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tv   Headline News  RT  July 29, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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coming up on r t we are now less than twenty four hours away from learning bradley manning's fate the army whistleblower could face a life sentence if he is found guilty of aiding the enemy more on this case ahead and the f.b.i. response to senator rand paul's concerns over the use of domestic drones so how many times have drones been used for survey all american soil details coming up. and in the u.s. freedom of speech and expression are part of our democracy but there have been a series of arrests of people expressing their beliefs is this leading the u.s. toward a police state we'll speak with a lawyer and author who tackles that subject in a new book later in today's show. it's
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monday july twenty ninth four pm in washington d.c. i'm meghan lopez and you are watching our t.v. while army private first class bradley manning is less than twenty four hours away from finding out if he is guilty of a crime that could lead to a life behind bars the presiding judge in the court martial of the twenty five year old wiki leader has given the media notice that she will announce her final decision at one pm tomorrow at fort meade this comes just three days after judge denise landed in debating the verdict both the prosecution and defense rested their cases on friday afternoon after the verdict is announced the court will move into the sentencing phase where the defense is expected to call on some two dozen witnesses the prosecution will reportedly call on another twenty one people manning has already pleaded guilty to ten lesser charges which could result in a maximum of twenty years behind bars however because of colonel lynn refusing to drop the. the enemy charge manning could end up spending the rest of his life in
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prison but no matter the outcome one hundred twelve days will be knocked off of the final sentence because of the harsh treatment that manning actually received while he was staying in the quantico prison that included months of solitary confinement manning spent an unprecedented one hundred one thousand one hundred days in pretrial confinement until his trial began in june and meanwhile protests happening internationally over the weekend in support of manning in countries like australia italy belgium south korea and also in states around the u.s. thousands stood protested and danced in solidarity with the man responsible for giving wiki leaks more than seven hundred thousand classified state department cables well ask and you shall receive that's what senator rand paul is learning this week after he sent two letters to f.b.i. director robert mueller demanding for the agency to explain its domestic drone program as well as the rules that govern it the letter sent by the assistant
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director of the office of congressional affairs stephen kelly reads quote every request to use you avi's for surveillance must be approved by senior f.b.i. management at f.b.i. headquarters and in the role of an f.b.i. field office without a warrant the f.b.i. will not use you avi's to acquire information in which individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy under the fourth amendment to date there has been no need for the f.b.i. to seek a search warrant or a judicial order in any of the few cases where you avi's have used now that letter went on to admit that the f.b.i. has used drones and domestic airspaces in ten instances eight were criminal investigations and two were deemed national security cases meanwhile the federal aviation administration announced on friday that it has certified two types of drones for civilian use to talk all things you a.v. related i'm joined now by michael brooks he's the producer of the majority report
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hi there michael let's start off by talking about the letter that the justice department and the f.b.i. sent back to rand paul did you really learn anything new from it. meghan it's great to be talking with you no i don't think we really did and i think that the response from the f.b.i. from the justice department highlights a lot of problems that we're seeing across a lot of different areas when it comes to civil liberties and the evolution of technology which is that we're we have the tremendous technological advances and we don't have policy and legal frameworks to really address or contain them and then agencies go out jump on these technologies use them push their limits and then sort of answer questions after the fact in unclear and ad hoc way without kind of clear legal structures around them now it may be that these drones have been used positively in certain cases and i think the issue is not the big scary drone issue
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is the rules around them and what the frameworks are and because frankly we don't really have them very early on the adversarial process where these things are being contested until now little and we are starting to say to cause a little bit of a clearer picture as to what rules and regulations the f.b.i. uses on domestic drones and there's a number of standards including the privacy act the f.a.a. regulations and f.b.i. internal guidelines but the letter really didn't go into that much detail about what specifically these guidelines say do you think we have a little bit clearer of a picture now on what they can and cannot use semester jones for and the oversight in this process. not particularly i want to think one of the really important things to highlight is that they say that they will use this technology. they'll get a warrant to use drones if it goes beyond someone's reasonable expectation of having
