tv Headline News RT August 20, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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coming up on r.t.e. in less than twenty four hours bradley manning will know his fate the army was the lower could face up to ninety years in prison for leaking government documents an update from fort meade just ahead the n.s.a. surveillance scandal takes a new twist overseas the guardian's editor revealed that the british government forced the news publisher to destroy data that it gained from edward snowden more on the government intimidation of the press coming up. and in egypt the government crackdown on pro-democracy protesters continues the death toll from the clashes has reached at least one thousand pollicie a leader of the muslim brotherhood was also arrested just last night more on the developments later in tonight's show.
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it's tuesday august twentieth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm meghan lopez and you are watching our t.v. bradley manning could know his fate in less than twenty four hours he could find out how much time he will actually spend behind bars after a u.s. army court martial found him guilty of stealing and sharing american secrets judge denise lennon ounce today that she will make her final sentencing decision on wednesday manning could face up to ninety years in prison or to correspondent liz wahl brings us the latest from fort meade. the judge is now deliberating bradley manning sentence court open for a short time this morning when the judge announced that she would begin deliberating the earliest we will hear a sentencing is tomorrow morning in this according to the judge in this case judge colonel denise lind manning faces a maximum of ninety years after he was found guilty of most of the charges against
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him including espionage and the closing arguments of the sentencing hearing today yesterday the prosecution requested that manning spend no less than sixty years in prison for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the anti secrecy website wiki leaks they say in doing so manning betrayed the trust of the united states and of his fellow soldiers national security at risk and hurt diplomatic relationships now the defense did not request an exact number of years but manning's attorney david coombs asked the judge to take several factors into consideration in order to give manning a fair sentence these factors include manning's young age he was twenty one years old at the time that he was deployed in iraq manning's troubled mental state was highlighted during the sentencing phase military mental health professionals testified that at the time manning was struggling with being a gay man in the military and dealing with a gender identity crisis coombs also said manning is
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a good candidate for rehabilitation and he asked the judge to allow manning a chance at life and becoming a productive member of society many of us spent more than three years behind bars so far he will be credited the one thousand two hundred ninety three days he has already spent in confinement the judge is now in deliberations she says she'll be ready to announce the sentence tomorrow morning here in fort meade maryland liz wall r.t. the guardian newspaper is upping the ante in its poker like standoff with the british government first the guardian published. nichols about the u.k. government as part of the edward snowden saga of revelations over the weekend glenn greenwald's partner david miranda was detained in the heathrow airport and questioned using britain's terror wa now the editor of the guardian alan rusbridger says that the british government intimidated him in several meetings over the edward snowden saga and then gave him an ultimatum either he destroyed all the
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material on the matter or he shut down their publishing operations here's rusbridger to explaining why he decided to destroy the computer hard drives containing some of those secret files but also explained to the u.k. officials we were dealing with that there were other cup is. already in america and brazil so they wouldn't be achieving anything but once it was obvious that they would be going to law. i would rather destroy the copy than hand it back to them or allow the courts to freeze our reporting so what should we make of this i was joined earlier by josh levy he's the internet campaign director at free press and he gave us his take on these revelations from the guardian. we should be very very worried about it. this is an escalation in the battle between privacy advocates and whistleblowers and folks either in the n.s.a. here in the united states or other intelligence agencies abroad. who are fighting
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for the future of our right to communicate in private. so the fact that british intelligence agencies are actually willing to go as far as as what they have done and destroy the hard drive of a major one of the most prominent newspapers in that country and in the western world is incredibly frightening and it really shows what we're up against here if we believe as we do here a free press and many of our allies do in people's right to communicate in private and then rolling back the n.s.a. is. enormous and over reaching surveillance programs it sounds like what you're saying josh is that this goes beyond obviously just taste well what about beyond the guardian do you think that it effects journalists in general that report on this kind of information or simply the guardian as a kind of ah back and forth between the government and that organization i think this affects all journalists everywhere and it's not just journalists who are reporting on information pertaining to these specific leaks this is
