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tv   Headline News  RT  August 10, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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call in the crossfire kurds living in northern syria face a deadly onslaught from al qaida extremists ready to wipe them out to make way for a breakaway islamic state. barack obama accuses russia of reverting to a cold war mentality while moscow declares all hostilities dead and perry we reported on the latest chilling relations pretty good by the snowden to speak. and candidates for the post of moscow met take this to the media call them a campaign promises of a made. over a good morning it's just after one am here in moscow my name is kevin irwin this is
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not international our top story the leader of iraqi kurds has said that his fighters could intervene to protect kurds in neighboring syria who are facing daily attacks from rebel forces the al qaeda linked factions which initially flooded into syria to fight the assad government are now preparing to declare an islamist state in the country's north east and the kurdish minorities in their way. as the story. we've been speaking to eyewitnesses relatives and also kurdish journalists and from the sequence of events that we've been able to piece together back on the nineteenth of july you had an assault by islamist extremists at that stage they placed a bomb in a local kurdish school they also rounded up and abducted a number of civilians the very next day and number of kurdish houses in various kurdish enclave were blown up there was also an entire kurdish village that was destroyed and some five hundred people were kidnapped that's why events continued
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into early august when you had the reported killing of at least some seventy kurds and the abduction of another three hundred and fifty now this week we saw a massacre in which some four hundred and fifty kurds were killed from the figures we've been receiving seven hundred twenty of them were children some three hundred and thirty of them were women that massacre happening in a syrian town on the turkish border not neither damascus nor the opposition has actually confirmed that massacre but we have been speaking to eyewitnesses and this is what they told us about being recently that they came into villages and started to blame the locals would be the safest it was during ramadan they opened fire on villagers people came onto the streets men women and children they fired at everyone who came in the way they captured many young men and began to cut them with knives we told them that we were muslims too but they said that they would
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continue to kill us they also said that our grant to them all or money or property or women then they begin tomorrow everyone around my nephew was killed. when civilians escaped their shot militias raided their house and blew up some of them and robbed others the conditions are very bad people are in fear and terrorized the all nusra fighters are out of control they're raiding the streets there's no media coverage and anyone who tries to reach out. it's being kidnapped by the militants and one of the problems we face is that some reports are difficult to verify as you heard there from kurds we've been speaking to they say that if they come forward and they report on any of the actions kidnappings and killings they themselves run the risk of being murdered so they want to have is there's a cd out of the language that is being carried out by the islamist fighters this is resulting in the spread of this information you have the scarcity of sources this too is leading to just swift and sees in the reports that are making it into the
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international media and then of course you have videos that are being posted online that are sometimes difficult to independently verify there was one video that was posted that purported to show the killing of kurds it said that they were burned to death later this turned out to be false now we could simms solves the say that the attacks are being carried out by islamised fighters that are linked to al qaida you have as one of these groups the our nusra front and this is an organization that has pledged to establish an islamic state in northern syria this is precisely the area where these kurds are living so this is why or both for some time you've had the kurds on the periphery of the conflict increasingly we've seen them in the line of fire. leaves the latest massacre of kurds should be a signal for the backers of regime change in syria to stop war mongering. the rebels are looking for a faction and all the other groups have been trying been trying to provoke you know
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the kurds into into conflict since bill for quite some time has been there's been incursions there quite some time. and it looks like there was an office massacre of some kind the numbers are not certain and it does say that children and children with him or those of. civilians like ray leave been been killed so it's a war cry but if it's true it should should be investigated and i would say that the international powers the e.u. and mary care and the u.n. nations this would be a block clowns going in going into that he's willing to solve the suit the syrian conflict is the route that's being pursued at the moment is not going to lead to any democratic syria the things will get worse. turkey has found itself trying to balance them to see really contradictory roles back in the syrian rebels on one side at the same time trying to mend historically hostile relations with the kurds at r.t. dot com journalist and filmmaker patrick henningsen puts the anchor is dilemma
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under scrutiny is going article if you want to check it out online please feel free to do so. next is the big question is the cold war truly dead and buried it seems that space something that moscow and washington can't quite agree on at the moment anyway russia says recent tensions just a temporary glitch but senior u.s. figures including president obama are calling for relations to be paused and reassessed it's widely believed that the catalyst for it all was russia's decision to grant temporary asylum to whistleblower edward snowden now if he's going to shoot you can report remember the meeting between russian and u.s. officials at the state department comes days after president obama canceled the
