tv Headline News RT August 20, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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it's. the of how the euro fund the british government as a force is the newspaper of the sander of the snowden surveillance leaks to destroy its trove of data we report on how far authorities are going to muzzle the media. syrian kurds surge across the iraqi border fleeing attacks by al qaida linked rebels who see the war in syria becoming more than just about regime change. and with political and sectarian chaos rocking egyptian economy seems to have been forgotten with the latest wave of violence threatening to cut off one of the country's main sources of income tourism.
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three pm in moscow you're watching r t a marina joshie welcome to the program the british government it seems has had enough of the media's coverage of surveillance leaks and is taking action a u.k. news paper at the forefront of spying revelations has been coerced into destroying computers contain data and baer is saying to the authorities the justification that chinese spies might somehow find their way into the basement of the guardian's london offices are just as our cilia has more. he had been contacted he said about two months ago by government officials demanding the surrender or destruction of all materials in their possession relating to surveillance of the surveillance operations uncovered by edward snowden and then he said that
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a month later he was again contacted from what he calls quote unquote at the center of government in which he was told quote you've had your fun and now we want the stuff back and he had written that there were subsequent meetings with certain officials certain government officials and in those meetings when he tried to explain that the guard would not be able to continue doing their jobs without this crew over a day that they told him quote you have your debate there's no need to write any more and quote now this is he said also rusbridger said to the government that if the british government continues to legally block the guardian from doing what they are doing they'll simply do it outside of the country that he said that this is where it actually took what he calls a bizarre turn he says to g c h q a security expert says the intelligence agency of the u.k. oversaw the destruction of hard drives and computers in the basement of the guardian to making sure that there were not any pieces that could be handed on to chinese agents so this alan rusbridger the editor of the guardian described as
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a very surreal or bizarre encounter and despite all these events what some are calling as intimidation from the government or is it is disproportionate at the guardian insists that says that it will continue to report on the documents and the data that edward snowden had handed over to them and it's just incredible all of this comes just a day after the partner david miranda of a guardian journalist the guardian journalist working on snowden's materials detained by authorities for nine hours. yeah that's right he was held at that heathrow airport where he was questioned but he says six different agents are david miranda explained that he was held for a very long time and he have talked about his experiences during that detention. determined would be. from one about to attack the u.k. it was exhausting and frustrating i knew i wasn't doing anything wrong now why this
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is this has caused quite a doubt that if we look at the data from the home office they said that more than ninety seven percent of examinations under this specific law last of less than an hour a lot of questions being raised as to why he was held for that amount of time and already politicians and including david anderson who is the independent review or of this terrorism legislation have been asking for an explanation on why police have treated miranda this way why was it necessary to keep it for as long as because at sixteen really unusual you're looking at no more than a very few dozen people a year who were kept for that length of time why was it that they wanted to question him the police are only allowed to ask questions determining whether somebody is a terrorist is that what they thought and if so on what basis now this as this story continues to develop and continues to unfold we're getting
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a glimpse of what appears to be how far the a british government is willing to go in order to get a hold of those information or destroy the data that the guardian has and just stop the reporting on the global surveillance of covered by edward snowden well reaction to mr moran as attention has been nothing short of an outcry here is just a little of what's being said bland greenwald called it intimidation reporters without borders said it was inexcusable amnesty international commented to say it was a petty and vindictive action by the u.k. the brazilian government criticized the unjustified detention of its citizens author david swanson says david moran is attention as a warning to all journalists engaged in sensitive work. there will be exceptions there will be people like greenwald who say i'm inspired to continue all the harder and edward snowden and others but for the most part we are hearing journalists say my sources are drying up we're seeing journalists get scared and we're seeing
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journalists move aggressively to the side of the government the effect is going to be fear and intimidation the broadest effect and and discrediting of the united states government but i think if you ask the u.s. government or the u.k. government if they're willing to talk about it they'll say they were trying to protect classified information and probe prevent its publication but here is the root of the problem this information is classified because there are over classifying trillions of documents a year and they're classifying all crimes and abuses and assaults on human rights and constitutional rights under the u.s. constitution we know what sort of information this is much of it has already been published by the guardian they are trying to cover up crimes and so there aren't two sides here or there or there isn't the privacy side of the concern and then the government's concern too to rightfully protect classified information this is information that never should have been secret and it's secret only because it
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won't stand the light of day well let's not discuss this was. a contributor in a london auction thank you for joining us so we know that miranda was carrying classified sensitive material apparently and why is there so much anger over him being stopped and. well one could be forgiven for thinking it wasn't anger the british press here leading on the royal baby i'm standing outside the guardian offices the two hundred year old newspaper but what alan rusbridger the editor of the guardian seems to have said changes the way journalism is seen here in this country and majorly under the spotlight and of his story is the british prime minister david cameron as if smuggling it in the guardian ad it put it in a film review hidden down in the film review he talks about a little over two months a very senior government official claiming to represent the views of the prime minister david cameron is involved here we now have to new who is this person that
