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tv   Keiser Report  RT  August 15, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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underhill r.t. all right well that's going to do it for now i'm megan lopez i'll see you right back here at eight pm. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charging welcome to the big picture. is it possible to navigate the economy with all the details of his diction misinformation and media hype will keep you up to date by decoding the mainstream
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headlines stating it in your right. leg. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser scientists say we can now control rates with our minds. for ben bernanke and mark carney the canal just stare at the
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interest rate yield curve think real hard and make it do what they want now understand forward guidance x. x. x. rate it's a rat it's we can now control rats with our minds next up human oh oh i say yes i read about that. you can think your thoughts can move a rat make the red wagon stay a lot of people saw the news yes but it is a good idea to control rates maybe mark carney and ben bernanke and all the central bankers just sit around stare at the interest rate curve well it's in everybody's interest susan they speculate or class to keep interest rates artificially low so they're staring about older it's like the modern day we board but you know here they're speculating that maybe one day we might be able to control humans as well with our mind but in fact in london you can control humans with
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a recycling bin this recycling bin is following you recycling bins in the city of london are monitoring the phones of passer by so advertisers can target messages that people whom the bins recognise so since the story broke in the independent they've now changes to the city of london has asked them to stop monitoring it but this is the trend this is what is happening and by the way it's too late for the two million phones that have already been tracked in the first month after installing the trackers renu said it picked up over a million unique devices on july sixth a record day it's been identified one hundred six thousand six hundred twenty nine . people taking note of their presence nine hundred forty six thousand and sixteen times according to the company in addition to the satellites being able to track people and track people's cell phone they now have these trackers and stalled in bins or or wastebaskets garbage baskets on the street that contract people's phones
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and then target them for advertising and things like this and so you've got now in that you've got these objects that are now all hooked up and into the network so people are walking through kind of a matrix of surveillance for two purposes either one. they are being sold stuff or too they're being tracked by security for reasons that could be in numerable or so you end up being kind of a society spy or be spied it's like the old mad magazine spy versus spy zone everybody is spying on everybody either to get a sale to pay off interest on their debts being foisted on them through the legal bank maneuvers or just outright spying on people in an attempt to deprive them of their civil liberties you know basically we each have our own id to chip already installed inside us and that's our smartphone or you know the little pads here that we carry around because they have
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a mac address and so it looks at that and it can determine your sort of action and we put it on a recycling bin because of course it looks very progressive and and fire mental your it's all kind it's so nice as you saw from my photo however it's right under a church now in the old days of totalitarianism that was one of the things that they monitored what your religious affiliation was so here it however it's all it's helping you it's just it's servicing you it's helping you find the products you want for your lifestyle choices but it's the same exact sort of to talent terry in fascism sort of observing what your actions are what you believe in what you do with your life right and they saw those drugs now that sensors in the drugs so you swallow them they react with the chemicals in your in your body and tell you when you might need another dose of the drug so if you're on hypertension medication or some other kind of medication it will send a wireless signal to your cell phone or i pad to let you know that based on the
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signals being generated inside your digestive system that you need to take another pill so that's another layer of invasiveness and i would imagine they're going to expand that to copyright protection as well when you finish reading something that you. i would like to read something more it will be censored by observing you the way our eyeballs are observing it to tell you that you need to spend more money downloading more copyright protected material so you're trapped visually as well as physically into this matrix of three hundred sixty degree of surveillance it's sold as a positive it's a recycling bin it's all sweet and nice gentle greenwashing everything looks nice the same with g. mail or facebook these services are given to you for free we're just helping you reinette with family connect with family send free e-mails cloud storage for free and of course those are part of the prism meet tricks but in this case the c.e.o. of this company at the time he said from our point of view it's open to everybody everyone can buy that data london is the most heavily surveillance city in the
