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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  July 24, 2013 12:29pm-1:01pm EDT

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hey guys i'm out of money and this is breaking the set so in today's chapter of corrupt cops tell you what the case of pamela held a long island resident was pulled over because her card in the have an inspection sticker however when new york police found prescription drugs in the car she was taken to the station while there the n.y.p.d. began to interrogate her about where she had been that night sort of prove that choose visiting a friend held gave one of the officers the security code to her cell phone and the cops left with their phone in hand and it wasn't until it held was released three hours later that she got the phone back but that's when she realized that twenty personal risque photos and five videos saved on her phone had been forwarded to the personal cell phone of one of the cops would interrogated her you heard me right this disgusting police officer took advantage of held attempt at providing her innocence prove your innocence sorry by forwarding her nude photos and videos to
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his own device for his own pleasure i guess when you're a cop working above the law you can do whatever you want right apparently that's the case because according to the new york daily news this officer is still on the job even though internal affairs investigating the incident i think we all know that nothing's going to come of it so if this disgusts you as much as it does me joining me and let's break the set. right now much of the world's elite is canteen at the beautiful redwoods of won't they deal california for an annual power summit it's called the bohemian grove and it's a men's only club that's been meeting here in secret for the last one hundred and thirty four years inside the confines of the grove are ceo's media moguls and high level politicians who spend two weeks every july giving talks networking planning policy and partying. so with the media present year after year surely the public
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knows all about what's going on right now last year i went around d.c. to find out just how much people really knew check it out so if you're going to have not not really no not at all i don't have a clue no no i'm afraid i don't the world's most powerful players get together and discuss policy party and also do mock sacrificial rituals together oh no that's basically the first. i heard about it they sacrifice a coffin effigy to a giant forty foot i will it was kind of like a modern day stonehenge i don't think it's cool at all i don't think. they feel that truly does take place i think it's great that's scary that's really scary i did hear they were talking about like a new world order in like two years something like that maybe that's what they're planning to death in the whole order no way you can really fight it and it's completely different than our writing why do they do that's not supposed to be.
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the public has to know what's going on that for sure i should know we the media will show it in t.v. or newspapers but that little kid just say it was the new world order well i guess he was wise beyond his years understandably an event with such little transparency theories about really goes on behind the two thousand year old trees most notably the bizarre ritual called the cremation of care where members burn a coffin effigy to a forty foot aulnay molik while some have speculated the ritual has the tanach undertones many others have said it's merely a symbol of the burning of any cares that accompany the destructive policies perpetuated by grove attendees so to find out a little bit more about the solution of gathering and why we should all care earlier i spoke to someone who's been following the grove for years peter phillips president of the media freedom foundation and contributor to censor twenty thirteen i first asked him why he chose to explore this topic so extensively. political sociologist so i. take
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a look at the most powerful people in the world and what they're doing decisions they may add and one of the bohemian grove is one of the places where the top elites of the world gather every year you actually spent three days on the inside at the grove give us a sense of the kind of people that attend and what is the you saw actually taking place. well basically it's a big party i mean it's kind of like a big for turn a tea party all these people are mostly college graduates or importunities so you have one hundred nineteen campus everyone has a bar they have one that's a great thinking out of the rest all have bars campfires cabins and so expensive expansive areas a couple miles. from one end of the other so it's a large area it's out of the woods it's instant growth redwood trees you know fifteen hundred to two thousand year old trees and it's
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a beautiful setting and it's all privately owned by the san francisco bohemian club and i know that there is a your book there now is the building mean grove that shows i mean we're talking about a very high profile people a lot of us presidents former us present for they even grace the oval office peter right. all the republican presidents have subarea been members. democrats not so much although governor brown was a governor brown slugger and mingy brown was was a member. of this year they got some really high powered speakers general stanley mcchrystal is speaking out here this year conan o'brian. brightest talk success and failure surviving the media revolution also dead or doing what are called lakeside shacks cats are all up to nellie who is the c.e.o. and former c.e.o. of intel. stanford university president president john hennessy is speaking there. jorge or. go rogue or use
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a former president bolivia david gergen political commentator and presidential advisor chris matthews from structure oh well as william will rightly former e.p.a. administrator so these are top level officials they're not there these are not members they're serially. they're just invited guests so the members are two thousand or so and then they'll invite other thousand people to come because of so from the very high adeline's of society from media to education to politics foreign diplomats former heads of state peter talk of the lakeside chads you mentioned and those are going on what are those. well there are daily speech given by some high level official or corporate official government official. that all the men will go down in here so it's considered it's private it's off the record there is no press allowed they're not they're not public speeches so it's considered for a cutting edge of whatever the topic is and what makes the bohemian grove different
