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tv   Headline News  RT  July 23, 2013 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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more. hackers are poised to gain full access to personal data on hundreds of millions of mobile phones worldwide party talks to the cyber expert who detected the threat. early report claims one in five victims of u.s. drone strikes in pakistan are civilians is the pentagon looks to expand operations in the country's tribal zone. and think tank wounds of dramatically widening wealth gap in britain due to welfare reforms described as speeded up that you're isn't.
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hello welcome it's good to have you company you're watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow with may and tree farm. now hackers have the ability to hijack one in every eight mobile phones worldwide with a single hidden text message that alert has come from a leading german cyber security expert he claims the trick gives criminals instant control over mobile devices and can even provide them with access to personal banking data and to see chalk and explains. turns out that as many as seven hundred fifty million cell phones around the world could be carrying flawed sim cards that could potentially leave their owners vulnerable to financial fraud and surveillance now sim cards hold key user data and have up until now been generally known to be one of the most secure parts of a mobile phone however the recently discovered bugs could allow hackers to access personal information and carry out illegal transactions and this was researched and
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announced by thirty one year old ethical hacker and renowned german codebreaker karsten know after repeated attempts to hack into sim cards over the last three years you know says a shocking number of them can be hacked within minutes no has discovered a way to essentially get complete control of an individual's phone by finding out the unique encryption key of each sim card with just one hidden text message allowing whoever breaks into the system to do whatever the user of the phone is able to do and what this means is if there is credit card information or pay-pal data on that given cell phone being broken into that information becomes acceptable and could easily be used often without the cellphone user realizing that this is being done before it's potentially too late artie's video agency abruptly spoke exclusively with cars to know who described in more detail the threats that this could all lead to. short term threat when criminals finally acquired method is struck they will abuse the cards to send
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a message for instance they could also steal from different countries we're going to this use looking at the midterm surveillance questions because to do encrypt hold the voice communications originating from the phone as well as data communication so all of this could be intercepted and decoded by a well equipped surveillance team now are no less known for his activity in exploiting vulnerabilities of secure systems and then providing companies with his findings so they. and fix these issues before criminal hackers lay their hands on these technical flaws and he estimates that roughly a quarter of the total three billion sim cards using the data encryption standard throughout the world could be impacted by this research that is now conducted and supported you know that there has been no pattern identifying exactly which sim cards manufacturers are more more vulnerable than others but the security expert says it will take hackers about six months to figure out how to do what he has done
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and releasing this information now gives manufacturers enough time to catch up and fixing this problem at the u.n. international telecommunications union has dubbed these latest revelations quote highly significant and is now in the process of notifying agencies in almost two hundred countries. u.s. drone strikes have caused the lawmaking civilian death toll in pakistan that's according to leaked documents from officials in islamabad the so-called precision strikes resulted in a total of seven hundred forty six deaths between two thousand and six and two thousand and nine and one fifth of those victims were civilians children made up a shocking twelve percent of the casualties however washington is showing no signs of scaling back its drone warfare program as. reports u.s. intelligence services want to have the world cover on top of spying on the world communications washington is expanding its drone surveillance operations as you
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know under the umbrella of fighting terror the u.s. now operates a host of bases in the middle east and africa a lot of these operations seem to have little or nothing to do with u.s. national security like the work that u.s. spy drones do for the turkish military so u.s. camera equipped predator drones hover above the rugged border with iraq and stream high resolution imagery to the turkish armed forces helping them pursue fighters from the kurdistan workers party or p.k. kate here you see kurds who got hold of some pieces of a u.s. drone that is. a crash by itself or was shut down not clear so there is this synergy between the u.s. and turkey where the turks host the u.s. drone base and the u.s. does surveillance for them the u.s. is making other trade offs in the region and thanks to such favor exchanges it gets to increase its presence there oftentimes against the will of the people in some of those countries for example the pew research center has just released a survey showing that eighty two percent of turks disapprove of the obama
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administration's international campaign of drone attacks but regardless of the backlash the march of drones continues an expense for beyond known combat zones the commander of u.s. forces in africa told congress in february that he needed a fifteen fold the increase in surveillance recorded songs sending televisions gathering on the continent fifteen fold that's in africa the pentagon says the u.s. is also committed to increasing its surveillance in asia and the pacific which effectively means beware china at the other end of the world in south and central america u.s. military commanders say they need drones for counter-narcotics operations so in every region on every continent there is something to keep an eye on but everybody understands that it's not just an eye wherever there are the spy drones there will be the predators waiting right behind to go on a kill mission and washington's request and that's where america's world policing
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urges often clash with international law in washington i'm going to show them. at least five hundred escaped prisoners including senior al qaida members are on the run in iraq stuff the gunmen attacked two high security jails near baghdad including abu ghraib killing twenty security personnel in the process sara flounders co-director of the international action center says there's been no improvement in the security situation since the u.s. led invasion. grape itself as a prison was notorious for us torture techniques humiliation sexual humiliation tactics that were used it was turned back over to the iraqi government we have no idea if any conditions through there was a prison break that we do know but we also really know that it's a us war and occupation that consciously created the sectarian violence of
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course al qaida or the government they don't serve the interests of the iraqi people but the policy of inflaming sectarian differences and consciously for mentoring and providing arms and funding and whatnot to groups who inflame sectarian violence that policy came from the u.s. of course the status security for any of the people of iraq has been terrible has been terrible through the years of u.s. sanctions absolutely devastating during the u.s. invasion the years of occupation and it hasn't substantially improved since. but also ahead for you this hour monsanto is beating a retreat from europe america's biotech giant drops its bid to great new genetically modified crops in the u. are widespread protests and resistance from the anti g.m. lobby group got more on this story in a few minutes. a u.k.
