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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  August 17, 2013 5:29pm-6:01pm EDT

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came forward with a lawsuit against the cia international a defense contractor who was running the prison they were hoping for some sort of compensation for the torture humiliation and abuse same curd while there when the without lawsuit was filed i spoke to the legal director robert you who was assisting the case right here in breaking the set. theory and everything from having dogs on the experience having it with bodily harm emotional harm so these these individuals were the victims these individuals were the victims in the pictures the ones that we've seen in the images that have been plastered across the world that's who these individuals represent this fight their efforts of federal judge eventually dismissed the lawsuit citing that obvious graves overseas and therefore outside of u.s. jurisdiction interesting logic considering how is the u.s. military prison but it's a complete dismissal of this case is not enough it gets much worse because you see now the defense contractors see a c.i. is turning around and to wean them yep the giant corporation is trying to sue the
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four victims for compensation for a series of legal fees associated with their original lawsuit are you kidding me apparently it wasn't good enough to get away scot free after running a torture chamber now corporations trying to take away even more from these victims than it already has if this doesn't show the utter disregard these contractors have for human life i don't really know what does but should we expect anything more in the u.s. government gives them complete immunity for the war crimes if this twisted justice pisses you off to join me it's time to break the set. up. for ever seen anything like. yesterday marked forty years since the u.s. flew its final bombing mission over southeast asia officially ending the country's direct military involvement in vietnam but even though the war is law. over it's
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memory lingers on unjustified invasion resulted in hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent civilians dead but those statistics don't account for the millions more that are still suffering today as a result i'm talking about the countless individuals who have fallen victim to a heinous tactic employed by the us during the war the use of the chemical agent orange between one thousand nine hundred to one nine hundred seventy one the us military sprayed nearly twenty thousand gallons of agent orange over vietnam an effort to defoliate forested land and deprive the viet cong from hiding within but unfortunately since the chemical is also deprived of many a healthy life with a substance causing extensive birth defects and diseases for years to all who have come in its path to talk about the disastrous effect this chemical has had on the us double standard on the matter i spoke earlier with margaret cohn preserve human rights of thomas jefferson school of law i first asked her how widespread the use of agent orange was during the war and this is what she had to say. the u.s.
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military sprayed about twelve percent of the land of the from about nine hundred sixty one to nine hundred seventy one and it's estimated that millions of the enemies and americans as well and vietnamese americans now vietnamese americans were exposed to agent orange and particularly the most egregious chemical in. in agent orange which is dioxin one of the most dangerous chemicals known to science you talk about how the use of agent orange was actually a violation of the geneva conventions why. well the geneva conventions and the hague convention prohibit weapons that target civilians and the landmass was sprayed with no distinction between. troops and this and civilians and certainly millions of civilians were affected and so that is
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a violation of the geneva conventions in the hague convention prohibits the use of poisoned weapons obviously agent orange decimated the entire land can you talk about the kinds of health of facts that were seen and actually they needed aftermath of its use was not just immediate aftermath actually the children and grandchildren of both vietnamese and americans exposed to agent orange continue to be born with horrific birth defects when i was in vietnam i saw children with no limbs i heard reports of children born babies born with no brain cavity people who were exposed to agent orange or are victims of very aggressive forms of cancer live lymphoma diabetes and and the list goes on and on right i want to actually have you comment on you know immediately after what did we see and now of course the timeline decades later what kind of diseases and cancers
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exist today in the region because of the chemical sprayed. well the reason i say that it's not that much different is because all over vietnam there are what are called hot spots which are still poisoned by dioxin in in the soil and many of them are located around former u.s. military bases in the asian orange we used as a default leant to get rid of the. brush and trees so that they could find the enemy more easily and so people who live near these hot spots are also continually being affected by this toxic chemical has there been any sort of accountability of using this chemical on the people from the government or pressure for compensation. there was a lawsuit brought by vietnam veterans against two of the major chemical companies
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dow and monsanto and manufactured agent orange and they arrived at a settlement and in federal court in new york and they get about one point five two billion dollars a year which sounds like a lot of money but it's very little for the number of u.s. soldiers who were affected by agent orange and whose offspring continue to be affected by agent orange but when that was suits settled the judge jack weinstein assured the chemical companies that their liability was over so when the vietnamese victims the intended victims of agent orange sued in federal court they were thrown out of court but that lawsuit spawned a movement to try to get compensation for the victims of agent orange and in fact i did the peace accords signed in paris in one nine hundred seventy three the nixon administration promised three billion dollars toward healing the wounds of war and
