tv Prime Interest RT July 23, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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today on larry king dallas stars of franklin's bash mark paul goslar and brad pitt mire on their new costar the lock where we're both nude in the scene with her sitting next to her with our codpieces on the phone. and i call mine as a cod and being a part of two iconic ninety's hits you a fan of that child was a fan of that so this is that once you go makes up these stories i did not make you get any of you were not nice and you had weird yellow hair and you were rude plus i have a hundred bromance sure yeah. that's next on larry king now. welcome to larry king now it is the hit legal series about two unconventional lawyers and
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longtime friends who join a buttoned up law firm the show is in its successful third season and joining us today are marc paul goslar who portrays peter bash the slightly more mature and charming half of the duo and breckon meyer who portrays jared franklin the sarcastic slightly snarky other half of the duo slobby franklin bash airs on wednesdays at nine eastern on t.n.t. how do you explain still with you mock the show's success. with the reform right yeah right i'll read off the bat i think i thought well the show when i first read it it wasn't your typical legal procedural drama or comedy has were i feel it were both it was really about the relationship between these two so i think the success lies in the fact that this relationship has worked on from day one and we don't even know each other did on the first word which other we already had the job and i had to do with his first i was cast as a guy had just come off of t.n.t.
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the other show that only lasted two seasons on and one on. on the air but i was raising a bar which was a legal drama. cut and dry and then when this came on board i thought i don't want to play another attorney but it was less about the legal side and more about this relationship have any say in the hiring of him a little bit a little bit yeah i had to try them out and i had to try out a few sizes and the size was right did they count your work right away for you bret yeah i think so we've both kind of grown up doing this since we were kids and then we both take the work series but not each other which i think helps a lot and right from the get go we just kind of goofed off and i think sony we did screens as a part of sony and i think they just out right away are we can buy these guys as pals they have a with a there's a new turn to be the bro bro rants roman bromance this is new but what is this a non gay friendship right. lobotomy and you know if i have
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a hundred bro masses sure yeah. i know i do have another one hundred but everyone has but would you click you to click right away yeah i think we did i mean even in that reading there was a sense that we we had to our characters are lifelong friends and there had to be this familiarity with with these characters right from the bat you know when you do a pilot you don't know the other person or some people do have the luxury of working to get them into this vince vaughn and owen wilson who have just done a film and you know those of those partnerships work that has been massaged over time and for television shows you don't get that luxury is it more the buddy drama i just fell asleep is won't believe it was boring your answer board is that no it was that it is this more the body been the legal yeah i think so i think our show definitely lives or dies but the friendship and the procedural stuff is kind of secondary you know larry that's exactly what i just said but i believe it was quicker i said it now we can move on when there is a meeting what i'm saying but in a better on a way out in
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a better way ok well you never when you tried out for this knowing that the costar who would be want to. the judges. i think i was i was there there were two other guys and we were all very very different and i just thought once i read him i was like are if i get this gig i know i can work with him i know he'll be fun to play with is it more comedy than serious i think so yeah balances that balance of balance as with the cases we take the cases very seriously but the the what the approach that these two lawyers these two attorneys take this very unorthodox and i creates human tell me about your new boss this year new boss we have the not you know we have no we have the lovely heather locklear is joining the show and. she's great and she comes in she doesn't like us not us shows like the characters very much and she cracks the whip right away tries to divide and conquer i should change that dynamic delusional yeah and the i think i was i was wrong she had a strong female presence in the show which with us is is a good thing it's
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a really good thing where you both moved in the scene with. her family tell me we were sitting next to her with our codpieces on the call. and i call mine as a cod. i was that set up that you would be that we were on a talk show we were on we were our characters our own. piers morgan show defending you know doing like you know we were political analysts doing there are a lot of legal analysts as as far as the scene you lose a bet and we start going toe to toe with her in our egos get in the way of it and we challenge of fact she puts more than we make a bet in the loser of the bet ends up naked and we are the loser so we ended up on the show that she was fully clothed i was disappointed but she was very disappointed she was very well i was going to go she was next to me and all i had was a band-aid if i'm bill and so the carriages and the chemistry work right away. yeah
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i think so and she she fell right into step she was real comfortable in the set were very easy to work on and we get the work done but we have a lot of fun malcolm mcdowell is also one of our crazy characters on our show so he's he's made them but we're all we're all a huge family we've been together now for three years and it's a safe environment to work and dolls come along since oh my god you know clockwork orange yeah he's been he's been around one hundred thousand movies has that early but i don't think i had a clear answer ok why is it successful. i would say there i would say the relationship between peter and jared is the backbone of the show and i think people really believe these guys are lifelong friends and so and i think anyone when i think you are rooting for the underdog and i think these guys represent the underdog that's kind of their main but even being an orthodox attorneys and stretching in the box and sometimes being a little friday we're still likable characters who still come off and people can
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relate to us so do you ever get into you know again just serious i mean the other murder trials yeah yeah we've got a couple and there's usually some kind of fun spin on it but this is a fun spent on some of it can be potentially serious i jane seymour plays my mother jane seymour and one of the episodes this year is charged with prostitution very serious charge but again that's franklin bash so we put our little spin on it and it becomes fun but the case is serious and the charges are serious when you say that you're fair about the client but we're getting jane seymour malcolm and you've got some serious we have some serious talent old time famous people who were you know reblock rob lowe comes on but bridges last year was as my dad. a lot of lawrence o'donnell comes on here isn't well it's on good time now what is this about allie mcbeal with balls oh he's thin but he's not that thing larry you know
