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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  August 10, 2013 5:29pm-6:01pm EDT

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to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i don't get any i mean the town i know that i'm sitting in the seems really really messed up. and we're all very sort of personally. the. worst for delivering the white house or the. radio guy for minestrone creek. what clothes were about to give you never seen anything like that and i'm selling.
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lots of guys i'm abby martin and this is breaking the sat well it's been really encouraging to see how much the show is making waves across the country and was especially excited to get a plug for it on glenn beck's bloomberg conservative news site called the blades printed the article itself is a full blown characters as a nation of a guest i recently had on the show actor and director sean stone see stone is openly critical of israeli and u.s. government policies that keep the world in a petrol state of war but the glenn beck that write for the blaze seem to think that's all crazy talk however all the article does is outline stones of words which frankly are completely logical for example every quote speaking to an interviewer who expressed sympathy for his opinions stone called the us war on terror in response of it tax on the us over a decade of constant fear mongering and aggression. as if that hasn't been the case . while the blaze is not exactly the kind of exposure i'd prefer for the show
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ruffling their feathers is a clear sign that i'm on the right track so let's keep breaking the set. of the large number of jews or puberty or anything like that. in an era of rampant surveillance government secrecy and whistleblower crackdowns more and more questions have arisen over the actions and intentions of the us government regardless of how doubtful we may be of its justifications worktop to just accept the explanations that are given and if we don't if we acknowledge the gaping holes well that just makes us conspiracy theorists the project of term that for years has been cast on those who have been bold enough to ask questions so how did we get to a place where truth seekers are now conspiracy theorists and what damage does it do to the pursuit of truth talk about all that and more i'm joined by lance to hayden smith
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a professor of public administration at florida state university and the author of a new book called conspiracy theory in america lance thanks so much for joining me pleasure to have you on the years so lance you've done a lot of research on the on the concept of conspiracy theories the origin of the term talk about the history of when this became a tool used to discredit legitimate questioning it happened through the warren commission report was criticized for the lone gunman theory and people were saying that they didn't believe that the cia started a propaganda campaign a global probably in the campaign to label these people conspiracy theorist and to . ridicule them and say that they were just doing it to make money or they they were in love with their own theories or they were under the control of the communist propagandist. i call it the conspiracy theory conspiracy and small ired to discourage us from bugging you about a conspiracy that is the basis of this actually was
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a concerted effort on behalf of the cia is to discredit those who are question that we're going to have same and you've actually propose an alternative term scads of state crimes against democracy as. as an alternative term to conspiracy theories what exactly is that well it's just it's just a name for high crimes it's a name for the paying the conspiracy theory label discouraged from talking about it and if you can name it it's really hard to deal with that people can just stop the discussion when they say conspiracy theory where do you go from here so what i've suggested is there are crimes like white collar crime juvenile crime let's give a name to this type of crime we've seen it we know that we had watergate we know that we had iran contra we know the bush administration misled us about intelligence for invading iraq we know we had these crimes so let's name and study him study them as a group the tendency with the conspiracy theory label is to look at these one by one but the label forces us to look at them as
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a group and to compare and look for similar targets similar timings similar policy consequences just what would study any crime rate in historical context and not look at it and say oh it's ockham's razor the simplest explanation is usually the right one will really when you're looking at everything in its historical narrative it is a lot more complicated than we'd like to be and you know dismiss them as you mentioned these patterns looking at on the patterns around scads can you talk about one such example of a pattern that you found assassinations is very obvious that the only people who get assassinated in america political leaders are presidents the vice presidents are not targeted u.s. senators die in plane crashes when the senate is evenly divided and between republicans and democrats and what this is showing you is that their interest in killing people who have control of foreign policy and they don't attack i don't want to give anybody ideas but i mean they don't attack supreme court justices i
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mean these people have enormous influence why do they not get or you will get the people to get targeted at control of foreign policy and that tells you that the people who are doing this have an interest in form so i would. it was very interesting how we accept the fact that we have assassinated not we but the u.s. government in concert with the cia of assassinated leaders foreign leaders across the world to perpetuate kind of global policies yet we find it so hard to believe that they would do that actually within this own country within our own country and the weird thing is when we did this overseas we started seeing assassinations of our own country it was in the fifty's and early sixty's that we were targeting people in egypt and in latin america and then we seem to share with them our own country and i think that's what happens the cia gets skills they migrate back into american paul of course and one of the most dominant conspiracies ever and i hate even using that term because every you know conspiracies are real so it's really a basis to even use this to explain something. way but the assassination of j.f.k.
