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tv   [untitled]    August 14, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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go on tell marvin to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture the b.p. oil spill got dumped over two hundred million gallons of oil into the gulf of mexico contaminated hundreds of miles of coastline and did unprecedented economic and environmental damage to the gulf region shouldn't our government give b.p. the boot for good that and more into nights alone liberal rumble also yesterday the justice department and the attorneys general from across the united states filed a lawsuit seeking to block the proposed american airlines us airways merger which would create the world's biggest airline never happen to stop in monopoly and
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protecting competition well maybe this is a start and libertarian capitalism isn't just bad economics it's deadly economics a lesson i've been forced to learn too many times i'll explain in tonight's daily take. you need to know this back in seventeen seventy three sam adams and a bunch of friends met at a bar in boston for a very important meeting where they started talking they made sure there were no british spies in the bar or the immediate area when they were sure that they were meeting in complete privacy adams and his friends began conversations that ultimately led to the boston tea party to this day we only know the names of three or four participants in that boston tea party because the men who participated in it kept their promises to each other and put privacy above all else without privacy the boston tea party would not have been. and therefore america never would have
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happened to fast forward to today thanks to america's out of control security state above the law of corporations the expectations of privacy that the boston tea parties had in a seven hundred seventy three seems like only a dream today just as google internet giant thinks that americans shouldn't have an expectation of privacy in a brief filed last month in federal court as part of a class action lawsuit against google for violating wiretap laws and scans e-mails to serve up targeted ads become pretty said that all users of e-mail most necessarily expect that their it males will be subject to automated processing google that went on to say that just as a sunder of a letter to a business colleague cannot be surprised that the recipients assistant opens the letter people who use web based email today cannot be surprised at their communications are processed by the recipients e.c.s. provider in the course of delivery. unfortunately to a certain extent google is right because it's
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a corporation they can write any damn terms and conditions they want and force their users to abide by them by requiring them to click the i agree to the terms and conditions box to agree before signing up for g. mail service or frankly any other email service and buried deep within google's terms and conditions the company does say that it will share personal information with companies organizations or individuals outside of google when we have your consent to do so and presumably you provide that consent by clicking that little box but how many people actually read these terms and conditions most people could be signing away their lives and wouldn't even know it in today's age of diminishing privacy and increased corporate control as a reach the point that instead of fearing the government we need to be fearing the corporate state it is time to hand control of our emails over to the federal government and the post office after all if the government is providing email service the terms and conditions of that service will be written by aleck to legislators answerable to we the people we don't like them we can elect new
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legislators to change them and because they're law unlike with google if someone snoops on your e-mail and go to jail after all it's currently a federal crime to open up another person's first class mail in the united states there is precedent in those same protections and was could easily be applied to email as well so should the post office be able to provide. what would you call it encrypted e-mail inside the united states or at the very least be able to provide secure encrypted e-mail as an alternative to americans let's rumble. it's wednesday time for the lone liberal rumble joining me tonight horace cooper conservative commentator and senior fellow at the center for policy public policy research and matthew hayden senior editor with the capital research center gentleman will. so the post office versus google when google is writing the
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contract it's google and their lawyers none of us were in the room none of us had any say on the matter the contract was entirely designed to increase the profits of google if the post office is writing the contract between us and you know the terms and conditions presumably it's being done with our elected legislators and us at least semi-transparent process and we can actually see why isn't that a good thing once it's a terrible idea to expand the responsibilities of the post office i note that it's in the constitution it is in the constitution i know too many people personally who had bad experiences i just mailed paid extra to have a letter sent with someone's payment check in it the letter finally returned with an address with a stamp on it saying that there was a change and that they wouldn't forward it to that particular person right my mother my own mother can't get the mail delivered to her house she put
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a box up in the post office person said all we have are going to have time for that we're not going to deliver that you can have a mail with the pay for service through your own neighborhood association it's arbitrary it's difficult it's bureaucratic it doesn't make any money and it would just burden americans if they didn't have the option because my mother and others like her don't have the option of choosing private no service from competition from competitors at least with google if you don't like their terms you can pick someone else and you'll get the same terms i do you know these corporations matthew are you know why why should we be you know what why not the post office by the way was making money until the republican slipped that little five billion dollars you have a sense of making money since the nixon administration we can't change it you tell me why the stamp isn't that exists why isn't this cause i think i was sick so as to delay al gore astley exactly why is why is because i have not. because they well dollars because what i say when charge because that's the price that they have to
