tv Breaking the Set RT July 25, 2013 11:29am-12:01pm EDT
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one hundred thirty three possible so food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had lunch. i mean family and i know that i'm. really not. the old story so. it's. the worst for the little things. like that for the. radio guy and for. what you hope for about a good cause you never seen anything like this i'm. going to break in the set i'm having martin today something very important is scheduled to happen the first ever vote on the house floor of the n.s.a. is collection of phone records a bipartisan amendment was proposed by congressman ammash and co-sponsored by congressman conyers on the two thousand and fourteen defense appropriations bill now a majority yes vote would mean that the blanket indiscriminate gathering of every
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u.s. residents phone records would end according to mattias web site it does this by requiring the phase a court under the patriot act section two fifteen to order the production of records that pertain only to a person under investigation while unsurprisingly the white house is desperately trying to block it in addition to holding a top secret meeting with congress to lobby against it press secretary jay carney issued an unprecedented a merge the statement where he said that the amendment would quote hastily dismantle one of our intelligence communities counterterrorism tools this blunt approach is not the product of an informed open or deliberative process so really this amendment would inhibit informed open process what the n.s.a. spying program has that been a beacon of an open democracy well i'm fired back on twitter saying that and i say it's unconstitutional spying on all americans was not the product of an end. formed
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open or deliberative process it must be stopped now bam and there you have it now it's important though that this amendment won't end all of the n.s.a.'s unconstitutional spying programs but it is a great start so soon we will find out who stands for the bill of rights and who stands for big brother surveillance state. that's where you ever seen anything like. last month obama took the stage to talk about one of the most significant issues of our time climate change but while he called the urgent action to address the issue at the same time he rejected some of the key arguments made by opponents of a practice that's become one of the focal points of the debate fracking also known as horizontal hydraulic fracturing or fracking is a practice that involves the extract of natural gas from shale rock critics say it has damaging side effects both to the environment and human health however
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supporters say that fracking is a great alternative to dirty energy so to break through some of the rhetoric i'm joined by consumer advocate and director of public citizens energy program tyson slocum thank you so much for coming on it's my pleasure so nice of proponents of fracking to say it's more efficient when it's expanded to create jobs it's a great way to wean ourselves off of dirty energy what's your response well there's no question we've seen a huge fracking boom in this country there are a lot of people employed in the industry but it's not a benign resource the fact is that it's highly polluting that the fracking procedure used for both natural gas and crude oil extraction results in significant threats to contamination to local water supplies there's an increased rate of methane emissions at natural gas drilling sites and methane is an even more dangerous greenhouse gas source than c o two and so when you put it.
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together there are a number of serious health concerns with hydraulic fracturing and the fact that it isn't adequately regulated by the federal government means that a lot of consumers and the health of our planet is at risk but tyson the gas corporations totally reject everything that you just said in fact that they had this really big p.r. campaign saying how great is it take a look at one of their ads ok. there's a lot of discussion going on about the development of natural gas whether it can be done safely and responsibly that exxon mobil we know the answer is yes when we design any well the groundwater is protected by multiple layers of steel and cement most well over a mile and a half deep so there's a tremendous amount of protective rock between the fracking operation and the groundwater sometimes it's all good i mean why would they lie well that is actually by exxon mobil just last week they paid one hundred thousand dollars fine for a contamination at a fracking site that they operate in pennsylvania when they flow back water which
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is the chemical compound that comes back out of the wellbore came into contact with local water systems in the local ecosystem that was actually a very small fine environmental activists wanted to see it much stiffer fine so exxon mobil can sit here and run ads saying that it's safe saying that it's not a problem but they themselves just paid a fine for environmental contamination from fracking interesting they never thought it will study just conducted on fracking has concluded that there is actually no evidence that chemicals from the drilling process actually can hand made the water yeah that's a flawed study because at the same token there was a study that was just released by duke university that actually showed a direct correlation between fracking sites and water contamination in nearby wells also the industry employs what's known as non-disclosure. it's hundreds of these
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have been signed by local residents that forbid them from divulging to third parties to the public to congressional investigators to any sort of research or about the contamination from a well so what happens is an oil or natural gas company comes in when there's been evidence of temptation of a local water supply they say listen here's ten thousand dollars in cash here's some supplies of fresh drinking water all you have to do is sign this nondisclosure agreement which forbids you from publicly disclosing anything related to this incident so the fact is that these have muzzled the ability of hundreds of families from speaking out about contamination of their water systems while it's really unfortunate systems a lot of hush money going oh absolutely shut people up and i think everyone should check out the documentary gasland there's a really important excerpt in it where it shows people actually trying to turn on their fossett and it's flammable i mean they're lighting the water on fire