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a clear signal that the british intelligence agency was trying to send and did send that any kind of dissent or any kind of reporting that goes against what it seems to be its priorities or its own messaging its fair game to go after those journalists and you know we've seen here in the u.s. . the obama administration going after journalists from the new york times or from fox news for perceived leaks and. across the board at least here in the u.k. there them clear message of intimidation being sent that if you get too close to home they're going to go after you and i and so i think. all journalists everywhere in fact anybody who supports a free press and who supports the freedom for for us to find out the truth about what our administration were elected officials are doing and anybody who supports those things should be worried about these developments i want to read to you
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a quote from glenn greenwald and that response to how his partner david miranda was treated by the u.k. authorities that says i'll be far more aggressive in my reporting from now on i'm going to publish many more documents i'm going to publish things on england too i have many documents on england spying system i think they will be sorry for what they did now he is getting a lot of flak obviously for those comments from a did a bunch of different news stations saying that it's where avenge journalism but is it justified for him to go all out on the u.k. government especially considering that that is arguably what the u.k. government is doing to him until his fellow our guardian journalist i think this is more than just greenwald versus the u.k. government he's allowed to do what he wants to do if you has access to information that you believe to be serving the public interest it's his right to to document that information into to write about it when i'm working certain about is. if
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occasions where there's beyond greenwald you know whether what we're seeing is a chilling effect on people's freedom to to communicate you know in our right to speak freely and finally we have just about a minute left but this order allegedly came from the very top this order to snatch these hard drives u.k. prime minister david cameron was the person that actually signed off on these how was that different then if it came from a member of say the spy agency there. well it's different in the course it goes to the very top it's as if you know any head of scale for signing off on this kind of vengeance against a specific journalist to go and so is very worrying and you know that we are approaching it almost to a child terry mindset in the u.k. perhaps you're in the u.s. as well where there is absolutely no tolerance for dissent in the press and they're willing to as we've seen good extraordinary measures to try to you know josh luvvie
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the internet campaign director at free press thank you so much. and yet another internet service is shutting down as a result of the edward snowden leaks detailing massive n.s.a. surveillance structures the owner of the award winning legal analysis site announced it will shut down because it simply cannot morally submit to government surveillance and allow its clients to be secretly spied on or as editor pamela jones puts it there is now no shield from force exposure nothing in the parent thought of full thought list is terrorism related but no one can feel protected enough from forced exposure anymore to say anything the least bit like that to anyone in an e-mail particularly from the u.s. out or to the u.s. then but really anywhere you don't expect a stranger to read your private communications to a friend and once you know that they can what is there really to say constructed and distracted that's exactly it that's how i feel now jones went on to
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say that there is no way for her side to function without email and consequently surveillance in the long term and in the short term she encouraged internet users to take measures to protect themselves with encryption technology decision follows that of the recent shutdown of a security e-mail site known as la the bit that was allegedly used by edward snowden in his communications it was all in a legal dispute presumably with the u.s. government silent circle follow suit just hours. preemptively shutting down its own encrypted e-mail services. but let's turn now to egypt where there are a number of developments coming out first the spiritual leader of the muslim brotherhood mohamed body was arrested overnight also egypt's former vice president mohamed el baradei is facing a lawsuit over his decision to resign from the army backed interim government the case was brought on by a in a gyptian law professor and he accuses el baradei of quote but trail of trust we're
