tv Breaking the Set RT July 26, 2013 10:29am-11:01am EDT
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mart his entrance exam score was a thirty three which is an i.q. of one hundred twenty five and it was just too high to allow him to defend the public good that police department only accepts candidates who have scores from twenty to twenty seven the logic is that people who are too smart get bored as policeman and they're more likely to quit after years of costly training. yeah this is proof of a conspiracy theory well the lowest score they accept is still around an average i.q. so that doesn't mean they're specifically trying to fill the place with subpar people but it does seem really weird to fear people with high i.q.'s entering the police force this case that the confirms nor denies the conspiracy theory but is definitely food for thought and does a kind of not make sense to discriminate against anyone ever for having a high i.q. i don't know but that's just my opinion. choose your language. make it with zero if.
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you. choose. the stories but if you. choose the accent. hello welcome to the only seven feet shevardnadze and our topic today. forty five months interviews the digital currency is gaining support around the globe but what chances does it stand against a world currency. instant is it safe secure that's what
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bitcoin claims to be a digital cashpoint free from central banks a virtual currency built on so you. bring you the bitcoin is want to overturn the world's financial order smart and savvy they believe in currency evolution and monitoring revolution. recording compete with the giants these old achievers go out of the trusted this is an agenda. and our guest today is amir taki a person from the very heart of the revolutionary system he is a software developer for bitcoin and i'm not sure he knows it all i'm joined by live from london i'm here great to have you with us today so clarify things for for people who don't really know what it is what it is exactly bitcoin. because it is a pure form of money with a mathematical basis. and it is there's no party that you have to trust when you engage in trade using this system it's just really
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a type of digital cash the purest form forget it's properties of which there are many. one of the most significant things is strong personal purposely of your financial transactions the lack of financial censorship it's it's a tool which allows people to engage in trade only and so that. in real life directly between two people without any middleman without any further parties taking a cart or censoring your financial transactions as of today how popular is worldwide when i go into between two years ago it was zero point zero six dollars it was a very small community on the internet and the experiments were projects and it's right now is booming it's the value of bitcoins over one hundred twenty dollars. much in surreal life aside to accept it big established companies on the internet assigned to integrate into their services as a way to properly do trade this is really powerful thing because when main when you
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start to see like mainstream services are using this financial tool of the internet and they're switching over it's it's really like powerful thing that you can the now you have something where people can engage in trade directly without the oversight of regulator or corrupt or for a ts. leverage the payment system as a way to control people and censor a lot of different projects on the internet it's really growing and there's a huge underground economy an informal marketplace or of different services i had a friend who set up a big point stock exchange a year ago and he had to close it down because he was face to face in ten years in jail for running a securities exchange of our license while just a month ago there's now a a tour service. in encrypted internet web space where you can trade stocks and securities on the internet using bitcoins isn't it removes all of the restrictions
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on stock markets that just shut out the normal average person on the street because it is a really awesome tall because it's it brings a whole host of financial services to the banks to people who don't have access to these to the markets is something they're not saying here's a set of law set that is just that that your friends stock exchange underground stock exchange was close. because he didn't have a license or basically if i'm licensed to tip to brokerage stuff i can open my own stock exchange with bitcoin or basically he he was trying to run like a stock exchange in the open licensed with his identity public and he just couldn't because the way that the regulatory system exists is just to enforce cartels and monopolies and force out small competition it's not something that really leads to a proper free market economy it's something that just leads to protectionism in forcing the status quo there's now a new stock exchange by a different group of people on the internet and they're doing it anonymously using
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using internet tools to protect their identity to use bitcoin to protect the financial transactions and not have been censored by third parties and it's not just a stock exchange there's all kinds of different services like money lending or or just even just buying donating to services like wiki leaks there is the case of make upload who. you could upload files to the internet and share them with other people which is the distribution of knowledge and there's a lot of established industries which are threatened by this new kind of model on the internet and they try to react to it by using the the current regulatory and legal system to enforce separate position in the markets and so a tool that was used to shut down mcgrath load will subpoena the system while it may go up load is but as maker. and they're offering encrypted file storage and nobody can see or files using because using. previous see strong privacy
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digital currency there's like something of science fiction that is unimaginable five years are going bankrupt to say. that point yet instead they've started moving now against bitcoin last year i was running the u.k. because in exchange for you for more than a year and a half before we had to close it down because. the bikes were just on our case all the time putting pressure on us and then the u.k.'s regulatory agency changed their time on my personal bank accounts was shut down i was blacklisted from having a personal bank account doesn't matter i was able to use because it and now we're hearing stories of people puzzled can i be why there is a danger there is anything i don't get why why the banks put pressure on you and close down all your banking guards and blacklist you i hear you say this is danger on the minds it undermines the entire financial system you know it takes it takes away the control that's being being centralized into these financial institutions i