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i mean i'm talking about a poll that just came out and may of this year that i wanted to show you majority of americans believe that oswald did not act alone in killing j.f.k. why is it that this is nothing more than a conspiracy by the establishment mainstream media when the majority of people think this and what the political class will not say these things to realize the kennedy assassination is obviously a conspiracy we know that from the evidence in the warren commission report the bullet hole in his neck was higher than the exit in his back so the trajectory had to be damn well you couldn't shoot from the sixth floor and have a trajectory like that scott on to the body after this this was a murder in texas should have been investigated by the texas with the texas doctors doing the autopsy they took the body some say with guns drawn and put it on air force one which was not a transport plane. so it doesn't hold any any any water at all but what happened is
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the political class shuts down discussion of it and condemns anybody who says differently think about this kid of the family. has not said anything until just about six months ago robert kennedy jr said that he thought it was a conspiracy and then we had to look at it but the family and that it was it was going on is people are frightened people are frightened to say anything the kennedys of are frightened when howard was breaking in on the watergate burglary there was a plan that he did with g. gordon liddy to kill jack anderson and ted kennedy and they were called off but this gives you the i mean these people are not playing this is very serious now and i think i read that jackie o. on her deathbed actually said something that is to the same thing that she had questions as well unfortunately you know it takes someone who's almost to come out and actually acknowledge that she thinks that there was something more to this story why is this so damaging and why what does this do to discredit really the
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fundamental of a democracy our system of government is based on the idea that citizens are vigilant we have a check and balances system because we assume that the leaders will abuse authority other things equal so we try to pit them against each other we try to hold them accountable to an oath of office and. have a peach of processes and things like that but we assume that it they we have an energy citizen and when that is silence it allows the collusion to occur between the branches of government and you consolidate power and people lose their freedom of thought these americans won't remember but the nuremberg war crimes trials the first charge in the indictment was conspiracy to take over the government to buy them aggressive war it was a conspiracy we said we were doing this to teach the germans that of the people in a democracy you have
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a responsibility to hold their leaders accountable and you know the germans didn't do it they let these nazis come in and take over the government in star wars so it's in america's tradition to be. julan skeptical and concerned about another patriotic that's paying to have a patriotic and i still have a lot of questions about almost every event that seems to be the catalyst of endless war the erosion of civil liberties however i'm shocked at how little americans question overall why do you think so many people blindly accept official government narratives what they're told is what we what you hear people say is well american government just wouldn't do these things and if they tried to do and they couldn't do and they're not competent enough and if they did do him and pulled him off somebody would talk what people forget is why didn't we build the atomic bomb over one hundred thousand people worked on that project and the word never got out harry truman didn't know about the atomic bomb until he had been president a week so we can keep a secret and we do you know we have to build
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a road from the president even from the president of the united states lance there seems to be you know unfortunately there seems to be a conspiracy culture jumping to conclusions making under cleared i'm sorry making unfounded declarations in the wake of every event now from hurricanes to mash and i think it's because of this lack of transparency from the government we're seeing what damage does this do to people who are legitimately seeking truth it's really a part of the conspiracy theory term as a blanket label it doesn't make any distinctions between a crazy idea and a very realistic idea it just paints one broad brush and what we've got to do instead is talk specifically about what the suspicion is so let's just call the suspicion and say here's the evidence for we have to be willing to discuss these things on the merits and quit trying to shut down conversation it's really undermining our public discourse and make it very difficult to be reasonable in politics i always say you know i take the government narrative and i don't say i have the answer i know what really happened all i know is what didn't happen and
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what they say isn't possible that what the government keeps coming out with is what i call coincidence that it was it was the goods or that million coincidences that i want. i'm lansbury out throughout thank you so much wednesday haven author conspiracy theory and america everyone check it out very important subject important book thanks a lot that will. stick around you guys if you like what you see so far go to our facebook page at facebook dot com the suspect in the set sure to do it thousands of done already and give us a like will be updating our status daily there with links to past segments as well as reaching out to you all for ideas of what you want to see covered on the show also check out behind the scenes photos we take our studios like this one today with all of us all some breaking the set swag my good friend leo martinez put together for the show side or facebook page check out all that more and you guys stick around don't go anywhere after the break we'll talk to honest churkin about the latest in the investigation on you but again no sheds.