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what was the story you have. i think that was initially that was one of the descriptions they gave about the show because it is kind of this fun take on a legal show and at the time element bill was you know such a big influence on the way legal shows were in boston legal all that so then they just started calling it would be a what was that you think that was a fair thing to say was tougher than you guys in the courtroom you think. i don't know i didn't i didn't have a rush on the bill. but we do have balls so. it's accurate ok how well one of us does how much preparation into the shooting the legal scenes not much. are one of the exhibit used the jargon and yeah we do have one of our executive producers was an attorney still as an attorney i guess and if we have a question where i was going through him one of the executors also said that if you learn anything if you're learning about the law watching your show we've done a terrible disservice. because it is fun and we push the arm below but at the same
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time it's not you not let me have my questions we have questions where the validity of things that we do in the courtroom we've we've question and where do we stand or know is are we were would we be able to do this or if we did this would we what would happen would be good sense and we do we do represent that on our show just people who played lawyers for a long time are going to view them over the years sometimes on the street people come over to them thinking them lawyers and you had in the that yet no no no one's in the room has got to help me with a legal abortion no i found i want i want to play to the tact of an n.y.p.d. blue if i wear the suit you know i would do well you know when we film in l.a. and we and you wear a suit in downtown l.a. they look just. you maybe you got a job. or i don't know turning jumps now the characters move from l.a. to mao bullish or you know i did they do that as a changing thing about the show our house gets burned down and so malcolm's
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character is nice enough to basically let us rent one of his beach houses his character is doing much better than us and we move we move into one of his malibu beach as is and so it's fun for the show and it's a it's a change of scenery we enjoy because we get to leave our studio every couple weeks and go film and i'll go and have some fun on the beach and goof off made him get off his fat ass and actually made me get off my fat ass and start working out he had to take a short of i think my shirt off a lot this season which i'm not used to because i'm out of oh yeah because the malibu well what is the rob lowe thing he. what did he say that he's this this year he's a neighbor he's a melbourne neighbor that we we get in a feud with we had a land war with no problem he's a terrific guy but the days he was great he was a little in fun places i mean the show was such fun is it fun to do yeah absolutely any time we have a guest on if we call in a favor and we ask a friend to come to the show we're confident go in there and have a really fun week you know whether when beau bridges came he had
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a blast and anyone who comes is going to have a pretty good time morning at all. on the bottom oh do i put a judge but a judge put it another hasn't heard played a judge this year you know it's great i would love to do a show so i could be judged on your great you come to judge. those are two of you guys what was it with you guys you know all right we have a good six of each of us almost every day. don't lie about. you off are you friends off yeah i miss o'donnell i would call that friend friends sure frenemies. you know show us we do we were we golfing yesterday together but what are we are we went golfing we went chant we went to buy golf close together and they only had one changing room so if you were at this golf store at the right time you would have seen franklin and bash and their twigs and berries changing together in a changing room or seen all you going to know this is for our normal business
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a normal monday for. each other's opinion on what color to buy a business how does a slow has this look is it slimming is it. up and it was a rhotic any plot twists this year i think with no with heather there's a few not so much with us heather but heather and my mother there's yes there's a little twist there there's a little sexy twist between mark paul's mother and heather locklear early show seem really hip it's all not if the director every week yeah you know we're different how do we work so i would imagine that's a little. difficult usually you know in a long morning tommy you know those young like larry david those are viewing those yes or is it hard to know directors omes and yeah we have a whale of a we have an executive producer producing director who directs he direct the first in the last episode he got oversees the whole vibe of the show and a whole look at the show and make sure that when you bring in these one time week guys that he make sure the look is consistent the acting is consistent and he kind
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of oversees it all so that when someone does come in there's someone behind him protecting the ship you're on. nobody chooses to be homeless nobody chooses to be an ass sorrow. is that was sort of the show that. get in the six pm get out six beat six. they were. doing things for. me the class people in the. days that were against the war. it's tough to think about all of them comes through. and to know that many may not have only been lost. should never be but there are also do
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different closures that never should have. let me let me or one wouldn't let me ask you a question. here on this network is what we're having a debate we have our knives out. but if you give the slightest bad thing never again you're in a situation where being i don't want me to talk about your name and. paul is safe to say you played one of the most recognizable teen roles in
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television history on the saturday morning show say by the bell zac doris we will now show you a picture. of that show became more popular after it left the how do you explain that you said occasion. it really took off i think in ninety six i was three years after we had finished and syndication just launched it's a whole new level we were canceled every year the first five years of our show were canceled after every season so it's unexplainable i think you can explain it can explain if you would call it television phenomena i guess we will fan of that child was a fan of that so i was i visited the set points that you really he ignored me you didn't know that you do and i did because it is that one's ego and makes up these stories i did not make you get of the of you are not nice and you had weird yellow hair and you were rude. or did seen the show yes they like it yes.