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really than any other mean think tank or gathering of the minds. by the club as is mostly for fun in partying in that sense you know whether you're going to build a burger group or the dagoes there if you're there officially to have a good time and that's part of the intellectual discussions conversations with people from all over the world and then formal lectures and discussions on alesi and international affairs and syrian people a little bit loose and hard in for long periods of time getting close and personal with these people peter and of course a lot of things come out of that in a personal setting with a lot of these people what we know that has come out of the grove policy wise. well . nothing officially i mean but the bohemian club does not officially do policy discussions but if you like if you go to caveman you know
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which was the hoovers care you could and you would go in and you could have discussions with someone who's on the council or relations or trilateral commission or build a burger group the federal reserve hoover institute. lockheed martin chase manhattan bank clear channel all in one place at one time but these are people are on the boards of directors of course are talking about really important things and making kinds of consentual planning around while it's the dosages of overriding a lot of different issues so peer you mentioned some media heads media moguls course and tory as for going year after year at the summit i mean if their present why don't we hear much about them oh you mean club or the grove on the press. there are people from the board of directors of the a.p.c. yet and los angeles times that are all members there but it's considered a private club and to be a member you're not supposed to do publicity or talk about what those are. so you're saying that board members of the top corporations in the world wouldn't want
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to report on their own in succession from the top one percent activities. generally and that's pretty much the case though one of the things that we've recommended media freedom foundation. last year we we sent a letter to the club we recommended the excite shares be be televised or at least put on the internet so that they're not so you know that there shouldn't be anything so secret it's a top secret sort of you know confidential discussion. basically what you're talking to two thousand different people but you know clearly they should quit hiding medicine make it more quiet yeah of course because the lack of transparency appear and of course that's the problem with the project censored media for information you guys of course work to uncover what is censored from the public but when there is such a lack of transparency of course it breeds these theories why should people care about transparency and accountability with this giant two week party.
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well because some of the most powerful people in the world are partying there and they not only build consensus around things that need to be done but they're hearing you know directly from the former. commander of the american forces to afghanistan what's going on and so they feel like they have this inside understanding and they can see themselves as part of the global eat so they are in a sense so liberating themselves and these of course are all men there are no women involved in this and women can't be members so there's the an all male. very high level up one percent most of people that are in the one percent of the world. and you know some that are associate members of musicians and actors that are just the pay but most. people there are worth over six hundred thousand which
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is the one percent level and there are several most you know billionaires that him at the integral i think anywhere where there are millionaires and billionaires frolicking around drinking and talking together in the public should be in on at the very least here tell us about what projects censored media freedom foundation are working on right now what kind of things are you guys developing that and this year's book. well the most recent research that i've been working on for projects that if there is to take a look at the top. the financial core of the transnational corporate collapse so we take a look at the top most centralized corporations in the world barclay's bank is number one i'm black rock investment firm is number two and we take a look at the top thirteen firms which encompasses the most concentrated connected firms in the world and those that have the largest asset management so these
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thirteen perves have one hundred sixty one directors some of whom attend the bohemian grove and they control twenty four trillion dollars worth of wealth in the world. so there's a small number of people hundred sixty one controlling bad trillions and trillions of dollars out where to invest and so we have a debt of five of those people are republished in the book this year. peter and i have the next recommend everyone to check out that breakdown it's called just a breakdown of who really is the one percent we throw around these these kind of names you know one percent i present really who are these people you've broken it down really well everyone check out project censored the new book this year thank you so much peter always a pleasure having on peter phillips president of the media freedom foundation. i. breaking news guys if you hear a person in the room just had a baby it's
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a miracle the most watched door in the world kate middleton apparently went through that door earlier today she is inside in labor i'm here in the delivery room with april she's about to have a baby and she's doing something that's almost unheard of in the united states she's taking laughing gas for pain what is his name we don't know what we know obviously that he was born yesterday or twenty four pm london time celebrations weighing out across the u.k. welcoming king thousands of people tell us to the baby and buildings lit up in well bloom for. him is that that. the hair larry let's let them carry it made them so mad prince where they have that beautiful little boy that's right folks the future king was born of course i'm sure you knew he was on his way considering i got an a.p. news alert when the royal duchess had her first contraction as apparently there's
