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tv   Keiser Report  RT  July 26, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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as applied for temporary asylum in russia which would allow him to remain in the country for one year is sound request prompted the white house officials to ask russia to extradite snowden the government officials have refused to return the whistleblower but this government wants snowden back so bad that they're willing to make a huge concession see i just found out a few hours ago on a breaking a.p. news alert that attorney general eric holder will not seek the death penalty for snowden wow i guess that means we can all just sit back and relax now after all it was the death penalty that we're also concerned about right has nothing to do with the fact that snowden would be indefinitely detained charged with the espionage act and most likely spend his entire life in jail you see no assurances anough assurance that the u.s. government won't just try this whistleblower to two tiered sham we call the justice system so spare me from this overhyped compromise some have breaking news alert when there's some real news to break.
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it's no secret that we humans make tons of trash seven hundred thousand tons every year to be exact and while majority of that garbage ends up in landfills as an alarming amount that ends up in the ocean thanks to spiral currents and pacific there's an island of trash floating there that's been coined the great pacific garbage patch to be exact there are actually two masses of trash in the pacific and combined there at least twice the size of the state of texas that's not disturbing enough from the jordie of the garbage is plastic which is not biodegradable but unfortunately this floating reminder of our overconsumption is irreversible scientists have already said that cleanup would be impossible and even if they tried the methods they would use for the cleanup would hurt marine life more than it would help the recently artie's ramon galindo took a dive on the island of garbage and he joins me now to talk about all the disturbing details what is up among. he added so how did the pacific ocean become
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the world's largest trash dump. yeah well you know in consumer economies we have to consume more and more to grow in the more we consume the more waste we create and this is unfortunately made its way into the pacific ocean not just from the united states but also from consumer economies in asia as well now as you mentioned there's this whirling currents in the pacific the largest one is between the west coast of the u.s. and the hawaiian islands and as you mentioned i mean this is an area larger than texas and in fact i mean this is millions of square miles that are taken up by this gyre where trash from all over the world is circulating and creating this you know unfortunately massive trash now it's not all together every single square inch of this multi million square mile area is filled with trash in
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fact most of it is actually beneath the surface so we can see it right and i think it's yeah you made a good point i mean this is not just the united states this is pretty much the effect of humanity's overconsumption and just kind of accumulating in that spot i mean there are other similar floating islands of trash out there i mean isn't there one in every ocean now. right at the end when people hear pacific garbage patch i think a lot of times they have this vision of this massive island that you can sail out to and just jump on and that it's an island that in reality i mean it's really specks of plastic here and there a few feet away and most of them are really the size of your fingernail so it's really hard to see but yeah as you mentioned i mean there's these swirling currents in all oceans what we do know is that there are millions of pounds of trash in our oceans and i mean there's even a trash patch in the great lakes so this issue really is a worldwide one and as you just mentioned i mean we're talking about tiny
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particulates here and you know it's not it's not a form that people live on or or whatever but i mean animals have made it their own habitats within the trash which could be a reason why they say that they can use certain clean up methods to clean it up let's talk about how it actually forms i mean we're the swirling currents in the oceans have just concentrated it why can't we just not it though i mean i mean yes it would harm some sea creatures but but really what can we do something to. yeah i mean plastic has been very useful for humans unfortunately it's not great for nature as you mentioned i mean there there's not so much an island out there in the pacific ocean but there is a plastic shoreline being created almost a plastic reef where some tiny pieces of plankton are laying their eggs in these eggs are not traveling the way that they used to they were laid on top of a crab or some other sort of piece of marine debris but yeah i mean trying to clean
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it up if you scoop it up you're going to be catching up a lot of these natural organisms at the same time in i mean it takes a lot of fuel to go out there so at the same time you're trying to clean something up you're just creating another type of pollution so it's a it's a very daunting task to try to fix this problem my gosh that's another horrifying aspect of it as. has spent even trying to clean up a lot of humans you know there's problems out of sight out of mind around what affect on humans sea creatures and marine life because i wanted to show one of these photos that you had actually received that shows the insides of just i mean we're just looking at one fish here i mean this this goes to burns bigger creatures that i mean were packed with plastic and their stomachs talk about their facts on life and environment yeah i mean this is quite disturbing when you see that photo of fish just filled with plastic that was actually a fish was caught by an explorer who created a raft out of plastic bottles to really get some attention on this subject but i
