tv News Weekly RT August 11, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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i am. the week's top stories on our c mosco urges come as president obama freezes u.s. and russia relations decline what he sees as a cold war mentality following the granting of temporary asylum to edward snowden. syria's battlefront is moving to their lungs or because their villagers are being raised to the ground by radical jihad it's all raving to such an op and the kind and the reds that. also this hour the gun tunnel they hunger strike hits a six month milestone as the pentagon continues to splash on tax payers money on the prison i mean the planes the white house hasn't given up its blank a shot of down. western gay community to demand russia because tripped over the right to hold the next winter olympics in protest against the new law
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against homosexuality propaganda to my nose and some even got a yes on is comparing pretend to hitler. but it is news on the week's top stories you're watching the weekly see with me our thanks for joining us talk of cold war punishment and the frank should relationship have made this week perhaps the widest for u.s. russia times in years but both washington and moscow have shop lead defying different takes on different takes on the situation where obama is talking about reassessing relations the russia side believes it is all being blown out of proportion she's been there check how has the story. this week when president obama
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canceled the bilateral meeting with the russian president in september u.s. russia relations have a new low on friday the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov the russian defense minister arrived in washington as planned to meet their u.s. counterparts and we heard two different messages coming from president obama and foreign minister lavrov both held a news conference on the same day at the same time in different venues of course with foreign minister lavrov trying very hard to ease the tension to move it away from the cold war with president obama seemingly doing the opposite take a listen remember the rewards who said when we were saying goodbye he said we'll i believe that we can make a difference in the rest of the. let's. as adults. and that's. when president putin who was prime minister when the president came back into power i think we saw more rhetoric on the russian side that was
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anti-american that. played into some of the old stereotypes about the cold war contest between the united states and russia president obama also said in light of all the disagreements with russia it's time for the u.s. to take a pause and he said. that the tone of the talks at the state department seemed a bit different there were some very serious issues on the agenda like syria like missile defense in europe where russia and the u.s. obviously don't see eye to eye but it seemed there was an agreement on both sides that they should not disagreements and scandals completely overshadowed whatever progress the two countries can actually make and one area where the two countries tend make a difference is the crisis in syria both state the same objective that they want to political solution and that they want to bring all sides of the syrian conflict together in geneva to try and map out such a political solution and the syrian opposition says they're not going to sit down
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at the at one table with those who have blood on their hands in order to stop the bloodshed all hands need to come to the negotiating table and foreign minister lavrov said john kerry. that the syrian opposition is going to be there. making progress on those very important issues concerning global security becomes much harder when relations are defined by scandals now going back to president obama's news conference it was not all about president obama proposals before him and they say. president obama said he intends to work on ways to try one provision of the patriot act known as. the government broader authority to obtain business phone data records he announced the creation of a panel of outsiders. privacy advocates and others to assess the program sir. it just changes by the end of the year but everybody understand it's all happening because of edward snowden's revelations probably that's why the majority of
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americans say edward snowden is a whistleblower and not a traitor now it's not clear whether the government will actually go through with those were forms promising is one thing delivering on those promises is something else but at the end of the day the american people may actually benefit from what snowden did which can't be said about u.s. marshal ations. opinions differ on whether these sandbach in relations was provided by granting fugitive u.s. whistleblower edward snowden asylum or whether that was just a pretext for a political analyst every trade says as adama's consolations just damage control to save face at home the notion of putin as bringing the foreign policy trajectory back to the cold war is part of the us propaganda machine. that the decision to grant temporary asylum to snowden was not merely a political one it was one that was made out of sheer necessity by putin in the russian government because frankly they couldn't have allowed the mellow drama to
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continue on in that airport and so what we're seeing as it's being reported in the media is that this is kind of a tit for tat harkening back to the cold war but i think that what we're seeing is actually practical politics this is really face saving on the part of obama so that he can play kate not only the conservatives on his right who vehemently attacked putin the russian government at every turn while at the same time attempting to portray himself as consistent on the issue falling racing's and public pressure forcing the u.s. president to bend on another front domestic surveillance obama has promised reforms to add transparency to government snooping but refused to give specifics and having listened to obama's speech pain of the international action center says he expects very little to actually happened. if you listen to the speech not much is really proposed that's actually concrete there's talk of some you know
