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tv   Headline News  RT  August 19, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the. life we are to centered ninety journalists to reveal the n.s.a. surveillance scandal to the world accuses the british government of intimidation and bullying after his partner was detained for nine hours at heathrow airport under antiterrorism. escalating u.s. drone assaults in yemen sees furious crowds come out in protest of the deadly attacks as it's claimed the strategy is actually playing into his hands. deadly ambush police trucks in egypt's sinai peninsula and a failed jailbreak by muslim brotherhood supporters said is the number killed in the country since wednesday to almost a fountain. and begin to stop the drilling police make arrests of hundreds turn out to stop an energy giant fracking for fuel under the english countryside claiming it's deeply damaging to the environment.
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good evening it's kevin owen here with me this could have a company working watching around the world this is r.t. our top story the journalist who broke the n.s.a. snooping scandal is accused the british authorities of attacking press freedoms after his partner was detained at heathrow airport for nine hours reporter glenn greenwald claims the lengthy questioning was linked to his writing about edward snowden's revelations a stance backed up indeed by amnesty international which has branded the incident unwarranted revenge. brings us the details from london. well it's been a reaction of outrage really and glenn greenwald's called it a profound attack on pressed freedoms on the news gathering process he said that detaining his partner for nine hours while denying him a lawyer seizing large amounts of his personal possessions was clearly intended to
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intimidate those reporting on the n.s.a. scandal on the g.c. h.q. scandals you also mention that not even the mafia stoops as low as targeting family members greenwald's partner is a twenty eight year old brazilian citizen david miranda and he had been to burn lynn where he was visiting another guardian journalist who was also working on the n.s.a. scandal with glenn greenwald now miranda was returning from berlin to brazil and transferring through london's heathrow airport and that's where the british police stopped him detained him and told him that he would be questioned undiscovered jewel seven of the terrorism act it's extremely rare for the police to question anybody for that maximum allocated time of nine hours but miranda was eventually released he was allowed to continue his journey back to brazil but not before the police confiscated all of his electronic equipment including his mobile phone his
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laptop memory sticks a camera d.v.d.'s and even games consoles this was however something that glenn greenwald's had predicted would happen although he had assumed that it would be the u.s. government that would take this sort of action let's take a listen now to what he said there are certainly. reason to think about what the u.s. government might want to do in terms of. me specifically for the journalism we're doing but it's not anything that's going to constrain me or deterred me or to be in any way we're going to continue to report as we've been doing it's not just glenn greenwald international have called miranda's detainment on the full and inexcusable. in the general public there's been almost a sense of surprise at the very brazen way in which the police use this anti terror law to question entertainer around for such a long time so a lot of people waiting now for some on answers from the british government
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including the guardian's lawyers. discuss this further she will bring in emma cardiff the director of big brother watching joins us live from london hi there or move most to see you tonight going green was part it was to take the day under a controversial anti terrorism law to do say law therefore everything was done above board not be pleasant for him but what's the big problem. well as you said this schedule seven is supposed to be stopped terrorists in as we've already found out that. he wasn't questioned about being a threat to the u.k. and he wasn't questioned about. them he was questioned about his partner's journalism and the stories that he'd written about so it was absolutely not right for section seven of the terrorism act to be used in this way we're looking at it a bit further this law probably doesn't state the officer. needs to have it just
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have reasonable suspicion that someone is involved with them. tell us a lot more about this law how can it be flown to the looks of it. well it's yet to be seen about who gave authorization for this to take place and some serious questions need to be asked of the home office on the border. who did authorize space but this isn't the first time that we've actually seen. a schedule seven of the terrorism act being flouted like this let me go back to two thousand and five there's an eighty year old man refused entry to the labor conference for heckling so it's absolutely right that this is come into the public domain and it's about time that we look at reforming. this law should be tried now we're looking to get it to the law does not state the officer must have a reasonable suspicion it's very very gruesome it. really in this is one of the problems and i think that the writing of this legislation can often lead to.
