tv Headline News RT August 7, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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eight pm moscow time breaking news from r.t. barack obama cancels a shed jule one to one with potent after russia granted asylum to n.s.a. leaker edward snowden moscow says washington still unwilling to build relations on an equal basis we follow that up. also ahead learning from us the united nations tells r.t. it's investigating reports that kurdish civilians have been massacred by rebels in syria this is al-qaeda linked groups their push to create a breakaway islamic state. and the japanese government is forced now to step in to help the operator of the crippled fukushima power plant contain a recently revealed massive leak of radioactive water.
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all over a good heavy company this hour this is our team broadcasting live from moscow around the world on our top stories are just saying the breaking news this u.s. president barack obama's council the one to one with his russian counterpart vladimir putin for next month the decision prompted by moscow giving temporary refuge to the fugitive whistleblower edward snowden was met with disappointment in the kremlin is out he's going to teach you can know with the details live from washington and eco piskun off in moscow as well are they gonna first of all how did washington explain its decision take us through that side of the developments today first. well kevin washington has been thinking for a while on how to best punish moscow for snowden there were rumors that president obama should listen to the g twenty summit in st petersburg last night to confirm
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that he is going this morning we learned that while he's going to russia for the g twenty the white house has scrapped the bilateral summit with the russian president and here's president obama's advisor here's what he said will still work with washer on issues where we can find common ground but he was the unanimous view of the president and his national security team that a summit did not make sense in the current environment so now as far as the current environment here is what we heard from the president last night a lot of what's been going on has been. a major breaks in the relationship and there's still help us supplying our troops in afghanistan there's still helping us on counterterrorism work they were helpful after the boston bombing in that investigation and so there's still a lot of business that we can do with them but there have been times where they
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slip back in the cold war thinking and a cold war mentality. to russia's decision on stoughton washington responded by scrapping the meeting with the russian president was to put tact moves like that it seems we are in deep slipping into a cold war thinking by the way there's very little doubt here that had the roles of being the reverse then had it been a russian whistleblower seeking refuge here in the west the us would it would do the same as what russia has done going to come back to the second of may want to bring in the eagle has been off no in the newsroom here in moscow so therefore back to you then what is the reaction from moscow to what's up now well we've heard from presidential aides who said that by canceling these meetings washington is showing that it doesn't want to have a balanced relationship with moscow since it's been avoiding signing that extradition agreements between the states for the past ten years. has been ignoring
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russia's request to extradite over twenty people including suspected terrorists while concerning edward snowden moscow's stance on the whole situation was pretty clear from the start first of all according to president putin he was never invited to come here it was all it was his own personal decision and then the main condition for snowden to be able to stay here in russia was for him to stop harming washington's image and he agreed to that as well and clearly all the official services and all those involved everyone tried to conduct this temporary asylum procedure strictly by the books and in full compliance with international laws and regulations so washington's reaction now definitely didn't come as a surprise since there was speculation about this earlier but it's sure not going to help improve relations between the two states got it back to you in washington
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as you go was saying there are no surprises really here. well as much as the white house likes to attack snowden in russia he's revelations certainly have put the white house on the defensive the majority of americans say edward snowden is a whistleblower not a traitor and this tuesday at a late night show with jay leno president obama tried once again to defend the surveillance state by saying that there is no domestic spying program snowden as we remember has revealed that the n.s.a. has all the programs for domestic spying they're just not labeled for domestic spying but the programs in place certainly allowed to do that the president went on to say that the powers are there it's about whether or not the government has abused those powers on the other hand how would people know that when the programs are shrouded in secrecy one way or another there is no denying that the fact that we're even having this conversation is because of edward snowden's revelations the
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president suggested that snowden should have done it differently he said you can console were to come to the appropriate individuals and say look i've got a problem with what's going on here i'm not sure whether it's being done properly and those are the president's words there so you can imagine going to that big government machine and saying i've got a problem here people have done it before including some n.s.a. officials will remember thomas drake for example he tried to go through official channels and ended up fired and was investigated for a violation of the espionage act so i do which noted perfectly knew what what he was facing had he stayed in the u.s. after all the example of bradley manning was was there for him and the reaction of the u.s. congress has been very interesting for the past few weeks we've seen a number of lawmakers coming forward with initiatives. based on the n.s.a. based on edward snowden's leaks but at the same time to say lawmakers would criticize
