenders by making thousands more unemployed. i've seen the perception of the cross many times it doesn't matter if there's snow a heat wave or hail stones from people keep on going i don't expect anything i just want i told myself i keep on going as long as my heart told me to that's all i wanted at the moment mickey i have sinned so. i'm carrying these sayings on my
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shoulder. do you want me to put a bandage here you know that's fine a lot of people were so exhausted they could barely walk their feet hurt and some of them fainted we've already vacuity three too wanted to keep going i don't know what tomorrow will bring. wealthy british style it's time to. go. to the. markets why not scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy cause a report on. israel has allegedly used a turkish military base to launch a strike on syria now that information came from an r.t. source earlier this week ankara meanwhile strenuously denies any such an
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involvement its claims that israel's latest attack against syria took place on july the fifth targeting a russian made battery of anti-ship missiles a middle east correspondent policy or has been following the developments. there was a lot of talk and uncertainty in the region this week after our sources revealed that we have information that is will launch a strike on syria from turkey now the reports are been ekta to a strike back in early july on the syrian city of latakia if accurate this would be the fourth time in recent months that tel aviv has launched an attack against syria the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has neither denied nor confirmed these allegations he simply says that israel's policy is not to allow the transfer of dangerous weapons to hezbollah and other so-called terrorist organizations and that this is a policy that the country will not deviate from that and now who also saying that every time something happens in the middle east israel is to blame the turks for
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their side have denied the allegations the turkish foreign minister saying that turkey will never be a part of nor caught her to such attacks he also said that the allegations were aimed at destroying turkey's power and refute taishan what is interesting is that relations between turkey and israel are at an all time low they deteriorate. back in late two thousand and ten in which nine tokyo activists were killed and there was an attempt to bring humanitarian aid to the people of gaza back in march the israeli prime minister apologized to the to pull that incident and what is happening now is that real questions are being asked about the sincerity of that apology there are also questions being asked as to why would turkey ally itself with its arch enemy in the region israel to launch an attack against another muslim country now it's no secret that turkey has spoken out against the regime of bashar
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assad in syria but this certainly is not a sufficient enough as to why turkey would work with israel to launch an attack against syria. on the israeli syrian border let's track some of the alleged previous israeli air raids on syrian territory which were only confirmed by anonymous sources in israel now a military compound outside of damascus was bombarded twice in january as well as in may rockets were also had also struck a warehouse on the capital's international airport allegedly containing surface to surface missiles on all the occasions the attacks were explained as operations to wipe out iranian missiles thought to be bound for hezbollah in lebanon historian and middle east expert mark allman believes that israel's motives go far beyond blocking weapons from reaching the group. israel has an interest in pretty helpful getting the weapons but the broader context is not just syria but also we are wrong and i think that's what talkie is cotton oakwood place because turkey is
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a historical military ally of israel with a lot of cooperation between the turkish military in these areas but it also is a lotion islamic country and it also borders iran but it could be a conduit for a potential strike into iran through its own aspirations would make it much more difficult to detect something coming from israel i would say the israelis worry that missiles sent from iran to hezbollah vos syria could be used as a revenge attack if they were to move to discuss a preemptive strike to try and knock out iran if so that's where the by themselves would hope the americans israel may find it quite useful for turkey to be thought to be an active ally in its operations against syria and potentially against iran so that even if the israelis have plans perhaps to strike iran from a completely different direction the risk is that the top of the curfew will be held responsible and turkey could be drawn into question that this is going to. destabilize inside turkey. greek workers will dealt
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a another blow on wednesday when the government approving a more massive public sector layoffs to please its international lenders now twenty five thousand civil servants face the ax this in order to secure the next part of this bailout the measures were pushed through despite a general strike as well as huge rallies which have brought services to a halt earlier this week now under a bill passed by the bar parliament at least four thousand state employees could lose their jobs by the end of this year up to a thousand workers are being fired every single day in greece now this is that according to the hellenic statistical authority since two thousand and nine meanwhile employment has skyrocketed from a little over nine percent to almost twenty seven percent today and greece's economic output has plunged by almost eight hundred billion euros are going over. has been speaking to protesters in athens protected by law since the nineteenth century public workers are still considered to be the foundation of the greek economy but its creditors have demanded that the government cuts up to twenty five
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thousand public jobs before the end of this year otherwise greece is not going to get its latest financial aid package worth over six billion euros so doctors teachers security guards melissa poker lease public transport drivers and others have all got on strike and gathered at the country's problem in athens to fight for their jobs it's just the beginning they have in mind to destroy every public service in greece we need teachers we need people in the health sector we need people for the. garbage for everything past six years the greek economy has been in recession unemployment is at twenty seven percent but there are many of those who do work officially but haven't seen their salaries in months to handle three graduates are able to find a job there's a rise of drug addicts and the firm was including those with the fire patients and decades worth of work experience with the general feeling on the street it's not only the government which is to blame for the situation we have people i mean grown
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men in the private sector people in the gromit now into the public sector for the for the first time show that we needed is a new policy you policy not only in greece but new policy in the european union a new policy in the eurozone no matter what happens next labor unions like you organisation say it's not going to back down until the troika and brussels especially realizes it's not only about adding or subtracting numbers but about the real lives for real people you've got to start off forty eight athens greece a lot of stories for you on our website of course r t dot com including yes you can find out how and why a world heritage listed in marine park on the australian. coast suddenly became a target for unexploded u.s. bombs dropped from fighter jets. and the story behind it and not see things cafe where the staff and guests dressed as german soldiers which is open for two years
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prior just sparking outrage. america's most wanted man edward snowden is awaiting russia's decision on whether to grant him temporary asylum the former cia employee who had exposed the u.s. global spy program as well as a secret surveillance operations of a number of european countries has been holed up in the transit zone of a moscow airport for over three weeks he needs the necessary paperwork from russia to be able to transit travel to one of the latin american countries which have offered him asylum but in order to remain on russian territory the thirty year old had to agree to stop any further leaks the car in the united states where he's now wanted for espionage jim kellogg from the open rights group hopes that snowden will find a way to continue those revelations. i hope it doesn't mean that he has to not talk about what the united states have been up to broad policy to i mean he's been very careful not to threaten individual peroration is not to expose particular
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agents also make claims which would result in people safety being compromised rather he's been talking about the broad programs that we united states and the u.k. have been doing he says he's got a lot of material and i certainly hope he has more to tell us it will seem that way completely change the debate right now it is very important not to be happening i think a lot of things are happening in the wake of the. at least two legal actions being launched in the u.k. on the back of what he's revealed or expect will be more in the usa the tech companies are challenging on the basis of their own free speech or not also to clear the names of i will be going on so there is a lot to happen whether or not he's got more material to give. but i really would like to see the house. as well the german magazine claims that country's security services have been actively taking part in the u.s.