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world as long as we don't add a name and home address is legal. right well it gets back to what we've been saying on the show for a while which is all the technology that goes with the casino industry these behavioral economics of surveillance and frequent casino use cards you know whether it's tesco their frequent shopping cards or being surveyed on by a garbage bin by companies that look at your data from their phone they are in the business of behaviorally influencing you and modifying your behavior so that you do things that are not in your best interest like rack up debts with a payday loan eat stuff that's going to make you fat obese and cost a lot of money to bail out from the health system and cause the houses to be privatized do all kinds of things that are not in your interest but in the interest of those who are mastering the database and of course all that information collected by these bins will be put into one master database and so called big data this new emergence and computer analysis tech data analysis will feed like
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parasites on the average person so it's like you're living in a situation of being just constantly nit picked by by gnats and insects these companies are just constantly. nickel and dimed people to death you know their mental health experts say this actually this sort of system that we have this total surveillance does not help with schizophrenia and you know we don't have with austerity a lot of people who would normally be treated are thrown out into the streets so you have a lot of paranoid schizophrenics out there and it doesn't help that the recycling bin is actually watching them that their telephone is following them and observing them this is a problem in that sort of regard and especially in america where there are a lot of people who are on all sorts of medications for a lot of people who have schizophrenia they have a cell phone that's not really working but they're talking and doing to hide the
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fact that they're schizophrenia so now these same people can be pretending to talk into a garbage bin that now people understand is rigged up to have to a conversations with people schizophrenia mostly who are on cell phones that are may or may not be hooked up in a conversation that's allowing them to be controlled by the state to behaviorally influence them in ways that will only benefit a few the companies that sell the state all this data. and it's hard to remove yourself from this because the c.e.o. again goes on to say the chances are if we don't see you on the first second or third day will eventually capture you we just need you to have your phone on once and we'll capture you so here we have a situation where no matter what we're in a situation and a global environment where it's harder and harder not to be surveyed so we're going to look at this the repercussions of this on the economy and finance what if atlas shrugged from this global totalitarian surveillance system to e-mail services close
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and destroy data rather than reveal files the shutdown of two small email providers on thursday illustrates why it is so hard for internet companies to challenge secret government surveillance to protect their customer's data from federal authorities to come. up anees essentially committed suicide this is lava bit and silent circle's they committed suicide right so this is a growing trend companies that like in edward snowden if he was a c.e.o. of a technology company using the morals of edward snowden this to c.e.o. close shop he said i'm not going to participate in the society that's run by to tell terry and data collectors and they committed what they call supper coup ceremonial c.e.o. separate the japanese suicide ritual to for the benefit of society so he's great martyr to some smart himself for the benefit of a greater economy so martyrdom is something that we've seen typically associated with other parts of the world and other. ideologies but now it's creeping over into
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this atlas shrugged capitalist version where you have martyrs down the c.e.o. space well this is it in effect both businesses destroyed their assets in part or in full to avoid turning over their customers data such public displays are far more difficult for large companies to make and help explain why the most public efforts to challenge secret government orders have come from small companies and non-profits but i would say we're in a sort of system where this so-called capitalism is just these large companies which is no different from the government surveilling you or the recycling bin watching you and controlling your behavior you know we have to begin to show talk about controlling the brains of rats with their own minds because because the brain emits electro magnetic frequencies similar to a phone and now due to the technology in the sensitivity of electro magnetic
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radiation detection it's possible you don't need to have a phone either on or off because a satellite and isolate you based on the electromagnetic radiation coming from your brain and of course it's everyone has their own unique. footprints speaker fingerprint on one footprint of their brains electromagnetic activity and that can be monitored from any one of these sensors on the street or from low earth orbiting satellites and people are going to have that with another technology which is laser sound you know they have a new technology which can point sound like you point light in a laser so i can direct a laser sound five hundred yards in the future and put a message into your head think about that in schizophrenia so finally hear about this sort of what do we do how do you fight back and there is again here we have a system an american system with one survey one it's every single thing every object out there to observe you and sell you stuff to make you consume always always always so that we can have these bubble economies rolling over our debts
