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tv   Headline News  RT  August 13, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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another spike in egypt. supporters of ousted president mohamed morsi are trying to. do this while the police are typically used to break up the crowd. facedown execution may have. been questioned by the f.b.i. . he will pursue them to the courts to try and bring the. killers to account. and the u.s. . picking his words. brazil is coming to face to face with the very government revealed as one of the. program. between a.
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border. legal battle. thank you so much for joining us here on r.t. today. top. the storms arrive. in egypt's capital cairo clashes breaking out yet again between the supporters. of the ousted president mohamed morsy police typically using tear gas to disperse the crowds in the region there in the capital i should say. with the latest.
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well the latest reports are this a march of muslim scholars is affiliated with the most and brotherhood's knowledge of the manning these protests in support of ousted leader mohamed morsy were marching towards the ministry even down moments when they came in and also cation with local residents of the area rocks were thrown which then led to the police having to intervene with tear gas now these clashes continue. in support of the ousted leader mohamed morsy reportedly continued in the area causing problems in the residents themselves became more violence this comes after another day of marches by those who support morsy across the capital and also their cause they're keeping their two sittings here in cairo and across different parts of the country they are very much up in their pressure against the new interim government by having these different marches that going to government buildings and also security buildings where these kinds of clashes are continuing they've also been quite bloody old occasions between residents of the areas that the most brotherhood's and
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their supporters are currently residing in these sit ins there's been a lot of leaked sources reports through sources speaking to international media and local media outlets that the security forces are gearing up to do a sort of force removal of these two main cities in the capital now everyone was here sunday night they were very much protesters and journalists were camped out soon enough to see such an expecting this dramatic dispersal which never happens following reports have said that there's actually division within the government on one hand the army chief of the but they cc the security forces in the form of the minister of interior who really want to get rid of the sit ins on the other hand the more liberal and secular forces in the government like the vice president and better day who are pushing for more democratic reconciliation however the situation is still tense the protesters themselves are building barricades around there since they have early warning systems and they have a system whereby people can can lie. the city you know should be attacked but they
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are remaining defiant determined to stay put i spoke to protesters yesterday who showed me their new bathrooms they build generators they've got in case there's a seize a seizure on this it seems to have kitchens and they're building homes so they're really settling in for the long time so this deadlock continues and as the violence is escalating and a lot of used still to come in this program here on r.t. including china it may soon surpass the us as the world's top oil importer and the gas guzzling engines of its industries carried had full speed towards a global political and economic shift to the east those details just ahead for you . but for the meantime here on our c. a young man who was killed while being questioned by the f.b.i. he may have been shot in the back of the head while laying face down on the ground that's according to private investigators hired to study the case and he put him
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father he's currently in america or says he'll pursue legal action to see his son's killers punished. and i see a truck and i went to meet the grieving father a quaint residential neighborhood in florida and a father who can't hold back his tears. nothing will bring me peace as long as i live from the moment it happened i haven't been able to forget about it even for a second barely containing his grief by keats a dash of takes a moment several times during our interview. a few days ago he arrived in the u.s. from russia to seek answers for his son in brigham's tragic death. this is the entrance into the condo where twenty seven year old greg lived minutes away from disney world it was here that on may twenty second after reportedly being questioned by officials for hours he was shot and killed by the f.b.i. under circumstances most of which remain murky. from reminiscing about ibrahim as a child who was very much into sports. to looking through graphic images that
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a parent should never get to see images that will haunt him for the rest of his life which four or five shots right into the heart i've never seen things like this even in the movies not in the u.s. not in russia no where. such violence from law enforcement nowhere have i seen anything like this. the morning father's on a mission to uncover the truth behind the f.b.i.'s killing of his son and he's even willing to. this but i want justice honestly because an unprecedented intentional murder of my son took place. ibrahim came to the u.s. in two thousand and eight to study english and ended up staying to pursue a career in martial arts this spring he was questioned in connection with a triple homicide in massachusetts as well as the boston marathon bombings as officials believe the chechen young man had been friends with the deceased suspect
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a milan search. the father says the only connection his son had to the tsar knives was a chechen background that had once prompted them to exchange phone numbers were given received multiple fatal gunshots to the heart and head during the night of the questioning the f.b.i. claimed a violent confrontation took place but has been blocking autopsy results from going public some reports suggested breggin was armed with a knife others a broomstick but they're also claims that he was not armed at all demands from the american civil liberties union and the council on american islamic relations for florida authorities to hold an investigation. were declined while the f.b.i. claims to be conducting an inquiry of its own as with a new chairman now they would never be able to prove his guilt in anything but because they killed him if they kept him alive tried him that would be a whole different story. showing us the postcards from american sending condolences to his family abdul like he hopes those behind his son's killing would show some
