tv Headline News RT August 13, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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with mike's cancer or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report. coming up on our t.v. bradley manning could face a maximum of ninety years in prison after we can classified documents to wiki leaks now his defense team is trying to whittle that sentence doubt we'll have a report on today's proceedings coming up. and an encrypted e-mail service used by n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden has been shut down the owner of the site says that he's legally barred from even saying why and a second web site has also closed its encrypted e-mail service is this a case of the u.s. government trying to stop the messenger more on this just ahead. and in georgia a fifteen year old boy was initially denied a heart transplant because of a history of noncompliance and the child's family claimed it was because of his history of low grades and trouble with the law more on this story later in tonight show.
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hello there it's tuesday august thirteenth eight pm here in washington d.c. i marinate and you're watching our two. we start our newscast tonight in fort meade maryland where brother lee manning's defense team continues to deliver their case in the sentencing phase of the court martial of army private first class manning was convicted of leaking thousands of pages of one classified documents to answer secrecy website wiki leaks or to correspondent liz wahl joined us earlier from fort meade with the latest on the case i started off by asking her what the defense is arguing today yes erin and we are in the middle of the sentencing hearing for bradley manning right now the defense is focused on trying to get the most lenient sentence possible for manning now the defense today focus on manning's mental health a call to the stand several people that manning worked with in the past most of
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them in supervisory roles today they called up to the stand chief warrant officer joshua redman he supervised manning while he was stationed in iraq and he talked about a confrontation with that manning had with a counsellor where manning got angry he tossed over a table there were two government computers those flipped off the table and this mr redmond said that he's worried or he thought he had the instinct that manning was reaching for a weapon so he had to intervene physically intervene at that point there was another supervisor that came up and testified about an e-mail that he received from manning this e-mail was came with the subject my problem and attached to this e-mail was a photo of a bradley manning dressed as a woman dressed in drag wearing the blond wig and makeup you know all of this there and gets back to that mental state of manning the defense is saying or pre-training
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manning are trying to get to his mental state at this time the healing to hundreds of thousands of classified documents they're trying to prove that at that time manning was in an unstable mental state that he had a lot of internal struggles and that he was possibly even as. for him from some kind of a gender identification disorder all of this is trying to get back to this mental state of bradley manning at the time now liz on sunday sixty seconds the video from the trial was leaked do you sense a different level of security following this week. well aaron security is so far we've seen a ramp up as this trial has gone on i don't know how much more stricter security could have gone and this video that you're talking about this leaked video sixteen seconds it didn't have much journalistic value but it was traced to an overflow trailer so it wasn't traced to the media room where most of the reporters are
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camped out reporting on the story watching a live feed it was traced to destroy all or so it's believed that it was a member of the public and not a journalist that leaked this video and as a result there and we didn't see much of an effect here in the media room from what you heard today does it seem like the defense has a strong case for decreasing the sentencing for manning. a well a it's hard to say right now manning faces a maximum of ninety years behind bars that's down from the one hundred thirty six that he faced after the judge the liver to the verdict found him guilty on most of the charges not guilty on the aiding the enemy charge the judge did respond to one of the motions to dismiss that max from one thirty six to ninety years and fair and mental the mental state of manning plays a big part if the judge is going to use that as a big factor when she does deliver the sentence then yeah i think that the defense has done
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a pretty good job of proving that manning was troubled at the time or was struggling a motion only at the time that he leaked this information what's the environment in the courtroom today do supporters seem optimistic. well it's it's hard to say right most right now in the media room where i was viewing the courtroom where i was during the trial today it was mostly reporters a couple of supporters loyal supporters that have been following the closely activists that have been following the trial very closely. i don't know bob the mystic is the word that i would use we already got a verdict the verdict not guilty on the aiding the enemy charge and nonetheless he still faces several decades behind bars so i'd say hope is waning but i guess the hope is still there they're keeping a close eye on this trial hoping that at least at this point you help. get the most
