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tv   Headline News  RT  July 28, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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video for your media project. are to calm. the fears confrontation between the egyptian army and the muslim brotherhood turns bloody more than seventy people are confirmed dead in cairo clashes with each camp blaming the other for inciting the violence. and stories that shaped the week here on our t.v. it's still transit limbo for edward snowden he's waiting for the paperwork that will allow him to leave a moscow airport amid fresh threats from washington. the syrian national council agrees to take part in a peace conference but first demands that assad steps down and asks the u.s. to ship arms to the opposition this as the divisions within the rebel camp highlights the possibility of internal strife.
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thanks for tuning in this hour you're watching the weekly right here on our team with me to see cough and of well we begin in egypt where the confrontation between the military on the muslim brotherhood has intensified clashes between the supporters of the deposed president mohamed morsy and security forces on saturday have resulted in the deadliest violence since the military took power official pick up figures put the number of those killed at more than seventy the muslim brotherhood says another sixty people are on life support true is following the events in cairo and joins me live well any evidence at the moment to suggest who it was that incited inside of this violence. well there are conflicting reports on how this very bloody clash started on saturday morning outside the city and for the ousted leader mohamed morsi i went back to the city in off the violence
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it ended and spoke to many of the eyewitnesses and also the medics running these very makeshift hospitals inside the city and speaking to eyewitnesses they told me that about a few hundred of them had decided to extend their sittin down the main road toward sixfold to the bridge which is a major thoroughfare and about one o'clock or two back in the morning at this point so security forces attempted to disperse them using take ass off to this they say they reported cartouche which is a bird shot pellets and off and after that they then were fired on with live ammunition which went on until nine o'clock in the morning leaving dozens dead speaking to the medics they said by about four five o'clock in the morning they started to get the bodies in with live ammunition weans mostly to the chest neck and head they say implying this was the shoot to kill now this is the forces but they're part denying this the protesters say they were not armed however the
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minister of interior said saturday evening that the protesters were armed and shot back at them including injuring several of the soldiers they maintain they did not fire on any protest is only used tear gas and it was in fact the protesters themselves because the most of the violence so we really don't have any confirmation of how this exactly started it's how the looking at the wounds of the people on the sheer number of dead it does imply that night i mean the misuse and looking at you know talking to the eyewitnesses they do maintain security forces who are responsible to really was saying a very tense atmosphere here as the security forces completely deny what i would this is say several people have been killed and bella the muslim brotherhood as valid to continue their seven what has been response of the worst. from the army to that age. absolutely the muslim brotherhood have said they will stay put in the sit ins the several sit ins in the capital and they will keep protesting
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to fight for justice and also for the reinstatement of mohamed morsi they are not backing down particularly as now dozens of membership and supporters of mohamed morsy have been killed the military for their part maintaining that they will clear the city and the minister of interior released a statement to saturday saying that it is working together with the minutes three to devise a plan to leave these sit ins using legal means they say however this is being slammed by rights groups who say it's not possible to legally clear a sit in the house being phased by the violence because we've seen such a heavy handed response from the military and the police force towards those protesting so the minute she really aunt backing down neither are the protesters and in the meantime several civilians are dying so it's quite tense here we're not really sure how this is going to me forwards doesn't seem to be any movement politically between the muslim brotherhoods and any of the other political forces
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in the country including the in to impress a form of collaboration in the future so it's very divided egypt extremely tense with the expected violence on the horizon divided indeed we will of course keep you closely up to date on the situation are true live from the interruption capital thank you for that update. well dr mohammad abdul aziz is the director of the salaam islamic center in california and he is from ilya with a situation on the ground in egypt he told us that there are strong indications that the army's crackdown on the muslim brotherhood could lead to the radicalization of its young members. the military is now doing what it does that's going after the supporters of the legitimate president this is basically reminiscent of the of the nasir era and the crackdown on the muslim brotherhood that took place in the one nine hundred fifty s. what we be sickly see a repetition of that same scenario where the military of egypt cracking down on on an islamist group we may or may not agree with their policies but they have