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mean obviously he couldn't eat it and this was really far from the plastic patch itself so not enough has been done to really. display the effects that it's having on humans but we do you we've been warned in the past about america and what we do know is that a lot of these. a lot of these birds a lot of these fish are dying from ingesting this plastic and either being poisoned from it or from you know having their passages blogs and what we do know is that even though a lot of these pieces of plastic break they don't biodegrade and they still have a ton of toxins inside of the inside of them which we really haven't studied the negative effects that it's going to have on the food chain and on humans it's really shocking to see some of these photos to remount i mean the bird just decompose and it's just a plastic mass i mean showing that these do not biodegrade and it just so unnatural i guess i mean when i first heard of heard about the pacific are trying to maybe depressed from i think a lot of you know. yeah hundreds of thousands of animals are being killed by this
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trash that we're putting out into the oceans so i mean it's even though it might not be killing humans right now we can only assume that it's going to have a very lasting effect on the food chain oh absolutely and ramon you know it's so depressing of a situation i think people feel so hopeless looking at how daunting this is it keeps growing how can we at least try to prove. vented from getting bigger i mean is there anything we can do even though we can't clean it up as it stands what can we do to help well you well you know i'm really glad that in recent weeks you've brought up the issue of plastic bottles and bottled water where i mean this is really one of the most common things that we're finding out there or that researchers are finding out there are these little plastic bottle caps so i mean it really has to do a lot with the consumption habits here and then recycling efforts are not nearly aggressive enough in talking to charles moore who discover the garbage patch i mean this is going to be a really tough thing it's specially in
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a consumer economy where we were taught to consume more and more and that's really the basis of profit so a lot of big companies are now going to be behind efforts such as those time to rethink our morals and values ramon going though thank you so much for coming on breaking on this very serious subject you bet. well this week how a bird is making headlines again and surprisingly for getting away with more criminality in the company recently pled guilty to the destruction of evidence related to the two thousand and ten deepwater horizon explosion that caused one of the largest oil spills in history even though b.p. oil own brig halliburton was the corporation that had designed and built the well and before drilling even began it was how burns job to make the necessary recommendations to ensure the safety of the well that included the construction of twenty one the stabilizing collars throughout the well however b.p.
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chose to only build six and how burton never made a peep about it despite knowing the risks involved and cutting these corners immediately following the disaster it was revealed that how the burn ordered workers to destroy computer simulation showing what would happen if less than twenty one callers were used and any given well the result of. which we sadly already know eleven people dead hundreds of miles of gulf coast covered in petro sludge and a holocaust of sea creatures now we already know b.p. isn't hurting much after having to pay a couple of fines over the spill remember no one went to jail and the company keeps giving government contracts so how does how they burn making out in light of a guilty plea no surprise here the company guilty of criminal negligence is barely getting a slap on the wrist the department of justice is finding halliburton a mere two hundred thousand dollars i know it sounds like a lot for you and i but the company made that money back in the mere time it took
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me to just read this sentence in fact the company's latest annual revenue topped over eight billion dollars for two thousand and thirteen oh i almost forgot they're getting three years probation to whatever the hell that even means for a multi-national company guys that's the kind of legal immunity only money can buy remember the one hundred thirty eight billion dollars worth of no big government contracts given out during the iraq war the number one recipient of that money was none other than halliburton which could have something to do with the fact that how burton was formally under the command of captain dick cheney and the company gave the former v.p. a hefty pay out of thirty four million dollars shortly before you took office if there's one thing we know about dick cheney it's that he's a war criminal so most likely any company he's managed doesn't have human rights in the rule of law and its top priorities so it's no surprise that it's former subsidiary defense contractor kellogg brown and root or k.b.r.
