tv Headline News RT August 3, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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i. think. the surveillance control spirals in the u.k. and made new revelations naming three telecom giants who allowed a british intelligence agency to look through private data of millions of clients. and in the u.s. debate over mass surveillance is swept under the carpet while whistleblower edward snowden dominates the headlines. and is america citizens away from the middle east to to an unspecified terror threat we look at the butterfly effect of washington says that the rebellion in syria. welcome it's good to have you company you're watching r.t.
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coming to you live from moscow with me andrew farm. now there have been further revelations in the ongoing spy scandal in the u.k. the world's major telecommunications have been working alongside a british intelligence agency handing over swathes of private data documents leaked by u.s. whistleblower edward snowden suggest that verizon business vodafone cable and bt were among those who gave g c h q unlimited access to their network of cables their collaboration allowed the agency to harvest millions of phone calls e-mails and facebook conversations and this comes in the wake of reports that america's national security agency is generously funding british surveillance the details now from artie's. incredibly high profile names in the telecommunications industry and these three big companies and the four smaller companies really making
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up a large part of the high capacity undersea fiber optic cables that really make up the backbone of the internet's architecture now back in june the guardian newspaper has revealed details of g c h q so-called data hoovering programs not this was where he said it's alleged were able to tap into these fiber optic cables and install bars amounts of data for up to thirty days now this was named operation tempora and the german newspaper has just published what it's alleged is the most sensitive aspect of this operation and that is the name of the commercial companies that were passing along this information they were all given top secret code names bt it's alleged code names remedy verizon business allegedly named dacron telecommunications providers can be compelled to cooperate with requests from governments under the nine hundred eighty four telecommunications act but what
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privacy advocates are really concerned with here is that these big companies haven't been giving enough of a challenge to requests for this large scale surveillance of the company have yet to respond to these specific allegations but the german newspaper saying that the details that they've gone through in this is from the big chunk of information leaked by whistleblower edward snowden prior to see his gaining asylum in russia and the germany's purpose of this really shows now that telecoms firms were far more complicit in u.s. u.k. spying activities one hundred million pounds were provided by washington t g c h q over a period of three years now they were payments that were made to secure access to brits isn't it british intelligence gathering programs and in return it was alleged that. is required to quote pull its weight so certainly the backlash that you're going to see it already seeing if you take a look online at some of the customer comments of course huge concern that these
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very well known company appear to have allegedly breached their customer's privacy in this way while the british us tit for tat spy affair is nothing new to former m i five officer who says that in the last few years it's added a whole new dimension one thing that people tend to forget is there is an old program of mutual assistance which was called echelon which was exposed in the one nine hundred eighty s. and then fed into the european parliament in the one nine hundred ninety s. which led to a report that said that europe should develop its own standalone internet infrastructure and not depend on the u.s. infrastructure of course this came out just before nine eleven and locks in sort of security panic that happened afterwards so this will resistance have been going on for decades let's have no doubt about that and it's also been a very good way for the n.s.a. and q two third can bend domestic laws and domestic warrant to requirements so they
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can spy on each other and then feed each other the thing the information they need back without having to go through the courts so it's always been quite a corrupt relationship these revelations that came out in the guardian take it to a whole new level we are now looking at g t h q it's actually prostituting itself to the n.s.a. and while the scope of american led surveillance is raising eyebrows across the globe nothing has been done on capitol hill to curb the practices are to explains what the government is doing to plug the voices of discontent both at home and abroad. while edward snowden as the messenger remains the focus of everybody's attention the u.s. government is trying to kill his message or at least contain it senior intelligence officials have testified in congress so suring everything is done in accordance with the law congress has already killed the bill that would make the n.s.a. walk back some of its powers so as of now no concrete steps have been taken to rein in n.s.a. surveillance but call for reform keep coming lawmakers are putting forward new
