tv Documentary RT August 14, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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pre-flight routines for frontline aviation and russia flee from common practice in many nato air forces technicians go to the most critical of an aircraft between successive missions. and russian aviation technicians absolutely every one of the craft systems before each and every flight if there isn't anything else about even one from the fly just comes.
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before any for its traditional pilots to add the finishing touch by polishing the skylight which is what flight crews call the glass canopy over the cockpit. it's this find the bomber is affectionately known at russia as the because of its flat nose cone. concealed beneath the outer skin as a special radar antenna which help crew to take control of immediate and space. and whether it's on land on the water or in the. u.s. he was thirty four has a comfortable cockpit design holds. it's two people can stand up right behind the
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seats there's also a toilet and cooking facilities. this aircraft was originally designed for naval pilots training to teach them how to land on aircraft carriers but while it was being designed and built the new machine was read designated for combat two g.'s. as thirty four fullback. maximum speed one thousand one hundred kilometers. combat radius one thousand one hundred kilometers. service ceiling seventeen thousand meters. on takeoff weight forty one thousand three hundred sixty kilograms.
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as a bomber yes he was thirty four is capable of destroying ground targets warships it's weaponry weighs up to eight tons but the efraim has excellent flying characteristics making it a highly effective fighter. it's highly maneuverable the air able to defend itself as well as to seek out and destroy enemy planes and. in russia every pilot never go to has his own particular specialization offensive combat or bombing but whatever field a young pilot chooses his road to achieving the status of flying ace will never be first.
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please please. please. to graduating from the military academy and let's flight simulator training begins that's followed by exams and flights with instructors. then a minimum number of solo flight outs and the beginners takeoffs gradually become a combat training. for yes but interests of this kind of pilot fulfill practically any airborne tosk
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pilots often joke about this as he would twenty four aircraft saying that it flies like an oil and it's a powerful heavy unstable bomb that can carry out a missile a bomb attack against a target in almost all weather conditions even at night. it's most prominent feature is the variable geometry of its wings the pilot can select any one of four different configurations during the takeoff facing the wings are extended to the maximum angle to generate the most list. as twenty four fencer crew to. maximum speed one thousand four hundred kilometers per hour. that radius five hundred sixty kilometers three. service ceiling eleven thousand
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meters. maximum takeoff weights thirty nine thousand seven hundred kilograms. super bowl zero buffalo is a symbol of strength and power well the beast has no natural enemies and was a hero but my first flight in this aircraft went well me up on my colleagues congratulated me in keeping with tradition they all sat on the nose will a bit of news there. oh. i was left for the very moment precious memories of that flight. b.s.u. twenty four. flat against the fuselage this reduces drag allowing for much greater speed maneuverability. operating combat aircraft at night is always dangerous.
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to sunset take golf and just until late into the night. technology innovation. developments around russia. the future. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything is are you don't
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know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture. the touch. play league is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details of his diction misinformation and media hype keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream headlines stated if in your ranks. you. look at least. led mission free flickr indications three little ones for charges free. range lists three risk free lease to tide free
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leg old free blog plug in video for your media projects a free media dog r.t. dot com you. feel a little. league play this is a growth as a club worldwide the local with other brands like the kalashnikov rifles of the russian ballet led to make twenty not a lightweight all weather front line fighter that somehow appears to defy the laws of grab. nato has given them a twenty nine the code name fulcrum because of its extreme maneuvering stability.
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the actual. design. of fuselage in the strict sense of the word in its place. up a surface of the graduates into the wings forming an exhibit a like. this generates a dramatic increase in lift allowing the fighter to perform quite unbelievable turns at supersonic speed. twenty nine as an international presence as one of the world's most effective and safe combat fighters.
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and it was once asked what kept the aircraft flying during its spectacular. but it was the salesman's of trans people who created it. i. make twenty primer a short distance weapon is the controllable piece seventy three missile with infrared targeting system. for forty three. local forty three. launch authorized. i'm serving the operation for forty three types of contracts a couple but they are good for the three ready launcher.