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a privacy advocate being appointed to a board and you really see that not much is really going to change if you actually actually listen closely and you know as much as when obama was campaigning for president he made a lot of promises about protecting whistleblowers and all of that you see not much of this is changing and the fact that obama came out and gave this address and it's proposing these reforms which aren't that sweeping but sound sound really great the reason he did that is a response to the public opinion people all over the united states are outraged you know that their rights are not being protected and all of this this patriotic stuff we hear about freedom and the u.s. is the greatest country in the world because the freedom how it's really it's really not true it's a lot of propaganda that's used to push us to war and to push us to blindly support government policies. the sewer in the war has opened another bloody chapter with fierce battles in our holding in the country's north korea's faces are being forced to stand their ground against islamist militants who are pushing them out of their territories four hundred and fifty civilians many of whom were women and children
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were allegedly slaughtered in one incident alone would have making specific information hard to verify we turn to kara's journalist a so to help us put together a timeline of the conflict and according to him radicals launched at times on the nineteenth of july by planting a bomb in a kurdish school and kidnapping civilians the very next day there was a chain of explosions start hitting houses across the kurdish enclaves which leveled one village to the ground while many more locals were kidnapped and islam is the cleric was declared from my local mosque killing members of the minority would be rewarded in heaven and he encouraged missions to loot and destroy kurdish homes the violence has spread into setting with seventy kurds murdered and three hundred fifty abducted by al-qaeda linked fighters and that's him more now details from our correspondent in the region. horrifying images of slaughter and mayhem
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from a region already in throes of conflict this week some reports emerge that hundreds of kurds have been slaughtered by extremist groups in northeastern syria still in very fight because insurgents keep the media from getting close this is just syrian kurds find themselves in a gruesome situation. that the militants started shooting everyone who came out onto the streets become should young men and started cussing them with knives the rebel shouted granted them all their money home and i know women and then they started losing houses the kurds who are one of the largest nations in the world without a state have tried to stay neutral for as long as possible in the syrian conflict and it's clear that they believe islamic fighters from al-qaeda affiliated groups turned up their killing pressure on the kurds. kurds do not want to be part of the war and they have achieved that by not siding with the the saudis they're showing their ability to administrate themselves and that all the some international players such as it has been helping those facing again. there are several al qaeda
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affiliated organizations in turkey going in fighting against the kurds in syria kurds however want to have a democratic syria not just for the kurds but for everyone on top of that jihad is themselves have made statements alluding to their hopes of creating an al qaida state right here on what they hope to be vestiges of syria but there friday deadline came and went the situation is getting worse and the number of people who have been kidnapped and killed and beheaded is rising every day either you know what's going on especially into a lot it's a loss a free army as. you know. just as they are killing people on i didn't they call their people you can kill them kidnap them capture their woman and it's all how it's or allowed for you once you fight for ford. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov was among the first to sound the alarm over reports from syria urging
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the security council to step in we believe that in this option we were shocked by the reports of around four hundred fifty kurds massacred in the north of syria including children just because the men were fighting against. the first such report of the un security council will condemn all these terrorist attacks we've seen some of its members refusing to condemn terrorist attacks in syria justifying it with the fact that the people behind them are fighting against the outdated regime and this stance is totally unacceptable terrorism should be treated with out double standards kurt seem to be facing a double threats on this side of the syrian state border they're up against extremists on the other lies terry it's been a bit or a long running battle with the kurdish workers party and only recently seem to be making amends at the same time on karrar backs the syrian opposition which is known to include al qaeda sympathizers and allows for arms shipments into syria which the
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gird say end up in the hands of extremists that when it comes to helping kurds western powers who wasted no time in trying to force out president assad seem to do little including extremists an approach that looks honest with me or through the overthrow gadhafi in libya to syria we've been supporting al qaeda the very people who attacked united states of america. is a cost that spreads from north africa all week to the gulf that could bring us to a new world war if we don't stop obama and the british policy but for now syrian kurds plea for international help to seems to have been met with indifference in the photos from our teeth istanbul. the crowd putting in a series nothing but genocide and they're asking foreign powers to throw them a lifeline they counters and across a cuban pos he has sent a letter. to the european union with an appeal to step in and do something about