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their fourth rights fourth amendment rights respected now we clearly do not know what that means and that's a very contested term in light of things like ball data collection and dragnet surveillance or things like the n.s.a. that's exactly the point we might have radically different interpretations of what we need to spec from the fourth amendment and they're going ahead and they're using these these technologies which by their nature are incredibly they're they're invasive they see a lot so if it's up to them to decide what is and is not a reasonable expectation of fourth amendment rights that's the problem in and of itself as far as i'm certain and meanwhile federal regulators say that they have certified to try said unmanned aircraft for civilian use so michael how big of a milestone in this do we know what these are going to use for or who will be able to use them or anything like that. well it seems like there's
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a emergency response conant which i'm not sure the distinction between civilian and little local police or fire departments or something like that that seems like potentially great use of drones i know that drones have been used in the fallout in japan to do some on men monitoring of those situations that seems like a good thing is a good thing the others asked. us to do with wildlife monitoring and things like that so you know so i think these are potentially fine things obviously it's a pretty radical technology to put in anyone's hands and it's going to raise a lot of questions and i think again our regulatory apparatus our cultural norms our legal frameworks are very behind what we're technically capable of doing so what's the one of these things flying over your house or over my house could i shoot it down. i guess it would depend on how good
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a shot you are just getting i you know i don't know i'm doubting the michael brooks . i would never die i would doubt myself and i'm sure you're an excellent. but i you know i think you have to determine is this a government plane is this a neighbor who's bothering you in which case you should definitely shoot that one down. again i really have no idea i think that this is going to be generating a lot of questions we don't really clearly know the answers to and i don't know if we should be focusing on shooting them down but we might want to be focusing on something not randomly flying over your house or my house in the in with michael brooks producer of the majority report thank you so much thank you so much. well here's the lawyer who represented a marine arrested and sent to a mental and sent to a mental institution after writing an anti-government pro post on facebook he served as the co-counsel for paula jones in a sexual harassment lawsuit against president bill clinton and lend his legal
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advice to a teenager who didn't want a school id to track or rudiments he takes on cases to protect citizens exercising their free speech that man is john whitehead and he has written a new book called a government of wolves the emerging american police state john joins me now to talk about this new book and the state of first amendment rights hi there mr white had to give so much for joining me so let's start out by talking about your new book why did you call it government of wolves well it's from the edward r. moral he was you know the great c.b.s. journalist who fought mccarthyism when they were rounding up people who are really knowing somebody body or speaking their mind he said a nation will be get a government of walls and. the government walls as here the subtitle of my book is the emerging american police say either actually has some military people in secret service people say john you're subtitles in the state that we're in a police state with the n.s.a. revelations that they're listening in on everything we're doing the f.b.i.
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that in their belly or phone calls again technology is driving this show before me said that talking about how technology outstrips law i don't think the law can actually control this technology we're seeing or of the rise of the militarized police who are actually. cracking down on people who are out there doing facebook posting things like the innocent stuff they're arresting the volume in jail all those kind of things cases that we get involved in so no i want to pick your brain about a couple of first amendment issues that we have covered here on our t.v. over the recent weeks and months now in may the website antiwar dot com announced that it was suing the f.b.i. for spying on them even though the f.b.i. acknowledged that it doesn't suspect the web site of any crimes now the organization demanded the release of the records it believes the agency has been keeping an eye on two of their editors in particular here's what nic war spokesperson had to say about this case. first amendment protected available
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journalism is not supposed to be under the surveil you know that kind of scrutiny and of course of this is part of the larger case of it's not just that these sorts of behaviors you know chill ordinary americans or make them fearful but it puts the whole issue of sure of is journalism a threat to national security so that's a question i want to ask you do you think journalism is currently under unlawful scrutiny and is that a threat to our first amendment rights. oh the heart of justice admitted they were tapping into what a few reporters were doing and again. i had a former n.s.a. agent actually tell me necessarily agency agents say that a long time employee that the n.s.a. is downloading at least one trillion base of information from the internet every month that means your e-mails phone calls text messages bank records anything electronic so what they're doing is anything you're saying out there is being collected right now that's a fact i've had several secrets are secret service agents tell me that so they're
