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tv   Headline News  RT  August 1, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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tell him that he was. coming up on r t edward snowden has been granted temporary asylum in russia after being stuck at the moscow airport for weeks he's now somewhere in the country at a safe location is more on the story ahead. and with the ongoing n.s.a. surveillance scandal there's a growing concern over how the feis a court system works now some members of congress are hoping to increase transparency and oversight will bring in the details. and the once great motor city has been in steep decline for decades the city faces eighteen billion dollars in debt and is attempting to interface up see our t. travels to the motor city for a look at the decline. it's
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thursday august first eight pm in washington d.c. and meghan lopez and you are watching r t well our top story tonight is edward snowden he has left a share meant to have all airport in moscow after russian authorities granted him temporary asylum in the country the attorney for the former n.s.a. contractor says the documents allowing him into russia were issued today snowden is now allowed to live work and travel in the country for up to a year this temporary asylum is also renewable almost as soon as those papers were issued edward snowden packed his bags and left the airport bound for an undisclosed location know where he goes from here and what he does from here on out is still very much a mystery for the latest from moscow earlier i spoke to our to correspondent lizzie france and i asked her if she has any idea where edward snowden is. well that is the million dollar question in moscow right now there's been no official indication of where he may have been headed when he left the airport wiki leaks did release
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a statement saying that he and his advisor sara harrison i had left the airport this afternoon but a lot of importance has been placed on the secrecy of his location he still feels like a hunted man and the man who has been advising him here on the ground the one really facilitating a lot of his communications here anatoly cucina did say that it is important that edward keep his location secret so as much as the press here would like to know where he's spending this first night in moscow it is not forthcoming at this point do we have any indication where he is headed or what he plans to do next where will he would stay in russia i know that the russian government has indicated that it will not help him answer any of those questions but do we have any indication at this point. what the next step in his plan according to his advisors when he initially put forth his temporary asylum bid in russia there were plans if the big was turned down he was going to appeal it and
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that made it obvious he was very serious about about living here now that it has been has been favorable to his cause he does plan to pursue work and to settle here in russia. as his advisor until now has told us. learning russian and he wants to make a go of it here now this is silent this temporary asylum term will last twelve months and it's got to be renewed yearly indefinitely so either way he's got he's got to make another bid every year but it still gives him twelve solid months to set up some sort of a life and his advisor is also helping his father lawn to get the proper paperwork in order to get a visa to finally come here and visit his son should we expect edward snowden to make a beeline for the ecuadorian embassy. in moscow or elsewhere considering the fact that he was granted her asylum in those latin american countries.
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well one thing that this entire story for thirty nine days of his time here at sheremetyevo airport has shown is that he is not at all eager to take to the skies again there is the possibility of a plane being forced to land we saw this on july third with the president of bolivia as plane so if any information got out that he was on a flight it could be grounded and then he may end up in the clutches of u.s. law enforcement and that is a number one thing he and his family do not want so at this point he and his advisors do say it's best for him to stay here and that is exactly what he plans to do lose it can you own up to a little bit more detail about this temporary refugee status and what it really means can he travel outside of the country for instance. he cannot go outside of the country but he can travel entirely within the bounds of the russian federation from moscow to lot of all stock in the far east so really
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wherever he wants to go obviously he's got resources wiki leaks is assisting him it has been assisting him this entire time he's obviously got allies in this country right now and a lot of russians very much approve of what he's done and how far he's taken things as far as finding safety from the government and to not wanting to to possibly risk having an unfair trial and what he's shown in his bravery in coming to a new country to try to establish a life so people here are ready with open arms to assist him so when it comes to a job which temporary asylum seekers are able to to have here he could seek employment he may find places to live and even money at his disposal so it's not as if he's leaving a war torn country torn country and knowing no one when he comes to this land he's actually got some resources and it's been. very obvious insists he broke so it'll be interesting to see as his adviser at a truly good tenet said if he's ready to meet the press we could be seeing that in
