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tv   Headline News  RT  August 16, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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i day of anger the muslim brotherhood calls on millions to protest the deadly crackdown on pro-democracy supporters which claimed over six hundred lives defying the state of emergency as the government allows security forces to use live ammunition. azan shifts the u.s. brief stop its military support to the philippines in yet another move to boost its presence in the region adding more fuel to international friction over oil and gas rich territories. and bitcoins here today the digital currency is ringing alarm bells for big government who are calling for the regulation of all virtual money.
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it's twelve noon here in moscow ten am in cairo you're watching r t with me and he said no way and we begin with egypt where the muslim brotherhood has been striking back against security forces after a crackdown on their protest camps in the capital and they're not done yet the organization wants all of those who support ousted president morsi to join a march of anger this friday the country's been engulfed in violence health officials say the number of those killed on wednesday as assault is at least six hundred thirty eight this led president obama to cancel military exercises between the u.s. and egypt and criticize the interim government for the clampdown egyptian authorities said obama's remarks could encourage further violence because the country is under attack by terrorists now civilians are taking protection into their own town
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because the odd rest is showing little sign of ending artie's bell truth is in cairo. today people are bracing themselves across the country because it is the first friday after wednesday's massacre and traditional protest day the muslim brotherhood and supporters of mohamed morsi have said that they are going to launch twenty eight marches across the capital starting from the major mosques and ending up at state government buildings now this is obviously quite a worrying time because there's been a lot of clashes state buildings government buildings and of course with the security forces even off the wednesday's massacre the protesters no longer have to sit ins in the capital and therefore having to start at various different mosques i went back to their encampment yesterday and there was just really piles of burning tents and debris the mosque not the city where they had been living at was just a shell so people here are very anxious that this is going to end up in more violence the protests for their part are completely determined to keep going they
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have now lost so many relatives and fellow protesters they say they will not be intimidated by the army and the moment we're just trying to identify what happened to them missing loved ones there are many makeshift morgues still functioning across the city that these protesters are going to be going from body to body attempting to find what happened to that missing protester or even relative meanwhile there has been international condemnation of wednesday's action which was an extraordinary show of force from the security forces and the u.s. has condemned it in multiple statements president obama himself count so a joint military exercise between the u.s. and egypt saying you know off to this very bloody events on wednesday texting of state john kerry said it was a deplorable action the you as well has condemned it among many other countries including turkey france denmark pakistan afghanistan it's really been a collective show of anger against the egyptian government as this bloody events
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continue. parties bell true is constantly tracking of events in the egyptian capital for us to make sure you follow her on twitter to keep up with everything that is happening there. to be in the little. as we've just been hearing from bell the military has been using live ammunition since this latest bout of unrest kicked off on wednesday more shocking footage of civilians being fired on has emerged online you can see in this video several men helping another person who is wounded hear gunshots heard in the background and then the man carrying the other one that's been shot being shot by snipers also a british cameramen reportedly die after being shot by a sniper while he was filming in the capital artie's publicly or visited a mosque where many of the bodies are being brought to and heard firsthand accounts
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of the clampdown. after every battle days of reckoning this is where the tally for this week's deadly clashes is taking place here i mean that you man must wear the bodies of the date and current of being false and it was here finally we saw fear tell me mohammed found her son she learnt on facebook the twenty three year old had been killed she tried in vain to get through sniper fire to reach the baba a dummy a mosque where he'd been camping for weeks. astronaut who died in two bullets one was in his heart there are many claims that bulletin cers had weapons but it was a peaceful sit in the police killed him they were standing on top of the roofs they burned some of the bodies and burned some people alive it was egypt's most bloody day of violence since the revolution two and a half years ago this old man managed to save his koran but not his wife she was among the hundreds killed many of them burned beyond recognition tears of anguish
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against a backdrop of angry demonstrations i think that's why you march a city obey the. people when we go to this street in the jungles here it is i think is said that i listen a little baying the will of the egyptian people word to the street how about this people watch they in the street for forty seven days then they would rise and their gift is to. dr mohammad mahmoud was on duty when the first casualty started coming in within hours he treated civil dozen patients the wounds were worse than anything he'd seen before marking a turning point he says from which there is no return the egyptian army usually different people but what we know of a gyptian army even in our religion we have some prophecies said these are the best army and over the world but not to kill his own people he's the egyptians always we owe our history with the egyptian army to defend us not to kill us that's why