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also learning about a number of international responses to this crisis israel is bolstering its border security along the desert with physical troop presence there the political affairs chief of the united nations jeffrey feltman arrived in cairo just a few hours ago for a series of discussions with both egyptian authorities as well as the muslim brotherhood leaders in order to figure out a way to restore peace in that country the use top foreign policy official catherine ashton has also offered to go to egypt to help mediate a political stop a strategy for a solution to the crisis in that country and back here in the u.s. the office of vermont senator patrick leahy told the daily beast that military aid to egypt has been temporarily cut off something that the white house says is simply not true they say that it is under review but not currently on hold now to be clear technically technically the white house is right the five hundred eighty five
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million dollars of promised aid to the egyptian military is not due until september thirtieth so it still could go to the egyptian military if things calm down before then and while all of this is going on protests are still happening in the streets of cairo though they have been much calmer these past three days and if you're wondering why that is that's because of a nationwide curfew that is in effect forcing people off the streets at night bell true is in cairo and she describes that government imposed curfew. well right now we're actually on the government imposed because p. which means the close of the country everyone is at home holed up in that living room always leads to the screen to see what the lace is happening in egypt has been a quiet few days if you really hard because i don't feel the protesters are over the house and through the night and through the day meanwhile the military have deployed in most of the tanks to the streets people are having to go through checkpoints to get to have something that is all the clashes at these checkpoints
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which have led to a disastrous security are really quite jumpy at the moment but for the moment egypt is largely calm and quiet now bellow what kind of a curfew is it is there a set time is there anything that you know about when it could end well because you it's happening every single night. seven pm in the evening it is finished and this is quite is the one of the biggest. scene we have because you've overseen during the eighteen day uprising it's a thousand and eleven but this is the most significant one and really people are abiding by it the streets are empty at night agreed to. this isn't true for me popular committees going around the neighborhood under the supervision the police essentially protecting their using and who may come in and this can mean that the streets to be quite dangerous if you are picked up by one of those great suspicion that there are cities there is quite a significant. thing to happen in egypt the whole capital which has no money busting through the night stand so people are terrified of what clashes will come
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next and is there any indication of what clashes will come next i know that we have rumors that mohamed morsi could be released seven barak could be released so there are a lot of different things that are circling can you talk about how all of these recent occurrences could play into this. well absolutely it's the extreme the ten to egypt we had a very bloody week or so only six thousand people killed tonight he's telling his backing down i've spoken to political parties invoke them so i expect the government signed on the mission by the heads and they really are not going through . any reconciliation in the coming days now the mission brought ahead in the motions it's always these have calls to protest they were supposed to happen every single day this week in the security forces and basically put a stop to that and then even allowing people to gather in front of most. residents of the areas because most of what they've been talking that process goes they've been them so stopping marches from happening so it's very tense here with sort of most scuffles breaking out across the country obviously this needs
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a whole who but it's going through things and you can add fuel to the fire on a case a much hated it here and people are really feeling that even though we've had several years since the g. thousand have been revolution nothing has changed if you is indeed allowed to walk meanwhile the missing brotherhood leaders are being targeted that are you know it could be to behead him but they expected a. he's reportedly in detention he was straight across state television pool soldiers and get this brotherhood and the allies even lol so at the moment it's extremely tense even though people are pretty much locked up in their homes those are keys belcher reporting from cairo and to talk more in depth about the crisis in egypt and what it means for the u.s. and the region moving forward i was trying to earlier by michael brooks he's the producer of the majority report and also the host of intersection and i began by asking him what we should really make of these contradictory reports about whether or not the u.s. aid is really flowing into egypt. you know obviously this is
