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tv   Sophie Co  RT  August 19, 2013 10:29am-11:01am EDT

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mission to teach me.
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what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. for a factual standard of living. and i welcome to sophie and co i'm so think shevardnadze today we're looking at
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what's going on in the arab world including egypt where the president has just been forced out of power. the egyptian revolution cycle has moved on and turned on itself morsi is forced from power by a popular coup because the people and the army celebrates unity and. political islam is egyptian presidency lies in ruins drowned by the voices on top here. how the arab spring zouaves broken on egypt what will be exposed if they roll back across the arab world where the arab spring is demands coerced. what chances do multi-faith societies have under political islam we speak to a woman of arabia a princess of the east. our guest today is her royal highness saudi prince says best mob in saudi activist a writer and
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a businesswoman and she joins us live. from london your world it's great to have you on our show today thank you it's nice to be on your show and on the russian t.v. for the first time so was that from the latest news we're witnessing a coup in egypt where military have taken power but how do the population and that's millions are celebrating is this really a military coup or the victory of the people now i think it's actually both. the victory of the people is the victory of the army itself because maybe it's very foreign to other people to know that the army and egypt has for so long protected the people. you know sworn on protecting the people rather than the government so this is not actually something unusual for the army. by
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the people. and since most he has. been in power by a democratic election. the army. hold very hard to be independent and mr mostly has fought very hard to have the army under his power so i think it's just a very normal reaction from from the army to to be where he is and. definitely said the greeting that the army. certified his identity and kept away from from the political game and what about the muslim brotherhood i mean it's a very well organized political machine well entrenched in their region with millions of supporters how do you think they will react to the coup the overthrowing of their man well actually it's nothing i have to mind you and i have to remind everybody that the muslim brotherhood ten years ago was considered
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a terrorist party. it's hasn't been recognized by the. slavic. community in egypt or n. the arab world except recently so we're not actually as if we're talking about a very great party that's been in power for such a long time it's really it's been considered as a as a. terrorist party for a long time since i've been nasser so what i'm saying is that the muslim brotherhood shouldn't be very surprised about their short. power being in power because they were not supported by the egyptians themselves since a long time it's not the short notice. alarm to the egyptian people it is the word because the world doesn't know doesn't know the egyptian culture doesn't know the egyptian history doesn't know the egyptian the muslim
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brotherhood history so rather. than really said a big thing of the muslim brotherhood failure i don't think by any means that this brotherhood. is a political movement it is rather just more politicized by other powers in the world ok so what's not just muslim brotherhood in egypt political islam in general we see taking up the vacuum filling in the vacuum of overthrown dictators of the arab spring states why is that tyrants could never be tired and not backed by big powers. systems cannot survive on its own and this globalized world. and the fight over the middle east and its gas and petrol has been going on for the last let's say two centuries we're just seeing the results of who want smaller right now rather than actually. meaning which is. created and divine which everybody has been
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singing in the last. two to three years fund arab spring it has nothing to do with with god it has nothing to do with equality it has nothing to do with humanity it has to do who has more power on the ground you take it you put another nothing changes if we don't change the systems as themselves we can never actually change whatever is happening in the middle east whether now in ten years of in twenty years the people will still be a rising like in iraq because. it was brought down in the name of democracy and ten years after the fall of saddam or do we see in iraq destruction wars bombs bloodshed and democracy. fighting over your day to day bread people and secured goods being great and this was never that happened in the
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time of saddam i'm not saying that saddam was a good one but i say what is the alternative we are making wars and revolutions we don't we're not thinking about the consequences what is the solution what what can we put instead of morsi and more but all these tyrants because it all the same for me as a human being then all the same they're all exercising the same power what i'm saying is if we don't put the system in place we are looking for a long term out of revolutions in the middle east that will never quiet in the end the country it would be another would be another iraq. the next one is syria so we're just creating. terrorism as we go along down the way in the name of democracy so you think this could that just took place in egypt could actually spill over if the region i think it's one off and i think it's not going to be the
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end. in egypt. it's going to spill over the whole the whole. the whole region and it's not only the whole region and it's the whole globe that is undergoing a shift and economy europe spain greece the states. south america north america brazil look at look at the globe look at what's happening you have to connect things together you cannot just talk about egypt without talking about syria with the with talking about. brazil without talking about europe the economy everywhere is driving that evolution's and this is what nobody i have seen we are naming actually out of illusions by a religious shouldn. but basically it's it cannot make its unemployment it's it's not giving the proper human human rights the social human rights security social security environmental security child security government security border security