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initiatives earlier this week the president met with members of congress specifically to discuss containing the scandal of course attacking snowden is much easier for the white house defending this of their own state and here's what president obama said about that just in the wake of snowden's revelations and if people can't trust not only the executive branch but also don't trust congress and don't trust. federal judges to make sure that we're biting by the constitution due process and rule of law then we're going to have some problems on that trust issue a gallup poll shows fifty three percent of americans now disapprove of the government surveillance programs thirty seven percent approved another poll by the queeny a pack university conducted just in the wake of snowden's revelations shows forty five percent of americans say the government's anti-terrorism efforts have gone too far restricting civil liberties three years ago that percentage was twenty five so
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it's a massive shift in attitudes but is longer snowden's own destiny remains the top story it will be much easier for the government to sweep the debate under the rug in washington i'm going to. find from reporters without borders things washington's tough stance on edward snowden is aimed at dissuading any potential whistleblowers from coming forward i just would like to remind you. the last fare of war of war against we saw glowers since the. was abducted in one thousand nine hundred seventeen. prosecution have been launched against we so blowers have been under the obama administration it's clear that the obama administration hopes that this war will discourage any potential we solved or to reveal any information that you also have to understand that here in the us any information related to national
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security is considered a secret is considered classy fight so everything is classified so it's really easy to become a creamy now in the days of the obama administration if you're revealing any information which are related to national security while it would snowden's plight as not only made it into the media headlines it's also become a new video game a new smartphone app called snowden run three d. puts a digital version of the whistleblower and never ending chase what looks like to be a cia agent in the game the man on the run is collecting u.s.b. sticks and that tops containing secret information if caught the digital snowden gets a one way ticket to guantanamo bay a call to uncle putin that's an option which drops a hydrogen bomb on the chaser however can help him avoid this scenario and there's always a restart button available which allows players to try again. it
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was. was. a suicide attack on the indian consulate in afghanistan has left at least nine people dead and around twenty injured in the latest case of violence against civilians a recent un report shows a staggering hiking casualties among non military in the country with the media tells the passing one thousand three hundred people but dr b. that day from the university of north america says the taliban only one sympathy points among locals because of the u.s. military operation but western forces the two knew just. couldn't actually call again and gone into the. legal community and never tried to understand their needs and instead of trying to implement their defined.
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wind ways of. running a state it was not. created. in the first three you have to actually in our. tradition the local or you have to be in the confidence it is only in one stage to. the developing countries are incapable only to joggle problems. while afghanistan is among twenty one countries where the u.s. has decided to close its embassies on sunday amid fears of an al qaeda terror threat most of the nations are in the middle east and it's not yet clear when the facilities will reopen washington has also issued i worldwide travel alert author and historian gerald horne says america's regional policies have backfired. i think
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that what this alert basically reflects is the fact that the united states' policy in that part of the world has backfired for example in syria united states has basically encouraged if not supported a war against the damascus based regime of all assad this is involved a number of u.s. nationals and european nationals going into syria to fight with the so-called jihad or this is given to shut me arm to. back forces as such as they'll refer to in syria which is tied to al qaida in iraq which in the last mope has been engaged in a spate of car bombings in baghdad in the surrounding region so it seems to me the state department alert basically reflects a failure of u.s. policy. the fear of a terror attack isn't just specific to the middle east with america feeling under constant threat but as are to be martin discovered sometimes the government chooses
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to turn a blind eye here's a preview of what is coming up in breaking the set three thirty pm g.m.t. . what we focus on the threat of terrorism abroad seems like things are missed here and home exactly what my next guest has experienced first hand though she worked as a customs and border protection officer on the border of mexico we had very specific alerts that on fourth of july two thousand and four members of al qaeda were planning to cross the borders into the united states using our land borders was mexico and on that date i saw that twenty three people from terrorist countries where allowed to enter the united states and none of the proper checks were done they were not enrolled in any databases no one bothered to take their fingerprints they were pretty much just flashed across and no one knew about it when i brought it up to the port director who told me to take it to intel law and behold on this date of special importance everyone in intel was given the day off their door was closed and i reported this to the f.b.i.'s joint terrorism task force and myself