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talking about language at all but i will only react to situations i have read the reports so i'm like. no i will leave that to the state department to comment on your latter point. to carry out a car is on the job here no. thank you no more weasel. when you say to direct question are you prepared for a change when you. get ready for a. freedom of speech. and the freedom to.
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i would rather ask questions for people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more. well this is. science technology innovation all the least a melon inst from around rush hour we've got the future if you're covered. although it's been almost four months since the horrific boston bombings that left three dead and dozens injured there are still plenty of questions left unanswered
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probably the most disturbing of which is the mysterious death of even again. as a twenty seven year old chechen man who was shot and killed in his florida home by f.b.i. agents who were there to win her get him over his connection with the sarnia brothers . was unarmed and he was shot seven times once in the head if this will explanation of why has fallen apart last month i spoke to josh's widow on this show about seeking accountability for what she calls an execution and now his father's in miami to seek justice for his son and demand answers from the f.b.i. all artes on a saucy a churkin to travel to florida to follow up on the case and speak to josh's father . a quaint residential neighborhood in florida and a father who can't hold back his tears nothing will bring me peace as long as i live from the moment it happened i haven't been able to forget about it even for a second name will go into the which barely containing his grief by keats
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a dash of takes a moment several times during our interview. a few days ago he arrived in the u.s. from russia to seek answers for his sunny brigham's tragic death. this is the entrance into the condo where twenty seven year old greg lived minutes away from disney world it was here that on may twenty second after reportedly being questioned by officials for hours he was shot and killed by the f.b.i. under circumstances most of which remain murky. from reminiscing about ibrahim as a child who was very much into sports here he is at a school holiday party with his little brother. to looking through graphic images that a parent should never get to see images that will haunt him for the rest of his life . four or five shots right into the heart i've never seen things like this even in the movies not in the u.s. not in russia you know where. such violence from law enforcement nowhere have i
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seen anything like this i mean. the morning father's on a mission to uncover the truth behind the f.b.i.'s killing of his son he's even willing to say. this but i want justice honestly because an unprecedented intentional murder of my son took place. ibrahim came to the u.s. in two thousand and eight to study english and ended up staying to pursue a career in martial arts this spring he was questioned in connection with a triple homicide in massachusetts as well as the boston marathon bombings as officials believe the chechen young man had been friends with the deceased suspect a milan sir. the father says the only connection his son had to the tsar knives was a chechen background that had once prompted them to exchange phone numbers. they said he was connected to the events in boston with this and that they can't connect any dots now if they want to the truth they would have killed him they would have
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questioned him appropriately even if we were talking about a criminal in this case they took the law into their own hands he wore it were given received multiple fatal gunshots to the heart and head during the night of the questioning. the f.b.i. claimed a violent confrontation took place but has been blocking autopsy results from going public some reports suggested breggin was armed with a knife others a broomstick but there are also claims that he was not armed at all scored meanwhile a deal by key to dosh of says his son had just had serious knee surgery and could barely move without crutches demands from the american civil liberties union and the council on american islamic relations for florida authorities to hold an investigation were declined while the f.b.i. claims to be conducting an inquiry of its own as we know they would never be able to prove his guilt in anything but because they killed him if they kept him alive tried him that would be a whole different story. showing us the postcards from american sending condolences to his family of dubai key hopes those behind his son's killing would show some