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the next couple of days and what will be interesting to see is what he's got to say to us at that point now president obama had plans to head to moscow to speak with russian president vladimir putin in september is there any indication that those talks might be off or affected by this asylum. well initially last week when the paperwork from the federal migration services was reported to possibly have been done and there was a sort of press jam here at the airport and that paperwork was not forthcoming that's when we saw a some strong reactions from the united states as far as possibly moving the location of the g. twenty summit outside of russia and of course the point of doing that would be to take it out of russia and therefore possibly making obama's visit with president putin. not happen so it looks as if since that has been shelved said the
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meeting will still go on no word yet on exactly where specifically battle that will take place but it looks right now as if as if everything is going to go on as usual of course behind closed doors who's to say but we will be hearing about that obviously after it happens you know the u.s. and russia do not have any type of extradition treaty so i talk about how that plays into this obviously american officials have lashed out saying that they're very upset about the fact that edward snowden was granted even this temporary asylum so as not having any effect on u.s. russia relations. well when it comes to as you said there is no extradition treaty and there was a tweet by u.s. ambassador to russia michael mcfaul on the twenty fourth or twenty fifth of july that simply said we are not. asking for a trip to extradition just a simple return of snowden and that was something that but that russia essentially
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said we have no obligation to do it and so we're not going to and they've really stuck to their guns on that and that has been something that has really been unwavering and so there's obviously a lot of frustration coming from the u.s. decide on this and there have been government officials tweeting since news broke that snowden had left the airport very frustrated and what will be interesting to watch in the coming days is the state department's reaction to this that he has stepped foot outside of the airport he is in the russian federation he's got twelve months here new information has come out today. other n.s.a. programs that people are not happy about and so this story is building on itself over and over and over again it's just snowballing and so this next week we'll probably have a lot of new things to cover as far as what government reactions are and so the hunt for edward snowden continues a new are to correspondent lindsey france reporting from moscow thank you so much
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well it's a secret court that almost never says no it was created by the foreign intelligence surveillance act and then expand that by the patriot act which allows the government to spy on american citizens now the fines the court is facing facing up major scrutiny from lawmakers who are demanding for better oversight following the disclosures by edward snowden connecticut senator richard blumenthal is in the process of crafting legislation to reform the feis of courts and allow for public scrutiny the problem he says is that the eleven member court is so secretive that it undermines the idea of balancing threats of terrorism with fourth amendment protections from unreasonable searches and seizures but that's not the only piece of legislation that is emerging in response to the n.s.a. surveillance revelations or to political commentator sam sachs has more. the greatest fear that i have regarding the outcome. for america of these disclosures is that nothing will change as snowden finally leaves
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a moscow airport today his greatest fear that nothing will change hasn't materialized but instead a flurry of legislation has dropped here on capitol hill to rein in the n.s.a. and be more transparency to the top secret pfizer court and last week's near passage of the a march conyers amendment which would have defunded the n.s.a.'s mass collection of data on american citizens shows that momentum for reform is building today senators why didn't you tell him blumenthal introduce reforms to the pfizer court including putting in place a special privacy advocate to defend the civil liberties of americans before the top secret court here is a measure that protects core constitutional rights in a way that focuses on making the courts and the process. better and fair having two sides represented in court what's more american also senator patrick leahy introduced the comprehensive accountability in privacy protection act which narrows the scope of the patriot act to limits gag orders on data collection view
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and fast forwards the sunset of the fai's amendments act congress has to carefully consider the powerful surveillance to be granted government intrusion sure there is stringent oversight accountability and transparency i've introduced a bill that addresses not only section two hundred five and section seven the two but also national security letters and roving wiretaps and other authorities in the patriot act it's also today senator al franken dropped a bill requiring disclosure of the number of americans who had their information collected and reviewed by the n.s.a. i don't want to a situation where the government is transparent only when it's convenient for the government meanwhile in the house congressman rush holt introduced legislation to repeal the patriot act and the pfizer amendments act passing the patriot act is one of my great regrets and i in my time in congress hold says he was deceived by the n.s.a. in two thousand and five about the extent of its domestic surveillance programs i wrote the end of the n.s.a.
