tv Documentary RT July 23, 2013 10:29am-11:01am EDT
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i just stood up and went. i didn't expect anything i just want i told myself that i would keep going as long as my heart told me to follow the people and that was always wanted at that moment. yes but i felt something i want to tell my future children about us i still don't know what it was maybe i'll understand it later i just was sitting in crying yesterday i can't explain. that i felt a lot here i was even a little scared by it all i remember one morning in the village of borgen it was three am and it seemed like people were coming up from the grass lots of them gathering with icons in their hands and moving forward a real sense of the russian spirit all moving together it was an amazing feeling that was. here there is no noise it's silent here everyone goes in
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silence singing and praying and that's it it was. the it. was i've heard about the christians of four but i have never had any idea about how good it could be you feel free here i don't want to leave. the little risky procession of the cross the oldest longest and by far the biggest in russia. it's a grand and compelling sight cells in this march from kill off to the village a river and back almost a week they walk through woods and fields from dawn until dusk some them bare feet
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they carry backpacks and pray. i have sinned so much. i'm carrying this scenes on my shoulders i see a lot i have a lot of say more than i know please forgive me they're only able to sleep for about three hours a night on the road filled feet hurt turns to carry the icon of the wonder worker on their shoulders and still they smile despite the pain. and fatigue we're happy that's why. my nose is bleeding. i don't know why i just chatted and. still to go and. widely different people here. old and young rich and poor what motivates them. challenging.
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many more every year where does the dusty road lead. in everyday life things like money and other problems take center stage here you don't think about that you think about something. that's most important if you don't do that from time to time. a person becomes some kind of walking dead creature businessman vitale is following this route for his fourth time but this is the first walk. they met in a nightclub a few days before the procession of the cross they spent some time together talked a little and then went their separate ways they met again on the procession quite by chance perhaps for a reason. but for now they're going on together. in a crowd of forty thousand people i go with my girlfriend and he goes with his friends and at some point you just find someone you know or
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meets. someone new and stay together from then on when everyone feels something special about the procession of the cross something personal the main idea though is to reach the destination together in the same spirit and emotional state it's very important. home. the first time i came here was as a tourist my friends and i were willing curious there were so many people who wanted to test ourselves and besides the company was really cool the guys were into all the tourist stuff i don't remember if there were any medics there at the time but a lot of people were so exhausted they could barely walk and had to ask for help. their feet hurt and some of them fainted it was clear they needed help the next year we brought more medicines and bandages later i formed an official medical team
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and we went in as first aiders. natalia is called the general now she's found fulfillment of helping people who take part in the procession. headed a search and rescue team throughout the year the volunteers rescue animals and search for missing mushroom pickers and in june they walk with the pilgrims providing first aid. do you want me to put a bandage here no it's far. yet though you should you think if i actually didn't want to go at all here just to come and see the celebration but i had a dream i saw st nicholai and he told me to take a vow to go to board so i did but now i want to go to got a. little bit three days ago he fell and broke his ribs because of his age he's also suffering from tacky cardio and high blood pressure but still he wants to keep going i keep explaining the risks involved it's our duty i have to see it that way
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otherwise i'll just lose. my mind i think it's about pride you know they say they have to get there no matter what some even say they want to die in the procession i've heard them say that believe it or not. do you understand what i'm saying the river is broken you simply can't go on there will be no road where you go in tomorrow if you fall again you could puncture you along with a broken rib or worse i suggest you take a rest and come back to the celebration think about it. saving lives is now much more important than simply taking part in the procession. we've already evacuated three people who wanted to keep going i don't know what tomorrow will bring when you see how many people are going you pray all the time if it happens unconsciously i simply say help them god there's so many people. quite quickly it actually looks nice people don't give you can tell. you oh such
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a few to folklorists. there is one of the most jubilant pilgrims taking part in the procession as a child she was found to have a learning disability and now for the first time in her life she's meeting people who don't say she's crazy but a child of god. when i first came here i was completely lost and i was no longer the innocent creature and to this wall as i was completely and really just in a highlight i had plenty of man it was hard for them not to one free sex was me. that's how i lived. lord jesus christ son of god have mercy on. you. program from moscow but never spent time with harlots before
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as a religious man he dreamed of becoming a priest he has always believed that there should be no sex before marriage and for many years he searched for a good orthodox girl is in fact was his motive for taking part in the procession in the first place. i tried to meet girls to have a relationship but building a family always failed usually we felt the same about each other she wouldn't like me and i wouldn't like her i always felt there was something wrong with you i know i make decent money. i'm an interesting guy and i'm not unattractive bob i never met anyone i felt right about you i'd already stopped looking by the time i met elaine i didn't expect to start a family in truth i tried to get used to the fact that i'd always be alone. they miss a year ago on the first day of last year's procession nicholai off for the unusual
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pilgrim go look up of tea she accepted when we sat next to my tent and talked a lot then she said she didn't have anywhere to stay so i said you're welcome here . he was the first guy who didn't even label finger on me or make a move on me never even try to ask about it. you never said let's have some fine you know or at the bar but he asked if i was called and gave me something warm to wear then he led me into his warmth gave me his sleeping bag he was cold to you but he gave it to me and slept like that i was shocked nobody had ever done anything like that for me no one it was the first time in my life. i had never before met anyone so desperately in need of his help love and care. he
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proposed to elena and she said yes. i invited alaina to moscow and didn't want to let her go she's a very curious person that's what i like most about her if she doesn't understand something she asks for an explanation she's humble she's easy going and does what i ask are. you missing is that it's you know. the servant of god is marrying you in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit amen so cross yourself and kiss the icon. the servant of god is marrying nicholai kissed the icon of jesus christ.
