tv Breaking the Set RT August 2, 2013 6:29am-7:01am EDT
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chairman ben bernanke to account for just half a trillion of that money. goes. to the financial institutions and europe and other countries which ones. i don't know. half a trillion dollars and you don't know who got the money the loan went to the loans go to the central banks and they then put them out there so their institutions to try to bring down short term interest rates and all the markets around the world well let's start with which central banks got the money there fourteen of them which are listed in our i'm sure they're listed in here somewhere yes i'm sure someone somewhere knows something about where that money where they disappeared to so are we really better off with too big to fail banks being even bigger now and i think we all know the answer is no it's clear that this government is more concerned with maintaining a well oiled corporatocracy than it is with the financial well being of its citizenry but it's not just the corporate sponsors that the government favors over its people its foreign governments to take
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a look at how much money the top five of us foreign aid received last year one and a half billion dollars went to egypt iraq one point six pakistan over two billion two point three for afghanistan and the closest ally to the us israel receives more than three billion dollars in aid every year but some of the funding to other foreign militaries might surprise you in the opiah takes in a half a billion of us taxpayer dollars every year in exchange for the ability to launch drones from the country but what about honduras which rakes in thirty million dollars specifically to fund a police force that acts more like a death squad and all this propping up of foreign governments militaries doesn't even include the heavy cost of maintaining the us empire's nine hundred military bases worldwide just think about these numbers the next time you hear the media or the government reporting at the idea of helping this country's distressed local economies because a mere frack. of the money that the u.s.
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has wandered in iraq and afghanistan kind of turned detroit into the by so the excuse that the government can't help detroit continues to funnel billions of dollars and other countries doesn't quite add up you see the people that create the wealth in this country deserve a piece of the pie and that should be top priority. these days it seems that big brother is really its ugly head around every corner of the planet invading nearly every aspect of our lives and well two thousand and twelve saw an unprecedented growth in technology capable of dropping needs in the most innocuous of places two thousand and thirteen is proving to be even worse but whenever something has the ability to be used as a spine device it's also vulnerable to being hacked so to go over the vast reach of
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big brother today i'm joined now by b.t.s. producer emmanuel got off a low but i am not a man that a lot. of those crazy people. drop in papers so let's talk about networks because i think this is probably the biggest revelation in the wake of the n.s.a. leaks and just realizing how expansive the spying grid really is not just across america but across the world just i mean absolutely that's what we were learning that's what we learned mainly through the prism that everything is connected we already knew that everything's connected to their networks but it's really really dangerous how far you can take that when you go to the hospital for example and one machine is connected to your finger that is being relayed to the nurses' station that in itself is you know has all your records in it if it's on a network it can be hacked and you can apply that to everything so you can apply that on a worldwide scale what prison revealed to us is that it's not just going on here in the united states but it's going on all over the world i mean we have access from by we i don't really mean we you know the government of the united states has.
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access to infrastructure systems in china civilian infrastructure going to hospitals and schools and it's and it's rapid and it's all over the world and that's a really really terrifying thing but like in a grander scheme of things yeah it seems terrible but when you think about you know if they did want to look into any little aspect of your life that that has to do with a network they can do it and every aspect of our lives these days is you know in one way or another network and yeah exactly and i think another aspect of this is the devices that we use on these networks and i think it all goes back to ninety four the blueprint of u.s. authoritarian of authoritarianism but in one thousand for the telescreen was in everyone's home is mandated by the government to be in your home and to spy on you know but really any device now is the modern day telescreen absolutely any anything that anything that connects to the internet that has a camera that has a microphone is essentially tells you know we've made the comparison with with our i phones because i mean that's the one thing that's that's on you it's on you like a watch it's on you like a wallet we always we always have this thing on and it's no coincidence we had an
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iphone for example is that you know body design you can't remove the battery that in itself gives gives a third party the capability of you know going in and turning on the camera turning on the microphone even when you think that the devices is off but you know in reality when you look at nine hundred eighty four and you remember you know his telescope was an actual screen up on the wall samsung has smart t.v.'s that have microphones that have that have cameras on them that have been proven and we it's up right now you're looking at the smart t.v.'s here it's been proven that you can hack into these these smart t.v.'s and conduct surveillance in somebody's living room without them even knowing about right and i mean and it goes beyond just more t.v. washers we're talking about every year this year i mean it's very difficult if you want your home. first of all why is a dishwasher like even able to connect to the internet i need to be able to you know drive my dishes well i'm not worried oh yeah no i mean this is this can be applied to. actively anything in our home here's what i found everything is
