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tv   Keiser Report  RT  August 8, 2013 3:29pm-4:01pm EDT

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welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser did you ever get the feeling that we were all lab rats for the neo futile calm manic controlled casino corporate state experiment lab rats fed untested genetically modified frankenfood lab rats injected with toxic synthetic financial products experimental free monetary policy lab rats subjected to blind tracking experimentation spewing on chemical compounds into our water table one thing about lab rats is they have no choice injected shacked wired broke our don't dangle strangle mangled. from elaborate explain all this to herbert well you know this weekend we're going to actually talk
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about the freak monetary policy experimentation as exemplified here in the u.k. with mark carney and george osborne but first i want to talk about this month's santo experimentation because there's been a remarkable video on c.b.c. in canada and this is the length and o'leary exchange and they have a thirteen year old girl i'm called rachel parent and she's an activist against genetic modification untested and unlabeled genetic modification so first let's talk turned to this clip here what is what would the testing look like in other words what kind of testing would be reliable to say this is ok for the environment ecosystem finitely we need a long term study to determine if it safe for not only our ecosystem but our health as well. we're in a long term study you're eating genetically modified food whether you're a good or a lab rats and we have been for decades now wow well it's very consistent as though what this idea. or not. depending on you
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interpret what are being served by theirselves i mean yeah the kid has got a good point. you know before she is corrupted i guess that's the question but what's the follow up on that well you know she points out that all she was is labeling and she wants testing because right now at the moment these crops are deployed around the world with only. ninety days of testing so she's saying we need long term testing as many other products into the markets have to do but here we have the thing that's remarkable about that exchange is here we have adult presenters who are just laughing and not at all shocked that we are being tested on in a grand experiment that we don't know what the outcome is this is on monsanto but we're also being experimented on with quantitative easing with the. as you call them the toxic freak synthetic financial products we have trillions and trillions and
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hundreds of trillions of dollars of toxic derivatives floating around the world and we don't know what the outcome of this will be this is all experimentation we are the lab rats the adults just laugh and say we're lab rats we'll find out what happens later yeah well i came up with this for a while ago and sexualization and it's about i guess kafka esque you know metamorphosis believe the play about a man it turns into a cockroach i mean here you have a couple of presenters on canadian t.v. who have woefully allow themselves to be transformed into cockroaches they they're fed. material that they ingest that has no basis on anything resembling food they're forced to be participants in a financial system that's well but they're a canadian so they're used to the mark carney version of economics which is similar to a the fog go off farm on a french duck plantation where they force feed grain into the gullet of the
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unsuspecting fowl and become obese with stupidity that's kind of like canada then you've got even a bigger obese problem in america then this twelve year old you know idiot savant child savant comes on stage explains the facts of these people and they become believe make in their stupidity the t.v. camera literally exploded with vomit of stupidity from these so-called adults who probably want to home and beat their dogs you know just to feel human again well and the other thing about it is that he keeps on haranguing her saying that she just doesn't understand science she's anti science even though this isn't science thought science is all about testing and testing and testing and and people being able to challenge other scientists being able to challenge your results in this case monsanto and all the other by the way you know the genetic modification companies they don't know allowed. their data or their products to be tested by other companies because it's corporate confidentiality so here we go onto another
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option where the young woman rachel parent she's saying we need labeling at least give us a choice because i reach all parents i'm against eating to not genetically modified untested foods so i would like to know when i go into the supermarket whether or not this product has to do that modification and here's that exchange on the show you know what if they want to experiment ok but that there has been back to the labeling at least give us the choices the truth is though as we know virtually every product in the grocery store would then be labeled g.m.o. one danger that you face is we would just become immune to that label we would accept that it's everywhere as kevin says we've been exposed to it for decades and we shrug and say well it may be killing the monarch butterflies but you know i've been eating it for ten years so i'm not going to stop now are you worried about that aspect of this not necessarily because at least then they have the choice if they want to eat it but the people like me will find no i don't really i mean i don't have a choice to avoid g.m.o. corn if i live in america right because it's all genetically modified pretty much
