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tv   Headline News  RT  July 25, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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very little. edward snowden could make russia his home but still lacks the paperwork to walk out of a moscow airport transit zone for the u.s. was a blow is still waiting for a decision on his asylum application. the n.s.a. phone data collection program the snowden exposed it will stay in place as the u.s. congress narrowly rejects legislation aimed at curbing the government spying activities. and the u.k. launches an ad campaign to persuade illegal immigrants to text the old piece for advice on either how to become legal or how to go home.
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thank you so much for joining us here on r.t. today on rule research i live in moscow and here you will stop headlines right now the fugitive american whistleblower edward snowden is still waiting for the paperwork which will allow him to leave his limbo in a moscow airport transit zone and if he receives it today as some expect he'll be greeted by the glare of the world's media who've been waiting for him to come out since he arrived from hong kong now over a month ago snowden has applied for temporary asylum here in russia and is apparently willing to settle down here. as the latest from outside. there are so many journalists here with their eyes and their camera lenses trained very heavily on any of the doors on the first floor that he may exit out of that being said you never know this is definitely a sort of catch me if you can situation if you will now his adviser here in russia anatoly did say the paperwork that he needs that would allow him to officially exits the airport and enter russia is is still not here we were waiting
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for a long time yesterday hoping that it would arrive it was not forthcoming now it's important to clarify what this document means now it's a formal notice essentially that federal migration services is considering his bid and it is officially in process what that gives edward snowden is close to three months to move about freely in the country until he gets that document in his hands he cannot leave before the us now after that three months that's when the final decision from federal migration services will come through if it is a favorable decision on edward snowden's behalf he plans to settle here pursue work if not he also plans to appeal that decision that shows just how serious he is about actually settling here now every. russia as as a transit point to another country but just a little while after he landed here from hong kong when he didn't appear on a flight to cuba. people people looked at that very suspiciously wondering what was
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up there was a lot of fear that any plane he boarded would be grounded by the u.s. government in an attempt to catch him this is a cat and mouse game with the media at this point we don't know if he will if he if he does get that documentation if it will be made obvious to us and if you will then come out and maybe give us a couple of comments or even a press conference he could also sneak out a side door and hop on that train into downtown moscow so you can bet today tomorrow and over the weekend and even next week the journalists here are waiting with bated breath to see if edward snowden does emerge from this airport with documents in hand. and in the meantime washington has warned russia against letting snowden out of the airport reiterating demands for his extradition but moscow dismissed that as a display of double standards saying the u.s. routinely ignores russia's calls for the extradition of individuals once and charges as serious as terrorism well if indeed he was sent home snowden could be
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tried for espionage for revealing the scope and details of america's surveillance program and i thought he's gone a chicken explains obama's war on whistle blows that leaves little doubt as to what would happen to edward snowden. by relentlessly going after whistleblowers here we've picked some of the most notable ones the us government is sending a message this is what's going to happen to you if you speak out even if you think you're doing it for the public good even if the public things you did the right thing in edward snowden's case fifty five percent of americans consider him a whistleblower not a traitor and yet even as many americans are thinking to snowden for greater awareness about the government's blatant snooping on millions of absolutely innocent people snowden still had to flee the country so was not to share the fate of his fellow whistleblowers had the state he would have been in jail facing life in prison or maybe even the death penalty the example of bradley manning is right there the twenty five year old u.s. army private bradley manning has been in custody for three years now and is facing
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more than one hundred fifty years in jail many leaked documents and videos that exposed war crimes committed by the u.s. the military judge has recently ruled that manning still has to face the most serious charge the charge of aiding the enemy despite many claims that he's sole intent was to make the public more aware of the cost of war the human cost and other whistleblower former cia analyst john king also thought he was doing the right thing when he spoke about the cia's torture practices and became the first government official who confirmed waterboarding at one time to get out who was the head of the cia's counterterrorism operations in pakistan father of five kid out who is now in jail serving his two and a half years sentence former n.s.a. employees william binney and thomas drake were very close to jail time after they separately blew the whistle on the government's massive surveillance program which they saw as ineffective an illegal they were both indicted on the espionage act
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needless to say their careers were destroyed edward snowden's revelations of only confirmed would be drake had been saying for years but possibly unlike binney and drake snowden has also made public indisputable proof of the existence of the programs i had the chance to interview three of these men john kiriakou william binney and thomas drake they talked to me about what it's like being targeted by the u.s. government take a listen to your in itself his control. and what people will do when they're fearful is they were the will begin to censor themselves so much of what's happening now particular my case it send it extraordinarily chilling message that anybody who i was a senior executive the government had a very high position and say it sends it extraordinarily chilling message that if you speak out if you speak up we're going to hammer you and we're going to hammer you hard because look what we did to mr drake i never believed i would be going to prison under a president obama never. that's been i think my biggest disappointment
