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tv   Headline News  RT  August 20, 2013 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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you've had your fun says the british government as it forces the newspaper at the center of the snowden surveillance leaks to destroy its trove of data report on how far authorities are going to muzzle the media. syrian kurds surge across the iraqi border fleeing attacks by al-qaeda linked rebels see the war in syria becoming more than just about regime change. and with political and sectarian chaos wracking egypt its economy seems to have been forgotten with the latest wave of violence threatening to cut off one of the country's main sources of income and tourism.
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it's twelve noon here in moscow you're watching are live with me and he said now way our top story the british government it seems has had enough of the media's coverage of surveillance leaks and is taking action and u.k. newspaper at the forefront of spying revelations has been coerced into destroying computers containing data embarrassing to the authorities the justification that chinese spies might somehow find their way into the basement of the guardian's london offices are. reports now on what the newspaper's editor had to say. he had been contacted he said about two months ago by by government officials demanding the surrender or destruction of all materials in their possession relating to surveillance of the surveillance operations uncovered by edward snowden and then he said that a month later he was again contacted from what he calls quote unquote at the center of government in which he was told quote you've had your fun now we want the stuff
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back and he had written that there were subsequent meetings with certain officials certain government officials and in those meetings when he tried to explain that the guard would not be able to continue doing their jobs without this a true over of data they told him quote you have your debate there's no need to write any more and quote now at this is he said also rusbridger said to the government that if the british government continues to legally block the guardian from doing what they are doing they'll simply do it outside of the country now he said that this is where it actually took what he calls a bizarre turn he says to g c h q a security experts as the intelligence agency of the u.k. oversaw the destruction of hard drives and computers in the basement of the guardian to making sure that there were not any pieces that could be handed on to chinese agents so this alan rusbridger the editor of the guardian described as a very surreal or bizarre encounter and despite all of these events what some are calling as intimidation from the government or is that it is disproportionate at
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the guardian insists and it says that it will continue to report on the documents and the data that edward snowden had handed over to them and it's just incredible all of this comes just a day after the partner david miranda of a guardian journalist the guardian journalist working on snowden's materials is detained by authorities for nine hours. yeah that's right he was held at the heathrow airport where he was questioned but he says six different agents of david miranda explained that he was held for a very long time and he had talked about his experience and during that detention they were threatening me all the time in saying i would be prudent jail if i didn't cooperate they treated me like i was a criminal or someone about to attack the u.k. it was exhausting and frustrating i knew i wasn't doing anything wrong now why this is this has caused quite an outcry is that if we look at the data from the home office they said that more than ninety seven percent of examinations under this
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specific law lasted less than an hour a lot of questions being raised as to why he was held for that amount of time and already politicians and including david anderson who is the independent review or of this terrorism legislation have been asking for an explanation on why police have treated miranda this way why was it necessary to keep him for as long as because at sixteen really unusual you're looking at no more than a very few dozen people a year who were kept for that length of time why was it that they wanted to question him the police are only allowed to ask questions determining whether somebody is a terrorist is that what they thought and if so on what basis now this as this story continues to develop and continues to unfold we're getting a glimpse of what appears to be how far the british government is willing to go in order to get a hold of those information or destroy the data that the guardian has and just stop the reporting on the global surveillance uncovered by edward snowden. well reaction
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to mr miranda's detention has been nothing short of an outcry and we've got some of it here for you the overwhelming message of course is that this was the law overstretching reporters without borders calling it inexcusable amnesty international commenting commenting to calling it a petty and vindictive action on behalf of the u.k. the brazilian government that unjustified detention of its citizen well author david swanson says david moran does detention is a warning really to all journalists engaged in sensitive work there will be exceptions there will be people like greenwald who say i'm inspired to continue all the harder and edward snowden and others but for the most part we are hearing journalists say my sources are drying up we're seeing journalists get scared and we're seeing journalists move aggressively to the side of the government the effect
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is going to be fear and intimidation the broadest effect and discrediting of the united states government but i think if you ask the u.s. government or the u.k. government if they're willing to talk about it they'll say they were trying to protect classified information and prove prevent its publication but here is the root of the problem this information is classified because they're over classifying trillions of documents a year and they're classifying all crimes and abuses and assaults on human rights and constitutional rights under the us constitution we know what sort of information this is much of it has already been published by the guardian they are trying to cover up crimes and so there aren't two sides here that are out there isn't the privacy side of the concern and then the government's concern to to rightfully protect classified information this is information that never should have been secret and it's secret only because it won't stand the light of day. america says it was notified ahead of the move that the u.k.
