tv Headline News RT August 1, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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whistleblower edward snowden has left the transit zone of moscow's airport after being given temporary asylum in russia. the white house responds by threatening not to attend a bilateral summit with russian president vladimir putin next month expressing its extreme disappointment at the news. comes as more leaks emerge showing how
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british intelligence has been spying on its citizens it's now come to light that cuba has been receiving funds from washington to keep the nation under close watch of top stories this hour. international news and this is our team with you twenty four hours a day live from moscow where it's not just turned ten pm edward snowden has been given temporary asylum in russia allowing him to leave the transit zone of moscow's airport off to five weeks in the lower assisting him says the paperwork issued today allow snowden to live work and remain in russia for up to twelve months as the latest on how the news has been received. two reactions that a lot of people really wanted to hear from which were edward snowden himself said
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wiki leaks founder julian assange for mr snowden's part he says over the past eight weeks we have seen the obama administration show no respect for international or domestic law but in the end the law is winning i think the russian federation for granting me asylum in accordance with its laws and international obligations now says this is another victory for the fight against obama's war and whistleblowers this battle has been won but the war continues the united states can no longer continue the surveillance of world citizens and its digital colonisation of sovereign nations the public will no longer stand for it lowers will continue to appear until the government abides by its own laws and rhetoric so you see neither of those men are backing down in their philosophical stances in this situation left the airport with sarah harrison one of which he thinks advisors accompanying him anatoly could try to know who has been facilitating a lot of snowden's communications on the ground here in russia has come forward
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today with the official piece of paper issued by the federal migration services that shows that he is indeed allowed to stay here for twelve months what he did say also is that the secrecy of rounding snowden's location is just as important as ever let's listen to what he had to tell us about that. the fact that he's the most wanted person on planet earth today he'll be concerned about the issue of security that includes questions of safety and the place where he is going to live that's all up to him. consoled or not by of him but on other issues it's up to him as for meeting the press yes he's ready to meet the russian media but you need to understand you still need some time to adapt to russian reality he also says he will be helping along snowden networks father with the paperwork work wired to get his visa to come to russia and finally be overnighting with his son. and to communicate with him finally so he is doing now and in the meantime the next step
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for edward snowden according to his advisors is that he will be pursuing a job and looking to settle here in russia. let's talk more on this with michael reddy he's from the london based anti war group democracy village do you think slogan is a free man. i think he's going to tread very carefully still but i think he's probably going to make a go of it in russia for at least a year i think it's worth stressing at this point how thankful the world should be for them to the russian people to president putin and the russian government for granting asylum to edward snowden obviously this comes in the wake of the guilty verdict handed down to private first class bradley manning this week that would have obviously been the case with edward snowden as well he may have been facing either the death penalty or life imprisonment so i think it's been a wonderful thing that he's done for the world to expose the vast surveillance of state there is g c h q. m i five in my sig cia all of these institutions
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are are more fully tapping into our every communication there is nothing but there is nothing left of our privacy anymore but he's got a future a favor for future whistleblowers though the fates awaiting the likes of him if he is caught and indeed manning and is actually going to put off whistleblowers the american revenge really scare them off. well i don't know i think perhaps the way he's going to pad it the way he's planned in the way he's managed to get outside of us extradition agreements has been pretty shrewd and i think if anyone else is willing to blow the whistle on i'm sure that lots of people would have been inspired by his example they will know exactly what to do they'll know not to stay in their country they'll know to leave and get to either ecuador venezuela bolivia or russia. so here's a great example and. you only have to look at previous n.s.a.