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becoming more and more here's what i found most disturbing that the i phone yes we know that that can be hacked the dishwasher not so much but this is what i found the creepiest is the i phone charger yeah i know you can actually have into a person's phone look somebody can just switch out your phone your i phone but your charger i believe the charger is your work someone could just replace it with another charger that's going to data mine everything in my phone not this and to be honest you know there's so many other ways of getting information these days that this seems so. not even necessary but it can be done and this is just another one of the way to really and i think when we take this into even more frightening realm is the car hacking hijacking cars and drones i mean we're talking about thirty thousand of these drones unmanned vehicles unmanned aerial vehicles flying over the u.s. potentially by two thousand and twenty to the f.a.a. and we're talking about the ability to hack these drones i mean what is that going to do and then on top of that especially in light of the death of michael hastings
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i mean speculation about hacking cars. we know that this is we know that it's not new that this technology and the capability to hack a car that has an onboard computers we know that this is been around for a while but really what's what's really started to shine a light on that on how dangerous this could be is all the questions that remain unanswered over michael hastings mysterious death and we heard richard clarke come out and say you know this is definitely within the realm of possibility so this is why wherever we're talking about devices that are able to be hacked we go into cameras that are already so prevalent talk about board and stare we have a yeah we're going to gorgon stare is already being used in afghanistan and we should really explain what it is a little bit it's a system of about nine cameras with with just an incredible range you can. kind of survey an entire city from a single journey were mounting drones on many cameras on drones that are capable of doing just about everything we just recently. in the last few weeks the military
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launched the first drop off of an aircraft carrier landed safely off of an aircraft carrier so we're seeing now that not only are the cameras more sophisticated but the drones are as well i think that the most important thing is that with the evolution of technology the more privacy protections are needed on these devices on the surveillance thank you so much man all. still ahead i sit down with actor and director sean stone to talk about everything from islam but how will find his online show. from one show reverberate through the centuries when vengeance called for blood. i have imagined hanging on this member him for eight years to. get out wave law and faith in the caucasus. vendettas were handed down from generation to generation and they killed my son with impunity to kill them with impunity there
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was a question of can once mortal enemies be reconciled today. see . we speak your language. news programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angles stories. for you here. to try to alter the spanish find out more visit. wealthy british style. time with.
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o p. i. pick it. the conviction that brought me to continue to do it to be no doubt we so close will be to be dated and in prison by the powers that be at the same time american and western publics are not the enemy is that's top secret sauce the lines in precious treasure don't we have a right to know what we're fighting. like. yourself
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or she or anything like that. in the era of interconnectedness you would think that humanity would be growing more tolerant however it seems that our society cannot shake the irrational fear of the other an enemy that's been constructed by the powers that be to perpetuate endless war and they are broken of civil liberties in fact the latest pew research poll on attitudes toward muslims shows that forty percent of americans believe islam is a religion of violence well earlier i spoke to someone with a unique perspective on the matter sean stone son of director all over stone who was of jewish descent was raised christian and also recently embraced islamic faith and this is how the corporate media reacted when he did. twenty seven year old sean stoll and sort of controversial director oliver stone covered it is law in iran on
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valentine's day he became a muslim on valentine's day in iran while working on a documentary there the trip is given shot an interesting perspective on iran its people politics and even though it's president mahmoud ahmadinejad seems very perverse that you would wish to spend much time with this guy given you'll find. while the media's been fixated on stone as a muslim he's also a burgeoning actor and filmmaker who recently directed and starred in the film greystone park and now he's co-hosting an online talk show called buzz saw i first asked shawn about what first made him an brace islam and here's what he had to say . i'm part jewish my dad's side is half jewish but frankly my father is a buddhist and doesn't feel you know any real attachment to the jewish faith i was raised with the mixture in a sense because i was baptized christian and i studied the old testament new testament as a kid especially in school and then you know post nine eleven i became curious
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about islam. because i wanted to see the other side's point of view but frankly from the western side seemed that islam was a fanatical religion and yet. i never take you know never to never judge a book by the cover i want to actually read the koran and understand it and in the course of the journeying to places like the west bank with my father in two thousand and two and then traveling to somalia myself. all these you know these trips ultimately leading to iran in two thousand and eleven all these trips really opened my eyes to the islamic world and i saw islam as a continuation of the judeo christian tradition i see it you know very much for the prophet muhammad as a last prophet in that lineage and the koran is a very sensible book if you read it frankly it makes a whole lot of sense regarding their interpretation of jesus when they look at the prophet too as a prophet and obviously the abrahamic. lineage from abraham to moses are all very