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intended to detain david miranda but says that the decision was a lone lawyer and writer eva golinger goal interest says while they may be strictly true it's not the whole story. this is clearly violating our concepts of what freedom of the press are i mean we're talking about a journalist and media outlet journalists who are now also being threatened intimidated their spouses partners as well being detained and interrogated and so clearly i mean there's been a decision made that anything related to edward snowden must the capture it no matter what violating anyone's rights the rights of journalists the rights of the media and basic civil rights in general we're talking about a search that's going on for edward snowden or or a search and capture as it would be knowing where he is and they're trying to get it by any means necessary and it's the united states is leading that effort it's
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not the u.k. and it's not of the european nations to what i believe is that the washington to simply put out there to all of its allies look anyone related to everett snowden must be detained if they come and. ok abided by that and did their duty so without a question washington is the sort of intellectual off there behind the detention of david and whether or not they were directly involved they were notified we know that the white house has admitted to that and that notification in itself shows that the u.k. felt they had to tell the u.s. hey look we've got one of the guys you know it was that they were looking for the approval of the united states which i'm sure they got. obama vowed that there are plenty of checks and balances on n.s.a. surveillance to keep the agency in line but an internal audit shows thousands of interceptions each year that are illegal even by the agency's admission so how did it become so powerful artist lucy caffein of investigates. inside america's national security agency i was she rolls her overstepped its legal authority the
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n.s.a. is a big scary surveillance monster that knows everything we do propelled to mainstream news headlines by controversy the n.s.a. is still largely shrouded in mystery and now headquartered in the fort meade army base in maryland trumps even the cia as america's most secretive intelligence agency that the n.s.a. doesn't have spies out in the field instead there are more than thirty five thousand employees who pore over e-mails computer searches phone calls and personal data and while it's by laws state the n.s.a. is only to conduct foreign intelligence the agency has taken a massive turn toward spying at home but the n.s.a. wasn't always so intent on spying on americans it began under a different name in the one nine hundred thirty s. as a secret cryptologic service that broke foreign enemy codes in wartime the attack on pearl harbor pushed america to take intelligence more seriously in world war two the agency's missions including to ciphering communications from both nazi germany
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and the japanese navy and to encrypt american messages but then came the cold war. people for the world to work for. creating there. and with the cold war the formal birth of the n.s.a. in one nine hundred fifty two president truman authorized the creation of the agency to coordinate communications intelligence the spy center was so secret at the time the joke was the initial stood for no such agency decades before the agency was collecting massive amounts of phone and internet records it was collecting telegraph records in an operation that raised similar legal issues and worries about the lack of oversight in fact its existence wasn't even publicly acknowledged by the government until the one nine hundred seventy s. the watergate scandal brought america's domestic spying to light what. counterintelligence object. was it to originating in opening the mail what. most of us would assume to be very patriotic. americans what possible justification was
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there. to mis represent a. capability at any time could be turned around on the american people. and no american would have any privacy left such as the capability to monitor everything telephone conversations telegrams it doesn't matter. there would be no place to hide in one nine hundred seventy eight the government pacifies a the foreign intelligence surveillance act forced the n.s.a. to get warrants from special courts before it could spy within the us but with the fall of the soviet union the n.s.a. is mission seemed less urgent but nine eleven which changed everything terrorism became target number one the n.s.a. would get a big budget man a new mission president bush would go on to sign an order launching the n.s.a.'s domestic spying program and telecom companies were secretly approached by the government and asked to participate in two thousand and six it was revealed that
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the n.s.a. had been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of americans using data provided by a.t.m. tea horizon and bell south the n.s.a. had been tapping into people's lives well since then scandal after scandal would keep the n.s.a. in the spotlight what began as a small organization responsible for making and breaking codes would evolve into a super secret multibillion dollar agency with a capacity to pry into every aspect of americans lives and as edward snowden's leaks would eventually show that his person what it did. r.t.i. moscow. massive floods are still sweeping across russia's far east the region of my city does its utmost to defend itself from the advancing waters as we continue to bring you the real life stories from the devastated area. iraq is raising an unprecedented influx of refugees almost thirty thousand people have crossed the border with syria since thursday now the lion's share of those
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displaced are kurds who have found themselves caught in the middle of the war and as our problems their reports it's another sign that the conflict can be contained within syria the exodus shows no signs of slowing down and it's training both very resources as well as those of iraqi relief agencies thousands of syrian kurds are pouring into iraq's autonomous kurdish region now when we talk about the kurds we're talking about the largest minority group in syria they make up roughly about ten percent of the country's twenty three million they have no state of their own which is why they reside in parts of syria turkey and iraq the main concern that is being expressed by would be fakin sees is that so many of them are now stuck out in the open at the border or at emergency reception areas with little to no access to basic services and maybe half of them are children these kids are not fleeing the