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essentially it's like a explosion and they're fosset and attributed to fracking let's talk about earthquakes a study in the journal of science says that major earthquakes and trigger trigger reflex quakes in the areas where fluids been injected in the ground how concerned should we be with this connection oh extremely i mean there's scientific analysis after scientific analysis that shows that these deep wells as we saw in the ad by exxon mobile they're digging a mile and a half down there are currently no requirements that they do a seismic survey prior to this drilling activity and they're drilling so deep that they are triggering fault lines we've seen earthquakes from arkansas to ohio and elsewhere from not only from fracking activities but in ohio the youngster earthquake from last year was triggered by a waste well where fracking contaminated fracking fluid from pennsylvania operations were trucked into ohio and they were digging a frac like. fissure into the ground to dump be contaminated fracking fluids and in
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the process of digging that waste well they triggered an earthquake in ohio so we're seeing earthquake activity from fracking and from the waste wells associated with it i don't think kohls is not an issue as well i'm not familiar with that but there are so many issues with fracking even up in the in the oil plays in the pocket shale where we've seen a huge increase in fracking a decade ago north dakota is producing eighty thousand barrels of oil now they're producing eight hundred thousand barrels of oil but they're also producing natural gas there but because they don't have any infrastructure they're flaring off or burning off thirty percent of the eight hundred fifty thousand cubic feet and that's why you can see in satellite pictures from outer space north dakota it's generating so much heat and light from the burning off inefficient burning off of that natural gas that you can see north dakota from outer space it looks as big as new york city that's terrifying and it isn't and that's all natural that's all
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greenhouse gas emissions which is serious which is doing serious damage to the plant everything you've just outlined goes completely in contradiction to what obama just said at this climate change the cheap kind of just dispelled everyone's fears that you know it's oh it's all good what does that say i mean what does it signify and how strong really is the fracking lobby in this country well first i think it shows the flaws in the president's all of the above approach and all of the above energy strategy makes as much sense as an all you can eat diet the fact is that by putting increasing oil and natural gas drilling on the table it impedes our ability to effectively deal with climate change because it takes away from investments that ought to be going into renewables and efficiency the bottom line is that the natural gas and oil industry reigns supreme there are large largest lobbying trade association the american petroleum institute dominates washington d.c. their annual bug. two hundred fifty million dollars and no piece of legislation or
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regulation can move without the approval of the american petroleum institute and all you have to do is take a look at the administration's. newly proposed rules for fracking on federal lands by the bureau of land management last year their nischelle proposed rule was pretty strong it on disclosure of chemicals and then in response to the american petroleum institute they rewrote the rules to favor industry and now we've got incredibly weak standards for proposed fracking on federal lands so a big step backwards and it just illustrates once again the power of the natural gas and oil lobby well thank you for breaking on this very important issue tyson slocum director of public citizen's energy program we share time my pleasure. i. i. usually if the corporate news discusses obama's drone wars it's. the strikes are
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terrorists extremists that will plot to harm this country if they don't get taken out of this impression civilian deaths that occur with every strike are justified and minimize those mere collateral damage and although there is never been an official death toll of civilians from drones senator lindsey graham slipped up earlier this year by putting one number on record four thousand seven hundred human beings part of the number could be much higher on top of the death count that we know of the white house recently admitted to having killed four u.s. citizens which they argue were justified by the threat they pose to the u.s. don't expect any explanation as to what those threats entails the white house is still denying requests to give any justification for one of the most inexplicable assassinations that of sixteen year old american citizen. a walkie you may remember his father anwar the first u.s. citizen that was targeted and killed by
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a drone on september thirtieth two thousand and eleven why well all we know is the fact that he gave anti-american sermons despite repeated accusations against anwar for terrorism he was never charged with a crime it was never any court review of his criminal wrongdoing instead he was robbed of his constitutional rights and executed by his own government but his son sixteen year old. was not killed in the same drone strike as his father instead the teenage boy was targeted separately two weeks later on october fourteenth while he was eating dinner with friends at a restaurant in yemen the drone that killed him literally blew apart his body along with at least five other civilians but law was targeted in a strike two weeks after his father was who was he was he a radical muslim who like his father incited violence or perhaps inspired terrorism well according to those who actually knew him this couldn't be farther from the truth you see i was born in denver colorado and raised in the u.s.