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nothing more important going on in the world than the birth of one baby despite the fact that about thirty three hundred seventy thousand other babies are also born every day and really nice to. the same media attention to the thousands of children that die every hour from hunger poverty or preventable disease but that's right those kids are not lucky enough to be born into the bloodline of royalty remind me again why it is that people are worshipping kings and queens in the year two thousand and thirteen and not just the english american reporters from almost every network were stationed outside of kate middleton's bird the room while all this story was pointed about twenty two hundred tweets per minute many other things have actually been happening that affect people on this planet some of the ongoing case of new york times reporter james rosen is the raisins being forced to testify in the criminal trial of a former cia officer the cia officer jeffrey sterling has been accused of leaking information to rise in about a botched cia plan against the iranian government the details of which were
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published in one of bryson's books titled state of war because of his leak sterling has become one of seven people at obama's charge under the espionage act on a recent court ruling calling for rising to testify the federal court added that quote clearly risings direct first hand account of the criminal conduct indicted by the grand jury cannot be obtained by alternative means as rising is without dispute the only witness who can offer this crucial testimony but although his testimony is key in the charges against the leaker it has made it very clear that he will go to prison before having to testify against his source and plans to appeal that decision all the way to the supreme court if this is the case risin would be the eighteenth journalist in thirty years to be jailed for protecting a source according to reporters committee for freedom of the press this story is getting very little attention in the media although it's journalists like arisan the media should be jumping to protect this is just the latest example in obama's crackdown on journalists so what other important stories are being overshadowed by
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the royal newborn about the fact that for the last two years radioactive water from fukushima nuclear site has been leaking into the pacific ocean. continuously and just now tokyo's power company tepco finally admitted it tepco spokesperson issued a statement this week saying that quote we would like to offer our deep up paul g. for causing grave worries for many people especially for people in fukushima and apology that's too little too late health concerns over exposure to contaminated food products are ongoing not to mention contaminated seafood and ocean life that goes far beyond japan sadly a solution to this disaster remains at a distance as tepco continues its cleanup efforts the levels of radioactivity and groundwater continue to rise and the worst part of it all that tepco has no official way of handling radioactive water which some fear could mean the radioactive material will eventually get dumped into the ocean. it's
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a terrifying prospect that will undoubtedly affect everyone on this planet instead of having a meaningful discussion about the dangers of nuclear energy and news networks are far more concerned with how much air is on that little baby's head court of the media learning that is much more important than news that actually affects our lives and when there are so many other stories begin for attention any distraction is one too many. still ahead on tonight's show we'll take a look at the link between domestic workers in the u.s. and human trafficking and safely in. the interview.
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arrangement three. three stooges free. download free broadcast live video for your media project a free media dog r t v dot com. look. good if you've never seen anything like cut. cut. i've talked a lot on the show about the plight of international workers abroad who are severely underpaid and often forced to work in unsafe conditions while the international workers right here in the u.s.
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right now there are almost two million women employed as domestic workers in american homes while the pleasant experience for many others in a domestic worker is met in part of the dark world of human try. thinking in fact just one week ago a saudi princess in southern california was found to be kept in keeping not one but for domestic workers in her home against their will take a look at neighbors living in central park west had heard rumors of royalty now authorities confirm one of the women living in unit three twenty one is a saudi arabian princess her name is michelle yo and she is accused of what prosecutors describe as slavery authorities say the forty two year old mother of three hired a kenyan native to work as a maid paying her about two hundred dollars a month one eight of what had been promised police say when they searched the grammar see road home they found four more women from the philippines who were also hired by. disturbing to say the least unfortunately and that was one of the latest
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of many examples of severe exploitation and indentured servitude happening across the country is here to shed some light on the plight of domestic workers and what the u.s. should be doing to remedy the problem one drawing by someone who's been at the forefront of this issue for many years i've been through she's the director of the national domestic workers alliance thank you so much for coming on i thank you for having me so give us a sense of how widespread this problem is and is this a trend that's getting worse well you know the reality is that even though not every worker faces the kind of human trafficking modern day slavery conditions everyone is just as vulnerable because you have two million workplaces there unmarked unregistered no oftentimes no one knows that you're working there and anything goes it's almost like the wild west where you never quite know what you're going to get so you might have a wonderful employer and then you could find something like the traffic to survivors trafficking survivors in the saudi case so you could i mean i would imagine that it's actually much more widespread than people think because of people
