tv Headline News RT July 25, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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spied spying and will spy us congressman allow america's national security agency to continue its worldwide surveillance despite visible divisions in washington. on the man who exposed agents his wrongdoing is still stranded in a moscow airport as he lacks the paperwork to leave its transit zone while he's assigned a request to still being processed. also this hour there's no political motive a next time could hold out of conviction full sold in belmont and tucks of asia the european court for human rights dismisses a second complaint by the man who was once russia's richest person and. how could our brave young men and women to fight against al-qaeda in some countries and with al-qaeda in other countries u.s.
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senators hate the idea of arming seaward rebels calling it siding with terrorists as a super national council plans to treat weapons shipments during his visit it's a visit to new york. international news live from moscow this is all she with me thanks for joining us. the show must go on that's the message from american lawmakers who allowed the national security agency to continue spying both at home and abroad a motion to curb it seems he was blokes in the house of representatives by a narrow margin of only twelve votes if approved it would have been the n.s.a. from listening to every phone call made to him by us followed the vote has exposed a major split within both republicans and democrats my colleague bill don't discuss
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this division and ways to protect the public privacy with pete ashdown and he's the other know one of the internet service providers which denied n.s.a. surveillance requests. i think that the only solution for keeping the n.s.a. from spying on people on the internet is people using encryption and then having service providers that are willing to stand up and stand against broad surveillance and wholesale monitoring what about this amendment is it more about party politics and trying to embarrass obama than generally really trying to protect people's interests. well i. hope that something good is coming out of washington but you know i'm certainly there's a lot of that going on and i want to put it past the republican party for trying to do that but you know there are many in congress who are calling edward snowden a traitor and a criminal when in fact i think it's the people in the n.s.a. who are the criminals who are not following the constitution and have perjured
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themselves in front of congress these are these are people we cannot trust and it's time that we saw that them or shut them down the whole self surveillance the doing of americans is part of my america i would like to see it stopped and the man who unveiled this speaking program is facing charges if he steps on american soil the history of obama's war on whistleblowers leaves little doubt that in this case edward snowden could end up at best heading down the path of his fellow leak is as if he's been there to check out reports. by relentlessly going after whistleblowers here we picked some of the most notable ones the us government is sending a message this is what's going to happen to you if you speak out even if you think you're doing it for the public good even if the public things you did the right thing in edward snowden's case fifty five percent of americans consider him a whistleblower not a traitor and yet even as many americans are thinking to snowden for greater awareness about the government's blatant snooping on millions of absolutely innocent people snowden still had to flee the country so was not to share the fate
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of his fellow whistleblowers had he state he would have been in jail facing life in prison or maybe even the death penalty the example of bradley manning is right there the twenty five year old u.s. army private bradley manning has been in custody for three years now and is facing more than one hundred fifty years in jail many leaked documents and videos that exposed war crimes committed by the u.s. the military judge has recently ruled that manning still has to face the most serious charge the charge of aiding the enemy despite many claims that he's sole intent was to make the public more aware of the cost of war the human cost and other whistleblower former cia analyst john king also thought he was doing the right thing when he spoke about the cia's torture practices and became the first government official who confirmed waterboarding at one time to get out who was the head of the cia's counterterrorism operations in pakistan father of five kid out who is now in jail serving his two and a half years sentence former n.s.a.