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whistleblowers that have been prosecuted under obama and under president bush. when they came out blew the whistle people either ignored them the mainstream media practically ignored them and yet they were still prosecuted under various legislation in the u.s. so i think what he has done is he's shown that it is possible to act according to your conscience and remain free of the long arm of the u.s. and although many european countries are condemned what the u.s. has done as a result of what snowden has revealed they haven't actually been kept forthcoming in helping him during what seems to be quite a predicament i mean this very lengthy stay in moscow and not really know where he's going to go. well not only that but the forcing down of even morality is diplomatic jets. obviously there's many european countries involved in that from germany spain france. all of those countries down to the u.s. pressure and they all broke the law effectively by forcing the denying in
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a space to sovereign states diplomatic aircraft. although countries like germany have publicly stated that they were outraged at the level of . spying surveillance a state that they were actually all complicit they've all given the green light for this to go ahead and the exactly should be surprised should i just to interrupt though congress has said look this espionage this surveillance is going to carry on so in effect snowden's achieve nothing as he is not going to stop. well i think he's he's initial aim and this is definitely happened it was to create a debate to raise awareness of the issue and to create a debate that is definitely happened obviously there's still lots of fox news in the u.s. you know the usual suspects are still attacking him calling him a fugitive even the b.b.c. of return to calling him a fugitive rather than a whistleblower so there are still those people attacking the messenger not actually looking at the bigger a bigger issue here but it has created the debate it has raised awareness and for
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that we have to be thankful to edward snowden for his bravery. but you're right it's not going to stop but at least we've been we're now informed and we can actually start doing something about it ourselves but it's going to take a huge amount of grass with the grassroots campaigning to actually bring this to a halt. i think if people think about it logically it's not actually in most countries interest to have their communications intercepted in this way i mean even the law of the telecoms companies like british telecom here in the u.k. i don't think there's going to be many people that would trust them anymore because they've obviously been complicit in this obviously all these companies have to bide by lawful incept laws but they've got above and beyond just like i just love rise in a level three the backbone of the internet is effectively bowed down to the intelligence community like already live in london thank you very much indeed for your thoughts on that well barack obama like not now attend a planned a summit with russia's president putin next month according to the white house
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spokesman the issue is now being evaluated. and has further details all washington's response. white house spokesperson says the u.s. is extremely disappointed with russia's decision to grant snowden asylum he said snowden is not a whistleblower that he's been charged with a crime it has to be expelled to the united states he also said this will undermine the growing cooperation between security services of the two countries while moscow says calls to punish russia for the problem which the u.s. has created are ridiculous we heard russian officials say because the u.s. has voided snowden's passport it left russia with no choice but to deal with the issue so this buildup of confrontation with russia over snowden takes the thunder away from the national conversation on the surveillance state we know that the president just today was having embers of congress over in the white house to discuss these programs the n.s.a. program some of the members of congress who are very critical of. these programs
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senior intelligence officials have testified in congress releasing classified documents in response to snowden's revelations of course those documents were carefully redacted and did not reveal much but the fact that the government has to respond to these concerns is already a win for edward snowden and many people are genuinely concerned about the growing power of the n.s.a. whether or not legislators are actually going to act to reverse any of these programs that's a big question last week congress kill the legislation that would make the n.s.a. walk back some of its powers but that bill was killed by just twelve votes so there is another legislation that that is being introduced in congress that is looking to make the feis a court this secretive five the court more transparent so this is all happening because of edward snowden's revelations and we wouldn't be having this conversation if it weren't for him. would learn the basic legal expert alexander mecurio and he thinks that snowden may be in russia but you'll move the initial twelve months. the ball in
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a sense is in the american court that the russian authorities have been extremely careful to do this by the book they insisted on mr snowden making a problem application he's done it through a lawyer there is a well founded case here for asylum the u.s. has no legal grounds to object to this do you see that this will be a temporary asylum or perhaps could it turn in to being something a little more permanent because many are saying is going to be very difficult for snowden to get out of russia russia has basically two types of asylum this temporary asylum which is what mr snowden now has and then there is refugee status which is rather more permanent my impression is that the intention eventually is to apply for refugee status the reason he applied for temporary asylum is in order to get himself out of the airport now that he is in russia proper i think the intention will be to apply for full refugee status if the u.s.
