tv Sophie Co RT July 22, 2013 2:29pm-3:01pm EDT
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between the french and. the french at least and they will be legion because the only and we live here who is. who which we see is only if we leave then. french very reason the big problem between the french state and the religion i think is the real problem with say is it all about religion because thousands of migrants come to france because of its social security programs and they end up taking advantage of it isn't the government entitle to react to that. do you know of the french. law for the french the birth. of the four of the five billion of. living for a bird because they love their little. problem
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very real problem with. their with problems with. their. problem. of the media of the place of religion the friends of faith or should mccance french businessmen and political activists joining us live in paris thank you. the military overthrow of egypt's president mohamed morsi is dragging the country further into unrest and instability thousands of his supporters have attempted to storm cars tahrir square where the morsi demonstrators have been gathering for weeks clashes between opposing crowds led to at least one death and many injuries when the army intervened to break the fighting break the fighting up deployed vehicles around the square but despite the turmoil interim government is pressing ahead with amending egypt's constitution the muslim brotherhood and its supporters refused to recognize the panel tossed with drafting the document and morsi families lashed out at the using it of kidnapping the polish
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president latif sophie shevardnadze caught up with morsi son to find out what went wrong when his father was in power and what chances egypt has for peace program is next on r.t. . i've talked to many times about the absurd things going on all around us like kids being thrown out of school because they had a gun that shoots bubbles or various people getting punished for their tweets and facebook posts it's all really abstract it's hard to try. get angry over until you see the results or playing a stupid video game just carter sarcastically said to someone who called him crazy oh yeah i'm real messed up in the head i'm going to go shoot a bunch of kids at school l.o.l. j.k. and for this bit of sarcasm he spent quite some time awaiting trial in a texas prison not only that according to his father he was being attacked brutally
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on many occasions leading to bowl to pull concussions and black eyes and in the end he had to be thrown into solitary confinement for his own good you see this is the ugly reality of those who for the bad side of political correctness you know i don't talk about these stories just for fun the main thing i'd like to say is that it wasn't for some anonymous coward in canada turning him into the authorities for doing absolutely nothing this young man would not have to live with the memory and possible injuries from numerous assaults to the anonymous canadian who turned him in i sarcastically wish you a horrible fate but you probably get me arrested for it so just say that it's people like you who allow tyranny to exist but that's just my opinion.
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hello welcome to this edition of self in. egypt at the crossroads again with thousands in the streets to protest the ousting of mohamed morsi the president only elected a year ago people are being killed or wounded hundreds arrested this day muslim brotherhood announced they will fight to reinstate their deposed leader what are the chances for egypt to find its part as more blood spilled for the sake of democracy. egypt is in turmoil once more division and economic disaster the military has its hands back on the reins of power after bringing down a democratically elected president yes the international community shrugs his shoulders as the fruit of egypt's young democracy is eaten by the army mohamed
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morsi is president no more a year of poor performance opens the door to change and further deepens polarized politics in egypt but it wasn't all morsi fault with the ghosts of dictatorship really haunts the valley of the kings the muslim brotherhood is being edged but will is hit by. these egypt in danger of sliding into civil war. and our guest today is all somehow more see the son of the ousted president mohamed morsi it's great to have you on the show and thanks for agreeing to this interview so are you hiding what exactly are you fearing. i'm not hiding our being among egypt's young revolutionaries since the twenty fifth of january two thousand and eleven these young people came out to the country squares to defend the democratic path of the revolution i want to say this again and one of those people defending the cause of the january revolution and its achievements i'm out there on
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the streets with the others i think we need to keep the treatments of the january revolution we need to stay on that which has been threatened by those who organized this bloody coup in egypt. we are defending the revolutionary cause presidency in egypt is an institutional there was a stamp list by the will of the people of the revolution today's situation is not just the president's problem. it is a violation of the people's will the constitution that the people voted for and it goes against the lawfully elected president the president all these institutions have been because of the coup this cannot be justified the egyptian people can't just be observers those who organized the coup shouldn't think. and they
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succeeded against the will of the people and this will never happen. after the twenty fifth of january. one got with the help of a lot about the hands of the people. not some it's like a bloody regime. so you're saying you're not hiding but it was so hard to arrange an interview with you there was so much secrecy around it what your saying so does it mean that you can be seen in the streets every day with your supporters. yes of course. we're square with i'm on the streets of the revolution that far in hiding i wouldn't be able to talk to you today. where is your father now do you know. my father is. no location now with the leaders of this school criminals. they detained the president they go without any charges. and he's
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a little fully elected president who spoke the will of the people on the canal and now they're fighting a. secret locations where our but i won't can you expect from war criminals. they violated the cause of those mother who died in the name of the revolution and a lot of. so we still don't know where my father is kept. we don't know where he is don't know why he was detained are you worried for his life what do you think could happen to him. in the lead out of a now military spokesman in adelaide ali it's basically admits that they arrested the president here so statements are a joke. that the president was detained for his own safety at this point of this we say. don't worry about the president's safety that
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the president will come out to the people with this don't talk to the. aleutian the rest here in this strange they don't constitutional modern man and then what they get in that is are you not scared for his life. very dangerous really. worried about him. and i think fear for his lawyer said. but it's a revolutionary and i see him as already. giving to. all of us not just me but our whole family supports him well i think we call him on the whole if you give us a lot of the will of the people. though and you argue well you know some of them are the president doesn't. he get to the heart of. you can't just deal with it.