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clashes between government forces and rebels but they're running away from the spin off of this conflict their escape into the raging battle between kurds and islamised militia for control of large areas of northern syria where these codes live as this kurdish journalist explains well you know you always dream always sort of regions where the militia of the islamic state of iraq and the allies reside have three security because islamists began to campaign against the kurds who were fusing to join their ranks. cleansing. the town of colombia the scene the ethnic cleansing. when militants launched attacks against could this village is saying members of the could see were hiding that al qaeda linked groups are aiming to set up an islamicist area on islam is region in this particular area this anti could push is that. piers the kurdish fighters of siding with the regime of
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syrian president bashar assad but that is an allegation that the kurds to night they say that they are neutral in this whole conflict that goes well beyond borders . we spoke to hossam mohammad ali the kurdistan democratic party representative in europe well he believes that the assault on the kurdish territories is aimed at undermining a political solution to syria's bloody conflict. that. some international powers especially turkey are taking a stand against the kurds and support attacks from al qaeda linked and these lawmakers state of iraq and the leavened it also won't start till or attacks against the kurds to give these groups the upper hand and this comes at a time when we should be moving towards peace negotiations where a solution to the syrian crisis should be discussed as well as the kurdish issue the rebels have links to foreign states who have their own agendas in syria the
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ones chaos in the area to show that syria is far from stability. more news coming up for you after a break. its technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lang you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. choose your language. we cover though in
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a financial planner today still some of the. treatments that the consensus here can . choose the opinions that you think are a couple. quick choose the stories that in high life. choose me access to your office. egypt's authorities have detained the head of the country's muslim brotherhood mohamed body this comes as a new report by human rights watch accuses the country's military of unlawful mass killings and its crackdown on pro-democracy supporters the watchdogs investigation claims police are deliberately using lethal force on protesters who don't pose any threat violence afflicting the entire country has caused a rise in militancy on the sinai peninsula near the border with israel the latest
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attack there seeing twenty five police officers ambushed and executed and israel is beginning to feel the effects of chaos across the border as far as wailing tacoma your anger explains tell of even going to stand by the military government in egypt because it prefers that to an islamist democracy. and military regime in arab countries as betty that is and it is bad it's non-democratic it's dictatorial but it's much much much better then a regime which is terrorist inclined the muslim brotherhood has an agenda which transcends egypt it transcends in fact even the muslim world it's a terror organization which has few elements which are always also civilian in nature military click on the other hand has an agenda limited to egypt and therefore for the sake of regional stability for the sake of the world at large and for the sake of israel i believe it's much better to have
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a military regime rather than a muslim brotherhood regime in egypt. the u.s. has suspended military aid to egypt as it molds whether to admit there was a coup in the country and cut supplies completely that's according to a senator's office e.u. foreign ministers are also set to review their aid and loan contracts and as each of the economy plunges deeper into crisis amid the unrest one of the country's top sources of income tourism is now under greater threat archie's host of venture capital katy pilbeam has more. one in eight egyptians work in and around the industry restaurants hotels to risk eyes water sports you name it and it has taken an absolute bashing of us because warnings have come from the likes of germany france switzerland sweden britain even russia now warning people to even not go or be vigilant when they do go or only go absolutely essential now russian is
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significant this warning from russia because this equates to the most about the visitors that go to egypt is incredibly popular but apparently now the numbers are just starting to indulge and apparently by september we might have a situation where there will be no russians a tool and we know that russians normally go into matter what so this is a problem for egypt having said that it's not just to raise them either it's companies there as well we've got huge energy companies including b.p. shell there as well. general motors as well all these companies are either halting production sending people home or just watching the situation to see what happens to twenty eleven we're looking at two point five billion dollars that has been lost because of the chaos is expected to reach three billion by the end of the year aid is absolutely essential for the egyptian economy during the morsi regime they had a number of twelve billion coming from the gulf states now these are being
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reconsidered because of the political situation there we know has changed and the e.u. is also negotiating their loans too as far as international investment is concerned is not looking too attractive right now because of all the instability. remember you can always log on to our website for more on this story also there for you today check out the amazing pictures a japanese volcano eruption that's. covering the whole city. and a plot to love spanish fishing boats staged a protest in dispute just disputed waters near gibraltar amid escalating tensions between london and madrid over the territory find out what sparked the animosity are.