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heart as well. maybe the f.b.i. will have some kind of guilt resurface and admit that they committed this fatal mistake for several years prior to his death ibrahim was not able to leave the u.s. while waiting to be granted a green card he eventually received permanent residence status and had plans to visit home on may twenty fourth but he died two days earlier. i'll never get tired do what i can i'm just not able to leave this. while the father still has hope for justice he will never be able to bring his son back or meant his own broken heart and r.t. orlando florida joining me now from new york to talk about the latest in the investigation is our to correspond. thanks for going on the show. one of the most disturbing points of this case that the f.b.i. will not release the autopsy reports i mean what do you think the rationale is for that. well abbie i think it's safe to assume at this point that there is something
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that they're trying to sweep under the rug in this case because it has been over two months the autopsy results have been around for a while now yet they have been trying really hard despite demands from. care and the a.c.l.u. to release these these results they've been trying very hard not to do so so what it's really marking this entire case until they release the results we're going to not going to find out exactly what the reasoning behind this is what is very interesting how much the stories actually changed from the weapon that you might have been brandishing or not what is to all those father think why does he think that they did this did he ever express anything to you about. will be that's exactly why he's here to get in florida to get answers to these questions he doesn't know why this happened he says son is innocent and he believes that what happened is an atrocity he does refer to what happened several times while he talked to the killing as an unprecedented intentional murder and he wants to know why this happened one of the things he doesn't soon however is that the f.b.i.
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were trying to keep him silent for what he doesn't know i mean the shot in the head is something that's just really horrifying especially when they could have taken him down by shooting him and other points around his body what are the chances of seeing or really any justice in this case. where nobody is going to. a right it's going to be quite complicated if if the father does go ahead and try to sue the f.b.i. it's going to be very hard for him legally right now he's in the very first stages he's still looking for lawyers he you know he doesn't speak much english he is in the florida on a tourist visa and it's just you know considering this case has been under this veil of secrecy it's really doubtful that this man is going to have an easy journey trying to get these answers i'm really happy that you were there following up on the front lines following up this really important story and i've got to tell you in care are working to try to open up some light on the issue as well thank you so much arctic response so situation out.
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there are. very few people in the corporate media that i actually enjoy watching and more than just for entertainment well rachel maddow is one of those people she's a seasoned anchor at m s n b c who has a powerful presentation and has made some epic rants however she also wouldn't be where she is if she didn't serve a particular role for the establishment and as critical as she may be a obama from time to time at the end of the day she's there to promote the democratic party which she does quite well by not only conducting softball interviews with prominent politicians but by fear mongering her audience constantly about the g.o.p. now i'm not saying that the republican party doesn't deserve ridicule what i am saying is that both parties are equally complicit in the disastrous policies that are destroying this country but recently maddow has gone beyond her usual partisan
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politics that is connecting obscure dots to make some pretty startling conclusions in the wake of the boston bombings. headline and i think also in some ways the bottom line of the boston marathon bombing has been that the reason for the bombing was radical islam that the bombers were inspired by the online al qaeda magazines that committed the bombing for the same cockamamie conspiratorial nonsense that we've all had to become so familiar with but if this new reporting from the b.b.c. in the wall street journal is correct that may not have been the only conspiratorial nonsense radicalism that was at work here i mean really pick your poison right i mean it's the protocols of the elders of zion which temporal insight and i have also apparently had a nice copy of the protocols of zion or it's nine eleven truth or it's what a lucky soul to nidal hasan there's always been an appeal to this neck or ties in conspiracy theory radicalism which almost always butts up against justifying
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violence just wow so according to maddow conspiracy theories are almost always used as justification for violence and. the brothers were not radicalized by islam alone but were also by conspiracy theories namely those regarding nine eleven of course she forgets to mention that dzhokhar himself allegedly said that u.s. foreign policy was the motivating factor behind the attacks but i digress then maddow compares and we're all lucky teachings to people who aren't satisfied with the official nine eleven story. think about how dangerous that rhetoric is for one second what does it say about the nine eleven victims' family members or unfulfilled the investigation or about the countless millions of people around the world who are unsatisfied with what the government told us happened and why or about the groups of firefighters architects scientists and world leaders who have also expressed their doubts should they all be flagged as potential terrorist