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think tank has warned that nationwide wealth inequality is set to skyrocket over the next few years unless the government rethink its policy of slashing welfare the fabian society predicts that david cameron's economic strategy will cause the wealth gap to widen even more than it did during the nine hundred eighty s. and in half the time the margaret thatcher was in power they've branded the situation a speeded up action replay of fancher ism well earlier we spoke to the author of the report economist i would read you said the country's economic recovery is being pursued at the expense of the least well off in society. obviously the u.k. has pretty hard a deficit in the public finances and we've been told that the austerity measures that the coalition government has introduced are kind of necessary to get the public finances back on track but i haven't really managed to date much so far but
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the point is that why times rises and benefit costs of being introduced as the court records families holiday. week long sort of maiden or harboring but next round the house it's going to bring mining the sort of social security benefits and tax credits which we grow our incomes we save including we grow our incomes. you know so people who we should be joining courage and so we're seeing being hit hard these days going to mainly three families with children especially and so the young younger on employed. britain's unemployed face the loss of those benefits they're also coming up against growing competition on the job market from foreign workers and according to a new study eastern european migrants actually stand at better chance of being given jobs in the u.k. than locals as artie's tessa cilla now reports with long term unemployment in the
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u.k. hitting a seventeen year high long lines a job centers have become a typical and while many britons are struggling to find a job a recent report by to finish academics says that immigrants from eastern europe are seven percent more likely to be employed and this trend generally holds true in the agriculture business on this berry farm here in kent so workers spend about eight to nine hours a day picking berries in the sun in the heat it is physical work now under the seasonal agricultural workers scheme of the u.k. it's estimated that there are thousands of foreigners working on the u.k. farms. robert pascoe who runs this farm says there are between three hundred and three hundred fifty immigrant workers during the harvest season mostly coming from eastern europe remaining probably in the majority we need a supply of people who come in for the summer season and that's not so popular
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amongst the english people because they they want continuity is not considered to be. a profession and the same time you've got a lot of keen enthusiastic and bright eastern europeans to come for six months and we see how bright they are they enjoy doing what they're doing and wish to stay longer and of course they're becoming more permanent like a volley or maybe he's been working on this farm for nine years do you mind do we all this physical hard work and i think i'm doing that if i was moving during that i would look here both of. them back in my country the report comes on the one hand amid the government's goal of decreasing net immigration to the tens of thousands and concerns that cheap migrant labor is decreasing local wages and on the other hand widely unpopular cuts to the u.k.'s welfare system which your work and pensions secretary says is in order to restructure the culture to discourage people
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from living off the dole and find work instead are that most british people are streaming hard working and you know industrious we've also got an element it's true i think we've got an element of people who don't want to work on the question have big but then you've got another problem which is the benefits trap and that's what we should be concentrating on how do we get our people back into work how do we motivate young motivated and you don't do that by bringing in wives and wives of cheap labor who just get on the cut them by the end of the year the e.u. is jumper you work and travel restrictions a bulgarian is a rumanians will be lifted giving them the same rights to work in the u.k. as other e.u. citizens farm owners spirit. this would lead to bulgarians and romanians leaving for jobs. and. others. not only jobs benefits as well.