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renounced violence a long time ago they put them in prison the torture of their members the the shoot him dead a group of those members will eventually break off of the muslim brotherhood and adopt a more violent perspectives and this is exactly what happened in the sixty's seventy's and eighty's and those developments basically to the creation of the international phenomenon of terrorism that we still suffer the ramifications of until the present day went to an extremely concerns me right now is those young members of the brotherhood seeing the same exact thing feeling that democracy can never bring them to power that their voices will never be heard that they will eventually resort to violence and then when we have waves and waves of violence this is not going to be good for anybody meanwhile the egyptian army has started to make good on its promise of bringing an end to what it has called terrorism in the country a large scale counter extremist operation has been launched on the sinai peninsula
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bordering with israel it comes amid a spike in the attacks on soldiers and policemen there in the wake of mohamed morsi is ousting our middle east correspondent paula slayer brings us the details. what we do know is that the egyptian military has closed all interim says in and out of the sinai it's launched a forty eight hour operation to deal with a sudden increase in the number of islamist operating there the information that we have is that there have been violent clashes in the area is way it not only santa there but also in areas like elisha and other villages in the surrounding area these clashes between the army and extremists that have been operating there for quite some time now let me remind you that the situation in sinai has been unruly ever since the overthrow of the former egyptian president hosni mubarak and since then we've witnessed an increase in these kind of attacks these kind of violent acts happening in the sinai what we're hearing from the army as that there are at
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least five hundred extremist militants operating in an area of four square kilometers now the army says that they are heavily armed it says that they could use civilians in those areas as human shields and at the same time the army has deployed both its if force and on the ground troops who are heavily armed allegedly muslim brotherhood supporters are taking up arms and i'll go into the sinai where there are joining these islamist groups from the army we hearing that they are being fired on that they have been attacked by these extremist elements more than sixty bedwyn tribes signed a memorandum that they support the egyptian army and that this is a support for the egyptian people they're trying to put some kind of order there but the situation is merely continuing to descend into chaos well of course be keeping you updated on the situation in egypt right here on our t.v. and for the latest developments as well as a full timeline of the events photos witness accounts as well as expert opinion you
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can also log on to our web site r t v dot com. there's been a fresh round of diplomatic wrangling over edward snowden between russia and the united states as the world expected the fugitive whistleblower to leave a moscow airport earlier this week the former n.s.a. contractor has been stranded in the transit zone there for a month now currently waiting for moscow's decision on his temporary asylum request lindsey france recaps all the twists and turns in the snowden saga. the world's media and u.s. law enforcement may not be chasing edward snowden from country to country at this point but there is plenty of chasing going on at the airport and there's no sign of it slowing down as the weeks passed the kremlin has stuck to its guns on allowing snowden to stay as long as he does not harm the united states by disclosing any more information tension mounted wednesday when reports emerge that snowden's russian advisor anatoly. was en route to share the metro airport terminal with
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documents allowing snowden's temporary release from the transit zone while his asylum bed is considered but he showed up toting a brown paper bag filled with nothing more than new clothes and a few copies of russian classics translated to english along with some rather dismal news for snowden the paperwork was delayed. it is in waiting mode now and we can all imagine how he feels being unaware of what's ahead of him and whether he'll get a yes or no answer from the russian authorities and for me procedures can take up to three months anyway he's very grateful to russia which didn't abandon him and to the people who are trying to help him needless to say snowden was nowhere in sight for the media's hungry lenses meanwhile the game of diplomatic ping pong gets better and better while russia allows snowden's remain in the transit zone the white house demands he's returned without delay the kremlin returns the volley by pointing out the absence of an extradition treaty with washington u.s.