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for post-war reconstruction of vietnam and none of that. money has been forthcoming but this movement has led to organizations like mine that the agent orange relief and responsibility campaign. which helped draft just lation that is now pending in the u.s. congress it's called the victims of agent orange relief act of twenty thirteen and that deal would provide medical rehabilitative and social service compensation to the vietnamese victims of agent orange remediation of dioxin contaminated hotspots and medical services for the children of u.s. vietnam veterans and the enemies americans who have been born with the same diseases and deformities and it's called h r two five one nine that bill the victims of agent orange relief act of twenty thirty ok so right now there hasn't
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been really any accountability inside the government i mean we just same kind of this lawsuit gets settled not even one from from dow chemical and monsanto and since the effects are still felt today it's still affecting a stream where a large amount of vietnamese people what would you say that the attitude of the vietnamese is toward the u.s. for kind of this neglect over the last fifty years. well during the vietnam war and i was i was very active in the anti-war movement and i remember being very surprised that the vietnamese people did not hate the american people they understood that it was the american government not the american people that that was raining bombs and chemicals down on them and in fact there was a very strong anti-war movement the problem now and since the vietnam war the end of the war one nine hundred seventy five is that people don't know that the land and the people of vietnam continued to be poisoned by this chemical that was dropped by the u.s.
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military and when people do find out such as reading my op ed on huffy to post and other pieces like that they feel very responsible they feel like they want to do something about it i have been to vietnam recently there is not resentment against the. americans they understand that there are many americans who are trying to achieve compensation to to get some recompense for the victims and their one thing i want to make clear is that although the u.s. veterans get some compensation not nearly enough there has been no compensation at all whatsoever for the vietnamese victims there has been some u.s. assistance in remediating to have the worst hot spots near to army bases but there's still many many other hotspots in vietnam that still have dioxin in the soil i think you hit on the head it's the lack of knowledge of this is happening i think it's kind of out of sight out of mind we don't really understand the
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consequences of the vietnam war still to this day and unfortunately i was in the last time we saw the u.s. military using chemical weapons against international law during wartime as we know that military use white phosphorus in depleted uranium in iraq which will be around for years and years some say millions of years i mean as a constitutional lawyer do you think that there's a double standard that exists between the u.s. using chemical warfare and. other countries that use them kind of using that as a logic to preemptively use military strikes against countries you hit it right on the head absolutely there is a double standard united states criticizes syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons and may use that as a pretext to invade syria and it certainly is the weapons of mass destruction rationale was the pretext for bush to invade iraq even though they really knew there weren't any chemical weapons left weapons inspectors had been there recently and said there were none left and yet the the united states continues to use as you
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said depleted uranium white phosphorous which burns to the bomb cluster bombs which are little bomb let's that explode when children pick them up we continue to use these devastating weapons that that just proportionately affects civilians which are illegal under international law but of course this is not the only double standard you see a horrific killing going on by the military in egypt you see the obama administration making some weak kind of protest but you don't see them withdrawing the one point three billion dollars in aid that we give to to the egyptian government so there is a long history of double standards when it comes to u.s. foreign policy was about time to reinstate the moral compass of this government and its actions around the world thank you so much margaret cohn professor of human rights at thomas jefferson law school my pleasure abbi thank you. all right guys we're taking a quick break but when we come back we'll take more back at the highlights of
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science technology innovation all the developments around russia. guys it's hard to believe that in just one year we've done two hundred twenty six episodes of breaking the set it's been a lot of fun it's also been a lot of work and i definitely could not have done it without the help of my awesome production team christine connecticut in the control of marriage david and many rob lowe having said that i want to take a quick look back at some of our most memorable and favorite moments of the show you guys there were a lot of them but i've picked out some that stick out the most to me terror tuesday when we first heard the news about obama having baseball's going to kill on terror