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mean look this is the system the mothership and it's just going. right down our college our environment is being destroyed our college is being ravaged on a massive scale fishing stocks are low the surveillance state is increasing exponentially every year. the storage capabilities per person are in scale of terabytes i've never seen a terabyte in my life the police state is increasing massively the police forces have been given new powers like stop and search ability to detain people you can have doing anything are you got the financial system knows nothing can legal but the financial system is like literally eating itself and the bureaucratic system is getting overbearing crushing itself under its own weight and this is increasing every year and the economic productivity of people's work is being used to fund this architecture of oppression and meanwhile people's wages they're going down the amount of people working is going up and that they're doing jobs that they increasingly hate just for a small box apartment of extortion at rent and pretty soon people are going to be
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stuck and trapped in a cycle of oppression and a new leader is going to come into power is going to flip the switch and it's going to be turnkey tyranny is. basically their big call it is much more than just a currency it's like a whole new world you it is it's a new world order it's imagine you have imagine you have a financial tool on the internet which is completely. decentralized and anybody in the central part owns the infrastructure there's no like central bank that you make your payments through is everybody in the network that's part of the system is up holding the system it's like gold or some kind of more ancient traditional monetary system that when you make a payment there is nobody telling telling you you cannot make a payment to this guy you you're only allowed to make a payment to this guy but not this that is directly between two people with parties involved taking a fee or taking a car and that's really powerful thing that right now the situation is that all
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over the world there is huge amounts of people not just talking about in developing nations where many people don't have access to financial infrastructure but also in western countries who know there are many people who are able to engage with the current financial system and there are many types of businesses on the internet and in real life that can engage with the financial system for instance in colorado let's let's just reach shops ok let's just take a look at the economic side of bitcoin as things stand today ok so here are the numbers currently they bid current circulation value amounts to over one billion u.s. dollars it can't be compared to an economy of a smaller country how much of it is investors trying to make money as opposed to those who just support the bitcoin ideology and are making bitcoin or currency of life. yet loads of there are loads of investors right now getting into because because there's anybody who's smart is looking at this system and they're evaluating it objectively not based on like how much attention it's getting or who
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else likes bitcoin but if you're just looking at because when you can see that this is the future you know if you have a tool which is international you can make trade to anybody instantly you know it's uncensored it's running twenty four hours seven days a week you know the fees are very low or there's no fees ok but it's not as if it is just going to get an incident or you can actually store your money in bitcoins as of today. i know it's more than a payment it's a new form of money and if you're holding dollars or any of this rubbish government fiat currency or holding failing money you need to get into it you need to get into big coin because that is that is the future that is the type of money that is is proper pure money it's like the purest form of money it's not you know it's not something that's like printed by a central bank soon ok but it turns deserves an origin ritual where do i store my money how do i make sure that i don't lose my big coins. because a stored on your computer and in a file nobody can access this far you have the keys to unlock your because to send
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them to other people if you want you can blow trust of the first party sites like this one could block chain dot info where you can set up a while if unused you're storing your because it was someone else and in return they make it convenient for you but you hold because it's on your laptop is something really powerful when i send because directly over to the internet to someone else without any party involved using software that i wrote completely myself. using because i held on my laptop and nobody else can access it's a far better security policy because software is open source so you can download it and you can read it and just like someone can read french or spanish or english if you're a programmer you can read the source code and see that it does exactly what it says it does because it's a system based of mathematical principles not of the social fallibilities of failings of of third parties now since your bank accounts are all cloud closed down you existing of bitcoin it's only as of today. yeah i like i have my reserve in
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bitcoins and i travel to a different country and i can trade it for local currency of people there's loads of traders all from europe and america and south america which is all the countries are traveling to in the last year if you go local bitcoin stock com you can find different traders all of the different cities like in london alone as over sixty different traders and you just meet up with them in real life you give them some cash or you give them because and then they give you in return. but depending on what you're trading all right thanks to short break now ok i got you thanks a lot but we're going to call that way back it's time for a short break now and coming up next we're going to safety and what if the bigger fish comes state changed.
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i've seen the perception of the cross many times it doesn't matter if there's snow a heat wave or hail storms people keep on going i didn't expect anything just one i told myself i keep on going as long as my heart told me to that's all i wanted at the moment. and so. i'm carrying these sayings on my shoulder. do you want me to put a bandage here you know that's fine a lot of people were so exhausted they could barely walk their feet hurt and some of them stated we will bring you back to eat three two wanted to keep going i don't know what tomorrow will bring.
