tv Headline News RT July 29, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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we. are. almost two years since the toppling of his father the son of moammar gadhafi still awaits trial with libya refusing to hand him over to the international criminal court with fears that he's facing a death sentence at home. private companies in the u.k. are accused of hiring rogue detectives to steal their clients' private data adding more fuel to the blanket surveillance concerns unleashed by of the recent snooping leaks. and the ill effects of austerity thousands of briefs are getting hooked on a cheap and deadly drug as the government presses on with the severe financial that .
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they're watching aren't with me lucy catherine of well nearly two years after moammar gadhafi was overthrown and killed in libya his son saif all islam has yet to stand trial for alleged war crimes committed during the two thousand and eleven uprising now he said for a hearing in libya in august but international criminal court judges fear that he won't receive a fair trial there libya is meanwhile defying an i.c.c. ruling by refusing to hand him over to the hague and insisting on a trial at home let's take a look at how this legal battle actually came about so you. was educated in london and seen as a crucial figure in building relations between libya and the west prior to the nato backed uprising in early twenty's now the i.c.c. would go on to issue an arrest warrant for him his father an uncle allegedly alleging they committed crimes against humanity by suppressing the revolt of the libyan people now. the libyan leader moammar gadhafi was then brutally murdered by
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the rebels after his convoy was hit by nato missiles in his hometown the chief i.c.c. prosecutor confirmed informal talk about the surrender of so you've got off it was then captured by the rebels and have parts of his fingers amputated libyan authorities wanted a trial in tripoli but the i.c.c. demanded that he be handed over to the hague a request which was rejected for delegates from the court to war detained in libya for a month after attempting to get documents to say it's all islam but obviously has made two appearances in the libyan courts and the i.c.c. again rejected the country's efforts to hold the trial there by themselves for more policy there although the international criminal court has ruled that libya must extradite safe islam to the hague so that he can face charges of crimes against humanity the libyans won't allow it they want to try him at home because men who is a former israeli lawyer hired by gadhafi and altec aisha says he needs to be handed
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to the i.c.c. on the basis of a un security council decision the security council gave the international criminal court the mandate to investigate crimes are committed in libya after the revolution international criminal courts carrying out the will. of the international community investigated the matter and issued two warrants for arrests one for safely. now is to try these two people that is their right but they have to request. permission to do so from the international criminal court the government has challenged the weight of the international criminal court to try safe it argues that the hague based court has no jurisdiction because it only intervenes if the local justice system is not functioning and those moving libya say that they justice system is operating well but professor you who did one man who is an expert on libya. is in
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a state of collapse. i'm not sure that it will be right to assume that there is a government in libya today there is no army no police are on militants are in control even if they give safe a trial the libyans always surprise us so i can't really see how the trial will go i'm not even sure if it will be and how just an objective it will be the question needs to be asked why has a trial not here begun he's been held captive since november two thousand and eleven and it's not even clear exactly where he's being held when the libyan rebels fighting against gadhafi and they proclaim to me that he and his family should be marshaled now they are quiet it does seem as if once they got into power they believe that the only ones they need to listen to are themselves paula c.r.t. television. now if the proceedings do continue in libya so you follow islam will likely be executed that is according to his attorney john jones who spoke to my
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colleague earlier. he's being held in appalling conditions certainly in terms of his mental state because so much confinement thing any period of time in for a few weeks has been shown by scientific studies to be extremely damaging and he's been in that condition for twenty months impossible for families to see him and even if they do see him that comes in many circumstances where you can speak freely the last time you visited by notes you see delegation meeting this covertly in the cool kids and so he knows that he knows that he come complain that he would visit about these conditions you can see in the in meaningful ways to friends because it's being used against him is going to be prosecuted in addition to. being prosecuted for basically saying that he wanted to be tried in the hay and exercise his right to photo but if indeed saif al islam is actually tried back at home may not be able to exactly what do you think he's facing. what he's facing a show trial. entirely unfair to all kind of trial in which he's going to be able
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to get any defense witnesses to testify on his behalf because of the too terrified to test and in which the end of the world is going to be executed because the penalties carry the death penalty and it's quite clear to pronounce inspired officials in libya that they want to carry out the energy if it's imposed well moving on to greece after having forced through for their austerity measures the country is set to receive its next bailout installments now it took the greek government a lot of effort to please its creditors but the parliament approving the cuts just after european partners threatened to pull out at the last minute now the bailout comes at the expense of thousands of public sector jobs a rescue loan of four billion euros will come from the eurozone and european central banks with the i.m.f. also expected to stump up for their one point eight billion now to secure the loans athens will fire four thousand civil servants by the end of this year while twenty five thousand more must be redeployed greece has been relying on rescue funds for over three years now but as its financial expert patrick young explains the bailout has failed to secure the country's financial woes. well unfortunately i've always
