tv The Truthseeker RT August 11, 2013 4:44am-5:01am EDT
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down here ever give up you know not tricked me into was here was like i'm very tales you get cool for croix wolf in real life inside as loft how people full full flags toy off the toy off the toy prices initiations really tough and it's very hard for me to see how the united states. president can get us to war with iraq that explosion on aug seventeenth we could step up the pressure. i mean look people ready submarines are going to go down some day one of my not come out would know why. mr rose don't want to get us into world war two was to mention you may recall we had to wait for a harbor some people might think mr johnson want to send troops to vietnam you may recall we can't think we're. true one repeat the lie.
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what health is preferred month for invasion is mulch and this weapon of choice is the new york times and almost white house official tells the times iraq spying w m d to mainstream media repeat without question it was a total lie on the second anniversary of syria anonymous white house official says iran is buying the rings even though all thinks the u.s. intelligence agencies admit iran does not have a nuclear weapons program nor the most white house official tells the times iraq's about to use chemical weapons it was a low i don't know the most white house official tells the time syria's about to use chemical weapons mainstream repeating it without question we're even told things that don't exist iraq supposedly had some chemical agent fifteen it was a lawyer in twenty thirteenth e.i.a. claims a quote compelling case syria is using the same thing now the only problem is there's no such thing as agent fifteen leaked emails as america is trying to plant
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a chemical weapon which washington says would justify invasion we've got a new offer it's about syria again qatar is proposing the track to field this where the idea is approved by washington will have to deliver a chemical weapon to homs similar to those that assad should have proposed are enormous for the book to kevin but at the same laws from iraq chemicals that don't exist then nobody even troy you americans have a terrible time you. and trying to imagine that their leaders could ever act you know less than morally upright way and for this reason americans have been repeatedly victimized by leaders who have done all sorts of terrible things to america and american democracy as well as to other countries trick to window resists iran is suing all go direct to ben affleck it was to show cia documents ordering this flick to prepare america to halt samoans to bomb iran.
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i'm going to. thank. you know iranians the portrayed like zombies from the one of the dead here who could the cia really control holywood yes of course this may sound like a crazy conspiracy theory to people who are exposed in a regular basis to fox news and c.n.n. new york times which never talk about these things the cia has been propagandizing the american people through the us media since world war two there's a whole part of the cia hold off aeration mockingbird they may have changed the name but i'm sure it's still around operation mockingbird is that operation in the cia they do seem to found the media there were created six seven hundred fairly high level and influential cia assets paid by the sea hey you know the media and so it's not surprising that many news articles and hollywood movies are
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intelligence operations they just one thing also of war is the law about how can a film be a war crime well as did the international covenant on civil and political rights makes it illegal to engage in war propaganda people who have billion dollar media industries at their fingertips are not supposed to be pushing war propaganda and that's what our goal is and more effectively because it's not recognized as such but it's it's packed full of lies that it depicts irradiance as a. had dishes on human animals the one that you cited earlier of putting out false information about cigarettes from foreign nations through selected misleading leaks out of the government and then broadcasting those through all the media as if they've been created by independent reporting this is gone through cooperation with the new york times and other key media outlets with the chemical weapons or the aluminum tubes and so forth any desists this is intentionally. false and
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misleading information aimed at beginning a war that is that is war propaganda that is what is banned under international convention a trick three where invading to help hundreds of women and babies that may lie would gang rape torture have been murdered by us troops in your book kill anything that moves finds america's only committed messages every month the marine james fits the with the regular atrocities in the iraq syria afghanistan if to anything that moves the policy i have no doubt about it as a former marine corps officer who however did not serve in vietnam the policy was the practice kill anything that moves i have no doubt. afghanistan no doubt all sorts of reports u.s. trained proxies in syria raping and killing women and children three thousand tons
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of weapons recently lifted to syrian terrorists america's training iran's mujahedeen how to risk killing thousands of iranians and americans invested reports of muslim rupa thanks for joining us who's the threats we see the delisting of the m.e. k here in the united states the iranian opposition group we saw mainstream reports of them actually being trained for operations in iran in the united states so in this was when they were still listed as a terrorist organization so the west is really the one threatening here along with israel of course. but. america's single justification repeated again and again in chinese whispers is that deliberately full three quotes in fact iran's president called for court the all to pose of jerusalem is those question of the u.n. rules the legal to face quote bridge she changed exactly what the u.s.