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rolling over prison futures is it time to consider a boycott of u.s. technology platforms or we love you guys but enough is enough so this is leonard and he's calling for a boycott basically of all these because american has gone bonkers he says we're increasingly bihari bizarre behavior maybe it's because they're listening to too many of their own recycling bin ads being focused targeted with these audio ads and people are going crazy you know this is the this is the problem of schizophrenia is that they begin to believe their own. internal messages you know whether it's a serial killer like son of sam you believe that the dog was talking to him the people who run the american government are listening to voices in their head being projected inside their head from data mining companies that want to sell them contracts about how to further that their ends as data miners and all these central bankers think they can control rates wherever they look they have this delusional
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power. there. are thanks so much for explaining all of that in the casa report thank you frank. stay tuned for the second half well a lot more. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot but you sir are a fool you know what kind of silly but no one was saying to featurism be a liberal a christian. can securely slip out of the. you know the corporate media
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distracts us from what you and i should care about because their profit driven industry that sells of sensationalistic garbage because that breaking news i'm happy martin and we're going to break that. welcome back to the kaiser report time out of turn to john butler author of the golden revolution and the m four zero report investment newsletter john is a former managing director of lehman brothers and do it your bank john welcome back
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to the kaiser report thank you max right john you were a former bond bug turned to gold in revolution of course refers to gold but let's talk about bonds where does this rise in the ten year bond the sovereign debt was a signal to you what's going on here well it's a bit of an interesting experiment that is the fed is actually testing the water to see to how will financial markets respond if they do begin to back away from what has been clearly unprecedented intervention in the interest rate market in the bond market and by extension financial markets generally so they start of this taper talk a few months back and guess what happens no surprise you get a big back up in u.s. bond yields but think about it the fed is only just tested the water and they've allowed this you know small rearming as it were of the bull and market vigilantes and that has already resulted in a of quite substantial rise in yields you know what if the fed were actually to step back a bit more and not just reduce purchases but stop this outright monetization what
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if they were to actually allow interest rates to rise rather than holding the material imagine what would happen then it would be carnage so we're seeing sort of in action this experiment as it were of just how much the fed is controlling the market right now john you're a story as well as a newsletter writer and all around good kind of asset allocator guy but you know bond markets and markets in general tend to go in the cyclical patterns and we saw for example before the bull market in stocks starting early one nine hundred eighty s. there was a sixteen year bear market in stocks now we've got after a thirty year bull market in bonds some are talking about the beginning of a bear market and bonds are so. killer bear market and bond so my question is does the fed or the central banks do they really have the control on these rates that you that some people think that they have or are they going to surprise with or without the fed participation what we've seen is that central banks if they want to
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have a mandate to do so and believe it's the right thing to do they can take control of their bond markets not merely set short term interest rates which has been taken as no given for many many decades ever since he went off the gold standard basically but even controlling the long end of the bull and market and that is taken now is just a standard as it were unconventional policy to use an oxymoronic term so central banks can control the bond market however there are consequences there are side effects as they grow their balance sheet and absorb all of these bonds it in theory undermines the purchasing power of the currency it is stored up inflation you don't know when it's going to show up but at some future point in time eventually it's going to start leaking into the system the way the you know we have all kinds of what i would call hidden inflation for example packages are getting smaller in size or for example i read somewhere that b. b. honey honey from b. is. to save cos they strip out the pollen then they sell the pollen separately so