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lenient sentence that he can at this point liz any word yet or indication of what manning will say when he testifies on his own behalf. well we don't we did we haven't gotten any advance warning or. indication what he might say we do know that he is supposed to come to the stand tomorrow that at least with the legal spokesperson told us today that he is expected to testify tomorrow and usually the way that it works is that the defendant is the last person to go in these cases in the sentencing hearing so manning is expected to speak tomorrow should be the last person to take the stand and that there may or may not be a rebuttal from the government but this case is winding down we could hear a sad tense from the judge aaron as soon as monday. that was our chief correspondent liz wall. and while the defense team tries to lessen the
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potential ninety year prison sentence facing brother many nobel peace prize committee if officials say they received a petition with more than one hundred thousand signatures that endorse many to receive the coveted nobel peace prize six officials nominated manning in time for the february first deadline saying that manning helped fuel it worldwide discussion about the overseas engagement of the united states the civilian casualties of war and the rules of engagement nobel committee members say a petition won't hurt nor help manning's nomination that he will be reviewed over merit not popularity if he is awarded the prize he will receive more than one point two million dollars but with many an sentence expected to come just next week he might not make it in time and he might be in prison when the award is announced on october eleventh. today a new interview with edward snowden was published in the new york times the n.s.a. leaker made this admonitory admonishment to journalists in the wake of this year's
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disclosures i should be clear that an encrypted journalistic source communication is unforgivably reckless but last week the founder of the lava bit at the encrypted e-mail service reportedly used by leaker edward snowden announced the company would be shutting down in a message posted on the site's home page lot of it on our door leveson said quote i've been forced to make it difficult to sit to become complicit in crimes against the american people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down love of it. yes the circumstances of the shutdown remain mysterious admits the controversy over edward snowden's relations revelations that the companies that the companies are still receiving secret u.s. court orders to provide the government with user content these are the secret encrypted web site companies now a lot of its message includes a section explaining how the government stopped leveson from sharing his story and ends it with a warning saying quote without congressional action or is strong judicial presence
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i would strongly recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the united states silence circles and other encrypted e-mail service provider similar to that of lava bit and silent circle preemptively shut down its site fall in love of its closure the company said it did this in order to prevent n.s.a. spying i was joined earlier today by vic hider chief operating officer of silent circle and i started off by asking him why he decided to shutter silent circle's e-mail service and what led to this decision well we made a deliberate decision it was a difficult one but with the threats that are out there towards e-mail the process itself is just inherently not as secure as our standards require so so it's sort of the site is shut down silent mail or good to be mail service or keeping silent text so a phone so in a peer to peer encrypted video voice and text ok now what do you think the shot of
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the shutter of lava bit what that means for encrypted e-mail services the shutter of love a bit yes. well they're good they're closing you know brought up the conversation they are the ones that got got the knock on the door we decided to do it before that and not came to us before we received a letter and were forced to either be complicit in the what we say is an invasion of privacy or. or shut down so. we did a preemptive thing and you think that letter is just it would have been a short way away had he not done that's i think our decision to shut down at eight pm on thursday night was critical to our not getting that letter interest and now a lot of it's on our there he was very cryptic on the website he sent a letter out to all of his users apologizing but it was quite cryptic what do you think actually happened. well i don't want to. i don't want to guess on that but
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there are users out there that you know good and bad or for these services it's a good service for good people to protect the citizens of the world against the criminals against the corporate espionage but there must have been some legal justification to request access ok now it does shutting down the say it does that actually protect users from you say provider having to distribute information about them well yes it does because we don't hold anything in the information the only information that was available was via sound the mail and that is the metadata that they talk about in the news the peripherial information that's coming across in the subject line and the ip addresses the date the geo location those kind of things but if you put all that together it really tells the story so that