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employees william binney and thomas drake were very close to jail time after they separately blew the whistle on the government's massive surveillance program which they saw as ineffective an illegal needless to say their careers were destroyed edward snowden's revelations have only confirmed would be drake had been saying for years but possibly unlike binney and drake snowden has also made public indisputable proof of the existence of the programs i had the chance to interview three of these men john kiriakou william binney and thomas drake they talked to me about what it's like being targeted by the u.s. government take a listen if you're in itself is control. but what people will do when they're fearful is they were we will begin to censor themselves so much of what's happening now particular my case it sent it extraordinarily chilling message that anybody and i was a senior executive the government had a very high position and. it sends it extraordinarily chilling message that if you
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speak out if you speak up we're going to hammer you and we're going to hammer you hard because look what we did to mr drake i never believed i would be going to prison under a president obama never. that's been i think my biggest disappointment the classified documents that daniel ellsberg leaked four decades ago revealed that the u.s. government had lied about the vietnam war and those revelations contributed to the erosion of public support for the war daniel ellsberg was the first whistleblower who was charged under the espionage act the government went after him with all he had wiretapped him without a court warrant broke into his therapist's office trying to find something to discredit him with the judge dismissed all charges against ellsberg due to the gross government misconduct and illegal evidence gathering today daniel ellsberg stands in support of all these whistleblowers arguing had he been charged today he
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would have most probably gone to jail in washington i'm going to shake up washington is still buying time for the extradition of edward snowden who's been stranded in a moscow airport for more than a month ever since and running from hong kong has applied for asylum in russia and is waiting for paperwork allowing him to finally leave his current state of limbo and lynsey france brings us the latest from outside the airport. there are so many journalists here with their eyes and their camera lenses trained very heavily on any of the doors on the first floor that he may exit out of that being said you never know this is definitely a sort of catch me if you can situation if you will now his adviser here in russia anatoly cucina did say the paperwork that he needs that would allow him to officially exit the airport and enter russia is is still not here now it's a formal notice essentially that federal migration service is is considering his
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bid and it is officially in process what that gives edward snowden is close to three months to move about freely in the country until he gets that document in his hands he cannot leave after that three months that's when the final decision from federal migration services will come through if it is a favorable decision on edward snowden's behalf he plans to settle here if not he also plans to appeal that decision that shows just how serious he is everyone expected to snowden would use russia as as a transit point to another country but just a little while after he landed here from hong kong when he didn't appear on that flight to cuba people looked at that very suspiciously wondering what was up this is a cat and mouse game with the media at this point we don't know if he will if he if he does get that documentation if it will be made obvious to us and if you will then come out and maybe give us a couple of comments or even a press conference he could also sneak out a side door and hop on that train into downtown moscow. r.-o. and over the weekend and even next week the journalists here are waiting with bated
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breath to see if edward snowden does emerge from this airport with documents in hand. and that america's surveillance agency whose toxics were exposed by its former contractor is not as almighty as it seems on why the n.s.a. was greenlighted to spy on the whole wild truck what's happening in its own backyard or not at all. and digby violence protecting civilians i'm defending human rights these are the cases they say were not shall coalition plans to discuss the cheering is an official forum with the un security council in new york on friday but i made it all they declared noble causes the opposition group which has not official status reports of the hopes to open up weapons supplies during a meeting with the us secretary of state and sen rand paul condemned the idea of the rebels saying this would mean siding with terrorists as we continue to aid in
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armed despotic regimes in egypt we were also about to send weapons to islamic rebels in syria this is problematic on multiple levels the assad regime is no friend of freedom or the united states but this does not mean that the enemy of our enemy is our friend there are currently seventeen different rebel groups in syria including the largest group of al nusra al nusra fighters or radical anti-american geodes and they're affiliated with al qaeda but your politicians in washington are eager to send weapons they promised oh these weapons won't get into the hands of the enemy i don't believe it does anyone believe that how can we ask our brave young men and women to fight against al qaeda in some countries and with al qaeda in other countries. well many experts think you are so mainstream the
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military i should say has already made iraq a failed state terror bombings and gunfire bring the number of killed in the country this month alone to a shocking seven hundred fifty nine people as into paul sounds international alarm after al qaida breaks out five hundred of its own from iraqi prisons. also went to the southwest on wheels the u.k. government launches a mobile ad campaign telling illegal immigrants to get in touch or get arrested and it's later the drive to encourage them to leave the country voluntarily. the european court of human rights has rules the conviction of russia's former oil tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky was not politically motivated. who was one so russia's richest man and seen as president putin's at vassar in the west is currently serving a jail term for money laundering and embezzle mint he's made you know korchnoi has
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more now on the case. european court documents rice has dismissed claims that the prosecution off. of his business partner blood on a bridge if it was politically motivated the cord found no violation of these rights to a fair trial but still the court of college should there have been some other violations all their rights in particular the court said that russia unfairly tourist him huge tax there really is an unfair you send him and his business partner to a far away tunnel colonies now following that so the court in strasbourg or brush up to pay higher costs be a compensation a thousand euros now this is a very small sum income person to watch the ucas shareholders for asking is a compensation now roughly one hundred billion dollars and this present compensation in some sense like a symbolic gesture really but still this is the second application to the european
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board off human rights and the previous one also found no via no political motives behind a prosecution now he was arrested back in two thousand and three on charges fraud see and convicted two years later while still serving his sentence he was trial again and convicted felons and the money laundering back in two thousand and. eight is to be released next year and into word two thousand and fourteen. a very short break to stay with us for that. wealthy british style.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. to speak or language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots fifty i p interviews intriguing stories for you to. see in trying. to find out more visit our big. dog called.