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this is the will of the georgian people that are that this. was about you seem very close here father in this whole process how did your father not see this coming i mean there where science egyptians wanted a more inclusive government a more inclusive society and the army was warning morsi. how this can and you can ask the president this question how do you know when he returns to his office through this revolutionary effort and then a lot of the he will be able to tell you about a better answer i don't know the mechanism so let's govern as the i'm just the president son but what's your take as his son and his ally on things i'm not one of those people making decisions look i don't know what the
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presidential meetings even though i'm his son look this is a very personal question my grandfather was deposed by revolution at one point and i always told him what i thought even though i didn't take part in presidential meetings. sure i will answer this question president morsi moved to school because he recognized perfectly well that the justice and the will of the egyptian people is stronger than any stronger than the military coup and the criminals who staged it out to a club illegitimate president of egypt repeatedly that he believed to be the common sense the vision of this against the of the egyptian people that the sides the prison you the people all across the country would rise to disagree and this is what we see happening now the mass revolution of protest against the coup against the people's will being ignored of the focus of this. but right now it looks like it's a fifty fiftieth's split between morse's supporters and people who want him out according
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to the polls fifty nine percent think the country would have been better off with the military in power. this is excellent proof that the home of morsi is rule was democratic while going to democracy you have both the ruling regime and an opposition but the case of forces taking on a certain political stance is something unprecedented. and this is sort of a sure sign of the military takeover. all right but with all due respect there is no doubt morsi has a lot of supporters but in a very short period of time an overwhelming majority turns against him it's not about the military it's the people in a democracy such political differences and confrontations are normal settled through elections rather than tanks well i saw them quite limited that. is there any true democracy where no make a moment to discount the will of the people and illegally deposes the president was
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you know that this is actually a crime committed by the egyptian military at the. right temperature breakout coming. to syria scenario possible in egypt or could there be a return of dictatorship to the letter states. many americans still have the almost cult like belief that america is the greatest nation on earth for the past thirty years the us has been in decline relative to other countries here during this time washington continues to fight wars abroad and
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you're just a nation building is america becoming a third world country. do we speak your language anything about the will or not a day in. the news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little eternity of angola's stories. for you here. i'll teach spanish to find out more visit. all tito's comb.
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all right welcome back to the show the muslim brotherhood supporters have flooded the streets of cairo with demands to return there were ousted leader well ahmed morsi back to office what is causing a coup the revolution and the possibility of peace with osama morsy who takes close to heart the removal of his father from the presidential state so salma many believe muslim brotherhood has failed not even because of the religious factor. but because he didn't have a political plan an economic plan do you admit that your father made mistakes. and that i lived i believe the only way to settle political differences is five democratic general elections. russian or american or british defense minister will overthrow
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a democratically elected government just because there's opposition respirator sitting on the streets it's impossible egypt egypt. has well. over the past because it was here as we'll as the that's what are you still strong so we. made our choice and you're going with the people of egypt with the selected their own government i didn't but some hue have called your supporters to come out to the streets and fight even if it leads to bloodshed more people died in recent events than in the whole year under morsi all of this is entirely wrong then tiredly. we represent the egyptian people. and we are defending our democratic choice and. secondly we are doing it through peaceful means only i underline and
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peaceful means only and not at all for we are not at threatening anyone and we don't tolerate threats to criminals that stage this kind are responsible for all the blood spilled on the streets for disrespecting the people as we always are and foremost accusing those that are just trying to peacefully defend. the gyptian revolution has been peaceful since day one the loss of no no one is threatening anyone however they was responsible for the bloodshed and violence of color by the supporters of in the bar every was that we used to be difficult times and each of us has been going through a whole new stage a counter revolutionary rule out any gates and everything the revolution achieved they destroyed a democracy in a city the egyptian people and those who opts for violence that is that all the people see as a very clearly who supports democracy on who wants to rob them of its. look but as of now muslim brotherhood is out of egypt's new de facto government muslim
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brotherhood refuses to cooperate if there's no cooperation stance a valid political strategy the muslim brotherhood does not speak on behalf of all the egyptian people and that's the way the whole world has to understand that the egyptian people are out in the streets right now. the muslim brotherhood only represents a certain part of the population of the muslim brotherhood's problem that does not make decisions on behalf of the gyptian people they were not elected by the people or you but president bush sr laws and others are they have to distort the will of the people is in shrine to the constitutional is a document which he was drafted by the people and not by the muslim brotherhood. not only the brotherhood but the entire egypt believes that the coup that there should have happened to the first place it's a new government should have been imposed properly to what and are you prepared to