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while europe's unemployment problem continues to deepen fiscal debts are hitting record highs head to a website at www dot com for an in-depth look at europe's economic challenges and still to come in the program this hour county escape its vicious cycle of street bloodshed we report on a nation that's been polarized by politics with supporters of rival groups spicing off on streets and squares across the country. right from the scene. first street. and i think you're. on our reporters going to.
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be a mole. on law. welcome back now in egypt relentless battles between supporters and opponents of the
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president mohamed morsi are raising the specter of civil war going to tax have been reported in and around cairo the situation how to remain chaotic making casualty figures hard to verify the protesters have blocked several major roads and dozens of vehicles have been smashed and torched on monday the army intervene to prevent thousands of islamised demonstrators from storming courage to risk where which has been occupied by anti morsy crowds for weeks journalist mohammed sabri thinks the military's gearing up for tougher measures to curb the unrest. the muslim brotherhood are actually have proven over the past week specifically over this week that they or willing and trying to get to continue to paralyze the capital cairo the paralysis of the city is in fact could in fact hinder any any attempts to stabilize the situation by calling for elections or by trying to hold and assembly
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for the constitutional amendments which probably will lead to further violence it will also lead to a horror show of crackdowns by a military the police force on for all wars year pro muslim brotherhood protesters because you have evidence that this this movement is actually oil and is willing to use goes on is against whoever opposes them. so with egypt locked in seemingly never ending protests politically the country has gone full circle and is back where it started and that has left many feeling that they've paid far too high a price in their struggle for changes artie's poor slayer reports. the socialist egypt is in sadness people are not feeling safe anymore. since the day the revolution starts and we have not seen a happy day everything is going from bad to worse let's fifty one people died in clashes on one day one of them out else
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a noisy son. image of his death captured on film by the twenty six year old photographer he aims his camera towards a military sniper a sniper fires and then suddenly turns the rifle and points towards the camera lens the film ends and so too does ahmed's life. let's just say he's to think about these children that die and wonder what happens to their mother now i'm one of those mothers these to say our country is the country of peace and security but all of that has changed. son of salad was one of those who fought for that change he quit his job in saudi arabia to return to egypt to be part of the revolution that overthrew president mubarak these are the ideals they fought and died for but more and more it seems they failed simple demands i think egyptians want to see quick wins they want to see people who are really keen on change but if that doesn't come i think i think you know with like well like you
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know going to the street in i think we're it's becoming like a ritual you know what we need to get away from it to start building. for how long can you just go to the street is a popular joke doing the rounds in the country right now egyptians don't topple a president every day only once every two years but underlying the humor a glam reality a new pew research center poll has found that only thirty percent of egyptians think the country is headed in the right direction roughly three in four say the economy is in bad shape and fifty six percent are dissatisfied with the way democracy is working we want we deserve a better life we didn't evolve on the twenty fifth of jan to get such a target believe the brotherhood talk and or think they can only benefit from egypt without getting any scraps of the people for two years egyptians have been on the street more than two thousand people have been killed
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for the families left behind is a growing sense the deaths were in vain theni and the bin is the revolution did not produce a positive outcome for the people it's like the revolution has an even started no one in egypt is happy if you walk in the street everyone is depressed everyone is talking about the problems that egypt is going through. and so two revolutions later egypt it seems has come full circle the army's back on the street for the second time in as many years i want to be it's the only institution that continues to get positive ratings seventy three percent of egyptians believe it has a good influence on the country but with the threat of street battles just around the corner if it doesn't play its concert even that is set to change policy on t.v. cairo we have of course plenty more stories on our website including artie's investigation into the health costs faced by iraqis after the u.s.
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led coalition's use of depleted uranium in military operations our correspondent went to a former war zone and met the communities torn apart by an epidemic of birth defects and and so you can look at that report at r.t. dot com also online reviews of tuesday quake in new zealand plays supermarket shelves of alcohol faster than a drinking competition at an eighteenth birthday party you can watch the footage on our in motion page and on our you tube channel. right to see. her street view and i think that you're. on our reporters twitter. and instagram. to be in the.