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an unauthorized use sometimes and you know as i've said this miranda wasn't asked about terrorism it wasn't asked about links to terrorism he was questioned about his partner's journalistic affairs and his electronic devices were confiscated including a games console so you know it's very clear that this was over use of schedule seven of the terrorism act and serious questions need to be at what why was it used the intimidation. which was intimidation what was the purpose of it. yeah it seems to me like it's actually ardent bogeying that's taking place as far as i've seen and from everything that i've read dave miranda hasn't done anything wrong he hasn't broken any laws and it just happens that his partner is of interest to the both the u.k. and the u.s. border authorities because of the things that he's written about so yeah i do think this is probably bullying and intimidation if it was that. because you've missed
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a group. so far it's not going to work he says is going to step up his reporting know all the. more aggressively in the future. well i think it is actually quite ironic that the anti-terrorism laws been used in this way and it really does just highlight the things that edward snowden has tried to put into the public domain about the over use of surveillance in terrorism legislation in both the u.s. and u.k. so this is only going to perpetuate their stories even further and you think other journalists know publishing similar kind of stories especially about snowden should should brace themselves for a repeat of this well i think it's certainly going to make this think a little bit about what they're writing in about here there were so below is are when we've warned about this a big brother watch about various pieces of legislation that are coming through that could potentially stop whistleblowers coming forward and so i think it's not a great time in the u.s. nikkei for journalists and for whistleblowers and it's something that we really
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need to consider considering democratic countries and a car could have a program to every director a big brother watch a lawyer from london thank you. thousands of yemenis have gathered in the capital there to protest deadly u.s. drone attacks that have killed at least forty people in the last three weeks but their own chroma be falling on deaf ears is blowing to accelerate the drone strikes in yemen even further despite no precise intelligence about terrorist targets according to a washington report more on the story from our t.v. corporate spinoff. recent research suggests that since two thousand and two was drone strikes in yemen have claimed the lives of over eight hundred seventy people ninety nine percent of those victims were killed under the obama administration thirty eight since late july alone washington claims most of them were suspected al-qaeda terrorists but locals are painting a different picture it's hard to verify the exact number of civilian deaths i would miss reports are often contradictory and the bodies of those killed in drone
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strikes are sometimes too badly charred to be identified in september last year thirteen civilians were killed including women and children near the village of rada in eastern yemen u.s. officials were anonymously quoted as saying their intended target was completely missed and the incident was a mistake but no official acknowledgement or apology followed here's another example this time from two thousand and eleven conflicting reports of blame a drone strike for the deaths of up to fifty people including around thirty civilians after a police station fell under militants control washington maintained its stance of not commenting on individual cases all these drone strikes in yemen at least seventy nine in total under president obama are done in the name of counterterrorism fighting al qaeda is offshoot on the arabian peninsula known as a q a p but there are suggestions that such attacks combined with civilian deaths to destroy homes and crippling poverty are actually drawing people closer to a q a p
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something even president obama acknowledges this is not to say that the risks are not real any u.s. military action for lance risks creating more enemies and impacts public opinion overseas the very precision of drone strikes and the necessary secrecy often involved in such actions can end up shielding our government from the public scrutiny that a troop deployment invites. it could also lead a president and his team to view drone strikes as a cure all for terrorist and local saying as soon as the dust settles from drone attacks a.q. a.p. arrives on the scene rebuilding homes and offering to pay funeral costs turning the u.s. policy into an ideal recruitment tool and although the strikes are conducted with the go ahead from the yemeni government every civilian death is likely to fuel resentment in the country meaning america may unintentionally be doing al kind of
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p.r. and recruitment on their behalf. correspond to go pers can off they will american citizens seem to be in favor of using drones to kill suspected militants abroad recent surveys of facts just sixty five percent say yes to the policy when it comes though to using drones to hundred alleged terrorists at home it's a different story polls you see show less than a third support they use foreign policy expert robert nyman believes that public opinion would shift of washington lifted the veil of secrecy we should all be troubled about a secret war that's conducted according to secret law the obama administration refuses to disclose the legal memos purporting to explain why the policy is legal and constitutional american people aren't getting the information they would need to come to an informed decision about this policy and while you