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pay in order to get out that is what i heard live or money to be considered male sort of back to me that i was going to say that there are some e-mail services that have arisen now that you can pay for like reagan dot com where they do give you an expectation of privacy right well that's where they speak that they're selling that's there i know but here's the problem that because it's a private corporation we just had two private corporations one of them ed snowden had been using that were offering private encrypted encrypt decrypt the whole thing you know e-mail services and when the when they got the f.b.i. letter same handed over they committed corporate suicide they went out of business and they destroyed their own servers rather than and the information over a company the size of google is not going to do that ronald reagan dot com i do that but if it's if if they didn't have the ethics of these two smaller companies and we don't always run of that release i don't know which one they might just say
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ok we're going to bankrupt the company and then sell all the information anybody who wants what we call the royalties for all the ways we could just go with the postal service which as a matter of policy makes a copy of every single letter they go you know a copy as i was talking about her and main satellite information available i'm talking about what's in and when the government asks them please help us get this information out to you you would see that x. and u.p.s. are not keeping track of what you sent yet but they're not making that information readily available to the government may be readily available or gov the case for help they get a little bit you or me if you pay the government actually has to have a good idea of what they're looking for when they go to fed ex they don't have to have that information skip a postal service will give it to a home in advance let's let's move out of smart alecks are great people or excuse me to b.p. b.p. is suing the federal government over a decision that bars the oil giant from getting new federal contracts to supply oil student fuel and other services that. by the environmental protection agency came
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after b.p. pled guilty to manslaughter and other criminal charges related to the two thousand and ten gulf of mexico spill in case anyone's forgotten the b.p. twenty ten b.p. gulf spill killed eleven people dumped over two hundred million gallons of oil into the gulf of mexico contaminated six hundred sixty five miles of coastline brought the economy of the gulf to its knees and to this day still has major environmental impact so isn't isn't our government justified and at the very least saying no more contracts to you guys until this thing is cleaned up and paid for and frankly i think hey it's a foreign corporations to british corporation there are plenty of america the koch brothers would love to have this business they were no oil empire let's candide off to them or us i mostly agree with you except for the part about saying that foreigners shouldn't be allowed to compete i think foreigners ought to be allowed to compete but they've had their opportunity they screwed the pooch as it were and yes i don't see a problem with having a band like that but that ought to be natural matthew i wouldn't say that i don't i
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think b.p.'s big mistake is that it didn't give enough in campaign contributions to the obama campaign that would have to that would have taken care of this issue quite nicely and that is a big and that's a very big problem with american democracy was that the supreme court has developed this doctrine that corporations are people they can participate in elections and that money is free speech they can give money to politicians i agree with you i don't know what i was giving you an opening there i don't agree with you there your argument about the citizens united case but so i was out looting more to the corruption of the obama administration but your point is one tell me it's part of the it's a bipartisan problem i do think greasing the skids is much more amenable to one part of than the other but that i want is good for and we need to set some rules and and hold people accountable when they misbehave and i think that's something that everybody ought to be able to get united behind. the world just stop us agree . ok today more today marks the tenth that about mr happen.
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sorry i'm sorry i thought it was bound to happen. today marks the tenth anniversary of the collapse of the north east grid the power grid and you think that we have learned lessons from this it's been thirteen years is the time we need something to stimulate the economy we need to leap into the twentieth century we've got a nineteenth century power grid by all you know for all accounts and purposes why not build a smart grid why not make this the eisenhower highway why not make this the t.v.'s . part of the problem yes let's start with math so first off i don't know what a smart grid is i know this is the smart always interests that are arguing for more infrastructure spending now maybe it's justified maybe it's not there's also the concern about the electric grid electrical grid is vulnerable to e.m.p. attacks that has been raised by a lot of national security. commentators recently yeah and smart grids respond that
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smart grids also allow for people to feed power back into the grid their dynamic their computer operator that. i'm pretty familiar with them and the problem is this we're going to lock ourselves into the particular technology we have locked ourselves in the technology by overregulating the energy and utility community generally anyway they have little incentive to upgrade using their own resources everything they get they what they have there's little incentive no no no no to change the incentive structure i don't know about the r a s i have well aware of the a in the boondoggle the battery is the r e a r e a broad electricity to four hundred thousand people or higher it was actually offered simple to die so you exactly get my choice because of all you don't know you don't like or you don't come in with the government coming up with a a broken system. when we upped otherwise rural america would still be one week up
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that's not a little more of tonight's long liberal on the coming up after the break what or satisfied just. wealthy british style sign. is no time to write free. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our.
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i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more.