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the classified documents then being able ellsberg leaked four decades ago revealed that the us government had lied about the vietnam war and those revelations contributed to the erosion of public support for the war daniel ellsberg was the first whistleblower who was charged under the espionage act the government went after him with only had wiretapped him without a court war and broke into his therapist's office trying to find something to discredit him with the judge dismissed all charges against ellsberg due to the gross government misconduct and illegal evidence gathering today daniel ellsberg stands in support of all these whistleblowers arguing had he been charged today he would have most probably gone to jail in washington i'm going to check out. meanwhile the u.s. house of representatives has blocked an amendment that would have curbed the n.s.a.'s vast collecting of phone records it was just
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a narrow defeat of just twelve votes for the display ssion ultimately reflecting some rather deep divisions in congress well my colleague bill dodd discussed the amendment with pete ashdown the owner of an internet service provider which has been shielding its clients data for years from the n.s.a. . i think that the only solution for keeping the n.s.a. from spying on people on the internet is people using encryption and then having service providers that are willing to stand up and stand against broad surveillance and wholesale monitoring now what about this amendment is it more about party politics and trying to embarrass obama than generally really trying to protect people's interests. well i. hope that something good is coming out of washington but you know i'm certainly there's there's a lot of that going on and i want to put it past the republican party for trying to do that but you know there are many in congress who are calling edward snowden a traitor and a criminal when in fact i think it's the people in the n.s.a.
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who are the criminals who are not following the constitution and have perjured themselves in front of congress these are these are people we cannot trust and it's a time that we saw that them or shut them down the whole self surveillance the doing of americans as part of my america i would like to see it stopped and i while the n.s.a. has secured its right to monitor a cell phone and internet activities by the million thanks to a congressional vote the agency claims to lack resources to sift through the e-mails of its own employees you can go to our web site right now to find out how a simple freedom of information act request led to a bath filling discovery the n.s.a. is unable to track its own internal communications and that story and so much more at r.t. dot com. it's
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a ten minutes past the moscow time this is a t. with me will receive a shy opposition leaders from the syrian national coalition to hold an informal meeting with the un security council despite the group having official status rebel representatives are also expected to be the u.s. secretary of state where they will report for shipments of weapons and president obama's plans to send to the forces fighting bashar assad has suddenly spot criticism from lawmakers in the u.s. senate's around the pole said they would only end up in the hands of islamic extremists as we continue to aid in armed despotic regimes in egypt we are also about to send weapons to islamic rebels in syria this is problematic on multiple levels the assad regime is no friend of freedom or the united states but
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this does not mean that the enemy of our enemy is our friend there are currently seventeen different rebel groups in syria including the largest group al nusra al nusra fighters are radical anti-american geodes and they're affiliated with al-qaeda but your politicians in washington are eager to send weapons they promise oh these weapons won't get into the hands of the enemy i don't believe it does anyone believe that how can we ask our brave young men and women to fight against al qaeda in some countries and with al qaeda in other countries. now here at r.t. we are keeping a very close eye on the situation in syria as well as that of the international reaction and you could log on to our website r.t. dot com if you want anything more including the most recent updates pictures and witness accounts in. the meantime here on the program the u.k.
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government is opening up a new front in its struggle to deal with illegal immigration vans carrying signs of aging immigrants to seek free advice on how to go home or to appear on the streets of london and this is not the first initiative like this for example of the fight with immigrants it well it begins even before they arrive earlier ministers considered an advertising campaign to stress the negative parts of living in britain hoping to thwart off any potential immigrants however those who still arrive especially from asia and africa will be forced to pay a three thousand pound bond before they enter britain but the money will be returned upon their departure home and let's have a look here are some of these questions from the brand new citizenship test which comes into force this week with an emphasis on u.k. history and culture that's for people that determined to stay in the country and artie's are sillier now investigates of the collapse of the idea of
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multiculturalism and whether the new anti immigration initiative will do anything to help. this is barking and dagenham one of six london boroughs where the vans with massive billboards like the one behind me with a message go home or face arrest will be driving around london in the next week this is the latest attempt of the u.k. a home office to would deal with illegal immigration in of the country they say they want to encourage a voluntary leaving of the country and i would also advertise a number that can be texted by immigrants to ask for help and how to leave the country on their own accord now the home office says that voluntary returns are the most cost effective way of dealing with illegal immigration with about twenty eight thousand departures last year and the immigration officer minister mark harper had said of the message essentially is that there is an alternative to being led away in handcuffs however this program has received a lot of criticism and we have spoken with the david coburn of the u.k.