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one of the biggest cities in business hubs in russia's far east is in danger of being swamped by the most powerful flood the region has seen in more than one hundred years is now on the front line in the fight against the which is expected to deal its hardest blow to the area in the next few days and as our paul scott reports the apps or mouth of the flood will be felt long after the water recedes. for many in russia's far east the misery continues homes uninhabitable lives turned upside down around thirty thousand people have seen their property submerged causing a logistical headache for authorities r.t. traveled with emergency crews as they conducted one patrol in the village of bella
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goody. this resident dismissing the chance to leave choosing to remain with her fifteen cats i will leave my pads and they don't evacuate cats wait we do take pets that's all you would do and i also wanted my books in my records to be rescued no sorry there is just no room for books well there is no point buy new ones once it's over so i'm here to the beater and. the emergency services work isn't restricted to aiding just humans these bears were tricky customers because at least now enjoy dry land after days in this half submerged cage of medium you've got we feed these beers twice a day in the morning and in the evening we've got fodder for them at the moment rescuers efforts are relentless there's no rest bite but there are fears the situation could deteriorate we expect things to get a bit worse right now it depends on how much excess water they're going to dump and there's a hydro power station local emergency crews are getting support not just from other
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regions and volunteers but also the military the defense ministry says almost five thousand personnel are in the region as well as seven hundred thirty military vehicles such as this which helps them get to even the remotest of regions there are also boats planes and helicopters now it's not just evacuations that have been concerning emergency services in recent weeks they've also been reinforcing people's properties and a number of temporary manmade dams have also sprung up including this one just outside the city of black investments with tentative reports suggesting water levels in some parts of the region have already peaked the some faint optimism the worst is over. once the water recedes the real extent of the damage will be revealed causing new an untold challenges to the hundreds of people affected here. altie the region. mother nature has also hit turkey far as fires in the west of the country have destroyed three hundred seventy hectares of woodland in just
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one day the blaze broke out in twenty three places across the region and more fanned by high winds several homes were evacuated but no casualties have been reported firefighting helicopters and hundreds of ground forces have now managed to bring the flames under control. army prosecutors are demanding that private bradley manning spend the majority of his remaining life in custody asking the judge to give him sixty years in prison is attorney argued for a shorter sentence saying manning deserves to have a life. goal for the biggest leak of classified data in u.s. history was found guilty of twenty charges back in july. radiation levels in seawater have been found to be their highest level ever at the fukushima power plant in japan radioactive water used to cool reactors is reportedly leaking from underground tanks at the stricken facility storing the
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water has been a growing problem since may and radiation levels in the area are now thousands of times above safe levels. pakistan's former president pervez musharraf has been addicted on three charges over the killing of opposition leader and former prime minister benazir bhutto was assassinated at an election rally in two thousand and seven sarve who returned from a self-imposed exile earlier this year to run for office found himself under house arrest fighting a number of charges including the killing he has denied the accusations and the case has been adjourned until late august. coming out our special report on u.s. police tactics.
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what defines a country's success. faceless figures of economic growth. or a factual standard of living. put it on your. face you know.
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a pleasure to have you with us here today i'm sure. the video might be shocking but it's simply a ploy used by us police offices. filming with their own cameras they inform this woman called dalia that just being killed they want to gauge her reactions as they suspect she may have hired a hit man to murder a spouse. a
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camera. that. in fact no killing has taken place and the police have made up the story to try and confuse. what they want is a confession and a few hours later she will be charged with attempted murder in this case it was the cross-examination of dalia that led to the truth and then eased the way to her prosecution. among the police the interrogation process is considered a key element of the investigation where everything might fall into place which explains why in the united states this method of investigation has been pushed to its very limits more than anywhere else in the world how does the interrogation. take place is an exact science can you tell when the suspect is lying and can you trust the confessions.


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