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well the lack of a long liberal rumble with me tonight around two horace cooper and matthew baden let's get back to it you want to make a final point i was just going to say what the government will do is they're going to pick arbitrarily probably by a little crony capitalism what particular technologies that they're going to adopt when they put these new grids and place and then we'll be stuck with those and complain about that either that's not the way and we ought to do my final word on this is that back in the one nine hundred thirty s. the electric company said we're not going to run electricity out to rural houses is too expensive we can make money in the cities but not out the rural communities and so f.d.r. stepped in and said we'll do it for you we'll with all the whiteboards force don't forget that part. time in american history for that i love how gov ag the matter is choosing have stepped in and said we're going to get electra's government picks and chooses who it's going to reward how it's going to what kind of backward technology and you think all issues out of camp but you can pick and choose. i mean that was
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nixon solution in the in the in the sixty debate with kennedy the solution to the lunch counter issue in the south nixon said well i think we should just get the corporate officers together in a room and talk with them and kennedy said i'm going to hit him upside the head with a law you're going to go to the u.n. and make sure that when oprah winfrey a billionaire goes shopping now that any store that doesn't want to sell or something going to shut them down is that your plan to use the law. i wouldn't millionaire does owes that kind of a billionaire doesn't mean that the nobody should be suffering from institutions even altering ways for a corporation even though i don't i don't know the details of the story talking about so i can't speak but in theory so we went shopping for a handbag and they said that she didn't look like she could afford to pay for forty thousand or handbags and wouldn't let her touch i would say that company has made a big mistake i think they have made a big mistake but if we don't need a law that's my point alternately if it hadn't been oprah winfrey you do it it's. which is why we can't do anything about it anyway ok well that was switzerland oh
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yeah i left out a little detail to do with that. of the u.n. and arizona to talk about there was one of the arizona republicans are already scheming up ways they can rig with twenty twenty elections in their plans include gerrymandering arizona districts arizona republican party chairman robert graham has formed a new committee of g.o.p. election experts to monitor the two thousand and twenty redistricting process in that state but arizona republicans aren't alone all across the u.s. republicans and democrats are gerrymandering to districts in order to win seats or hold them for ever and suddenly sometimes they go to pretty absurd lengths to create the perfect district take a look at illinois fourth for example it was specifically designed to contain two of chicago's major hispanic areas and as we know hispanics typically vote democratic this fourth district has been a democratic stronghold for over twenty years and the strongest democratic districts in the country on the other side of the republicans have done in pennsylvania in order to win seats in congress this is really
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a bipartisan issue so my suggestion on this is polly guns amend the constitution to say if you're going to redistrict it's got to be a pop it's got to you know even sides and you know pretty straightforward stuff how do you you know how can how can you mess around you've got a big problem with it the supreme court has already said polygons are in a fair way of solving the electorate is lindsey if you required the the polygons don't have to be the same size they just have to have the same population the supreme court's objection had to do with size if population was met i think you could overcome that objection but i don't think you could based on their own practices but from the beginning of our system we've had this idea that the people who get elected get to draw the districts for the next set of people who get elected whether they do that to him to themselves whether that they have them their neighbors there's nothing illegal about it there's nothing even any immoral and if you at the at the time because to. really there were no political parties they didn't emerge until several years after that and at that time i doubt when they
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were thinking every ten years we're going to census every ten years you know the legislatures will redraw the districts to make sure that populations are evenly distributed among them so every representative represents the same number of people in the state they i don't think they were imagining that they were handing political advantage over to one party and there's always been this bipartisan collusion this cartel lies ation ever since we've had a two party system where the two parties have a colluded together in the rain with to create i know i am agreeing with you i think and yeah yeah who doesn't explode like that district you just showed in the graphic that was in one part that basically there it is it looks like the state of maryland. the way that it's got a big chunk here and then a little tale like that going out to west virginia or whatever but you know this is this is been the parag a tip of the majority's whenever a majority takes over in a new state in a state they get to and they get to make the rules how is this unfair well it's
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a question i think of it is on you to show that this is unfair we may look at these ridiculous diagrams use these weird shaped districts and and laugh at them but under of fairness i think it's not good for democracy to have a house of representatives that typically has less than a ninety percent you know whatever but i don't know that that has to do with i don't know that that is a. district and even if you use a polyglot and a ten year period people are going to move by the time that ten years is over you may have as much as sixty percent of the different population so the idea of this arbitrary polyglot is much more polygon is much more morally appropriate than some other group but a failure to address geometric shape that is a. major. you can look at that my point is let's take that out of there if you're
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saying ok this does this this neighborhood might go from white to black or black to white or hispanic or whatever i don't care anymore rich to poor it doesn't matter it should be if you've got a million people in a state and you've got ten congressional offices each polygon each this really should represent one hundred thousand absolutely nothing i said that she did not intend that there's not an absolute eldritch eldridge gerry was there during the washington administration one of the first advocates i mean is the reason that we have the turn i gerrymandering we know that that does not mean that he was not a corrupt politician it absolutely doesn't also mean that the constitution was shown at that time to mean you can't do this but here's the public attention is almost there and that is a correct tickle the practical is this forum or ought to be able to organize and have a representative of farmers people who are a urban community ought to have a representative a political parties or for no not that's not what that's absolutely right no districts are absolutely not and that's why they had the wrong