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heart as well most of you know maybe the f.b.i. will have some kind of guilt resurface and it meant that they committed this fatal mistake for several years prior to his death ibrahim was not able to leave the us while waiting to be granted a green card he eventually received permanent residence status and had plans to visit home on may twenty fourth but he died two days earlier. never get tired i'll do what i can i'm just not able to leave this. field and r.t. orlando florida. it's good to have you with us here on the program other u.s. secretary of state currently on a perhaps uncomfortable trip to latin america where it seems that story's not soothing the strain created by the spy revelations of edward snowden it was a tough toss for john kerry defending washington's far reaching surveillance plans during talks in colombia but now it's walk of shame continues to brazil which is apparently thinking twice before proceeding with
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a hefty four billion dollars deal to purchase american fighter jets the details now from running. according to you from a should release by blower it were told in brazil was the top original target for the n.s.a. surveillance program washington was a brinkley's being on b.b. and solved brazilian stuff from the wreckers as well as private e-mails for about a day kate brazil's foreign minister talking about all the has said these can't be left out of the conversation between the two top of the countries the problem is that right after the brazilian. published an article in july you were the n.s.a. collecting data on been involved telephone email conversations in the country the foreign minister suppressed deep concern and asks for a small nations in father bill brazil once the matter addressed at the united
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nations to find a legal way to protect the rights of citizens and preserve the servant of the countries with looks like the most provocative relations are you still to come deem agree world the america generally so be published as gold and legal documents claimed that what has seen so far just these slice of a much bigger cake he promised to release thousands of files in the upcoming weeks or so related to what he say is the secret united states surveillance of the global internet. that has reportedly told brazilians sophie shows that the disclosures we'll unveil more eat your gate details of the americas in spy world a white in brazil in particular so it looks like washington has some issues to iron out why the n.s.a. scandal seems to be taking on
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a broader dimensions running her fellow to r t brazil. well i was trying to it's a bit further here when our team got analysis on this from gregory will put an expert on latin america and all three of democracy elections and venezuela's bolivarian revolution thanks so much for joining us here on our team today john kerry apparently bearing hopes to clinch as we were saying earlier a multi billion dollar fighter jet deal with brazil but perhaps in the wake of all these snowden revelations could that be in any chance in jeopardy do you think. yes i think it certainly could be in jeopardy but it's not just because of the revelations i think that's going to be an added reason of course. brazil is also facing the problem that she's facing demonstrators who are opposed to wrong or misguided spending priorities and so postponing the. postponing or canceling the purchase of these fighter jets would be a double success for because she could send
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a message to washington and at the same time also to the protesters within her own country but also they are as we were understanding here that the u.s. is brazil's second largest trade partner is it possible brazil could retaliate in some sort of economic tit for tat perhaps. i think that's rather doubtful actually because of course with these kinds of economic issues both sides and up getting hurt so i don't think it will go much beyond the fighter jets there will be other of course consequences perhaps just the souring of relations could have broader consequences for the u.s. agenda in latin america which has always been to isolate the more radical left government such as venezuela bolivia and ecuador of course has never succeeded with that in the first place and they will probably the united states rather will be
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even further isolated within the western hemisphere than it was before we certainly seen a lot of rallying certainly against washington in the western hemisphere in europe but also in central and basically the entirety of latin america all in the wake of edward snowden's a surveillance revelations and brazil has now launched an investigation into this u.s. surveillance and even appealing to the united nations over the matter do you think these efforts and the chief anything. well considering that so many people around the world are upset about these practices of the u.s. government and spying on its citizens of the world basically i think there will be a very strong push actually to try to rein in the u.s. in that sense of course most of the important issues unfortunately passed through the security council where the united states has a veto power so even if everybody is in favor of doing something to regulate this kind of spying it might not go very far in the end because of the way the united nations is set up now in the revelations in these in these leaks we have once been
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getting their hands on the brics nations are among the key targets of the n.s.a. spying why is that can you explain. well of course the united states fears any economic rivals and the brics are certainly the biggest are most important potential rivals to the united states in the world economy and so trying to undermine them by spying on them by actually getting even the trade secrets from them is going to be a way to try to or even get an upper hand this is a another important revelation that they spy on trade negotiations to find out what the opposing partner is. what their strategies are those kinds of things can get to a given economic advantage to the united states and so. focusing on the brics countries would be enough course of the number one priority and i gravely will had an expert in latin america thanks for joining us here in our team today. my