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argued that greece was never going to survive as long as it was in mode because the difficulty is that you know throwing vodka at alcoholics just tends to make them more alcoholic and it doesn't affect them and improve their overall condition really what greece has always needed to do was to leave the euro and declare bankruptcy it's the only way that it can feasibly restructure what's going on instead what we have is this absolutely maybe arkell situation where in order to manage to stay in the euro we have a series of political forces in western europe who are desperate not to see their law you see political experiment fail and therefore greece has been left just like cyprus just like other countries that have received bailouts like ireland they have been sacrificed at the altar of a ludicrous national political statement or supra national political statement whether you're looking at germany or whether you're looking at the european union as a whole there are lots of things greece can do but ultimately in terms of dealing with
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the bailout they have a fundamental problem they've gone through seven years of switching recession and effectively all that we're seeing is people starving the poor are getting poorer and ultimately nothing working within the greek economy with greece in the grip of austerity thousands of homeless and unemployed have been seeking refuge in drugs now the so-called cocaine of the poor easy to make and cheap to buy shisha is stocking the country are going off talk to some of those pushed the brink by the recession. used to be out of work now he's still unemployed but also on heroin is homeless and has aids he's already tiny chances of getting a job have vanished completely. some start using because they are angry at life no work no money for the same reasons many decide to start selling drugs and up using the needle themselves. every day drugs rock the lives of new people with just
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one many thought big hit rock bottom it's very cheap he can find them very well. and as far as i'm concerned is the worst thing i've done so far. the leaders hit on the greek drug market is making even the most experienced junkies shiver and with a price tag starting from just two year old produce it's becoming increasingly widespread in the crisis hit me it's. from or from a battery of cars. very dangerous because they can sleep she's a can either be smoked inhaled or injected together with heroin they are now on the key engines behind the spread of ha between factions there is a good. percentage.
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of their health issues. more suze every day n.g.o.s go into the field trying to stop the virus spreading so we're at a drug user spots in one of the poorest districts of athens were asked not to film outside in order not to frustrate anyone since it's morning now in the pale in many users still haven't taken the first dose of the day but here the procedure is quite simple the social workers collect used syringes and distribute these alcohol wipes some fresh water and syringes for the users to inject but just as we. being on the street is as low as a drug addict can get we want to investigate this the greek government's radical approach to tackle what's seen as a scourge on society by forcing addicts off the streets and holding them along with prostitutes and illegal immigrants and special detention centers like this facility where up to five thousand people are believed to be kept hidden from the eyes of the public to one of these camps outside of athens to the amount of security here
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is a really impressive several lines of gates the wire and lots of security guards in fact one of them has already asked us to leave so we don't we have that much time to film not much time at all we had to stop filming since our local producer told us we were risking our documents and footage to be taken away i did manage to grab a couple of more shots from my phone looks familiar. disappoint fierce criticism from human rights organizations greek officials see the populations of these guantanamo. double and that they should be viewed as a model for the rest of europe you go to school of athens greece. well as europe struggles to dig itself out of recession the u.k. is now also in danger of losing some of its key assets scotland will decide on its independence from britain next year first minister alexander sound and told our team will be much better off without london catches full interview in about twenty
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minutes right here. i think independence is about control of your finances control few resources the case of oil and nubile resources in scotland but also control of your revenue if you control your revenue and therefore control your spending and how to distribute that revenue more population then you are a genuinely independent country with independence within the european union scotland would control one hundred percent all of its revenue base would decide how to spend its finances currently we have allowed control of less than ten percent of our revenue base in the scottish parliament therefore ten percent is not independence one hundred percent even independence within europe is independence. it's not only government security agencies that have had their eyes on private data if you're in the u.k. many businesses also have access to your personal info you revelations in the british press suggest that major companies hired private investigators to steal
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data now the country's organized crime agency apparently knew about this but kept the material secret until now or he says are still has more. in another instance of unlawful gathering of private information it's been reported by the independent newspaper that banks of pharmaceutical companies the law firms and other private firms are on a secret list of clients that had hired private investigators or p.r. who break the law that these companies had not face any consequences or prosecution now the information of this a list had been passed on to a parliamentary committee by the serious organized crime agency or so so this materials fossa find a secret to quote unquote safeguard individual human rights as well as protect the financial viability of major organizations as it may have a negative impact on these companies being publicly associated with criminality now so could also said that they refute any allegations that they had sat on this information they said that they submitted their findings to the home office of