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ambassador to russia then takes to twitter claiming they're not asking for extradition just to return russia points out the absence of an international law requiring a return secretary of state john kerry calls snowden a traitor to his country russia states part of the reason for sheltering snowden is worried that he could face capital punishment it's then that u.s. attorney general eric holder pens a letter to russia's justice ministry no torture no execution russia points the fact that snowden has been stripped of his passport he can't travel to which. holder scrambles to offer a temporary pass for for direct travel to the secure embrace of american law enforcement the kremlin is unmoved while the white house asks for clarification on snowden status i think edward snowden has really been in many ways a hero and he has sacrificed his entire future i think as an american how much it's clear he loves this country he will never again see the golden gate bridge or the blue ridge mountains or the grand canyon all the things that we americans take for
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granted other irons in the fire congress accelerated a bill applying sanctions to any country offering asylum to edward snowden and some hawkish senators are calling for everything from a change of venue for september's g twenty summit in st petersburg to a boycott by the u.s. olympic team of the twenty fourteen winter games in sochi outside the states there are plenty of people lining up to make sure snowden is not thrown to the washington wolves anytime soon the simpleton the people from whatever government can say i think my government has been doing wrong and has been breaching people's human rights and i need to apply for asylum in order to be able to speak about it is while all sides battle it out back and forth back and forth where is their querrey he's quietly hanging out in duty free or possibly thumbing through his new copy of dostoyevsky's crime and punishment back at sheremetyevo airport in moscow lindsey france r t. despite washington's promises that snowden will not face the death
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penalty he would still be tried for espionage for viewing the scope and the details of america's surveillance program more now from r.t. is going to chicago in washington. by relentlessly going after whistleblowers here we picked some of the most notable ones the us government is sending a message this is what's going to happen to you if you speak out even if you think you're doing it for the public good even if the public things you did the right thing in edward snowden's case fifty five percent of americans consider him a whistleblower not a traitor and yet even as many americans are thinking to snowden for greater awareness about the government's blatant snooping on millions of absolutely innocent people snowden still had to flee the country so was not to share the fate of his fellow whistleblowers had he state he would have been in jail facing life in prison or maybe even the death penalty the example of bradley manning is right there the twenty five year old u.s. army private bradley manning has been in custody for three years now and is facing
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more than one hundred fifty years in jail many leaked documents and videos that exposed war crimes committed by the u.s. the military judge has recently ruled that mending still has to face the most serious charge the charge of aiding the enemy despite many claims that he's sole intent was to make the public more aware of the cost of war the human cost another whistleblower former cia analyst john king also thought he was doing the right thing when he spoke about the cia's torture practices and became the first government official who confirmed waterboarding at one time to get out who was the head of the cia's counterterrorism operations in pakistan father of five kids out who is now in jail serving his two and a half years sentence former n.s.a. employees william binney and thomas drake were very close to jail time after they separately blew the whistle on the government's massive surveillance program which they saw as ineffective an illegal needless to say their careers were destroyed edward snowden's revelations of only confirmed would be drake had been saying for
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years but possibly unlike binney and drake snowden has also made public indisputable proof of the existence of the programs i had the chance to interview three of these men john kiriakou william binney and thomas drake they talked to me about what it's like being targeted by the u.s. government take a listen to your in itself is control. and what people will do when they're fearful is they were be will begin to censor themselves so much of what's happening now particular my case it sent it extraordinarily chilling message that anybody and i was a senior executive the government had a very high position and say it sends that extraordinarily chilling message that if you speak out if you speak up we're going to hammer you and we're going to hammer you hard because look what we did to mr drake the court is supposed to protect the constitution all these all these people in government take an oath to defend the constitution and they're not living up to their oath of office i never believed i
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would be going to prison under a president obama never. that's been i think my biggest disappointment the classified documents then ellsberg leaked four decades ago revealed that the us government had lied about the vietnam war and those revelations contributed to the erosion of public support for the war daniel ellsberg was the first whistle blower who was charged under the espionage act the government went after him with only had wiretapped him without a court warrant broke into his therapist's office trying to find something to discredit him with the judge dismissed all charges against ellsberg due to the gross government misconduct and illegal evidence gathering today daniel ellsberg stands in support of all these whistleblowers arguing had he been charged today he would have most probably gone to jail in washington i'm going to check out. now as always we are eager to hear your views on the stories that we cover here on our
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website our team dot com and let us know whether you think that russia should add grant edward snowden temporary asylum what we did in the results when they are of course more news is coming up for a short break including a look at how the greeks are falling victim to the government's budget cuts in an attempt to repay the country's debt and that and more in just a few minutes to stay with us.