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pleasure are still to come here on the program. secretary kerry justifies his government's actions in latin america the pirate bay is tearing away at censorship with a new browser ultimately mocking a slew of bonds leveled at it by nations worldwide. economic up and downs in the final months they belong to the old sang i and the rest because i hate it will be everything we own to. choose your language. surely we can do with oh if you're going to stay still some
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of. the fumes get consensus you can. choose your opinions would you be grateful to. choose the stories get in touch with life. choose me access to your office or. live from moscow this is our rule re sushi in celebration of its tenth anniversary the pirate bay is once again sticking it to the copyright and forces of the flagship pirate web site has released a modified browser intended to circumvent government censorship let's get some more
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perspective on the quite extraordinary voyage now reinhard a member of the pirate group of the berlin parliament good to see you today sir thanks so much for coming on the program from the onset of the pirate bay has been fairly hostile an unyielding to both state and copyright holders alike how has that been a curse do you think perhaps a blessing in disguise possibly. hierarchy think they're having the i just want to say the power was something that evolved from the think tank the parent office ten years ago and those guys weren't in for pleasing everybody on the left and the right they weren't in for the most profit thought they didn't have to collaborate with everybody didn't have to please everybody and of course they were a little bit rude to some people. most of all of course of the copyright industry and of course some right holders may also have been. a little bit
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feeling the feeling rude. sometimes but in the sense it was just a project of some people that said we can we can make rio the decentralized sharing of culture and of information. all over the world it was something that tried to implement the ideas that had been around for several years and. in this way of course they they made the copyright industry the enemy that was the idea of the whole world i mean certainly i mean as i say as you are saying that you know the root of the pirate bay's words are indeed that of a copyright in forces but you know those i suppose benefiting from the culture of surveillance on the internet but i suppose to play devil's advocate here can it can something as important as the internet be left without oversight. of course they have to be some oversight but. the idea are to reform the way
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that information and knowledge and culture is distributed among the world. was something that had to be had to be asked that had to be intimate implemented. you have to see that in one thousand nine hundred nine was the first time that nesters tried to bring. sharing to the internet and it took some some decades after the that. people were able to buy music or to buy movies on the internet and there was a whole industry sleeping and there were some guys from sweden that said let's try to wake up the dogs that tried to show them how it's going to work and they actually did quite a good job on this fabulous bring in the issue of the n.s.a. spying program germany in particular has been rather upset with the n.s.a. survival surveillance all coming to light with edward snowden's revelations and the leaks of course we're seeing constant anti surveillance protests where you are g.g.
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think truthfully anything's going to come of the protests. while we have to see. german citizens are quite aware of the problem and more than in some other countries we had the. we have the history of severed dictatorships in germany that tried to put a complete surveillance of the population so we are quite aware of how this situation can lead. i would see the power party is trying to give people the information of how to predict their data or trying to give people the information of how to encrypt the emails how to communicate privately what can come of this situation and i would say that already makes quite a difference but people have to be more aware of the situation is there right now and i would say we have to see a the federal elections in september and there may be some people who decide that
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this matter will make a change in the way they go we've seen what we've certainly seen cozying up to barack obama after after saying he was outraged with the spying surveillance although we've now learned they were all in bed together over the n.s.a. program both of you are right hot i wish i had more time i don't mean to write off in the pilot group of the berlin parliament thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. today thank you for having me. thanks for joining us here now it seems that dark clouds are gathering over relations between the u.k. and spain london is considering unprecedented legal action over madrid's lengthy checks at the border into the british territory of gibraltar downing street claims they are politically motivated and now royal navy ships are also expected to drop by the strait although it will claim to be on show jeweled exercises it is there prompting one spanish general to call for their access to the rock to be blocked testor are sillier investigates. it all started with spain saying that it really
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wants to protect its interests mainly fishing interests as this whole spat this whole story was sparked by building an artificial reef which spain claims is destroying fishing in the area and therefore it had imposed a border checks on those going to one from a gibraltar a british held territory of beer for causing a lot of delays and right now the rhetoric is escalating between britain and spain over the matter britain is threatening e.u. legal action over spain say what it says it's a politically motivated move and london mayor boris johnson actually said that it is quote unquote tantamount to a blockade even used particularly harsh words saying quote i hope one way or another we will shortly prize spanish hands off the throat of our colony end quote and also like and be actions of the spanish government to the franco the time of military dictatorship favorite sport as reported by the spanish press is