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restoring letter. choosing am is not just deceiving me and individual but withholding from congress. the necessary information for congress to be able to do its oversight that even members of the intelligence committees are getting into the game with congressman adam schiff has introduced a number of reforms to the pfizer court that including more oversight in appointing judges and declassification of pfizer court legal opinions there's a substantial degree to which we can declassify things that won't impera national security that will allow a more full debate that will allow better momentum behind reform and that's what i'm trying to do with these fires of course bills even senator dianne feinstein one of the biggest supporters of the n.s.a. . has come around to the opinion that reform is inevitable in an op ed for the washington post this week feinstein wrote despite these real threats that our intelligence programs seek to thwart i intend to work with members of the senate intelligence and judiciary committees to consider changes to the n.s.a.
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call records program in an effort to increase transparency and improve privacy protections but recognizing their executive grip on the n.s.a. is slipping today the white house huddled together those lawmakers pushing for reform and the chief of the n.s.a. keith alexander is again on capitol hill briefing lawmakers on why these programs must stay intact but here on capitol hill the winds are blowing in the direction of reform and some a matter of if but when and what reform will look like and how will affect the n.s.a. and the top secret far as a court which means somewhere in russia edward snowden should be smiling in washington sam sachs r t let's head to fort meade maryland now where the sentencing phase of private first class bradley manning court martial continues after being found guilty of twenty charges of espionage embezzlement and best on tuesday manning could face up to one hundred thirty six years in prison for leaking more than seven hundred thousand classified diplomatic cables and battleground reports
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to wiki leaks whether manning will serve more than a century and present depends on if the government can prove that these cables get leaks costs significant harm members of the military have made that argument in the past take a lesson do you think that this in danger is the lives of american troops these kind of leaks absolutely not just american troops but also endangers a lives of other individuals that we've engaged in our in our overall efforts foreign intelligence agencies our enemies then we go into these wind by lying all these cables to find out what we knew when we know it who could have given that information which people in which governments could be cooperating with us this puts their lives at risk if somebody is cooperating with. the federal government in your name is listed in an action report. i don't think it's a stretch to believe that that could potentially put. a group or an individual a great person really. but and this is
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a big but according to the general who was in charge of investigating wiki leaks that just isn't true yesterday a key government witness may have been given the defense a huge break in its case retired brigadier general robert carr who headed up the task force investigating the leaks testified that they found no evidence of an intelligence source killed or even harmed as a result of cable gate cars a second in command john kerr chuff are also testified but he was equally on able to confirm an instance of a death and instead he focused on potential harm now today state department official elizabeth divil describe the quote horror and disbelief that accompanied the release of these diplomatic cables however she too was not able to demonstrate any instances of harm to either individuals or to u.s. foreign relations in open court. well from bad to worse the financial prospects of detroit are more grim up by the day republican governor rick snyder posted
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a statement on his website announcing that michigan has no plans to bail out the city because quote we don't want to reward it mismanagement the choice financial troubles have been years in the making and there were some ample signs but the city was on the brink of a cash strapped calamity right now sixty percent of children in the city live below the poverty line to make things worse city officials announced a ten percent wage cut another benefit reductions for detroit police department lieutenants and sergeants as well as ten percent pay were adoptions on about four hundred members of the detroit firefighters association so it looks like there's no end in sight well breaking the set producer david went to the motor city to find out why the city is losing all of its steam. we cannot and must not and we will not while i mean it seems like a calamity of the distant past it was only four years ago that the obama
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administration rode to the rescue of two detroit automakers general motors and chrysler the federal government poured eighty billion dollars into the companies extending them a lifeline out of a looming bankruptcy. but it seems the city of detroit won't get the same bailout even after declaring a twenty billion dollar debt becoming the largest municipal bankruptcy in u.s. history and this time around city employees will feel it the most as they are likely to see significant cuts to their pensions and post employment health care benefits bill of voice of concern is reverberating throughout the city has been quite overtaken another sentiment one that magnified over the last few years i've been here all my life and i see the good in it being not like it is we're good as come these people by and. i see a lot of construction going on a lot of people moving down here a lot of jobs job opportunities for people down here and it's just becoming