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independence party we're awfully horrified i mean this is like. the nazis going around washington ghetto with trucks it's dreadful it's discriminatory it's unpleasant it makes the country luke extremely unpleasant indeed and not something that i told british and something that i'm absolutely convinced the vast majority but you probably would not put up with that it's not the fault of the immigrants is the fault of the government collecting them in the control of the great britain should be controlled by our parliament and should not be controlled by the european union we also spoke with the migrant rights network to see how this might impact communities and what kind of reaction it could get from illegal immigrants and the locals alike. the minister has chosing very diverse areas of london to drive design around and what it will do is actually create suspicion of immigrant communities and people who might look for in one way or another and we think the government
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should be trying to be promoting good community relationships rather than trying to be stoking up fear within communities and all of this appalling under an active push by the government to make britain more difficult and as has been reported a more hostile environment to unwanted immigrants reporting from london i'm tests are cilia. and mohamed but councillor of the london brunt you believe the government risks radicalising and isolating those illegally staying in the u.k. that are illegal immigrants they are here for a reason the probably scared of going back home because return back home i just cannot see how this trick they're trying to use to flush out people is going to work just cannot work because i can't see people responding to these text it could actually backfire on the home office there is bound to be some impact on the community in my community where people feel stigmatized isolated and divided the
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top of language that's being used on the holding will actually push people further underground in my theories about the most vulnerable people like women and children who end up being exploited and end up in criminality but i'm back with more news in just a few minutes or an hour to including a look at whether greece can handle yet more budget cuts live from moscow it's out . nobody chooses to be homeless nobody chooses to be in sorrow. is the world for the show to. get in the six pm get out sixty six. they were. nice to me the class people.
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were against. it's tough to think about. and to know that many may not have only been the last. should never be but they're also due to for closures they never should have. thanks so much for joining us here on out a two point five billion a year zero bailout traunch for greece has been held back until the country delivers on the last condition demanded by creditors that involves transferring and
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possibly sacking thousands of public sector workers it's not the first time athens has agreed to make cuts even as employment increases dramatically a greece entered the world financial crisis in two thousand and eight with less than ten percent of the country's labor force out of work though today more than a quarter of the population are now left without jobs and with no apparent chants. of getting one of the latest figures from the finance ministry show another twenty three percent doesn't earn enough to stay above the poverty line and so people are looking elsewhere the university office along the key estimates one hundred twenty thousand people with science degrees have left since twenty ten that's ten percent of the total arteaga percent of reports on greece's ongoing brain drain. fortis has a master's degree in engineering management he got in the u.s. and hoped it would help him find a job in greece but for months now this logistics mastermind hasn't been able to
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find a use for his skills he says business is are simply afraid of hiring new staff because there is all these unstability they don't know what will happen in the two or three months later so there is zero investment going on in the market highly educated people are unable to find work are becoming as common pleas here as strategies in a greek salad officially two out of three grads in greece are now unemployed it's not only about graduates most of all can find a decent job even of a master's degree of also decided to stay in science often in front of us while leading to an academic deadlock that so far even the brightest minds haven't been able to crack because of the latest star city measures by greece's creditors the so-called troika around seven hundred fifty scholars all ph d. holders elected to serve as faculty members of the national academy can't be officially appointed to their ports stuck in unpaid limbo they're also unable to
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use existing research facilities even if they are willing to do so for free but that just finished their ph d.'s and want to give things to education and to thirty veltman of the country cannot have a just held hostage just waiting for their point man they don't have money they are looking for other jobs to survive according to a recent study by the university of bristol or nicky over one hundred twenty thousand professionals including scientists have left greece since two thousand and ten and as the troika continues pressing athens with the new austerity measures in exchange for financial aid the potentially catastrophic brain drain the country is experiencing is either being unnoticed or deliberately ignored you go to school of athens greece. i don't. believe that greece has been cornered by its international lenders and it's just too late to turn back to believe that if we sued the reset our existence inside the eurozone and that we use
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the euro zone to try to find new balances between cells north because we have two different speeds and now as you can see germany is the only one that we have already implemented a lot of measures i think now we're reaching at the point of no return nobody believes that three hundred billion would be a viable so the money being spent to the rates. as you know money again i get think inside or vested in greece or the girls that after a few years. they all everything that's the left does no choice left does let us decide whether to create the growth or take the measures they just tried to soak. our county we. without any.