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became the enemy of the state for embarrassing homeland security and so instead of investigating that which they closed was no action annoying best aviation they opened fifty four investigations against me and they sent a black hawk helicopter to raid my home they had my husband and i twice maliciously prosecuted and imprisoned and we had to fight back to clear our name. never seen anything like that. coming up later today now terrorist violence in the middle east is also taking its toll on smaller communities in the region a militant group affiliated with al qaida is holding some two hundred kurdish civilians hostage in syria following an attack which claimed the life of one leader . has got this report. considering the complexity of syria you have to understand
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that there are dozens of groups of people who are divided by either faith or nationality or ethnicity all of them are also involved in this bitter battle which has been going on in the country for the last couple of years kurds are among the biggest ethnic groups kurds how are actually the largest nation in the world that does not have a date the dream of statehood is something that kurds have entertained for hundreds of years they are originating in iraq turkey and in syria now increasingly kurds in syria are coming under under extreme pressure from the radical groups which have permeated syria and are affiliated with al qaida recently severe clashes have broken out in several villages on the border between syria and turkey primarily in the northern all the province several hundred kurds have been taken hostage by fighters of all loser front and they are also helping videos posted on the internet which claim to be pictures of kurds who have come under attack from the from the
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extremists truly horrific pictures know the kurdish militia household and kurds in the region to unite in their struggle against the radical islamists are deleted with al qaida forces are also dreaming of their own state and it's not other than syria that they're planning to initiate their state out in fact they're saying they're going to get right to it immediately after ramadan ends and that is just in a week's time so the situation in that region is in creative incredibly harsh and literally boiling at this point as we're having as we're having again hundreds of people of abducted from their homes we're also hearing about people being killed just for the simple reason that they're kurds and it really doesn't seem like anybody's especially paying attention primarily the western media there is very little information on the subject if you try to look for it. well dr allen simo is a representative of the foreign affairs and relations office of the kurdish democratic union party in syria and he joins me now live to discuss this story
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thank you very much for coming on to the program the kurds now have been in captivity for three days what you think their chances are of being released alive. thank you first of all all like to condemn disapprove. ethnic. cleansing and i must lock was on that kurdish and decker dish area and so it's two weeks now. a terrorist groups that is groups like japan and islamic state of. iraq and their. launch sparking. tacking on that kurdish neighboring a kurdish region and power and that could lead to. a crime against. the civilian people and they bought it from colombia and now we are
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moving now to speeding to another area for example they are of two to two towns both of them are kurdish. groups to aleppo and the summer before thousand people leaving the area have been massacred and that's if you know and are under siege and nobody know what is going on under beasts two towers it is a terrible situation but what we got are the chances of the and that is a trial nothing worrisome you think this says these terrorist organizations or terrorist groups or attacking p.s. so they are they are they taking that captures and killing people on their identity because all they are hurts and that the main the main the main mean of these said host fishcake and that c.v.s. is to terrorizing that kurdish people in their home and in their area and
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now have a thousand not only two hundred points do you think do you think how will this and you think they will be released alive or not i mean. it is not this is a brutal brutal force that is of the brutal technique of that keep g. the civilian people are civilian people that are already eyewitnesses and prove that these tournaments organization. a crime and into a hospital that had been witnesses showing or saying that there are one hundred or seventy seventy people civilian people are cut that off of there had invested in and into the hospital and three hundred fifty people have been lost they get on that technique i think it is a chance it's very rarely been as these were all the brutal and terrorist and they want to do terrorizing the people out of keeping them hostage to encase they want
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to do exchange with their agreed that where where their leaders once they get captured talk to see may we do have to leave it there but thank you very much for coming on to our program today to explain your opinion that's dr alan same way from the kurdish democratic union party in syria thank you andy. still to come this the head of al qaida comments on the situation in egypt the leader of the unison group slams islamist factions to push democracy while we report on the increasing tension between the army and supporters of the toppled president in a few minutes time also the story about a russian program a secretly snatched by the u.s. from the dominican republic leaving a distraught mother as well as officials in the we update you on the ongoing legal and diplomatic wrangle the arrest costs polls.
