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tv   Documentary  RT  August 5, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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oh. six point two billion swiss francs to fifteen million species francs and average grows ten percent. them every amount and so last or so one hundred million who are. going to want him bruce amounts to three point seven percent on average we three percent
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this is reached a level amongst highest paint in mind who fears chief executives. in lake geneva. into this lake that melt water flows from the mountains of switzerland . located on the shoreline is the headquarters of a company which deals in water. it's the headquarters of nestling the most powerful food and beverage company in the. atmosphere we believe that will have a long term business success you must see him with famously create value for the shareholders and for that and be called this creating shared value and it is
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a fundamental principle behind the way we conduct business at nestle oh i could but social responsibility. report is is think it's our financial report so i think it's a good balance again which is we play. when it comes to water because i'm global ambassador he travels the world preaching cautious and careful use of his most precious commodity. he's a captain of big business committed to making money but also a man who speaks of social responsibility so i want to know more about that my first destination is the used to be. when mr lee is hoping the united nations to provide a u.n. refugee camp with drinking water. is one of the humanitarian projects which the company finances as part of its corporate social responsibility program. it's the lack of drinking water the global water problem which is also of paramount
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priority for the u.n. the water crisis is perhaps the most urgent ecological and human threat of our time in their recent world water development report twenty four agencies of the united nations confirmed that the global water crisis is getting worse and threatening millions of people every day they can't benefit the paper if it p.o.p.o. in a way it is possible for either the united nations foreign ministry to do it by itself . by having a big know how a foreign minister would accompany us with a few expertise so few in h.c.r. be able to assure it access to a pure water for the parents of south so people. this is the to which need to grow but i guess referring in his knisley do it's home to
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some twenty thousand refugees from neighboring somalia. many of them have been here for more than twenty years waiting for the cooling in the country to store. that. i've been expecting something of a showcase project but instead refugees tell me there's a shortage of water. like you see that way down to the can sometimes we don't have water for two or three days. due to problems with the boreholes on we can have you know what tricity we could not also if then we have to wait for a specialist to repair the system and get to. the campus supplied by an underground pipeline the water being pumped from the valley some twenty kilometers
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away. nestle cosigned us the water supply system and according to peter brown that is committed to its long term operation. in the last three or four years the local. people. given. that. this is now running out of. the funding we've. said that it does me. no no if. you do this you. did in two thousand and two thousand and two thousand and four they support it. this is. they say i don't know any more watering got you but.
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nestle scheme it meant to the camp is finished but according to the company. website it's still continuing oh aimee's to make sure that the water system can keep functioning. so that the people of the region. and their children will have to clean water maybe years into the future. intentionally playing up commitment or is the company's p.r. perhaps getting just a little too enthusiastic the water companies are in this for one reason and that is profit and sometimes they connect up to a project like this for their marketing tools because we all over the world are criticizing them and they're trying to remove their image in the world they don't
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stick with something unless it's profitable they are a big. of corp and they will never stay with something for humanitarian reasons. from canada is an ambassador for water just like peter broderick. except that she's a consumer activist a winner of the alternative nobel prize and a strong critic of nestle. nestlé and. we've asked the company for an interview and was still waiting for a reply from the time being we can film only these pictures on the fringes of a media event. nestlé is one of the most profitable companies ever annual turnover exceeds one hundred billion dollars it's the world's largest food and beverage multinational adored by investors big and small. more than
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a quarter of a million staff. and the chairman of the board is a man with a mission. to buy i've often wondered what is the most single important factor that could ensure a company continuing for another one hundred forty years and i always come to the same conclusion water. when it comes to bottled water nestle is the undisputed well. the company has bought up many of its competitors and now owns more than seventy different brands annual turnover totals more than nine billion dollars. with a takeover of perrier nine hundred ninety two. joined the product portfolio showing access to the lucrative beverage market in the usa. also look of course which is also very important which is what you say mature for companies
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to be checking all over their constantly what are people thinking about this less bryants about this there's a responsibility as a corporate citizen. in bern switzerland i have an appointment with a senior nestlé manager. he chose the restaurant. will nestle give us information about its water business. and an interview with peter brown back. the answer is no according to the nestle man it would be the wrong film at the wrong time. then he offers to commission from us a film about the global use of water in agriculture. above and beyond that the doors to nestle will be closed to us worldwide. that means no cooperation from nestle from now on we can film peter brown bag only