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is the piece that encrypted mail doesn't cover it encrypts the message but not that peripheral data so we wanted to extricate ourselves from that conversation allow ourselves to on the sleeve tell our members of sound circle that we don't hold your data we're not able to give anything because we don't have it. do you think any encrypted e-mail service provider is safe today. not the way e-mail is processed the way it is right now we're working on. new. completely peer to peer encrypted email application that will really modernize and secure the e-mail process they won't truly be e-mail but it will look in feel like e-mail that will give you that ability to send data to send applications to send attachments much like we have with our silent text right now silent taxes a true peer to peer. encryption communication process that allows you to
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have attachments on you can put a p.d.f. file a powerpoint presentation i've sent over one hundred megabytes on one text and for a ten minute video that i sent and that is completely peer to peer nothing is stored on us we don't hold it we have nothing to give up so the control is in the hands of the customer and when do you see this launching a new e-mail service well the e-mail service that we're working on and we expect to see it here in the next year ok some people say that those who turn to encrypted e-mail services are doing bad things they have bad stuff to send what do you have to say that well the perception of encryption has completely changed in the last fifteen years and when phil zimmerman was fighting the fight in the wars. that perception was that if you had an corruption and you were the nation state that you were hiding something you were some kind of criminal these days with with
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all the information you have on your phone on your devices on you computers if you're not protecting yourself you're. maybe a little bit ignorant about the threats and if you are then you're seen as maybe a more responsible. user do you think the u.s. government as violating the constitution doing what they're doing. well i won't get deep into that i mean my background i had twenty four years in the military i just got out two years ago i support the constitution and i. states you know and i raised my hand a couple times to get to that oath. i feel that there is a rising tide of surveillance out there that we hate and we need to push back against it and it's the responsibility of individuals it's the responsibility of lawmakers to scrutinize and do checks and balances to make sure that we're not over extending our reach i understand that the job the guys are doing from and this
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around the world to to our militaries but. there has to be a balance thank you very much that was the chief operating officer of silence or. republican justin amash who has led the revolt in congress against the n.s.a. as bokes surveillance program has accused the house intelligence committee of withholding key information from other house members spec's his colleagues withheld critical documents from the house of representatives in two thousand and eleven just before a crucial vote on surveillance political commentator sam sachs has the full story we're certainly receiving a lot more information now as ordinary members of the senate than we did before i sit on the armed services committee. and we certainly had no idea about the scope and scale and magnitude of the collection of this status since edward snowden's leaks members of congress are now receiving much more information about the n.s.a. as secret spying programs than they were prior but still lawmakers are saying
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they're not receiving the critical documents they need to make informed votes and it's not just the white house and the intelligence community that's holding back they say when also their fellow members in the intelligence committees now the house and senate intel committees here on capitol hill are entrusted with overseeing the federal government's intelligence activities but apparently their oversight role has morphed into being the gatekeeper for the n.s.a. has secrets congressman justin amash who's led efforts to defund the n.s.a.'s domestic spying programs describes how difficult it is getting needed information from the intelligence committee we did not get the briefings that were required when you say we've had congressional briefings or when they allege that they put a stack of documents in a party that are two hundred pages long and they say go ahead and read it if you don't know the terms of art they're using if you don't know the specific definition definitions they're using you don't even know what it means the problem is when you go to these briefings you ask questions unless and unless you phrase it in exactly
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the right way you don't get the answer you need and this is coming from both administration officials and intelligence committee officials and if you don't know what to ask it's hard to find out the information on sunday congressman amash posted a document to his facebook page showing that in two thousand and eleven the white house gave information to the house intel committee related to the n.s.a.'s spying programs in the document the white house urges we believe that making this document available to all members of congress as we did with a similar document in december two thousand and nine is an effective way to inform the legislative debate about reauthorization of section two fifteen but as congressman amash know. it's i can now confirm that the house permanent select committee on intelligence did not in fact make the two thousand and eleven document available to representatives in congress meaning members of congress like him are sure elected in two thousand and ten were completely unaware of the n.s.a.'s