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until the age of seven. he was an avid watcher of the simpsons enjoyed listening to hip hop music and reading the harry potter and biology he was just like any other american kid and that's the exact the picture of his grandfather nasir a walkie remembers him by nasir also lived in the u.s. and earned his doctorate here in a touching and eloquent letter he describes his quest for accountability in the murder of his grandson he writes the government has argued that it's targeted killing program is beyond the reach of the courts i find that hard to believe that this can be legal in a constitutional democracy based on a system of checks and balances my grandson was killed by his own government the obama administration must answer for its actions and be held accountable instead of accountability all we've got is a disgraceful statement by former white house press secretary robert gibbs who dismissed it as the teenagers fault saying he should have had a more responsible father so parent may now it's completely justifiable to be
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targeted for your lineage but seriously to this day there's been no reasonable answer for why this happened and no assurance that it won't happen again as nasser summarizes his letter all leave you with his words this is a country that believes it does not even need to answer for killing its own is not the america i once knew the government has killed a sixteen year old american boy should at least have to explain why. we're taking a quick break but coming up we'll take a closer look at immigration reform and hear from an undocumented immigrant who's fighting for his daughter to stay in america. wealthy british style. that's the time to. go already.
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well with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. else among the senate voted on the contentious topic of undocumented immigrants when they passed their version of an immigration reform bill and while the bill could provide a boost for the economy there's a glaring drawback a provision of the bill could mean more militarization of america's southern border
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so much so that it's been quite a border surge but the surge won't come without a price tag because the u.s. government forty six billion dollars which provides funding for more surveillance drones nineteen thousand border patrol agents and the construction of seven hundred or more miles of a security fence but despite the government's approach of toughening the border many undocumented immigrants say that more militarization will not solve the problem take a look. it's regrettable that the immigration system is so ineffective. that obama and congress want to close the border in seal it. but that's not going to stop people from entering they're always going to enter. on you tube and on facebook the drug traffickers always put it b.o.c. showing how they break the law. and how they open the border like
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a big deal and how they let people enter. they're wasting their money. you see while we constantly hear about the government's perspective on immigration we hardly ever hear the thoughts and sentiments of immigrants themselves or he's making lopez had a rare opportunity to listen to the story of one documented immigrant who joins me now to talk about his case in a dispel some of the myths that we hear all the time surrounding this issue megan thank you for coming on thank you for having me so we just heard from him he said you know the government's wasting their time with more militarization of the border more border security so who's pushing for it if immigration is always going to be happening for the most part of republicans are pushing for it but more than republicans there are so many defense contractors that are pushing for it and i want to throw out a couple of names for you we've got northrop grumman we've got raytheon lockheed martin general dynamics and rockwell collins now do these names sound familiar to you. because these are the main people that were supplying weapons and contractors
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in iraq and afghanistan wars a lot of people say that these people are now pushing these companies are pushing for immigration reform in the form of border security because they need to have the next markets to have their their their businesses survive and thrive and just to give you an example abby of those companies that are named in the two thousand and twelve senate campaign election alone they donated nine hundred thirty seven thousand dollars just the senate campaigns and twenty two out wow it's amazing that they're going to be in the guise of you know immigration reform or really just to be thought the border militarize it even more so than it already is making your ex was it was really powerful i want to play another clip from what this gentleman had to say. my american dream is to one day. have congress and obama say stop and the deportations. give us an opportunity to live in peace because we're not living in peace right now
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. living in a jail they call it a golden cage. i live in a cage. were restricted for many things. i haven't seen my mother in ten years or my siblings really emotional story they're talking all of the conditions are like for a lot of undocumented immigrants living in this country a lot of them just simply don't have the things that they want to have the things that most americans take for granted health care for instance we'll talk about that i'm sure a little bit later but another thing to mention is that brian story is so typical and gets so not typical he's not there's so many different things in his life one of the things that he went through is that he got custody of his daughter his daughter was then kidnapped by her mother and she couldn't final any type of kidnapping lawsuit because he was illegal he would point out the status of him on the status of his daughter's mother and of his daughter so that's one thing another
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thing brian obviously has an experience but that a lot of other people have experienced as rape women who are rapes that are legal immigrants don't go forward and speak about rape because it will point them out as an illegal citizen and even if they say that there are certain protections there there might not be those protections in the future for them their friends or their family right a lot of legal recourse that we take for granted of course they don't have let's talk about some of the biggest misconceptions i think about this entire debate in the economy we hear all the time they're going to take our jobs they hurt the economy what's your response. what i can tell you what i found in a lot of research that i've done for these stories and what i found is that when you look at the economy overall it would not hurt the economy now that was the same kind of misconception that they were throwing out before they passed the one nine hundred eighty six version of the immigration reform bill what we saw in the two decades since according to