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monsanto is feeling the pressure in europe so much so that the american biotech giant is decided to scrap plans to grow new g.m. crops inside the e.u. the company's been the target of mass protests across the region and beyond and environmental groups are happy to see them back peter oliver has this report here in europe we're hearing a resoundingly no when it comes to genetically modified crops so much so that the american g.m. giant monsanto is decided that they are not going to do any more business inside the european union that currently monsanto provides g.m. see to farms in spain in portugal to grow corn another thing is that call isn't the corn that european consumers want they want things like this organically grown or conventionally farmed that's what they want to see on their plates at home now
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monsanto have been in the process. more licenses inside the e.u. this was to grow things like more corn as well as sugar beets and soya beans now they've decided that since they really isn't a market for these products in countries like here in germany as well as france some of the the most vocal anti g.m. countries around the world as well as the amount of red tape and hoops that they would be made to jump through by officials that's prompted them to say forget about those ten licenses we're going to concentrate on our conventional seed business here in europe and forget about the g.m. stuff now they're not the first g.m. company to decide that europe isn't the place for them the german genetically modified food group b a s f decided last year to pack up their european operations and move all of their business to the united states so it seems that when it comes to genetically modified food here in europe well it's a no from the consumers and it's
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a no from the politicians and the officials the consumers don't want to buy it and the politicians will make it hard for you to grow it. well earlier my colleague bill dodd talked to the tennis when angle author of the seeds of destruction the hidden agenda of genetic manipulation and he thinks it's too early to call monsanto decision a real victory for europe they're withdrawing request for new approvals in the e.u. commission here and in europe it's but at the same time they're going to increase their pressure to import g.m.o. products from the u.s. and other countries into europe and one thousand nine hundred ninety eight they announced after they had a closed door meeting with the president of the rockefeller foundation monsanto announced that it was not going to commercialize terminator technology that would have seeds of commit suicide after one harvest to make sure that farmers would have to come back to monsanto every year. seven years later in fact they acquired the company that had the patent together with the u.s.
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government on terminator or geo r.t.s. technology but by then the opposition had been disarmed they thought that one of the three all the anti g.m.o. n.g.o.s who were either sleeping at the switch or looking elsewhere and there wasn't a peep of protest so i suspect they're trying to do something similar here you've written extensively about g.m. crops it just briefly what are the human environmental risks for those who want to wear the thing is a marketing products designed to lock farmers into long term contracts for those seeds once they get that their land is since you can't plant normal seeds for at least seven years after you plant a g.m. own strain of the heavily with round up the soils become toxic so you have to you're more or less. in an slaved in this new new kind of system as i call it in my book a quick look now at some other stories in brazil violent protests but rio de janeiro overnight has paid francis arrived on his first foreign trip angry cranks
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poured into the city center to voice anger over the government's fifty million dollars. pending on the pontiff visit the day before francis arrived a homemade bomb was found at the shrines that he was cheated visit police used rubber bullets and take asked to disperse demonstrators who have been holding street rallies for over a month and ten people have been injured after a passenger jets landing gear collapsed at an airport in new york the nose of the boeing seven three seven flying from tennessee hit the runway one hundred fifty passengers and crew were on board the jet and most escaped unharmed that accident coming just two weeks after that deadly crash of asiana airlines jet in san francisco. coming up next abby martin looks at what's in store for the once prosperous and i bankrupt us city of detroit that scene now breaking the scene.
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i've talked with your many times about the absurd things going on all around us like kids being thrown out of school because they had a gun that shoots bubbles or various people getting punished for their tweets and facebook posts it's all really abstract it's hard to truly get angry over until you see the results or playing a stupid video game just carter sarcastically said to someone who called him crazy or here i really messed up in the head i'm going to go shoot a bunch of kids at school l.o.l. j.k. and for this bit of sarcasm he spent quite some time awaiting trial in a texas prison not only that according to his father he was being attacked brutally on many occasions leading to baltimore concussions and black eyes and in the end he
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had to be thrown into solitary confinement for his own good you see this is the ugly reality of those who for the better. outside of political correctness you know i don't talk about these stories just for fun the main thing i'd like to say is that it wasn't for some anonymous coward in canada turning him into the authorities for doing absolutely nothing this young man would not have to live with the memory and possible injuries from numerous assaults to the anonymous canadian who turned him in i sarcastically wish you a horrible fate but you probably get me arrested for it so just say that it's people like you who allow tyranny to exist but that's just my opinion. look at the world with. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we are going to the future are covered.
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to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i'm glad i got so many i mean. i know that i've seen really messed up. the all very closely the. worst you're going to. find out superman the radio guy for a minute. what. we're about to give you never seen anything like this i'm selling. books. on the breaking of that i'm at a much more recent study on climate change reveals that the quarrel in australia's great barrier reef will start disintegrating within the next hundred years of temperatures continue to increase now in case you didn't know the great barrier.


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