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in spanish to find out more visit actuality. welcome back now al qaida is chief. just sized islamic groups in egypt for taking part in democracy saying they're just a mystery lies only ensure a law by man hours hour here he also accused washington of conspiring with the egyptian military to overthrow mohammed morsi meanwhile a police official says the muslim brotherhood can remain a part of the political process if its supporters abandon their mass citizens artie's bell true brings us the latest from the divided country. what is extremely tense here is of course we've had this sort of forty hour deadline from the interior ministry who said after two days they will erect this is
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a barricade around these two sit ins for that ousted leader mohamed morsy in the capital they've said this will mean that people can leave the city and then i enter it's a kind of besieging now in the run up to this we have mass protests in support of the deposed leader across the country thirty four marches in total one of them which ended up in the media production city which is in the sixth or probably district of the capital resulted in clashes with security forces take asked the protestors that they have been attempting to set up a new city in apparently built barricades as well as records intense which is why the security forces cracked down on not speaking to protesters the day in one of the main sit ins here in the capital they tell me that they will think about possibly setting up a new sit ins like this one the media city if these big cities here nasr city and easier are cleared by security forces in the next few days it's very tense here
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with the heavy deployment of troops and the military and expected clashes on the horizon when the interior ministry takes the plunge and actually does try and evacuate these people because there are a lot of people in the streets in support of the ounce to me that there really are tens of thousands of for you know women and children who are in these sit ins and you think go in all guns blazing it will be a bloodbath so we have to see how the situation develops overnight and in the coming days. there of course plenty more stories for you online including a deep sigh of relief from the american state illinois where marijuana has been legalized medicinal purposes go online to find out how the government plans to get people from the need for those looking to use the plant and the boys over in the moroccan capital after a convicted paedophile. ardan dramatic photos online at r.t. dot com. the arrest of a russian computer programmer suspected of cyber crimes has caused another spat
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between moscow and washington alexander payne was whisked off to the u.s. from the dominican republic after appearing on an interpol wanted list but russian officials as well as the man's family only learned about it a month later tom barton has more. he's accused of being a must to internet fraudster alexander punin is currently believed to be in a prison in the us state of georgia extradited there last month from the dominican republic his friends didn't know what happened to him for telekinesis only after one month we found out he was indeed arrested and held there but that's all we know that even his own mother was left in the dark eager to belgium was there when he was already on his way back to russia we were waiting for him at home but he didn't arrive he simply disappeared a keen computer programmer from the moscow the twenty four year old was wanted for embezzling through internet scams used on banks including us ones of at least five
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million dollars the russian government has lashed out at the us saying he was snatched without their knowledge plus national is about someone steals that well once again faced with the rest of the russian citizen on the us more and in a third country we consider this practice which has become a vicious tendency completely unacceptable. referring to a bilateral agreement in one thousand nine hundred nine russia's foreign ministry says the u.s. should have told them about russian nationals they wanted to rest when we asked the u.s. embassy in moscow about the matter they declined to comment none of it helps alexander's mother who remains convinced of her son's innocence when you write anything and i don't believe his tell so much money i'm not saying that just because i'm his mother i spoke to his friend the one who invited him to the dominican republic and he asked if my son even had any money his friend sell me that he had been borrowing from him and then you know. and there are more cases like alexander's says the
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russian government regs traditions have been made without their knowledge in july the russian dimitrios tin off was extradited from lithuania after allegedly importing hundreds of thousands of pieces of military equipment from the united states to russia. and in two thousand and eleven a pilot constant in the irish was sentenced to twenty years in prison in the us after being found guilty of conspiracy to smuggle cocaine there he was extradited from liberia in may two thousand and ten in each of these cases the russian government thought that they weren't informed in time by u.s. authorities with edward snowden's asylum worsening relations cases like alexander plans will do little to help tom watson r.t. moscow some international news in brief the winner of iran's presidential election harney will usually take the top political post later today in a ceremony in toronto he promised reform and an end to the country's international
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isolation as part of his election platform is no gration comes a day after he marched with millions of iranians to mark could stay in support of the palestinian people and in the south of england a protest against oil drilling has entered its tenth day all exploration operations have finally begun after a delay caused by nonstop protests by local residents those who live closest to the drilling site are concerned that if oil or gas is found hydraulic fracking will be used to extract it destroying the environment in the area. because report is next here on arctic.
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sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build the needs most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything to nj mission to teach creation why it should care about humans in ruins. this is why you should care only on the order you don't call. the. economic down in the final month stay the. night and the rest because i hate it will be a briefly on the. news
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today. again flared up. these are the images. from the streets of canada. showing corporations to rule the day. welcome to the kaiser report max kaiser recently i was asked max what you cover so feel good financial news every once in a while you ask i deliver houses that are financial that is a man in china has had a six inch long worm removed from his brain now you might ask how is this good financial news is quite obviously.
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