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this is all our issues which are very important to do today person and we're not actually really addressing these issues we had at that are seeing issues and looking at the very secular way which is the political way which is you know naming religion is the cause of reform of the order of revolution it is not it is economic and this is what you are seeing you know qatar and saudi arabia today expressed no objection to the military coup in egypt but they are supportive of hardliners in syria i mean they're pouring huge amount of money in weaponry into a country that's ripped it apart by a savage war why such a dramatic difference in dealing with those states well i would like to ask that question myself you know that it has so many contradictions even the states i mean you know when we look at president obama's remarks about bringing
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down of morsi. and seeing is democratic you can say you know you can't say anything except it contradicts every single via bird and the human being in the middle east who should be seeing what's democratic and what's not if i do not actually exercise them democracy in my country if i do not exercise the thing in my country how can i ask it from other countries there's a lot of contradictions on the scene on the political scene and everybody is confused and confusing the masses about the messages they're sending from the top p five security. club. i call it the club but would you agree that the two countries qatar and saudi arabia are actually competing in exporting hard line islam to the region and thus you know it all comes out to control who will control the region through hardline islam well let me tell
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you something actually decided it could not do anything on its own there is support from different parts of the world for these things as russia is supporting syria so . it's like a game it's like a football game everybody tends to put the ball in the other. person's field all governments feel it's a game of power and this is blankley. naming get down to the court and distilling every single. agenda and the region to the core it's not a. starter but it's not about it's about who has more power. and whether it is by islamic. democratic and what evidence you can put to it it is a fight for power. all right so we're going to take a short break now coming up next what's up for lebanon and saudi arabia how watertight is it when it comes to revolutions stay tuned.
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. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher. welcome back to sophie and co now apart from a gypped syria is another very contested issue at the moment and we'll talk to her while highness prince us boss might be and so what you know well highness. you are a saudi prince who grew up in lebanon and his house syrian the syrian conflict must also be a very personal thing for you know what's your take on the whole thing definitely you know i can never distance myself from my origins of my mother's actually
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background my family in syria i have a big family in syria that is suffering right now along with millions of syrians i am here my heart goes to all the syrians including my family including that refugees i have seen on the borders of jordan and of lebanon. my heart goes out to the government's response a bit about such horrendous. genocide and i really mean genocides i've been there i've seen what is happening over there children are useful to the streets and they're crossing the borders what do you mean under government i mean all the governments of the word whoever it is has that it has at its sponsibility about this thing about the opposition or the government both of them and the games themselves and i think both of them if they have listen
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to reason before it broke loose we wouldn't be seeing ten million refugees on the borders it's being. gamed by both parties the opposition and the government and i think we should just sit down and get a bit and think about. who is. benefiting from all this i'm sure the syrian people are not benefiting because i've been there i've talked to these refugees to talk to my family on a daily basis definitely that not happy from the situation and they say on a daily basis that if i can go back to my country i don't care what happens over there. i don't care who rules as long as i want as i go back to under my roof this is the song that i've been hearing from mothers from wives from children. over the
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borders from the head of the tribes on the borders also of syria and jordan and whoever is really transmitting the picture in the media from both sides from the government or from. the opposition i'm not seeing what's happening down the street or they choose not to see it because it's really a tragedy it's a human tragedy more than you ever saw in afghanistan and iraq it's it's. it's a mass genocide that's what i want you to read and the west it all comes down to assad should go what do you think should assad go. when it's a very hard question to ask on air i'll tell you something i'm not with us and i'm not against and i'm not to the opposition and i'm not against them i'm with the people of syria whatever the syrian choose. to have should have we should not be putting our heads and arms inside syria syria should
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solve its problems on its own look we we we should say to every country in the world they should everybody should choose their own country their own government their own solutions nobody should put his leg inside other people's problems but unfortunately it seems like in case of syria they really don't have much say in what happens to them i mean about syrian people and that's that says a lot about both sides it says a lot about the opposition and it says a lot about the government. so i would i wouldn't be choosing either of them actually to be. the spokesman of the syrian people and what about lebanon when you talk it's a global thing what's going to happen in lebanon because people always talk about lebanon and how beautiful. it was back in the seventy's and that's also under