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tuesday and we invented the drone king hash tag but take a look. obama is officially the drone king he's ramped up the use of these unmanned killer robots dramatically since taking office drone warfare in yemen somalia pakistan and elsewhere. and it's crazy you would have never thought of that at the time but that hash tag blew up hash tag drone and actually we went to it today to see what some people were saying they're still using it to this day even though that segment was just so long ago but there was one tweet that caught my eye asher wolf wrote a drone by any other name is still a war crime and that is just so epic and basically was referring to what you imagine we're talking about the other day which is that the drone industry is trying to rebrand and the word drone there to just basically to disassociate it from the predator drones that obama is using abroad but i think we all know that there are the same umbrella exactly i love i love that tweet as well and who could
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forget calling out israel as well for their targeting of journalists in gaza and speaking alex elsie the spokesperson for prime minister netanyahu let's check it out. i do apologise for him you heard it again we didn't target jordan it was we. just wanted to target down tennis we didn't target journalists and again if anybody was we apologize we apologize and you personally are invited to come to israel believe me you will be the best guest in israel. you know i love this guy alex looks alex yes we will take you over we will be there as soon as we can give us a little bit of time no you know what i love that we did that interview that was the first time that we actually got an official whatever you want to call it was an apology for what happened it was at the height of the conflict a lot was going on journalists had been killed and we you know we just wanted some answers and this guy came on and gave us his honest perspective and you know what
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we will definitely take you. there alex i will see you very soon and of course the most bizarre thing of all was nestle's android replicant response to the video calling messi out for the privatization of water let's take a look at that. chairman doesn't believe it's a human right that's wrong. the whole company we've no recognize the human right to water and we ensure people respect it. of course peter brady back the chairman did say that he doesn't want water to be a human right that's extreme so you know of course no matter what the slow robot lady says we all know we heard it from his mouth but you know what we also got to take break in the set on the road to some amazing trips manny you and i went to haiti were able to speak to jimmy carter president jimmy carter we also got to travel to new york to cover exclusively the n.d.a. hearing and unfortunately do want to give an update about what's happening with that case where you know actually it was very very timely whenever we were covering
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because it was it was right after that that hearing in the second circuit court in new york and unfortunately you know the. lawsuit as we know it has been struck down so right now what we can expect is maybe they'll go to supreme court maybe not but really that interview that you did with with chris hedges was really telling because it's very important because one of the things that he that he mentioned was how little attention it's getting from the mainstream media you don't hear about it and it's a deterioration of our of our information systems here here in the united states then it's unfortunate that our t.v. this network as well as the show is one of the only alternative media outlets that a person can turn to to learn about what's really going on with the n.d.a. and da that specific provision about indefinite detention is so crucial for people to know about because it is you know one of those the last it's a monumental case and yes we were it was really amazing be able to talk to the plaintiffs on the case and there we got to travel to boston and then to now i know that. it was you know as you know it was amazing it was amazing to be not in this
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office i think it was amazing just to be in his presence i mean this is a man who's eighty four years old he's still sharp he's a student savva and he spoke really candidly with us so i it was just an honor his office is so amazing yes stacks of books he's authored over one hundred books and all of them are going to believe it and it's insane and you know it was just so cool to see all the memorabilia and to really witness that and we were there actually really close to when the boston bombing happened we actually had dinner right outside the finish line of. boston marathon and you're actually able to get its public opinion about what people were thinking in terms of safety versus security that's the really interesting. do you think we need more security and surveillance going forward in the wake of the boston bombing yeah obviously i mean i mean i should this security cameras we have i mean they did a good job by the people who did it you know and i mean so more can only help more definitely well you can't have too many security cameras but they were caught on
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camera obviously what. we need security. the harsh military crackdown one thousand paramilitary terry troops people are very very fearful and i think we're really you know capitalizing on that fear to you know build the surveillance and security state and boston and it's going to be accurate in cities across that you absolutely and you know i think the most interesting moment was having rubble on break in the stadium and i think everyone to see everyone in the studio hated us nobody could get any work done and we were wrong and we out in the middle and you know really surprised we didn't get a noise violation everybody was building you know no doubt they were also taken so people need to go check that i didn't have to go back but they killed it and manny i know that you and i have a lot of interesting discussions on the show as i understand you put together some of your yeah but a couple little clips together if we could take a look. see what are they going to be talking about today u.s. foreign policy national is when populism cyberwarfare current events and you think