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the judges are set on. children the streets. that women kidnapped and converted to islam by force will be another era martyrs for the coptic christians of egypt to the cross to. jumping to. the way of the cross. sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything turns mission to teach creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care watch only on the r g dot com.
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welcome back to the show we're talking today about the alternative currency but coin with one of its developers a mere tacky good to have you back and we are all right so she needs big coins to pay for a bigger things like college for example you can use big coins to pay for energy how seeing food i have friends in buffalo know my whole if you call it you can go and get a big chunk of money not not not not energy not housing college if i wanted to pay my college tuition what bitcoins could i do that. i don't i'm really looked into it i mean why would you go to college when there's free internet sites where you can educate yourself on any topic you want you know some people still like conventional education you can't you know you can't really compete with that some like internet some like. if i were like this conventional dude who just wants to go to college
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and i'm crazy about bitcoins could i you know myself through the coins could have paid my college frequence. to be honest the real benefit of bitcoin is not things you can do currently using the current financial system it's things that you can't do that's where it really shines you know there are a whole there's a whole on the ground economy over tour where you can go to different websites and get different goods and services are not available for this is one website called silk road where you can buy drugs online and this is really powerful stuff because the war on drugs is failing and it's costing thousands of lifes every year and destroying millions of lives and empowering violent gangsters and cartels giving the millions now if people can get the drugs directly from the producers the quality is far higher is far safer and is to see this empowering all of these gangsters and is going on that is where there are huge think because every time i i was preparing for the program and i plugged in bitcoin in any sort of search engine
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the first thing that actually comes up is that this makes drugs drugs circulation is there it makes arms sales easier. how do you look at that i mean for people like me because i like the whole point concept i would actually buy one today but the whole drug saying ok i got one of those so it's actually against them and i'm on that with the law because i've had people around me die because of drugs so if i know that but i'm going system is actually facilitating sales i wouldn't go into it like you wouldn't want people to associate being caught with drugs trade and arms sales. look at this way the central governments are losing power and people are becoming more autonomy and the only the only way that the central government knows how to combine when it loses power is to step up the repression and step up the oppression and pretty and in the future it's going to the system is is really going to become very overbearing and be sucking a lot of economic productivity and work out of people's. you know what i can live
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stuff to support the architecture of oppression and. we really need to have alternative systems where people can live freely and engage in freedom and we need to build systems that don't depend or we need to build resilient systems that don't depend on needing to have arbiter of when there's a problem we don't go to someone i remember the concept we don't know like we don't answer but i'm talking about facilitating that crime in terms of bitcoin being something that actually a bit of what i say also is it really doesn't use it if i drive. through a big cornerstone it is to actually find a drug dealer and pay can read so you facilitate in the crack in the law against laws against drugs they don't stop drug use they. because where they have. prohibition against drugs and in countries where they've legalized drugs like that or portugal the drug use is a actually gone down and the proper way to fight against drug use is not to
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criminalize drug users it's to to disenfranchise to take the power away from gangsters and big point is not just for drugs there's a whole lot of there's a whole bigger thing the black market is not just about drugs and guns it's about the informal underground economy where you're doing trade with someone and you're in you're in gauging in trade directly with that person for a whole host of different services is unimaginable right now for instance you can do things like decentralized public services like health care or hospitals if not needing a central authority or not for example it's like when you walk for out the city there's all these wife i hotspots which people lock because they don't want to unlock them because people world suck their bandwidth by downloading torrents or then people have to foot the bill for that now if you use big point people can unlock their their internet why fight and get money back as people use their wife i and then that and then that incentivize people to become providers of internet and incentivizes the creation of mesh networks alternatives like sucking up
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a lot of censorship on the internet talking of wife i imagine you're a fire away from internet like you're somewhere and the jungles of nicaragua is becoming any good for me is it is there any use for bitcoin in that in that situation where there is no internet around me yeah like people are so right so just this last weekend there was a guy who did a presentation in canary wharf about iceland and how the icelandic government cannot manage its own currency. and this guy had a long history of minting private currencies and he was proposing that the icelandic government should move to issuing a private currency that's backed by big and that's possible in like any kind of a. region of the earth if they're even private issuers of of virtue of physical currencies but by bit right now in the us it could be this physical coins and they have really interesting mechanism behind them where it's
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a physical coin river because locked inside it you can unlock the digital bit quote from inside you know that and there's all of the different schemes you can make to bring big point into the real life but the whole thing is that it. it produces like a market which is international that everybody has access to regardless of like race religion creed and we really need to think start thinking about ok building these alternative systems where free people can live where where we can decide our own futures where we can build farah systems because it's not sustainable with the current society we're living in this is not the natural way for people to live and it's rapidly declining all right so you guys are saying that you're against a third party being involved between two people actually doing business or trading great but what if i start my own bitcoin bank like take deposits give loans who's going to come in to our way and how does that sit with yourself or punk anarchists