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this is r.c. welcome back the death toll in iraq this month alone has reportedly reached a time during seven hundred fifty nine people after a new wave of violence claimed dozens of lives across the country this comes as interpol issued an alert after al qaida freed some five hundred of its members in a time on iraqi prisons in a statement the organization said most of those who escaped senior members and pose an international threat and they discuss it with john rees a political activists from the start the war coalition in order to occupy iraq the western forces british and american adopted a policy of divide and rule they made of sectarian conflict where there wasn't one
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before they created. al-qaeda in iraq where there was no al qaida before so i think that the country is approaching to the most enormous strains as a result of that war the truth of the matter is it's a terrifically weak government it's a practically divided down the middle between people who are sympathetic to iran's position in the region and those that are feel dependent on washington it's a state that's been left in a catastrophic weak position by the occupation which the current developments in the in the middle east are a weakening still more a member of tunis is people's movement opposition party has reportedly been assassinated sparking clashes between police and demonstrators and let's now get more on the phone from journalist. who's in tunis. duty hello and welcome to our see so what exactly happened and what's the situation like at the moment that. again there are big morning you know or tunisian people who woke up or
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another and a. modern teacher. who was. so few nations in tunisia. and oh yes all right thank you very much chad that was local journalist. a line from tunis thank you very much indeed and in the u.k. violence plastered with threshing illegal immigrants with the rest are soon to appear on the streets of london it's part of a new push to get people to contact local authorities if they're not allowed to stay in the country and it's still the fast and to immigration campaign to be
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launched of late so they fight against immigration begins beyond britain's shows and here are a series of suggestions from the public poking fun at government attempts to put on potential any grants citizens from countries still to be high risk will soon be made to pay a three thousand pound bomb to enter the country they'll get that back when they leave questions like the ones you can see here will be put to people hoping to take move to the country and claim british citizenship the new test has been criticized by one expert as being a type of bad pub quiz. reports. this is barking and dagenham one of six london boroughs where the vans with massive billboards like the one behind me with a message go home or face arrest will be driving around london in the next week this is the latest attempt of the u.k. a home office to would deal with illegal immigration in of the country they say
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they want to encourage a voluntary leaving of the country and i would also advertise a number that can be texted by immigrants to ask for help and how to leave the country on of their own accord now the home office says that voluntary returns are the most cost effective way of dealing with illegal immigration with about twenty eight thousand departures last year and the immigration officer minister mark harper had said of the message essentially is that there is an alternative to being led away in handcuffs however this program has received a lot of criticism and we have spoken with a david colburn of the u.k. independence party we're awfully horrified i mean this is like the one who is like the nazis going around washington to with trucks it's dreadful he's discriminatory he's unpleasant it makes the country loop extremely unpleasant indeed and not something that i told british and something that i'm absolutely convinced the vast majority but you probably would not put up with it's not the fault of the
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immigrants is the fault of the government for letting them in the control of the great britain should be controlled by our parliament they should not be controlled by the european union we also spoke with the migrant rights network to see how this might impact communities and what kind of reaction it could get from illegal immigrants and the locals alike. the minister has chosing very diverse areas of london to drive design around and what we will do is actually create suspicion of immigrant communities people who might look for in one way or another and we think the government should be trying to be promoting good relationships rather than trying to to be stoking of fear within communities and all of this for when under an active push by the government to make britain more difficult and as has been reported a more hostile environment to unwanted immigrants reporting from london i'm tess are cilia. and let's go to liberal democrat councillor for for more on this
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and councilor john a ball is here with us councillor john boll welcome to r.t. great to have you with us right now so your local area is one of the places in london this van will be making an appearance what do you think of it. i'm totally against it i mean i think it is very diverse but we have very good community relations at the moment so i think it's totally inappropriate to have these vans going around stirring up problems between the different different communities so my view. is that. to be removed from the streets immediately so basically you do not really believe there will be a lot of immigrants who use the service and actually get in touch with the authorities. i think the intended audience for these is not illegal immigrants the intended audience is right wing voters who the conservatives want to
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retain as conservative voters rather than going to ukip so i think this is totally about domestic. politics rather than a serious attempt to to deal with issues relating to illegal immigrants so you know i think it's not coincidental that these these posters came out when the during the summer when the the relevant liberal democrat ministers who would have been involved in the sign up process weren't around i think this is something which the conservatives are doing as i say for their own party political purposes. should the government be concentrating more on the root of the problem and putting in more measures to stop illegal immigration into britain in the first place. i mean i think you know there are issues that it makes sense to take the boarders and there are also there are more. more positive measures that can be that can be taken