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i'm shocked i didn't expect this i feel as though i mean haven't really i had no idea i'm such a sinner and i never ever expected anything like this in my life. until. now all my troubles and difficulties and over finally a rewarding life in christian life. tend to meet instead of a restaurant dinner a camping mat in place of a hotel bed. the two didn't even discuss where they'd go for their honeymoon neither doubted that the velikovsky procession of the cross was their only option. i've already been able to bathe in the spring. if the women and i went to the liturgy and confessed their. sexually there were two press one was really kind
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hearted person and the other was beautiful and he's a monic he was very humble and he was able to take my confessions he was amazing. wealthy british style. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our nobody chooses to be homeless no one chooses to me and us are
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all. isidro's for the show to. get in the six pm get out six beat six. day war. against. me the class people. who are against the war. it's tough to think about all of them comes to us and to know that many may not have only been lost to won't never meet but they're also due to foreclosures that never should have. downloaded to.
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if you're away from. mobile devices you can watch on t.v. any time anyway. these newlyweds believe they owe their happiness to. this is the icon for too long and the pilgrims behind become irritable they're being kept waiting and they too want to venerate the st they also believe in miracles but the original i can no longer exists it was found in the fourteenth century benita pine tree next to the village. but it eventually disappeared and the one they use now is a seventeenth century replica an antique but still a replica. we usually don't talk to most of the pilgrims there know about it the
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thing is that the old i can doesn't exist anymore it's gone disappeared without a trace we have another one here now you might call it a success when the icon of the wonder worker disappear it was replaced with a replica of the miraculous nature of the replica reich on has also been confirmed by the church many people want to pass below the icon and join a long line to do just that they believe it will bring them health and happiness but the most amazing things will happen in a village the place of the original icon meanwhile priest reveals another secret of the procession of the cross i didn't know that the procession was different before the revolution now it's not like that. but not the way we do now. carrying banners and crosses and it was taken in a small carriage and escorted by just one priest who took it to the villages he presented the icon to locals the same way we're presenting it now in. the local
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a miracle with my own eyes it was really hot that day today pretty hot and it's difficult but that time it was awful we called it an egyptian heat. so she said to us now you ask for good weather you don't care about that apparently when you were committing your sins. we were asking for the children they were really exhausted she thought for a moment and then started to sing the lord's prayer after that she said lord be merciful and give us some breeze all of a sudden the sky started to dark clouds appeared and screamed out the sun the wind started to blow it was so nice the temperature dropped but kids started to talk and play she said ok enough now that moment the clouds went away and the heat came back . today there's no one to control the weather. but. the procession another miracle that was simply unthinkable in soviet times
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when nobody protected. the pilgrims. the police ambushed them and blocked their way . for the first time after the soviet union collapsed. openly go to the river there were just two hundred people there. and one stray dog. but. this little dog house followed us from the very beginning of the trip. people feed him that's why he falls us he's not starving anymore he's got used to us and doesn't bite anyone. next to people during rest stops that is the way it is. this is not just a dog but a full participant in the procession the pilgrims will see it again when they reach
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for. christ is risen indeed risen christ is risen. jesus christ is risen indeed risen. single enormous precession splits into two. one group goes down to the wooden chapel on the village river. the other stays up on the high ground to hug a tree and cut pieces from it. i think some of the people don't understand why. they don't feel involved with the miracle of sin. that's why they look for something material and idolize things like the tree trunk. of the image of the nicholai appeared on that exact pine tree. even though they start to generate superstitions for example you have to chew the bark of the tree to keep your teeth