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fight. that egyptian people will not recognize the current government thought of them. nor the actions it to try to get to rule in democracy that again that again they gyptian people will stand for its choice as martyrs now i'm telling you whatever it takes them one of them. but when it comes to the number of deaths when will you say enough you should ask this question to those who orchestrated this violent cuckoo that ask them when they're going to put an end to their crimes against the gyptian. how many more deaths that will take to stop a society well it goes both ways are you are are telling you i'm telling you to ask this to the c.c. and his group this those kuipers you must ask them when will you stop killing egyptian be able not not asking us when you when you was told to be killed
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we owe all of us the egyptian people we decided to rule ourselves by our well. mbox is yes yes now egypt to be born asking where is my vote where is democracy. so again so i have only gyptian people out of this house the right to determine who is to rule their country and it has to be determined by a elections it's only by casting their ballots that the egyptian people decide part of the post or we will lose many have said the candidate of the last election will never be elected in the future money and the we know. might be a letter for a second term this is what we understand by democracy and in which country can the opposition and moderates come to power through protests lot i mean instead of
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winning a general election are. people stage allowed in clear that democracy is the only way you are going for them and most of the people are they only think governance they are negative. they are not afraid of. murders or oppression and because the rebels perpetrate out even most of the savage muscly the egyptian people are not afraid of the security forces what their foreign factor in a coup. all i know is that it's reasonable anti-democratic coup which aims to lead egypt only way from the path of becoming a respected it's almost a democratic nation when the gyptian people staged arrival lucian in january of two thousand and eleven and it was not a revolution of beggars nor a revolution of the hungry oh no it was a revolution policed by people who are free and those free people another one so
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now protesting in the streets against this on constitutional illegal and on democrats a coup besides all the gyptian stop protesting the longtime democratic whose brutal and violent policies are the most loaded on a possible roll back to the practices once used by mubarak and his secret police. but no one looks at the situation in egypt from outside the first thing people are discussing after the clashes what role does the united states play and it's very unclear you may not know for sure but what are your thoughts the u.s. policy has been serving only the american interests all the time i don't really care about that. and the i don't care about the situation in america i'm not interested in the american situation there. protected a lot of military. in the history and the
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other states and in egypt the us supported military coups in their enemies way you . need them and some other countries when it was beneficial to their country that they're just a well known fact and this is a model for why we're talking now the situation in which he you find yourself where your father is suppose you don't know where he is there are clashes in the streets do you think your u.s. citizenship is a hindrance or a help. americans speak for democracy in the media but in reality they don't defend democratic principles and it is very important for egyptians nazim called democracy from the us or some other country. on january the twenty fifth two thousand and eleven is that the egyptian people will rule to make independent decisions about the future of the country if not i will vote i beg then the u.s. administration does not have a clear position on this will be enough for you paul have to clarify here the
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clashes are between repressive security forces and peaceful protesters or you can't use the term civil war in this situation talk about this is not a civil war between egyptians what i'm asking is is your american citizenship helping you or damaging you right now so are many egyptians it is on that list that i don't have u.s. citizenship that although one of my sisters these are you citizen. but some how come qatar has turned their back against you they were your supporters you can ask the leaders of carter on this question. but you certainly have your opinion on that as well. are you doing really understand qatar's position on the. turn i didn't really care. i only care about the will of the egyptian people that's the main thing. to think that the syrian scenario may repeat egypt absolutely not that's
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a gyptian zone understand what's going on. the egyptian army is the army of all the people egyptians understand it we are well respected that. the egyptian army is well respected to the us you know me we like a great shoestring little to love people in this town the difference was you know the army and a few military commanders who organized the coup. some of thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us this was a somewhat more sedate son of the ousted president mohamed morsi you are what so think of me sophie shevardnadze thanks for watching i'll see you next time.
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i almost told you my language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports so i'm likely to put the no i will leave them to stay current a comment on your latter point. to carry out a car is on a donkey no going to. do no more weasel work. when you have a direct question are you prepared for a change when you run you should be ready for a. critical speech and little down the freedom to. technology innovation all the least developments from around russia we've got the future covered. olympos.
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intelligence is accused of using america's new tourist surveillance program to its advantage that's just weeks. washington snooping activities. german chancellor merkel faces stiff questions so but just how involved germany was in the n.s.a. prism spying program. an epidemic of birth defects in iraq is blamed on the u.s. led coalition's use of depleted uranium in military assaults we report from. the health cost and becoming increasingly visible. britain's prime minister admits there's too much extremism among the syrian rebels as appears indication yet that willing to go full scale deliveries. what is behind the apparent.
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