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a fluid situation as they say it's kind of a cliche but it is there's a lot of moving parts senator leahy has actually said from the beginning he's been really clear on this that he thinks age should be cut he said this as soon as the military deposed morsi back in july and he's saying that it's a coup when the current aid that is scheduled to run through september thirtieth i believe it's completed they cannot get any more money from the united states the white house is saying that they're still. you know teasing the situation out and trying to figure out how to proceed and also that the sequester has impacted the aid and that's important to explain because a lot of our aid that we send to egypt actually goes through american arms manufacturers who build the weapons that are provided to the egyptian military so
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that's how the sequester defense cuts would affect that but let's talk about how that aid would affect egypt and what's going on there right now what effect it. i don't think it would affect it materially certainly already the gulf states and saudi arabia are very supportive of the military there providing a lot of money certainly filling in any hole that the e.u. used to sit ins and suspend aid may have had on the egyptian regime i don't think would have much of a material impact though i do think that it would be a smart idea at this point to clearly register the united states is still being on the side generally speaking of some type of support for a democratic institution building in egypt let's talk about mohamed el baradei he is the ex vice president of egypt who resigned last week as i had mentioned earlier what to couldn't this mean for the muslim brotherhood could tensions really flame
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up as a result of this. well i don't you know i mean. is this liberal politician who you know rose through the ranks of the international atomic energy agency which he led and other global institutions he was a kind of emblematic of the liberal backlash against the muslim brotherhood for their failures and overreaches in government and then unfortunately the put their faith in military coup which is clearly what this is and it hasn't worked out well in order for him to kind of. you know preserve his dignity so to speak el baradei has had to resign and what about mohamed body who was a rival detained last night. i'm sorry i think i just heard your to ask nobody nobody is you know the four the former head of the brother the current head of the brotherhood as you say he was arrested in conjunction with accusations that the
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muslim brotherhood had ordered the killings of protesters. outside of muslim brotherhood party headquarters joining the protests that brought down the morsi government again these things are very cloudy i don't think that there is any real doubt that the muslim brotherhood may be involved in human rights violations that said in the context of a military coup in the context of the wave of killings targeting muslim brotherhood activists protesting the pu and the real attempt to kind of a women eat them from the political space. obviously this arrest raises a lot of questions i don't know he might be guilty of some things but given the context that we're in it's very problematic and finally michael we just have about a minute left but let's bring it back to the u.s. when the u.s. was supporting mohammed excuse me it was supporting mubarak really we saw how it
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played into it now the u.s. is really taking a hands off approach. talk about that i mean obviously mubarak could be getting out of prison soon is the u.s. really doing itself any favors by playing on the silent should it be more involved well i think you know to be fair to president obama's that he's taken in general globally in many respects a more cautious approach to foreign policy and that's paid off in a fair amount of ways i think in this case he's taking it too far as your question indicates there's nothing really to be games by not being clear and decisive action around this you know you got around to supporting the terrorists where movement against mubarak that process took a little bit of time but there are shelters like that alteration unfortunately michael we're going to have to end it there it's still all very up in the air and i appreciate you coming on the show michael brooks producer so much already for port thank you so much thank you to california now where u.s.
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district court judge felton henderson has granted prison doctors permission to force feed inmates who are on a hunger strike the ruling says that if an inmate is near death doctors may step in even if the inmate had previously signed an order stating their intentions in asking not to be resuscitated right now one hundred thirty six inmates in california are participating in the hunger strike to protest isolation policies that the prisons in use as many as seventy could be force fed in the coming days as a result of this ruling but is this practice really legal and if it is legal is it ethical to discuss this and more i was joined just a short time ago by ron on in he's a professor of politics at st mary's college and i started off by asking him if there is a legal precedent in the u.s. for force feeding. unfortunately there is this has it has been going on according to time and ok we also know that it's happened illinois in the state of new york but we are really really upset and disappointed that city c.r.