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contacts the editor of a british newspaper and tells him to stop reporting on events surrounding the edward snowden affair g.c. h.q. which was previously revealed is prostituting itself a tens of millions of dollars for the us national security agency who is this person my sources are saying i suppose it could be one of these four people john day the chairman of the joint intelligence committee so john sawers the head of m i six andrew parker the head of m i five or the cabinet secretary said jeremy haywood the spotlight is now on the british government how can the british government send in secret agents into the offices behind me into the basement and destroy a macbook pro computer hard drives of information this is contravenes any kind of idea of freedom of the press well we're actually dealing here with an interesting situation sort of a tug of war between journalists and the government but then why should reporters decide to what's the public's what's in public interest rather than governments what gives them in your opinion this right. well in this country there was
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a history back in the herald wilson years of d notices there now since the nine hundred ninety s. the da notice system where the british government can tell editors of newspapers or chiefs of television channels to voluntarily not cover a story because of national security reasons they're obviously no national security reasons of covering up the idea that everyone in britain is being spied upon and so that battle continues but i suppose there is now a shadow over the editor of the guardian himself alan rusbridger i should declare an interest i used to work for this newspaper under his breath why and this is to go on twitter why did alan rusbridger allow security agents to walk into the offices behind me walk into the basement and start destroying computer equipment was a gun being held to his head i don't think so he should never have allowed secret agents into this building behind me what is it about british newspaper editors that they're so easily able to allow secret agents people with cameras to destroy
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evidence and material that other people have risked their lives for watching while we're watching the story develop greenwald is hinting he will now focus on revelations of british surveillance so how could this backfire on the government and. well already people must be asking the question did david cameron know about this request the article seems to suggest that. alan rusbridger definitely will definitely uses the term claiming to represent the views of the prime minister that is david cameron that means the order must have come from david cameron the americans were quick to say that no they had made no formal request if anything they were tipped off about david miranda who was of course held for nine hours at heathrow airport over the past forty eight hours so is this a case of british secret service sucking up to their american counterparts the real question now fools to the prime minister and i suppose they should be and
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presumably will be cool's to some kind of inquiry how can this be how can this happen again how can free press exist in this country anymore if the security services can break in or seemingly be let in by an editor to destroy evidence or out of steam thank you so much for your analysis there is contributor reporting live from london to other stories now here in r.t. massive floods are still sweeping across russia's far east the region's main city does its utmost to defend itself from the advancing waters as we continue to bring you the real life stories from the devastated area. iraq is facing an unprecedented influx of refugees almost thirty thousand people have crossed its border with syria since thursday the lion's share of those displaced are kurds who have found themselves caught in the middle of the war and as artie's falsely reports it's another sign that the conflict can be contained
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within syria. the exodus shows no signs of slowing down and it's straining both very resources as well as those of iraqi relief agencies thousands of syrian kurds are pouring into iraq's autonomous kurdish region now when we talk about the kurds we're talking about the largest minority group in syria they make up roughly about ten percent of the country's twenty three million they have no state of their own which is why they reside in parts of syria turkey and iraq the main concern that is being expressed by would be faith in jesus that so many of them are now stuck out in the open at the border or at emergency reception areas with little to no access to basic services and nearly half of them are children these kids are not fleeing the clashes between government forces and rebels but they're running away from the spin off of this conflict their escape in the raging battle between kurds and
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islamised militia for control of large areas of northern syria where these kurds live as this kurdish journalist explains. regions where the militia of the islamic state of iraq and allies reside how free security because islamists began to campaign against the kurds who were fusing to join the ranks ethnically cleansing. the town of halabja the scene ethnic cleansing operations begin on the twentieth of july when militants launched attacks against kurdish villages saying members of the kurdistan workers' party were hiding their al-qaeda linked groups are reportedly aiming to set up an islamicist area on islamist region in this particular area this anti kurdish push is going back to syrian rebels and they accuse the kurdish fighters of siding with the regime of syrian president bashar assad but that is an allegation that the kurds tonight they say that they
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are neutral in this whole conflict that goes well beyond borders. always spoke to how some hot all of the kurdistan democratic party representative and he were people leaves that the assault on the kurdish territory is aimed at undermining a political solution to syria's bloody conflict. that the. international powers especially turkey are taking a stand against the kurds and support attacks from al qaeda. and the islamic state of iraq and the leavened it also launched attacks against the kurds to give these groups the upper hand and this comes at a time when we should be moving towards peace negotiations where a solution to the syrian crisis should be discussed as well as the kurdish issue the rebels have links to foreign states who have their own agendas in syria the ones chaos in the area to show that syria is far from stability. up next our report on the chaos in egypt and a look at how creditors can now target homeowners in britain after the break.