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has been mired and numerous scandals over the years most notably the case of former k.b.r. employee jamie lead jones who was drugged and gang raped by her colleagues in a lawsuit jamie lee accused k.b.r. of locking her in a shipping container after she reported the rape and later tampering with the evidence and beam enormous lobbying. course they are k.b.r. not only one not lawsuit but actually tried to make her pay for their legal fees i'm not kidding and that's not all beyond the no bid contracts and the covering up of rapists the company has set itself in the middle of several controversies in recent years like accepting tens of millions of dollars from the iranian government for oil services since two thousand and three despite all the talk from the bush administration about never dealing with the so-called axis of evil and what about the explosion that how the bird caused resulting in a toxic cloud that forced residents of farming to new mexico to evacuate their homes in two thousand and six or the petro giants oil spills in the timor sea in
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two thousand and nine and who could forget the bribing of nigerian government officials for oil contracts in two thousand and ten which they were sued for yet so received. now at this point if you're worried about how the birds financial standing in light of the recent bad press stop because right now seems to be the best time to invest in the company just take a look at this headline so are investors feeling more confident now that they know for sure all those documents including how the bird in the gulf oil spill were destroyed the question is what does corporate america know we don't. coming up right after the break i had the opportunity to sit down with the white even team. you talk to about why the f.b.i. is keeping the details of your husband's death under wraps. you know sometimes you see
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a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard luck and pacific ocean. the. last time was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and they are continuing to follow the breaking news even the alexander family cry tears of joy at a great things other than their. red dark and a court of law found alive there's a story made sort of movies playing out in real life.
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all the news in the aftermath of the boston bombings there's been one story that's been completely swept under the rug the death of a twenty seven year old chechen man named him but again. about a month after the horrific tragedy the f.b.i. was interrogating to it is home about an alleged. association he had with the bombings but before any connection was actually proven he was shot and killed by f.b.i. agents first the official narrative said that he had pulled a gun out but it changed to a knife however all of that quickly fell apart when they were forced to admit that he was completely unarmed being trained in martial arts they claim that his body was the weapon and that he attacked them thereby justifying the use of deadly force and then it was shot seven times once in the head but even though we know how he was killed we're still left wondering why at this point there are too many questions to count including why the f.b.i. is now barring to the autopsy from being released by the u.s.
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launched an investigation and is probing for answers in the case in the next case my next guest scuse me is on the hunt for them too she's the wife of if you put it into a show and she joined me earlier to talk about the official narrative and why she thinks it's not true i first asked her why she believes the f.b.i. even began to question her husband in the first place and here's what she had to say. so stay with connection with the bombing and he may know in a time i'm sorry i have and then. there are cheney and their question and member he used to leave and so he was pretty. more closed. because he lived there so that's how it was stars and the reason i think so there is so what kind of connection did he have with him i mean was there any sort of thing that would have warranted. such a harsh interrogation. you know there is no connection there were there were friends even they were in boston they just up and to the same team they were same
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origin from the change now and just as how did that. so you said that there you actually have proof that it's not connected to the bombings at all what is that of course. he had his knee surgery that a long time ago was and then to march and. when he was actually. a visiting doctor so he was still in his car and she was he had a huge surgery on his knee and if you could in the room he was limping. killed him . have still had involvement remotely even though he wasn't actually in boston at the time. you know he did he does not have any foreign connection. he never spoke with him don't they when he spoke with him after his surgery just call him for a few minutes and ask him how he's doing after the surgery that's just around i'm curious how he's doing. and so there was never anything sketchy that he brought up about hammarlund or the brothers at all to you about was never mentioned at all
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even though you knew him at the gym you know never talk about what happened when he was killed do you have any idea of how many f.b.i. agents were actually there during the interrogation. when there was three of them until eleven thirty pm of the twenty first because they came in with thirty pm so the question him for four hours hussein which is his friend he was with him when they came to the house it was three boston agents who went inside to the house with the bring him and one local agent was saying out of the apartment. let's go over what the police narrative has been first they said that he was armed with a gun that it was a knife that it came out that was completely on armed but attacked them and was killed in self defense you've said that this last statement is a lie why. no dust they. actually more than you just pronounce they have say glade and they cheer in the table. a sward we had
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a sward at home. they say and the last one version was had a broom broom or a metal pole so they not when sure when he had some as they'd been changing their statements keep over and over but i do know he was unarmed and. that he was on the ground do you think that there's any credibility at all to the statement that hit himself i mean his body was a deadly weapon because he was an m.m.a. fighter. point you know because he was she just drove his car and just move a few days before he was still limping he was still limping with me and let's actually take a look at that photo you're talking about extensive surgery i mean i mean maltol staples very very extensive surgery really painful i mean this was very recent before he was interrogated correct that's actually his second surgery first one he had in two thousand and ten and this he's second is over and the same problem that