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the growing is a missed danger and also a piece in kurdistan activists are asking the united nations as well as the u.s. and e.u. to x. now to hold the ask nick cleansing they are demanding that western powers stop sending weapons to groups in syria which ease them to attack civilians and commit war crimes the statement also calls for a probe into take his will in fueling the conflicts in those kaddish areas foreign affairs expert admin degree says the international response is vital to avoid the violence spilling out even further there are some voices within the international community who are raising the alarm about what's going on there they're trying to get the united nations security council to take a stand i think that would be significant and i think it's important drive an investigation to find out really what has happened and then also stop flows any kind of ethnic attacks or might suppose there is especially as a situation could easily deteriorate you could see kurdish plight in also in this
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area and you could see this conflict spilling to the other side and turkey kurdish turks start pouring also across the border throughout their compatriots so it's all saying war the rebel free syrian army deeply infiltrated by al qaeda linked militants believes that no matter what the assad government should fall and this is the view because they're fighting hard to agree with. i do you will see. that it is just as well we consider any fight is allied with the free syrian army to be part of our troops concerning that if you take an unacceptable position or make serious mistakes those people will be punished with their extremists liberals or fight is of the free syrian army yes mistakes have been made we have contacted our kurdish brothers seeking reassurance that these things will not happen again but no one responded the kurds have troops who are willing to cooperate with the regime to gain what ptolemy in the north but overall we do support the kurdish people every
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day are they are. it's clear that the f.s.a. spokesman is seeking to avoid condemning the violence against hundreds of kurds and the ongoing expulsion of our people from their own lands these crimes have been registered officially and the materials have been passed on to the e.u. those who say the al nasra front are fighting a just war against the syrian regime are keeping silent when militants banished kurds from their lands and carry out ethnic cleansing the free syrian army don't talk about these attacks we don't know which groups are a part of the f.s.a. and which aren't they're taking a very dangerous approach how can anyone justify their trustees that happened in the kurdish settlements. they are with call for an olympic boycott that's stories coming out along with six months of hunger strike gone time of day does and more after the break.
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wealthy british style. is not on. the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports on our t.v. choose your language. of holy week you know if they sell some of the. treatments that the consensus can. choose the opinions that invigorating to.
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choose the stories that imply life choose access to your office. you're watching the weekly here on r.c. welcome back hundreds of gay rights activists across europe and the uighurs have been calling for a boycott of the winter olympics or to move them from seoul train protests against what they see as russia's new anti-gay law that's despite assurances from moscow the bill only binds the promotion of homosexuality to minors and doesn't harm human rights the u.k.'s prime minister rejected the demands to stay away from the games but that didn't stop the protests renowned actor and gay activist stephen fry who joined a rally in london accuse the olympic committee of not trying to fight what he dubbed
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russia's barbaric laws and he went as far as comparing president putin's actually to towards mine minorities to hitler's the olympic committee responded saying sports should be available to all and the new law will not a fan of those attending the games and then harris queeny from a leading london think tank calls into question the u.k. protesters focus on russia. first of all we could remember that actually the united kingdom had something called section twenty eight in place until two thousand and three which was almost exactly the same as the recent more cost in russia which said that homosexuality should not be permitted in schools or all to minors. so to compare this to nazi germany i think is is is slightly hysterical great britain of course took part in the two thousand and eight olympics in beijing i think some people in britain might say that there's a questionable given rights record in china and we also plan to take part in the upcoming world cup in qatar you know the qataris have
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a very different view i think of. what is appropriate in society than we do and it's perfectly appropriate to go to those countries to have a respectful difference i think on those issues and as the western access ryans up against the new russian or she's an isa now where when to find out what's it like for the gay community in moscow and she discovered it's thriving. there is. no stoli no sochi. dumping russian vodka and calls to boycott the olympic games the l g b t community in the west is furious with the passing of a new russian law banning gay propaganda to minors a detail almost never mentioned lot of here putin signed a law and some very strict anti-gay measures these laws absolutely obscure they're not clear in what they mean of course it will not have a white ranging gretzky's of being applied everywhere and to everyone and members
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of the gay community have been attacked and arrested you cannot say that there is massive suppression or messi of attacks against gay people in the streets and that wherever you say that you're gay you will be killed or beaten russian gay activists are taking their case to the european court of human rights and say the law is meant to target specific individuals but see the picture of gay life in russia from abroad is warped these pictures being shown and being portrayed just because this little became a symbol of a protest against the suppression of l.g.b. community in russia supporters of the law argue it represents the russian majority . if there is a large number of people who believe the law is too soft thirty years ago there was criminal punishment for being poor if you take examples from some states in the u.s. the relationship is much crudely and strict and this propaganda law was this one.