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know we should hold the media to a high standard the government is making their job very difficult with the secrecy of the clampdown and information to crack down on willful blowers the refusal to disclose basic information like who we're fighting how many people have been killed how many civilians have been killed what's the legal justification the deal bonnet administration is refusing to disclose any of this information and then makes it much harder for the media to do their jobs. in fresh violence in egypt twenty five police officers have been killed by the islamic militants in the volatile sinai peninsula the attack came a day after dozens of detained muslim brotherhood supporters died during an attempted break out it means then the number of people killed in recent clashes between loyalists of the ost of president morsi and security forces has risen to almost a thousand. true reports from cairo. two very bloody incidences that took place sunday and of course today the first incident yesterday was apparently
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a botched prison break out support state media reported to us on sunday thirty six thirty six prisoners who had been picked up during the ramses square crisis on friday when morsi supporters and security forces were engaged in bloody street battles were basically in a police truck being moved from a security directorate to prison pending fifteen days in jail pending investigations now according to state media they were attacked this police truck was attacked by armed groups the police responded with tear gas and office there was a ledge of the kidnapped and in the in the meantime these prisoners were basically suffocated to death over the muslim brotherhood have a different story they say the prisoners were in fact killed by the police forces and more and more than thirty six were actually dead now the second incident happened in sinai this very very difficult area of egypt's what the related reports are saying are actually conflicting one source talking to a.p.
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said that armed gunmen attacked two police cars with weapons and basically mowed down these police officers during an ambush all the sources are saying that a rocket propelled grenade was fired at the police and that's what led to death this is basically the single biggest death toll in sinai in the last few years so it's a significant event as that particular area continues to heat up dozens of churches christian businesses and homes torched runtime and raided by supposed islamist supporters of ousted leader mohamed morsi i spoke to one christian family down south where most of this violence actually occurring in the area he told me that a local islamist family had actually threatened and demanded extortion money to protect her business so what we're looking at here is really serious crackdown on the christian christian communities to the point where some of the senior members of the church is suggesting that they don't have public appearances christians. sauza feeling that they have to stay at home meanwhile taxes are going up in flames
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almost every single day what the people are saying is security forces are not helping the situation they're not responding to calls for help so the citizens themselves about to for human cordons around these churches to protect them from the bloody onslaughts say really this is a kind of culture of impunity contributing to this crisis which is the story that we're going to be watching as it develops in the coming days absolutely beltran reporting for us that the casson just threatening to fight neighboring israel to one of the leading protest movements called already gyptian government to cancel peace accords with israel that was signed more than thirty years ago former israeli diplomat your messenger admits it's a possibility but still insists egypt under the military is much better than the region and the muslim brotherhood military regime in arab countries as bad it isn't it is bad it's non-democratic it's dictatorial but it's much much much better then a regime which is terrorist inclined the muslim brotherhood has an agenda which
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transcends egypt it transcends in fact even the muslim world it's a terror organization which has few elements which are always also civilian in nature military click on the other hand has limited egypt and therefore for the sake of regional stability for the sake of the world at large and for the sake of israel i believe it's much better to have a military regime rather than a muslim brotherhood regime in egypt. so i had fits and i know it's a gets inside the deluge far east of russia where heavy rains and floods have forced tens of thousands of people to abandon their homes or correspond makes some of those who couldn't get back.
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choose your language call it a killer though if they feel some of. the consents to. choose the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that imply. choose access to your office.