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these illegal practices by two thousand and eight and they have called for government regulation of such practices having said that though there are three successive home secretaries who had access to this information and it's been reported that they had failed to act on this so this is caused outrage among m.p.'s in particular who question first of all why this list is being kept secret and second of all why nothing has been donald to stop the practice some of the information that the had managed to get their hands on include mobile phone records bank statements and details of witnesses under police protection let's get more insight on this from professor charlie beckett thank you very much for joining us today so the biggest problem that you see in this issue what would be well i think there are two main problems around transparency why. these companies have been part of a criminal investigation if the reason is simply because it might impact you
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know the share price that seems to me to set a dangerous precedent and then from the. second reason the concern would be that we've seen in the newspapers in germany. in polish investigation heartbeat so there seems to be an inconsistency i think m.p.'s want to see if you like shadowman all right thank you very much for that well as this is story unfolds times have reported that the home affairs committee is now considers that considering publishing about list of more than one hundred clients of these rogue investigators that it has obtained from a so-called reporting from london m test source well still ahead of ukraine's walking a tightrope between moscow and the e.u. deciding on whether to align itself with russia's regional trade block or to push for an e.u. integration to stay with us. vote counting is underway in mali following its presidential election now the poll follows a rebellion and
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a coup that had led to foreign intervention if no outcry and winner is picked the vote will go to a second round in two weeks millions have turned out to cast their ballots but somewhere on able to find the right polling station due to organizational problems historian general gerald horne says molly was simply not prepared for the election . the country is not ready at all for example check the electoral roll for example the list of voters it's unclear why does the fact that there are so many refugees and internally displaced persons put it this way if our northern mali i would be hesitant to go to a polling station it was not so long ago that these militant so-called islamicist were actually ruling that part of the country we recall the devastation they wreak the havoc they wreak in terms of beating women in the streets in terms of destroying valuable manuscripts stretching back centuries that basically revealed the intellectual firepower that then existed in that part of africa it seems to me that is election in many ways is going to be an uncertain in to an uncertain
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enterprise the leader of the west african nation insisted before the vote that the election would be built only way to secure the fragile peace that many still doubt that mali will face ability more now from our days away if a national. here and then over the country the walls and billboards tell the story of the conflict when m.l.a. took over they spot of the country on every road sign they wrote welcome to free as i was somewhere you can still read it then the mugello painted their symbols there is no god except in arabic like letters in a white circle the modern flag appeared after the governmental forces together with the french army liberated this area the fragile peace is now being carefully protected checkpoints cover the region's main routes to filter all those passing through waterways are also patrolled. we have to verify whether there are cheat hardass among them who want to cross the river. how to decide who is who.
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jihad paper and we send to police documents. the stakes are high memories are still fresh in people's minds from the days when religious radicals took over the country's north spreading the extremist laws if you come to the really like this do you had this big stick at least sixty times if you are married they take you to your husband and make him buy and these three are extremists would impose strict rules of modesty on these women without cross the niger river to go to college or the first to be large and mollie's north to openly supports the islamists when they first came and provided them with fighters tried to find a family whose children joined. in and kind of affiliated group appeared in mali's north last year and began coordinating with the rebellion of the indigenous african tribal to our regs who sort independence but they soon began infighting after ready
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calls started imposing sharia law why did they come here in the first place people in this area are very poor this is why we bring in some soap for women and some sweets for kids we visited the chief of the village for. the one hundred fifteen year old man says one part of the village strongly supported al qaeda and al qaida divisions are very close hold interpret qur'an to reach them would cross a dried river the soil in mali's north is far from fertile the land is not generous to people farming here this part of kaja village is very conservative so for a woman it's better to be covered so to cover myself we get to a female part of the village in the first house we come across what looks like a women's club the ladies here different from those women make it on the other side of the river from what we cover ourselves because this is our tradition our
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religious tradition we protect our whole bodies to talk with men we go to a male part of the village we see to the most influential of them to hear their story if they brought weapons and we didn't have a choice but to be one man confesses his teenage son was inspired by outsiders before he was brought to mali in jail and they behaved in a dignified manner and were never involved in looting but they showed respect to the corner so they had money that looks very attractive to poor people like us. if the government provides local people with jobs. and more immune to the islamists we'd speeches or would you please explain who are these people and from where they come they're not from here but we don't know their nationalities we repeat the question to the mayor of gal one of the biggest cities in mali is north and the percent of deadly clashes during the crisis. who are.