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my son wears a shirt with zack morris on it and it's a bet every once in awhile you think more people know is that morris or than they do is peter bash oh yeah oh by far by far really. because it was that huge it's just it's on right now it's all good so it's really a generation every day or so many years it just regenerates and where's it on now t.b.s. probably right now i think it's on m.t.v. to pick that up i mean the t.v. t.v. everywhere since the middle and. speaking of recognizable roles you played travis in the one nine hundred ninety five hit clueless did with alicia silverstone and paul rudd what was life was like for you that was fun you know i was a huge fan of fast times at ridgemont high which was the same director and it was one of those great moments where you get these all these young you know paul rudd and no one knew paul rudd no new elisia and it was one of those great times where all these young actors are hungry and enjoying it it's a great content
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a lot of things lines come out of the movie some lines yeah some lines came out of the amy heckerling the writer director really tapped into kind of what was coming with fashion in vernacular analyst you stay in touch with the cast i do yeah i swear to we talked pretty often they were things that were clueless to i don't know i don't i don't think would be a good idea only when clueless who would you have played on. system. how i would try to go out for your oldest and see if i could do it but i got that i know because you play that's i want out of that role of over through these years you're both how old you same age right and yet you're both thirty nine so you've been working i think you didn't answer with well if we're the same age either way i mean why does he have a guy and it was a weird part and i had to be celibate right for getting a why would he have to answer for you the same way because i feel like i'm running
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a classy lady and i love you so it's really both been so much talk to there is the interview you've both been successful working actors right through the years that success movies success t.v. shows and goes on are you now with this role do you think fearful of being typecast in other words someone is looking now at casting a movie and i saying that too much too much frankly on bash so i think that i'm really not i think it's a compliment and i'm proud of the work that we've done in the last three years i think it's a character that we've created. and it's a successful show so there are years of doing a show what's not to be proud of i don't know i don't want to speak for you know i don't want to really done i think the great thing is that all the i've never done a role like this and so as long as i can keep changing it up in the off season or during our ages it's happy to come back to come to a revolution on television right now that all the changes huge five hundred channels t m z yeah no privacy what do you thought camera phones thank god this
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wasn't around when we were. young in the ninety's because just because we were we were normal teenagers when we weren't working. and had someone posted a picture of what we're doing that sixteen when we weren't working that might have been taken out of context business said aspect of the technological advances right yeah we've lost privacy absolutely and you've lost privacy and also just i mean just as far as acting goes. the great thing about certain movie roles and things to sustain is that you didn't know about their personal lives you really got to escape into the role and now it's like i know this person i know who they're dating i know who they just broke up with i know this and that and so it's harder to get lost in the world of movies and i love i love going to the movies and not knowing anything i don't want to know that kevin spacey is the killer in that don't mean to ruin seven for you guys kevin's base is the killer but i think that now you know too
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much there's no mystery to it it's important you know we had a mystery but we didn't know now who they were they were and also they held the movie stars and didn't know about it which was sad because now the only way i communicate with breckin is through texting he won't allow me to speak to him outside of this sort of environment of texting it's a lot easier to communicate not in real oh it's only tell you it's not yes it's it's a copout yes safe yeah it's a total shorthand and you know it's a do they know. oh yeah and you get or i never got it you can say you can desire to get it and get it you know it's pretty easy people text and drive which is a menace yeah and we both we both we both ride motorcycles and you see more when you're next to a car now the amount of stuff people are doing you'll see someone having a sandwich reading the paper and texting all of the same during breaks on said to people i don't know the of the buildings at all it's on the minute the take is over
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we both bring out our phones were reading something we have what we had we have a library of photos of the minute they we're both on our phones and i'm guilty of and i don't i want to say like i'm i wish i wasn't the one that way i'd like to interact a little bit more when he does i don't why you know i'm not in i have not been with you i don't know him i guess i'm not going to get their own text as i write don't touched i like i like verbal communication verbal i lie fifty six years doing this if i'm verbal i don't like texting i see people to actually each other across the saying oh yeah that's insane to me and if you call somebody they always answer worried because they're not used to hello why aren't you text i want you texting me you know reg and i recently sat down with the cast of minute work yes which you created that based on your life yeah yeah i created that show based on i'm just fortune's with ladies. i think i want to show you something that we discussed ok show watch i gather just from talking to you that this is a fun set this is