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bilateral summit with the russian president is the more and more often we hear about a new cold war between moscow and washington everyone was listening very closely to what officials on both sides were saying and we heard tools differing messages coming from president obama and foreign minister lavrov remember very well what you said when we were saying goodbye he said well i believe that we can make a difference in the rest and they're going to listen let's. get as adults and that's what we're trying to do because if you for. small incidents. become an impediment to everything girls. i think it would be that would be very wrong. for this president obama in the meantime did the opposite he has basically hyped up the cold war talk when
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president putin who was prime minister warned that it was president came back into power i think we saw more rhetoric on the russian side that was anti-american that . played into some of the old stereotypes about the cold war contest between the united states and russia and i've encouraged mr putin to. think forward as opposed to back on those issues with mixed success president obama also said in light of all the disagreements with russia mentioning syria and snowden it's time to make appalls and to recalibrate the tone of the talks at the state department at least the opening part that we have seen so it was a difference there was an agreement on both sides that they should not lead disagreements and standards completely overshadow whatever progress the two countries can actually make one area where the two countries can make a difference is the crisis in syria both state the objective the same objective
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that they want to political solution that they want to bring all sides of the syrian conflict together in geneva to try and map out such a political solution the syrian opposition says they are not going to sit down no one paper with those who have blood on their hands moscow says in order to stop the bloodshed all hands need to come to the negotiating table and foreign minister lavrov this friday he said that secretary kerry assured him that the opposition will be there at that negotiating table so there were some very serious issues on the agenda like syria like missile defense in europe where russia and the u.s. obviously don't see eye to eye but making progress on any of those topics becomes that much harder when the relations are defined by scandals and today we heard foreign minister lavrov trying very hard to ease the tension to move it away from the cold war talk but president obama's remarks seem to have exacerbated the tension. a correspondent in washington international relations expert shirin
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sedalia spoke to r.t. about this later spout she thinks the united states is letting anger cloud its judgment. ministration simply cannot afford to exclude russia from important talks on very important issues. before snowden happens a couple months ago. those issues were very much to do with syria and some foreign policy issues as well as some economic issues that that the u.s. and russia have in common it just seems that this particular snowden affair has unleashed a level of anger in the u.s. government that has that is preventing them from actually doing what they do very well which is to manage foreign policy manage crises and use the press to do that i think it's actually. a very unique and rarely seen a sign of weakness. this reaction is over the top it's quite mild
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compared to what some u.s. lawmakers want from sanctions to an olympic boycott senators and congressman demand that russia was punished for daring to give snowden asylum but it's actually the subject of our web o'doherty dot com if you haven't taken part with very much i invite you to it's always good to hear what you think about the big stories of the day this is what you're telling us how you think when you get going to bode for russia after all this what's been about the say the same most of the night a couple of been done a couple of percent seventy percent of you saying relations were too poor already it isn't going to change much now nineteen percent of you think that's down a tad that economic ties are too important and we will weather the crisis on each side of the pond five percent snowden is just a minor blip in good relations four percent russia will suffer for giving snowden asylum plenty of time to change that but where vote is open right now if you r.t. dot com. the same time and the same news conference in a different place where president obama mentioned strained relations with moscow he promised to reform the much maligned n.s.a.
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surveillance program more transparency in supervision on the cards he said but he gave no indication that the mass monitoring will be scaled back having this new obama speech kalibo part of the international action center says he expects very little to actually happened. if you listen to the speech not much is really proposed that's actually concrete there's talk of some you know a privacy advocate being appointed to a board and you really see that not much is really going to change if you actually actually listen closely and you know as much as when obama was campaigning for president he made a lot of promises about protecting whistleblowers and all of that you see not much of this is changing and the fact that obama came out and gave this address and is proposing these reforms which aren't that sweeping but sound sound really great the reason he did that is a response to the public opinion people all over the united states are outraged you know that their rights are not being protected and all of this this patriotic stuff we hear about freedom and the u.s. is the greatest country in the world because the freedom how it's really it's really not true it's a lot of propaganda that's used to push us to war and to push us to blindly support
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government policies. coming up on the program the concept of pick your own food goes one step further as we report the fast food culture is taking a bite out of quality meals these days so we go report one farm where you can check on your own chops quite literally on the on a list of the low life plus to one of the world's biggest athletic events kicks off here in moscow for the first time almost two thousand athletes are here right now set to compete amid the only going gay propaganda little controversy overshadowing the upcoming winter olympics. and also examining the wasted holidays british tourists uncomfortable drinking habits i'll reveal the causing headaches for you campuses around the world full of up after this break.