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healthy. they did it so eagerly to eventually ate the whole thing. once it was gone they dug out the roots and ate them to you. yet. when that was over they found another tree trunk can call that a saint to. why. because everything here is about holiness and sanctity. they can do it forever now they have some kind of holy some huge pine tree that they hearken venerate so i really want them to heal the source i don't know why i do this i just follow. we do it to stay healthy the whole year right some. they say you have to take a piece of that saddle and it will bring you how you will as holy energy and what you are doing here is hedonism. the real holiness is over. unlike some of the less conscientious pilgrims the dog who had been running ahead
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of the procession for three days knew exactly where to go straight to the platform built for the water blessing ceremony. also consider that a miracle. how life is today you want one thing tomorrow it's something else things come and go but the most important thing is that this place the village of. forever be the place. of the wonder workers icon appeared today is still with us because with us travels with us we pray to him he returns to the place where he appeared by the great american happened the great miracle of the russian orthodox church. nicholai icon is carried on to the platform where the water is blessed and then a mass bathing begins. some of the people considered this to high point of the
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entire event their goal has now been achieved and they can go home with a clear conscience. but most of these pilgrims will choose to stay. is my main goal is to go the whole way from the very beginning to the very end no matter how hard it is no matter what happens if you start it you have to finish it i never give up halfway if you give up there is no point in going the whole trip becomes pointless and there is no point in that so what's the point faith you have to strengthen your spirit to become. longer if you give more power for you through your week you have to be strong nothing will break you in the future. there is another important reason to go all the way from beginning to end. so you as a successful businessman he runs
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a construction company and considers himself healthy and wealthy with a wife and a beautiful daughter and so there was only one thing i wanted to ask for him though i wanted to some so i prayed to see nicholai the wonder worker. after five perceptions of the cross his dream came true today he's not asking for anything this trip is to simply think his patron saint. oh hello. yes i can hear you where you know you are on our way we'll get to you soon is there any food there everything's ready we've got hot soup and salad sounds great what do you want to call it quiet down here that's here. come here say hi to daddy come here say hi daddy daddy.
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how my boy did he. pieces were waving when. you just said that ok comes in as you can. said his wife travels by car with her young son he is called short for nikolai after the wonder worker next year she plans to become a real pilgrim herself. i can't explain it but i feel something i feel i have to do it to go all the way from beginning to and i see people who go more than twenty or thirty kilometers a day it's really difficult they're tired exhausted but you have to see their faces they shine people feel happy sure they're tired but it's a pleasant kind of it doesn't make you feel bad. the business man's wife believes that it took so long to grow wish for a reason those five perceptions made a really big positive difference for. he is
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a completely different person now he changed a lot now he's calmer and more balanced i don't know if you become kinder though but i still hope. he's quite an impulsive man and it was really easy to drive him mad and make him lose his temper but now even when i raise my voice to keep silent it's much easier to deal with him now he has started to care about other things he was kind of selfish before but now he's not he's changed a lot but remains determined he had planned to take the last stage of the journey with his young son and no one can make him change his mind not even his wife or his best friend. he hasn't how does not even in our world carry him on my shoulders them why he'll be sleeping everyone else does it why shouldn't i but he doesn't need this we do it for a reason but he doesn't care he's
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secret lover toure. was able to build a most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't sound anything. to teach me the creation why it should care about humans. this is why you should care only. nobody chooses to me homes nobody chooses to me in sorrow. is a. six pm get out six feet six. they were. school. class people.
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there's no sure against stewart. it's tough to think about. comes in. and to know that many may not have only been the last two won't should never believe me but they're also due to for clues that never should and. i would rather i asked questions for people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more.
11:00 am
aka's are poised to gain full access to personal data on hundreds of millions of mobile phones worldwide polity talks to the cyber expert who detected the threat. at least report claims one in five victims of u.s. drone strikes in pakistan civilians is the pentagon next to expand operations in the country's tribals. and the think tank wounds of dramatically widening wealth gap in britain due to welfare reforms described us speeded up that sure isn't.
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