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a really good week a summer camp pretty much you know we'd love to come down here if you ever go over so i know i drive right over friends yeah right is. right a show you know oh i'd love to go and i've been on a lot of show a lot of movies where we had our story write me and we want to see what it's like when you're not wearing the suspend oh god without the suspenders. that's a fun group they're great they're great. well you know a book a minute work it larry stuff to audition but. you get started on it this year i did . it was a light. it was fun but it's a lot i mean i'm taking direction from a guy that you know you're. a little odd do you enjoy behind the camera as much as on i do with this show yeah i really do it's been a lot of fun while i was going to work and. it's just another muscle i guess it's just a lot of fun to do directors no i don't direct producer that exactly as i write most of the episodes and we just have
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a lot of fun when you sat with the guy also gary and i've known danny since i was fifteen would you like to produce his show you know that all of. me would you be interested in doing yeah most awful and he's the director of the two of us it's funny i'm definitely the writer and he's definitely director so we would like that angle too i would love to i'd like to direct one of our shows eventually but if it works and our schedule it's sort of tough when we're in every single scene. every single episode there's really no break for us the prop i'm amazed at guys like woody allen directing him so far we have a little game here we played toward the end as if you only knew we saw at some question the first kiss you know the girl you first kissed i do what was your name drew drew how we eleven where was that at. her basement here in l.a. here in l.a. sure whatever happened to dru she's doing ok she's a she's a successful producer really don't aren't first kiss were moms are.
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third line bastard. first kiss was doing it was in a basement. she's not an actor or producer but what was the name. of my first because i think it was on screen actually i don't remember her name she was a she worked at she was on say by the bell as an actress but she worked in the gift shop there always probably twelve. well lou because he now eight you know it's ridiculous to be a first edition first audition. for peter pan peanut butter the commercial in the commercial didn't get it didn't get a movie your first month i believe it was a smurf claim moldings that they're going to buy your book at about that your first one of the gate yeah breckon yeah they're professional because mrs you do you guys goof off a lot on set a lot of readers age no you know not
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a lot of we do you know that we don't really i don't mess around with the work we get the work done and we goof off afterwards and you know. the most fun working with. probably this guy. you going to you not saying the same most fun i mean i have to say brag and it has been a great run and it's nice to go to work and you can really work off of someone's and feels like you know when you're working with a companion and equal it's really nice direct you'd like to work with director of so many i mean. this is something we're just saying chris nolan and chris nolan's unbelievable. so many jim brooks cameron crowe biggest wise as on the set of franklin and bash wise ass you look at. the biggest wise ass on either either me or malcolm mcdowell. read and read i'm really done pretty good are you
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a wise as a jet producer yeah yeah without a doubt i enjoy being the boss on that so it's fun to make them do silly things you find comedy or drama more difficult comedy. as someone said tommy is a serious business. especially you don't you know where the front of an audience that and working on mental work which is in front of a live audience that was that i told you i did i really had a hard time going that was said by the bell was in front of a live audience but i hadn't done it in so long it's a it's a certain muscle it's a certain time mean i don't have that anymore and going to work on his show it was a there was a challenge i really question itself and the choices i was making because you get that feedback yeah but it's not like stage stage is completely different it just doing sitcoms is a very so short it's a specific. way of doing your dialogue and difficultly different is a civic rhythm and you guys have been a treat success much more success today thank you i think and i will see on the set
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we'll see what he does either thanks to hygienists mark paul docile and breckon maher you can see them as franklin bash every wednesday night at nine on t.n.t. find me on twitter with kings things and i'll see you next time. short it's a specific way a big way of doing your dialogue and completely different it is a civic rhythm to go and you guys have been a treat success much more success today thank you i think and i will see on the set will see the stories as either thanks if i get as mark paul docile and brought them are you can see them as franklin bash every wednesday night at nine on t.n.t. find me on twitter at games things and i'll see you next time.
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