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and condemn edward snowden so it's the same as saying thank you for your leaks but we still want to punish you. thanks for that little bit more comment of course moreover it's guess we got lined up throughout the night on this developing story thank you well talking about r.t. contributor returns he believes the consequence of barack obama's decision could stretch far beyond russia u.s. relations too when we hear about an american president refusing to meet with his superpower counterpart. from moscow at this same to st petersburg summit we're seeing president obama risk peace in so many different conflicts around the world we are seeing in risk stability in the world and it's a dangerous precedent it's not actually some kind of joke the way the state department john kerry may think it is all those press pokes people in the state department or in the white house and has said we'll bring you more inside analysis
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on this later in the program hopefully as the hours progress. take a look some other news today the united nations has launched an investigation into the reported slaughter of kurdish civilians by al-qaeda affiliated groups in syria it's according to a comment made by the u.n. to r.t. seems maybe up to four hundred fifty kurds most of them women and children were allegedly killed in the northeast of the country there when it reports on what we know. according to various reports at least four hundred fifty people have been killed by the on their front in north eastern syria reports say that at least one hundred twenty of those are children now we have requested information from the united nations in regards to the situation we have received their response according to the united nations they their team is in the region investigating these reports which haven't been confirmed as a few odds and should this in fact be confirmed to be true then the united nations are saying that this amounts to a war crime and that probably should provide some sort of stimulation to the
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international community to act quicker when it comes to syria and the situation which seems to be spiraling out of control and that is exactly what russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said when he urged the international community to come together and solve this issue a stand in syria we believe that it is in this. we were shocked by the reports of around four hundred fifty kurds massacred in the north of syria's including children just because the men were fighting against and it's not the first report of the un security council all these terrorist attacks we've seen some of its members refusing to condemn terrorist attacks in syria justifying it with the fact that the people behind them are fighting against the outdated regime this stance is totally unacceptable terrorism should be treated without double standards in fact we have spoken to a number of a number of people whose relatives are in the region and they have described the carnage and horrifying details let's have a listen. that's another rebel force surrounded they started going from door to
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door entering every house if there were any men. and took women and children hostage at the rebels came into the house of my cousin she was at home so they murdered took the women and children and. one of the reasons why people are saying that kurds come under such harsh attacks from the owners or front. groups such as they are as your friend is because they have been. quite successful in pushing the extremists out of this region where unfortunately al qaeda is also dreaming of establishing its own state of waiting for syria to essentially descend to great and also kurds are saying that they are not even if they are not trying to pursue the dream of their own state who today at least would love to live in a country in this state and in a region where peace will prevail so definitely the situation it doesn't seem to get any better only seems to get worse and of course there has been encouragement from russia to for the international community to pay closer attention and step up
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peaceful efforts in the region will go to civil wars created deep splits within the country raising concerns over whether syria can ever be pieced back together again let's take a look at a map so it looks the syrian government is keeping its grip on a large area of the country south it's better come up now for you which is of course the heartland of president assad's minority alawite sect meantime the rebels most of them from the sunni muslim majority who are in control of a large swathe of northern provinces there stretching to the iraqi border in the east and there are many al qaeda affiliated groups among the ranks of the opposition to what was serious kurdish minority scattered along the country's north east border parts enjoying a large degree of independence but there are other on claves have become targets of deadly attacks and mass kidnappings by fighters that's what we see in the black who kurds claim trying to carry out ethnic cleansing this comes amid reports of an independent arcade a state about to be declared in northern syria but according to german reporter manuel oxon writer who is closely following the syrian conflict allegations of
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a kurdish genocide are likely to be met with international silence. i don't expect any international reaction except. protests to right now i don't think so because they are international interests especially the international geopolitical interests of turkey was a very important nato member we shouldn't forget that nato troops also german troops are now at the turkish syrian border with patriot rocket systems heading against syria so we have turkey on this site and it's long turkey place this important role in this conflict i don't think that there will be any serious international reaction a former member stated that the leader of the north is the verb king or working close with the cia and we have other information from the kurdish popular defense units who claim that our front is also organized and supported by the turkish