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as if i'm going to eat corn or any form based products or any corn flour or anything to drive from it i'm eating this stuff so that's a pretty tough choice to make me in the tragedy is that this young girl i mean she's an innocent and she has a mind that still you know working in an uncorrupted fashion i was given the trends of the n.s.a. given the trends of what the incarceration without trial this woman will be tracked by the canadian police strapped down force fed you're not a thing. becomes a three hundred pound you know like a lot of americans or europeans or canadians just wobbling around the street and still have a mind to use or because she three thoughts on aloud i mean i feel bad because obviously when they snuff out the life of this young girl it'll be a remarkable tragedy for humanity but she won't be allowed to continue speaking like this should be in prison should be drug should be shot no freethought is allowed this girls and days. injure her parents should quarantine or in some way i would i don't see it's not going to make it to the end of the air so go into this
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exchange again so the woman presenter the female presenter says we have no choice you silly child with an open free mind don't you know we don't have choice which would be the mentality of a totalitarian person who has submitted to a totalitarian state she's saying we don't have choice just get over it accept it and you know we see this again you know applying this to the rest of the economy in the rest of the world the financial system we have if you're saver or a worker you have no choice but to submit to a totalitarian regime meant to fed speculation and debt so everything is about feeding the house and ponzi scheme over and over in the u.k. in the u.s. and canada and australia this is all we have here and you have to submit to it you have no choice you have to have zero percent rates you have to have no return on savings there are no other you know there is no way you can deploy your savings and are seen rational manner you must submit the presenters in this case behind the scenes they're saying go go go child because there they are psychotic i mean they
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get on t.v. and they present to their audience a vision of a police to tell to an ism and they give it a warm funny hockey puck blow like a mark carney in canada hi i'm mark carney i'm of the most fortunate central banker in history the world i come from canada maple syrup and drilling in alberta so much bigger so i just feel bad for this child because she was born with a brain that's a that's a sin in this economy so here again you know we have this system where you have no choice in america you have no choice but to eat genetically modified food the american empire is also trying to force upon the world their healthcare system so i want to show you this remarkable story covered in the new york times where you again have no choice in their system but to submit to cartels maybe two three four five corporations that can. well everything in need of a new hip but priced out of the us so they cover this guy in colorado trying to get
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a new hip he needs a hip replacement his insurance company will not cover it because long ago he had an injury so it turns out that it cost about one hundred twenty thousand dollars to have your hip replaced in the u.s. it cost him thirteen thousand six hundred sixty dollars to have it replaced at a private clinic in belgium that includes a flight that includes five days in the hospital that includes seven days in a rehabilitation center and all the surgeon's fees so a fraction of the cost well the part of the problem is though the hip replacement parts have not changed in decades the same exact part they're charging exorbitant fees in fact the list price of total hip implants increased by three hundred percent between one nine hundred ninety eight in two thousand and eleven and the reason is that is a result economists say of how american medicine generally sets charges without government regulation or genuine marketplace competition that's the key phrase is that without regulation and without competition in
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a communist state it's overly regulated there's a lot of competition in let's say our anarchist or capitalism free market utopianism there is all competition and no regulation. those two extremes are the debate of modern economics into the mix introduce a new hybrid a new freak economic model of no regulation and no competition to take the worst elements of the soviet union and the worst elements of the libertarian utopianism like a glenn beck you put those together and you end up with hip replacements costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a market where people only really care what the cost of a lap dances that's what they want you get fifty believing the only thing you care about is how much is a lap dance cost and i pay one hundred fifty thousand for a hip replacement some other schmucks going to pay for that just give me my lap dance for five bucks that's a great thing about seattle washington by the way you get cheap lap dances if you
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ever go to seattle that's the only thing you can really look forward to everything else is overpriced dreck and tat so now the part the actual parts of it to manufacture these hip implants cost three hundred fifty dollars but in the united states they sell them for up to thirty six thousand dollars for that three hundred fifty dollars part in the united states nearly all hit me implant sterilised pieces of tools metal plastic or ceramics are made by five companies which some economists describe as a cartel so part of the reason why they are cartel is not only do they use us trade policy to lock out any other foreign manufacturers of the stuff they also the food and drug administration. you know introduces huge expense for them to test these products but they don't test by the way monsanto when santo is able to submit ninety days of testing of their own products said the f.d.a. is and isn't allowed to look at your logo overarcing gets involved in this hip replacement cartel so you have rogerson that cartel replacement in the n.s.a.