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maybe afraid to speak up integrations that is except a lot of other issues exactly and oftentimes workers who've been trafficked. there are on special visas that tie them to their employers a three in g five visas oftentimes people who come working for diplomats or international government officials come on these special visas that tie them to their employers so that they're afraid to speak up and are incredibly vulnerable in that situation speaking of diplomats i notice that a lot of these cases involve diplomats or foreign officials are they do they go through the same process of the rule of law once they are charged or they get some sort of diplomatic immunity and they have immunity and that's been one of the challenges that's because it's been so difficult to hold. violators the accountable if they mistreat their domestic workers their they get immunity and so there's really no way for us to hold them accountable what types of other people aside from
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diplomats and other people you mention are usually involved in this type of trap that i mean is there some sort of general stereotype of people who do this or is it just like. you know there really isn't a profile it has become something that there are several types of visas that people could get to bring people over. as domestic workers where the work workers are incredibly vulnerable to trafficking and there's recruiting happening around the world and in an industry where there are no standards and no guidelines and a culture that really doesn't recognize the work as real work it just compounds the situation so a lot of people across the spectrum with lots of different kinds of employment situations are vulnerable i guess i just feel like it's so cool i hate to think that it's just you know people when you walk by on the street that could be keeping slaves basically in their home. but how would you describe the conditions that some of these people are working and. oftentimes they're working live in which means
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that they're living in their employer's homes around the clock and if they had to leave or escape or were fired they would become homeless men. oftentimes they don't have their own sleeping quarters or access to the kitchen and oftentimes their employers take their passports so there's just an incredible powerlessness that people feel in those environments and isolation oftentimes you're not allowed to leave home and oftentimes your your movement is restricted and lots of different ways so there's just a sense of just not having any control over your time or your life and it's really where you just said the travel documents are sometimes taken away really taking away people's agency to really act or change the situation that they're and i didn't how is this industry even regulated i mean is there a federal body that's kind of overseeing the practice or is it really just nonprofits like the one that you're representing to really take it upon themselves
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well one of the things that are organization is trying to do is really lift up the fact that this is the work that makes all of their work possible caring for children caring for elders homes i mean this work is very valuable and yet it's not really valued and recognized and protected in our society so there's still a number of basic protections that this workforce is excluded from including protection from discrimination and harassment occupational safety and health protections and there's all a whole host of protections and to this day caregivers for the aging are excluded from even minimum wage and overtime protections so if you can imagine people working around the clock living in and taking care of their sometimes twelve fourteen hour days and they're not even entitled to the minimum wage living in poverty working hard and living in poverty and that's legal so there's still so much to be done to transform needs jobs and to good jobs for the twenty first
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century but fortunately because of lobbying efforts like the organization that you're present you guys didn't get a bill passed in new york that has provided some of these basics right basic amenities and protections over. arrested workers talk about the bill and also can we expect to see similar efforts across the states absolutely so in two thousand and ten domestic workers were successful in passing the first domestic workers bill of rights bringing them under basic protections and including some paid time off and overtime pay and we're in the process of actually see the whole why it just became the second state to pass a domestic workers bill and were working and seven and just in all states were hoping california will be the next and we're also waiting on the administration to finalize a regulatory change at the department of labor which could be really game changing bringing one point eight million home care providers and caregivers for the aging under minimum wage and overtime protections remaining a very outdated exemption in the law so there's lots of opportunity for change here
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there's a lot of avenues to pursue this and i don't i know that the u.s. doesn't ratify that international labor organization convention so hopefully we can pressure them to do that as well thank you so much for ground breaking down some of the issue and fortune at a time i didn't director of the national domestic workers alliance i really appreciate your time thank you so much. for us tonight you guys come back again and says tomorrow will be great in the sun all over again.
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i've seen the perception of the cross many times it doesn't matter if there's snow a heat wave or hail storms people keep going i don't expect anything i just want. i told myself i keep on going as long as my heart told me to that's all i wanted that the moment i can send so my cheese cd i'm carrying these sayings on my shoulder. do you want me to put a man in chair no that's fine a lot of people were so exhausted they could barely walk their feet hurt and some of them fainted with already back to it three two wanted to keep going i don't know what tomorrow will bring. do we speak your language any body will not advance. music programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angles kiddies stories. you hear.
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live all teach spanish find out more visit. i think. that speech. will. be. good.
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i. want to make that a little. sigrid lumbered sure. was able to build a new system. which doesn't sound anything to mission to teach the creation why it should care about humans this. is why you should care only.
1:00 pm
the lawyer assisting edward snowden says the whistleblower won't leave the transit . had been expected because the paperwork is not yet ready and. situation in iraq is spiraling out of control with. some fresh terrorist attacks and setting death tolls. around two hundred. eastern syria. countries.


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