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from the area and we'll hear more in ten years but they spent eleven months here and they recruited all the little more suspicious. is the conflict now over the. historic city but it's far from over. when i wave back a sense to him begins clouds of dust cover villages and cities peace in this region seems to be as trendy and as blue skies on a sunny day you may think it will remain the way ts for some time but you can never be sure. from mali. meanwhile on tarty dot com to find out how america's n.s.a. spy scandal is continuing to on rubble and your report that even big brother little brothers canal spy on u.s. citizens accept saying thousands of e-mails and phone calls. meanwhile on our you tube channel you can take a look at how the police drown out presidential corruption charges with tear gas
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and riot sticks are all that and more go to our t.v. dot com. right to see. her story. and i think the jury. on our reporters were there. and i. believe. egypt's foreign minister is urging restraint today after seventy people were killed in clashes in cairo dozens of supporters of the deposed president morsi have been detained supporters of the muslim brotherhood claim that dozens of people are being deliberately targeted by troops a deal should move from the foreign policy in focus think tanks as the egyptian army should concentrate on bringing peace to the country instead of provoking more fighting. the problem is that the muslim brotherhood's camp took them as you
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however are their actions their actions towards the majority of the people were not appropriate in terms of process but i think power and eliminating basically all those who supported them so they lost the overwhelming majority of support of the egyptian people they really are now i'm a minority and they are acting that they will win their demands that regard this and i think that's a dangerous path and the government is taking also a dangerous pass. unfortunately every both sides think it's a zero sum game they may have to win the situation that would be a disastrous road for the country of egypt and will not be beneficial the reason is the muslim brotherhood's numbers are pretty large even though they are a minority it's very very large and they have support from the egyptian people even though the opposition of those supporters on of the sissoko who are meant is the
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overwhelming majority the military has to turn the country in disobedience as fast as possible and hold elections for the parliament and the presidency don't the faster they go the route of civilian government and the military goes to their barracks the better it is for both sides. meanwhile in the rest of the province of the sinai egypt's authorities have launched a massive counterterrorist operation desert storm the mission has killed ten suspected militants the army says that five hundred more are still in the region heavily armed and ready to use civilians as human shields now it is unclear whether the extremists have links to morsi is most muslim brotherhood which came under fire for failing to react to the mounting violence in the sinai. at least thirty seven people have been killed in a road accident in southern italy a coach carrying catholic pilgrims and their children plunged thirty meters awful
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fly over into the woods rescuers are still shifting through the wreckage and they say they expect to find more bodies it's not yet known what caused the accident which up to ten other vehicles may have been involved. rioting has hit the ball capital manama over the weekend after the country's monarch demanded a law that would see protesters prosecuted as terrorists hundreds have been arrested and jailed since the beginning of the uprising but authorities are still struggling to keep in control control in the face of more mass anti-government protests planned for the next month. several bombs have gone off in libya's southern city of benghazi the blasts near a court and offices of the justice ministry destroyed vehicles and injured thirteen people the attacks follow the escape of more than one thousand prison inmates on saturday night only around one hundred have been recaptured so far.
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well ukraine faces a dilemma whether it wants to align itself with russia's regional trade bloc or to drive for e.u. integration the former soviet state has close ties with russia but it's on greater cooperation with the e.u. parties or even looks at what's driving ukraine. a lot of people of course want to be closer to europe but the european union is reluctant to rectify ukraine's integration into its free trade zone claiming that the country is simply not up to the european standards just gets of course there are many who believe that the motivation behind them is not of the economic but rather of the political nature there are some who believe that the of could find its place on the european markets but if you compare the products that are made manufactured in ukraine to those that already made in europe products that are already being made in europe are cheaper and of course are of better quality or bold and if you criticize to remedy that by improving its infrastructure there is
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a lot of opinion out there with which says to in fact it would come as too costly with p.t. for ukrainians and that grain would end up losing a lot more that it stands to gain so so far ukraine's biggest export to europe has been cheap labor force there doesn't seem like that's going to change any time soon even if ukraine does gain access to european markets come back in about thirty minutes sophia and go up next do stay with us. this immediately though so we leave the baby. seat cushions to the plate your party there's a bill. for shoes that no one is asking with to get that you deserve answers from. politics. are today.
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download the official. language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television of the public just doesn't buy. your mobile device so you can watch your t.v. anytime anywhere. she agreed lumbered sure to mccurry was able to build a most sophisticated robot which fortunately you don't learn about anything mission to teach creation why you should care about humans and. this is why you should care only. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you. are welcome to the big picture. hello welcome on sophie shevardnadze and today we're away from our usual moscow studio where in a very special setting astonishingly beautiful shot off the north coast of scotland for the north sea. you will find the shetland isles and there is a way harris to talk to the first scottish minister alexander silent about the defining point of every land it's seventeen and.
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