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speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world talks seventy yard p. interviews intriguing stories for you. to find out more visit.
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but he did race to moscow's new man as in full throttle with the main adversaries now officially exchanging political blows in the media battlefield and with less than a month left before polling day company has already seen its share of scandals and he did this and now he takes a closer look at the front runners and they're on the last leg of the campaign has officially begun in the first election for moscow's mayor in ten years there are six candidates over seven million registered voters and a lot of promises being made it's not easy to please a city of an estimated fourteen million people there are major problems huge projects and the seemingly never ending fight against corruption incumbent circus sabean and his team in office for two years are confident the city's streets speak for themselves. have been completely changed the city has priorities have been
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public space frighten traffic development of public transportation and to take medicine and education to new levels of development and his plan is to continue that work if he is elected also running is anti corruption blogger and opposition leader alexei nonviolently recently wrapped up in a fraud scandal arrested and then released his campaign volunteers are promising a new moscow have you ever been to paris that's what we want boulevards green everywhere look here for two months they've been putting down tiles by pots our plans for traffic will be like the rest of the world not like some banyan. although a staunch critic of the government nonviolence platform so far sounds a lot like some guidance it's a liberal program you know it's a program geared for the reach for the reach young and active you know so that they would be able to survive in this city so what about those who are old poor and need support but a state media is focused on some value and opposition media with some help from the
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west and from angels is promoting a volley so the core mission of the socialists are sidelined but i think they are kind of this format shape you i mean you go you know a scientist. for also i think that is a man a scientist a socialist kind of i think the program was more humane either way the vote is expected to draw a tremendous turnout that's media coverage and possibly even controversy and he's now a r t moscow. cover stories online now tell you about boarding a problem but already activists is prevented from taking a flight home apparently because of an order from the now we take a look at whether the gulf kingdom is tightening the screws at a planned mass protests this get a lot of hits like for check out as well plus an invasion section we've got spectacular photo galleries including this one of people in japan and abroad marking the sixty eighth anniversary of the hiroshima atomic bomb before many other
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world events captured their homes well. write the scene. first for you and i think you're. on a recorder's twitter. instagram. having fun and relaxing is what holidays are all about but it seems some brits just don't know when they've had enough of a good thing british tourists are among the most notorious drinkers around the world in fact in the center of first reports next they seem to think that nothing can stop them either. you say you pull the take a and you're finally off on your holidays and say the very last thing you want to have happen is to get into trouble for doing it nineteen thousand people saw consular assistance last year according
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to the latest figures by the foreign and commonwealth office into british behavior there has been a rise in some countries of more serious crimes and that's causing concern in particular the statistics about rape and sexual assaults are up by ten percent now the countries that have been pinpointed as a particular areas of concern spain turkey enjoys all countries popular with young holidaymakers all countries renowned for their very busy nightlife now it has to be said the brits do tend to have a bit of a reputation of course and out the whole continues to be a major factor in many of the problems that i think we are as a nation. especially for you you have to see brits completely drunk out of their heads. yeah alcohol was the biggest bank to earn income above says nine
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hundred thousand people so consular assistance thing a lot of that's going to be youngsters getting drunk a lot of it a lot of it tonight and so the foreign and commonwealth office reminding travelers once again to keep safe it's one of the biggest events of the sporting calendar on a big bow football world cup and the olympics the world our floating championships started here in moscow for the first time lindsay from supporters from outside. it was a beautiful day to kick off the competition here at luzhniki stadium beautiful blue skies and sunny weather for the nearly two thousand athletes coming from two hundred six countries to participate in this event now it runs and runs until august eighteenth and so there's plenty of time to get an eyeful of these amazing athletes they show their stuff here on the field now as events have gone on so far the women's marathon that was run along the moscow river it was taken by kenya and the men's ten thousand meter was taken by england very impressive shows by both of