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so any time you want to take for a step forward you're going to get a call on your hip replacement cell phone that'll be wirelessly connected to your subconscious and also your brothers and the n.s.a. know all their. you take a step forward. you may take an honest forward culp's or you stepped on the wrong step we're going to have to charge you for being i on the planet earth. and there's obama. for days there with thanks much being out as a report thank you man i stay two of us i can have a lot more. discipline
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saakashvili and my colleagues and i will never shake mr saakashvili as i am scum i consider him a war criminal. plus live.
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live live. live . welcome back to the kaiser report imax guys are time now to turn to ross ashcraft of the renegade economist dot com ross welcome back to the kaiser report n.q. very much thanks for having me of course so ross you know here's the headline from the financial times the u.k.
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economy bounces back so what is that well it's just excellent propaganda isn't it. on the way here because in a famous london tourist attraction there is on be something out flaws basically that's a perfect metaphor for what's happening in the press and the political process in this country the moment well yeah i mean if there's a recovery then they would raise interest rates immediately yes because the rise in real estate prices and stock prices has come by draining the accounts of savers by transferring by some estimates over two hundred fifty billion pounds from pensioners and savers and giving it to real estate speculators and highly leveraged stock market speculators i don't think we've ever in this country got away from the fact we all got away from the idea that house prices inversely proportional to a well functioning economy we still think britain britain generally also need the baby boom generation have funded everything of escalating house prices and a few of the more large souls think well this isn't
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a sustainable and b you know no way to run an economy but the press don't want to hit that because they sell an awful lot of advertising space to the far sector financial insurance real estate and they want the house boom back so they can start you know getting the those revenues back in well asserted reinflated the bubble as well it will or trying to reinflate the bubble i don't think that having me but there's a term to call misuse called velocity float you know that was a self-sustaining self-sustaining recovery which just happens miracles on its own the point is a. all of us don't really know where this growth is coming from they don't know where the economic drivers the economic driver simply is curious money it's funny money it's credit it's people using the savings because their wages have been depressed so badly. and we're expected to believe that this is a sustainable recovery all it is doing is kicking the calm for the down the road
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now famous scene from that film the matrix where one of the characters is eating a steak and he says i know i'm in the matrix but this steak sure tastes good in other words you want to go back into the matrix you want he doesn't want to have consciousness he doesn't want to be reality based and so if you have a portfolio of property here in london and you're riding the wave of quantitative easing and on paper anyway some some gains on that so if you have enough people living in this pseudo economy. you know what how how was how are they going to voluntarily you know decide not to live in that pseudo economy voluntarily there weren't you know he's going for christmas and we're going to. economic reality zero zero zero s. and you can't carry on doing this so you know it is the favorite we've used all the metaphors is the drug addict we have we have use all the metaphor is that all you
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worked for years you made a fantastic film with the force of the apocalypse the which is available on d.v.d. i've got a book that goes with it ok now you you are a you've been churning you know keeping track of all this for years now and when mark carney this new hockey puck to the head brain damage central bankers out making statements for the press and you know he's got a nice tie and the people think he's popped out of that show about the mad man you know he talks about escape velocity. that the economy will grow to a point where it will but you're saying the momentum will kick in its own self sustaining the mentum and therefore they debt the trillions now looks like the britain's got a four trillion in debt in the next thirty six months from one trillion and up from eight hundred billion just a few years ago that their tax revenues are going to pay this debt he's going to hit the escape velocity. i mean you know the reason why use all these metaphors is