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the judge is essential. to children the streets. that women kidnapped and converted to islam by force will be another layer of martyrs for the culture christians of egypt to the cross to. the future thing to. the way of the cross. welcome back all this week the syrian national council had met with the u.n. security council and agreed to take part in a long awaited peace conference but only if assad and trees to
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a transitional government now the rebel group also a met with the u.s. secretary of state to urge the white house to speed up arms shipments to antis out of forces with promises that the weapons would not fall into the wrong hands but pledges common divisions within the opposition deepen and artie's paul scott reports the former allies may soon become a sworn enemies. while the opposition are united in their desire to overthrow president bashar al assad that seems to be where their similarity ends the syrian national coalition is the umbrella group recognized internationally as the legitimate representative of the syrian people but they don't represent all factions opposed to a saddle one group operating out of their control for example is the al qaeda linked al nusra front the coalition say they've hijacked the revolution or they've been classed by many in the west as a terrorist organization elsewhere a separate syrian group affiliated to al qaida helped facilitate a jailbreak in iraq over the weekend freeing high ranking al qaida operatives
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infiltrated by foreign fighters our mission is agenda seems separate from out of the coalition and it's even led to in fighting one f.s.a. commander was killed by a rival group and the f.s.a. feel they could soon be fighting on two fronts but when we use the phrase opposition exactly who are we talking about well the coalition alone is made up of at least eleven different groups including the muslim brotherhood who have recently called on the u.s. and the e.u. to send arms in the battle with assad while only offering loose guarantees they won't fall into extremist hands there's also the coalition of secular and democratic syrians the syrian democratic people's party supreme council of the syrian revolution and so it goes on the disparate nature of the syrian opposition combined with the presence of islamic extremists means any nation looking to support the rebels are walking a continual tight rope with very few guarantees that any military support won't backfire and actually encourage the one thing that trying to fight elsewhere well
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meanwhile president obama's plans to send arms to the forces fighting the anti-government or condemned by at least one lawmaker in the u.s. senator landrieu rand paul claimed the white house is playing a dangerous game of double standards over syria. as we continue to aid in armed despotic regimes in egypt we were also about to send weapons to islamic rebels in syria this is problematic on multiple levels the assad regime is no friend of freedom or the united states but this does not mean that the enemy of our enemy is our friend there are currently seventeen different rebel groups in syria including the largest group of al nusra al nusra fighters are radical anti-american geodes and they're affiliated with al-qaeda but your politicians in washington are eager to send weapons they promise oh these weapons won't get into the hands of the
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enemy i don't believe it does anyone believe that how can we ask our brave young men and women to fight against al qaeda in some countries and with al qaeda in other countries. well the situation in syria and the fate of civilians trapped between the fighting sides as up for debate with john holmes the u.k. chair for international rescue committee where all the parties coming your way later today but here's a quick preview. most of the casualties we're talking about around one hundred thousand most of the casualties have been civilians and very many of them it's very hard to say how many have been killed by the government to solve fighting the war by shelling and bombing civilian towns but i don't want to oversimplify it but in legal terms complet combatants can be purposefully targeted and killed while the government has the responsibility and all the sides actually have responsibility to protect civilians as much as possible so why do we have all these leaders president
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obama prime minister cameron and others. calling rabble savelli and i think that truly not only misrepresents the conflict by that actually undermines the already fragile security that could be afforded to civilians of course it's not legitimate for rebels to use civilians to hide in and to use them as human shields that's also contrary to international humanitarian law. greece is set to receive a further two point five billion euro bailout from european lenders now that money should keep the country afloat until the next round of debt relief talks plans for the end of next year but in order to get this cash athens had to agree to thousands of public sector cuts and of course it's not the first time that greece has pressed