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it's important to remember this law is about gay propaganda to minors and it will be enforced with fines not criminal punishment russia is still a very traditional conservative country it wants to hold on to that. this is one of moscow's many gay nightclubs yes it's in a discreet location but it holds three thousand people is. packed on the weekends and is full of foreigners its owners asked us not to film on the inside to protect the privacy of its clients but reassure us business is booming there's a happy thriving excitable you know wonderful gay community which is happy martin andrews is british openly gay and living in russia for eight years he opposes the law but won't be dumping his russia is dominated by the church in general far more than the u.k. i think if you compare america for example you call and look at some friday last
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sunday's and new york and then look at the middle part of texas and that's what russia is especially moscow you've got the old meets the new and you've got soviet mindset fused with this couple this boom with excising the west lifestyle i was in such a last week filming there's a gay community there was a great day seem in such a but the west has a big and it's on it regarding russia but it's a great. state the president got to go and he's in no way are to moscow. and could be you carry be the next country to be boycotted by human rights activists that's said to david cameron said he wanted to buy an internet sex propaganda to mine is read on line whether madame tussauds and the london eye should brace themselves for a drop in revenue. on this sunday could be a patrick night to take your sweet home for a romantic moonlight stroll as scientists promise a once in
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a lifetime meteor shower read how not to miss your chance to wish up on the morning star at l.c. dot com. right to see. first street view and i think that you're. on our reporters twitter. and instagram. to be in the little. from a fast doctor hunger strike the muslim holy month of ramadan has come to an end and the inmates in the notorious gone tunnel of a prison have continued to refuse food and this means their protest against indefinite detention and enqueue main treatment has ended its seventh month and terry holt breaks a former security guard of the camp claims they were instructed to treat prisoners
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a person they were told not to interact with them not to look at them as humans not to talk with them not to speak with them had nothing to do with them unless it was absolutely necessary important to work we were told to be very aggressive in searching growing saying and i don't think any of us is guards felt comfortable doing that as a result of such we knew that there were certain rules that we were given that many of us just didn't all of we didn't see those as being the political logical or ethical in some circumstances and as a result such we didn't implement them another hundred sixty six for meaning we've had to live in your lives to find any shred of evidence to charge try and convict them and we've not been able to do that nor have we been able to falsify the evidence. the white house has a retiree to that is standing by president obama's place to close the dissension camp but it seems the flow of money to the prison isn't drying up on the total cost
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of keeping the facility running will reportedly exceed five million dollars by the end of twenty fourteen and this year the pentagon plans to spend almost five hundred million to maintain the site and this means every day the u.s. government splashes out one million dollars of taxpayers' money on the controversial camp and ryan you can see how this stuff breaks down the major chunk is spent on security while legal and quarter issues come second and only fourteen million dollars are allocated to fund prisoner review boards. a quick look now at some other stories from around the globe a string of blasts in scheid areas of the iraqi capital baghdad killed up to eighty people and injured almost two hundred fifty the glass has offered a ten million dollars bounty for those responsible for the twelve explosions the target of markets cafes and other public places iraq is suffering from
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a sharp increase in violence lately which is mostly aimed against civilians more than a thousand people were killed in the country in july and. seven times in the indian part of kashmir have been put under curfew and attempts to end him to muslim violence there david clashes since friday cold three people with dozens were injured until new delhi sentiment runs deep in the region which was divided between india and pakistan after two wars. israel's housing housing minister has given a green light for another one thousand two hundred seven months to be built on palestinian territories the decision comes just three days before stalled talks between israelis and the palestinians were sad to resume in jerusalem the leadership in the west bank has no insisted the peace process can to be revived in newsroom if israel failed to freeze its continued construction however the
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precondition was later dropped while israel agreed to release one hundred four long term listing in prisoners in four stages over several. people have been killed and around thirty injured in a bus crash in the south of france the vehicle was carrying forty four tourists from france or russia ukraine and spain when it went over the security railing and plunged several meters below the road the driver told investigators the crash was caused by one of the passengers who grabbed the steering wheel. to get up. and out the back with more news we hang around home for now but coming up global markets and wild finances in the brand new show venture account so.
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all. the world. science technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got this huge earth covered. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture. speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's
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all here on. reporting from the world talks about six of p.r.p. interviews intriguing story to tell you. in trying. to find out more visit our big. play that welcomes event to capital with me casey who became this week we're going to be talking about the bank is it sad or is all right still to come about exclusive interview coming up on that one also the world's highest paid female athlete finding out details thanks for the with kate politics schools present a coming in to talk to me about football and the phase ness as well as that we go corporate news and tech in the market stats with our in-house trade a hair say that old to come but let's get some say.
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