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launch authorized. the pilots can choose between missiles gunfire throughout any stage of an airborne maneuver. i grew up near the air base so every flight that took off from look at scare base was right in front of my eyes i dreamed of becoming a pilot ever since i was a child i wanted to become a fighter pilot to perform all those amazing exercises in the air my dream came true and now i fly to make twenty nine i truly believe that this aircraft is one of the finest aircraft in the world and let you do so many different things as a pilot's now i'm absolutely delighted with it. twenty nine. crew
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want. maximum speed two thousand four hundred kilometers per hour. radius three thousand kilometers. service ceiling eighteen thousand meters. maximum takeoff weight eighteen thousand five hundred kilograms three. to sixty nine takeoff to sixty nine takeoff. to thirty four and left three hundred level. in the russian air force every combat aircraft has its. on the radio. no the pilots no controllers will have a say at the time only it's designated number. fifty four eight cleared a lot of. traffic controllers have full come out across movements around the
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base. they give permission for the engine start on takeoff and landings and then remain in contact with all crews of flight relaying information about any passenger airliners flying within a one hundred kilometer radius of the base. come back to craft a victim away from conflicting traffic so they can perform their exercises a safe distance from civilian airplanes sixty nine return to zone six six hundred. six hundred. the russian pilots this is a craft is known as the. the airplane went through a baptism of fire at the early eighty's when the soviet union was engaged in its
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military campaign in afghanistan. among pilots the su twenty five is especially known for its high levels of survivability. su twenty five attack aircraft often returned safely to base having sustained heavy damage with just one engine with damaged ailerons a bullet traces on the cockpit kind of. a twenty. foot crew one. maximum speed on the thousand kilometer per hour. weighed against one thousand two hundred fifty kilometer it's. feeling seven
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thousand meters. maximum takeoff weight nineteen thousand kilograms. of the twenty five craft still in active service in russia ukraine the loose goal. and several other countries. as you twenty five combat aircraft it was designed to provide as support to ground forces on the battlefield you know i love this play and very modern people usually say i'm either obama or a fighter but i tell them no guys i'm not either of those you're wrong but i'm an attack on my it's a proud name that's why they called it the road like good as it looks like what our guys feel so you know there is a proud. but i don't feel it's a minute's weight when you approach the aircraft you greet him in your mind you say
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but i. will go on a flight now and everything's going to be all right. well we have a tradition in the left hand it takes a twenty five out for the first time he gives out cigarettes once he's landed out of there but who does he give them to talk to the instructor who trained him and showed him everything but he gives the power to him even if the instructor doesn't smoke it gets a pat with a pilot signature feel i've trained something like six left hand and i still have every one of those side of goma.
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major general alexander of such a scheme is the officer wearing the light blue flying suit he has to come out and officer at the mic that's kept pace under his supervision these pilots are working on their aerobatics routine. these aviators will execute the twenty seven straight not minute as they are the falcons russia's famous air display team said to sydney. aerobatics on notoriously risky it takes teamwork coordination and pinpoint accuracy they fly to the absolute extremes of the aircraft maneuverability at high speed and with wing tips just centimeters apart.
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under such a scale as a veteran high level solo aerobatics pilot the bell is his favorite figure a complex and dangerous and combat maneuver to fight a gathering speed of climb then suddenly and is motionless in the. p.s.u. twenty seven is billed as an almost perfect glider it also has extremely powerful engines
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a combination that allows the pilot to float and again at minimum height and very low speed. immediately become understudies each flight with technicians and. he's well move as an undefeated aviator. in the atlantic ocean a triumph for american if if. team a fighter pilots in training would have us he beat south africa's best pilot in a training flight. a coma basic fronts he was offered the chance to fly
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a simulated comeback mission in the mirage two thousand. despite never having seen the craft or if afloat it he climbed into the cockpit took off and won the challenge. his french counterparts with rules of his belt standing with an honorary decoration. to have secured the majority of his ever trees in the su twenty seven. twenty seven flanker crew one maximum speed two thousand five hundred kilometers per hour. combat radius one thousand six hundred eighty kilometers. service ceiling eighteen thousand five hundred metres. maximum takeoff weight thirty thousand kilograms. of the s u twenty seven spermy objective
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with it's an excellent go dynamic characteristics is to gain and maintain air supremacy it's not easy to predict which pilot might win the one flying a modern aircraft or a second generation plane the outcome will depend on the airman skilled as well as the conditions prevailing during the maneuver so there's no one best aircraft but the pilot to acquire is the target first and makes best use of the weapon systems is the one who will prevail. was flying as a craft ascent to a distant base. pilots can return to their hopes. there were no combat missions in peacetime. a place. to play.
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i would rather ask questions for people in positions of power instead of speak on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more. fully under bush all marginalise should be making news all the face i can see you know about. a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher.
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well i'm tell marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture the b.p. oil spill got dumped over two hundred million gallons of oil into the gulf of mexico contaminated hundreds of miles of coastline and did unprecedented economic and environmental damage to the gulf region shouldn't our government give b.p. the boot for good and more into nights alone liberal rumble also yesterday the justice department and the attorneys general from across the united states filed a lawsuit seeking to block the proposed american airlines u.s. airways merger which would create the world's biggest airline never happened stopping monopoly and protecting the.
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