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way that was wrong i don't think it matters ok all right that's that's it that's next on monday north carolina as a republican governor map pat mccrory signed into law this bill five eighty nine dubbed the election reform bill by its supporters out of five eighty nine is really just a grab bag of every right wing anti boating scheme of the past two years now early voting will be cut back by a week same day voter registration will be eliminated altogether well known fact the african-american community is a breeze to early voting whenever and wherever it's been legal in north carolina alone more than seventy percent of african-americans used early voting during the twenty eight two thousand and eight two thousand and twelve general elections compared to fifty two percent of white voters black pastors of long use the sunday afternoons before election day is a time to rally their parishioners to go vote they call it taking souls to the polls great american tradition north carolina. publicans don't want african-americans voting so now they've eliminated early voting but only on sunday
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and the monday before election day basically making souls to the polls illegal in the tar states tar heel state you can vote on the friday or the thursday or the wednesday when people who have high incomes can take a day off without worrying and people with lower incomes can't afford to take a day off but you can't vote on the weekend especially soem sell me this entire not voter surprise i am so sick and tired of the progressive bigots assuming that just because you're black you don't have the same challenges and the same opportunities that everyone else has lots of is a sureness already law this isn't a b.m.w. and they are wrong and they have been consistently wrong and they are among the progressive bigots but i'm tired of trying to pretend that being black is somehow this unusual experience that means you don't have a car you don't see why you don't have any reason to have identification even though obamacare requires that fundamental right we will deny you care about us
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that in the united states where the average white family has around eighty six thousand dollars in wealth and the average black family has around five thousand dollars in wealth that there is no obama thirty policy in the two of them mostly because of obama's have been all us ladies and i the last century i have a report that's coming out and i looked at a comparison just under the bush administration and the obama administration i mean all is good no more all is good there is no difference between white and black people in terms of their experience as an employee not true to say blank can't leave that just because one group did something fifty years ago or forty years ago and we're going to the polls right yeah lots of people might want to take off on monday or sunday lots of people are impacted by that matthew what possible reason would the governor of north carolina have to allow early voting the week before but not on sunday virginia doesn't want. i think the. that fighting election electoral fraud is an important thing and that we should some people who do see the voting.
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on friday i don't know that it is the necessarily sunday is that lends itself to to fraud but we really should get away from the. recent tradition of having election month. because and as i've said before on your show because if you have vote too early you don't get to see the presidential debates the circumstances can change and it creates more opportunities for fraud same day registration isn't it is a terrible idea that allows people to bypass a lot of the normal charges and prosecuted as a result of the last decade there have been as i don't know as good as a result of that but there really is one hundred oh my god we've what do you suppose i want remarkable to me if you can find six people that say they can't show up on election day that's proof of voter suppression i find one hundred and two hundred thousand two hundred people where two hundred last election south carolina do not have the i.d.
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necessary last satisfy that's not that's not even if you don't have an idea i don't even see how you can function in an american city and i don't want to hear is that was used to get health assistance without it so we've been there to do it the lady that require the voter i.d. will give you free i.d. if you're too poor or whatever you have you have a unless you don't have the money to get in the spring before it is already had time and you need to function in society there's no doubt it is that this is not about suppressing people based on race it's about suppressing people based on income the republicans don't want poor people voting white poor people in largely white people imo if you don't want me dead bad so i'm about to say i've said i was about to say i can't speak for the republicans on that i do see the day the dead and the illegals and convicts from voting and how many of those have been voting and how many and can you ask any a lecture me. yes and election has been turned by dead people in colorado not the two thousand. ten election there were some fifteen thousand illegals that were
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recruited and even to vote and it may have cost the republicans a seat in the united states and but it wouldn't matter if it cost the democrats a seat it was a huge huge far star is ar fifteen thousand people and you know what several of the people who are in charge of the recruitment of been indicted and their trials are coming forward and plenty of i don't know voted illegally in the election that brought in that brought us out i mean literally and have state i recently know that's how the mainstream media has checked out the math and i figure i'll see a report that we did compiling a dozen of the war is over the mouth of it and thank you thank you. going up the planned merger of american airlines and u.s. airways would put eighty six percent of our country's air travel in the hands of only four major airlines and would totally screw over consumers so why would anyone support find out after the break.
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dog tom. is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details of his diction information and media hype will keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream status if in your ranks. one of the wonderful marginalized. face i think you know.
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little. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm sure. led. back to the big picture on child marvin coming up in this half hour and us agents aren't the only ones stealing your data over the past decade private corporations and so a god that. you have made billions by selling parts of your digital life off to the highest bidder how is this legal and what we do to stop it and the other day i lost one of the best friends ever had the worst part of it all is that his death could have been prevented he could have been prevented if our country gave up its obsession with liver terror.


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