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watching everything we're doing and i think what the lady said is what happens in a state like that i had a military officer tell me who worked in the secret service he says john we're becoming chickens in cages they're watching us all the time how do you get out of the cage in my new book the government of wolves i call it the electronic concentration camp no it's going to be very difficult you could run and hide in a cave at one time in history but qasr kind of scarce now and even if you're in a cave a drone which will have the ability to hack into why fly and have scanning devices there's really nowhere to run and you know you're first a member that to the day i mean anything you say we defended the marine brandon robb last year and have sued the department homeland security he was doing facebook post they rushed his house federal agents and storm trooper type gear and arrested him into a humane put him in the middle hospital we got him out for what because he doesn't like some of the things that governments are doing and he was posting facebook which is give our free speech rights alectryon concentration camp that is quite
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a serious accusation there finally we have about thirty seconds but can you give us one line how can people defend their first and then that right get educated education pre-season action take action at the local level in my town i wrote a drone ordinance it was passed it was the first one in the world you can at locally be very effective think nationally and get active even if you're being threatened i tell americans the key to the. of. the will hill thank you so much john whitehead constitutional attorney and author of the book a government of wolves thank you well he is known as the great interviewer the man known as much for his suspenders as he is for his ability to put guests on the spot larry king has conducted over fifty five thousand interviews over the years last month he brought his new program politicking to r t america has interviewed people like joe lieberman and former new york mayor rudy giuliani fox news host
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great event suster and others now politicking is getting ready to expand in a very big way tell me more about this expansion and the changing face of journalism i was joined by larry king himself take a look mr king thank you so much for joining us now to tell us more about your program politicking it's been going on for a little over a month now and our team is happy to announce that as of this week politicking will be broadcast worldwide on thursday nights. very excited about it you know for years on c.n.n. i was seen worldwide but now joining r.t. and then being on doing this politicking show which we've been doing now for over a month which airs on or hulu but no with this licensing agreement with r.t. we've been airing it in the united states for the past month but now we're going to go global in one hundred countries and so it's nice to be around the world again it's very nice to have you our go around the world and come to our tea now you've
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been interviewing politicians for forty years now how does that change in the people who become politicians do you think that the way that add into this the stalemate of politics right now yeah what we have now in in american politics is. it's kind of sad it's very vituperative there's very little congeniality. people sort of dislike each other when i grew up in the early years of interviewing people i've been interviewing people now for fifty six years politicians got together they compromise is the art of compromise henry clay the great senator of years ago in the united states coined that phrase this what a politician's supposed to do but these people is so rigid on both sides now it's very hard to come together when you have a house with a majority in one way and a senate majority the other way and a president trying to deal with both makes it very very difficult to get things done in the intestines the there may be certainly there were differences of opinion
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but they came together and today i maybe as caused by the artes in the c.n.n. zune the others of the world the twenty four hour news and everything happened instantaneously in the internet maybe all that is a part of it i have no idea for the reason i don't know the reason but it certainly is a fact and that is changing the way politics and also the energy waves that sometimes while politicians go on a lot of times they go on to meet. we push their political agenda now as you mentioned you've been interviewing people for fifty six years that such a long time and it do you think that we have seen a shift in the way that people have been interviewed when television started a while ago you know the interview we went on just to talk a little bit but now we have these professional interview with our contributors so how has this relationship changed in the decade thing you've been doing it that's part of the same swirl of twenty four hour news
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a lot of the interviewers are more interested in their own opinions rather than the guess so i see male and female alike that the interviewer uses the guest as a prop so a lot of the shows become very argumentative and i find that the viewer doesn't learn anything i always had a motto and i still have that motto in broadcasting that i never learned anything when i was talking that's a truism for anybody you never learn anything when you're talking so i always felt that i should bring the guest out ask good questions short questions and try to elicit and most information making it therefore enjoyable entertaining and informative for the viewer today if the host or hostess wants to be more involved than the guest or wants to use the i never use the word i when i interview is irrelevant i mean my ego at the door and i grew up watching people that did that on the c.b.s. n.b.c. and a.b.c.