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intelligence and i think this is not a coincidence when we know how the kurds are treated in turkey itself. and hopefully to a little later in the program we're going to be joined by a journalist who met with representatives of the kurdish community in syria stay with us for that so a few minutes hence. folks are now in japan the japanese prime minister has ordered the government to step in and help contain ongoing radiation leaks from the fukushima power plant tepco the company that runs the facility that was crippled back in that study eleven tsunami an earthquake but unable to prevent contaminated ground water from breaching a barrier and it's pouring therefore in the ocean nuclear energy expert malcolm christopher says japan's energy sector is in a state of chaos right now. it's now having to import even more liquid natural gas to take the place of its nuclear put that's expensive greenhouse gas emissions are going through the roof in spades breaching all of its own greenhouse gas targets because of course nuclear power doesn't contribute to climate change but the
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alternatives do and they're also facing power shortages they've had to reduce power use very dramatic dramatically over things such as add conditioning now that in itself has health effects and so there is a vigorous debate about bringing back online some of the existing nuclear power stations but japan is an island without it so natural resources and the g. has always been a massive challenge for japan quite apart from what i think is very clear is that the regulator restructure and some of its major companies to me were not up to the job and indeed in some cases i think what quite clearly behaving dishonestly. still to come on the program what writing on it we ask is such a reading for the world now that is exactly six months to go before the olympics kick off our correspondent heads to the russian city that's poised to become the world's went as sports capital and gives the brand new venues a once over. wealthy
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british style. that's not on. the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports on our t.v. . least be cool language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks about seventy i p interviews intriguing stories for you.
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in troy t. arabic to find out more visit our big teeth dog called. out against twenty sixty moscow time now i'm kevin i'm going back to one of our top stories and i'll tell you tonight the united nations has launched an investigation into the reported massacre of kurdish civilians by al-qaeda linked rebels in syria maybe four hundred fifty kurds we think most of them women and children were allegedly killed in the north east of the country the details are still sketchy though must say. let's try and put some more a fact into this now karyn felt a german journalist she's just returned from syria to joining us on the line hi there i mean we've been talking about this for last forty eight hours or so what do you know about it from the people you've been talking to. well as far as my
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information is there has been attacks on several kurdish villages along the border with turkey. there are no concrete information no. effect. even the kurdish people i've been talking to are not sure what happened but the majority of the people say there has been attacks by people from islamist groups islamic fighters supported by the free syrian army against kurdish religious jewish one confirmed pictures circulating very horrific i have to say pictures circulating of people being set alight have you seen those pictures yourself and do you know where they came from well i saw them on an iranian channel actually i am not sure where what the source of these pictures yes i agree and the four hundred fifty figure that we have had from some unconfirmed sources where do you think that is coming from do you think there is any substance to that at all tonight. i find it very difficult in all this war in
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syria to conceal any kind of you know if you if you say the attacks have happened let's say in about five villages along the border of syria and in each village maybe fifty to eighty people have been killed you can add it up and you come to a number of forty four hundred fifty people but this is not really concerned maybe the numbers of people killed even bigger is now higher than that and i think some people have been kidnapped over the last week you know on a daily basis people have been kidnapped from various villages and some of these people are still missing so maybe people consider them to be dead as well so is this going to it's very very difficult challenges going forward you think is maybe what some people are saying ethnic cleansing and if so who would want to do that who could be brought to book for it eventually. well it's definitely an attack
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against the kurds against kurdish civilians and they have been taking a very different position within this war inside syria did not want to enter either side of the fighting they try to stay outside so i have the impression that people are trying to push the kurds into retaliation maybe and there has been in summation about fighting going on with the kurdish defense movement of the pay day you know there are kurdish defense groups along the border that they made very clear they don't want to fight they are only there to defend the people and their area but it looks as if they. are somebody wants to push them into the fighting how is the syrian opposition to your ex how it's a syrian opposition. were carrying which is crossing over to. i just
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wanted to answer your second question who might be behind it and well as i said the kurds have taken a very different position in the war and. there are definitely groups from the free syrian army and islamist fighters who are pushing the kurds to fight because the kurds are not joining their side of the war so. behind these groups as we know are turkey and i think the turks are trying to. push the turks the kurds also into the fighting because turkey is very worried about the strength of the kurdish movement inside syrian territory and they want to provoke them maybe definitely they are supporting these armed groups who are attacking the kurdish groups inside syria and also a lot of rubble coming out now that may be al-qaeda wants to set