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a lot of reports is actually economic growth so let me give you a bunch of statistics just to throw them out there so that your viewers can understand it not take my word for it take. these statistics work for it so for instance forty percent of the countries right now fortune five hundred companies were founded by immigrants or by the children of immigrants so that speaks volumes you know another number that the cvo things is that they forecast that it would reduce the federal deficit by six hundred fifty or eighty five billion dollars over a ten year period in order to just give these people and see exactly there's just there's so many things like this and the problem is that a lot of people say well why don't we just deport them all they're taking our jobs they're taking everything but in order to deport them it would cost two point five trillion dollars to deport these eleven million illegal immigrants it would cost a fraction of that to give them amnesty and let them work toward. working toward getting the job that they want and were to be able to work in the fields that they are specialized in and not have them take the dirty jobs that no other americans or
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there's another important point is that we're talking about jobs that americans typically don't want to do i mean go out hours on and more than eight hours at a time working in the fields i mean. employment i mean a lot of jobs like this let's talk about health care. isn't it a strain on the health care system to have immigrants here going to hospitals taking emergency care the answer is that it already is a strain right now we are paying as americans for undocumented immigrants and people that simply don't have insurance through our emergency care system a lot of the money that the u.s. government pays the emergency health care system then it goes towards those hospitals to reimburse them for treating pregnant mothers mostly who came in and had their baby the baby is obviously well now the mother is still illegal so right now we're already paying for them a lot of what the democrats and what the other people who are proponents of immigration reform say is that it would need to you need to give them a pathway to citizenship somehow and that would allow them to pay their back taxes
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first of all pay taxes and be able to get health care so that in the future while we might be paying. and i'm now in the future they would be paying for themselves and also contributing to the economy and so do be clear right now a lot of undocumented immigrants go to the hospital anyway and we kind of make up for their costs with our taxes but if they were to be given amnesty then they would at least have to pay taxes they would be legalized and they would actually contribute to the economy and contribute to you know pay into obamacare or whatever just to make a point and just to make this personal because i have to tell bryan story so personally one example is that when he finally found out where his daughter was he would take trips because he couldn't get a license he couldn't get insurance so he would ask people to pay who pay people to go and visit his daughter one time he got in a very bad car accident that's why he was missing almost all of his teeth because he didn't have health insurance so he couldn't even pay to have anybody fix his teeth so he's got no teeth right now when his daughter got sick he would have to
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pay he would go to that in the medical examiners office and have them examined they would say by all of this he bought every single thing and he wouldn't pay for it that's one example obviously other people are abusing the system but overall immigration reform will should not or would not be dependent on health care and long term right and i think just personalizing one person's story can really put a personal on such a convoluted issue something that's just so right with you know rhetoric and hate mongering and so it was a really powerful story megan i'm poor going to check it out thank you so much for coming on breaking down some of the myths thank you correspondent. picture the following scenario take a trip abroad maybe to the middle east or somewhere in africa while you're there you're kidnapped by covert military officers and brought to the us for interrogation there you are detained indefinitely while completely excommunicated from your family and your friends and on top of all of this you find out that your
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citizenship has been revoked rendering you stateless with no rights now while this may seem like the plot to a fictional action thriller stripping people of their citizenship under the guise of national security is becoming standard practice in the war on terror for example in the u.k. america's closest ally in covert war there's been at least twenty one cases of revoke citizenship after subjects were deemed a person of interest according to bureau of investigative journalism and of those twenty one men only to have been able to appeal the decision since the u.k. carries out this controversial practice while the subject is outside of the country which is exactly the point because being a stateless individual mark as a person of interest makes it pretty easy to be executed via hellfire missile without all that nasty p.r. about a country killing its own citizens without trial and if you think there's a stretch to think that stripping of citizenship preempts execution by drone think
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again at least two british nationals have been killed by u.s. airstrikes after being rendered stateless so what here in the us well to be fair there is no evidence suggesting that any american has been stripped of their national identity after being added to a terrorist list but doesn't really matter and apparently being a u.s. citizen doesn't guarantee you any rights because according to former secretary of state hillary clinton u.s. citizens ship is a privilege not a right a privilege that didn't do much for the four u.s. citizens that have already been assassinated without due process by u.s. airstrikes to date so while the u.k. is at least pretending that they don't authorize extra judicial killings of their own. citizens the u.s. makes no excuse for openly killing its own without any proof of guilt but hey it's not like they haven't tried to hide it in two thousand and ten the senate introduced the terrorist expatriation act which would have granted the state department the power to revoke citizenship from persons of interest. sounds
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familiar and remember on the national defense authorization act definition of an associated force to terrorism anyone can be a person of interest and a history looks back at the blanket interminable japanese citizens or the sweeping surveillance of muslims when it comes to when it undermining citizenship the guise of national security always reigns supreme. to the. basement consonantal dates and you try to transmission makes for a smoother ride and bush and scientists conjure up could see it's crystal the e.q. says he's laser sight subject on one of the take giants comes to town and she updates on.
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spied spying and will spy us congressman and now america's national security agency to continue its worldwide surveillance despite visible divisions in washington. and the man who exposed the agency's wrongdoing is still stranded in a moscow airport is next the paperwork to leave its transit zone while his asylum request is still being processed. miles of angry protests. reportedly setting fire to the ruling party's headquarters and clashing with police . that's following the assassination of a prominent opposition leader of the second such case this year.
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