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minority is coming to you live from moscow and max kaiser brings an alternative point of view to the table as you looks at europe's ongoing debt and growing unemployment for program later today but for the meantime let's give you a very short preview. the business secretary vince cable has compared the bank of england to the taliban vince cable saying that the bank of england r g hardy's for insisting banks minimum capital reserves. vince then sven is all boy as i've said for years the bank of england are indeed like the taliban but only because they provided the safe haven for the jihadi of banking fraud who strapped on the debt packed suicide vest and blew up the entire frickin economy. and that same taliban central bank is now papering over the bloody aftermath with little pieces of digital paper.
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why walled up a time here a nazi straight to spain we go to some devastating seems to show you where at least seventy seven people have been killed on high speed passenger train derailed in the northwest of the country over one hundred thirty others injured some critically it's being labeled one of europe's worst ever rail disasters the crash happened on a curve in the track report suggesting the train could have been moving three highest officials were quick to rule out sabotage or terror. and to iraq where at least twenty two have been killed dozens injured in a spate of attacks and bombings in the deadliest assault fourteen shia truck drivers were shot dead of the militants stop their cars at a makeshift checkpoint that followed attacks on security vehicles and checkpoints as well as a bomb blast at a crowded market in baghdad violence has claimed over seven hundred lives in july
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already making it the deadliest month so far this year in iraq. egypt's public prosecutor has ordered the arrest of the leader of the muslim brotherhood mohammed the by the dea and eight other senior islamist officials are accused of inciting violence and instability a buddy has been detained before but was later released after the army ousted president morsy about three weeks ago a both all me and a hard line islamists have already called on their supporters to hit the streets with mass rallies expected for friday. are to china now in disgrace a former top politician bo xilai has been charged with bribery abuse of power and corruption and last year's eve i was a contender for the politburo top committee before being accused of tarnishing the communist party's reputation after he was linked to the murder of a british businessman and the ruling paves the way for a trial which is being held up as an example of the government's fight against corruption. now the u.s.
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senate has held a hearing on the closure of guantanamo bay prison the first since two thousand and nine and five years after obama's pledge to close it down and many detainees will now have their cases reviewed by a special panel which will to signed with or they should remain behind bars most haven't been charged with any crime due to an overwhelming a lack of evidence but were considered too dangerous to be released this report to oxys list. this is the first significant congressional hearing that has been held since two thousand and nine course president obama valid to close this base back in two thousand and nine and that has not happened to date this hearing comes as a hunger strike is underway at once hanum obey dozens of detainees are still engaging in that strike some of them are being force fed we heard some testimony today there were some activists that showed showed up in their orange prison jumpsuit in protest of this we had some lawmakers testify against this calling it
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a moral we also heard from a military physician that said that this is contrary to the military called code of ethics certainly a lot of fear there among several republicans that what exactly these detainees would do where they would be sent so whether or not this hearing would have gone on to if this hunger strike did not take place it's unclear but certainly lawmakers here have taken notice of a bucket of about half an hour's time here with more news but for now let's have a very close look at what ultimately caused the two thousand and eight financial crisis a lot from moscow of course this is a new world. boy
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oh boy there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there for a mysterious extra planets trip to in creatures living among us but there are also many conspiracy theories that are very plausible and some that are well actually true one that i've heard for a long time is that they are specifically trying to fool the police with dimwits to abuse the american people which is silly right right according to a.b.c. news the discrimination. a lawsuit revealed that robert jordan was denied the chance to become a new london police officer because he was too smart his entrance exam score was a thirty three which is an i.q. of one hundred twenty five and it was just too high to allow him to defend the public good that police department only accepts candidates who have scores from twenty to twenty seven the logic is that people who are too smart get bored as policeman and they're more likely to quit after years of costly training. yeah this is proof of a conspiracy theory well the lowest score they accept is still around an average
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i.q. so that doesn't mean they're specifically trying to fill the place with subpar people but it does seem really weird to fear people with high i.q.'s entering the police force this case to have a confirms nor denies the conspiracy theory but is definitely food for thought and does a kind of not make sense to discriminate against anyone ever for having a high i.q. i don't know but that's just my opinion. nobody chooses to be homeless nobody chooses to be an s.r.o. . is that it was for the sake of the. good in the six pm get out six beat six if. they were in. school that. to me the class people. were against.
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it's tough to think in. terms of that. and to know that many may not have only been the last. should never be but they're also due to for closures that never should have. the interview.


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