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them are people coming from far and wide throughout russia. stadium to catch sight of these athletes these are athletes that are not often covered in the media they are not on the cover of magazines and cereal boxes these are people that are oftentimes under the radar but they work very very hard to hold their skills to become experts and we are getting to see that here now the topic that is on the tip of everyone's tongue does seem to be the legislation that came out of the russian government to prohibiting the promotion of a homosexual lifestyle to juveniles and that seems to clash very much with be salty olympics coming up so soon in twenty four teams many people political personalities and even in pop culture have spoken up and even promoted the idea of boycotting the olympics by certain countries teams however many leaders such as prime minister david cameron have also spoken up and said that boycotting would actually hurt the dialogue keeping the participation going in the olympics is something that furthers
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the dialogue in a situation like this and it's also worth noting that these athletes do spend a very large portion of their lives preparing for these events and to take that away from them because of a discord like this just seems cruel and so that argument also been put on the table over it something that will mark the discussion of the olympics up until and even during the event and so definitely it's worth keeping a close eye on which governments are coming forward spirit of sportsmanship in saying you know let's stick with it once all participate in the olympics coming up so soon. story in germany next and these days it's not a problem to take a quick bite if you go along your plate of the time just warm your meal in a microwave but for some that approach simply isn't good enough they want to know exactly what they're talking into so not as people of a german farmer who's found a way to satisfy even the most picky of appetites. europeans want to know exactly
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where their food is coming from this year we've seen the scandal of me being passed off as beef and ready meals and the genetically modified crop giant monsanto decide that there isn't a market for them in you. all of this is given one pig farmer an idea how to assure customers that his product is the best it can be and. it's simple enough to see the environment where the people take an animal has grown up they get to see them in a field surrounded by grants not in some. stock even if. buying from burned is a little different from going to your local organic butcher customers pick their pick from photos online and then through a web cam they can watch the animal grow when you get back and then several months later they receive their requested cut. the idea behind this belongs to a student from berlin dentist bookman his philosophy was that people should look better quality products he wanted to increase awareness and make it known how. with
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famous chefs politicians and styles of music and sport queuing up the bones products from the caucus and some with a whole pig going for around four hundred fifty euros. the transport ends their policy on customers like to have transparency in the production process and what people want to know where their money comes from we're looking to fill that niche. these days more and more people are concerned where their food has come from but for some just because you like pork chops doesn't mean you want to come face to face with the pig. that you wouldn't like it would be counter to tell you i'm sorry because it could be repeated. oh yeah tastes great but i'm not sure i would have liked to see it when it was a lie many though seem happy enough to watch their dinner. grow from a free range piglets to
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a juicy couplet. you get to see where the biggest comes from how to grow up and live ultimately the truth is the product i've got no problem. with the goods are grouped in a natural competition with big states better be closer but you know what you're eating right of the recent scandal that is important to me just. moves diners would say they want farm animals ridden healthy conditions before they get to the but whether you want a closer relationship with what's to become your sausages or chops is reason a matter of taste he told of a party germany. would use a brief series of nine car bombs across the iraqi capital baghdad killed up to sixty nine people and wounded around two hundred explosions rocked mainly shiite areas in the city targeting phase markets and restaurants and iraqi authorities of toughening security image celebrations marking the end of ramadan up in july alone more than one thousand people were killed in the country died that's the clashes in
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northern ireland where fifty six police officers injured loyalist protesters attacked security forces with bricks and bottles as they waited for a republican parade in belfast play shoes baton rounds and water cannon to disperse the rally in july riot shook the city for five days after moralist were banned from parading through the national city. is really progress to be made in yarrow's spain and reportedly hospitalized and is expected to undergo emergency hernia surgery according to israeli media who complained of severe pain throughout the day the province's office of the operation could require general anaesthetic. coming up i'll be martin takes aim at the mainstream and breaking a said so next program but after the break. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for you think you understand it and then you glimpse
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something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . the interview. a. good job of.
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this is. really my colleagues and i will never shake mississauga's feelings hanscom i consider him a war criminal. i
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took. it. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food because you know how fabulous. i mean. i know that i've seen the same thing really messed up. in the area so personally apologize and. worst. my house of a. radio guy in fort lauderdale minutes from a quick fix i want. to go because you've never seen anything like that i'm told.


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