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calls for throughout the world all to translate to all russian or is the you brought before truth to public attention thanks for joining us you call this the broom of the thing tree why is the difference kitty she's speaking of sort of like a velvet revolution of some kind. clearly not threatening to attack anybody it's very tragic and ironic that the iranian population is certainly very pro western and very eager to to be a part of the international community. very pro-american. yet at the same time there's really wanted one way that you could screw that up and that is to. to attack that country because it's a very nationalistic country and despite the unpopularity of the regime in power to moment and no one would take kindly to. and it kind of an attack blitzing the oil rich muslim world in controllable micro states is the graham plan says the leak from friends of syria talks confirmed by top generals and politicians in kuwait
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pakistan and so ok kevin barrett how does the plan would look iraq has now broken up into a largely shiite south a shrinking sun the middle many of us in this have become refugees and left the country and israeli occupied kurdish north and likewise sudan has been broken up into two pieces the so-called arab north and an israeli occupied south which is where all the energy resources are interesting when the israelis only seem to grab whatever the energy resources are they they own the south sudan and they own kurdistan of iraq. libya has been broken up into a solid the east and a good after you supporting west so that's the strategy is to break up all these countries and syria would be the icing on the cake design thing israel's enemies one by one hell strange in the one country it never attacks ever israel so this leads you to wonder what the heck is going on you know what kind of radical islamic
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group is this that smuggle drugs and never attacks israel and whatever it does always seems to be in the interests of israel i think it's they've created a brand with al qaeda that is designed to siphon off anger in the arab and muslim world so roland's mixed who would win well first the chances are that the world would not go well for the u.s. this has been we're game to death for instance the atlantic monthly which is a neo con publication serving the interests of israel actually spent a huge amount of money to do a very very elaborate simulation of all of the possibilities for war with iran and the result was that iran wins every time i mean the only way that iran can lose quote unquote is if the u.s. so. actually incinerates all their cities with nuclear bombs any other outcome is an iranian victory. it's it's a very very bad work plan unless of course you're
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a psychotic israeli like couldn't buy netanyahu and you would be perfectly happy to nuke you know every iranian city but of course that would be a work crime that would put the us out of its position as the leader of the world instantly the whole world would be you know is just so disgusted by that it would be the be end of america's life as as a world power america's new but tool to war bill forces us to attack iran if israel decides just to congressman voted against events your own resolution a few years back they will pull and that is close image close just left office there is one thing you would consider just press secretary is this bike the wall to wall the game changer to explicitly give a foreign nation that power to declare war is to push the momentum out of control out of your hands you can't take it back anymore it would effectively give israel the power to declare war on iran for the united states i mean this is
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a step way beyond this is giving war powers to a foreign nation that's in your whose droids to get the public on his soit with a threatening picture has gone viral even decision makers in washington still pressured by his threats new six they hate goldfields quote jewish intimidation so people might be surprised who's the wolf. says. so we leave that maybe. by the same person secure in. your party there's a goal. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers
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from it's all on politics only on our t.v. . exactly what happened that day i don't know but a woman got killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. innocent people to confess to police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were off taking they could get what they wanted they could say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said.
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stories that shape the way we care or not see us russia ruckus barack obama cancels an upcoming meeting with vladimir putin and suggests relations need a time. granted temporary asylum to whistleblower edward snowden. claims of genocide could say they are being targeted to ethnic cleansing amid mounting reports of al-qaeda linked fighters attacking their villages in syria. comes under pressure from the global gay community who want the winter olympics taken away from russia over the introduction of what they called a fascist against homosexuals.
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