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when he makes public appearances but that doesn't deter us so we travel to the country where the company sells most of its water. a spring water pumping station in the northeast of the usa. for its poland spring brand nestlé pumps out a million liters of water every day. the tanker and thirty thousand liters of water for which nestle pays a private landowner just ten dogs. i. can find. heavy traffic is a problem the water tankers carry up to twenty five thousand troops at. the time to miss most bottling located about an hour. and also for at freiburg it supplies
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about a sixth of the water for poles for bottling was the focus of attention today. our gear for you want to stay with us right now we're freiburg if you take in millions or kill them to water out of one place they're asked for you that effect somewhere that's why you've invited freiburg residents to dump bottles of cold spring water to the point to go. back to where they don't belong here they don't have a right to be here and you are left to our laos. they don't have a right to come here and take the water. you find the missing ones to build a second pumping station. place to pump double the quantity of water. but also some consideration the local authorities are refusing the company permission as a result nestle is now suing the town. this is truck access from denmark and that water source is something that is crucial
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to their growth here. it raises the question even more loudly who does the water belong to and if i have a house next to your house and i pump out of my my land where is the line where what i pump out from under my land is coming out from under yours the situation right now is that the public has said no player has said no the appeals court has said no and nestle says. so when the appeal was filed i believe last week or the week before. suing the inhabitants of the town of crime or to see some man a man my opinions that is an absolute right when someone says they do no wonder bawling operation in their community does also for that is something we must also understand to some extend oh.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture. i would rather add splashings to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more. is
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it possible to navigate the economy with all the details of his diction misinformation and media hype keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream has stated if in your right. leslie constantly needs new sources of water. here in the state of maine a home team of hydrogen interest is searching for new springs for company.
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lest an item requires water rights privately all purchases whole areas outright. which is what happened in the front a region. palm springs are now fleas would light up tire area up here and get all its mountain water and sell it all over the world for money regardless of what it does to the ecology they are very very astute in dealing with. changing regulations or working within regulations to meet the demands in the goals that they have if there was no. resistance to them coming to tell it would be no office with a good labor policy giving away free coffee the funny part is they give away free water they're giving away a case of free water to the first fifty people every month that come in there and
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for me it's extremely ludicrous because that water is water that we get when we turn our sink they use it up there and wash their hands. and flush their toilets when the same water that. felling is bringing water. think of that. in maine opposition is growing many people are angry that nestle is making big money out of the water i meet up again with more bhalo. leslie is a water hunter they're a predator they're not interested in the sustainable use of ground water or this
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the springs that are the reverse of the springs that they use they're out for one thing and that is to make money and so they come into an area and they see the water like water mining like a gold cup they come in they drain an aquifer until it's gonna run it's gone they move on they don't live there very seldom they don't have any connection to the place they're after profit they're predators water hunters looking for the last pure hotter in the world. in the small town of poland stands a kind of fairy tale council it's a bottling plants dating from the here nineteen zero seven. the original spring now has little water rumor has it the spring ran dry a long time ago but the name has remained today poland spring is the top selling spring water in the usa for less lake a spa claim success in terms of turnout. today in the state of maine the
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rust free new clothes opening poland spring water the newest is this one built by nestle in kingfield one hundred twenty kilometers from the original spring. we want to pay a visit the local media spokesperson said that all she had to do was inform head office. but. there. are there. are the barrier stays down just like the next time i'm told it's back in the swiss restaurant. my next destination is a wildlife preserve some two hundred kilometers south of conflict. here to the hydro geologists have been successful investors. but a small group of women are against next. right here.
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over their water. kind of. that was started. the reason i'm fighting for water preservation is we have a very large water rat or for here that we care very much about what happens to which nestle moved their way into wit over three years ago without us knowing about it we noticed the wells were in place on this land and that's why we began the fight to maintain control of this my passion is we're in a battle of our life with nestle and we're trying to not have nestle come into our
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town with three. people. the next lee decided to put wealth in the ground they go down a certain number of feet and they let them monor ter the water levels in this area off the land puts or they have not requested a permit to x. track they're only testing our area. well here we are we're still this is three years we've been tested. you know how to exploit commercially the massive reserves of water. trying to find private land to the towns of shapley and you see from there would monster pump water from the wildlife preserve and at the lowest possible price. in the towns around the preserve of nestle has now become a political issue yet.