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if you ned to get the full effect of honey you got to buy the honey and the pollen separately to get the combined price of what the honey used to cost is double or triple what it used to cost so it's another hidden example of inflation but to get your point though in other words the way it works is to keep rates low the central banks who are there originally to be a lender of last resort i mean they had and a role to be to step in during an emergency but they have become systemically important to the day to day management of the entire global system so it's a complete different mandate than what they came along to do originally and what they do is they allow bad debts that can't be rolled over because the economy isn't strong enough to do it they take on a. all those debt so their balance sheet just grows and grows and grows and as it grows they have of course interest costs so they have a feeding fraud or you would say because they can't let the rates go higher because then the bond that they bought interest rate will go higher so it keeps going on and on but you said there's consequences of
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a shock inflation to the system that it's stored up in ways to eventually but isn't there also a right now a consequence where you see something like what's happening in cyprus with a massive bell and in other words here's a country that is being cut off from the grid and as a result they immediately implode so here you have an example of what happened they tapered in cyprus the tapering went right as a hockey stick indeed indeed it was a singularity of me it was a sudden break in and then this is what a crisis looks like and in fact the crisis that we're in now is really just one prolonged crisis of course that you know it shows up at suddenly in cyprus or some suddenly somewhere else but it's all related to the same thing the fact is central banks for decades have operated under this paradigm that you know when in doubt you cut rates when in doubt you print money and the entire financial system has now mal adapted as it were to this bizarre environment and if you return to a natural environment absent this constant you know monetary heroin some people like to call it the withdrawal symptoms at this point will be so severe they won't
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just be unpleasant they will potentially kill the patient right sudden withdraw can kill the patient cyprus is an example of a very severe sudden with droll of monetary stimulus cypresses sudden taper that's it but as a possibility if it were made by bruce walters a hollywood movie would be set in taper cyprus but ok that feeds into the next question because the bundesbank believe that greece will need another bailout twenty fourteen so my question is cyprus is it going to now bleed in degree southern greece is a basket case no amount of money printing or bailouts help greece it's a black hole the economy's crashing there's no growth there's. no ability to pay back the debts there's nothing that's and all positive you know unemployment in the young young demographic is over sixty five percent it's a failed state so is a greece going to experience sudden taper except the ballons and this essential a cyprus quite possibly quite possibly no central banks what do they think they're
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doing by supporting greece and supporting all these other countries they think they're going time they think they're blind time that will they hope be used wisely to try to restructure these core economies and put them on some sort of sustainable growth footing but this is a fall a c. it doesn't work history demonstrates it doesn't work when you buy time you don't do that without consequences are there and in fact you remove the very incentives that are required to restructure economies you allow politicians to continue making bad choices you allow bankers to continue exploiting this flawed unsustainable over leveraged system and so in fact unseen by the mainstream the problems continue to grow and that's exactly what is happening right now not just in europe but in many places around the world including the united states well but i think they see it but they don't make the connection to sara lee what i'm trying to bring together here is a unified theory of fraud you know people say are we inflation are we deflation saying that there's something going on right now in real time that is that the
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central banks in order to protect their own balance sheet are keeping rates artificially low by taking all this debt away from their friends in the developed countries that they like and their bankers that they like that they're supporting with these cash infusions and it's not so much there is deferred inflation but there also is in real time collapsed failed states that are causing failed states in cyprus and in greece let's talk about another failed state that could be happening after cyprus and then greece and what about japan. the central bank a government policy of global to deal with their debt deflation twenty years of debt deflation they've got a zombie for twenty years they just passed a quadrillion yen or ten trillion dollars on their debts. this is again and they're also facing this enormous problem with the fukushima nuclear plant which they've had to shut down their energy plants across the nation their energy dependent demographically it's horrible they've they've gone they blew through all their savings they have no more they have to import capital so they're they're buying all
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this debt but now isn't japan is that going to be a balance situation like cyprus so cyprus greece chip pan talk about that who knows exactly what's going to happen every country is going to make its own politically driven choice how to deal with this excessive debt and leverage problem somebody has just been because every country is tied in with the bank of international settlements which is the central bank of central banks and whether it's the bank of japan bank of england federal reserve bank or e.c.b. they're all pursuing the same policies they did the idea that the age of the ricardian competitive advantage where countries are competing with each other is gone because you have one central bank one methodology bail out their friends and led ballons occur as people just fall off the grid and get victimized by this in japan is part of this is not a separate issues my point or am i wrong you're right in the sense that there is a tremendous to agree on attempts to cooperate attempts to coordinate they don't always necessarily work now that said you're correct in this instance that japan for the most part appears to in recent years and decades have very much played ball