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you know relating to illegal immigrants who are in the country i mean in ealing we've had initiatives multi-agency initial initiatives between the council and the border agency and the police to deal with the issues we have of local beds in sheds so there are parts of the the borough where there are. illegal immigrants who are living in very very unsafe and unsatisfactory conditions and that's something which you know can be can be dealt with as a specific issue whereas i think these these billboards as i say they're in english their intended audience is conservative voters rather than actual legal immigrants i think they're totally unhelpful and as i say should be withdrawn immediately but it is a probably a more affordable way of getting rid of immigrants rather than because the legal process or do you think. and i'm not against the process
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of assisting illegal immigrants who wish to go home assisting them to go home i think there's not a problem with that but the problem is the inflammatory nature of the of the billboards so you know i think i think we need to separate the two things apart it's the issue is that the message that these billboards send is the wrong one and there is a very severe risk that they will encourage people to be suspicious of their neighbors who they may suspect to be illegal immigrants who in fact or here perfectly legally you know you can look at someone and decide whether they're an illegal immigrant or not and i think this sort of. mindset that these billboards encourages is entirely the wrong one so. i don't think he should be part of. but are there from your point to be more effective methods to get rid of those who chose. to stay in britain illegally. or can you suggest.
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yes i mean already mentioned the initiatives that are being taken with the sort of beds in sheds issue and i think that's the sort of thing it's a question of of actually. when authorities come in contact with with people to offer offer possibilities to assist people in. going going back to their home countries you know where that's appropriate and i think there's nothing wrong with that as a principle and i think that's something that can help fully be done. but. this sort of blanket approach is not so i think it's a question of you know when there is contact and there often is contact through to check through employers and so on there often is contact between. border agency staff and individuals and it's when that initial contact comes you know trying to
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lead to a successful conclusion rather than at the moment what often happens is there's an initial contact and you know the person concerned just kind of goes on the ground. so it doesn't actually it doesn't actually deal with the problem often. it ok counsellor john ball thank you very much indeed for speaking to us here on our feet thank you very much. now for some international news in brief this hour and he is very security footage of the train that rattled off the tracks in northern spain carrying at least twenty people. have been going around the corner at more than twice the speed allowed high speed passenger train derails several kilometers from the famous pilgrimage town santiago de compostela two investigations have been launched to find out how the accident happened. thousands of railway it's have come out to the streets of remaining. to demand somewhat in
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conditions that outside the transport ministry and much to the government's head which is to protest as angry at plans to put someone on a four day week and sell the debt ridden national railway also made to months said by the international monetary fund. and in-depth look at the financial headlines up ahead in our new showtime interest. boy oh boy there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there for a mysterious extra planet strip killian creatures living among us but there also may conspiracy theories that are very plausible and some that are well actually true one that i've heard for a long time is that they are specifically trying to fool the police with dimwits to abuse the american people which is silly right writes well according to a.b.c.
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news the discrimination lawsuit revealed that robert jordan was denied the chance to become a new london police officer because he was too smart his entrance exam score was a thirty three which is an i.q. of one hundred twenty five and it was just too high to allow him to defend the public good that police department only accepts candidates who have scores from twenty to twenty seven the logic is that people who are too smart get bored as policemen and they're more likely to quit after years of costly training. yeah this is proof of a conspiracy theory well the lowest score of the accept is still around average i.q. so that doesn't mean they're specifically trying to fill the place with subpar people but it does seem really weird to fear people with high i.q.'s entering the police force this case that the confirms nor denies the conspiracy theory but is definitely food for thought and does a kind of not make sense to discriminate against anyone. ever for having a high i.q. i don't know but that's just my opinion.
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hello and welcome to prime interest i'm perry i'm boring and i'm bothering bush and here's the stories that we're tracking today are the ponzi scheme that's what the headlines in the media suggest the security and games commission is alleging however the f.c.c. is simply investigating whether the new crypto currencies are being used as a tool to war investors and to illegal investments you know whether or not this is true the smear campaign against alternative currencies continues in a press release the f.c.c. stated quote investors should understand that regardless of the type of investment the promise of high returns with little or no risk is a classic warning side of fraud well don't tell that to freddie and freddie at least trying to got out. and there was a natural gas explosion.
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