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global surveillance operations their report and alleges that both domestic and foreign intelligence services have been using one of the n.s.a.'s programs for their operations chancellor angela merkel tonight and the previous knowledge of the u.s. spy tactics saying she first learned about them through the press edward snowden revealed weeks ago that washington the keeping europe especially germany under close watch while snowden goes out of his way to avoid a washington's prosecution the weeks long trial of fellow whistleblower bradley manning is nearing its end the army private arrested back in may two thousand and ten admits to leaking thousands of classified military documents to wiki leaks but he insists that he did not aid the enemy this is the main charge leveled against him which could ill and the young man in prison for life pardon me more now from our wall. private first class bradley manning faces several charges twenty one total the most serious of which is aiding the enemy the other charges range from computer fraud to theft of government property and asked be
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a notch if convicted of the most serious charge a man could spend his life behind bars without the possibility of parole even if he is not convicted of aiding the enemy the remaining charges amount to one hundred fifty four years behind bars this week the judge could have dropped that aiding the enemy charge but she decided not to manning already spent some serious time in prison about three years before his trial even began now the trial is in its final stages we should hear closing arguments next week that it's up to the judge and this court martialled to decide the verdict now this comes at a time of great debate over whistleblowers in the country many see manning as a hero but his opponents see him as a traitor for exposing government secrets the secrets include iraq and afghanistan war logs and videos of air strikes one ton of obey detainee assessments and diplomatic cables many activists believe the outcome of manning's mark felt good
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seven example for future whistleblowers a glaring example for us is n.s.a. leaker edward snowden many points of manning's pretrial treatment and heavy handed charges as an example of what's to come for snowden should he set foot in the u.s. leading up to the trial and during the trial there have been several demonstrations in support of manning the next major one being organized by manning support network is set for july twenty seventh it's the international day of action for bradley manning the group is calling for protests in several cities throughout the u.s. and abroad here in fort meade maryland live all our team. and time for some of today's top stories we begin right here in russia or two british citizens and one russian have died in a helicopter. accident in the country's north emergency services say the u.k. citizens were tourists who were in the region on a fishing trip the helicopter owned by a private company dropped them off at their destination and then crashed after
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a failed to take off killing the three people on the ground it's believed the pilot survived he had reportedly planned to cancel the flight due to bad weather. the capital over iraq has seen another round of bombings leaving over seventy people dead nearly two hundred injured over this weekend the latest attacks strug baghdad early on sunday following a string of sunset blasts targeting me in the shiite areas as locals emerged after the day's ramadan fast nationwide attacks have claimed over five hundred lives in this month alone as iraq struggles to contain some of the worst outbreaks of sectarian violence in the past six years. belgium has a new king fifty three year old prince felipe has taken the throne after his father albert the second abdicated due to ill health announced thousands had lined the streets to celebrate their new king which is largely a ceremonial role because belgium is a constitutional monarchy the royals call for unity among belgians the country has been torn by drawing out political instability and deep divisions between the
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flemish and french speaking populations. that's it for me for today but up next is our report on the people who serve their country using visible instruments instead of weapons. you want is something truly baffling the u.s. supreme court has ruled that generic drug makers cannot be sued for bad reactions to their products only the original branded creators of the drugs can the court's decision was five to four overturning a multimillion dollar award for a woman who was horribly wounded by taking a medication which gave her toxic epidermal necrosis which is basically the equivalent of getting third degree burns all over her body and of course after winning the case of mutual pharmaceutical company is demanding their millions of
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dollars back from the woman who they naturally blame for having side effects from the medicine they made themselves remember this is not just a ruling about one drug but ruling about all generic drugs which are eighty percent of the u.s. market all of them will not have any accountability i cannot wrap my head around the logic of only punishing the creator of a product and great a community to anyone that later reproduces a product i mean would any sane person say that if you shoot a person with a colt forty five per store that is a crime but if you use a copycat call made in mexico to blow your neighbors so awful that so. ok because it's a generic copy no no sane person would allow generic drug producers to have no liability for their product but that's just my opinion.
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music is our job the army our destiny. yes of again i always say that we are on the front line. of the money. our weapons are our instruments our voices our choreography. and. in this.


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