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number less wants to jeopardize its very important relationship with russia because russia has done something which it is legally fully entitle to do that is a decision for the u.s. but many people will i think feel that if the u.s. does that then the u.s. frankly is behaving in a very strange and self destructive way. well for the snowden leaks now all show that not only was britain's juicy h.q. spying extensively on u.k. citizens but it was receiving funds from washington to do so the shocking revelations been published by the guardian newspaper or boyko takes a closer look or what has been disclosed the us government has paid at least one hundred million pounds to the u.k. spy agency over the past three years now in return for this money they've got access to and influence over britain's intelligence gathering programs now these
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were allegedly top secret payments the americans expect a return on their investments in g c h q so d.t.h. who has got to work very hard to meet the n.s.a.'s demands which almost makes it sound as though that the u.k. intelligence agency is working for the n.s.a. i mean for such a prestigious agency these revelations are likely to be extremely damaging one g c h q strategy briefing that the guardian has seen says to quote that g c h q must pull its weight and be seen to pull its weight which gives you an impression of sort of the work ethic behind. in g c h q and the how hard they're trying to please the americans really the guardian seen other documents that reveal that g c h q is actively pouring money into spying on personal mobile phones and applications they want to quote exploit any phone anywhere any time
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and according to the guardian some stuff that works for g c h q have expressed concern about the more reality and about the ethics behind what it is they do they are given the level of deception in their work as well apparently a number of employees have been concerned about that now the leaked papers also show that the u.k. is. biggest fear is that the u.s. becomes dissatisfied with the work that d.c. h.q. is doing and as a result will invest less money into the u.k. spy agency which brings us to what a number of observers are concerned most about in this story which is just how close the relationship between g.c. h.q. and the n.s.a. really is certainly considering the amount of money that's been poured in and just to remind you that it's over one hundred million pounds over the past three years it would seem as though the british side is almost dependent on their american
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counterparts on his police or their will for more reaction from hugh bronson he's an election candidate for alternative for germany party joining us live in berlin what we just heard from pauline boyko there's a massive amount of cooperation and still lives between the united states and the u.k. and the same of course can be said for germany and the u.s. that relationship isn't going to change is it that sharing of classified information will continue despite all this uproar. yes i feared we'll i mean there is of course a great debate now in germany about the involvement of germany secret intelligence . about the cooperation with the n.s.a. but. there might be some secret documents some secret treaties that were signed many years ago during the cold war period where nato partners agreed to exchange information if it supports their defense strategies these documents are
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still in place their secret nothing has been revealed about that. as i said these documents might be might be available be of calls them being secret we don't know exactly what kind of nature of these documents are and the germans are still working together with the americans the americans of course using the so-called war on terror as an excuse for every form of data collection nevertheless there is now a debate in germany whether this should be controlled whether this should be somehow stopped from the german side although the german officials try to play it down the german a position in parliament is saying oh how is this how could this be possible but of course they were in the know the government is in the know nobody can claim that this is actually coming as a big surprise just briefly from your party's point of view is there not no an element of exceptions the fact is that surveillance is necessary in the interests
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of national security it is justified. of course it's always a very difficult act of balance i mean on the one hand you want to protect your citizens you want to respect their right of previous see the data protection is a very big thing here in germany on the other hand you are dealing with terrorist organizations you are dealing with groups who will go to all lengths to damage the so-called west. it is in every single case very difficult decision to make whether you collect data indiscriminately from friend and foe as the n.s.a. is doing. tapping into about five hundred million forms of communication communications here in germany. and on the other hand how much can you actually do how much can
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you collect without damaging the trust we mustn't forget that apart from just private intelligence of course. economic intelligence can be gathered and of course delicate details about people in the public in the public domain they could be exposed to blackmail. quickly ask you know that clearly an uproar from the german people and many other european countries about the scale and the nature of this surveillance by the u.s. when it came to it none of these european countries or indeed germany offered snowden asylum or help them at all why is that just briefly. well again that is a very delicate question if you remember what happened to president morales when he flew back and suddenly countries like france and spain and italy just closed down their airspace so he had to land in vienna where american agents were waiting
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prepared to search mr moore others plane because they expected mr snowden to be on board there is on one hand sort of the publicized view on the other hand the public view of course german data activists who campaign for more data protection are outraged about what the n.s.a. and the german intelligence services are doing on the other hand there are. they have to respect and sometimes it seems like a double play and you don't know if you don't really know what she told them trees are doing hugh thank you very much indeed and live from berlin thank you for your thoughts on this well let's just quickly remind you of our breaking news story this is that whistleblower edward snowden has been given temporary asylum here in russia and has left moscow's sheremetyevo airport he did so in a taxi accompanied by we can each representative sarah harrison the little resisting him and attorney says the paperwork issued today allows him to live work and remain in russia for up to twelve months and his whereabouts is unknown