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activities prior to the two thousand and eleven vote reauthorizing the patriot act and recently since the n.s.a. leaks it hasn't gotten any better earlier this month the guardian reported on members of congress being denied information about the n.s.a. democrat alan grayson and republican morgan griffith both wrote to the house intelligence committee asking for information about the n.s.a. spying programs but they were rebuffed told their requests had been denied by a committee voice vote and when congressman grayson asked for a transcript of this vote he was told the transcript is classified and their defense intelligence committee member adam schiff claims it's hard enough for the committee itself once held to conduct proper oversight on the intelligence community institutionally the members of congress are at a great disadvantage in the sense that we don't have any kind of the resources to investigate some these questions that the intelligence community does so we see you know in essence what the teligent committee wants us to see now we're told that
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there's proper oversight on capitol hill that these intelligence committees are keeping a watchful eye on the n.s.a. but as news breaks that these committees are also withholding critical information from members of congress then how long before others on capitol hill begin asking who's watching the watchers in washington sam sachs are today. in other news a fifteen year old boy in georgia was just added to the heart transplant donor list this afternoon after the hospital initially deemed him not a good candidate for a transplant now initially doctors at children's healthcare of atlanta told the family that they wouldn't put anthony stokes on the transplant list because of his history of noncompliance according to his family their son had been denied the transplant in part because of his history with law enforcement and poor grades now doctors also allege that stokes had not been real and had not had not been reliable about taking his heart medication the public relations manager at children's
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healthcare of atlanta made this statement to r.t. in all transplant cases we work closely with the family and their support network to coordinate the best possible results for the patient and continue to find solutions in this particular case we're continuing to partner with the family now the hospital has changed course saying that stokes will be added to the donor list after all joining me now to discuss the matter is nancy berlinger research cholera center plenty and say hey jim hello aaron and see what's your take on the hospital initially deeming anthony stokes non-compliant then turning around on their decision. well in that it sounds as though and i really just know the news reports that were probably we've all seen is that the hospital you just used the word noncompliance the so the idea probably had to do with some concern on the part of the transplant team that the young man was would not be able to hear to the very complex and lifelong treatment regimen that's required for
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a transplant patient both during and after the transplant procedure now as the president of the american heart association has pointed out that the ability to keep up with one's medication it's a vital requirement for any heart transplant and the hospital reported that stokes his failure to keep up with his medicine had been one of the determining factors for not giving him a transplant do you think that this is fair for a fifteen year old boy. well that i'm very glad that you mention his age because we don't deny heart transplants or any other form of lifesaving treatment to a person because they're a child or or an adolescent there this is this is in fact a children's hospital where this is going on so all of the patients are young but we do know that children and adolescents are still developing as people and they're still developing their capacity to understand medical decisions that's why their parents are always involved certainly when you think about an adolescent they one of the things we know is that it's hard for them it's literally hard for them to
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understand long term consequences because their brains are still developing they're still developing the capacity that we don't finish developing until we're adults that's why it's so important that the family be involved it would be important if you were an adult you always have to have a group of people who are helping you with the transplant because it is so difficult but for a child in particular taking medication getting to the doctor taking notes during the appointments that would be particularly critical so that's why when we heard in the clip they were talking about the patient but they were also talking about the family and the larger team so but but you always do take special care. or when it's a child because you know that they need that extra support. interesting now with the hospitals a national denial of his request for a heart transplant where this actually giving him a death sentence is there any other thing he could have done to stay alive without this transplant without knowing the medical facts it's hard to say but i think one thing that that's important is that while a transplant is a chance at
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a life sustaining treatment when a patient is in some form of organ or other systemic failure heart disease lung disease and so on the transplant is not guaranteed to be successful it's the possibility of going from a situation where you're the organise failed to one where a new organ plus the anti rejection medication may be able to stabilize the person's condition and then then then they can go on and hopefully live their lives for a long time but there are ways that sometimes patients are not transplantable so there are ways that there are mechanical circulatory supports different kinds of devices that are used to compensate for an organ that isn't working in kidney transplant patient this would be like dialysis for exe for example and there are different mechanisms that they use in heart therapy i don't know if any of these would be appropriate for this young man now if a patient is denied a spot on