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i'm saying this is a very bad and black chapter the accusations and counter-accusations are heating up each side blames the other for unprovoked excessive violence the army stands accused of firing at unarmed protesters while the brotherhood is feared for spreading violence anything is possible now unfortunately in every single step that we've been witnessing from since january twenty five. we don't think the next step is going to happen it's so far away and then it happens so anything is possible now the interior ministry has given police a green light to use live ammunition against anyone who attacks government buildings while the muslim brotherhood is vowing nothing will stop its glorious revolution in a country many fear is now teaching on the brink of civil war policy r t cairo. the muslim brotherhood says that the recent bloodshed dealt a heavy blow which means they cannot control the backlash on the streets anymore
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and artie's replay video agency has obtained footage showing masked men armed with automatic weapons firing back at police in cairo now it's not known if they are affiliated with the muslim brotherhood but it is clear that the military assault on pro morsy camps has prompted armed resistance at our army an award winning journalist and author says egypt is unlikely to veer from its current violent path . i think actually the worst thing that's happening now is not actually to the deaths but it's how objections themselves have changed the amount of people i've heard just yesterday talk about how god square has been cleaned even the word in arabic it's such a strong word to use that it's been cleaned up the muslim brotherhood there's so much hatred i have never seen so much hatred from egypt as for their fellow egyptians and it isn't just christian muslim which is already a problem we had in egypt but just in difference an ideological perspective say
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muslims talking about their other fellow muslim egyptians in the sense that they deserve to die that we're so sad they die but at least now we can be free of the terrorists and that i think is one of the worst and the scariest developments and that's what's going to lead egypt down a dark cap i think everyone is playing here everyone has their own agenda everyone has their own reasons and in a very sad way everyone has something to benefit from this but again like i said i think the biggest loser is just egypt as a country you know the footage we've been seeing aerial footage everything burning a condom even prefer all the banks of clothes the stock markets lots of cairo airport emergency like churches a trip burning tires felice and it's just like oh my god am i watching we how is this how are we two and a half years on and things are only getting worse and worse. and we are closely following the outscored intentions in egypt online had to argy dot com for live updates and a timeline of the unfolding conflict dividing the nation. plus
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on our t.v. your true brave you're going to find powerful images from cairo revealing the brutal standoff between security forces and protesters. the u.s. is boosting its military assistance to the philippines with fifty million dollars said to be provided in aid along with more navy vessels analysts say it's an increasingly assertive china seems to be the real reason for washington's growing and gauge mintz in the region the us has been steadily beefing up its military presence in the region japan being its main ally with fifty thousand american troops deployed there south korea comes in second with twenty eight and a half thousand military personnel there's also the american security hold of qualm
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which hosts several military bases under the asian oriented policy the us has been strengthening its alliances with australia the philippines singapore thailand and vietnam deploying troops as well as seeking to sign cooperation agreements and america claims that it's just protecting its economic interests in the region but authorities paul scott explains that doesn't seem to be the case. america's increasing interest in the asia pacific is defined by the white house as an attempt to strengthen economic and security interests in a paper released in two thousand and twelve washington makes no attempt to shy away from the fact that china's dominance in the region is a concern saying its emergence has the potential to negatively affect america's economy and security but go some way to explaining exactly why the u.s. is beefing up its military presence in the region but the exact extent of their muscle flexing is causing some to suggest it's an attempt at containment which will only intensify friction in the region the idea that the united states is protecting
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the interests of the world against chinese influence is clearly all the united states is doing is ratcheting up military tension and pressure if it will in the world doesn't need it at all disputes over territory are the main reason for heightened tensions the south china sea rich in oil and fish is the main bone of contention washington is backing its ally the philippines in that dispute upping its military support to the nation by two thirds or also strengthening its military ties with indonesia singapore malaysia brunei and vietnam the united states needs to be greater clarity over china's strategic intentions but as washington maintains they want dialogue they continue to expand their military presence on china's doorstep rattling the world's second largest economy a dangerous game of brinksmanship in a region where tensions are already high meanwhile china has launched a four day military exercise in the east china sea an area that's the subject of
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territorial dispute between beijing and tokyo countries in the region are seeking the support of the united states from china's claim over islands in the east and south china seas act of course in past from beijing university says the u.s. should try and work with china rather than countering it. the u.s. tries to kind of containing china at the moment that china has a duty because of its military rise to actually challenge that reigning champion in the u.s. and likewise u.s. of course cannot retreat or retire it has a very substantial and china's influence is growing even by western meddler standouts sign as already the second largest economy it is sure to surpass us i think there's no doubt that about this it's work to figure out the last so india and the u.s. has to work to gather with china instead of suppressing its rising influence.