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as a factor we cannot fight that company on any level playing field they didn't feel it was necessary to hold a public hearing on this issue this is why local control is so important corporate america has the lights lobby for us they are they are they are drowning us out it is time for people to stand back up and speak to what they need to address what is right for their towns you live in the towns they don't they live overseas. it is a question of whether the normal water supply for the population should be privatized or not and there are two points of view. one i would call it an extreme point of view. is that supported by n.g.o.s choose. which insist on water being declared
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a public right. yet. in other words as a person you simply should have the right to have water. that's an extreme solution . the other view is that water is a foodstuff. place and just like any food stuffs it should have a market value they want our water and they want our water for profit and what they're paying less and a penny a gallon is just outrageous and what happens is they come in and they come in again to these small rural areas where there's very limited government and they use their scare tactics and their billion dollar company and you can never beat them. nestle might be a wonderful company but i have not seen it we've tried to work with nest back when
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you find out that nestle weaves their way into our community and the person that wrote our regulatory ordinance was recommended by nestle well the people should be writing the regulatory ordinance it's our town that's where the tax payers so what we did was we met with a lectern officials and under the regulatory approach in the united states the regulatory approach we have ordinances in each town. and what those ordinances do the regulatory ordinance pretty much tells these companies or a small company or a large company what they can do in their limits and so forth but it only regulates them make that we cannot say no we don't want you in they cannot produce or of course we know them very well and we have intense discussions with them the situation varies from country to country from city to city or as in the us from state to state. in several countries there are people who are very happy to see us
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building factories or connecting wells. in our cities and going on you know there's there's discussion of blood whether or not we're interfering with the natural water flow rules. since the breakout an operation. listening to green tankers to transport trucks from this wildlife preserve. nestle's battle with the determined women of choppy and infield has not yet been decided. by a photo of the big water tank has to haul is made to the lawn just want to bottling factory in the wild. off the water is pumped by nestlé from the area directly behind the factory. the other half is transported in tankas from pumping stations in the hinterland.
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for one time followed nestle pays ten dollars or even nothing. once bottle the same water costs fifty thousand dollars when sold across the company has a home spring natural spring. in maine nestle pumps about as much water as that used by the entire agricultural sector throughout the state that's around three billion liters in here and the figure is rising. back in switzerland we're at nestlé is annual press conference for us the
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opportunity to film inside the company. i'm interested in this latest new brand was aimed at winning over two. in developing countries it's. the press conference we are offered san pellegrino and detail water the new product comes the promising name pure life. your life brand for those who don't know ten years ago did not exist and it's an incredible story to go from zero to where we are today one of the top brands nestle ass and one of the reasons we've been able to grow grow is we've been able to offer the consumer value good quality water and different parts of the world and it's been very well accepted we're looking to take it asset expand into more geography more parts of the world we think the growth will in fact continue it's a profitable brand forced to and it's a jewel that we have an opera folio and our plans are to continue to leverage it so
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i'm very optimistic about that brand. one. that's the idea behind your life. your life is purified ground water and reached by an artificial blend of minute. it's a secret nestle recipe. it's produced locally and twenty seven countries on five continents. it tastes the same every. mislay pua lice is now the top selling bottled water in the wild crowing in double digits. the test market for the product was pakistan. wealthy british style.
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market why not. canada. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my. scans or there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on. the worst journalists a lonely white house to give it to the radio guy for. causing. quite horrible to go good you've never seen anything like this i'm told.
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led mission and free accreditation free transport charges free arrangement free risk free studio time free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media donda r.t. dot com. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are all today playing.
7:00 pm
well i'm tom arbonne in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. wayne la pierre and the n.r.a. are on the wrong side of the argument but when it comes to gun control believe it or not there's a lot to learn from their devotion to their cause more on that just a moment also revelations about the n.s.a.'s surveillance program are breaking down old barriers and creating new alliances on capitol hill will this brave new form of bipartisanship be enough to protect our constitutional rights from the power of the surveillance state that and more with michigan congressman john conyers in a special two part interview later on in the show and on sunday fox news is chris wallace.


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