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a considering escalating this to the level of the united nations even floating around the idea of spain and argentina presenting a united front over gibraltar and the falkland islands are clearly as britain boris johnson in particular is criticizing spade by raising be a franco era you have spain you're highlighting what critics without a doubt will be see as britain's colonial behavior or habits and now all of this is happening as thousands of royal navy personnel have already set sail for the mediterranean in what the ministry of defense has insisted it is a long scheduled a training exercise well long scheduled or not it seems the timing is not lost on the london mayor boris johnson as he said that quote the deployment should send a clear signal to the spanish it seems that the spot is continuing to go on. and r.t. contributor afshin rattansi he thinks the scandal is supposed to distract spanish people perhaps from the real problems facing them and. thousands of companies
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register their fake registrations in effect to avoid taxes it's like a some people commented it's like some sort of gangster island which britain wants to protect for itself of course other people are saying that mariano rajoy. and his government ministers they want to avoid they want to create a distraction from the disastrous economy that now exists in spain as he continues policies a bit like britain's extreme austerity sixty percent youth unemployment of course in spain and the i.m.f. even saying that's going to last some time so this is a kind of diversion well the absurdity i suppose is that david cameron wants to take it to the european court of justice and it was only a couple of weeks ago that david cameron here and his home minister were trying to pull out of the european court of justice trying to avoid the obligations. before we get a prime interest for an hour china is likely to overtake the u.s. as the world's largest crude. that's according to
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a report by the energy information association with millions of drivers thirsty for petrol and growing industrial production beijing's a liquid fuel imports are forecast to rise to over six million barrels a day kitty pilgrim now has more on the market reaction. well investors really it's a sigh of relief that we seen we had a metals rally on our hands at one point and it's not just oil that's making its way to china at record amounts but soybeans i and as well but the oil really demonstrates a change in dynamics is a global shift the u.s. has been the top or the consumer since the early ninety's the father china is growing they need the oil for that they need it for their cars for their factories for the infrastructure but really aligned with this is what's going on in the u.s. domestically the shale gas boom they're far more self-sufficient than ever before the people who are set to benefit
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a rock especially that's where the most oil goes to more than half actually comes from iraq and the middle east in general but russia is also going to want to listen into this we know that russia wants to tap in being neighbors into this market just like china more attractive this state and really but as well as that it's not just about economics is about politics as well with the oil market because it is such a to mulch this region the oil producing countries and the maybe pressure on china now to be more vocal in what's going on the u.s. perhaps more less inclined less motivated to be so going forward talking about responsibility also the emissions carbon emissions we know china isn't exactly admired for the eco ethe also be interesting to see if they follow in the footsteps of the likes of europe japan who are more conscious in this department will follow in their predecessors the u.s. and gas girls alone. or just one word or point interest.
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the u.s. government project marty has been in place for twenty years this project was designed to break the media monopoly of cuban television by putting u.s. government propaganda up to t.v. screens this injection of american t.v. works with a blimp and a c one thirty military plane working in tandem you know this would actually be a major achievement in the history of technology if it actually worked this program which over the years has built up a billion taxpayer dollars simply does not work but continues to exist despite the cuban government completely blocking the transmission the official logic of continuing the program is that it would send a bad message to the cuban government if they stopped brilliance and action but the
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big question is who gives the u.s. government the right to propagandize cubans just because they have a different lifestyle doesn't mean it is wrong and the u.s. government does has the right to destroy it and even if cubans on mass actually do hate their system then it is their job to change cuba not the military industrial complex and its cronies in washington but that's just my opinion. good afternoon and welcome to prime interest i'm hereon boring and i am bob english it's a they've had by. going there now a national security issue that's according to the new york department of financial service says the very thinly veiled threat by press release compared virtual currencies to the wild last as the domain of narco traffickers and criminals. state of new york said it is in the common interest to bring virtual currency quotes out
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of the darkness and to the day into the light of day a compelling use of dramatic metaphor is new york this is mr spitzer yes we do and prime interest last week we called it the mainstream media when they floated the idea that no one would go to jail over the six billion dollars london will debacle well now the media is following a different story which is to say someone might actually go to jail no not mr diamond or any of his direct underlings just certain mid level employees what's more mary jo white head of the f.c.c. to regulate state p. morgan passed to recuse herself that's because as we pointed out before she represented the too big to fail banks for becoming as a regulator. and speaking of j.p. morgan as we like to do it seems there's been no fire fanning about the energy market manipulation that the c f.t.c. is finally getting involved and quote probing those actually warehouse metals that would be the.


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