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it's coming up to quarter past the hour here in aren t. and just around the corner for you to cut or not to cut as public spending is trimmed in the u.k. we host an expert panel discussion on where britain's cash is so bad stay with us after this break. choose your language. calling for a weekend without any federal presidential summer. treatments but it can sense you get to. choose the opinions that immigrate to. choose the
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stories that impact the. choose the access to. the u.s. is becoming increasingly concerned over virtual currencies launching broad investigations into bitcoin and the likes virtual currency is not going away and needs a whole government response that's according to the participants of the inquiry run
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by a senate committee on homeland security now unbanked and free from centralised regulation bitcoin has been gathering steam and pushing its way into mainstream its value rocketed in april this year hitting more than two hundred dollars our bitcoin success is marred by worries it can be used to evade taxes and trade drugs and pornography law makers and says digital money should be brought out of the darkness and regulated both in the interests of the public and the virtual currency industry itself economist mark thorton says the u.s. is just worried about the dollar. their stated objective to investigate these currency these virtual currency is that they may be used for illegal means or they may be used for tax evasion and money laundering purposes which of course that does occur but that also occurs with u.s. currency which is the major currency for drug dealers and smugglers of all sorts so
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we have to look a little deeper here at these investigations and what we find is that of course the bage or credit card companies are concerned about bitcoin is a competitor because it's cheaper and faster than their own services there's no fees involved and so they're concerned and also the federal reserve and the treasury are concerned that in the long run virtual currencies maybe siphon off some of the demand for the u.s. dollar so the government is concerned about that conan's popularity at many different levels down line currency has one of fiscal recognition with a u.s. federal judge rolling it is real money a texas man being tried for laundering billions of dollars using the bitcoin system calends the court by saying bitcoins or virtual wall and couldn't be the basis for front tires but he felt archie's bitter all of our went to meet those who have no doubt that coin has real value. bitcoin.
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taro coins beat coin can see are fooling those developing the digital currency perhaps a little bunkers has the potential to be brilliant but we're still in the early days down the road i think it has tremendous potential and next years it can be used by everybody wants to convenience it's there it's in so-called spaces like this one in bratislava the kinks in the currency being ironed out by a dedicated inclusive group even holding a wedding within a digital den to care for and protect each other you're from. the developers may soon an unconventional group this is an incompetent currency not controlled by any government or central bank this peer to peer method of exchange can run chanting it will take the stand there. like life cycle. every technology of every new technology hoping will use it first. sooner or later the
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customers will use however with one bitcoin currently being worth around seventy euro and only existing in cyberspace it's not really being cohesive with the high street until now or we make. denominations of points like. some kind of five euro two euro one euro in that size which would be for example serial point zero one bitcoin and it would look like this actually we want to make easy to use solution for down like to keep coins in their daily lives paid their daily life things with bitcoins like a pizza or a coke at a bar or something like that security online is a major concern for us all so developers are. to protect consumers cash we already talk with some high security labeling companies there well as they
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will do some labels like with whole grounds self destroying if you rip them off so we tried really to make it really secure. people that they can be sure. the point is. so they really can use it for trading due to the digital nature you could be calling there's no limit to shade the physical appearance you can take you can stamp a few our code on it it will work just how easy is it to use you pass me your credit i start my char redo just redo them and since this one was not claim before i can just claim it's no it's no it's mine it's going from an obscure online for months to being touted alongside gold and silver is the only safe investments by those in the know bit quiet. absolutely triumphed as the dollar has crashed ninety per cent against the bit guy as bitcoin is set to take on the world and root out
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the banks stirrers and if this continues pretty soon might not be only for nerds they could be the cash in all our pockets peter all of our t. bratislava slovakia. you can find out more about the rebel currencies thorney brown through recognition and more analysis on our web site and as you serve all mind today check out this as well if you are young and looking for a fine line you can post messages on behalf of the israeli government and get paid for it recruiting youngsters as undercover agents in order to write statements on facebook and twitter find out more at our dot com. and drone wars on american soil no surprise this time find out on our web site how the military plans to use the unmanned aircraft in the fight against mosquitoes. the department the u.k.'s department i should say for international development has