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angles stories. you hear. the spanish find out more visit actuality. welcome back this is r.t. now one of the biggest cities and business hub in russia's far east is in danger of being swamped by the most powerful floods the region has seen in more than one hundred years how barb's is now on the front line in the fight against the delusion which is expected to do what's hardest blow to the area in the next few days and as are his balls called the reports the aftermath will be felt along after the water recedes. for many in russia's far east the misery continues homes uninhabitable law is turned upside down around thirty thousand people have seen
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their property submerged causing alleges. headache for authorities artie traveled with emergency crews as they conducted one patrol in the village of bailey goody. this resident dismissing the chance to leave choosing to remain with her fifteen cats i will leave my pads and they don't evacuate cats where we do take pets i told you we do and i also wanted my books in my records to be rescued no sorry there is just no room for books well there is no point buying a new ones once it's over so i'm here to the beater and. the emergency services work isn't restricted to eating just humans these bears were tricky customers because at least now enjoy dry land after days in this half submerged cage. we feed these beers twice a day in the morning and in the evening we've got fodder for them at the moment rescuers efforts are relentless there's no rest bite but there are fears the
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situation could deteriorate we expect things to get a bit worse right now it depends on how much excess water they're going to dump and there's a hydro power station local emergency crews are getting support not just from other regions and volunteers but also the military the defense ministry says almost five thousand personnel are in the region as well as seven hundred thirty military vehicles such as this which helps them get to even the remotest of regions there are also boats planes and helicopters now it's not just evacuations that have been concerning emergency services in recent weeks they've also been reinforcing people's properties and a number of temporary manmade dams have also sprung up including this one just outside the city of black investments with tentative reports suggesting water levels in some parts of the region have already peaked the some faint optimism the worst is over but once the water recedes the real extent of the damage will be revealed causing new an untold challenges to the hundreds of people affected here
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paul scott r.t. the ammo region. well. egypt's authorities have detained the hat of the country's muslim brotherhood mohamed body and this comes as a new report by human rights watch accuses the country's military of unlawful mass killings in its crackdown on for a more supporters the watchdogs investigation claims police are deliberately using lethal force on protesters who don't pose any threat violence afflicting the entire country has caused a rise in militancy on the sinai peninsula near the border with israel the latest attack there seeing twenty five police officers ambushed and executed and israel is beginning to feel the effects of the chaos across the border as former israeli diplomat you are massing your explains tel aviv is going to stand by the military government in egypt because it prefers that to an islamist democracy. military regime in arab countries as betty that is that it is bad it's non-democratic it's dictatorial but it's much much much better then a regime which is
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a terrorist inclined the muslim brotherhood has an agenda which transcends egypt it transcends in fact even the muslim world it's a terror organization which has few elements which are only civilian in nature military click on the other hand has limited to egypt and therefore for the sake of regional stability for the sake of the world at large and for the sake of israel i believe it's much better to have a military regime rather than a muslim brotherhood regime in egypt while the u.s. has a span of military aid to egypt as a mall's whether to admit there was a coup in the country and cut the supplies completely that's according to a senator's office of foreign ministers are also set to review their aid and loan contract as egypt's economy plunges deeper into crisis amid the unrest one of the country's top sources of income tourism is now under greater threat artie's
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business reporter katie pilgrim has more. it's hugely important it makes up twelve percent of egypt's g.d.p. that's equivalent to what u.s. manufacturing contributes to the u.s. economy as well as that one in eight egyptians work in the industry in and around it whether it's in a hotel restaurant water wars or taxes or just this week it's been a bad week because we've had museums and architectural sites being closed down but i just have a look at demonstration as to how those numbers have declined you'll be able to see that in twenty ten the year before the revolution the industry was booming with a record fourteen million tourists arrive thirty percent of g.d.p. at that point one in seven egyptians what it plummeted to nine and a half in twenty eleven and is yet to recover a rebound was expected this year but those estimations have now been revised to see violence has taken off again so as you can see that it's been a time these two years absolutely and there's been warnings come out in abundance
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from all sorts of countries germany austria sweden switzerland britain even russia now says twenty eleven they've already lost two point five billion dollars if the violence continues to escalate we're looking at three billion by the end of the year that's incredibly substantial when you consider that the egyptian economy is in a fragile state is it isn't because of the violence over the last two years we've had to rely on international aid they managed to accumulate twelve billion from the gulf states but now those loans are lying in the balance because the political situation is obviously different now company is jumping ship to lot of companies beside in the region a lot of oil and gas while the. general motors as well as shell are all there and they too are issuing warnings to their employees and the real concern the overriding concern is investment into the region because we know egypt is very much reliant upon that they have suffered a few downgrades recently as well from credit rating agencies to this we don't want