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threats too but look this is the first time rachel is acting as an echo chamber for the government's position on nine eleven she was dedicated a whole segment on her show just to promote it. two of the best things ever published about the nine eleven attacks are these two books i think that was really admirable approach to try to make widely accessible the findings of the nine eleven report but the even better thing they did is that they published an official comic book of the same report it's the official graphic novel a graphic adaptation of the real nine eleven commission report. awesome thanks for recommending the commission report and the comic book version of things like a cartoon to help digest the propaganda a little bit easier but maddow is not just selling propaganda she's also character assassinating anyone who feels like we haven't been given the truth. this was written specifically to take on the claims of the people who said that nine eleven
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didn't really happen or that nine eleven was an inside job that nine eleven was not actually an attack on our country but was rather a hoax perpetrated by our government in order to in slave us or something didn't work. the nine eleven conspiracies have stood up to the facts disproving them the nine eleven conspiracies have not gone away because they are too ideologically and i think emotionally satisfying to the people who espouse them. because someone who wants the truth about why things are the way they are must believe that nine eleven either never happened or that was a hoax or that the government completely engineered everything in order to enslave humanity because apparently it's too hard to believe that this government would not care about the lives of human beings in order to advance geo political goals is it really too hard to believe the fact that bush and his cabinet turned a blind eye to let the attacks happen or even
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a sure that they happened according to maddow it's somehow more comforting for people to accept the view that the government would allow them to die to justify war but wait a minute it's not exactly what she thinks. that is why the new bombshell reporting by kurt eichenwald which ran as an op ed in today's new york times but it's also in his new book is so important mr eichenwald reporting for this new book says it was not just that famous bin laden determined to strike in the u.s. presidential daily briefing that the bush administration received and ignored less than a month before nine eleven which gives me just over a month before nine eleven it was a whole series of presidential daily briefs all through may and june and july of two thousand and one all warning of a plan to major strike by al qaeda in the united states which then of course ultimately happened in september of that year. there's a responsibility to get history right for its own sake right yes rachel it is and letting nine eleven happened is making it happen and i commend you for being
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critical of the war critical of many of the empire's destructive policies but in still you start asking questions about what drives these policies you're doing nothing more than perpetuating them. if you refuse economic up and downs in the final months day the longer the deal sank i and the rest because i was going to be taking little baby every week on.
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the interview. most of these boys has been in trouble with the law for violence or thefts. but we drove the window climbed. in going try to start it. we pushed it a little way here we were drunk. and soon who you're an alcoholic nearly all of
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them are homeless orphans with no money or relatives. are you afraid to live without me. for a moment but there it felt like i was back but those straight into going to beat me up at any moment. as i turned my back i couldn't help wondering about my safety. isn't a warden he's there the father you could say that slava raises us he makes normal people out of ugly duckling. i.
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caught in the crossfire al qaeda extremists slaughter hundreds of kurds living in northern syria showing no mercy to women and children in their path to creating a breakaway islamic state. barack obama lashes out at moscow for what he calls a cold war stance while russia demands america act like adults we report on the spike in tensions triggered by the snowden saga. and as moscow gears up for its first may or elections in a decade we'll look at how the leading candidates the acting city chief and a prominent opposition are planning to win the votes.


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