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a heart transplant list at one hospital to may just go to another hospital to seek the transplant possible the hospitals the different transplant centers not every hospital does transplants but they do have their own list so sometimes a patient will go to a different part of the cut the country because they may have a better chance in a different region because obviously the supply of organs may be different in different places at different times that may not always be feasible for a family whether financially or just because it's very hard to go to another place and relocate to wait for a transplantable organ it's a very. very stressful situation you're even once you're cleared for transplant you're waiting for basically for a deeper to go off to wait until you can go and be transplanted and then start the post transplant regimen so i don't know whether or not even if one could go to another institution whether or not it would be possible for this family to do that . ok now do you think that all of this media attention that this particular case
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has seen did that in your opinion play a large part in the hospital's decision to move forward and put anthony stokes on the transplant list well i can't speculate about that i have seen that there was a lot of a lot of coverage today sometimes transplant centers do reconsider there was a case as you may remember a few weeks ago in pennsylvania where it was a different circumstance. and there had it's an issue in a denial and then there was a reversal these are these are you trying to do these these decisions on medical criteria but it is these are very complicated resource allocation decisions that involve judgments about whether or not an individual or a family can actually manage their regimen because if you decide for one person are you deciding in a sense against another person who is going to be further down on the list and so sometimes there are these sometimes there is an appeal sometimes there is
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a change i don't know whether it was because of the media attention nancy thank you very much we appreciate your insight and it's been very informative there was nancy there are a research scholar at the hastings center. now since the start of the great recession there's been an increase in efforts to regulate wall street and the big banks the idea is that a few tweaks will help encourage less risky behavior and stop the potential abuse of customers but what if the real problem is even deeper with the sheer size of huge companies fostering behavior more interested in money than ethics well for her two cents on this the residents laurie her finished.
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take a look at your company's order chart is it really massive and for all and if so you might want to get out of there because there's a good chance the company you work for isn't laurel here's the deal to a german neuroscientist studied how organizational design affects moral outcomes in the study subjects were faced with two choices kill mice and get money or save my life and don't get any money people chose to kill the mice forty five point nine percent of the time then the scientists put the subjects in groups of eight people seven could choose to save the mice but as long as one person in the group chose to kill the mice for money then the mice would be killed in this scenario fifty eight point six percent of the people chose to kill the mite that's a significant increase the call molt thirty percent of the people the difference the scientists believe is because of what they call to use because a tablet p.c.
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in the second experiment subjects can convince themselves that they are responsible for the deaths of the mites as they can to tell them south if i don't choose to kill them might. someone else will so i might as well pocket the money. in other words when the responsibility of the pivotal the fission of choosing life or death for them i was to use among the group and no longer rested on the individual shoulders there was a higher propensity for the immoral choice the results demonstrate the power of organization to promote immoral outcomes and that is seen across all of america's org charts today investment bankers can convince themselves that they are responsible for their neighbors losing their homes because someone else at the company created the immoral products corporation like walmart nike and disney can tell themselves they couldn't remain competitive without using unsafe labor halfway
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around the world so the immoral practice is unfair responsibility. in congress members can tell themselves their vote to abolish food stamps or not raise the minimum wage isn't responsible for doing their neighbors because the rest of their party is voting that way anyway. the bigger and more corrupt our organizations get here in the us the less accountability anyone takes and the more immoral they become and as brawling corporations continue to merge the situation is only getting worse so if you want to know why america is losing its laurels just look to the size of our org chart. and to the dead might tonight let's talk about that by filing dance with her at the residence.
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