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they are all the face to the ambiguous they're just saying we're going to be talking about current events yeah what if someone hacked into this arm and started killing people i mean they're like it's my arm it's not you need to explode and this is a good talk from spiderman many is that is that something to respect the muslim faith and throwing a body in the ocean and i have my own theory behind this i think honestly but you know this is just because there are thirty needs a sequel just like transformers megatron into the ocean that came back and you have another transformers movie like you said injecting our pets with these tracking ships it's only a matter of time before we start doing it to our children and cattle manny let's talk about the taser drugs surveillance handcuffs i couldn't even make this up if i wanted to it's a handcuff they can administer a drug they can also tase you i mean seriously seriously you guys have your favorite moment was the show that was jam packed with two spoken word artist remy cannot be an epic show favorite moment we went to haiti you go in the face play
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some crazy bug and it's sold out for like a week now there's also the studio you guys. thank you so much the show would be nothing without you guys i love you so much and you guys are amazing people amazing workers and if you guys notice they're busting out the breaking today because martino's from the lab in l.a. is awesome he has a bunch of stuff that he's made for us and we're going to have it available next season you guys everyone stay tuned and thank you so much for being amazing. well recently i put together a little best of montage of my favorite interviews and monologues on the show take a look. at the media the candidates corporatocracy i can't wait for this. to be over word new york times welcome to that this administration has no credibility club remind me again why it is that people are worshipping kings and queens in their twenty thirty five a novel idea of blaming the whistleblower for trying to evade death by way of the
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espionage act he actually talked about the n.s.a. revelations are in a concert or public remark or say this is not informed consent by those who are talking and this is manufactured concern and are actually of course concerned in secret you guys this is not about safety it's not about terrorism this is about showing dissent and controlling society. die die die isn't dead already you can't conduct these kinds of wars around the world killing innocent people in the pursuit of a few bad guys and pretend that it's not going to come back to you did you find the logic flawed now looking back do you regret your vote to invade and occupy a country to find one man said we ought to be critical highly concentrated form the power wherever we find it because in that time the pa was usually subject to abuse them i'm stephanie from the state we saw the video you post on you tube criticizing us. so he's our sponsor. wal-mart's also been described as an economic death
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star destroying everything in its path. we could be nothing more than to modernise the wasteland so the heartless activist is not a criminal yet actual criminal banks started running free i'm glad this government has its priorities straight so do you shop all down your mine and subscribe to old school paradigms or do you liberate yourself by acknowledging reality show the world would lose its innocence what if your brother know the truth. little. and yes it has been a great first year but there is a whole lot more to look forward to you guys here's a little sneak peek at what you can expect to see in season two. submit a. very hard to kill. list.
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of the. less he ever said look i don't care. what. the it was. like. to. live. like that. i'm so
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grateful for my team. david manning steady cam operator in there and they are opportunity i've been given to talk about all the issues that are important to me but this show would be nothing if it weren't for you the viewer supporting and sharing my work so thank you all for watching for the next two weeks while we working hard making the next season to kick ass in the meantime you can find all two hundred and twenty six episodes we've done including every interview and every segment on breaking the set on you tube at youtube dot com slash breaking the set on there are videos taboo on hulu hulu dot com slash breaking the set also on our facebook page facebook dot com slash breaking the set and do not forget to hit me up on trader at abby martin let me know you thought about the show over the last year and guys that's it for us tonight he's out.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't. charge was a big. live
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. live. live live live live . exactly what happened that day i don't know but i killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for
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a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. and people taking shots at police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were off taking they could get what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said. he.
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had gone far in clashes and assaults by security forces ends the siege of a car on mosque after hundreds of muslim brotherhood supporters had barricaded themselves inside. russia's far east is threatened by what could be the biggest floods in over a century forcing of more than seventeen thousand to flee their homes midfields the worst is yet to come. and u.s. though may call for a form of the n.s.a. after leaked to a portrait field congress was kept in the dark leading spies to breach privacy rules and acts who little own no oversight.


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