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much respected in the koran and of course that any book can really be misinterpreted interpreted in different ways obviously your experiences worldwide that force you to see these myths firsthand and have them be constructed around someone who's very well versed in a lot of different engines what's the response of those who argue that a clash of civilizations is inevitable between these in the west yeah i mean we saw that very much in the ninety's i remember the literature and sam huntington take on clash of civilizations and frankly you know people remember the history that. lewis and huntington were came out of came out. ology of the seventy's which came through the carter white house through brzezinski in particular is foreign to his national security adviser zbigniew brzezinski. actively sought the war with the soviet union through inciting them to invade afghanistan and he admitted as much saying that we
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provoked the soviet invasion of afghanistan we basically created their vietnam because their afghan war lasted what eight nine years it was a horrible defeat for them and so he their their policy from the seventy's was let's create a clash of civilizations along this fault line against the soviet union because the soviet union at the time clear all these muslim states you know and you see it this day in the chechen war for example so the idea of clash of civilizations was it was a war that they created against the soviets to break up the soviet empire and ultimately you know some people say it backfired and led to the invasion led to the attacks against america but ultimately i look at it as very much a british imperial strategy of creating dissent according to slip dissent in the islamic world between shia and sunni for example that most americans understand if you go to the middle east to understand a much much better how the the war in iraq and syria is creating and fomenting this this violence of the old idiology is very much like the protestants and catholics
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fighting you know in an ireland that's an that's an american but it's a british imperial strategy that the americans adopted in the seventy's and carries through to this day so i don't believe it at all because i see that all these people from across the world live together harmoniously they have historically and yet we have an imperial strategy that's actually trying to incite this violence seems like a childlike kind of fantasy that you know it's inherently these people are inherently backwards and and do evolve and so of course are going to come to a head it really does serve the interest the establishment pretty well in terms of perpetuating them to what extent is the corporate media complicit in this perpetuation of the narrative of islamophobia and what agenda do they. served on. i mean this is obviously a major question of what we're dealing with as a human species at this time i try to put an end to this clash of civilizations dialogue by accepting islam publicly and saying you know within myself i'm jewish christian muslim there are many there are millions of people around the world who
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would understand that and agree with that the problem is of course the media controls what we see towards that and you know we put together a show with tyrrell and it was just. called buzz which we do on online it's an alternative media source it's a little bit like you know alex jones or r t in the sense that it's not conventional we take the articles in the stories of the major news media are not publishing and they're not you know pushing because as we know the media is controlled it's a conglomerate system and it's very easy. to really dissect it look at who owned who or the companies or corporations and it really boils down to less than than ten that that own all the major news media and the media is obviously tied together between the t.v. networks and the film studios and then you go towards you know broadcasting of all kinds and it just becomes it is a conspiracy and it's a conspiracy of a mission a mission it's all meeting the the facts that don't fit the narrative that they want to construct and so i think that the beauty of the internet is that people are
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able to see alternative points of view their bill to see you know they're able to become more and more aware and i think that's why the media is actually the major news media actually is facing this ultimately they're going to face a great awakening of people and that's why they want to create as much chaos and destruction and fear as possible they want to kind of as they need to be pushed into irrelevancy and it is a conspiracy in plain sight shot i mean we have six media corporations conglomerates and there's about one hundred twenty boards of directors sitting on those corporate conglomerates that also sit on the board of directors for these defense contractors monsanto etc so it really has been plain sight for those who seek seek information in order to construct an enemy though of course like ever. just analysts war it's no surprise how much islamophobia that we're seeing across the corporate media today you mention hollywood what about hollywood with shows like homeland movies like zero dark thirty i mean would you say that hollywood's also doing the bidding of the establishment yeah you know the unfortunate thing is that we live in realities we live in
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a world of fear and most people are motivated by fear and it's become more and more apparent even though i would say more people are waking up in the truth about the internet and the alternative media sources is that it's not that it's only that people are waking up but that we're becoming more aware of those who are awakened and we can create more networks between those who are aware and it in that but in the day all these millions of people who are aware of the conspiracies who are and who are aware that you know nine eleven was probably an inside job of some kind but it was not simply a ragtag group of terrorists led by bin laden who conducted this this this this operation and now led to over a decade of constant fear mongering and aggression and yet despite the fact that there's more awareness on it why is it that we do continue to see this propaganda about the bogeyman terrorists whether they be. muslim or russian or or north korean or whatnot what is that system it's a cycle of fear it's a cycle that has to be broken internally and it's very difficult to deal with because the day money is obviously driving these operations whether it be hollywood