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is decided to go this route instead of looking at the very reasonable demands of the prisoners and getting the hunger strike over with they decided to play this card in which now they're going to go to force feed the prisoners against their will and as i understand it ron you're one of the mediators for this standoff between inmates and the prison was force feeding discussed at all in those negotiations. city star said that they would not. tell us what their plans were in terms of force feeding so they just basically refused to comment and as far as the prisoners go the prisoners are of different minds some of them do not want to be force some of them do want to be forced what they really want is they want c.d.c. are to respond to their demands and have the hunger strike over with now administration leaders there at the prison are saying that this is a power grab by
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a gang leader is this entire higher strike what is your response to that. it's absolutely ludicrous this is a non violent peaceful demonstration of human rights the leaders got together of these different groups along racial and geographical acts and called for an end of violent hostilities and that agreement among those groups has maintained itself now for over a year we asked somebody like five years ago if the blacks and whites and hispanics were going to get together and do something they would have laughed but now they have banded together in this nonviolent way in order to demand their human rights it's the only way the only explanation i can think of is cities are not having anything positive to say about their system so they're trying to demonize the people who are really trying to bring about basic human rights to the person and around him to go into a little bit more depth about what exactly this force feeding will entail how soon it can start and who exactly will be forced bad. well you can started at any time
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we have at least sixty nine prisoners who have or on day forty four of this hunger strike any of them could experience or failure really at any minute exactly who's going to start it's going to be on a case by case basis and they're going to look and see some of the prisoners have do not resuscitate orders signed but that was vacated by the order that allows force feeding so every single prisoner whether they say you do not resuscitate will be force fed if the prisoners refuse to be force fed then it will be forced on them and they will have a tube forced through their nose down their stomach it's a it's a horrible horrible. thing to happen some of them may be able to force feed it voluntarily that is not refusing to take a liquid orally and finally ron we just have about a minute left but i know that one of the things that these people are really
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protesting is against isolation can you quickly talk about what isolation does to them and why they are so against that. isolation is so hard for us to imagine spending decades on and eight by foot concrete windowless cell with no contact it's no phone calls home there are only recently a lot of photo and that kind of isolation whether whether some prisoners do have a t.v. but whether you have a t.v. or not there's no social interaction there's no touching of other human beings and that kind of stuff leads to mental illness and it leads to despair half of all suicides that take place in prison take place in the forty eight percent of those prisoners are in solitary confinement wow that's exactly what we need to put an end to we need to put an end to solitary confinement tell for those numbers are shocking ron on and he's the professor of politics that saint mary's college thank you so much thank you well thanks for the spread of the enter and there's
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a plethora of ways that we can communicate with each other across the globe but what would happen if public policy was pushed forward that could strangle the free flow of communication for the day to bike on that the residents lori hartman asked . ever read exults reviews or leave a comment on an article or a video on a web site post something to facebook or tweet something well all of that might be going away all that beautiful messy sometimes crazy sometimes genius group interaction on the internet could be a thing of the past all relic of the infancy of the internet if
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a group of state attorneys general have their way way back in the early days of the internet fifteen years ago people were just discovering how the whole interactive thing works comment thread forums consumer reviews meet up all of those places online where anyone can write anything on a website free speech at its best and its worst when that was born it became clear very quickly that some people are jerks online they write offensive and sometimes even illegal spades and very quickly people tried to hold the website accountable for these jerks even though they had nothing to do with the jerk that all men are to have the country the lawsuits started to fly so section two thirty of the communications decency act as nine hundred ninety eight was passed basically it makes sure that any website offering individuals a place to speak and interact doesn't have to police if website to make sure
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everything that is written there is within the letter of state and federal law it protects website from being liable for what jerks on the internet might write and because of that. section websites allow people to interact online but without that protection no web site would allow anyone to write anything on their site without section two thirty there'd be no facebook no twitter no online interaction and now back to those attorneys general they recently wrote a letter to congress asking them to amend it section two thirty they want website to be liable for the stuff that other people write on their site if this proposal would have passed it would mean every web placed on the internet could be subject to legal liability for violations of a massive number of state laws no website owner in a right mind would offer in the once and third user forum knowing that they could
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be investigated shut down or charged with a felony just for one and jerk comments facebook twitter yelp craigslist reddit youtube all of it would probably just go away in a millisecond the internet would be less collaborative and would lose a lot of its genius if the attorney general get their way and internet jerks will have one tonight let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the residence. all right that does it for me for tonight but for more of the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america or check out our website r.t. dot com slash usa and don't forget to follow me on twitter at meghan underscore lopez also tune in at nine pm for larry king now tonight's guest is any award
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winning actress sharon stone for now have a great night. good afternoon and welcome to prime interest i'm harry and boring and i bob inglis gets you today's having. both money is pouring right back into the u.s. over the last few years burning cheap quantitative easing money flowed out words into developing countries but countries that said to end the indonesia and thailand have seen currency devaluations of up to forty percent hedge funds are losing massive amounts of money on bad and developing countries they're dealing with price inflation not seen in decades bob talks of emerging markets with mike sub locking in just a minute and very it will break down inflation later in the show but back to the main point the unintended consequences of massive money printing not only in the us .
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