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mentality. yeah you can do that if you want and people can if as long as you're over eighteen years of age and you're both consenting adults you can make a buying can start doing fractional reserve banking doesn't that is the only value of what you stand for. the whole point is that anybody is allowed to do whatever they want but if i'm accepting because i'm going to want the physical bitcoins i'm going to want to see that on the block chain i don't want some big bank credits and less like i really trust that person and the whole point is it makes our system not really feasible because right now the banks they also control the financial network and so if you put money into a bank the banks are lending out to other people and they're creating money that doesn't really exist through fractional reserve banking but if with bitcoin you can actually see the record on this block it can't be faked it can't be you know false entries are good and so people ask for the real bitcoin is not some big point in
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bank credit so as of today over one billion dollars worth of bitcoins out there but for bigger corporations it's second nothing it's pinots aren't you afraid that there's a bigger fish that's going to come in swell view you have all come on it's only been two years and big court is booming the dollar dropped over ninety percent against the bitcoin last month. and in a system that can't be censored it can't because of peer to peer decentralized network governments are always had trouble trying to censor peer to peer networks like there was a whole bittorrent thing which undermined the copyright industry and big point is is in lock step with a whole host of emerging technologies like three d. printing an open source ecology that is really empowering people and giving them the tools to take back what is theirs and build our systems together but do you think someone can buy you out can someone actually buy buy the whole bitcoin
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concept or system is it is that possible. mine concern software as open source maybe if you're talking about buying all of the big coins in existence and then that's impossible also because it would just drive the price up and i have some if i have a hundred big corners and i see the guys buying them for one hundred dollars more i'm not going to sell my because i'm certainly not i don't want dollars but if he's going to give one hundred dollars someone might say ok i'm going to sell him for two hundred dollars this one else is five hundred dollars and then the price gets driven up but you know there's this really famous software activist programmer ritual starman i'm sure you've heard of him he basically you know five the same thing that you five he he wants individual freedom and conditional individual get him in the internet but he actually thinks that cash is still the safest way of payment of course and richard stallman he's also a fan of bitcoin i organized the big point conference last year in london and he
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came and he spoke about bitcoin and these other technologies and cash is also a very safe way it's it's really anonymous you're giving most directly to a person and there's no one else involved in that trade big point is like digital cash and. when we have big coin cash that would be perfect to our fantastic just really quickly because we're out of time you know this later is and it's sailing expect snowden that actually prove that there is no such system in the internet that the government or the hackers cannot break into. is bitcoin system breakable into is how i mean it can't be saved because every single system that has been has come up before it kind has broken into has been broken into why can't i think ok so if we take the internet the internet is a tool that is put out there and empower the lot of people but the same time will exist so there's a whole body of people who are building tools to track people on the internet to
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censor information on the internet and just generally oppress people at the same time there's another group of people on the internet who are building tools to allow people to get around the trucking to anonymize their identity to get around censorship and just generally free people because it is also like the internet it's all put out there to free people to empower a lot of people and at the same time there will be people who are researching into bitcoin how to track financial transactions how to censor financial transactions and how to oppress people and there is also a group of people who are researching how to get around that tracking to anonymize financial transactions to get around censorship of financial transaction and just generally free people. it's always a constant struggle between these two groups of people for our society and the really cool thing with these internet technologies is they took the balance more in favor of this side of people who is working to free people and that is what i love about bitcoin it's the first step is that but it's not the end we have to keep
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fighting we have to keep pushing we have to keep building more and more better tools for the people all right we'll have to live with that there that was a mere attack a software developer for u.k. bitcoin thank you very much for being with us today and i'm selfish every night and we will see you in our next edition of seven o'clock thanks for watching. by. download the official publication to yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't cost
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a lot with your mobile device so you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. nobody chooses to be homeless no one chooses to me and all sorrow. is did was for the show to. get in the six pm get out six feet six. they were. good to me the class before the. days were against. it's tough to think about all of them comes in. and to know that many may not have only been the last two won't should never be but they're also
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the. ministry how to cope there's a scene about tahrir square in cairo and heavy all moves into the city as conscious start to break out between supporters and opponents of the ousted president mostly now on the investigation for talks on the army. or taxing people's freedoms or time trying to sway voters germany's motives are questioned as a demands tougher privacy regulations worldwide that's after being caught red handed helping washington gather private data. on u.s. lawmakers threatened sanctions to any state that would shall to n.s.a. leaker edward snowden take on u.s. president daniel ortega the leader one potential safe haven told us here that america's pursuit of the whistleblower is in sight.
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