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or media and so long as the money is saying don't take the risk don't don't make the film that can be critical of u.s. policy. then of course you know that's that will that will get i will become a test that will be the status quo until someone is risky enough and happens to be able to break it and as soon as it gets broken then that becomes a trend but right now we are still living in that in that cortinas sense that the threat of terrorism is still less than slipping in the bath tub and falling i mean furniture falling on you from an apartment complex and it's basically nil so it's totally erroneous stephen have this endless war of civil liberties and i want to move on to palestine you've been very outspoken about the issue your father. oliver stone has been very outspoken about the israeli lobby saying that it not only controls foreign policy but an aspect of hollywood as well what are your thoughts on israel's fear of influence there's a lot of conflict internally and there always has been frankly in israel there's always been a large. conflict between the european settlers and you know coming from different
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parts of europe not feeling comfortable in this you know in what is historically palestine so there's a lot of you know there's a lot of internal issues and that's why you know it's ironic that netanyahu is an american isn't actually the american guy who is now the prime minister of israel just to show you that the reason why the middle easterners a lot of middle easterners object to israel's existence is that historically they look at it as a crusader state the crusader kingdom because it's the exact same location that the europeans established their crusader kingdom a thousand years ago and so when they see all these european russian jews you know coming into israel they're saying look at these european settlers they're not they're not jews from our you know from this region that they have no ties to the land they're coming here to set settle and that's their the middle east the middle eastern point of view as far as why they object to it now i'm not a proponent of you know attacking israel or trip or trying to solve it at this point but i'm simply saying that that is why there is so much antagonism to israel
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is that they look at it historically as a continuation of this european encroachment upon the middle east that we always hear of the other side and that's why it's important for to even discuss what the other perspective is because we literally do not hear that ever in the u.s. that is so interesting that the u.s. is so focused on iran's nuclear development and saying it would create a nuclear arms race in the region meanwhile israel's had nuclear weapons for years i mean isn't the harmonies are pretty creative i wanted to sum this up as someone who has spent a lot of time in iran what would you say the biggest misconception is about the country given the incessant propaganda about them being america's biggest enemy. i think the the frankly i was always surprised people asking me if i was scared when i went there because there was no sense of there's no there's no terrorism that occurs you know within iran or you know it's a very stable contrie whether or not you know hezbollah who they support in lebanon is a terrorist or not you know that's debatable because as they operate within the lebanese
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borders i don't consider them to be terrorists i feel i see them as defenders of lebanese sovereignty because the lebanon has been invaded numerous times by israel so iran is as a terrorist sponsor think is a great. exaggeration and frankly it's you know the whole concept of terrorism is quite is quite insane at this point where we have drones and missiles being launched and killing you know hundreds of thousands of people in that region in the cross you know across the middle east across north africa since this war on terror is a kurd how many thousands of families and civilians and children have been killed in the process and yet because we kill them with our missiles we don't call us we don't consider ourselves terrorists we only consider those who blow themselves up terrorists and obviously that's that can't you can you cannot create that qualification that's a one hundred eighty four. doublespeak term so the idea of iran as discrete terrorist enemy is not true they're very civilized people they have a three thousand year history they are not looking to destroy their set themselves
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in the process of a war against iran against israel unless there is a good motivation to do so so whatever becomes of this conflict against iran i think we have to realize that their strategy is to their long term interest is to continue the persian state which as i said is three thousand years old one of the oldest it holds all the states in the world that you know aside from china for example right maybe india it's like there's nothing old there so why would they seek to destroy themselves with some kind of fanatical war against israel just makes no sense it's really clear to see who the aggressor is when you look at the timeline of aggression u.s. versus. iran and another one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist to wrap it up really quickly tell people where you can see your new show on line and check out more about you. yeah absolutely our show buzzsaw airs goes on you tube but you can check us out on the lip t.v. that's the studio the company that we sponsors and shows our stuff so
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buzzsaw is the name of the show myself. but the wallace we're trying to get some alternative media out there and you know what our team is doing is you know great job and we need more of it thank you so much stone actor writer director awesome to talk to you. thank you so much. and i'll do it for us tonight guys see you back here tomorrow. the main competitor girl on the market is mother nature. may customers struggle with true. for each drug. supply. let people think higher prices.
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i would smell it in the leaves the transits are the most vulgar after russia grants him again as a son and a decision that caused you read motion to i'm trying to fresh threats including the possible consolation of a toplevel by the metro summit. as snowden's latest published leaks reveal the us security poured a million millions into the biggest richest supply agency highlighting london's dependence on washington. and sexual assaults by prison guards claimed to be a part of the cell such routine by the longest of british resident at the dawn tunnel bay detention center that carries out a special investigation.
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