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the investors follow in the direction of the us. well lenders in the u.k. have been given the key to getting their hands on formerly untouchable assets now hundreds of thousands of british homeowners are at risk of losing their houses even over in significant debts are just investigate frankie's run up several thousand pounds worth of credit card bills that he can't pay off and because of new laws he could lose his home as a result of new regulations state that an individual needs to own just a thousand pounds on their credit card or personal loans for a lender to force them to sell their home through court nobody asked me or twisted mile for somebody to take out the credit write that small doing entirely but the word unsecured was attached to it unsecured borrowing is borrowing that it isn't attached to anything initially you're not at risk of losing anything if you don't reply but after government use ten or that changed a charging order is a way for
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a lender to secure a debt from a credit card or a personal loan against an individual's house back in two thousand and ten the coalition government promised to make the threshold for charging orders i returned to five thousand pounds but they changed their minds which means that frankie is now being pursued by the by and can face is losing his house over a debt of six thousand pounds we want to about the threshold set at twenty five thousand pounds if we want to buy extra layer of consumer protection the government has made it easier for lenders to get charging orders frankie says he feels angry about the coalition's change of heart the situation should never of come to me unsecured means unsecured. but it's not like they'll secure the property when i didn't sign for a secured loan he's not alone persons office of fair trading has already warned major banks over threatening to force debtors to sell their homes over debts of just over a thousand pounds but the justice ministry says that by introducing the threshold
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they're actually helping protect debt as people having to sell their house to pay off debts should always be a last resort we want it to stay that way which is why we've introduced a minimum threshold on charging orders that provides appropriate protection to creditors and debt is one ensuring that even fewer people have to sell their homes but house prices in the u.k. are on the rise and debt charities are predicting a surge in charging orders it's very disappointing that they produce that threshold because the one thousand pounds is an incredibly low sum of money to i want to own a credit card or personal life and we don't think it should ever be the case anyone is it is a danger of losing their home over such a small sum frank he says he can't afford to pay back his debts how does it make you feel to the thought of losing your home. how do you think it makes me feel lonely or feel for really sick and more war through was a really sick over it it's something in the good times we took pride in and the bad
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so on we've struggled very very holds this extra pressure financial pressure is causing a rift between. our relationships were strong and. loss not good and with his court date penciled in for september it's beginning to hit home for frankie could lose the house he's lived in for over twenty years. r.t. london well just after this short break abby martin looks at the reality of american israeli relations breaking the status coming your way in just a few minutes. you know people in moscow say there are like whole web sites and facebook groups
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about the childfree lifestyle which i didn't believe until i saw the cover for the aug twelfth copy of time magazine yes child free is no real thing sadly basically these are people who have started a cool trend of not having children and using their time and resources completely for themselves you know if you don't want to have kids that is your business and i really couldn't change your mind even if i wanted to but there are people all over the internet who are just swimming in their own self-satisfaction like pigs in slop because they are part of the no kids trend the sickening part about this trend or should i see mentality is that these people glow in the door themselves for being too selfish to give their time and money to a child oh i'm the center of the universe and i'm proud of it. this is an extremely antisocial and destructive mentality to adore yourself for contributing nothing to anyone else nothing to society and nothing to the future but wait let me put it this way if your life is shopping wearing ironic t.
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shirts starbucks and texting on your i phone about your stupid feelings that maybe is for the greater good the church childfree but that's just my opinion. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how bad the less bad luck i got so many i mean at the same town as i'm sitting really messed up. in the old story so personally. it's. the worst you're going to see in the white house superman the radio guy and for
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a minute. i want. to give you never seen anything like this until. the following folks i'm having are in the breaking the set so president obama arrived in israel today what is now the most well documented trip the president has ever made along with a new mobile app that will let you track obama during his visit to the israeli government has helped local contacts that finally trademarks they need a relationship between the two countries this is the official logo of baraki and b.b. twenty thirteen as part of this big publicity stunt a bizarre video recently surfaced on the internet check out. something. thank you.
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