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admitted that half a million pounds of british foreign aid and equipment has fallen into the hands of al-qaeda and the confession comes as austerity cuts have become part of everyday life in the u.k. and the question if aid is the best way taxpayers' cash should be spent is as sharp as ever sarah ferguson a panel of guests discuss britain's budget spending trips. and that seemingly endless government cuts them without anyone tightening their belts and claims that the government has been listening careful with the public has been met with understandable concern britain's foreign aid spending has once again come under this public scrutiny whilst at home whitehall waste has in the recent past including amongst other things spending on motivational magicians so have the government tried one trick too many to convince the british taxpayer that being careful with money or hits work their magic i'm joined by three guests other than the girl from the taxpayers alliance. from left unity and john hillery from the
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world want to thank you very much for joining us taxpayers a lot of the areas that should be focused i mean i think that it's really just absolutely i mean if you look at councils across the country they're spending local government itself is just wasting kinds of tartars money on things like motivational magician's so if you look at central government itself i mean last year alone one hundred sixty six three million was spent on projects sector employees sending their kids to. these are kind of things that you know people need to look and yeah but they sometimes i mean it's very easy to come up with these things and something tragic twenty billion pounds a year and this is some things are very very nice. man which has been for magicians you know six considerably less than that is how it's going to relations in a cup one concert and it's council time there's nothing i want to know my money is going towards you know in terms of the different budget itself i don't want my money going towards consultants and the like from being wasted in that way and on
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pricey trips i want to know that my money is going to the poorest and we're expected to go on and i think that's the problem taxpayers want to know we're getting the best value for our morning and i think the government needs to show that and look into this quite you know it's an important critically critical political thing here is what you spend it on and one of the rich i think we both agree on this in terms of time the poor. strong turks revenue for public services for functioning social don't think about that subsidy right i agree that if we if we close the tax gap then this deals with a lot of issues in terms of establishing and also. closing the tax gap in the developing world is vital to move away from dependence on a few look at the bumper book of government waste we found that one hundred twenty billion pounds last year alone was wasted on pings like most of tickets i mean we looked at public sector fraud cost twenty billion last year all of this
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money to four and a half pounds per family in the u.k. at a time when families are having a hard time talking their budgets tighten their belts this is a massive amount of money these girls are going to thank you very much for doing this. out of some other news making headlines around the world this friday the brutal military crackdown in egypt continues to stoke international anger this time in libya where crowds gathered in front of the country's embassy in tripoli branding egypt's army chief and killer of innocents they demand to be brought to justice for the victims of the anti morsi crackdown at the same time libya itself is struggling with controversial militias who gained substantial policing power and the ousting an execution of colonel gadhafi. and america's national security agency has broken the law over a thousand times every year that's according to an internal audit in documents edward snowden leaked to the press they say that since gaining sweeping powers back
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in two thousand and eight the n.s.a. has a legally spied on american nationals and foreigners if confirmed it openly contradicts president obama's declaration that the n.s.a. operates within the law. an explosion at a fireworks festival in japan has injured fifty nine people one thousand are reported to be in serious condition in a queue to hospital with a young boy in intensive care it's believed a gas cylinder may have caused the explosion which went off just before the scheduled display. and in germany the launch of the national democratic party's election campaign has been met with angry demonstrations in the northern city of hanover protesters chanted nazi out slogans in an attempt to hamper n.p.t. members from speaking out the rally the far right party plans to visit a number of cities in the country ahead of the federal elections in september. more
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news coming your way with me and he said now in just over thirty minutes stay with r.t. . the video game company of heroes two is facing a lot of heat from gamers inside the former soviet union in fact fourteen thousand people thus far have taken the time to sign a changed org petition to get the game removed from former congress shelves across the land why are people so mad this looks like some sort of world war two game i mean in this type of game there's going to be a murdering of hawkers or virtual rampaging through cities with rocket launchers so why did they start a petition for you to blogger called the bad comedian really detailed twenty five minute video depicting all the gross historical inaccuracies and exaggerations
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throughout the game but he portrays the soviet army as a pack of slave driving before with every soviet officer wanting nothing more than to shoot his old soldiers in the back or send them to the gulag forthwith according to polygon dye. com the game exploits rare moments in the wars history like some very limited battles or soviet soldiers went in unarmed and made it look as if sitting rifle is infantry directly into machine gun fire was part of the soviet army manual maybe it is a bit over sensitive to flip out over a dumb video game but lies repeated often enough will become true in the minds of millions of people who play the game and that's why you can't back down when it comes to historical falsification but that's just my opinion.
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today the european consumer has no way of knowing the origin of the leather he bites. the feel of. the number of e.u. member states have deed localized production and see no reason for shoes and leather bags to be labelled made in bangladesh.


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