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hello again police have arrested a number of protesters including the green party's m.p. who gathered in a quiet corner of britain's countryside to battle a corporate goliath that's prime to dig up the area by fracking for cheap gas is now a standoff and between officers in the campaign as well the drilling firm itself says it condemns the activists illegal actions the protests in the village of balcombe to disrupt the company's drilling plans were supported by activists in london to campaign is glued their hands together blocking the entrance to a p.r. company for the firm behind the fracking tester a siddur explains what stoking the strong reaction. well we're here we're in balcombe but this is the site of where an oil and gas company could drill is doing exploratory drilling you have the police over here trying to stop any possible
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protesters from getting in a clearly fracking is a divisive a topic over here you've got residents debating it the issue many of them pointing out to what they see will be the consequences if big companies go in to their neighborhoods to their area and the consequences the impact on the climate on the water we spoke with one of those residents and talk to her about what her fears are if fracking does indeed happen now ministers who many of whom are industry invested who are saying that there is no evidence of contamination and that they can regulate this safely and that this is been going on for decades none of which statements are true on the kitchen very the willfully lying all they haven't done the research there is ample evidence of desperate home that is done the seismic activity is triggered the water is contaminated and the bottom line is this industry this technology is an extreme technology it cannot be regulated once you mess with the subterranean geology even the industry's own figures say that all the wells will leak in the end it is just insane that this is being allowed to go ahead
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instead of reinvesting in safe renewable energy technologies that will give us energy security will give us last employment and one hundred people it's quiet right now because they've stopped operations having taken the advice of the police and more protesters will be coming to this area and right over there this is quite a common a sites around here were residents gather to argue fracking or to discuss with police when police officers come over to where they are camped out for you. know if there's impact it will affect them when you don't if there's a blow out how was your evacuation plan to manage the u.k. government is looking to the example in north america in the united states where they say that the energy market has changed the bills have been lowered and this has increased to self-sufficiency. david cameron has said that that is this will also increase jobs as well as lower bills but clearly the residents here who are here camping out are saying that the positives do not quite outweigh the negatives
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that they think fracking will bring to them reporting from balcony. well actually in the u.k. gas project by the quadrille was stopped a couple of years ago blackpool over concerns it was causing earth tremors but let's take a look at some of the other dangers should we first off the toxic chemicals pumped into the ground could end up contaminating the water table plus certain amounts of radioactive material seep up for the ground during the process as well they're going to be disposed of never an easy process despite some studies fracturing does not harm groundwater residents or drill sites of reported soil contamination and to top all that off the huge volume of highly potent greenhouse gases released from the ground during the process dwarfing the end of the day the environmental impact of conventional oil and gas extraction by the looks of it so plenty of controversy there but on the flip side for a coup has proved itself to be a way of accessing cheaper energy and creating much needed jobs environmentalist
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during thomas told us that's exactly what makes the authorities flirt with big business in the thing that will really stop this is being able to make the case that it doesn't meet our future energy needs it is incredibly damaging for the environment for the people who live in those communities and it will certainly increase our emissions one of the things that we think has been really missing from this whole debate is the government stepping up to the plate this is a government who said it was going to be the greenest government ever it's quite clear in the u.k. context and indeed in the european context that the profits are more than likely to go to shareholders and to organizations like quadrille or other thing the basic issue for us is that you cannot replicate what's happening in the united states is what's happening over here. we've got plenty more opinions about fracking over on our website also there too we're asking whether you think fracking to extract shale gas should be used in populated areas r.t. dot com is a place to be to let us know what you think. in russia's far east thousands of
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people be forced to abandon their homes after the worst flooding in over a century emergency services say around thirty thousand people have been affected by the disaster and most know being housed in shelters artie's paul scott's there he's talked to some of the victims. the scale is breathtaking as far as the eye can see floodwaters submerge swathes of eastern russia homes destroyed and livelihoods ruined water beneath me is three meters deep and all around you can just see rooftops and treetops sticking out from above the water we've even just come across one couple who are preparing their dinner on the roof some of the steadfast few who at the moment have refused to leave their homes this is the island of leyte the middle for most of the residents have been evacuated to safety forced out by the deluge but some have simply refused to leave prefer instead to brave it out with me