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news's of years ago we had the wonderful broadcasters the cronkite's in the huntley brinkley isn't my god there were so many of them and they were all so good in the never knew what they thought you could play guessing games what do with a liberal or a conservative republican a don't get it no and therefore they brought objectivity to the interview today if you're a host in you not objective well then it's that it's an argument and not an interview i don't like that. so do you think that journalism is fundamentally changing in that regard specifically t.v. journalism that the journalists that are going out in the field are doing too much to insert themselves into the story and become the story absolutely and they are not the story but again there's so much of it and the pie is caught up in so many spaces in this so many people so much news and five hundred channels and all that it becomes i want this i want that i want to let me grab this and there's a feeling that it's more important that they have to be more important than the
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subject at hand is sad but it's a fact it is what it is and i don't see it reversing soon i don't see any m z changing and that's now one thing that does play into this is this changing demographic of journalists and it's possibly one of the most iconic battles facing the media is the battle between content and ratings now a lot of times the stories that drive ratings are not necessarily the most pressuring pressing issues one reason example that would be the royal baby for instance it dominated how was worth of television talks about the name and what not television station strike a balance between ratings and content that actually matters. this has been one of the essence arguments of all time in broadcasting what do you do when you're faced with a royal baby which technically is a non-story it's a non-story story the king of england has the queen and of english the king has no power it's a public relations post it's
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a nice little adorable thing it's certainly worthy of page ten or the seven vitamin a news but to have this worldwide grasp and i think it's either the networks or they people who handle broadcasting feel that the public has a need for this i always felt that the network the responsible network should lead and not follow now who makes that decision who decides of mr or mrs chicago want to know more about the baby's name or the crisis in egypt and will give her size that won't get out of the news director can't but do you think that another thing that might play into that is the fact that a lot of criticism is that the news is always sad there is always tragedy or conflict or war or do people need to have that happiness do you need to have that as part of a daily or new structure or that is a good question and that is the other side most news when you think about it is
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negative if i came on the air today and said no school child was injured today going to school in america so what if a school joe was killed that's a story so most you don't the stories of can't secured those a one in a millennium so maybe we need the attention of the baby born i don't mind i understand that sure a lot of the buildings blowing up trains are crashing in spain of course the big stories of course we want them covered. and the so we need that kind of break to get the baby's name but to have the baby's name leave the story and run for a week and when will it be born is absurd to me and finally i thought it would be fun to end the segment with a little bit of a quick fire session for you mr king i kind of put you in a spot since they're always the one that put the others on the spot somehow and we have a few questions for you first of all if you were in a journalist what profession would you be writing go to college but have been
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a criminal lawyer and if you could choose a profession that you would never be what would it be a bus driver worst interview ever had. robert mitchum i loved him as an actor he was one of my favorite actors but he just one word to me yes no maybe no sure yes no i think either he was uncomfortable or or you can do is all you can do in interviewing but that was if not the worst one of the worst best interviews ever had possible i've interviewed probably over fifty five thousand people or anywhere from the nelson mandela's to the jackie robinson's to the putins to the goldwater's to the kennedys seven presidents prime ministers i can't think if i had if i were back against the wall i would probably say no sin mandela because i regard him as the greatest figure of the twentieth century and a question i've seen you ask
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a lot of people first test first what first kiss corinne and i was corinne and i was in eighth grade and she was taller than me and what words of wisdom do you have for your audience i want to give you and i never learned anything when i was talking words of wisdom what will be will be is what it is you can't change yesterday and it's hard to do something about tomorrow. you gotta live in the moment larry king is the great interviewer now appearing on r t america nine pm on weekdays and r t is happy to announce that as of this week politicking will be broadcast world why and on thursday nights. well you might remember last year about r.t. america hosted the third party debates featuring candidates that were left out of the mainstream media's obama romney rivalry and while we have a long way to go before the next presidential election and twice sixteen third