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threat of extinction right now especially with syria. have you know lebanon has been the field for everybody since a long time for the palestinians for this is that i.e. it is for the sea it is. for every single war everybody fires his own battles on the land of of lebanon the most beautiful country in the world was and grew up in lebanon and grew up in those beautiful mountains and those in a society that didn't even know what it is just. sects. rather than actually being christian or being a muslim or a being whatever they give peace if peace for. themselves and when the game. started and lebanon and nine hundred seventy five and the army has engaged with the palestinian refugees. it started as an argument and that in the civil war
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so i think this doesn't happen actually just by accident it just happens by very very. clearly to. take the war for the head and that's why the civil war to this state and have it in for twenty years i don't ever think the war has ended and lebanon is just a continuous war but in a different phase and a different face how do you regard saudi society right now because i remember you say that it is more backward for lack of a better word than it was in eighty's every year that passes i see things. going back more and more back was the time. i really. really impressed by. two years ago his policies his governess of the of the society of so i did it took the woman straight ahead he put it on t.v. he has turned his death into those voices of extremists who would
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according to. to favor the woman you know. imprisoned them behind closed doors. he did not listen he went along with his agenda that i thought was. the core of. people who would not use to and so he was acting as the bedouin who really was taught. as its basic form and any university that taught to extremism and how to treat people in a very extremist way if it were up to you what would be the first thing that you would change for women in saudi arabia. the very first thing well the first the very first thing is just establish. a woman. you know
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recognizing women as a human being. having. put on that list. of equal. and punishment and rights this is the first thing which called for. rewriting of the. constitution all right in the constitution rather because you have laws we don't have a constitution you are a very outspoken person how does the saudi royals react to that aren't you afraid that you may be called back to saudi arabia. punished for for what you're saying or for you for what you're fighting for i do not. if you go out afresh and you say something. for the just as a choice i'm not fighting said it and i'm not fighting that battle and i'm not fighting the government i'm not fighting the king i'm not fighting anything i'm
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calling quote unquote therefore that's what i'm calling for i'm not quite important that you should i respect my kink i suspect my government for the government for the very wise men and incited abia that is a lot and a lot of men and women and my family and the government that know and exercise that i say what i'm calling for is the reform of the existence of them so there is no actually it in my heart was so ever of saying the truth and calling for the truth and if you go back to saudi arabian government. there is a lot of misjudgment about our country that is a lot of misjudgment about the people who come out in the media because that is so many very moving to what's going on in our societies now everything is being unveiled you can go on twitter and see what people talk about. so you would really
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get to the core of the problem i'm not afraid of that because my family not the monster is people trying to troll and i'm a cruel for that i've been writing in my country for seven is the same subject that i'm talking about right now and the king was all for it and he encouraged me to say my own mind he was never actually against me and he never was and he's not he's not right now there was stopped a long time ago i'm calling for reform and the executional. level. not on on the upper level and everybody knows that or in your own mind unfortunately where you're out of time but it was really really wonderful to speak to you thank you sir thank you that was her royal highness saudi princess abbas not been solid and sophie and co i will see you next time.
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i would rather i asked questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question more.
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wealthy british soil the sun. has no time to write for. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. plus live. live.
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live. live please liz liz . exactly what happened that day i don't know but i killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for
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a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. and people to confess the police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were they could get what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said.
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the relief. the journalist who revealed n.s.a. surveillance scandal to the world accuses the british government of intimidation and bullying after he's foreigner is detained for nine hours of heathrow airport under anti-terrorism laws. collating u.s. drone assaults in yemen sees furious crowds come out in protest of the deadly attacks as it's claimed the strategy is actually playing into hands. a dally ambush on police trucks in egypt's sinai peninsula a failed jailbreak by muslim brotherhood supporters say as the number killed in the country strong while since wednesday to almost a thousand. digging and to stop the drilling police make arrests as hundreds turned out to stop an energy giant fracking for fuel.


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