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a vibrant city the choice a place where things can grow there's room here and there's. fresh fresh minds people are moving here all the time so i feel like there's unlimited potential here it's sincere optimism which many experts say is a result of the innovators and investors that are taking a chance on the city that's what took me to tech town a business incubator that's cultivating the startups that are vance ing new technologies an area that president and c.e.o. leslie smith says has only grown the activity that we're seeing you know in the midtown and downtown is certainly exponentially different than it was three and five years ago in terms of the support for entrepreneurs the planning for entrepreneurs the opportunities for entrepreneurs to kind of grow and launch businesses here it's a snapshot of a booming tech industry that's taking detroit by storm according to automation. alys latest tech report the growth has been so large that the city is now starting to outpace multiple national tech hubs like boston chicago in even silicon valley
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perhaps the greatest symbol of detroit's tech renaissance in the madison building once a movie theater the fifty thousand square foot building is now home to over three hundred entrepreneurs and american investors investments are giving the city a huge boost but it's not just american entrepreneurs looking to detroit as fertile ground there's a whole host of foreign investors who are banking on the city's potential case in point china so far over sixty chinese companies have put down roots in detroit investing in a myriad of businesses and new vehicle technologies robert for cano who oversees detroit as wayne county executive has been to china seven times since two thousand and five he says the recent activity is sending a very powerful message they still see this is a strong economy i mean people i know get uptight about them buying or treasury bonds and things like that step back and say what does that mean that means they
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believe in your economy and that belief in the economy is echoed by detroiters we're starting to see their community change. one of those neighborhoods it's cast or door an area that seen unprecedented development with refurbished streets new restaurants and retail shops clear nelson both works and lives in the neighborhood what i'm seeing is. a lot of investment and creativity and innovation happening around retail cooler so this tax finally for the first time in a long time is why i want people experimenting with new ideas new ideas being brought to the city by new people with a younger generation not only working in detroit but living here to revitalizing the city one neighborhood at a time and that's why people here say detroit might just be carving out a new identity. perhaps not once only defined by cars but rather by the innovation that's bringing the city back to life in detroit near
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a day that our team angela short time ago i brought breaking the separatists are a mirror and david into the conversation to speak more in depth about where detroit will hunt from here and she started off by explaining where the city stands in terms of its bankruptcy proceedings well right now it has to go through the bankruptcy court proceedings so we're still at the initial stages of a bankruptcy court judge just set a date i believe yesterday or the day before august nineteenth that's a key date to put on the calendar that is the date for which all challenges have to come forward for detroit's eligibility for bankruptcy in october this will go to court and they will address that question whether detroit can be eligible so still a long road ahead to see how this is going to shake out and it's very interesting because as i had alluded to earlier the governor has said that he has no plans to help the city out on a federal level bloomberg reports that president obama hasn't proposed giving colombia the country about three hundred twenty three million dollars in aid next year mostly the combat drug trafficking and violence but he only plans to give
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detroit away by the way has eighty one percent higher homicide rates in columbia only about one hundred eight point two million dollars so that's very interesting but obviously as your story pointed out people are moving back into the city why is that people are moving back into the city i think that they're really starting to notice a difference in their neighborhoods you have pop of shops you know that are starting to emerge you have big store fronts that are starting to take root in the city you have a lot of new innovation there's a lot of business incubator that are pouring tons and tons of resources into people that just want to start you know experiment with ideas and start their small businesses so there is a lot about the city that is now attractive to young people and then actually i got to speak with one trader her name is claire nelson and she was explaining to me that there's a little hipster scene emerging so we do can listen to what she has to say. as