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on with the cuts demanded by its international creditors now the world financial crisis had caught the country with less than ten percent of its workforce unemployed but five years of biting austerity measures have devastated the jobs market now more than a quarter of the population is out of work and the latest finance ministry data shows that almost twenty three percent live below the poverty line now all that has forced people to seek better luck elsewhere and according to at least one report one hundred twenty thousand young scientists have left the country since two thousand and ten well arty's in office has more now on greece's brain drain. fortis has a master's degree in engineering management he got in the u.s. and hoped it would help him find a job in greece but for months now this logistics mastermind hasn't been able to find a use for his skills he says business is are simply afraid of hiring new staff because there is all these unstability they don't know what will happen in the two or three months later so there is zero investment going on in the market highly educated
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people are unable to find work are becoming as common pleas here as strategies in a greek salad officially two out of three grads in greece or now unemployed it's not only about graduates most of all can find a decent job even of a master's degree and also decided to stay in science often for a while as well leading to an academic deadlock that so far even the brightest minds haven't been able to crack because of the latest star city measures by greece's creditors the so-called troika around seven hundred fifty scholars all. elected to serve as faculty members of the national academy can't be officially appointed to their posts stuck in unpaid limbo they're also unable to use existing research facilities even if they are willing to do so for free but that just finished their ph d.'s and want to give things to education and to thirty veltman of the country cannot have
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a just held hostage just waiting for their plan when they don't have money they are looking for other jobs to survive according to a recent study by the university of the us alone and over one hundred twenty thousand professionals including scientists have left greece since two thousand and ten and as the troika continues pressing athens with the new austerity measures in exchange for financial aid the potentially catastrophic brain drain the country is experiencing is either being unnoticed or deliberately ignored you go to school of athens greece. as the unemployed seek jobs further afield some european countries are turning to unconventional tactics to round up illegal immigrants the u.k. government has launched a hard hitting ad campaign that the next eight intimidates illegal immigrants to turn themselves in what are reports next hour right here. rampant violence in iraq this week has claimed at least forty two lives bombings
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and shootings have put the number of those killed in july at over eight hundred making it one of the deadliest months this year well john resupply tical activist from the stop the war coalition weighs in on what he thinks is behind the violence in order to occupy iraq the western forces british and american adopted a policy of divide and rule. a major sectarian conflict where there wasn't one before they created al qaeda in iraq where there was no al qaida before so i think the country is approaching to the most enormous strains as a result of the war the truth of the matter is it's a terrifically weak government it's a product you divide it down the middle between people who are sympathetic to iran's position the in the region and those. feel dependent on washington it's a state that's been left in a catastrophic league weak position by the occupation which the current
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developments in the in the middle east for a weakening still more. well time for a brief world update we begin in somalia where in the capital mogadishu a suicide bomber has ramped up explosive latin vehicle into the gate at the turkish embassy three people including the suspect that attacker have been killed two more wounded the radical islamist movement has claimed responsibility for that assault. fifteen protesters have been arrested by peruvian police after thousands of rallies in the capital lima security forces have used tear gas to disperse the mass demonstration students and human rights groups have voiced their anger over the proposed education reforms and leaving cuts to state jobs. well to stay well that's coming up we examine the story of those who lost everything in the two thousand and eight financial crisis including their homes.
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boy oh boy there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there for a mysterious extra planet strip killion creatures living among us but there are also many conspiracy theories that are very plausible and some that are well actually true one that i've heard for a long time is that they are specifically trying to fool the police with dimwits to abuse the american people which is silly right right according to a.b.c. news the discrimination lawsuit revealed that robert jordan was denied the chance to become a new london police officer because he was too smart his entrance exam score was a thirty three which is an i.q. of one hundred twenty five and it was just too high to allow him to defend the public good their police department only accepts candidates who have scores from twenty to twenty seven the logic is that people who are too smart get bored isp.


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