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a state within syria or likely is that do you think. they've been saying that for this for quite a while i think it's propaganda the syrians are definitely not going to let this happen be they arabs be they so nice be the kurds the syrians have no interest to have a islamic state inside syria but i think it actually what is behind all this fighting is it's a struggle about control struggle about control of certain areas we know that in the area of fighting in the north and in the east of the country we have all your fields and to at least two of the very big oil fields are under the control of the kurdish defense movement and they have been threatened openly by you know western diplomats if they don't give the control of these oil fields towards the free
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syrian army. they will have a problem and the kurds they said this is all of the syrian people they had an agreement with the syrian government in damascus to keep the production going so that this oil could go to the top two center homes to. actually the syrian population so i think it's a fight about control of about the resources of the various groups because the kurds are not going to deliver to their request current thinking the program can look from their journals recently back from syria we re pretty sure your time thank you thank you very much now it's exactly six months till the lympics flame is lit in sochi for the twenty fourteen winter games it's nearly with a script long been there though to question if the result cities got what it takes to become the capital of winter sports for a fortnight modern andras had
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a self to check up on the preparations them. ok i'm not too bad but i think it's best to leave it to the professionals when they arrive next year in tsotsi for the winter olympics twenty fourteen the countdown is getting lower the olympic park with its brand new arenas is almost ready and in february next year many of the world's top athletes will compete against each other right here have a skating palace. it's the first time since one nine hundred eighty that russia has hosted such an event and with an estimated three billion viewers russia will be in the spotlight once again when all the construction is finished such she will boast some of the best and technologically advanced sporting facilities in the world although with many cynics tells of corruption local opposition and concerns with overspending is such ready. the proof as they say is putting. the finishing touches are being added now and the amount of work that has been done
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in the city is huge the whole area is being improved and made more comfortable and beautiful with new pedestrian was an underground passage being constructed the city has got a completely new look now it's newly built and very beautiful and there cannot be any doubt that everything will be on time to host the olympics. slowly and surely each piece of the jigsaw is coming together another example is this next stadium. the ball sure i stone says it's twelve thousand people and as you can see well it's an impressive stadium it's a new so ready various competitions have been staged here over the past few months and during the olympics or ice hockey and after that it can be transformed to more accommodate a plethora of other sporting activities ranging from basketball to boxing. the mounting cost of course and the rosa who to resorts will host the biathlon and ski center and there will be
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a freestyle ski and snowboarding park. the two parks are to be connected by a forty eight kilometer highway as well as a high speed train that will run every five minutes and transport tens of thousands of passengers a day once they reach the mountains base via train passengers will take one of several new cable cars up to the ski resorts and olympic competition venues. the winter olympics is only the beginning for the whole area after the main event early next year such she will set about hosting twenty two international sports events ranging from the grand prix of figure skating to the formula one next november the olympic sign here i've been newly built airports represents what the entire occasion is for us to gether and brings out the best in people and sporting events and politics aside as the whole world focuses its attention on saatchi and the surrounding area the final preparations we put into place and what promises to be for the greatest sporting events held ever and after my trip here i can
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confidently say that the winter olympics twenty fourteen will be one to remember martha danbury's party. because one reason for some tension lympics insult she was small school adopting the law banning propaganda of homosexuality to minors and i one of his recent comments the u.s. president lashed out at russia over that saying he's got no patience for countries that intimidate gays lesbians and transgenders but does the legislation really involve any intimidation of gay minorities while ati breaks down the myths that are being hyped up in international media on our website r t dot com from want to take a look if you're interested in that we have special section and data that we've put together on gay rights here in russia that you can take a look at the separate the facts from the fiction believe it over to you. great programs lined up tonight after the break in fact next we take a more the mainstream media in our base edition of break in a set enjoy that all second half of.
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closely. it's a little worse for the little things like how superman a radio guy and. i want to close the budget because you've never seen anything like that i'm telling. you guys i'm not a mind and it's a great little step so i just got back from a jam packed weekend in los angeles opportunity to do ten and speak at a revolutionary event called the media festival there i not only got to promote the show but i also got to talk about the importance of bridging art and activism on top of that i sat down with two awesome comedians and modern day philosophers joe rogan and duncan trussell for their epic podcasts is a crazy ride but now i'm back and i'm ready to break the set.
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