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parties realize that they have to get to work early to work around the two party system and connect to voters the green party was doing just that in iowa this weekend our chief political commentator sam sacks was at their annual national meeting and he brings us their story. the corn belt the american heartland the new place for green politics we all know i was famous for its corn but in just a few years iowa will be the epicenter of american politics with its first in the nation caucuses but already one political party is here in iowa laying the groundwork for two thousand and sixteen it's not the republican party or the democratic party it's the green party green party delegates from around the nation flock here to the university of iowa for their annual meeting and activists are on hand using the green party to promote their own causes environmentalists campaigners for peace those promoting sustainable and local agriculture it's being made in a new store for the nutrient cycle and proponents of ending corporate personhood
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but the real business took place in meetings like this. where the future of the party was debated green party committees reported on their activities new members were elected to the national steering committee the forum was held to discuss what was learned from the two thousand and twelve campaign and while the crowds were small and the funding scarce greens are confident their movement is building two thousand and twelve green party presidential candidate dr jill stein the greens are out there as the driving force in the social in the social revolution which is taking place right now and what the party can do is give that agenda. a focus and a set of demands and put them into the political context because when you bring up . social movement together with a political movement that's when history tells us we succeed stine garnered less than one percent of the vote last year and the greens are well aware of the difficulties of a third party breaking into the nation's two party system the efforts that it takes
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for a third party to gain basic access to local state and national democracy is completely ridiculous we're concentrating first on changing electoral systems on local levels including adding rank choice voting like exist in many cities across the country now as a way of having people see that alternative systems give them more voice we think if people have more voice they'll choose us and greens may be receiving more assistance from an unlikely source washington d.c. or series of issues have leapt into the mainstream debate exposing the flaws of the two major parties people are seeing that the democratic president and the powers that be on the democratic side but on the republican side they are firmly entrenched with the big money corporations who are killing people overseas killing people over here and spending people over here founded in two thousand and one the green party usa has yet to win an election to national office but with the
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political climate and demographics around the country rapidly changing their prospects could be brighter heading to twenty sixteen sign campaign really increased our profile nationally that has generated a lot of young people who will be registered green now for the next forty fifty years and run for office over time together we can turn the breaking point we face into the tipping point we need to take back our democracy and the peaceful just green future we desire thank you for making it so thanks. thanks to a green party resigned one and facing them is the monumental task of defeating money politics with movement politics but as more and more americans grow unsatisfied with the. two party system and as new issues from drones to surveillance expose the similarities between republicans and democrats in the end it might not be the green party trying to reach voters as much as voters trying to reach the green party and i was city iowa same sax or two well that does it for now
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i'm going lopez stay tune prime interest is next. well. technology innovation all the developments around russia. the future of coverage. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm target market was a big issue. i
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was a new alert animation scripts scare me a little bit. there is breaking news tonight and we are continuing to follow the breaking news. the alexander family cry tears of it great things that. at the core of what the ground alive is a story made for a movie is playing out in real life. please . look at michoud free cretaceous free in-store chargers free arrangement three. three stooges free. download free blog loaded videos for your media project
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a free media dog r t v dot com. that afternoon and welcome the prime interest i'm perry and boring and i'm bob and bush and here's the story that we're tracking today. two q e or not to q e that is the question now that it's clear fed chairman bernanke is out as of next january two front runners are being floated. by the mainstream media these would be larry summers and janet yellen we've profiled summers before and noted his complete mismanagement of the harvard endowment and he is nowhere near the glib politician bernanke yeah so why some are well it's quite simple he's been openly critical of the fed's monetary wanted jazz and as much more keen on fiscal stimulus and on the other side we have janet yellen a close bernanke you confidant and someone who is likely.


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