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try and meet people where there are because bankers and the press derbent use all this language of. language or or corporate jorgen to put people off to try to escape this rubbish you know it's very host of the idea that the press are now talking to about a colony in this way these good looking always go to most high risk has quite nice gives you a perfect depiction of what's happening there let's just get is a car he's live in is a lying shirt he says the inflation is a subdued it's only two point five percent that's a lie mark carney explained to the people that live you know it's statistics and you can fudge and think especially if you are cynical as the current governing party in the u.k. you can use that to cover any well let me give an example the senate give your thoughts on this just as was pointed out to me recently by misfire stein another frequent guest on the show he makes an excellent point b. talking about education costs and he's saying that the education cost is
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increasing quite dramatically in this country with all the top of the and everything goes on with that education something doubled the cost of double in the last five or six years roughly and he's saying well that's included in the g.d.p. so they point to that say that's growth however when they calculate inflation the c.p.i. they're saying at two point five percent they don't count inflation but you see so you don't count education i'm sorry so you can do anything you want right but you know the politician thinks of the next election the statesman thinks so. next generation there are kids now coming out of university with the front. and they're going to inherit a mass that is. it takes a generation to generation to spend and a generation to pay for it and what we're seeing at the moment in this party is the generational spending now ross and he also talks about the fact that i mark carney the charlatan bank of england governor who was lying on b.b.c. all week he says that the bank will keep rates at zero point five percent
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unemployment gets to below seven percent not even milton friedman the god of neo liberalism said there's no connection between employment and interest rate think about friedman is the thing you could do you can't discard all the some really good stuff and there's a lot of it which is absolute rubbish what tony saying with that announcement is stance is he's saying to his mates get hold of a load of this cheap money and speculate about how with it because this is going down this ship going down you might as well have the last hurrah right and the people who are suffering so called are doing so because there's been a wealth transference from one portion of society to another force has been a wealth transfer and has been a transference of wealth from the masses to a few speculators and now i also talked about carney never mentions libre regaining the i s t a fixed rate gang the amount of fraud in the system library only mention the money laundering by the big banks in the city of london hundreds of billions
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trillions of pounds worth of funds that could be made available for a productive economy if there was any rule of law in the city of london i said on the show a few times that other countries outsourced their fraud their banking fraud and finance fraud to the city of london is that a fair characterization of it is because in the u.k. we have what's called what's now runs here in society so we could sit here on the show and go after any number of you know legalize theft but actually to go to do a decent perspective on what you need to do is go further back in history and one of the greatest coups near liberalism pulled. was to remove the word rent or remove the rent seeking analysis from economic task textbooks now that isn't conspiracy theory that's what happened and also they i was talking to one part of a wonderful economist about this and they also removed the negative effects of deflation from pretty much all the ivy league university economics textbooks well if you live in a society someone has got to live off somebody else it's producer apprentice and
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what you're seeing at the moment is people farming out the laundry to london because it's they're still got an empire state of mind that i can live for i can get a free lunch from somebody else and get away with it the laws are very permissive for fraud yeah well it's good because what happens in a rent seeking economy or a want to society is government gets captured by the rent seekers so you look at george osborne now the u.k. chancellor and he can't make me i don't think he would anyway but i don't but he can't make meaningful leadership decisions because he's being told what to do who bought the fire sector so why are insurance and real estate so and they're the rent seeking they're the rent seeking factors if you like but when they can just basically have the predators are ripping everybody else extracting real value from the real economy it will risk when they're just lucky zero risk they're not taking their perpetrators entrepreneurs' or risk taking oh no here's what you want to risk
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here's the key point why on the entrepreneurs up in arms why only entrepreneurs in the people who create value even the stay at home moms who was born recently is totally. marginalized and stigmatized this divide and conquer thing is wearing thin and thankfully entrepreneurs are starting to get you you are wise to this and coalesce around the. agenda which is something we should we should push a lot harder message mentioned about fame a second ago and his you know what would be. considered a somebody on the conservative side of the spectrum and so would the telegraph newspaper here in the u.k. so what city am another newspaper here in the u.k. in the case of the telegraph and city am and myself and like a house or heath who writes for these publications has called for higher interest rates higher interest rates and not because as a capitalist. as