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we've seen across the united states children that grew up in the suburbs are hungry for earvin interesting multicultural lifestyle and so we're seeing a new generation of people trying to rediscover the city and that to me is only a positive thing because you know they want they want more adventure they want more life they want. a more interesting lifestyle and i think that the trait totally provides that i think because of. and cheap land here an artist a through and through creative professional this is an attractive place to live it is the charge of place to live according to them and the interesting thing is that there are the detroit red wings as in the process of trying to build a new stadium up a new hockey arena but almost half of the six hundred fifty million dollars needed to build that arena will actually come from the government so why are they willing to allocate money to the red wings and not to the city well i think it was
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a project that was in production well before any of this bankruptcy talk was in the news but you know what i did to get the chance to talk to a couple people about this and i got more positive feedback than negative feedback about it and i think at the end of the day people know that this is going to bring more investment to the city when comerica park was bill which is the tiger stadium tons of businesses opened around the area tons of people fell intrigued about the area decided to build more apartments and develop develop the area more so i think people are actually looking at this as as a really good thing breaking the separatists are a mirror david thank you so much for bringing us that insight into a city that is very much in trouble right now well thanks to smartphones we have unprecedented access to information while on the fly whether it be an instant access of wikipedia or the use of g.p.s. or google maps or a quick shots on your vine all of this was harder to access or just didn't exist just
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a few years. mac but on the other side of that digital klein is the ability to track a person through their smartphone a situation where some apps require a trade in of your smartphones g.p.s. location and more in order to be able to work for more on that the residence laurie harnessed. so you with the smartphone in your hands tweeting about how you hate the n.s.a. put down that new lie the one we're all addicted to for just a second because our smartphones are turning into big brother machines war and more
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every day looks like the next i phone is going to have fingerprints recognition in it the new i o. west seven operating software has references to a fingerprint scanner in it which would be able to read your thumb friends whenever you touch the i phone that could be used to prevent other people from using your phone to accept payments without having to type in a password that kind of thing so essentially apple will be booking you just like the cops do when you get arrested only in this case your volunteer e to be fingerprinted samsung galaxy s three had facial recognition built into it allowing you to i'm not the phone just by letting the phone look at you of virtual voluntary mug shot and a recent washington post article reveals that your phone physical location can be pinpointed and tracked whether it's on or off so your phone is
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a homey beacon to touch it look at it leave it off on your kitchen callen or your smartphone is tracking. and now there's a rush to create apps that will track you to us research shows that at least two thirds of them coyer are. already using some type of electronic monitoring and now people are developing asked to help them spy on their workers text messages so even your boss is finding a way to spy on you through your smartphone a member of the senate intelligence committee ron wyden has been hinting over and over at the n.s.a. is tracking your cell phone location saying things like that tendre that most of us here have a computer in our pocket that potentially can be used to track and monitor us twenty four seven he's basically admitting that your smartphone is a perfect tracking device and we know that the tech companies running your bones are includes with the n.s.a.
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in the last two years the number of people accessing the internet by smartphone has grown to over eight hundred million an increase of over sixty percent so is smartphones become more powerful tracking in spine devices we are using them more and more. you don't have to be a genius to realize that our addiction to smart phones just might be a dumb idea tonight with tweet about bat following me on twitter at the residents. are right and that does it for now but before you throw away those smart phones be sure to tune in to youtube dot com slash r t america for more or check out our web site r c dot com slash usa follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez and have a great night. the
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guantanamo bay detention facility. years old broken presidential promises the congressional the never ending war on terror. to keep this prison open. to tear it all down as this hunger strike near six months party takes a closer look at the prison and just close. the groundbreaking education reform are fighting for america's students her latest book is called radical but is she too radical for the american educational system michelle rhee is here next on politicking with larry king.
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is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details and information and media hype we'll keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream. if in your. he.


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