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he had and when this happened the f.b.i. agents proved to you that they were injured and had to use self defense by execution. you know they are not talking to i was there not say anything they just don't you think they say it it's almost a geisha where i really said anything so what happened i mean you came home and found this out did they call you i mean how did you even find out that this had taken place actually i was in the different state i was in the atlanta georgia because i was working there so when they came to hold me some time after a little bit seven am and they told. to stay at work they're coming to talk to me. just a few minutes after one of my friends text me when i said. what you and your husband get killed in our line. and that's where that's how but it much i found out so my friend i'm really sorry that you had to find out such a horrible way and that this happened to you it's very traumatizing and it's
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there's a lot of unexplained things about the case he was shot seven times once in the head. we have photos of. the autopsy as well why do you think it is that they executed him. and i do not know i can't say why it was just you. i don't really don't know. if you saw the pictures five deadly shots they were trying to say there was a salad and i was trying to stop him is so acceptable the way how you stop the person there's not a single shot in them are we going to have legs anywhere it was hard one in labor one in the head so it's just a straight i'm really sorry i know that this must be very hard for you yes i mean they could have easily shot him in the leg in the arm and taken him down in other ways but they chose to execute him there's clearly a kill shot in his head they claim that he confessed to the unsolved murder of
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three people before he was actually killed do you believe do you feel like it was a forced confession about even happened. i don't think if that's what happened that's what happened they would need a live person and the only thing i can think that he declined to sign did the confession and they want him to sign and that's why they just get him. so what what happened i mean what do you think i know that it's hard to speculate and it's very traumatic but what do you think that they're trying to cover up here and why did they do this. it's hard for me to say really. i think every night before i go to sleep i'm trying to picture what happened in there how was it where it was seating they were talking about i can. just it's not in my head he had also has a bruise on which is means they actually hit him before and to kill him because he now had the drops and he was next to his eye and looks like it was.
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something hard because he actually had a little hole where i would say so he had other rooms before he was shot. do you think this has anything at all to do with the boston bombing some sort of coverup going on there or kind of stonewalling of answers or investigation in light of the death of your husband had to do with something sketchy going on but. it possibly did they are trying to car some to what i think i mean by him they bring more suspicious of the situation or do you mean by that. thinking that's how they started to be trying to put him to he was involved and then and if they killed one brother so did leave somebody alive who can speak and tell them what happened they will stink into the brain was a little bit in there but they strangest kill him which is means that
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a person which is means that they were not trying to. see what actually happened. so you're saying that he could have been a witness for the. definitely not now he's not a witness he he didn't even though anything but that's how they bring in the story out that he they trying to clone a human for the boston bombing. let's talk about the investigation now i mean what's the process like are you trying to pursue answers in a criminal investigation or a criminal lawsuit against the u.s. government in the case of. yes we we do. we are. we're looking at the private investigator so everything is being right now in private without. doing it we single things they can do until they stop well it sounds as b. i hold the possibly for working not good. that's not a thing that we're waiting on right and that's very important key in all this is
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that the autopsy report is being refused to release have you been given a statement of why that is. i've got their emails from the doctor and he said to be i said to hold on to me not to release it until they prove that i hope you get the answers that you're seeking this is a very important case that needs to be brought to light and justice needs to be served accountability needs to be had which is a really tragic case and i really thank you so much for coming on and shedding some light and i know it must be very hard for you to talk about please we'll stay on top of it will keep asking the questions and let's keep doing it until we get the answers thank you so much thank you so much thank you like you see so far how do our you tube channel you to dot com slash bridging the site and be sure to subscribe so you cannot miss a single episode of our interviews posted separately on the videos tab i encourage i want to check out our recent interview on heightened tensions in egypt was so hard in the room as a full panel check out all that and more youtube dot com slash breaking the set and
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thank you guys so much for joining us and have a great weekend and we'll see you right back here on monday to break the set all over again next week. we'll see british. market why not. why don't what's really happening to the global economy. mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our.
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i would grab as questions for people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question more. is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details of his text and misinformation and media hype so keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream
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status if in your right. he. he.
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says. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i missed the guy who cares an awful lot about what you sold our school you know what that is my terror cells in your neighborhood all want to give us a feature is a monkey on a limb paul and the chris paul jones school consumer bill is going to. you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm out to martin and we're going to break that.
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are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture yesterday halliburton got off with barely a scratch after pleading guilty to criminal a destroying evidence in what was in effect a murder investigation every day big business gets away. things that an average person would be sent to prison or even executed for isn't time to bring back the corporate death penalty talk about that and more into night's big picture rubble and believe it or not there are some internet companies that care about your privacy i'll talk to the founder of one of those companies duck duck go c.e.o. gabriel weinberg in tonight's.


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