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a capitalist is interested in markets that are functioning what the carnie is doing is completely anti-competitive and i capitalized totally but if you are a rent seeker you know one competition look i'm on top and who creates value what what what i don't really have a place in the u.k. i should be on the other side of the fence working out where value is i.e. nursing homes the n.h.s. other places where the haven't been disrupted yet put more funnel in there and ripple or rent out of it he thought was that he thought city ams had a good will and i think he certainly speaks a lot of sense and one of his points about the interest rate rise is that even if it's just a show even if it's a piece of marketing if you like just to show the markets that actually this is the direction we're going and it gives a signal otherwise we got three lost decade plus it would mean that banks would have to compete with each other for deposits and funds won't but you don't want rent seekers competing with rent seekers so what you do is ensure better yeah so it
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was monopoly rents in his monopoly so what you do is you put a large wall or a metaphor around a chinese wall metaphorically around the city of london and then you turn on what is a huge hoover and used to hoover like you know one of those really ones with a face on it you stick it out under the rest of the country and you just suck the rent from the rest of the country and you basically centralize it so you concentrated in one place and call it capitalism so you have the monopoly board that is the u.k. economy run by a monopolist in an hour please pass cake like two hundred dollars well mark carney is down as he is now running the monopoly board and if you pass any one of his friends you collect two hundred million pounds essentially he says raise the gift just easiest giving out more dosh they've all got really nice barbecues of all got very nice barbecues and they all stand there thinking they are them in houses in aspen and wherever i've got thirty seconds left and i want to get your thoughts on where the ten year bond is big. there's
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a ten year bond the bond vigilantes that's the corrective measure in this in this economy that if somebody really thinks that things are going to go tits up i can say that on this show and i realize it's a bit of a colloquialism here in the u.k. but it means you know going into the gutter. will have about ten seconds but do you see rates rising from here are they going to be able to engineer them back down again and second guess them and it's an account to keep this debacle afloat. ok ross asked croft from the really good economist dot com you must go there because they have many things on that side c.v. d.v.d.'s films books it's oh it's like a cornucopia of good stuff thanks be on the guys report pleasure thanks for and that's all the time we have for the subset of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guests ross asked croft of the right to get economist dot com if you'd like to get in touch tweet us at kaiser report and some . final.
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technology innovation. developments around russia. the future of covered. it was terrible. the city was on fire nobody knew what was happening. five days without a break before we were terrified. there was no communication only tanks all around us we came out to find georgian democracy in our streets. that any one of us could have left straightaway but we knew that our first duty was to defend our homeland now that we've had peace since two thousand and one of the places reviving and coming back to normal but it since april twentieth twelve i've
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been the president of the republic of south ossetia i'm very pleased to see that all people are so positive about building and strengthening our country's state. and we love it everyone loves his homeland right and you know we didn't expect to live through five years of such peace and quiet. there's no war. feel good.
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this is the media leave us so we leave the people. of the same motion security. of the physical. issues that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from. politic only all parties. he. says.
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coming up on our t.v. while more is revealed about the expanding surveillance state here in the u.s. there are calls to rein in the programs look at what options lawmakers may have when they return from the august recess ahead stepping up drone strikes in the middle east the u.s. has carried out strikes in pakistan and yemen in recent days but look at what's behind these strikes coming up and the later in our tech report in the world of social media likes and followers are worth big bucks but are people and organizations using web sites like twitter and facebook to show a false form of popularity that's later in the show. it's thursday august eighth four pm in washington d.c. i'm so.


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