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with i'll call them western financial institutions i.m.f. world bank bank for international settlements however you might reach a crisis point where certain countries decide no no we've had enough we're not going to participate in this anymore i mean iceland's an interesting if small example of that but you might see some bigger examples of that for example the bric countries now how long are they going to play ball with this system that they have said on multiple occasions does not work in their fundamental economic interest so something's got to give at some point in fact there may be a very interesting g twenty summit coming up when all of these countries get together who knows what would be said we're going to sing a split with the bric countries principly with the are in the bric standing for. russia ok they're clearly breaking from the pack they're buying lots and lots of gold and they're positioning themselves to be in a post dollar reserve currency world but must focus on japan to continue for japan or first second because yeah they are in fact pursuing same policies you're saying
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well are they coordinating these policies maybe yes maybe no let me throw this at into the mix here because for ten fifteen twenty years the yen was the funding currency for the global carry trade people were borrowing in yen and buying icelandic mortgages and going and buying real estate around the world coordinated through these banks it's coordinated that's not just by accident that oh we're going to sell short the yen and use the proceeds to speculate in real estate around the world or in these other assets or stock markets around the world is that the carry trade there which is conducted by goldman sachs j.p. morgan a just b. barclays lloyds bank bank of japan back in tokyo it's coordinated they love easy money let's face it bankers love easy money because they get the spread between the easy money at the one end and you know whatever price they're setting for whatever financial instrument at the other it i mean this is this is what they love again it goes back to the monetary heroin concept they're all addicts and the bank of japan has been providing i mean they've been one of the big pushers as it were on the
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system and so yes they're part of it so where does it all end where is it all going i don't know exactly specifically what will happen to japan all i know is this there's too much debt in japan there's too much leverage in japan they like many other countries need to reduce debt need to reduce leverage it is certainly possible that they will do so through some sort of bail in on the other hand it's possible they do so through some sort of more aggressive reflation repulsive i don't know what i do know is this the wealth of the people that generated real sustainable wealth in recent decades is being systematically country by country confiscated by their financial systems that have grown like cancers and by the governments that are enabling this to continue notwithstanding occasional rhetoric to the contrary i mean let me ask you this very simple question yes or no. japanese savers by sacrificing their savings through carry trade coordinated internationally have resulted in the highest prices ever recorded for real estate here in london yes or no it wouldn't surprise me in the least i mean you see the connection is
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that i mentioned there is a connection absolutely if you already owned assets going into this crisis and the result of the crisis is this prolonged period of extremely low essentially zero interest rates not just in one country but it will most major economies around the world well isn't that nice you've already got all these assets and now you're carrying them essentially zero cost while the average guy in the street is being squeezed in to the extent that the average guy average household still had assets well they've lost some portion of those assets as a result of the crisis be it you know homes being foreclosed upon or other assets that you've had to liquidate to make up for the fact you have not been able to earn a going rate of interest on your savings so it's the people that already had the assets that are benefiting ok don't have to cut off their back so much being on the kaiser report thanks again max and that's all the time we have for this episode of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guest john butler author of the golden revolution if you like the end touch tweet kaiser report the next time ask them why you know.
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pretty free. free. free free. free. free. free. video for your media project free media r t v dot com. news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day.
6:00 pm
to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food. you know how. many. times now and i know that i've seen the scenery really messed up. and we're all very sort of personally apologize and. worse you're going to fly down superman the radio guy in fort lauderdale minutes from a quick profit i want you to watch closely to have you never seen anything like this i'm telling. you guys i'm having martin welcome to breaking the set so if you're a regular viewer.


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