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to alexei for two weeks now he's been living in his attic with his brother slava and cats. we have to travel to dry land by boots to meet my wife who brings us food from the city and i have to stay here to try and save what i can there's no other place we can live. a little later on we spot a couple they need to reinforce their roof and get help from the emergency services that we're traveling with it's an attempt to keep out the worst floods in the region in over one hundred years not everyone is prepared to wait it out of the thirty thousand displaced many have found themselves in temporary accommodation centers that have been hastily assembled in places like schools thousands of troops and emergency crews continue to arrive in the area to help tackle the disaster in the meantime there are fears rescue workers could be confronted with a major health crisis medics are warning the rising waters could be a breeding ground for diseases such as hepatitis and dysentery but for the time
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being local officials maintain they're getting all the support they need. we're receiving a lot of help from emergency crews sent in by moscow troops and rescue workers who arrived with another a good many to give us a hand. full of the authorities handling of the crisis has been praised up to now the worst. still lay ahead with more rain expected in the next few days one of the main areas of concern at the hydroelectric power stations which is straining against a critical mass of water threaten to send millions more tons down into the already devastated region scott r.t. the animal region amongst all the misery there is a heart warming story a little one at least for the flooded region rid of these bears they have found themselves trapped in a cage powerless to escape the rapidly rising waters luckily for them rescuers arrive and lift them to safety by helicopter so they are ok. further upstream along the river in china's northeast severe flooding caused by the rains now claimed at
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least ninety one lives there over one hundred others are still missing more than eight hundred thousand residents in several provinces have been evacuated to safety more downpours are expected in the coming week adding to what's already the worst flooding in decades which is affecting nearly eight million people in other world news all the hostages being held by a man of the town hall in bavaria have been freed now according to german police bands reportedly injured early set free the first of three people taken hostage it remains unclear what his motives were the drama began just hours before show you were in the area but a visit was cancelled. thirty seven people have been killed in eastern india after an express train hit a group of hindu pilgrims are crossing the tracks in the station the driver was pulled from the train by an angry mob and severely beaten while two carriages were set on fire the train was not chettle to stop the station. it's nine twenty six pm in moscow thanks for being with us hope to catch again maybe in thirty five minutes about the news update then take part in next there with this
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week's sport in just a few minutes after the break. well . science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered. wealthy british style it's time to right let's go right. to. the market find. find out what's really happening to the global economy for our no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports on our to. do we speak your language anything about the war not a day in. the news programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you
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breaking news but we'll turn to angola's stories. here. that call to spanish to find out more visit actuality. and their welcome to the all the sports show another action packed hall for an hour of sport from russia under around the world with me. and he is a snippet of what's to come. superstars you saying gold makes the gold number right to become the most successful athlete in well championship history as russia finished top of the medal table in their first home event. plus a waiting the doctor russian box alex on the seventh can is set for the fight of
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his life as he prepares to take on the give me a pitch go for belt heavyweight showdown here in moscow. and goldeneye russia as well as past skating champions unveiled a new program as the jew otago top honors at the country's maiden winter olympics in sochi. but let's start with athletics after russia finished top of the medal table at the first home world championships here in. moscow with pole vault superstar yelena isinbayeva climbing one of seven goals for the host nation the saudi one year old missed out on a new world record but still cleared for meet his eighty nine to claim her third world title and lights up the illusion of the stadium america's jenny pursuit took silva and yet a sling silver the bronze. praising it was worth it but yes it was a number made for me with the wonder night because it might think i'm certainly it's a big gamble to be giving that bit warmer but it's nice to know when the.


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