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according to the lawyer snowden went to a safe place and to remind you that he's the thirty year old intelligence analyst from north carolina who leaked details of a number of top secret surveillance programs that brings you up to date on the snowden saga. well. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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leaders make a decision on supplying lethal aid to rebel fighters thursday is an unofficial deadline for a decision to be made and it was set in may and lobbied for by the u.k. and france however since then you ministers seem to how to change of heart of concern by a surge of foreigners now fighting in the country and many of those come from the states now french officials says this flow is unprecedented during the nine years of the afghan conflict only fifty jihadists were identified as going to the country while in syria in one year alone more than one hundred left france to fight against president assad but experts say that most of those westerners a self radicalized and join the terrorist ranks of al qaeda and the al nusra front the official estimated number of europeans fighting in syria is now up to six hundred while the actual number could be much higher and is silly discovers this is feeding e.u. hesitancy. what are you ok on the syrian rebels or not that's a question that's been answered a number of different places
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a company began to mostly in varying degrees of light but also have always sending signals of support for the opposition there will be no political progress in less the opposition is able to withstand the onslaught and put pressure on assad so he to use there is no military victory so we will also increase our efforts to support and to shape the moderate opposition we are prepared to amend palms and bulk of it was still. we must ensure that these arms go to the syrian national coalition into no one else to one half years on syria continues to pay the delicate complex picture a battleground constantly shifting as it is with western leaders rhetoric in american twelve hour meeting in may you need or is agreed to disagree on syria with the u.k. and france successfully getting their way even though they were at odds with the twenty five other member states the european union has agreed to bring to an end
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the arms embargo only syrian opposition this is the outcome of the united kingdom it wanted rhetoric in the millicent of the meet up to the libyan intervention also led by the same players it's remarkable there you go they could simply try and override the experience of libya because as a recent report said the. supermarket for the entirety of the of the middle east and and if they were to go into syria that would be true to the power of ten on august first e.u. countries can reassess their positions on syria and those who wish to arm the rebels may do so but as that day drew closer hesitation grew louder with david cameron acknowledging that there are quote unquote a lot of bad guys amongst the rebels recent reports from syria show al qaeda affiliated groups wanting to establish an islamic caliphate and dissolution rebels defecting back to the government side before the the war in afghanistan and before
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the attack on iraq there was no al qaida in iraq there was no al qaida in yemen there was no calcutta in somalia there was no al qaida in syria but there is not an idea that's not lost on the british prime minister there's too much extremism among some of the rebels but frankly we do need to do more to help promote those parts of the opposition that want a free purchased a democratic syria and so we're not all being the rebels this are cilia r t london . and earlier i spoke to dmitri bunting whose son went to syria to join jihadist forces. first i want to hold on to it friends with muslim brothers when they became eighteen and there's nothing wrong with that to go holiday discover the walls you know and after. that they may send those much as though there's in cairo that they give him money that they give him a scholarship that they pay money to study to continue the study of this muslim religion and sufism you know but i didn't trust it to have the feeling that
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something was going wrong you had that wind just cereal i know i'm going to make it fast as. he went to syria i start to discover every day thousand pictures and videos of syria and one day i recognize my all son in the video with other belgian guys so i moved to see that i was in the way or i've seen so many cruel things even when the fighting group and got to where they could not me that put the cuffs on me i was almost that's and at least i came back to the house because these radical people these leaders this show you know they don't give me the opportunity to see my own son if you experience the horrors of war do you think he would want to come back but they may not let him in effect has he been kidnapped. because they. were standing above all these children from the west not only from the west but many of the young guys from all over the walls they are using this young children and all months that they see they see their family are they go back to europe right
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to be you say to parents. they think it's all a thing as western children and really as a very very traumatic it's a very traumatic time for him what do you say to other parents who could well experience the same thing what do you say offer in terms of advice that this could happen to their children it's time five to twelve that the international community need to stand up and react i am very realistic and not only me but this is a much it's all the parents and that's why the international community in the direct they are doing nothing doing nothing the west is doing nothing to bring our children back they. even sabbat this radical fighters. more news in half an hour cross talk is next.
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remember we talked about clothing for regular folks like you and me that can make you invisible to drones well freedom fashions as i like to call them are continuing to expand although the fact that our drones infrared eyes are very scary the more common street cameras are way more likely to want to average day violate your privacy and thus they invented the justice cap this hat blocks your face with the lights from face recognition software all the camera will see is an anonymous glowing ghost i personally haven't tested this thing out nor have i seen it with my own eyes and wearing three aaa batteries on your head at all times does seem like a bit of a bother but hey if you really want to be left alone and you're willing to throw down a few dollars this looks like a pretty good fashion statement to me the sad thing is that this sort of invention shouldn't need to exist people shouldn't have to live with the constant fear of unlawful consent less observation but sadly they do so inventors keep the freedom fashions coming but that's just my opinion.
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